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December 20, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-20

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Fifty-Sixth Year

MacArthur Declined Request




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Ray Dixon. . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Betty Roth...... .. .. .. .. Editorial Director
Margaret Farmer.... . . . . . Associate Editor
Arthur J. Kraft .... .... . Associate Editor
Bill Mullendore . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Mary Lu Heath . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz ............Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff
Dorothy Flint t . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Colege Publishers Representative
420 MI osoN AvE. 'New YORK,. N.Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


The issue of general education versus special-
ized education resolves itself into a question
of the role of higher education in society.
There is almost universal agreement that
students in liberal arts colleges should acquire
a common background of knowledge some-
where along the line. But methods vary.- -
Some favor survey courses; others favor broad-
ening the scope of existing introductory courses.
Some favor more required courses; others would
provide for more adequate counseling.
No matter what methods are advocated for
securing the position of general education in the
curriculum, it is invariably subordinated to the
interests of specialization (Chicago, Harvard and
Princeton are notable exceptions).
Society has need of specialists, and it is a
function of higher education to provide them.
But higher education is also responsible for
training good citizens-and good citizens must
have a common background of knowledge in
order to solve society's problems.
The present situation in the traditional liberal
arts college may be caricatured thus:
The new crop of freshmen enter the front
door hand-in-hand. Four years later they leave
by a variety of doors, fire escapes and windows.
We believe that the role of providing good citi-
zens is equally important as the role of providing
specialists. Therefore, we believe that general ed-
ucation should be established in a curriculum as
more than a grudging concession on the part
of the existing departments.
If the dual role of higher education is recog-
nized, the trend, as exemplified by Chicago,
Harvard and Princeton, will continue.
-Clayton L. Dickey
Service Merger
The squabble over the unification of the armed
services has become ridiculous. The basic idea
of gaining the most satisfactory national defense
has been subordinated to a worry for the glory
of the particular services. Maintaining the grand-
eur of navy blue and gold seems to be the great-
est objective.
The Army's plan is for unification, with co-
equal chiefs of land, sea, and air under a chief
of armed forces responsible to a civilian Sec-
retary of National Defense. The paramount
consideration at times would be the safety of
the nation.
The Navy's protest against unification has been
phrased in ways that indicate the Navy is more
interested in the Navy than in the defense of
the country. Compare General Eisenhower's
statement that "... there is no such thing as a
separate land, sea,Ior air war; therefore we must
recognize this fact by establishing a single de-
partment of the armed forces," with Admiral
King's statement that "the Navy has a right to
its own cabinet member."
As General Eisenhower has pointed out, unifi-
cation of the services would mean a well rounded
military program in which each branch would be
administered under a single direction. There
would be unity in doctrine and training, unity in
research and development. And there would cease
to be duplication, overlapping, rivalry, and con-
flicts in the procurement of men. A unified com-
mand would eliminate bickering.
The Navy's interest in the Navy exemplifies
fine spirit. But the advantages to be gained by

EDITOR'S NOTE: Douglas Aircraft has requested
the publication of the following statement in con-
nection with yesterday's Merry-Go-Round which re-
ferred to a visit made by a Japanese general to the
Douglas plant.
The Japanese general mentioned by Drew
Pearson, and all other foreign visitors, were ad-
mitted to the Douglas plant only after request
of the State and War departments. Under Army
regulations, the company cannot permit non-
citizens to visit any Douglas plant except through
special permission, the mechanics of which are
as follows:
The foreign government makes formal request
to State Department naming person and the de-
sired date of visit. If approved, the State De-
partment transmits the request to 'the War De-
partment, which either approves or disapproves
the request. If approved, the War Department
then notifies its Army representative at the plant
to permit the visit under restrictions prescribed
by the air forces and only on the date specified.
The company plays no part and has no authority
in granting permission and is merely advised by
the Army's representative of the time of visit.
All foreign visitors are escorted through the plant
by the Army air forces' representatives who pre-
scribe the route of plant tour and exclude from
the visit any production considered confidential
or of military value. We are confident this
procedure was employed in the visit under dis-
cussion by Mr. Pearson and that if he will take
the trouble to check War Department records
he will discover that this visitor and others of his
type had received permission to visit many other
plants in the United States. Under the circum-
stances we feel that any undue emphasis placed
at this time on the visit to the Douglas plant is
unwarranted and unfair to the company.
** * *
WASHINGTON. - Only a handful of people
know it, but Gen. Douglas MacArthur is
about the only man who ever declined a presi-
dential order to come to Washington to confer
with the President of the United States.
The incident occurred about two months ago
when Washington and MacArthur were having
trouble over the carrying out of directives and
at the time when under Secretary of State
Dean Acheson rebuffed MacArthur with the
reminder that he was to carry out policy, not
make it.
At about that time, Truman sent the general
a message asking him to come home for consul-
tation. MacArthur replied to the commander-in-
chief that he had a great deal to do in Japan and
espectfully asked if he could defer the trip until
The President did not make an issue of the
matter, but sent Assistant Secretary of War
McCloy to Tokyo to straighten out the snarled
problems Since then relations have greatly im-
However, MacArthur is stillthe only general
who causes the War Department to maintain a
special office for "the drafting of polite mes-
sages." Whereas routine orders are sent to
most generals in the field, every communica-
tion to MacArthur is first sent to a special
office to be rewritten into careful diplomatic
Storm Over Snyder
NOT SINCE the turbulent days when Jesse
Jones was battling it out with FDR has so
much inner-circle criticism been heaped on the
head of one man in government - in this case
semi-somnolent John Snyder of St. Louis, the
alleged reconversion czar.
Almost every man close to Truman has urged
the President to give Snyder the gate. Even Bob
Hannegan, who also comes from St. Louis, is
bitterly critical of his fellow townsman and has
told Truman that if real progress is to be made
in reconversion, Snyder must go.
Unfortunate fact is that almost every impor-
tant economic step taken by the government,
toward reconversion must clear through Sny-
der. He is the bottleneck. And many of the
policices he sets boomerang into woeful mis-
It was Snyder, for instance, who, with the sup-
port of Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach, urged
the termination of the War Labor Board. Secre-
tary of the Treasury Vinson vigorously opposed
this. He argued that after the war, labor prob-
lems would be more difficult than ever and an

agency such as the War Labor Board, trusted by
both labor and management, was absolutely
Snyder and Schwellenbach, however, wanted
to go back to old-fashioned collective bargain-
ing. They won. Result: Truman later begged
and implored the War Labor Board to remain.
And today he is trying to get Congress to pass
a bill setting up fact-finding commissions,
which actually will be the old War Labor Board
under another name.
n yder Rumbles
AGAIN it was the bumbling Snyder who took
the controls off housing, despite strong advice
to the contrary from Secretary Vinson. Instead,
Snyder brought in Hugh Potter, former president
of the National Association of Real Estate Boards
and one of the nation's largest speculative build-
ers. Potter is now known in Washington as the
"90-day wonder," because, during the 90 days he'
served as a government adviser, he secured the
removal of building controls, one of the biggest
boons to his industry, but now recognized as a

major mistake and recently reversed by Truman.
No president can afford to make so many
major mistakes - even though he is green at
the game. Naturally every president has to
rely on others for advice, but when an adviser
gets him into constant hot water - to say
nothing of the nation - that adviser should go.
This is what Hannegan and other Truman ad-
visers have been telling the President so con-
stantly that he is tired of the subject. Privately,
the President feels that Snyder realizes he has
been a failure, and that in due time he will
bow out.
NOTE - It was reported that Snyder was
going back to his First National Bank in St.
Louis around Jan. 1, but now word comes from
St. Louis that the directors may not relish his
(copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Hunger in Europe
THE UNITED STATES ARMY fears food riots
in Germany this winter, and is doing what it
can to keep Germans in a non-rioting frame of
mind. Food is being shipped. and stockpiled;
and, at a ceremony last Saturday in Frankfort
on the Main, Brigadier General Hester turned
over to German civilian officials the entire job
of receiving, unloading, storing and distributing
American foodstuffs.
This is a great boost for the Germans; they
are receiving not only food, but more responsi-
bility. The food shipments will not be of spec-
tacular size, and are not likely to push the
German diet above 1560 calories; but it is plain,
that, within those limits, we are doing our best
to make this as smooth and riotless a winter
in the Reich as is possible. We are all out for
law and order; and there are Americans who
are already saying that if 1550 callories won't
do it, we ought to try 2000; 2000 might turn
the trick.
In view of this intense concern, it is faintly
puzzling to note what sometimes seems like
American indifference to the danger of winter
riots in other parts of Europe, some of them
potentially much more serious than riots against
the occupation forces. Riots in France and Italy
would have a shocking meaning; for these would
be riots against Europe's first tries at demo-
cratic government.
They would be riots expressive of popllar
disappointment in democracy, and that would
be a much greater disaster for the world than
riots against military authority, much as we
would like to avoid the latter, for the sake of
our men. The point seems to be missed by
some Americans who are buzzing about the
need for relieving Germany; such as, for ex-
ample, the thirty-four Senators who have ap-
pealed to Mr. Truman to send more food to
the Reich at once.
gent, says that France faces the problem of
curbing serious domestic disorders this winter.
Bread will have to be rationed again in January,
he warns, unless more wheat arrives from the
United States and Canada in the next two weeks.
This is not charity food, for the French have
declined to accept UNRRA aid. It is more a
question of allocations and shipping space; and
it is perfectly possible that if ships which are
scheduled to go to Bremen with food to curb
riots in Germany, were diverted to Le Havre in-
stead, the effect might be to avoid riots in
France. Where do we want our riots? Shall we
pick?' Eeny meeny?
The question is that narrow, and that close,
Sand that pressing. The choice is not pretty,
but then Europe is not pretty at the moment;
and we ought to know, somewhere deep inside
ourselves, that it is a choice. Enemies of democ-
racy in France (who buy at the black market,
anyway) will not mind seeing riots against
France's first postwar try at free government,
and they will stir, and whisper, and be glad.
The situation is even worse in Italy, where,
after the Parri government fell, signs appeared
on the walls of Rome saying: "While potatoes
sell at 50 cents per kilo, no government can hope
to remain in office."
Thus is stated, in the sharpest possible terms,
the connection between hunger in Italy this
winter, and the success of Italy's first essays at

democracy. Parri was a most promising premier,
but, in an atmosphere of growing uneasiness, he
fell, and with him there fell a bit of hope. If
Italians lose faith in the free political life that
has been developing fn their country, who will
say that that would not be a greater calamity for
our world than a civic disturbance in Germany?
It is not unfair to point out that the Army has
been getting certain stockpiles ready in Germany,
while UNRRA, which alone can save Italy, has
been forced to beg for its life, from week to week,
until the last desperate moment.
Germany should not be made to starve; but
if it ever comes to a close and horrid choice
as to how to allocate an emergency shipment,
the brutal fact of a brutal situation is that a
military occupation doesn't have to be liked,
whereas an uprising against democracy in
France and Italy would be a disorder that
would go rolling down' the decades. Eeny,
meeny; it would be a curious success if Ger-
many were quiet this winter, while men rose
against themselves in lands we have set free.
(Copyright, 1945, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Btj Ry ixon
FAR be it from us to throw a wet
towel on the rampant holiday
spirit, but The Daily received a card
the other day from a chap who signs1
himself as "Disgusted Student." We
think it bears consideration.
The Daily has a rule that no un-
signed Letters to the Editor will
be printed. This rule was adoptedt
for various reasons, including ourI
belief that no one who is afraid to1
sign his name could have much toI
say; that it is necessary that every
newspaper have a record of the;
source of every letter printed andt
that the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications has passed a rule
saying we can't do it even if weI
wanted to.I
But we're going to print this onet
anyway and we don't anticipate
many objections. In our opinion, the
fellow is all wrong and it should be
pointed out to him. Here is what his
card said:
"Gentlemen: What are we run-
ning here, a University or a tradet
school for shakedown artists? It's
getting so that a student can't
make his peaceful way about the1
campus without being buttonholed
at every intersection, and in every
corridor, and his pitiful purse put
in jeopardy by purveyors of every-
thing .from newspapers and maga-
zines to "tags" and amusement
tickets. Such solicitations for hand-
outs have long been decried by na-
tio naliconsumers organizations;
for atho ugh the filling of the tin
buckets must inevitably come from
the public generosity, it does not
necessarily follow that the same
high principles attend the empty-
ing operations . . even nice new
buckets have been known to leak.
Why not a campus "Community
Chest" drive, no oftener than once
each term, with receipts and ac-
counts properly handled by bonded
cashiers, to pool all legitimate
charity drives and dispense with
the present obnoxious, dubious clip
We can't quite see what you're soi
mad about, Disgusted Student. Itl
seems to us that your logic is almostr
as long-winded as' your sentences. Int
the first place, your comment about
the "emptying operations" is entirely
unfounded. Every drive or sale which
takes place on campus is held with
the approval and sanction of the
University. Students put in a lot of
good, hard, unselfish work into or-1
ganizing the various drives and cam-t
paigns and get virtually nothing for
it except maybe their names men-
tioned in the paper and the thanksf
of the recipients.
We place human decency at a
higher level than you seem to and
refuse to believe that anyone would
pilfer money which is collected for
those less fortunate than ourselves.
It is not a "clip system" as you{
so glibly describe it. Perhaps if
you could visit the top floor of Uni-
versity Hospital and see the mar-
velous workshop they have up there1
for crippled children (most of
whom are uncurable) you would
not begrudge the money you gavet
(or did you?) to Galens. Perhaps1
if you knew of the work they do at1
the Family and Children's Service
or the purposes to which they put
the money donated to the text-
bcok lending library or the Good-t
fellow fund, you might not be so
There will be other drives on cam-1
pus during the coming year. Eachf
one will be for a worthy, legitimate

purpose. As long as there are people
suffering in the world, there will be ac
concentrated effort to help them on
the part of those who are more for-
tunate. Perhaps your suggestion of
having one, all-out, concerted drivee
every year for all of the worthy char-
ities could be worked out. It will
bear the consideration of the new
student government which is aboutt
to be formed on campus.C
In -the meanwhile, we hope thatr
there will continue to be lots andI
lots of drives to gain monetary sup-s
ort for underprivileged people. Ift
they were not held, then we would,
in truth, be a Disgusted Student.
Use the WalksE
SHE exploration urge is upon the
students again. The once grassy
plots that surrounded the campus
buildings are crossed with ugly new t
routes by people seeking short cuts. t
The grounds keepers are short
staffed and need student coopera-I
tion. The amount of time saved byI
tramping new paths over'the grass
is negligible. Use the walks.
-Janis Goodman

THUR has issued an order to
abolish Shinto as the national relig-
ion of Japan. Over three months
have been spent on this document
since the first announcement from
Washington that it would be pre-
sented to the Japanese.
The chief aim of the order is to
separate the Shinto religion from ac-
tive government support; in addition,
no educational institution, no text-
book or new publication will be al-
lowed to contain the Shinto doctrine.
The order likewise prohibits the
spreading of the "militaristic and ul-
tra-nationalistic ideology" of Shinto
and any.other religious faith. This
attacks the officially sanctioned di-
vinity, of the Japanese Emperor as
well *as the supposed superiority of
the people of Japan.
'While the directive aims to end
government control over religion in
Japan, it has avoided conflicting with
individual worship. However, as
Shinto is to lack official sanction, it
will thus find itself on a par with
Christianity and Buddhism; and
the Japanese people are to have free-
dom in their choice of these or other
religious creeds. Likewise, it is ex-
pected that the Emperor will remain
the 'spiritual head of Japan" and


Publication in the Daily official ilul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to tie President,
1021 Angel hall, by 3:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. in. Sat-1
VOL. LVI, No. 40
All women students who are in AnnE
Arbor on Christmas Day are cordially
invited to an informal supper at myt
home, 1735 Washtenaw Avenue (Cor-1
ner of Cambridge Road) any time be-t
tween 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Alice C. Lloyd
Dean of Women
The Divisional Libraries will be1
closed Dec. 24 and 25 and will bef
open on a short scheduleDec. 26-29.
Hours of opening will be posted on
the doors.1
All libraries will resume regular#
schedules Dec. 31 and will be open
full time on New. Year's Day.-
During the University vacation, the
General Library will close at 6 p.m.
daily, beginning Friday, Dec. 21, and1
will be closed all day Dec. 24 and 25.-
There will be no Sunday Service. 1
The University Automobile Regula-
tion will be lifted for Junior Medical
students from Dec. 15, 1945 to Jan.
14, 1946.
For all other students in the Uni-
versity, the ruling will be suspended
for the Christmas vacation period,I
beginning at 12:00 noon on Friday,E
Dec. 21, 1945 and ending at 8:00 a.m.l
on Monday, Dec. 31, 1945.1
Women students wishing to returnt
to Ann Arbor, Dec. 30, on the traint
due at 12:37 a.m., must arrange late
permission with househeads in ad-t
vance. The regular Sunday closingt
hour of 11:00 p.m. is otherwise in ef-r
Closing hours for women studentsL
on Dec. 31 will be 1:30 a.m.
Faculty College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Friday,P
Dec. 21.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for freshmen
and sophomores and white cards for1
reporting juniors and seniors. Re-
ports of freshmen and sophomores
should be sent to 108 Mason Hall;
those of juniors and seniors to 1220
Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at midsem-'
ester is "D" or "E", not merely those
who receive "D" or "E" in so-called
midsemester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University should be reported1
to the school or college in which they1
are registered.
Additional cards may be had at 108
Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall.
Students, College of Engineering: ;
The final day for REMOVAL OF
INCOMPLETES will be Saturday,i
Jan. 5. Petitions for extension of7
time must be on file in the Secretary's
Office on or before Jan. 2.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
hp R!;fiirla'r, inn sA omr a m', "n az n

Phi Eta Sigma
A. V. C.
Graduate Council
Latin American Society
These contracts must be received
by Thursday, Dec. 20. The Michigan-
ensian will not guarantee insertion of
the page after that date.
To All Seniors Graduating on Feb-
ruary 23:
Commencement Announcement or-
ders will be taken upon full payment
during the week following Christmas
vacation. See sample copies on bulle-
tin boards in University Hall, Angell
Hall, Engineering, Music, and Educa-
tion Schools.
Admission to School of Business
Administration-Spring Semester
Applications for admission to the
School of Business Administration
for the Spring Semester MUST be
filed on or before Jan. 15 Information
and application blanks are available
in Room 108, Tappan Hall.
SENIORS: College of L. S. & A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and
Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for March
graduation have been posted on the
bulletin board in Room 4 University
Hall. If your name is misspelled or
the degree expected incorrect, please
notify the Counter Clerk.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Guy
Haynie Hill, Education; thesis: "A
Study of the Difficulties of Beginning
High School Teachers in Michigan."
on Friday, Dec. 21, East Council
Room, Rackham Building, at 4:00
p.m. Chairman, F. D. Curtis.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
Orientation Seminar will not meet
Math. Dept.
Veterans (World War II) Tutoring:
There are two Mathematics Tutor-
ing sections: One for those taking
Math. 6 and 7, meeting in Room 3010
Angell Hall; and another for stu-
dents in otherMath courses meeting
in Room 3011 Angell Hall.
From now on these sections will
meet from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday.
Differential Geometry Seminar:
Thursday, Dec. 20, 4:30 p.m., Room
3201 Angell Hall
Dr. S. S. Chern of the Institute for
Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jer-
sey, will be the speaker.
Tea at 4:00 p.m. in 3001 AH
Employment in Private Forestry
Seminars: Thistafternoon at 4:30 in
room 2039 Natural Science Building
the Forestry Employment Seminar
will be continued with a discussion of
Private Forestry by Professor Mat-
thews. This will be the first of a ser-
ies of meetings to be devoted to this
aspect of employment. All meetings
of this seminar are open to the fac-
ulty and members of the student
Events Today
The American Veterans Committee
will not meet this evening, because
of mid-semester examinations. The

that he will probably continue his
visits to the State Shrine as a pri-
vate individual.
Shinto in Japan has endured for
centuries - likewise has govern-
ment sponsorship of it. The Japan-
ese will now be able to worship as
individuals rather than as a spoke
in the government-turned wheel
of religion. But what has endured
through the ages cannot neces-
sarily be disrupted and changed in
this short time. General MacAr-
thur and his men have done well to
carry out the American ideal of the
separation of church and state,
but they have also let themselves in
for a task with a lengthy time fac-
tor involved.
-Joan de Carvajal
From the Grave
THE Declaration of Independence
has become so radical that the
mere reading of it has led to arrest.
"I didn't say that," said one victim,
"Thomas Jefferson said it." "Where
is that guy?" said the policeman.
"We'll get him too."
-"Let Freedom Ring"
Arthur Garfield Hayes

MacArthur Abolishes Shinto;
Takes on Formidable Task


That man who calle.d me on
the phone was working for a
dcgfood radio quiz. And l-

By Crockett Johnson

Iwanswered a question.
And guess what I won?

No, it was easy. But, what
do I want with one?... I
have to chase birds, now.

[ was saying, m' boy, if you
want a movie camera for
I r~l.,;. , A. -------------._.



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