s ME S
Old Maids To Turn Thieves
In Comic Opera Performance
Play Production, Ln;versty Orchestra, Musc
School To Present English Language Musical
An old maid, Miss Toll, and her
servant, Laetitia invite an attractive
tramp to visit them and are caught in
a series of complications that furnish
laughs in fourteen scenes of Gian-
Carlo Menotti's opera, "The Old
Maid and the Thief."
The new English language opera
will be presented along with a per-
formance of the garden scene from
AIVC To Hear
Max Dresden on
Atomic Energy
The Ann Arbor chapter of AVC will
present Max Dresden, of the physics
department, as the speaker for a dis-
cussion on the atomic bomb 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the Union.
Dresden will talk briefly on the sci-
entific background of the bomb before
discussing "The Social Aspect and
Need for International Control of the
Atomic Bomb."
"There is no such word as 'secret'
as applied to atomic energy," Dresden
said. "The principle of atomic energy
was known as early as 1939 and no
scientific advances have been made
since then," he continued. "The prob-
lem of the bomb was one of engineer-
ing to harness the atomic energy," he
.Dresden was born in the Nether-
lands and studied physics abroad.
This meeting is open to all veterans
and persons interested in discussion.
ASTP Medical
Officers Called
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8-G'P)-More
than 5,000 medical officers who were
graduated in the Army Specialized
Training Program will be called to
active duty July 1 as replacements
for medics leaving the service.
These students, the Army said to-
day, are now completing their train-
ing by serving internships and resi-
dences in civilian hospitals on an in-
active basis.
Maj. Gen. Norman T. Kirk, Army
Surgeon General, said in an an-
nouncement that the internships
and residences had been provided for
two reasons: to provide training in
hospital procedures and to render as-
sistance to the badly depleted per-
sonnel of civilian hospitals.
Gounod's "Faust," by Play Produc-
tion of the Department of Speech,
the School of Music and the Univer-
sity Orchestra, Jan. 17, 18 and 19.
Learning that the man they have
befriended is a notorious desperado,
the two women feel sure that he will
rob and murder them. They turn
thieves themselves in order to pay
him money to keep him from harm-,
ing them.
Loot Liquor Store
The two desperate women, eager
to protect themselves from the es-
caped criminal, rob their neighbors
and break into a liquor store to keep
their guest happy. After the liquor
store episode the local police become
suspicious and deqide to make a
house to house search for the missing
Miss Todd confesses her doubts to
Bob, the harbored criminal, who re-
assures her that he really is not a
dangerous man. The final scenes,
however, show him taking and hiding
everything he can, including the
maid, Laetitia.
Seene From "Faust"
The garden scene from "Faust" is
the third act of the opera founded on
Goethe's tragedy. Its principal num-
bers are a short ballad for Siebel, an
aria for tenor in which Faust greets
Marguerite's dwelling, a ballad sung
at the spinning wheel by Marguerite,
the jewel song of Marguerite, the
quartette of Marguerite, Faust, Me-
phistophles and Martha and the clos-
ing duet, (Sempre Amar) between
Marguerite and Faust.
Performances will be given at 8:30
p.m. Thursday and Saturday, Jan. 17
and 19, and 3:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 18,
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Tickets will be placed on sale Mon-
day, Jan. 14 and the theatre box of-
fice. Mail orders for tickets are being
received now.
'After Me
The Deluge'
We quote from an address deliv-
ered by Gov. John S. Barry of Michi-
gan, Jan. 7,.1850:
"The University is represented o
be in a prosperous condition. . . . The
whole necessary ann-ual expense of a
student in this institution does not
exceed $100, and by practice of strict
economy may be reduced to $70. Tui-
tion is gratuitous, and a small sum
only required for room rent.and ad-
mission fees."
Oh, for those good old days.
Town Hall To
Hearci er C~ De1
Edwai-d M. Swag of Detroit, chair-
man of the FEPC committee for
Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky, will
address the Town Hall student meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow to explain
future needs of the organization.
Terry Whitsit, president of IRA,
will also speak at the meeting which
is being held in connection with the
campus FEPC drive nextjMonday and
Tuesday for signatures on petitions to
get FEPC bills through Congress.
The FEPC committee here, a branch
of the liberal action group, includes
representatives of all campus groups.
Members of the committee are pre-
paring the petitions and letters to
send to Michigan Congressmen who
have not signed the petition now cir-
culating in the House to get the FEPC
bill out of the rules committee.
They are also writing a letter to,
Sen. Arthur Vandenberg asking him
to get another FEPC bill, prepared in
a Senate committee,,on the floor of
the Senate. Another letter will be
sent to President Truman.
Dr. Ruthven To
Speak Monday
Church Groups Will
Hold Anunal Banquet
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven will de-
liver an address to the Ann Arbor
Council of Churches at their Sec-
ond Annual Banquet, 6:15 p.m. Mon-
day, in the Congregational Church.
Dr. Ruthven 's topic will be "Some
Thoughts on Religious Education."
Representatives of the eleven mem-
ber churches of the Council will be
present at the banquet.
The local council, under the chair-
manship of Prof. Donald L. Katz of,
the College of Engineering, sponsors
the program of weekday religious in-
stvuction in co-operation with the
Ann Arbor Public Schools and the
University Elementary School. The
Council's Committee on Community
Service operates a continuing slinic
on race relations, with particular
emphasis on housing of racial minor-
Establishment of the Council dates
to proposals made by President Ruth-
ven to the local religious groups three
or four years ago.
Strikes Hit A rgentinaI
BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 8--P)--
Five thousand workers struck in Cor-
doba' today and scattered stoppages
halted industrial and commercial ac-
,tivity in Buenos Aires.
uc TNR
D OG P A L-Pvt. Raymond
J. Doolittle and Red Cross Worker
Florence Fargo, both of Detroit,
hold Buck, the dog without which
Doolittle refused to leave Eng-
G R I D I N S T R U C T I 0 N-T/Sgt. Ford J. Turrell, Saginaw, Mich., brings a group of liber',
ated Korean kids up to date on U. S. sports by showing them how to grip a lootball.
S K I M OB ICL E C L I M B.S M O U N T AIN - A skimobile ascends Mount Cranmore,
near North Conway, N. H., taking skiers to the top of a 2,052-foot rundown. They also can jump ofT
at the half way mark. In the distant background are the White Mountains.
C L EV E R C A T--"Stinky"
eight-months-ol cat belonging
to Stanley Kaminski of New
Britain, .Conn.; twists the radio
volume control to, get a tone
more to tis liking. His master
Nays Stinky- learned the trick as
a kitten.
P H 0 T 0 - R E C 0 N N A I S S A N C E C I A N T-The new XF-12 photo reconnaissance plane, powered by fourO3,000-h.p.
engines. dwarfs two other Republic ships, a P-47 Thunderbolt (left) and new four-place amphibian Seabee, (right) at Farniingdale, N.;Y.
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