;o-'rw* wTHE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY3, 1946 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:' President's Problem Childr I' Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. FEPRESNTE FOR NATV>NL A VRTJING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pblishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRACISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIPHT EDITORS: FREUDENHEIM & SHINN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Whole Pie WE'VE read "One World" and we've written to our congressman stressing the need of a workable world organization. We've eagerly watched for what Samuel Grafton and Drew Pearson had to say, and we've been saddened by the radio blaring the results of the London Con- ference, though more recently encouraged by newspaper headlines which spell better coopera- tion. We believe, oh implicity, in internationalism, in one great big, beautiful universe. But do we believe so implicitly in the ingredients that go into the making of such a Utopia? The ingredients broken down into little bits are people. People of different races, religions, and creeds. People with different colored skins, with different kinds of clothing and different conceptions of God. People who are terribly sure that their country is the best country and their skin the best color. They are positive their dress is right and their God absolute. They live in little cliques called Jews and Gen- tiles, and Mohammedans, and Britishers, and Catholics, and Latins, Negroes, Indians and the worshipers of Buddha. They eat chile con carne, roast beef and rice. They have one wife at a time or as many as they please. They lose money on the stock market and they strike for "take home" pay. They have aquiline noses, pug noses, and flat noses. They swear allegiance to king, dictator, president, and prime minister. They feel properly patriotic when the "Star Spangled Banner," "Le Marseillaise," or "God Save the King" is played. They all hate war. They are afraid of war, and they want one world. The League of Nations was supposed to give that to them but that failed so the United Nations is going to do the job. It is going to mold the world very easily into one unified whole, into one complete pie with no separate pieces. But the world is merely many little people who live in many little cliques and are provin- cialenough to think theirs is the best clique. They achieve a certain self importance and sense of security from belonging. It is only when these little people become cosmopolitan enough and liberal enough to admit other re- ligions and other cultures and other races into their midst without being afraid of losing their own individual clique that a whole pie without pieces can be envisaged. -Norma Crawford Thanks Again 11E student body is grateful for the vacation extension it received. However, there are sev- eral parts of the student body that wish the deans had made up their minds a little earlier (mainly the ribs). These are the ones that were forcibly reduced fn Y1 An +rvn af n .+rnn rram ne P By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.--The New Year greets Harry VTruman with two big housekeeping problems right inside his own family. One is slow-moving, procrastinating John Sny- der of St. Louis, the war reconverter, an old and intimate friend of Truman's, but no help when it comes to getting U. S. economy back on a smooth-running, peacetime basis. The other is fast-moving, hard-working James F. Byrnes of South Carolina, who is sincerely and conscientiously trying to renovate the moth- eaten State Department and build a better world; but who has a certain amount of friction with Truman. Of the two, Snyder is the more immediate problem; Byrnes is more important, but long- range. With Byrnes it's largely a question of per- sonalities. With Snyder, it's a question of mis- takes. Byrnes is a man who, under Roosevelt, was accustomed to running his own show. He would send recommendations up to Congress without consulting the White House. He was "assistant president," and with FDR frequently out of town he definitely operated as such. Now he sometimes forgets that there is a man in the White House who is accountable to the public regarding foreign affairs and who likes to know, sometimes in detail, what's going on. That was probably why Byrnes released an im- portant policy statement on Germany just be- fore he left for Moscow, without consulting Tru- man. Probably he didn't mean it that way, but it caused irritation inside the White House. Again, before he came back from the London conference last fall, Jimmy announced-with- out consulting his chief-that he would deliver a radio address to the nation. The White House didn't like this, either. Despite this slip, when Jimmy alighted from his Moscow plane last week, he once again announced that he would give a radio report to the nation. These small things, plus some other bigger ones, have riled relations between the President and his No. 1 cabinet officer. Both men are a little quick on the trigger. Both are sensitive beneath the surface. In addition, the President happens to be surrounded by several advisers who not only don't care much for Byrnes, but think he has fumbled several balls on the for- eign affairs front. PREDICTION: There is bound to be a clash between Byrnes and Truman before the year 1946 is over. Snyder of Ste Louis rJ7HE case of John Snyder is different. Harry Truman and Snyder used to train together in the Missouri National Guard, know each other intimately. But Truman, in this case, has in- herited the old tenderness of his late chief- FDR. He hates to fire a real friend. On the other hand, at least three close White House advisers--Charlie Ross, Sam O'Neal and Bob Hannegan-have so continually pounded home the fact that Snyder must go that Truman has asked them not to speak to him about it any more. Regardless of personalities, however, Snyder has made error after error which vitally affects the economic life of the nation, and for which Truman gets the blame. Here is the scoreboard: 1. Helped abolish the War Labor Board just at a time when it was most needed. Later Truman was put in the embarrassing position of begging the War Labor Board to continue, which they refused to do. 2. Abolished the Office of Economic Stabii-' zer and fired its director, Will Davis, one of the ablest men in Washington. Later, Snyder had to reconstitute the Office of Economic Stabili- zation, and brought in as director Judge fohn C. Collett of Kansas City, whose chief accomplish- ment has been to win the nickname "Snuffy Smith," after the Barney Google character. 3. Abolished controls on building materials. Then after prices soared and a loud and justi- fied protest came from veterans, Snyder re- versed himself and put back the controls. Snyder's bungling came to a climax the other day when Truman learned that he had eased Bob Nathan out of the reconversion office. When Truman heard about it, he threw up his hands. "What! Bob Nathan leaving the government!" he exclaimed. "He's. one of the ablest men I know. Can't we get him to stay?" It happened that Truman had known Nath- an's work intimately when the latter was in the War Production Board. So he promptly called Nathan to the White House and spent 45 minutes trying to undo the error of his bumbling recon- version chief, John Snyder. But he didn't succeed. Nathan was fed up with Snyder errors. Meanwhile Snyder has re- placed Nathan with a former America Firster, Richard Bissell. PREDICTION: John Snyder will be out of the reconversion office before the winter is over. United Nations Home REPRESENTATIVE ADOLPH SABATH of Illinois was making an impassioned speech in favor of Chicago as the site for the United Na- tions Organization, when Vito Marcantonio, New York American-Laborite, broke in: "I am afraid Chicago is disqualified because of its continuous warfare against England." He was referring to the late "Big Bill" Thomp- son, former mayor of Chicago, who once threat- ened to punch the King of England on the nose and to the subsequent anti-British crusade of the Chicago Tribune. Marcantonio, on the otie hand, insisted that peace-loving N w York was the ideal spot for the United Naions "I wonder if we could not compromise on Plymouth," suggested G.O.P. minority leader Joe Martin, who comes from asachst "Yes, I concede tha. tie in %,tos e so, replied Sab.th, "but surely th&e tu n ds not contemplate that the Uniled Niosc' ganization should founder on a r4~iG, (Copyright, 1940, by the r Synd 11D RATHER BE R1G1Tf eCleri Scndary School Needs TO THE EDITOR: FOR the past few weeks I have been reading your many articles on genc al education. This summer I reaI the Harvard Report and I think it embodies a very important idea. In the repor the aim of general educa- t: : dined as "-education for an rmed responsible life in our so- c_ I think most people feel that uShldbthe aim of not only ation in college but of tyL( s (~ eucation., Sheusion that is bothering me is i e people wish to confine al" type of education to c 1 r.The greater per cent of Scin ctizens do not reach the coile lvel. If this need is strong eough to warrant the changing of # r in many of the best col- -e, it must be a basic need. Ifj colleges feel that a general edu- n is n esary for their students c orer i'or them to live a better f ' in a foe world, shouldn't all citi- zens be given the benefit of it? Instead of concentrating entirely oi "general education" for college stoients why not offer it at a lower Iel, one at which the largest r._mb-r of people will reap the h-nefit I think that in the present c s-; is one should not over- . >- Ioibilities of presenting a milar program at the high REPEAL THE SALES TAX: Calls for More Progressive Measures for State Revenue v T A TIME of turmoil such as our federal and state governments are today experiencing, the subject of the state retail sales tax might conceivably be considered inoppor- tune. Why drag out for re-considera- tion a problem of finance which seems to have been so well-settled during the past decade, inasmuch as it is now the source of over half of our state revenue? Are not crippling strikes, insurmountable housing shortages, corruption in state insti- tutions, crime waves, and increasing unemployment, as well as all the other innumerable problems which have followed the end of the war enough to occupy the mind of Mr. Average Citizen? These are indeed all extremely im- portant matters demanding immedi- ate attention and study, but no less important is the existence in our state fiscal policy of the sales tax which, although perhaps institutedd because of necessity and lack of any better solution to the problem, has long since outlivedits reason for existence at all, and can easily be counted among the most regressive, undemo- cratic and inequitable practices of which the government can be consid- 2red guilty. Everyone complains of taxes, but their necessity is universally ad- mitted, although fairness and jus- tice are often overlooked in their levying. The state retail sales tax is the most outstanding example of such legislative neglect. Can a tax he fair and just which is im- posed upon those least able to pay it? Can it be equitable when it is imposed on such basic necessi- ties as food? Even such a seemingly trivial amount as three per cent of a dollar is oppressive when it figures on a thirty-dollars weekly wage. What is the logic or reason in depriving a man of higher education or making it imperative for him to rely on state relief, when his own hard-fought-for pennies are the source of the revenue used for that purpose?. The highly-productive Michigan sales tax has resulted in remarkable returns ($86 millions in 1943) due greatly to the amazing rise in pur- chasing power during the war boom. The outlook for Michigan sales tax collection will not be so encouraging now that war jobs no longer exist and people are discovering that they have much less to spend. It is for that reason that the present time is the bestftime to de- vise another means of state rev- enue for purposes of education and relief. It is time for our state legis- lators to consider more progressive measures-perhaps a state income tax, or more fairly proportioned inheritance taxes, in order to allow each, according to his ability, to share in the responsibility of mak- ing a better life in his community. -Ivan Bagrow Se0 By SAMUEL GRAFTON THERE WILL BE some American opposition to the Moscow agreements, and it looks as i this will center around the tall f-tre of G e MacArthur. Some of the accounts of the nw setup, under which Russia, Britain, China an several smaller nations will share in the contro of Japan, are being made to sound as if it wei all a plot against the sovereignty of Genera MacArthur; one sometimes has the odd feelin that a part of our press, withouthis knowledg or consent, treats him as if he were a country whose rights are being ignored by the gea powers, including the United States. Such use of the name of the General of the Army is not new; this is familiar political terri- tory; we have been here before. A certain section of American opinion ha always been ready to use MacAthur's name t win any fight in which it has happened to fin itself. It borrowed his prestige, during the war to fight the policy of finishing Hitler first; i was unfair, it said, to starve MacArthur. Afte the victory, the same segment of opinion trie to make MacArthur superior to the StateDe- partment in settling Japanese policy; MacArthur it said, and not Dean Acheson, had won the war Now they are trying to make it a case of Mac Arthur against the Big Three, quite consistentl using the same magic name to try to bloc agreement with Russia, which they used durin the war to try to block aid to Russia. The American public, which obviously re- spects and admires General MacArthur, will hardly let its view of the Moscow agreements be distorted by this kind of plea. General MacArthur fought to help bring about a more unified world; we cannot now use the fact of his victory as an obstacle to unity. But it is characteristic of-hose who oppose world har- mony that they will use any argument which comes to hand, shifting ground continually, jumping from ice cake to ice cake, turning on a dime, now crushing a general to their breasts, now weeping over a principle, then forgetting both when some new happy idea turns up. rTHESE ARE THE LADS who denounce Big Three agreements as power politics; the hate power politics; they are quite as likely, nex moment, to turn around and demand to know just what we obtained in return for the recog- nition of Yugoslavia, and if nothing, why? These are the boys who hotly set up the principle of non-agression; then, breathing hard, demand that we be given air bases all over the world to halt the designs of powers which may want air bases all over the world. They often ask for majority rule as the fair and proper method for reaching agreement among the nations on ex- amination, their conception of majority rle turns out to be equal votes for Ecuador and the Soviet Union. They are jumpy and jerky and they never stand still; their critique of the Moscow agree- ments, for example, runs like this: The section on the Balkans is no good, because it ought to include control by all the nations of the world; the section on Japan is no good because it does not provide for exclusive control by the United States; the section on peace treaties is faulty because it rules out of the conferences many worthy nations which happened not to fight; the section on the Far East is bad because it brings into the picture several nations which did fight. In the coming discussions on the Moscow agreements we have a right to ask the opposi- tion, nervous as it is, to take one stand and stick to it, giving up its startled-fawn leaps from one eternal principle to its exact opposite. The opposition has even turned on Mr. Byrnes, who was its doll-baby in September, when he could not agree with Mr. Molotov, and who is now called the author of a sell-out because he has agreed; the same man. Nothing' could be more indicative of the distorted world in which the opposition lives; a world in which any statesman who brings about harmony among the nations is a failure, and in which a man who fails to bring it about is a success; a, world in which the opposition smiles and feels safe when the nations fall out, but promptly buttons up its coat and shivers and blows on its fingers when the nations agree; men startled by the sound of peace, frightened by the strange look of sunlight. (Copyright, 1946, NY. Post Syndicate) ---Jean M. Henne s_ d Catcizes Critics TO THE EDITOR: t N THE December 28th issue of the ' Detroit News was an article on the front page headed "Student Testi- -mony Flunks Professors." It told oi a conference of educators and five students from Michigan colleges, in- cluding William Mullendore from y the University of Michigan. Accord- ing to the article these students, as- suming the role of spokesmen for their student bodies, severely criti- cised our college educational system. They called college "a stultifying experience that confirms students in their narrowness and bigotry." On thei contrary, I am of the opinion that college is a broadening and valuable experience. They said that "ivied ,alls screen more social, economic, and religious intolerance than one will find in the world outside." I maintain that, by and large, it is the comparatively uneducated who ae most intolertnt. The students contradict them- selves in picturing typical profes- sors as old foggies who never re- vise their lecture notes, and on the other hand saying they are stu- dents, not teachers, of their par- t tiieular subjects. Certainly they are students of their subjects. Who can say he knows everything there is to know about a given subject? '11 e fa et that professors are con- e scantly studying new developments in their fields shows that they are not ld foggies but are alert and r wel-informed. If these students feel they are s mining nothing from a college edu- cation, why are they enrolled? Why are they not students in the pro- verbial college-of-hard-knocks? True, universities, as any large organiza- tion, are not perfect. They have faults. We should try to eliminate these faults. But in striving for per- fection we shouldn't undermine the whsle. I think it is agreed by a large majority that a college education is, on the whole, beneficial. Let us not tear down all we have built and leave nothing in its place. Constructive cr icism is what is needed, not need- es slandering of the system in gen- eral. Atomic energy, radar, discov- ery of penicillin, and other great ad- vances have been made possible by minds developed, not in spite of, but by college professors. There are two parts to getting an education, giving on the part of the teachers and making use of what is offered on the part of the students. Let's not put all the blame on the professors. There is also room for much improvement on the part of the students in tak- ing advantage of that which is of- fered to them. -Margaret Parker Victory Loan EVERY man in the armed forces was prepared to give his life for the safety of his country. Your dollars put into Victory Loan Bonds now may restore health to a dis- abled veteran. By Crockett Johnson DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdgys). THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1946 VOL LVI, No. 41 Notices The "Editorial Office of Official Publications has been moved from 221 Angell Hall to the second floor of the University Press Building, 311 Maynard St. The telephone numbers (Extensions 794 and 2130) will re- main unchanged. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for dropping courses without record will be Saturday, Jan. 5. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for Removal of Incom- pletes will be Saturday, Jan. 5, To All Seniors in Lit, Music, Edu- cation, and Art Schools Who Are Graduating in February: Place your orders for graduation announce- ments at a booth to be located in the lobby of Angell Hall. Orders will be taken on Thursday and Friday of this week and on Monday and Tuesday of next week from 9 to 12 and 1 to 3. The announcements sell for 10 cents each. All orders must be paid for in full at the time of placing the order. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Fac- ulty on Monday, January 7, 1946, at 4:15, P.M., in Room 348, West Engin- eering Building. Among other items of business will be the presentation of a medal by Captain W. V. Michaux, U.S.N. W. J. Emmons, Secretary Lectures French Lecture: Professor Rene Talamon, of the Romance Language Department, will open the series of French lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais. The title of his lecture is: "Lecture Dramatique". This lecture will be given on Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alum- ni Memorial Hall. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Languages (Room 112, Romance Language Building) or at the door at the time of the lecture for a small sum. These lectures are open to the general public. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Friday, Jan. 4, at 4:00 p.m. in 319 West Medical Building. "Hist- amine", will be discussed. All inter- ested are invited. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet today in Room 410, Chemistry Building, at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Peter A.S. Smith will speak on "Nature of Bind- ing in So-called Complex Com- pounds." All interested are invited. Elizabeth A. H. Green, violinist, In- structor in Music Education. The program will include Sonata for vio- lin by Geminiani, Concerto No. 4 in D major by Mozart, and Sonata in B minor for piano and violin by Respighi. Miss Green will be assisted by John Kollen, Assistant Professor of Piano. The public is cordially invited. Events Toda The American Veterans Commit- tee will hold a business meeting to- night at the Michigan Union. All members are urged to attend, as plans for next week's open meeting will be discussed, as well as other important business. Tea at the International Center: The weekly informal teas at the In- ternational Center on Thursdays, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to all foreign students and their Amer- ican friends. Modern Poetry Club night at 7:30 in Room Hall. meeting to- 3231 Angell The Graduate Outing '.Clubwill meet January 3 (Thursday) at '7:30 p.m. in the Outing Room of Rack- ham. Officers will be elected and the winter program will be planned in detail. Everyone interested is urged to attend and bring his sport- ing ideas. "Escape From Yesterday" with Jean Gabin, Annabella. French dialogue, English subtitles. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 83:30 p.m. Music Section of the Faculty Wom- en's Club will meet today at 8 o'clock at the iome of Mrs. G. G. Brown, 1910 Hill Street. A program will be presented by Estelle Titiev, Pianist, and Lennis Britton, Soprano. Coming Events The Geological Journal Club will meet in Rm 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. on Friday, Jan. 4, at 12:15 p.m. Program: (1) A survey of geological periodicals in the English language. (2) Miss Friedkin , on the Development of the West Edmond, oilfield, Okla. All interested are cordially invited to attend. The Pitch and Putt Club will meet on Friday, Jan. 4, at 4:30 p.m. at the Women's Athletic Bldg. A class will be formed under the instruction of Mrs. Hanley. A movie with demon- ' stration will be shown, The Lutheran Student Association will have an outdoor skating party this Friday evening. The group will meet at the Lutheran Student Cen- ter, 1304 Hill St. at 7:45. Refresh- ments will be served. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will hold Sabbath Eve Services Friday, Jan. 4, 7:45 p.m. Following services Rev. Edward Redman and Rabbi J. M. Cohen will discuss ".udaism nnd BARNABY Shall I get the movie camera out of the hall closet, Mr. O'Malley? To produce an epic and win a dozen Or nrc_., _ril hrif is . rp ,mali The story is the least of our worries. Any movie executive will admit that. I