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November 01, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-01

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Ultimatum Issued Following
British Brig. Mallaby Killing
By The Associated Press
BATAVIA, Java, Oct. 31-British reinforcements including warships and
fighter planes were reported speeding to trouble spots in. Java tonight
after the Allied commander warned Indonesians in a stern ultimatum that
unprovoked attacks would be crushed ruthlessly.
The ultimatum, inspired by the killing of British Brig. A.W.F. Mallaby
at Soerabaja, came as 700 Indian Gurkas battled to put down a new Indo-
nnesian uprising at Magelang, where
strong nationalist forces appeared to
be massing.-
President Soekarno of the unrecog-
r A er ized "Indonesian republic" was
Tcheduled to broadcast to his people
tonight to remain orderly, and to fly
Speaking H ere tomorrow to Magelang in central
Java to try to halt' the fighting.
Independence Demands
Recently awarded the Legion of Meanwhile, Soekarno announced he
Merit and the Distinguished Service vould begin informal discussions to-
Medal, Maj. Gen. Myron C. Cramer, light with acting Governor General
The Judge Advocate General of the lubertus Van Mook on Indonesian
Army, will be honored guest for the 'emands for independence. There was
las tie a JA gadutio exrciesio confirmation immediately either
last time at JAG graduation exercises 'rom Dutch or British sources.
here November 20, Capt. George P. The Dutch news agency Aneta said
Forbes, Jr., of the JAGD, has an- ;he British had sent an urgent re-
nounced. guest for reinforcements to the South-
ast Asia Command in Singapore and
tirig from office November 30h hat the request had been granted.
MaJ.Gen.Cramr ha bee Th neta said 16 Mosquito bombers were
Judge Advocate General since De- lue to arrive today and a full RAF
cember 1, 1941. quadron tomorrow.
After completing a 17-week coursE The dispatch also said all available
the 41 members of the 14th Off icei3ritish warships were ordered to
CandidaterClass will be sworn in a: Soerabaja immediately and that air-
Second Lts. in the Army at the ;raft were being rushed there to
graduation parade, November 19, ir vacuate European women and chil-
which'all classes, both candidates anc iren interned in the vicinity.
officers, will take part. The next da; 'Foully Murdered"
they will receive diplomas, along witl- British Lt. Gen. Sir Philip Chris-
the 25th Officer Class, at the gradu- ison, Allied commander in the Neth-
ation .exercises, at which Dean E grlands East Indies, declared that
Blythe Stason, of the Law School VWallaby was "foully murdered" by
and Maj. Gen. Cramer will speak ,he Indonesians at Soerabaja while
A traditional graduation banquet wil rying to arrange "details of a cease-
be held the following Monday night ire order."
Among the 77 men of the 25th Of He asserted that unless unprovoked
ficer Class, whose ranks range from Indonesian attacks on the British
Second Lts. to one Lt. Col., are fivE ease immediately and "unless Indo-
officers of the Philippine Army. Thi i-esians who have committed this act
class will complete a seven-week. Surrender to my forces, I intend to
course instead of the usual eight. gyring the whole weight of my sea,
The ostrecet cass the26t Ofland, and air forces and all weapons
cThe most rcenth clas the 26hO-. mden ar fragainst themaunti
ficer Class (57 members) began work the r crushed."n
Monday and will complete an eight- he are crusdeclared the "unauthor-
weeks course. zed surrender" of the Japanese to a
Twenty-one men of the 15th OC Dutch captain had given the Indo-
Class, which will be the last such nesians at the Soerabaja naval base
class to be trained here, and the 27th huge quantities of arms, including
Officer Class will graduate together tanks and armored cars, which were
January 26, 1946, Capt. Forbes said. ised against the British.
The latter group, which is the last1-o
scheduled class, will start here in De- 15,000 Armed Indonesians
British sources said there were
cember. 15,000 armed Indonesians around
Soerabaja. They were described as
Steak Barbecue Planned . varying from raw youths, scarcely
ible to handle a rifle, to regular sol-
By Roger Williams Guild iers, well-trained under the Japa-
A steak barbecue for new students Describing the meeting between
will be held at 8:30 p.m. Friday at Ohristison and Soekarno this morn-
502 East Huron St. by the Roger Wil- ing, at which the ultimatum was read
liams Guild of the Baptist Church. to the Indonesian leader, the British
Following the barbecue, there will spokesman said Soekarno was "very
be folk dancing, games, and singing. horrified' 'to learn of Mallaby's death.

Yamashita War Crime Trial
Reveals Brutal Jap Savagery
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Oct. 31-At least 800 men, women and children were butchered
by Japanese in a dining-hall massacre baited with bonbons and assurances
of safety for the victims, survivors of the slaughter testified today at the
trial of Lt. Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita on war crime charges.
It took place at St. Paul's College here Feb. 9, while American troops
were battering their way into the Japanese-occupied city.

"VETERANS CITY" GETS BEAUTY TREATMENT-Landscaping, now being undertaken in this housing
region, will ultimately result in a neat residential street.

Chianig's Efforts
Toward Peace
Termed Failure'
(Continued from Page 1)
strongly opposed to any change in
their privileged position. The lot of
the common people has improved
very little since the beginning of the
Chiang regime in 1927.
"Nevertheless," Dr. Gale pointed
out, "the problem of social change in
a country like China, where the
standard of living is incredibly low,
the agrarian system backward and
the economic opportunities so few is
enormous. And the Chinese Com-
munists occupy a frontier area with a
relatively small population. The at-
mosphere is free from the traditional
corruption and privilege which taints
Chiang Kai Shek's government.
"The result has been that the
foreign press has overeriticized the
Nationalist government while Com-
munist China has received far
more praise than it deserves. One
is particularly impressed with the
fact that, the Chungking govern-
ment is largely staffed with Ameri-
can trained Chinese officials even
on the highest levels. So far as we
know, no positions of importance at
the Communist capital of Yenan
are occupied by western trained
"The Nationalists, governing by vir-
tual dictatorship, effectively have
barred other parties from the govern-
ment for almost two decades. They
have promised more popular partici-
pation and consequent representation
of opposition parties now that the
war is ended. Whether this will be
done remains to be seen. At least un-
til they are adequately represented,
the Communists may be expected to
continue armed opposition."
Dr. Gale stated that little Rus-
sian influence has been focused on
the Chinese Communists, but that
crude forms of Marxian ideology
are prevalent among the Commun-
ists. Newspaper correspondents re-
turning from Yenan report reduc-
tion of taxes, suppression of usury,
more equitable distribution of land
and improvement of other evils at-
tributed to the Chungking govern-
ment. "Just how far Russia will
move in advising the Communist
party in China I don't know," he
said. "And I don't think anyone
else does. We'll just have to wait
and see."
"The position of the United States
and Great Britain in regard to the
Chinese situation," Dr. Gale pre-
dicted, "doubtless will be somewhat
tenuous. The reforming objectives of
the Communist party are regarded
with marked sympathy; it is obvious
to us that the Chinese people them-
selves would welcome any govern-
ment pledged to improve their living
conditions. Yet any program painted
on a Communist banner is viewed
with distaste by the western powers."
A well known educator and political
scientist, Dr. Gale has served on the
Far Eastern faculties of the Univer-
sities of California and Michigan.

Rate of Discharge is Key To
Size of Veteran Enrollment

Candy and Drinks
Luisa Borohana, 30-year old Span-
ish woman, testified that after the
Japanese had crowded about 1,000
civilians into the college dining hal
"they brought in candy and drinks
and placed them in the center of the
"I noticed huge black balls hang-
ing from the center of theceiling,"
she raid. "I thought they were black-
out ights."
But when the crowd of children,
women and men surged toward the
tempting spread of sweatmeats and
refreshments, she added, the black
balls turned out to be bombs. They
exploded killing or wounding many.
And then the Japanese who had
touched off the blast from outside the
hall rushed back through the doors,
tossing hand grenades into the panic-
stricken throng and shooting surviv-
ors who attempted to flee.
Death at "Party"
The witness estimated at least 800
men, women and children were killed
before the "party" in the dining hall
was over.
Yamashita grew drowsy as other
witnesses recounted details of the
carnage, but he perked up suddenly
and followed the interpreter closely
when 13-year old Winfred Coloma
took the stand and, in a schoolboy
voice, told how his family met death.
"I was eating candy," he said,
"when the bombs exploded. I think I
was thrown to *the floor. Then I saw
my mother, two sisters and one of
my brothers was dead. My other
brother and I ran outside with the
Japanese shooting at us and ma-
chinegunning people in the street."
Novel Parley
Draws to End

Five Co-op Houses
Operate This Term
Five co-operative houses; Robert
Owen, Stevens, Lester, Palmer, and
Michigan, willoperate this semester,
the latter two housing men students.
The first co-op social event of
the semester has been scheduled for
tomorrow at Robert Owen House.
The annual membership meeting
will be held soon, the date and loca-
tion to be announced.

Stardust i~n

"The rate of demobilization of men
in the armed services will determine
the number of veterans returning to
campus," Clark Tibbits, Director of
Veterans' Affairs stated, "andl veter-
ans will seek to enroll as long as ad-
mission to the University is possible."
In general the University permits
students to enroll until the third week
of the semester for full credit and
veterans who gain admission to the
University will be enrolling until
Statistics show that the grade point
Topics Planned
For Seminars
Two departmental assemblies and
four graduate seminars will be of-
fered by the Department of Speech
this semester, in'addition to the regu-
lar courses.
Dr. Harry Overstreet, author of
"About Ourselves" and other works,
will be the speaker at the first assem-
bly, December 12.
The second assembly, which is to
be held January 12, will feature
Judith Waller, director of public serv-
ice for the National Broadcasting
Company, central division.
Miss Waller has received an award
as the most valuable person in the
field of radio education from the As-
sceiation for Education by Radio.
A graduate seminar on Ancient and
Medeival Orators and Theories of
Speech will be conducted by Prof.
Charles W. Lomas, director of de-
bate, and Studies in Readings and
Dramatics will be under the direction
of Prof. Louis M. Eich.
Prof. Ollie L. Backus, acting man-
ager of the speech clinic, will hold a
seminar in speech correction and tht
seminar on phonetics will be con-
ducted by Prof. John H. Muyskens.
"One of the most ex-
citing pictures ever
made ...and the
most important in
in the history of the
world !"
"The House
92nd Street"
Ending Today
K_ ?I

average of veterans is 15 per cent
higher than the pre-war male aver-
The average age of the veteran on
campus last term was 23 years and it
is not expected to be any lower this
Revision of G. I. Bill
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31-(;P)-Re-
vision of the G. I. Bill of Rights to
make it easier for veterans to go to
school at government expense or get
loans in buying homes, farms or busi-
nesses was recommended today by a
senate subcommittee.
It proposed:
1. Extension until 10 years after
the war the time in which veterans
may apply for government-guaran-
teed loans. Present law allows only
five years after the war's official end.
2. Authorization for loans on farms
or businesses to include not only the
value of real estate but also supplies
capital and inventory.
3. A 35-year period, instead of 20,
for repayment of loans on farms.
4. Authorization for loans based on
the "reasonable value" of the prop-
erty. The present law reads "reason-
able normal value."
5. Opening of the educational pro-
gram to veteraps irrespective of age.
The present law applies to those
whose education was interrupted by
reason of war service

your Bonnet"
We mean "captured stardust"
or Roger&Gallet dry perfume.
Just put some of this pow-
dered perfume between two
thin layers of cotton and ac-
tually tuck it in your"bonnet".
It's the cutest surest way of keeping
your favorite Roger & Gallet scent
with you all the time. Your hair will
be fragrant with "captured stardust."

Six exciting scents
...Nightof Delight
..Fleurs d'Amour..
SI uaCarnation..
Jade.. Sandalwood
and Violette, priced
at $1 .25.

31- (')-- The summer-long third
World Assembly for Moral Rearma-
ment, the aim of which was the ad-
vancement of "revolutionary team-
work," closed here today, and dele-
gates from 19 nations prepared to
leave this historic island and return
to their own countries.
"A revolutionary conception of
teamwork that will capture the peo-
ple of the world is the greatest need
of today, " declared Dr. Frank N. D.
Buchman, Assembly leader, at the
concluding session.





a ' i

BOARD for University girls. Excel-
lent home cooking. Inquire 1023
Church St. Mrs. Kasper.
HAVE A HEART, landlords. Ex-sub-
marine officer has been dreaming
for three long years of the time
when he could have a home with
his wife and children. Urgent, two
bedrooms, furnished or unfurnish-
ed to $55.00 by Dec. 1 or 15. Lt.
Elmer, 580 Hampton Rd., Grosse
Pointe, Michigan.
LOST-Ladies' Hamilton wristwatch.
Initials C Y P on back. Sentimen-
tal value. Finder please call 8239.
LOST-A gray and silver Parker 51
pen enscribed Irma Lou in Bar-
bour Gymnasium. Reward. Call
LOST-One strand of pearls, round
rhinestone clasp. Great sentimental
value. Reward.
past pledges, send your present
address to Brother John Stephens,
434 Williams West Quadrangle.
ALTERATIONS on ladies garments.
New address-410 Observatory. Vi-
cinity of Stockwell Hall. Phone
2-267,8. Alta Graves.

- \r'i{1
(j1 s: MF i A




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for a Healthy Start

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2. Associated Press World News

3. Sports

4. Women's Page

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- (Required reading for everyone on campus)

6. Barnaby

ONE YEAR $4.50



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