WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 194' ,.THE MICHIG7AN DlATLY PAGE FIVE i as .a v rs 1 a.a ri i u . - --- - - Friday Offers Dancers Ship S Ball International Ball Sherwood's Orchestra To Play At Final Navy, Marine Formal The -final Ship's Ball will be pre- sented at 9 p.m. Friday in Water- man Gym, when Bobby Sherwood and his orchestra will play for the annual dance sponsored by campus Navy and Marine personnel. General chairman Bin Randolph has promised that this is to be the "most decorated dance since 1941." Among the special features planned by the decorations committee, under the co-chairmanship of Rod Ander- son and Dominic D'Onofrio, are two machine guns which are to be placed in the center of the dance floor. False Ceiling Will Be Featured A false ceiling is to be put in, and navy signal flags and other appropri- ate decorations. will complete the nautical theme of the fourth Ship's Ball on the Michigan campus. A coke bar will be manned by storekeepers to serve cokes to navy men and their guests. The receiving line for the dance will include Commander and Mrs. N. C. Gillette, Bin Randolph, student regimental commander and Miss Margaret Renfrew. The ball is to be a formal dance, and is open only to members of the Navy and Marine Corps and their guests. Tickets May Still Be Purchased Tickets are available from battalion commanders and at the main desk of the Union, and may be purchased by women who expect to attend wit out-of-town navy men. Women have been granted 1:3 a.m. permission for the dance, whil campus navy personnel will receiv( 2:30 a.m. permission. Following campus tradition, no flowers are tc be worn at Ship's Ball. Patrons and guests for the ball in- elude Vice Adm. and Mrs. A. S. Car. penter, Gov. and Mrs. Harry F. Kelly Pres. and Mrs. A. G. Ruthven, Vic Pres. and Mrs. James P. Adams, Vic Pres. and Mrs. Robert P. Briggs, Vic Pres. and Mrs. Marion L. Niehuss Sec. Emeritus and Mrs. Shirley W Smith, Secy. and Mrs. Herbert G Watkins, Regent Vera B. Baits anc Dar. Baits, Regent and Mrs. R. Spen- cer Bishop, Regent and Mrs. Alfre B. Connoble, Jr., Regent and Mrs Ralph A. Hayward, Regent and Mrs Harry G. Kipke, Regent and Mrs Otto E. Eckert, Regent and Mrs. Charles S. Kennedy. Dean and Mrs. Hayward Keniston. Dean and Mrs. Ivan C. Crawford Dean and Mrs. Albert C. Fursten- berg, Dean and Mrs. Edwin B. Stason Dean and Mrs. R. W. Bunting, Dean and Mrs. Wells I. Bennett, Dean and Ruthven Tea To Be Today The second Ruthven Tea of the season will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. today at the home of President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven. Everyone is welcome to attend this tea, but special invitations are extend- ed to students living in Green House, Sigma Chi, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Jordan. Mrs. Hunt of Green House and Mrs. Romine of Kappa Alpha Theta will pour from 4 to 6 p.m., and Miss Bonnell and Miss Chick of Jor- dan will pour from 5 to 6 p.m. are required to attend all teas, LWAA Notices WAA Skating Club, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday groups will; meet at 5 p.m. today at Barbour Gymnasium for an important busi- ness meeting. WAA Board Meeting: will be held at 5 p.m. today at WAB. Supper will1 be served.1 Fencing Club: will meet at 4:20 p.m. tomorrow at WAB. Experienced fencers only. Figure Skating Club: will meet at1 3 p.m. tomorrow at the Coliseum. t Bowling Club: will meet at 3:30t p.m. tomorrow at the bowling alleys.I Bring January dues.t Rifle Club: will shoot from 4 p.m.1 to 6 p.m. tomorrow at the ROTCz range.I Mrs. James B. Edmondson, Dean and Mrs. Samuel T. Dana, Dean and Mrs. R. A. Stevenson, Dean and Mrs. Henry F. Vaughn, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Ass't. Dean Charles W. Olmstead, Ass't. Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea, Asso- :iate Dean and Mrs. Eric A. Walter. Prof. and Mrs. Clarence F. Kes- sler, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Van Duren, Prof. and Mrs. Merwin H. Waterman, Prof. and Mrs. William D. Revelli, Prof. and Mrs. Herbert O. Crisler, Prof. and Mrs. E. W. Conlon, ?rof. and Mrs. L. A. Baier, Col and Mrs. R. C. Miller, Capt. and Mrs. G. .. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Tapping, Wr. and Mrs. R. O. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Riskey, and Mr. and Mrs. How- :rd Leibee. Capt. W. V. Michaux, Comm. and Mrs. N. C. Gillette, Comm. and Mrs. Charles A. Hoyt, Comm. Roy ,uthbertson, Major Harry Calcutt, Gt. Comm. Harry L. Fitch, Lt. Comm. and Mrs. Ives Atherton, Lt. and Mrs. Edward M. Harrmann, Lt. and Mrs. Tames M. Helecek, Lt. and Mrs. Paul 1. Reh, Lt. Joseph A. Izzo, Lt. and Mrs. George O. Hale, Lt. T. F. )'Laughlin, Lt. Richard H. Jennings, ,t. and Mrs. Robert A. Rice, Lt. Har- ey A. Thornson, Lt. Athel I. Wyant, Ut. Lloyd D. McMillan, Lt. Roy V. Neal, Lt. (j.g.) Frances A. Wirtz, Lt. j.g.) and Mrs. A. B. Lezell, Lt. (j.g.) Fussell A. Bouan, Lt. (j.g.) and Mrs. Theodore R. Schoonbeck, and Ensign and Mrs. George W. Jackson. Exercise, Sleep Are Essential For Qood Health By BLANCHE BERGER The program offered by the physi- al education department including sports, dancing, exercise, and condi- ioning is designed specifically for the )enefits of each student, according to Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman of the )rogram of Physical Education for Fomen. "The fact is well established that activity is beneficial to the 'health of ;irls and women. Exercise is a must f they wish to developbodies which Nill function at their optimum, and njoy vigorous, dynamic health. Per- ,onal, as well as physical health, can e achieved through the program of- ered," stated Dr. Bell. Health Increases Abilities "Dynamic health," she continued, 'means more than freedom from dis- -ase. It is the ability of performing daily tasks with buoyancy and reserve of energy. However, exercise alone will not give this quality of vigorous health. Sleep, fast becoming a lost art on campus, is essential, as well as a substantial, well-balanced diet. This combination of proper exercise, enough sleep and an adequate diet will improve general health- and thereby make a more attractive and interesting person.'' Dr. Bell stressed the fact that phys- ical education can do even more for students. Since each girl wishes to make the best impression possible at all times, the department is striving to help improve appearances and pos- ture. The department can't change body builds, but can make the most of what a student has inherited. Skill in Athletics Is a Social Asset Another contribution of the course, according to Dr. Bell, is to provide students with sports techniques and skills for leisure time. There are nu- merous opportunities offered, through a wide repertoire of activities. "The various recreational skills which one gains can become social tools, and through these skills there arises the opportunity to make friends with others of like interests." "Make the most of physical educa- tion," urged Dr. Bell. "It is for your own personal benefit. It helps main- tain a higher level of health, improves posture and figure, gives better con- trol of the body, and develops greater proficiency in sports. It is instru- mental, therefore, in the entire de- velopment of each student." THE 11-GIRL CHORUS which will be featured in the Navy production, "Anchors Away," today at Hill Auditorium. Left to right, coeds are: Peggy Neel, Pat Lewis, Marilyn Ahistrom, Bette Knowles, Rose Mary Eden, Nancy Neumann, Norma Auer, Gloria Ann Salter, and Ruthann Perry. By LOIS KELSO AS IF SEVENTEEN-year-old girls weren't painful enough already, the publishers of a certain magazine are conducting a systematic and de- termined campaign designed to make them worse. I have had my eye on this bunch for some time, but haven't been able to get anything definite on them until the December issue of their seditious publication, which I won't embarrass by naming, but Booth Tarkington should sue. I don't want to be an alarmist, but the things which go on inside the cover of this bit of effervescent idiocy should give rise to grave misgiv- ings about the mentalities of the future mothers of America. LET US EXAMINE the evidence objectively. A column innocuously en- titled "Let's Go Shopping" begins with these words.-"Janie, can you think of ANYthing that's more fun than Christmas shopping?" (The capi- tals, I hasten to say, are the author's not mine.) As a rational person, I find the attitude of mind indicated by this statement distinctly morbid. I could go on for hours naming things which are more fun than Christmas shop- ping. There may possibly be'a more dispiriting occupation, but I cannot think of any right this minute. But let us not draw our conclusion from insufficient sample of cases, as we say in Psych. 31. Several frenzied sentences later the author ad- vocates the purchase of a HAND-blown glass vase, declaring- "Mother would LEAP at it, i know." This statement has a distinctly sinister ring. All the china stores in town probably send for the riot squad when they see her mother coming. THE TREND of the whole thing becomes even clearer when she declares "I've got the most terRIFic idea for Aunt Jane, who's always zooming around the country," (probably on a broomstick), and declared that a sugarscoop filled with herb products is "Perfect for Mother to give Aunt Mary: she's a WIZard in the kitchen." I'll bet she mixes a mean love-potion. Mother is obviously unable to do her own shopping by this time, and I'll bet I could tell you why. Aifew paragraphs later she gives herself away still further by say- ing- "Really, Janie, a good pipe is the ONLY answer for a man like Uncle Bob ... he practically EATS them!" Lighted ones, too, no doubt. With a home atmosphere like that, one can hardly blame the poor girl for writing the way she does., It's probably hereditary. PERSONALLY, I HAVE a positive inspiRAtion for a Christmas gift. I found the most LUSH little straitjacket with those new wrap-around sleeves, and I know JUST where to send it. Four Sports To Make Rally Livl Affair Dancing, Bridge, Refreshments Included in Entertainment; Entire Student Body Is Invited Offering an opportunity to enjoy varied week-end entertainment, "Gym-Jam" will be presented by the Women's Athletic Association from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Saturday in Barbour and Waterman gyms. The affair, which is open to the en- tire student body, will feature dancing from 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. and in addition, those attending may partici- pate in numerous sports activities to be provided during the evening. Commencing at 8:30 p.m., bridge may be played in the fencing room, ping-pong in the correctives room, volleyball in Barbour gym, and until 9:30 p.m. badminton will be offered in Waterman gym. "Gym-Jam" will be of an informal nature and coeds are asked to wear low heels and sports attire. Refresh- ments will be served throughout the evening and tickets may be purchased at the door. Dancing will be under the direction of Mr. Howard Leibie, of the Physi- cal Education Department for men. Mr. Leibie is noted for his knowledge of different types of dancing and at the University is in charge of all PEM groups. House Activity Hours Listed Kappa Delta took top honors in total number of activity honors with 5,279, it was announced yesterday. Gamma Phi Beta gained second place with 4,836 hours while Alpha Chi Omega came in third with 4,817 hours. Average hours per sorority resident are as follows: Kappa Delta-136.6, Alpha Chi Omega - 128.8 and Gamma Phi Beta-126.8 hours. The winning sororities, but not the number of hours, were announced at Pan-Hellenic Recognition Night en Monday. 'Iie hours were for a pe- riod covering April, May, November and December. Tortoise shell frame specs are gain- ing popularity with the so endowed glasses wearer. The corning of the shell rimmed spectacles shocked the public a few years ago. To Be Created Decorations at All-Nations Dance by Filipino Eduardo A. Salgado, well known Filipino artist, has returned to Ann Arbor from a recent tour of the United States, during which he painted approximately thirty scenes depicting phases of American life, to take charge of the decorations for the all-campus semi-formal Interna- tional Ball, which will be held from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the Un- ion Ballroom. Mr. Salgado, who has been travel- ing on a Fellowship in Painting granted by the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, will exhibit his latest series of oil paintings in the Rackham galleries March 25 through April 25. His first exhibition at Rackham in October, 1940 comprised scenes painted in the Philippine Is- lands before he first came to the United States. He also showed a group of paintings here in November, 1943 following a tour through Mex- ico. Highlights of the present exhibit, in which Mr. Salgado has at- tempted to depict contemporary American life from the viewpoint of the Filipino artist, are studies of New York City, Pittsburgh, "city of Steel," the desert of Arizona, the Grand Canyon and California scenes including the life of the farmers and the people of cosmo- politan Los Angeles. ' The paint- ings of New York include "Broad- way at Night," "The Subway," and "V-J Day," which catches excited servicemen kissing every girl in sight, "The Argument," painted in California, shows a group of 'soap- box orators' in a park, heatedly dis- cussing politics. Mr. Salgado's latest tour started in New York in August and was culmi- nated in California but two weeks ago. The decorations for the ball, which he has almost completed, cen- ter around posters with the word "Welcome" written in fifteen differ- ent languages. Late permission for the ball, which is being sponsored by the All- Nations Club to raise monriy for the International Center Emer- gency Fund, has been granted un- til 1:30 to all women students and to army personnel on campus. Jerry Edwards' orchestra will play for the event, and a floor show fea- turing Scotch, Spanish and Fili- pino dances will be presented at in- termission. Tickets for the dance are now on sale at the Michigan Union, the League,. the International Center and from members of the executive coun- cil of the All-Nations Club. coeds .Attend Activity Panel College and university women will attend a conference to be held Friday and Saturday at. Wayne University to discuss the problems of organiza- tion in women's activities. Women from Michigan State Col- lege, Wayne University and Univer- sity of Michigan will attend a dinner and discussion meeting on Friday, and a seminar and luncheon Satur- day. Representatives from the Univer- sity of Michigan include Nora Mac- Laughlin, president of League Coun- cil; Ruth Ann Bales, chairman of Ju- diciary Committee; Helen Alpert, president of Assembly; and Marian Johnson, president of Panhellenic. Any women interested in work- ing as assistants to the Participa- tion Manager of the Women's Ath- letio Association have been asked to contact Ruth McMorris, chair- man, at 2-2547. Artist Do You Meet Yourself in a Dozen Places? MADE-TO-YOUR-ORDER Afternoon and Evening Dresses are DISTINCTIVE 4itudio 1352 WILMOT eAl teratians Telephone 3906 Hours: 9:00 to 5:30 t ' Virgin Fl . dIf t< ower HAND BEAUTY 1 ~_ fi. t t .. ;::;: .. " 9 .. t : M::;< ::: , :.: show A Mur Colors, S ti r l i v e k . ._ ''- :. In gay sweaters and shirts, bright scarfs, and mittens. Ole rnan win- ter, is wonderful company when you're prepared for him, decked out in warm, bright clothes. Come see our gala winter array! SnZart boxic pullovers and cardi- gans, suit sweaters that are short sleeved and nipped in at the waist. ;just everything! All sizes and in wonderful colors. bl, n}; .;:: i'ivil J ' lp . ,, ;;. ; i ' 0 $,. y ' . . :_ 3' . ; fi' f r i. \ : .' 'v' ;, t : :t ' ' ..: t. . s, ,: K .F r 2; ; ' . b, ^: ' f ' ,CLEARANCE Woolen Fall and Winter off COATS '/a <: for HANDS ARMS ELBOWS oor t 1/3 ( off Heavy Wool Group of 4 oz. Jar --- $1,00 1 JANUARY CLEARANCE Continues with Specials in SWEATERS, SKIRTS, SLACKS Sweaters 2.49 2.98 3.98 5.00 I ' of