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January 06, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-06

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Panhel Recognition Night To Be Held
7:30 p. m Tomorrow at Rackham

Sorority Women
Will Be Honored
The "United Panhellenic Confer-
ence" with 18 campus soror'ities par-
ticipating, will be held tomorrow at
7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building.
Sponsored by the Panhellenic As-
Cast, Committee
Announce New
Date of JQ Play
Presentation of the 1946 Junior
Girls Play has been postponed to
March 28, 29, 30 due to script diffi-
culties and the overcrowded week-
end program of January and Febru-
Members of the central committee,
singing, dancing and dramatic casts
voted unanimously in favor of the
present date at the mass meeting held
Friday. After final authorization of
the date by Miss Ethel A. McCor-
mick, social director of the League,
and Herbert A. Kenyon, director of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the
postponement was announced offi-
cially by Carolyn Daley, director of
the play.
Committee and cast meetings will
recess until further announcement by
chairmen of the groups; music and
script .committees are the only ex-
Last year's JGPlay, "Take It From
There," was presented April 26, 27,
and 28, and was written, directed and
produced by junior women. The same
plan is being followed this year.

sociation, the affair is the annual
Recognition Night for affiliated
women, at which those groups promi-
nent in activities and those having
high scholastic records are honored.
Awards To Be Presented
These awards will be presented by
Dean Alice C. Lloyd and Registrar
Ira M. Smith. Miss Lloyd will give
the awards for activities, both indi-
vidual and by houses, while Mr.
Smith will award the Scholarship
Cup to that group having the high-
est average for the last year. I
Decorations for the Amphitheatre
will be provided by sorority flags;
each organization will bring a flag in
its colors, bearing the Greek letter
initials. These will be placed along
the aisles and on the platform.
"U" Graduate to Speak
A University of Michigan gradu.
ate, Mrs. Thomas H. Adams, of Birm-
ingham, Mich., will be the speaker
for the evening. She will discuss
"The Future of Sororities in a Chang-
ing World." As vice-president of Na-
tional Panhellenic, Mrs. Adams has
had ample opportunity to become ac-
quainted with the sorority systems on
different campuses.
Alpha Gamma Delta, winner of the
1945 Lantern Night Sing Cup, will
sing its prize winning song, "Beauti-
ful Savior," as a part of the program.
This affair has been organized un-
der the chairmanship of Lois Coth-
Once Used Turnstiles
A high fence and turnstile were the
means used by the University to
make the students keep hours in
Michigan's early days. At nine p.m.
the gates were closed, and no stu-
dent was allowed to leave the cam-
pus. A monitor was on duty nightly
to enfoorce this rule.

ran, with program chairmen, Glen-
ice Render, Roberta Ames, Grace Lo-
throp, patron chairmen Connie Con-
verse, Paula Ulrich, Dorothy Goppelt,
Margaret Gage, Marjory Dosch, Sally
Stamaats, Lois Patsloff, . Beverly
Price, Marie Neumeister, and finance
chairmen Sarah Stephenson, Janet
Richards, Joan Buckmaster, and Pa-
tricia Williams.
Annual Dance
Will Be Given
Semi-formal International
Bali To Feature Band, Show
The fourth annual all-campus In-
ternational Ball will be held from
8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the Un-
ion ballroom.
Jerry Edwards will. play for the
dance, which is being sponsored by
the All-Nations Club to raise money
for the International Center Emer-
gency Fund.
Scotch Dances To Be Featured
Highlighting the dance will be an
intermission floorshow featuring
Charles Thompson, leader of the
Flint Bagpipe Band, who will present
a variety of Scotch dances. Three
young boys will do a sword dance
and other Scotch dances.
Also included in the program will
be native dances, historical and mod-
ern, by a group of Filipino students.
Jorge Germaillo will present repre-
sentative Spanish songs and dances.
Students Urged To Wear Costumes
Foreign students are urged to wear
native costumes to the dance, which
is to be semi-formal. Indian women
students will appear in special for-
mal saaris, according to Publicity
Chairman Robert Klinger, and Dr.
Esson M. Gale, director of the Inter-
national Center, will wear a Chinese
robe and cap.
Late permission until 1:30 a.m. has
been granted to women students for
the dance.

WAA To Hold
C'y Jaui, All
' Students Inv~ited
Bridge, Refreshments, Sports
To Be Included in Program
Offering all students an opportun-
ity to enjoy an evening of informal
entertainment, the Women's Athletic
Association will present "Gym-Jam"
from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Satur-
day in Barbour and Waterman gyms.
Dancing, in charge of Mr. Howard
Leibie, of the Physical Education
Department for men. will highlight
the event. In addition, those at-
tending will be able to play bridge,
ping-pong( volleyball and badmin-
Badminton may be played from
8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Waterman
gym, and the remaining games will
be offered throughout the evening.
Ping-pong may be played in the cor-
rectives room, bridge in the fencing
zoom,eand volleyball in Barbour gym.
Rfreshments will be served and
tickets may be purchased at the
dcor. Coeds have been requested to
wear sports clothes and low heels
for the evening of informal fun.
Following formal dances to be given
Friday, "Gym-Jam" will offer variety
in campus weekend entertainment.
AffiI iated Seniors
Invited To Attend
Afternoon Bridge
A bridge party sponsored by Pan-
hellenic Association, will be held from
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday in the
League Ballroom for senior members
of all campus sororities.
The purpose of the party is to en-
able members of the various sorori-
ties to become better acquainted. Re-
freshments will be served during the
Admission will be charged and
tickets may be purchased from house
presidents after Tuesday.
Betty Hendel, Alpha Epsilon Phi,
chairman of the affair, urges all af-
filiated seniors to attend and prom-
ises a pleasant afternoon for all.

Ticket Sales
Will Continue
For Ship's Ball
Tickets for Ship's Ball, which is to
be held from. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday
in Waterman gym, are now on sale at
the main desk of the Union and from
battalion commanders.
Bin Randolph, chairman of the
dance, has announced that late per-
mission has been secured for Ship's
Ball. Women will be allowed 1:30 a.m.
permission, and navy men attending
will be allowed 2:30 a.m. permission.
Music for the ball will be furnished
by Bobby Sherwood and his orches-
tra. Sherwood is known as a master
of guitar and trumpet, as well as a
vocalist and arranger. Assisting him
on the vocals will be Marcia Rice and
Darth Andrews.
Friday's dance will be the final
Ship's Ball on the Michigan campus,
nce Navy units here are to be dis-
landed in June. Decorations for the
ball will carry out the nautical theme.
Any member of the Navy or Ma-
nine Corps may attend Ship's Ball,
whether or not he is stationed on
campus. Women who plan to attend
with out-of-town marines or navy
men may purchase tickets to the

WAA Sports Schedules Announced

WAA sports clubs will meetfa 1rJe
following scheduled times:
Bowling Club: 3:30-5:30 p.m. to-
morrow at bowling alleys. Bring $2
to cover January bowling expenses.
Rifle Club: Will meet from 4-6 p.m.
tomorrow at ROTC range. Beginners
only. Slacks required.
Figure Skating Group: Carnival
practice begins at 3 p.m. Tuesday at
the Coliseum.
Bowling Club: Will meet from
3:30-5:30 p.m. Tuesday at the bowl-
ing alleys. Bring dues.
Camp Counselor's Club: Will meet
at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday at WAB. Ally
sections will meet.
WAA Board Meeting and Supper:
WillBbe held at 5 p.m. Wednesday at
Basketball Tournament.
The following schedule is an-
nounced for women's basketball
MONDAY: 5:10 p.m. Delta Delta
Delta vs. Ann Arbor Women. 7:20
p.m. Madison vs. Cook II. 8:00 p.m.
Vaughn I vs. Zone III, Markley vs.
Zone I.
TUESDAY: 5:10 p.m. Adams I vs.

t .idg;eway, Zone VI vs. Zone X. 7:30
p.m. AlphaGamma Delta I vs. Gam-
ma Phi Beta I, Alpha Omicron Pi vs.
Chi Omega. 8:00 p.m. Couzens II vs.
Zone VII, State Street vs. Zone II.
WEDNESDAY: 5:10 p.m. Delta
Delta Delta II vs. Sorosis, Alpha Ep-
silon Phi I vs. Alpha Phi I. 7:20 p.m.
Lodge vs. Zone IV, Jordan II vs. New-
berry 11. 8:00 p.m. Vaughn IV vs.
THURSDAY: 5:10 p.m. Alpha Phi
II vs. Alpha Xi Delta, Kappa Alpha
Theta II vs. Sigma Delta Tau. 7:20
p.m. Alpha Gamma Delta II vs. Gam-
ma Phi Beta II, Couzens VII vs. Jor-
dan III. 8:00. p.m. Stockwell II vs.
Zone IX, Couzens IV vs. Zone VI-b.
* * *
The WAA Camp Counsellors Club
will meet at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday in
the Women's Athletic Building, ac-
cording to Signe Hegge, club man-
William C. Morse of the School of
Education will speak to the club
members on "Problem Behavior at
Camp." His talk will be followed by
a general discussion. All club mem-
bers and others interested in the sub-
jest are urged to attend.



1K ,

Dodd, Martha Eccles-Sowing the
Wind. New York, Harcourt, 1945
From the vantage point of the
American Embassy in Berlin,; Martha
Dodd witnessed the rise of Nazism
from 1934 to 1942. Her novel pic-
tures the Reich and the men who
made it. The character portrayals
are vivid, and the realism is unspar-
ing of physical detail.
Graves, Robert - Rercules, My
Shipmate. New York, Creative Age
Press, 1945.
"To this epic tale Mr. Graves brings
all his versatile talents-his impres-
sive historical scholarship,, his lively
historical imagination, his powers of
sweeping and vivid narrative." Wal-
ter Havighurst.
Scott, John-Europe in Revolution.
Boston, Houghton, 1945. ,
Mr. Scott has traced the various
revolutions in Europe from the Rus-
sian uprising to the end of World
War IT. He treats post war problems,
and concludes that in a great meas-
ure their successful solution depends
upon the United States and her un-
derstanding of contemporary Europe.
Written in the direct and readable
style of Mr. Scott's "Behind the
Urals" and "Duel for Europe."
Shu-Ch'ing-Ch'un-Rickshaw Boy.

New York, Reynal & Hitchcock,
This simple tale of 'Happy Boy,' a
country lad who became a rickshaw
boy in Peking is simply and mov-
ingly unfolded, amid violerige and
pathos. The novel has lost little in
the translation rendered by Evan
Smyth, Henry DeWolf - Atomic
Energy for Military Purposes.
Princeton, University Press, 1945.
Professor Smyth has recorded here,
the full report of the development of
the atomic bomb under the auspices
of the United States government,
during the years 1940-1945. The book
requires some understanding of the
physical sciences in order to be thor-
oughly understood.
Sykes, Godfresy Glenton-A West-
erly Trend. Tuscon, Arizona Pio-
neers Historical Society, 1944.
Diverting and interesting descrip-
tion of an Englishman's life on the
Western prairies: The author rode
the cattle trails north as a cowhand
and tried his luck at many trades. He
learned when to pack and when not
to pack a gun, going off on many
ventures for the sake of venture. He
finally established his home in Ari-


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