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December 20, 1945 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-20

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six rilE ,MIdil-AN jjyTUJRADA

lY, IEEEmBZR 2, 19.45



'UProgram Educates 50,000 Workers



Hobby Night Program ...
Combining with the Hobby Night
Program sponsored by the S.R.A. at
7:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall, the Ann
Arbor Youth Hostel will present a
program of American Folk Dancing,
led and directed by Scott Colburn.
After the dancing, refreshments will
be served.,
The Youth Hostel meeting, sched-
uled for Thursday, Dec. 27, has been
cancelled, Janina Neidbala, chairman
of the Folk Dancing Committee, an-
nounced yesterday.
* *

Phone 6019
410 Wolverine Building


Stop and Choose,
a GIFT from
Our Complete
Fritzie s "Gifts of Character" Shop

Cancel Forestry Party .*.
The Christmas party which
the forestry school had planned
for today in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall has been called off be-
cause of the extension of the
Christmas holiday period.
According to Dean and Mrs.
Samuel T. Dana, it is hoped that
a forestry party can be held later
in the semester.
Party at Lane Hall .
The council of Lane Hall will hold
a Christmas party for all SRA coun-
cil members at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
Lane Hall, despite the change in Uni-
versity plans.
There will be games, singing, a
special Lane Hall quartet, and Santa
Claus. All members unable to go home
are invited,
** *
Flying Club Plane* ...
Plans to order a plane this week
were made by the Flying Club atI
their meeting last night.I
This plane will be kept at the
Ann Arbor airport, -where club
members will take flying lessons.
Warren H. Curry, president of the
recently organized flying club, read
the Club By-Laws, and Joann
Bochnek was chosen flight super-
visor at the meeting.
IRA Office Filled .,.
Maxine Spencer was elected secre-
tary-treasurer of the Inter Racial As-
sociation at a meeting yesterday.
Plans weie made for A. K. Stevens
to give a lecture and show the film
"We Are All Brothers" Jan. 16. A
motion was made for immediate ac-
tion and a stand to be taken on the
movement for student government.
Helen Alpert Elected.. ..
Helen Alpert was elected treas-
urer of the SOIC Executive Council
yesterday, succeeding Bobbie Si-
monton who is leaving for Andover
Newton Seminary, Newton Centre,
Big Four Misters
Confer Fourth 'Tme
MOSCOW, Dec. 19-R')-The for-
eign ministers of the United States,
Russia and Great Britain, conferring
on the multiple problems facing the
world, met for the fourth time today
in a session lasting one hour and 15
A fifth session will be held tomor-
row, but indications were it would
be short, too, for V. M. Molotov,
Soviet Foreign Minister, sent out in-
vitations today' for a formal diplo-
matic reception
Robert Shutz Returns
Robert J. Schutz, AMM 1 c, USNR,
son of Mrs. Ann -Kamosis, of 360 Ev-
ergreen Pl, Ann Arbor, returned home
last week on the USS Freemont, and
will receive his discharge.
The USS Freemont, one of the more
than 250 carriers, battleships and
attack transports in the Navy's famed
"Magic Carpet" fleet, brought 1,650
high-point Navy veterans home last

At a moderate estimate, more than
50,000 Michigan laborers have been
reached by the experimental.program
in adult education for worker groups,
which is sponsored by the University
Extension Service, Mr. A. K. Stevens,
assistant co-ordinator of the pro-
gram, said in a recent interview.
Begun in 1944 under the stimulus
of President Alexander G. Ruthven,
who had observed the success of the
Workers' Educational Association in
England, the program, first in Amer-
ica designed to reach the rank and
file, had an approximate enrollment
of 30,000 by the end of April, 1945. Its
aim is, according to Mr. Stevens, to
"equip the worker to take a responsi-
ble part, along with his fellow work-
ers, in the functioning of society, and
give him an understanding of the
problems facing society as a whole."
Mr. Stevens explained the
method by which the services of
the program are presented to the
union workers. First "spot lec-
tures" are given at the central or-
ganization of the AFL or CIO u-
ions in each community. Talks
and discussions, or educational
movies, are given at each meeting.
Then the delegates attending the
central council meetings request the
same kind of service for their indi-
vidual unions, and talks and discus-
sions on the same topics are given at
the union meetings. Both at the cens-
tral councils and at the union meet-
ings, Mr. Stevens stressed, the topics
presented are those which the men
themselves ask to be informed about.
"The topics requested usually have
this sequence," Mr. Stevens said,
"First they ask about the functioning
of the labor laws now on the books,
as for example, workman's compen-
sation and social security. Then they
request explanations of bills at the
time before Congress or the state leg-
Medal Asked
For Alumnus
Sgt. Kainis Rescues
Drowning Jap Boy
Sgt. Leonard A. Kamins, a gradu-
ate of the University, was recom-
mended for the Soldiers' Medal for
rescuing a three-year old Japanese
boy from drowning, it was announced
by Fifth Air Force Headquarters at
Irumagawa, Japan.
The recommendation states that
while Sgt. Kamins was driving
through Kawagoe, near Tokyo, he
noticed two -.Tapane children, obvi-
ously very excited, playing on the
edge of a canal. Investigation re-
vealed a third child floating face
downward in the muddy water. Div-
ing into the canal, Sgt. Kamins
brought the boy to the bank and
after reviving him by artificial res-
piration returned the child to his
Sgt. Kamins, who lives in Long
Beach, L. I., will return to the states
soon, after serving three-and-a-half
years in the Army, eight months of
them in Leyte, Luzon, Okinawa, and
For Peace and Prosperity-
Victory Bonds-To Have
and To Hold
Bought, Roted

islature, such as, at present, the
Full Employment bill or the Wagner-
Murray-Dingell bill for the extension
of social security.
"Finally they. inquire about so-
cial, political and economic prob-
lems in general." One group want-
ed to know about labor's obliga-
tions to society, which Mr. Stev-
ens considered a significant indica-
"The University assumes that la-
bor organizations will continue to be
a fundamental part of society. As
such, they constitute a continuous
challenge to the adult education fa-
cilities of the state.
"The University does not in any
way extend unionism, Mr. Stevens
said, since it is already present when
the work is begun. The field of sub-
ject matter covered by the work does
not include the primary negotiation
of contracts with management and
the program is therefore unaffected
by labor-management controversies."
The program also includes classes
on any specific topic or problem re-
quested. Classes are given in public
speaking, parliamentary law, col-
lective bargaining, time study,
stewardship training, history of the
labor movement, labor legislation,
labor journalism, union. adminis-

tration, and even photography. The
classes are given for a period of
six weeks, one evening each week.
"We are especially proud," Mr.
Stevens pointed out, "of the work be-
ing done in giving the union stewards
better acquaintance with the terms
of the union contract and training in
the methods of presenting griev-
ances to the foremen. This can pre-
vent much of the preliminary ten-
dency toward work stoppages."

Seaiwon , ree ]
Learn to fly during your Christmnas holiday.
Certified, experienced instructors .
Well-kept planes . . . Reasonable rates.
IdleyFyng Service
Dealer for Aeronca - Bellanca - Commonwealth.
Municipal Airport - 4320 South State, Road
Ann Arbor Phone 25-8825

Our new location will he
after Jan. 1, 1946.
320 E. Liberty Phone 3533
We've Won the War-But
the Cost Goes On-Buy

Sea on A qeei





at Ma'ynuardl


Thte Man's Magazine
Get the big January issue
at your favorite newsstand now
"If I'm missing, don't believe it. "Pappy's" famous Black Sheep
I'll turn up to buy the drinks in SquadronofMarineflyersjustabout
San Diego." But "Pappy" van- decided that even" Pappy" couldn't
ished on his last flight, the day make it. But he did, and here's his
after he had become America's top story-his first magazine piece-
ace. Twenty months of silence written for True and you. It's
dragged by, and the boys in unique reading-
I'll Buy the Drinks, Boys
by Lti. C. Gr.pory ("Pppy") syinrfag, USMC






11. Allen Smith is a funny man. He gets paid for it.
He writes best-selling humorous books. This is his first magazine
article in more than a year. Mr. Smith tells why he has given
up playing the geegees-well, almost given up. There's a
Chinaman in his story. You'll like and laugh at
No Horse Can Do That to Me
by H. AIle, Smith

A floating palace of gin and sin, the big New York newspaper said,
and proceeded to give a reporter's eye-witness low- down on the
high sinks aboard. Eye-witness, your eye! It was a hoax. It's one
of the notable newspaper hoaxe bundled together to amuse you in
News Out of Their Hats ar.v

U -


Will Oursler. TRUE's Pa-
cific correspondent, says
the Japs know they lost.
Lost what? They don't
think they lost the war! In
this amazing Report to
the Editor, Will Oursler
tells the hard, cold truth
that this country had bet-

I 1 A beautiful reproduction of
Dean Cornwetl's
remarkable original oil paintinig of
Ernie Pyle
"Peace - Christmas, 1945"
painted for
only in fw
And of course
Another original Petty Girl
only in


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