SPORTS AUDIENCE OVERCROWDED See page 3 LwO Daiti CONTINUED COOL; RAIN VOL. LVI, No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 8 PRICE FIVE CENTS Cagers Lose 48-36 Game To Spartans State Has One Point Margin at Halftime By The Associated Press EAST LANSING, Mich., Jan. 8 - Michigan State College revenged a previous beating here tonight by turning back the University of Michi- gan quintet in a rough and tumble contest before 8,549 screaming fans, 49-36. The teams battled on even terms in the first half, neither five being able to gain a commanding lead, but the Spartans surged ahead after the intermission and won going away. State out-scored the visiting Wolver- ines in the second chapter, 30-18. Both teams played better basket- ball in the first half,bwhichended with State leading, 19-18, although both were woefully' deficient in hit- ting the hoop. State took a 29-24 lead after four minutes of the second stanza but the Wolverines crept up to within a point before an eight point spree by the Spartans gave them a safe 37-28 margin. With five minutes remaining MSC peppered in ten points to two for Michigan to take a 49-33 lead. See CAGERS, page 3 Citizens Oppose Hyde Park As Home of UNO Fear of Higher Taxes Causes Apprehension; By The Associated Press POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., Jan. 7- The late President Roosevelt's neigh- bors ran into a note of discord today in their efforts to make Hyde Park's rolling acres the permanent home of th'e United Nations organization. With UNO's Site Committee al- ready In the United States for in- spection tours, State Senator Fred- eric Bontecou said he had talked to "a great number" of Dutchess County citizens and "all of them are opposed to having it (UNO) in the county." Bontecou, Dutchess County Repub- lican Chairman, demanded in a statement that the County Board of Supervisors order a referendum to give Dutchess citizens an opportunity to decide for themselves. However, Leonard J. Supple, chair- man of the board, said he knew of no way immediately by which such a referendum could be held. Efforts To Halt Western Union Wallout Fail NEW YORK, Jan. 7 -(/P)- Mayor William O'Dwyer said tonight his last-minute efforts to forestall a threatened walkout of 7,000 Western Union employes in New York and New Jersey had failed and the strike would go on as scheduled tomorrow at 11 a.m. O'Dwyer said the Union, the CIO American Communications Associa- tion, which called the walkout, had agreed to accept his arbitration pro- posal, but that the company had re- fused. He met with union and com- pany representatives in separate ses- sions. The walkout, called by the CIO American Communications Associa- tion, is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. tomorrow and a. company spokesman said it will halt all but the most vital "life or death" messages in and out of the city. Supervisory personnel will handle such messages. company spokesman said, it will halt all but the most vital "life or death" messages in and out of the city. Su- pervisory personnel will handle such messages. Transoceanic communications also may be affected. Representatives of local unions of five international ca- ble companies were to meet tonight to decide whether they would handle "struck" copy. If they vote against handling such, copy, Joseph P. Selly, ACA president, said 40 per cent of the flow of cables -both incoming and outgoing- would be shut off. The decision would affect New York City and San Fran- cisco. The AFL Commercial Telegraphers Union, however, already has voted to ignore the CIO walkout. 'To Kapp AsB :e lt a 3 Orarly Housing; Tickets for Takes Top Honors v Activity Awards Presented at Panhel Night Kappa Kappa Gamma Wins Scholarship Cup Winning two activity awards, Kap- pa Delta took top honors at the Unit- ed Panhellenic Conference held at 7:30 p.m. yesterday in Rackham Au- ditorium. The activity awards were presented by Dean Alice C. Lloyd, the one cita- tion for the greatest number of hours per house, and one for the greatest average of hours per girl spent in activities. Individual Awards Individual awards went to the out- standing members of each class; to those who had spent the most time in extracurricular activities. Senior award went to Doris Heidgen of Gam- ma Phi Beta, junior award to Bar- bara Raymond of Alpha Epsilon Phi, and sophomore award to Jean Gringle of Alpha Delta Pi. Registrar Ira M. Smith presented the Scholarship Cup to that group having the highest scholastic average for the past year. First place winner was Kappa Kappa Gamma, with Pi Beta Phi second, and Delta Gamma third, The sorority average for the past year was 2.64, compared with the average of all women at 2.61. Four Seniors Tapped Speaker of the evening was Mrs. Thomas H. Adams of Birmingham, who spoke on "The Future of Sorori- ties in a Changing World." She was introduced by Lois Cothran, general chairman of the affair. Four senior women, who had been outstanding in activities, were chosen by Scroll, senior honorary organiza- tion for affiliated women. Members of Scroll ran down the aisles of the auditorium to tap Naomi Beuler of Alpha Gamma Delta, Rita Auer of Alphi Epsilon Phi, Norma Johnson of Kappa Delta and Joy Altman of Sigma Delta Tau. Miss Beuler is chairman of the League Merit Tutorial Committee; Miss Auer is secretary of the WAA Board; Miss Johnson is active on the Ensian, while Miss Altman is acco- ciate business manager of The Mich- igan Daily. Nancy Jefford, rushing secretary of Michigan Panhellenic, gave a report on rushing activities during the past semester,"and Marian Johnson, pres- ident, spoke of the "Aims of the Mich- igan Panhellenic Association". Alpha Gamma Delta, second place winnerin the 1945 Lantern Night, sang "Beautiful Savior". Announcement Sale To End Today is the last day on which February graduates may order their announcements. General announcements for all schools may be ordered from 9 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to 3 p.m. outside Rm. 2, University Hall. Engineers are re- quested to order their announcements from 10 to 12 a.m. and at 1 p.m. on the second floor of the West Engi- neering Building. All announcements must be paid for in full when ordered. Dues for all seniors in the literary college are being collected at the booth in University Hall. *HfILUNGKIANG *- .. .-.4.1 " CHIANGCHUN Yurgi ' ®tin . lungli - "'o unchunji Gr~~i Wal ~Pehpiao' UO G J " W " iun1 Y~ngkow i« y all:Chinwangtao 0 7'. 4/ YPEIPING s"' Y eTsingyun ~ansu TA~U KOREA H /4 T"xWiANGSU e T ,g~,- :I Tsi SHaNGo 0 " t XANG~5t1fl U To Request Transfer of Unts Accommnodating 1,000 Vets Prospects for easing the University's critical housing shortage bright- ened last night when it was announced that the University will apply to the Federal Public Housing Authority in Cleveland tomorrow for transfer of eight temporary dormitory units to Ann Arbor to house 1,000 veterans. If the University's request is granted, transfer will start immediately and the units will be ready for veterans' occupancy at the beginning of the spring semester. The buildings sought are two-story frame structures with stucco ex- teriors. Each dormitory will have two wings and a central heating plant and toilet facilities. Rooms are approximately 12 feet square and will house two students each. Units To Be Scattered Six of the units will be located just outside the city limits on South Ferry Field and its addition. The other two units will be erected on the University Hospital grounds. A cafe-T CHINA SCENE AS MARSHALL MEETS WITH FACTIONS - General Marshall reported progress today after a three-hour meeting with Government and Communist leaders in Chunking, which will be con- tinued tomorrow. Lt.-Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer said U. S. Navy ships would begin moving 26,000 Nationalist troops (arrows and symbols) to Manchuria within 10 days. A semi-official dispatch reported the first Government troops entered Mukden (3) Saturday, and that 10 more planeloads of troops had arrived at Changchun (2), Manchuria's cap- capital, from Peiping. Yanks Demand Investigation Of Demobilization Slowdown By The Associated Press MANILA, Jan. 7- A mass meeting of more than 12,000 American en- listed soldiers tonight noisily adopted a resolution demanding a Congres- sional investigation of the new de- mobilization slowdown. To an accompaniment of boos, T/4 Harold Schiffrin of Rochester, N.Y.. read a statement which he and a committee of four others obtained during the day from Gen. W. D. Styer, commanding Army forces in the Western Pacific, after a crowd of 3,- 000 had marched on Styer's head- quarters this morning. Job Discussion To Open Today Speakers ro Review Employment Outlook With Lieut.-Gov. Vernon J. Brown and George W. Romney as speakers, the Guidance and Placement Confer- ence will open its discussions on "The Job World Today and Tomorroy" at 7:45 p.m. today in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Drawing on his experience with vet- erans work in this state, Lieut.-Gov. Brown will outline "Michigan's Pro- gram for Veterans." Romney, gen- eral manager of the Automobile Man= ufacturers' Association, will discuss the opportunities in business and in- dustry likely to be made available to students as a result of reconversion. President Alexander G. Ruthven will preside over the conference, which is sponsored by the University Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information. Styer denied G.I. contentions that War Department promises on de- mobilization had been broken by the new slowdown which spread over a six-month period the number of men previouslyhscheduled to be returned home in three. Speaking to the committee, Styer said the "changing international sit- uation" had made it impossible to send home all eligible men immedi- ately. He vainly urged cancellation of tonight's mass meeting on 'the grounds that it would have a bad effect on Filipinos and that "hot- heads" might start trouble and "somebody will get hurt." Demand Investigation Styer declined to address tonight's noisy but p.eaceable session. He in- formed the G.I. spokesmen that Sec- retary of War Patterson; now in Ja- pan on a world tour, had decided not to come to the Philippines as ex- pected. The protesting enlisted men ex- pressed disappointment but quickly and thunderously adopted a resolu- tion demanding a Congressional in- vestigation of the whole mobilization and redeployment program. Maritne Disclarge Score Will Be Cut WASHINGTON, Jan, '7 --(P)-- The Marine Corps announced today its critical discharge score for all of- ficers and men would be cut from 50 to 45, effective Feb. 1. About 28,000 additional persons will be made eligible for release by the reduction, the service estimated. There was no change in the critical score for women Marines, reduced to 18 on Jan. 1. teria may be erected for the Ferry Field group. University Vice-President Robert Briggs has explained that all space in the dormitories will be assigned to male veterans. He predicted a veter- an enrollment at the University of approximately 4,500 students for the spring term. He further pointed out that it is possible that the total will reach 7,500 in September. The pres- ent enrollment is 2,133. Common Council Aids Move The Ann Arbor Common Council. last night cleared the way for the re- quest to the FPHA by granting the University permission to tie plumb- ing from the dormitories into the city water mains and sewer lines to move knocked-down units over Ann Arbor streets. In the letter asking this permission Mr. Briggs said that the units will be removed after June, 1948. The height of the housing need, he said, is expected during the next fall se- mester. So far, the University has accepted every qualified veteran who has ap- plied for admission. It is believed that use of the temporary dormitor- ies will enable the continuation of this policy through the spring term. Law Would Jail Young Imbibers An amendment to the city ordin- ance on sale of liquor, which would make misrepresentation of age by a minor in order to buy alcoholic bev- erages a misdemeanor, was put before the Ann Arbor Common Council last night by Alderman William Saunders. If the ruling is passed, minors who commit the misdemeanor would be subject to a $100 fine or thirty days in jail. At present minors are not punishable for such misrepresenta- tion. However, licenses of taverns found selling liquor to minors are usually suspended for 15 to 30 days, even if the minor's credentials make him appear to be more than 21 years old. The Common Council also received a report from the chief of police that 59 taxi licenses are now registered. Of these, eight have been issued to veterans. The survey which is being conducted on local cab facilities is still going on, Vets Needed As Advisers Veterans are especially needed to serve as orientation advisers for the spring term. Men of all the schools are eligible and should contact Charles Helmick from 3 to 5 p.m. any day in the Student Offices of the Union for addition- al information. Liberal Action Committee Laws To Be Debated More Adequate Self- Government Is Aim A discussion of a constitution for student government on 'the Univer- sity campus will be open to all stu- dents at the Committee for Liberal Action meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomor- row in Rm. 302, the Union. This constitution, drafted from four proposed prograis, will be rati- fied at a meeting of 30 campus or- ganizatio4s tomorrow afternoon. Formulated as a result of the demand for the reinstitution of more ade- quate student-self-government, the constitution will be presented to the committee for possible adoption. As the program for a revived stu- dent government is developing rap- idly, the Committee will now divert its activities to work on state and local, as well as national and interna- tional problems of importance. In addition to these committees, pub- licity, program and student govern- ment committees will be appointed at the meeting. Compromis es Alleviate Labor Strife in Nation Labor - management agreements providing work for 9,000 were signed today as Kaiser-Frazer and Lehigh Foundries authorized wage raises, while CIO oilworkers lowered de- mands from 30 to an 18 per cent in- crease, 'and a new fact-finding panel was appointed. DETROIT, Jan. 7 -(9)- Kaiser- Frazer Corp. and the CIO United Au- to Workers tonight announced they had reached a "most satisfactory" agreement on a contract calling for an "unprecedented" production wage rate. The new wage rate will total $1.19 per hour at the outset. In addition, the company has agreed to meet any increase that comes out of the UAW- CIO strike against General Motors Corp. Finally, the company offered to form a pool of $5 per car produced, the money to be distributed among production workers annually accord- ing to hours worked. EASTON, Pa., Jani. 7-(!P)-There will be no strike of CIO United Steelworkers in the plant of Le- high Foundries, Inc., the company and union reported today follow- ing the signing of an interim agreement which increases wages from 12 to 21 cents an hour. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7-(A)-The CIO-Oil Workers Union today agreed upon an 18 per cent wage increase- compared with 30 per cent originally demanded-as a pattern for settling current wage disputes. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7-(1P) The Federal Conciliation Service announced tonight that a fact find- ing panel would be named to in- vestigate the International Har- vester-CIO dispute. Goering Curses Witness 11onwntt Mrlirrr Trijan jl Navy Musical Still On Sale College Talent Fills Star-Studded Siow Bob Shafer, John Rogers and Chrys Chrys will play the three dis- charge-bound sailors in the Navy sponsored "Anchors Away" which will be presented at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. A musical comedy consisting of three scenes, the show includes a red- headed trio, Marilyn Watt, Doris Klee and Joanne Ling; an all-blonde chorus, Pat Lewis, Gloria Ann Salter, Jean Engstrom, Norma Auer, Betty McCallum, Ruthann Perry, Mina Gehring, Marilyn Ahistrom, Nancy Newman, BarbaraGibson, Rose Mary Eden, Betty Knowles and Katherine Hick. Special Acts Others in the cast are Sonny Drews as Torchy; Betty Lou Kaufman as the bride; Frances Gurche and Bar- baraHerman, the two young women who wake the sleeping sailors in Central Park; and Peggy Shinnick, who is pursued by a sailor. Special acts during the night club scene will be Elizabeth Moore, Who For an exclusive story on "An- chors Away" by a sailor, see NAVY COMEDY, page 4. will sing "The Man I Love;" Sarama Brown, playing a boggie-woogie ver- sion of "St. Louis Blues" on the harp; Rose Derderian, who will vocalize "Why Do I Love You?"; Neal Sud- dard will perform his tricks of magic; and Nancy Cory and Dick Caprio, an Astaire-Rogers dancing duo, will pre- sent their terpsicorian performance. Other Members of Cast Remaining members of the cast are Bill Goldstein, as emcee in the night club; W. L. Miron, porter on the east- bound train in scene one; Bill Smith, a hill-billy sailor in Central Park; R. B. Gabler, a Mr. Wimple-like bride- groom, Paul Strief, vocalist with the Navy Dance Band, and Lois For- burger, accompanist. Assisting Charles Hemmer as di- rector of the show is Peggy Neel. Jeanne Swendeman, Russell Duff, ,E. E. McHenry, Walter Hurt and Fred Prince are members of the property committee, and Bob Shafer is pro- ducer. Lieut, Bowman Adviser Lieut. Russell A. Bowman is acting as adviser to the group and Comm. Harry L. Fitch is assisting with ad- vertising. Last night, sailors visited several dorms to sell tickets which are 50 cents, and which will be sold today and tomorrow on the diagonal, in the Union and in the League. Dance Tickets Still Available Bobby Sherwood To Play for Ship's Ball Tickets for Ship's Ball, to be given at 9 p.m. Friday in Waterman Gym, are still available to Navy and Marine Corps personnel. The tickets may be purchased from battalion commanders and at the main desk of the Union, according to Bin Randolph, chairman of the dance. Women planning to attend with out-of-town Marines or Navy men may purchase tickets. Bobby Sherwood and his orchestra, with singers Marcia Rice and Garth Andrews, will play for the final cam- pus Ship's Ball. Since Navy units on campus will soon be deactivated, this fourthsball is scheduled to be the final affair of its kind. Decorations are to be centered about a nautical theme, and there will be a receiving line which is to in- clude Commander and Mrs. M. C. Gilette, student regimental comman- der, Bin Randolph, and Miss Mar- garet Renfrew. " Only members of the Navy and Marine Corps and their guests may attend the dance, although men do not need to be stationed on campus. Following University tradition, no corsages are to be worn. Women at- tending the dance will receive 1:30 a.m. permission, and members of campus Navy units are to have 2:30 a.m. permission. Petersen, U Grad, Is 1Kr7 L - A'e S 0 - --f AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE: Puppet Government Official Not Collaborator - Fernandez "The mere fact that a man occu- pied a place in the Philippine govern- ment during Jap occupation does not mean that he was a collaborator," Maj. Patricio Fernandez, puppet gov- ernor of the province of Palawan un- der the Japanese, said. MaJ. Fernandez is one of the four students who have just come to the University from the liberated Philippines and who told some of their outstanding experiences dur- ing Jap occupation at the Philip- jail if any of them went to the moun- tains. Exhibiting notes of thanks from many American prisoners of war, Maj. Fernandez said that he had lent money and smuggled food to them. Telling how the Japs de- stroyed the Philippine sugar in- dustry, from which the government got 75 per cent of its revenue, he said that tle Philippines now face an econoic' crisis. ita Hilario Soriano, president of the Philippine-Michigan club. Life as a student during the Jap occupation was described by Miss Lourdes Segundo, daughter of Gen. Fidel V. Segundo of the Philippine Army. As soon as the Jape were established on Luzon, she said, they encouraged the opening of a few schools to create the appearance of normalcy. The colleges of engineering, phar- illacy. dentistry, agriculture and take required exercises (called radio taiso) many times a day. The Japs wired off one quarter of the campus to form the Los Banos prison camp. All the male students were shut up in a room in the chemistry building for several days, and no food was allowed to reach them until some of the guerilla fighters among them gave them- selves up and were transferred to a torture chamber, Miss Segundo said. The Jan stook over 15 of the