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December 20, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-20

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See Page 6

VOL. LVI, No. 40

















Student Exchange
A nation-wide program aiming at international exchange of under-
graduate students and Government support of students while in a foreign
country was set up by the Veterans Organization, meeting yesterday at the
Letters explaining the program and requesting support have been sent
to universities throughout the country from the Veterans' Committee for
International Student Exchange. Various groups on campus are backing
the program, which was unanimously adopted by the VO.
"The program is concerned with creating public opinion on the
part of student organizations and social-minded groups in efforts to
have Congress pass legislation providing mass exchange of under-
graduate students," Homer E. Underwood, Director of the Executive
Committee, said yesterday.
"The foundation of our organization rests on the belief that inter-
national peace, understanding and cooperation is a product of intimate
and personal contact with peoples from foreign lands, and that 'one schol-
arship is worth a thousand guns'," the letter to student groups at other
universities states.
"However, a large-scale exchange of students is possible only with
state and federal assistance, and this is where we come into the picture.
As veterans we believe we can promote foreign student exchange where
other groups might fail," the letter continues.
It is hoped, however, that the program will soon have total student
representation on campus, Underwood pointed out.
Other members of the Veterans' International Student Exchange Com-
mittee are Henry Kaminski, chairman of the education committee; Warren
Wayne, chairman of the finance committee; and Stauros Scourles, chair-
man of the inter-cultural committee.
In order to inform people of the needs for student exchange, the
committee will sponsor an all-campus rally at 7:45 p.m., Jan. 17, in the
International Center. Foreign students will speak, representing the
interests of their countries in regard to student exchange.
The objectives of the Veterans' Committee for International Student
Exchange follows:'
Governing Articles:
Article 1. Objectives:
1. To promote a large scale exchange of undergraduate students be-
tween the government of the United States and other governments of the
2. To obtain legislation providing for living expenses, tuition, books
and other necessary expenses while the exchange student resides in a
foreign land.
3. To have those exchanged from the United States selected on the
basis of competitive examination.
4. To exercise student leadership in fostering a greater understanding
and cooperation of those students from foreign lands residing in the
United States.
5. To work for the establishment of a high minded fraternity of in-
ternational students.
6. To work with any group or agency advocating student exchange,
interested in international affairs as it pertains to education or con-
cerned with the role of education and religion in international affairs.
7. To encourage greater interest on the part of American students in
international problems and their relation to the customs, ideals, and phil-
osophies of foreign peoples.
8. To work for the establishment of a governmental agency concerned
solely with the coordination of private and institutional systems of schol-
arships in the United States.


Gala Affair
Will Feature
Gene Devine
Tickets To Be Sold
Through Dec.31
Horns, paper hats, and confetti will
insure a riotous welcome for 1946 at
the all-campus New Year's Eve Dance
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Monday, Dec.
31, at Waterman Gym.
Gene Devine and his Michigan
State College orchestra will be fea-
tured at the informal dance, which is
the only University-approved func-
tion for New Year's Eve. Women have
been granted 1:30 a.m. permission for
the event.
Ticket sales have been extended to
Monday, Dec. 31, because of the un-
expected lengthening of Christmas
vacation. Tickets may be purchased
in the lobbies of the Union and
Barbour Gym will be converted nito
a night club for the party with tables
set up for conversation and refresh-
ment. Multi-colored plumes and
streamers will decorate the ballroom
and all revelers will receive favors.
Devine's thirteen piece orchestra
is the featured campus band at M.S.C.
in Lansing, and this will be his first
appearance at the University. Mar-
garet McQueary takes over the Devine
vocal department, completing the
billing of "Thirteen Men and A Girl".
The fourth consecutive year that an
all-campus New Year's celebration
has been held, this year's affair will
See DANCE, Page 2
House Votes
NROTC Funds,
Michaux Hears
A bill to give the Navy extra ap-
propriations to continue the V-12-
NROTC program on an active basis
until July 1, 1946 has been passed by
the House of Representatives accord-
ing to a wire received yesterday by
Capt. Woodson Michaux, command-
ing officer of the University Naval
The proposal has gone to the Sen-
ate and is now in committee. When,
and if, the bill is passed by the Sen-
ate and enacted by the President, it
will extend the Naval program to
July 1, Capt. Michaux said.
Until the proposal becomes law, he
added, the University and the Navy
Unit will continue in preparation for
either eventuality.
Ho use Asks for
Opei. Palestine
Con gress Suggest
Governmental Action
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10---(P)-The
House approved today a Senate-
passed resolution calling on the Gov-
ernment to "use its good offices" with
Great Britain to permit free entry of
Jews into Palestine.
The legislation represents an ex-
pression of Congressional opinion
and is not binding on the President.
Passage came despite member ar-
guments that the bill:
(1) "Is a slap at the President,
State Department, and Great Brit-
ain;" (2) would provoke trouble with
Arabs in the Far East; and (3) would

promote anti-Semitism by aiding
creation of a Jewish statebin Pales-
SS Taited
NUERNBERG, Dec. 19-(!P)-The
notorious Nazi SS (Schutz-Staffel)
was trained to prepare all Germany
for brutal warfare, and at the same
time was used as a vast breeding or-
ganization to beget a new genera-

FLINT CITL, MICH., Policemen form a protected pathway for General Motors office workers (center civil-
ian clothes) reporting for work at a struck plant. Police had to crack a CIO-Auto Workers picket line to make

* * *

* * *

* * *

Prof. Palmer Says Wages Can Be Raised*
Question of G.M. Profits Stalls Fact Board

837,000 Persons
.Affected by New
Point Reduction
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19- (P) -
Further reductions in discharge re-
quirements making 837,000 more per-
sons eligible for release, were an-
nounced today by the Army and
The Army point score will be cut
on Dec. 31 from 55 to 50 points for
enlisted men and from 73 to 70 for
officers. Six hundred thousand men
and women will become eligible for
separation in that branch.
Navy to Release 237,000
The Navy program will release
237,000 more persons between now
and Feb. 2. Critical scores in the
Navy drop Jan. 1 to 36 for enlisted
men and 43 for officers; to 23 for
enlisted WAVES and 29 for WAVE
officers. These are one-point reduc-
tions from the present scores.
All fathers were made draft-ex-
empt tooy by the. new program.
Further one-point reductions go
into effect Jan. 15 and Feb. 2 for
most enlisted men, and for WAVE
personnel on Feb. 2.
One-third Out Now
The Navy's schedule calls for re-
lease by Feb. 1 of half the 3,000,000
subject to demobilizatio , and by
April 1 of two-thirds. One-third are
out now.
In the Army the length of service
required after Dec. 31 for separation
of enlisted men will be reduced from
48 to 42 months and from 51 to 48
months for male officers except
Medical Department officers.
Legislature To Have
$27 Million Surplus
LANSING, Dec. 19-(P)-Governor
Kelly reported today that Auditor

Revision of G.I.
Bill Eases Rpules
On Education
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 - -()_
Congress passed a broad revision of
the G.I. Bill of Rights today, liberal-
izing rules on loans and education for
The measure, amending the orig-
inal law of last year benefitting veter-
ans of World War II, now goes to the
White House.
The House adopted it, 134 to 23, on
a standing vote, and the Senate
shouted its approval a short time
later. It was a compromise after
weeks of heated controversy.
One purpose was to simplify the
law. New features include:
1. Removal of a requirement that
tuition fees, unemployment com-
pensation and defaults on loans be
deducted from any future federal
2. Increase in subsistence allow-
ance for G. I. students from $50 to
$65 monthly to those unmarried and
$75 to $90 for those married;
3. Expense - paid correspondence
courses and short technical courses;
4. Removal of a requirement
that men over 25 must show their
education was interfered with to be
eligible for educational benefits;
Real estate loans to be arranged by
recognized lending agencies, the vet-
eran and the local appraiser of the
veterans administration, an agree-
ment of the three to be binding on
the administration. Business loans
still would require administration ap-
7. Easing up on loans by substi-
tuting 'reasonable value" of prop=
erty as the basic consideration in-
stead of "normal reasonable value";
8. Additional purposes for which a
loan may be obtained and more time
to pay back a real estate loan;
9. Americans who fought for Al-

Lalbor Produictivit.y
Determines icease
''Wages can be raised without rais-
ing prices, to the extent that labor
productivity increases," Prof. William
B. Palmer of the economics depart-
ment said yesterday.
"It would be a grave mistake to re-
move price controls before there is
sufficient production to meet con-
sumer demands," Prof. Palmer said.
"Just as government assistance was
needed in the shift to war production,
government controls are needed in
converting to peacetime production,"
he pointed out.
"We ,may expect an increase in
labor productivity for several rea-
sons," Prof. Palmer said. "Less ef-
ficient workers, such as untrained
workers and old people, will retire
from the labor market, now that
the war is over. Employers may be
expected to produce more afficient-
ly since they will be producing for
private competitve markets rather
than under government contracts,"
he declared.
Rejection of Ford
Wage Offer Expected
DETROIT, Dec. 19-(P)-The CIO
United Automobile Workers union
probably will formally reject the Ford
Motor Company's 12.4 per cent wage
rate increase offer at tomorrow's
meeting of management and union
The union, demanding a 30 per
cent increase from the nation's car
makers, already has informally
turned down the Ford offer, made
C yesterday. Highest increase yet pro-
posed by management in the current
wage fight in the industry, the offer
was described by Richard T. Leon-
ard, UAW-CIO Fordbdirector, as
"completely unacceptable."
Ford offered what company offi-
cials termed a 15 cents an hour in-
crease. General Motors, whose plants
throughout the country have been
tied up by a UAW-CIO strike for
nearly a month, previously had of-
fered a 10 per cent increase,

J {
"It will be desirable to retain price
ceilings on new houses and rent con-
trols on old dwellings in order to pre-
vent a speculative boom in real es-
tate, such as occurred after the last
war," Prof. Palmer said. "However,
some revision of rent ceilings may be
justified due to higher costs of build-
ing materials and other increased
production costs," he said.
A single date cannot be set for
the removal of all price controls,
because it will take some industries
longer than others to resume pro-
duction, Prof. Palmer said.
Delay in settling strikes will slow
up reconversion and necessitate
longer retention of price controls,
he concluded.I
Pearl Harbor
Group Asks To
Continue Pxobe
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19-(P)-The
joint Senate-House committee inves-
tigating Pearl Harbor decided tonight
to ask Congress for authority to con-
tinue its inquiryand complete hear-
ings by Feb. 15.
The committee now is operating
under a resolution requiring a report
and conclusions by Jan. 3.
The extension of time was decided
in, an executive session and an-
nounced by Chairman Barkley
Senator Ferguson (R-Mich) voted
against the Feb. 15 extension, con-
tending that more time than that
would be needed.
The committee authorized Barkley
-as he put it-"to cruise around in
legal circles" for new counsel.
William D. Mitchell, former Attor-
ney General, and his staff have re-
signed effective Jan. 3 on the ground
that the committee was taking too
much time in its. cross examination
of witnesses.
The committee received evidence
today that the Army feared a Ger-
man-Japanese move into South
America in June, 1940, screened by a
naval raid on Pearl Harbor and sabo-
tage of the Panama Canal.

UAW Asks Study
Of Price-Gain Phase
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 - The
question of profits and prices and
their relation to wage increases
stalled the General Motors fact-find-
ing board today.
Chairman Lloyd K. Garrison of the
GM panel said that at conferences
today the CIO United Automobile
workers insisted that the board study
the profit-price phase of the dispute
involving union demands for a 30
per cent wage increase. On the other
hand, the company flatly opposed
raising the issue.
The oil wage fact-finding body now
is in recess pending a statement of
White House policy on whether fed-
eral fact-finding boards should take
possible price increases into consid-
eration when recommending a wage
Garrison emphasized that unlike
the oil panel, the GM board would
decide the price-profits question on
its own.
GM Strike Backed
By Student Group
Backing the current strike against
General Motors, a group of Univer-
sity students acting as individuals
sent a sum of money yesterday to
Walter Reuther, vice-president of the
The following letter accompanied
the donation:
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Dec. 19, 1945.
Mr. Walter A. Reuther,
Vice President UAW (CIO)
Detroit, Michigan
Dear Mr. Reuther:
A very small group of students
collected the money enclosed at the
University of Michigan to help in
the current strike against the Gen-
eral Motors Corp. We fully under-
stand that the winning or losing of
your battle for purchasing power
for the American people is impor-
tant to us as students.
Hoping for a speedy victory of
American workers over greedy cor-
porations, we remain your staunch

Special Trips
To New York,
Boston Listed
Holiday Extension
To Ease Situation
Special trains are scheduled today
for students bound East, Herbert
Watkins, Assistant Secretary to the
University, announced yesterday fol-
lowing the decision of the Deans to
dismiss classes for Christmas vaca-
tion at noon today.
Michigan Central will run a spe-
cial train leaving here at 3 p.m. to-
day for Boston, New York and other
Eastern cities. An extra run to De-
troit only is planned for 3:20 p.m. to-
day and tomorrow, and regular trains
will leave as scheduled both days.
Extra Sections Taken
However, the extra sections which
Wolverine, Twilight and Mercury
trains would normally have Friday
were taken ovtr by the Government
for use in transporting troops from
the West Coast.
The emergency situation caused by
the Government's requisition of 100
coaches in this area brought about
the extended vacation. Notice of the
requisition reached the University at
9:30 a. m., and a Deans' meeting was
called at 11 am.
"Only Just Way"
After considering various ways of
staggering runs, the Deans decided
that "the only just wa" to avoid the
possibility of students being stranded
here was to dismiss classes after noon
today and ask that students living
near Ann Arbor give 'others first
chance at accommodations.
"It is hoped that not all students
will try to get out of town today," Dr.
Robbins, Assistant to President Ruth-
ven, said.
"The three-cut rule will apply to
absences Thursday morning and
Monday morning, Dec. 31," Dean E.
A. Walter announced yesterday.
Members Vote
Dissolution of
Book Exchange
Members of the Student Book Ex-
echange voted to dissolve their organ-
ization at a meeting last night at
the Union.
Records of the Exchange and pow-
ers to carry out remaining functions
for the group were delegated to presi-
dent Wayne Saari, treasurer Malcol~m
Roemer and publicity chairman Nan-
cy McKaye.
The group also voted to contribute
its remaining funds to the student
government organization, if one is set
up before the end of June, 1946, or
otherwise to the SOIC-WSSF book
fund. The three officers, who were
named as a board of trustees,'are to
carry out these directions.
The group desided to dissolve itself
since it was recently denied official
recognition by the student affairs
committee. At the suggestion of this
latter group, the board of governors
of the Union decided to have the
Union organize a book exchange for
next semester.
According to treasurer Malcolm
Roemer, checks totaling several hun-
dred dollars have not yet been cashed
by persons for whom the Exchange
sold books at the beginning of this
40 To Finish

JAG Training

Vets A ided in Finding Desired Jobs;

To Be Held


Almost as soon as they learn that
they are to be discharged, former
Michigan students ask the University
Bureau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information to help them find
Practically all of them, according
to Dr. T. Luther Purdom, Director of

shortages of personnel throughout the
war are now seeking the services of
these veterans. For instance, John
Brennan, who was an all-Conference
football guard here, was placed as a
coach in Adrian within two weeks
after his discharge. A former WAC
sergeant applied for a teaching po-

who used to be an adviser in Wen-
ley House, now has a counseling
job with this organization.
Some of the veterans desire work
in definite areas. Because of the Bu-
reau's widespread contacts with over
900 industries, business, and similar
agencies in secondary schools of edu-

Forty members of the 26th Officer
Candidate Class in the Judge Advo-
cate General's School, will be gradu-
ated at 10 a.m. tomorrow in Hutchins
Major General Thomas H. Green,
Judge Advocate General of the Army,
will deliver the convocation address
and present certificates to the candi-
dates, who have completed an eight-
week advr anc,~yed r1 avirnino oniirsein the

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