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December 19, 1945 - Image 1

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*43a i4




School Organizes
Governing Body
Business Administration Students Set up
Committee To Coordinate Activities
Student government received new impetus in the School of Business
Administration yesterday with the setting-up of a student organization
headed by a committee to coordinate general activities.
Last year a more or less informal organization existed, but during sev-
eral of the war years there has none at all because most of the students
were naval trainees. Now that civilians again comprise a majority of the
more than 300 students, plans for a new, representative organization are
Wunder way.

Once in a
Blue Moon
Students were left in the dark
from approximately 8:30 to 10
p.m. yesterday by a total eclipse
of the moon.
The phenomenon marked the
first total eclipse visible--or not
visible-in the United States since
Aug. 26, 1942.
Tickets Go On
Sale for New
Year's Dance

Building Fund Requested by 'U';

UAW Rejects
New Increase
Offered by Ford
ByThe Associated Press
DETROIT, Dec.. 18 - The CIO
United Automobile Workers today re-
jected a 12.4 per cent wage rate in-
crease offer by the Ford Motor Co.
The rejection came less than an
hour after the Ford Company an-
nounced the offer while representa-
tives of management and union were
meeting on the UAW-CIO demand
for a 30 per cent wage rate increase.
Hourly Wage Increase
Ford estimated its increase offer
at 15 cents an hour to all production
workers. The GM offer was esti-
mated by the management to amount
to,131/2 cents an hour.
Tbe Ford offer and its rejection
brought no immediate comment from
General Motors officials. Most of
them were en route tonight to Wash-
ington for the opening of hearings
tomorrow by a fact-finding commis-
sion appointed by President Truman
to study the GM dispute.
Ford Sets Conditions
The Ford offer was coupled with a
condition that it become effective for
a period of two years at the begin-
ning of the calendar month during
which production of all Ford vehicles,
cars and trucks reached or exceeded
80,000 units monthly. The Ford nor-
mal peacetime output is in excess of
120,000 units a month.
The proposal also stipulated elimi-
nation ofunauthorized work stop-
pages, an agreement regarding man-
agement prerogatives, and a reduc-
tion in the number of union com-
mitteemen. It also included a new
"company security", plan, providing
penalties against individual workers
and the union for unauthorized work
USES Finds
Jobs in City for
308 Veterans
City job placements for veterans
increased to 33 for November, making
a total of 308 this year, the U. S. Em-
ployment Service announced Yester-
Nearly 5,2000 placements were
made in Michigan during November;
the number of veterans placed has
increased each month since Jan. 1,
State Manager Laurence Hamburg
announced. Each of the 71 offices
has a veterans' employment repre-
sentative, and mOst offices employ
veterans as couhi;eo and interview-
In addition to the job placements,
17,255 placement assists were made
in the state during November.
"Veterans are urged to come into
the USES office for a discussion of
their problems or matching of their
skills to the right job," W. J. Morri-
son, Veterans Employment represen-
tative here said.
Veterans Will Hold
Business Meeting
The Veterans' Organization will
hold its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 316 of the Union at
which a report will be given by a
committee regarding the Veterans'
International Student Exchange.
Other reports will be given on the
housing situation, and the coopera-
tive eating establishment.
All V.-O. members and any veter-
ans of World War II interested in
membership are urged to attend this

Directory Goes
On Sale Today

Members of the student committee,
elected yesterday, are: Seniors, Mar-
ian Swarthout and Ralph Neely;
Juniors, Robert Gardner and Dun-
can Noble; NROTC representative,
Benjamin Lockhart; and representa-
tive of candidates for Master Degree,
Robert Dunlap.
Purposes and objectives of the
committee as formulated by the tem-
porary committee in chare of the
student elections are as follows:
1. To assist students in class prob-
2. To work in close cooperation
with the faculty.
3. To sponsor school social af-
4. To coordinate the association's
activities with other campus activi-
5. To represent the students of the
business school of the University.
6. To cooperate with student bod-
ies of other business schools in the
7. To assist the business school in
developing a greater alumni organi-
8. To assist in the placement of
graduates of the school.
Judges Heckle
At Nazi Trial
By The Associated Press
NUERNBERG, Dec. 18-Openly ir-
ritated judges on the international
military tribunal heckled American
prosecutors today over the abun-
dance of documentary evidence, and
cast doubts on parts of the United
States case against lower-level Nazi
groups which the prosecution seeks
to convict along with the 21 top Nazi
Justice Robert H. Jackson's staff
completed the case against the Nazi
party leadership corps.
Evidence Termed Cumulative
As assistant U. S. prosecutor Rob-
ert G. Storey took up the case against
the Nazi cabinet, Lord Justice Geof-
frey Lawrence, presiding, complained
that the bulk of the evidence Col.
Storey offered was cumulative.
When Col. Storey started reading
a list of those who participated in
Nazi cabinet defense council meet-
ings, Justice Francis J. Biddle in-
quired caustically: "What will that
The prosecution said it would show
the roles of the accused in issuing de-
crees. Biddle queried again: "And
what will that show?"
Legal Problem
The present phase of the trial-
that of presenting evidence against
the principal Nazi organizations-
has been one of the hottest legal
problems of the trial, with the Ameri-
cans standing alone in an effort to
punish a half-million or more Nazi
underlings for their part in the vast
party program of persecution and ex-
Earlier in the day Alfred Rosen-
berg, Nazi propagandist, and Goering
were described as common thieves
who had vied with each other in
stealing works of art from helpless,
conquered people.
Ernst Kaltenbrunner, former Nazi
chief of the criminal police, who has
been absent from the defendants'
box for the past two days, has had
another cranial hemorrhage. An of-
ficial medical report said he may
have to be returned to an Army hos-

Granted for

Until 1:30

Tickets for the huge all-campus
New Year's Eve Dance, from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Dec. 31 at Waterman Gym,
will be sold today, tomorrow, and
Friday at the main desks of the Un-
ion League.
Gene DeVine and his 13 piece
Michigan State College orchestra will
be featured at the informal dance.
Late Permission
The only University approved
function for New Year's Eve, women
have been granted 1:30 a.m. permis-
The fourth consecutive year that
students have had to spend New
Year's Eve on campus, the affair will
be the last party of its kind since the
University will return to its peace-
time schedule next year.
Night Club Atmosphere
Barbour Gym will be converted
into a night club with tables set up
for conversation and refreshment.
Paper hats, horns and confetti will
be in abundance at the gala party,
and the ballroom will be decorated
with Multi-colored plumes and
Sponsored by the League and Un-
ion Councils, the co-chairmen of the
event are Nora MacLaughlin and
DickRoeder.BDecorations willtbe
handled by Betty Vaughn; patrons
by Dottie Wantz; the night club by
Marian Johnson; refreshments by
Helen Alpert; tickets by Gloria Mc-
Leroy; posters by Delores Massey;
and publicity by Lynne Ford.
Center Plans
Holiday Party
The annual Christmas Tre Party
for children of foreign students, their
parents, and friends will be held at 7
p.m. Sunday at the International
Center, Dr. Esson M. Gale, director
of the International Center an-
nounced yesterday.
Santa Claus, portrayed by a popu-
lar female impersonator long associ-
ated with the Center, will act as host-
ess to the children and will have pres-
ents for them.
Christmas carols sung by the choir
of the First Presbyterian Church will
open the program. Especially adapted
children's movies will be shown.
*1 * *
Holiday Concert
WillBe Given
The Women's Glee Club directed
by Marguerite Hood and the Men's
Glee Club directed by David Mattern
will present a joint Christmas con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. today in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The program will consist of the
Christmas story in song, a group of
folk carols and modern Christmas
Hoover Deadlock
Remains Unbroken
The deadlock remained unbroken
today in the Hoover Ball Bearing
Co. UAW-CIO strike as a labor-man-
agement meeting with the U. S. Con-
ciliator gained no major concession
from either side.
A further meeting is scheduled for
Dec. 26.

Issue Brought
To Light after
Game with Utah U-S. Pa
Oosterbaan Receives edged toda
Oostebaanby the An
Call from New York "that had
(Daily Sports Editor) Nazi W
Professional gambling on intercol- NUERN
legiate basketball games, a more or mitted secr
less dead issue since the Brooklyntthdt e
College scandal of last winter, came tack, that
to life again here yesterday as an per cent of
aftermath of Monday's game between learned to
Michigan and the University of Utah.
Bennie Oosterbaan, Michigan's Vet HoU
head basketball coach, reported re-
ceiving a long distance telephone call WASHJ
from New York, hotbed of the nation- temporary
al gambling syndicate, immediately
following the game Monday night. Britain
Score Not Released
Wolverine trainer, Ray Roberts, LONDO
who took the call, refused the re- tance of thi
quest for the final score of the days of del
contest in line with an established erbrook.
Athletic Department policy.
"Of course, we can't say for cer- Lord ".1
tain that the gambling interests were
responsible for the call," OOsterbaan LONDO
said, "but, frankly, I believe they Haw" of t
"Just a fan" the Nazis,
The caller, who identified himselfP
as "just a fan", telephoned at 8:45 UNO P
p.m., the exact time at which the WASH]
game, won by Michigan, 48-32, was this count
completed. "I was interested, that's call vote ca
all", he said, before hanging up.
"It is hard to imagine any 'fan' representa
calling us all the way from New York, sanctions
especially at the very minute the
game was over, to find out the score
of one of our games," Oosterbaan C in
commented. "You can be pretty sure
he represented some gambling syn-
dicate." Need
Previous Gambling Suspected
The Michigan coach pointed out S
that this was nt the first instance of
suspected gambling -here. "We had CHUNG
the same sort of thing happen last No. 2 Com
year, and at other times in the past," with the N
he said. "We adopted the policy of re- that ane
(See BASKETBALL'S, Page 3) China's fir
en-man d
Thu ''demand
Sigma Rho Seeks Agr
. Gen. Ch
he would s
ment bef
Navy Man Hits at peace sessi
he would i
Unified Service Plan the first it
A date fo
Addressing members of Sigma Rho been set.
Tau, Lt.-Com. Glen H. Easton, re- Chou s
tired Naval officer, said last night munist air
that the proposed merger of the nationaliz
Army and Navy was the outgrowth of and legalis
competition for money, ties."
The Army is afraid of being re-
duced to skeleton size, Com. Easton Fighting i
said. They are afraid of a repetition Chinese
of the 1920's, when they received in- while rep
sufficient funds. This plan for uni- in south
fication would put the Army on top, where Con
Com. Eaton asserted, and would ul
timately result in the Navy being
subordinated. H on(
A unified service would be bad for
morale, Com. Easton declared, add-
ing that it would eliminate the
"healthy competition" that exists be-
tween the services. Twenty
The Navy proposal doesn't object Alpha Iot
to unification at the top, Com. Easton ity, Sund
said. The Navy wants to keep the home of M
Secretary of War and the Secretary side Court
of the Navy as separate posts, how- Presidin
ever. The Navy plan would have the president',
chiefs of staff, including a new chief Those :
of staff for air work together, but the BarbaraI
separate services and the distinctive Arlene Bu

uniforms would be retained, Com. Jean Clar
Easton pointed out. Goering, N
Illustrating the defects of the lick, Jean
Army's sweeping unification plan, Edna Ma
Com. Easton said it was hatched in beth Rob
the Pentagon Building without con- garet Sim
sultation of Naval officers. Ruth Wolk

Gamblers Suspected

World News at a Glance
arty to Java Strife
NGTON, Dec. 18-(M)-A State Department spokesman acknowl-
y that the decision to send British troops into Indonesia was made
lo-American combined chiefs-of-staff. He added, however, that
nothing to do with the present fighting going on there."
ar Losses Revealed
rBERG, Dec. 18-(P)-The German Army High Command ad-
retly just before its last great gamble, the Ardennes counter-at-
Germany had lost 3,544,284 men killed or missing in action-65
them on the Soviet front-in more than five years of war, it was
day from a Nazi document.
* * * * * *
using Plan Approved
INGTON, Dec. 18-(P)-The House today approved a $160,000,000
housing program for distressed war veterans and their families.
* * * * * *
Accents U.S. Loan
)N, Dec. 18-(P)-The House of Lords tonight approved accep-
he $4,400,000,000 United States loan by a vote of 90 to 8, after two
bate climaxed by causic opposition from Conservative Lord Beav-

* *


* * *

Haw Haw" Will Hang
:N, Dec. 18-(P)-William Joyce, the American-born "Lord Haw
he German radio, must hang for his propaganda broadcasts for
Britain's Court of Last Resort ruled today.
artnership Approved
INGTON, Dec. 18-{3)-The House voted 344 to 15 today to make
ry a full partner in the United Nations Organization. The roll
name on a bill authorizing the President to name the United States
tives on the organization and to empower him to use economic
and troops if necessary against aggressors.
rese Commkunist Stresses
[ for Quick End of Strife

ee STATE, Page 4
KING, Dec. 18 - China's
munist, here to talk peace
nation's leaders, said today
end to civil warfare was
rst need and that the sev-
elegation he heads would
cessation of hostilities."
hou En-Lai told newsmen
eek a cease-fighting agree-
ore the all-party political
council begins its formal
on. Failing that, he added,
nsist that a truce be made
em on the council's agenda.
r the session has not yet
ummarized Chinese Com-
ms as "political democracy,
ation of the Chinese army,
status for all political par-
in Shantung
press dispatches mean-
orted "ferocious" fighting
ern Shantung province,
rmunists were said to have
or Society
Iges Girls
girls were pledged to Sigma
a, honorary music fratern-
ay in ceremonies at the
Mrs. Jean Aehrard, 1 Hill-
g was Arlene Peugeot,
of the group.
pledged were Jean Athay,
Blythe, Charlotte Boehm,
rt, Georgia Christopherson,
rk, Shirley Fryman, Nina
Mary Harris, Evelyn Hore-
n Kimel, Vivian Lanfear,
rtz, Ruthann Perry, Eliza-
erts, Leah Eamyer, Mar-
onetta, Pauline Smith and

captured the important town of
railroad midway between Manking
and Tientsin.
The Generalissimo and Madagme
Chiang returned triumphantly today
to Nanking, from which they were
forced by the Japanese to flee in 1937.
Daily Publication
Publication of The Daily will be
suspended with Friday's paper for
the period of the Christmas holi-
day. Publication will be resumed
Thursday,"January 3.
Japs Learned
Ship Location

Ruthven Sends
Letter to State
Law Makers
Regents' Plan Calls
For Four Additions
A $6,500,000 emergency building
program requested by the University
Board of Regents will be submitted
to the state legislature next month,
Gov. Kelly announced yesterday in
The Regents' request for urgently
needed building construction was
forwarded to the Governor on Dec. 4
by President Alexander G. Ruthven,
who accompanied the request with a
letter stating:
"Lack of classroom space and
adequate laboratory facilities is
seriously handicapping the Univer-
sity in its effort to give the return-
ing veteran the education op
portunity he has a right to expect."
The Regents' program calls for
construction of the following build-
ings :
Business administration building,
$1,800,000; engineering building ad-
dition, $1,750,000; chemistry building
addition, $1,250,000; and maternity
hospital, $900,000.
The Regents also requested $400,-
000 to meet increased construction
costs for the general service building,
approved last spring, and $450,000
for extension of service connections
to the proposed new buildings.
Marvin L. Niehuss, University
vice-president said yesterday that
the four proposed buildings are
necessary to "remedy cumulative
deficiencies in accommodating a
pre-war enrollment of 13,000."
He described the four proposed
buildings as those most urgently
needed within the next two years,
when a peak enrollment of 15,000 is
President Ruthven's letter to the
Governor disclosed. that 2,100 vet-
erans are now enrolled in the Uni-
versity and that this number may
be increased by 2,000 next semes-
ter, creating an unprecedented
The Regents' pointed out these de-
ficiencies in the present building sit-
uation for which relief has been re-
1. Tappan Hall, which houses the
School of Business Administration,
was built in 1894 for an entirely dif-
ferent purpose. The adequate class-
room, laboratory and, library space
to be provided in the new building
are urgently needed.
2. Faced with increasing demands
for engineering training by veterans
and other students, the College of
Engineering must have a building ad-
dition in order to alleviate crowded
conditions and to provide courses sat-
isfactory to the accrediting organiza-
tions of the profession.
3. The chemistry building' addi-
tion is necessary to overcome
crowded conditions and to provide
adequate training for those who
plan to specialize in. chemistry or
who need it as a basis for further
training in engineering, medicine,
dentistry or public health.
4. The medical school needs a ma-
ternity hospital in order to provide
adequate facilities for clinical teach-
ing in obstetrics.
The Regents' request for $6,500,000
of building construction is part of a
$15,000,000 program which the Uni-
versity hopes to complete within five
years. Other buildings to be con-
structed include:
Additions to Angell Hall and the
General Library; a new medical
classroom building near University
Hospital, releasing the present East
Medical Building for use by the
College of Engineering; a School of
Music building; an astronomical

observatory and laboratory; an ar-
mory for Army and Navy units and
a wind tunnel and engineering re-
search laboratory.
The Regents pointed out that ap-
propriations for additions to the Uni-
versity's building facilites have
lagged behind those of other state
universities. Between 1925 and 1945
the University received $4,465,00 for
new construction. In the same years
the state universities of Illinois, Iowa,
Ohio, Minnesota and Wisconsin each
received an average of $13,831,084.
Inter-Racial Group

Intercepted Radio
Message December 6


'WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 - (P) -
Testimony that the Japanese learned
on Dec. 6, 1941 through intercepted
U. S. radio messages what warships
were at Pearl Harbor was laid before
the Congressional investigating com-
mittee today.
This information came from Gen-
eral Douglas MacArthur's staff in
Tokyo, along with word that:
1. The enemy had alternate plans
to smash the U. S. fleet if it was an-
chored outside the harbor.
2. Orders went to the Japanese
Navy to prepare for the attack as
early as Nov. 9; assuming war with
Britain, the United States and The
Netherlands was "inevitable."
May Have Cracked Code
Whether the Japanese actually had
cracked a U. S. radio code as theirs
had been cracked was not made clear.
The joint Senate-House commit-
tee received at the same time memo-
randa of Sumner Welles, former un-
dersecretary of state, describing the
Roosevelt-Churchill meeting at sea
when the Atlantic charter was drawn
in August, 1941. Welles revealed
(A) Mr. Roosevelt was reluctant to
agree right then on a postwar organi-
zation to disarm aggressor nations,
urging that this wait until a U. S.-
British "police force" was established
President Agrees
(B) The President agreed to U. S.
occupation of the Azores.
(S) Prime Minister Churchill said
he could not subscribe imnmediately
to a promise that all peoples would
have acess n world markets and

Studies Lead to Important Legslation

Out of the ferment of diverse gov-
ernmental activities and political is-
sues of the State of Michigan, the
University's'Bureau of Government
has, for 31 years, been developing re-
search studies that have led to im-

propriations for the first 20 years
and spent most of its funds in devel-
oping a research library.
In 1934 a broad program of re-
search became possible under a grant
of funds from the Horace H. Rack-
ham estate. The Bureau was made a

Important studies conducted by
the Bureau in past years have an-
alyzed problems of administrative.
organization of state government,
taxation, the electoral process and lo-
cal government. Many studies have
been undertaken at the request of

was lost to the service or the federal
government. Claude R.- Tharp car-
ried on the work of the Bureau with
his report on County Administrative
Organization in Michigan.
Assistants Wanted
Professor Ford says the Bureau's

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