U' RECONVERSION ROUNDUP See Page LwpA6 a it...wmmjl FOGGY AND MILD LIGHT DRIZZLE VOL. LVI, No. 42 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS REPORT TO THE NA TION: Truman Asks Public To Demand Action Western Electric Strike Presages. Telephone Tie-Up UAW Pickets Block Entry to GM Plant; Stamford Workers In Demonstration By The Associated Press NEW YORK, Jan. 3-Western Electric Company employes in 21 met- ropolitan area plants quit work today in a wage dispute presaging a possible tie-up of the nation's telephone service. The independent unions which called the strike are affiliated with the National Federation of Telephone Workers (Ind.), which claims about 260,- 000 paying members. The federation has asked affiliated unions to author- ize a sympathy strike, but it will be 10 days before a poll can be completed. A strike by the federation would affect some 450,000 Bell Telephone"^System employes. Legislation Urged To Curb Strikes, Insure JobsforA i By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 3 - President Truman tonight appealed directly to "the most powerful pressure group in the world" - the American people - to put the heat on Congress for strike-control legislation and other measures which he said are designed to avert economic "disaster." Handfuls of men on strategic 'Congressional committees, Navy Musical1 Tickets WillGo On Sale Today 'Anchors Aweigh' To Be Given Wednesday Tickets for the Navy musical com- edy, "Anchors Aweigh," which will be presented at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Auitorium, go on sale today in the1 Union and the League.E Featuring Naval personnel ana coeds, the comedy concerns the trials and tribulations of a sailor desiring to return to civilian life as soon as possible. In a train trip across the country he encounters 12 blondes,j three red-heads and a representative of the spirit worId:. While in New York City, the hero, after his discharge, visits an exclu- sive night club and is entertained by stars in the entertainment world. Students who portray these enter- tainers have actually appeared in productions in Boston, New York, Chicago and Hollywood. Directing the show, which is now in itsfinal rehearsal stages, is Carl Hemmer. George Hawkins, whose Navy Dance band will furnish music for the comedy, Bob Shafer, producer, and Lyle Schrum, heading the ticket committee complete the list of pro- moters for the show which was writ- ten by several Navy men. Members of the Navy chorus, who recently have sung at the Christmas Party in Hill Auditorium and partici- pated in holiday serenading, will also be included in the program. Maddy Raps Petrillo Ban of Foreign Music "This latest ban of Petrillo's has aroused the indignation of the Ameri- can public against dictatorial tactics and racketeering within unions," Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, professor of radio music declaied, commenting on the AFM president's order which prohib- its the broadcast of foreign music. Dr. Maddy, founder and director of the National Music Camp at Inter- lochen, and conductor of the Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra, has been fight- ing the dictatorship of Petrillo since July, 1942. The AFM president's ban of non-commercial radio programs from Interlochen at that time was backed by the threat of a strike by -all union musicians serving radio sta- tions in the United States. Dr. Maddy noted that Mr. Petrillo had called the promotion of music in public schools through bands and orchestras detrimental: "School sup- erintendents have gone crazy in pro- moting all that school music; they are all murderers," the AFM presi- dent declared in 1942. The question in everybody's mind now, Dr. Maddy said, is "What are we going to do about Petrillo?" He cited the so-called "election" of Mr. Petrillo by AFM members to the presidency of the musicians' union as the beginning ofhis "muscling in" on the union's policies. Since his Detroit, Jan. 3 - A reinforced picketline of CIO-United Auto Work- ers strikers prevented non-strikers from entering the transmission di- vision plant of General Motors here. Stamford, Conn., Jan. 3-Union workers in nearly.all of Stamford's industries left their jobs briefly this afternoon to stage a mass demon- :ration outside a conference room where disputing parties in the Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company strike haggled throughout the day but got nowhere. Federal Conciliator William Gas- ton reported tonight that his plan for ending the nine-week-old strike had been rejected by the company. Washington, Jan. 3-The 50,000 AFL employes of Western Union Telegraph outside of New York City were reported today to be voting in favor of calling off a strike scheduled for Jan. 7. The strike was scheduled to protest a War Labor Board order granting a four-cent hourly increase which the union considered inade- quate but which has since been in- creased to 12 cents. Washington, Jan. 3-The Labor Department declared today that, if mediation and fact-finding failed, government seizure would be a last resort in avoiding a tie-up in the meat packing industry. Scholarships Offered Vets' Sons by Legion Ten scholarships. in the amount of $150 each will be awarded to sons of honorably discharged veterans of World War I and II during the next school year by the Michigan Depart- ment of the American Legion. The awards will be based on schol- arship, merit and financial need to continue education, Wilbur M. Brucker, chairman of the American Legion Scholarship Committee said. The applicant's father need not be a member of the American Legion, but his application must be investigated by the American Legion Post of his community. Applications must be made by May 31. A committee of five, appointed by the department commander of the American Legion, will make the se- lections on or before June 15. Application blanks may be pro- cured by writing to Mr. Brucker, 602 Barlum Tower, Detroit 26. Negotiations Fail To End Hoover Strike No break came yesterday in the seven week old Hoover Bearing Co. strike involving 500 workers when company and union representatives met with a U. S. Conciliator here. Negotiations between management and Local No. 38, UAW-CIO will be continued today, it was announced. Film To Be Presented "Escape from Yesterday," starring Jean Gabin and Annabella, will be presented at 8:30 p.m. today and to- morrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under the sponsorship of UNION OFFICIALS CONFER . . . Lewis J. Clark (second from right), international president, confers with other union officiais in Chicago after announcing a nation-wide strike of the CIO-United Packinghouse Workers of America has been called for Jan. 16. Left to right: Frank Ellis, vice-president; Lyle Cooper, re- search director; Clark; and Edward F. Roohe, secretary-treasurer. AVC Group Studies Current Labor Disputes; Data on Available Housing To Be Compiled Discussion Series Plans Announced As the first of several series of dis- cussions to be conducted by the local American Veterans Committee chap- ter on matters with which veterans are greatly concerned, Chairman Vic- tor Baum spoke and led a panel dis- cussion on current labor disputes at the organization's meeting last night at the Union. Panels are being organized tocol- lect information on such topics as full employment, national health in- surance and international organiza- tion. They will present data and conclusions at a series of discussions to be held on these and other sub- jects. After these programs have been concluded and experts called in to present further information and opinions, the organization will decide on appropriate recommendations for action by Congress, the President or national or state officials concerned. Mr. Max Dresden, of the physics department, will present the first of a series of talks on atomic bomb pol- icy at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Un- ion. Visitors are invited to this meeting. Further discussions are being Two-Headed Baby Is Dead BIRMINGHAM, England, Jan. 3- ())--A two-headed baby girl born New Year's Day to the English wife of an American soldier died at 7:05 p.m. tonight (2:05 p.m. EST), after 50 hours and 35 minutes of life. The infant, which weighed five pounds, 12 ounces at birth, had been kept alive since 4:30 p.m. Tuesday by constant administration of oxy- gen, and physicians had held scant hope for its survival. planned for the series on labor dis- putes. Experts and spokesmen for labor and management will be in- vited to these meetings. A national AVC convention has been scheduled for March 22 to 24 in Des Moines, Ia. The Ann Arbor chap- ter will send delegates to this assem- blage which will determine national policies and procedures for the or- ganization. Wyatt Wants To Get 'More Houses Quickly' WASHINGTON, Jan. 3-(IP)-Wil- son W. Wyatt, Jr., the nation's new housing expediter, today declared his job is to get "more houses quickly" and to see that their prices are "within reach of the returning vet- eran." Wyatt, former mayor of Louisville, Ky., told reporters he had been as- sured the full support of President Truman, Reconversion Director John W. Snyder, and the latter's staff, in backing up any proposed changes in legislation or federal regulations he feels necessary to cope with the housing crisis. Working in a nearly bare office and without a telephone, Wyatt disclosed he already had conferred with Sny- der and arranged a conference Sat- urday morning with the heads of more than half a dozen agencies con- cerned with the housing problem. JGP Meeting Members of the central commit- tee, and the singing, dancing, and dramatic casts of Junior Girls Play will meet at 5:15 p.m. today at the League. The room will be posted on the board in the League lobby. Volunteers Needed For Canvass of City The special housing committee sponsored by the Ann Arbor Common Council, AVC and VO is organizing a house-to-house investigation of all housing units in the city in order to centralize information on available quarters for veterans. Victor Baum, chair ian of AVC, emphasized that "this work is of vital importance, in view of the pres- ent local housing shortage. More volunteers are urgently needed for the canvass. A special appeal is made to wives and mothers of veterans, since the work is being done for the veterans' benefit." The compiled information will be made available at the local armory for both local veterans and those at- tending the University." Persons interested in helping on the investigation should contact Miss Bader at the armory, Victor Baum, or Warren Wayne, secretary of the Veterans Organization. Annapolis Gets Aviation Dept. Midshipmen To Learn Air Power Import ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 3 -(P)- In a move to teach Naval Academy mid- shipmen the significance of air pow- er, Vice Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch, superintendent, announced today the establishment of an aviation depart- ment at the school. Admiral Fitch, the first Naval avia- tor to become Academy superinten- dent, declared, "It is of the utmost importance that every officer of the leet, whether he be on a submarine, a battleship or whatnot, shall be fully acquainted with how the air arm operates." Captain Charles L. Westhofen, USN was named acting head of the new department, pending arrival of Capt. Robert B. Pirie, who will be in charge. The department head will super- vise correlating the various aviation subjects which have been a part of the middies' training for more than 20 years. Seniors May Order Graduation Cards Orders for graduation announce- ments for February graduates in all schools will be taken from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 3 p.m. today, Monday, and Tuesday, outside Rm. 2 University Hall. he said, have stymied action onr to steer the nation between the dang the goal of "full production and full In a "fireside chat" from the W tell your public servants your own v facing the country." He emphasized that he wanted no if Congress doesn't like his program, i "What the American people want is action," he declared. He led off with a demand for legis- lation setting up fact-finding boards for major industrial disputes. Strikes, would be barred for 30 days while the boards, equipped with power to examine employers' books, made their inquiry. He also urged anew the so-called "Full Employment" bill, greater un- employment compensation, extended authority to impose price controls, a permanent Fair Employment Prac-' tices Commission, and higher mini- mum wages. Mr. Truman spoke up once more for comprehensive scientific research legislation, universal military train- ing, a health and medical care pro- gram, an "adequate salary scale" for government employes, the develop- See TRUMAN, page 2 Chinese Accept Gen. Marshall As Mediator Generalissimo Accused Of Launching Invasion CHUNGKING, Jan. 3 - Chinese Communists accepted today Chiang Kai-Shek's plan to use Gen. George C. Marshall as a medlator but charged the Generalissimo had un- leashed a large-scale invasion of strategic Jehol province even as he talked of peace. They said Government troops had burst as much as 30 miles into the northern province from western Manchuria at two points on a 75-mile front, seizing the railway cities of Fusin and Chaoyang. Government Announces Cities' Capt The government which previously had announced capture of both cities, asserted its troops simply were tak- ing over the province, lying between Monchuria and strong Communist positions in Inner Mongolia, and that the Communists had no strength in the whole area. A Communist spokesman at Yenan headquarters claimed, however, that Communist arms had liberated both Fusin and Chaoyang from the Jap- anese; styled the government inva- sion "wholly unjustified," and ad- mitted that the situation for his forces in Jehol had taken "a very serious turn." While neither side spoke of any ac- tual large-scale fighting in Jehol, the Yenan spokesman declared that "if they do not stop their offensive and evacuate their troops any further developments will be their responsi- bility." Communists Agree to Plan The Jethol dispute took on explo- sive properties just as the Commun- ists were announcing here that they had agreed in general with Chiang's New Year's Eve plan for a halt to hostilities. This plan calls for Marshall to act as a member of a committee of three ment and Communist representatives to work out procedure for a cessation of the fighting and the restoration of railway communications. his legislative program designed ers of inflation and deflation toward employment." hite House, he urged the people "to iews concerning the grave problems quarrel with Congress, but said that t should formulate one of its own. * -1 Representatives Comment WASHINGTON, Jan. 3-(P)-Here were the reactions of three Michigan Congressmen to President Truman's speech tonight: . Rep. Wolcott: "Most members of Congress will be in agreement with the President's objectives, but there is controversy on the way these ob- jectives can be attained. There is no question but that Congress should continue pricecontrolsnas long as necessary, but at the same time. we may have to write new standards to prevent the Administration from abusing the pricing powers. We do not want to see them used to social- ize industry." Rep. Hook: "He should streamline the Labor Department in order to make it useful. You can talk until the cows come home but unless this is done strife will remain. Fact-find- ing boards will not do it." Rep. Michener: "Adi c is one thing, dictation is rmthin else. The Presiden sho~2ct not overlook the fact that Cogres is- rst onsible to the people. When h eind s fauli with the Rules Committee h should not forget that there are eght rmem- bers of his own party and only four Republicans on that committee." Gen. Morg an Quits UNNRA WASHINGTON, Jan. 3-()-Lt. Gen. Sir Frederick E. Morgan, chief of UNRRA operations in Germany has resigned, an UNRRA official re- ported today, in an apparent effort to quiet the criticism aroused by his re- marks about Jewish refugees in Eu- rope. The UNRRA official, who asked not to be identified by name, said that the British general's- formal "voluntary" resignation will be an- nounced about noon tomorrow. Morgan is the UNRRA official who aroused considerable criticism from Jewish organizations, in the United States and Britain over his assertion that thousands of Polish Jews were moving into the American controlled zone in Germany with a "well organ- ized, positive plan to get out of Eu- rope." SRA To Hold Luncheon Carol Karkalite will discuss John Ballie's book "Invitation To Pilgrim- age" at the Student Religious Asso- ciation Luncheon Discussion Group meeting at noon tomorrow in Lane Hall. Students wishing to attend should call Lane Hall for reserva- tions. CAMPUS EVENTS Today-The correspondence com- mittee of SOIC will meet at 4:15 p.m. in the Union. All members and interested persons are urged to attend. Today- "Escape from Yesterday" will be presented at 8:30 p.m. to-, day and tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The All- Nations Club will hold a Hang- I MONEY RAISED AT BALL: Emergency Fund Saves Student from Starvation EDITOR'S NOTE: The International Bail, all-campus semi-formal danceto be held in the Union Ballroom Friday, January 11, is given each year for the purpose of building up the Internation- al Center Emergency Fund. This is the first of two articles citing cases in which the Emergency Fund has aided foreign students.) The International Center Emergen- full scholastic schedule, having made a "B" average the past semester, and had borrowed money for his tuition. Working for his room, he had allotted only 35 cents a day for his expenses. Even though he spent the entire amount for food, his diet was inade- quate. Another agency of the Cen- ter secured a summer job for him