THE MICHIGAN DAILY :CEM BE Fifty-Sixth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: G.I. Mark Blasts Brass Hats OFF THE FENCE: UAW Defends Real National Interest F ] Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Boardl of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon ......Man Mg ngEditor Robert Goldman.. . . . . . . . . City Editor Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore.. . . . . Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath.. . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz .. . Women's Editor Dona uinaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches. credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESENTED FOR NAT1ON.L AVERTIZING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pablisbers Representative 420 MADIsoN Ave. 'NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON . LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: LIZ KNAPP Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. MYDA Campaign YESTERDAY Michigan Youth for Democratic Action staged a campaign against American intervention in China. Almost coinciding with the Government's decision to "put teeth" into our foreign policy in China, the drive was commendable and provided a means of focussing student at- tention on the unfairness of our intervention. Members of MYDA offered information at ta- bles in Angell Hall and in front of the General Library and circulated petitions at these posts. The reactions of passersby, who were asked to sign the petitions, varied from apathetic uncon- cern to embittered invectives. Many students endorsed the attitude expressed on the posters protesting the loss of American lives in China's civil war. One sign pointed out that 5,000 Ma- rines have been sent to China. Some students re- marked that this action was certainly "bungling up" the discharge system. The campaigl centered on objection to mili- tary intervention, but now what may prove to be an even more effective instrument to en- force unity has been added to American for- eign policy. Economic pressure will be used to effect a "unified" China-in mockery of the American aim of self-determination for all countries of the United Nations' objective of free choice of government and representatives by the people of all nations. -Patricia Cameron Break with Franco TWO Associated Press reports of recent date have raised our hopes that the Spanish par- iah may soon be recognized as such. On Saturday we read in our morning newspa- per that France had asked the United States and Great Britain to consult with her on a pos- sible rupture of relations with the Spanish gov- ernment. This follows closely on the heels of a week-old report that France had asked the same countries to state their positions on the question. All three of France's major political parties- the Communists, the Popular Republican Move- ment (MRP) and the Socialists-have been ad- vocating such a break. Yesterday, we learned that diplomatic officials close to the situation have said that the United States is definitely headed for a break. In the light of the news that Ambassador Nor- man Armour is returning from Madrid and that State Department officials have announced no plans to replace this report would appear quite plausible, and needless to say, quite pleasable. -Anita Franz U.. e Jim Crow THE escort carrier Croatan, affectionately known as "Old Crow," patrolled the subma- ine lanes of the Atlantic during the war. When the war ended, it was one of the ships sent to LeHavre to redeploy troops. At Le Havre, the "Old Crow" faced a serious problem, one its officers found more difficult than hunting down U-boats. One of the contingents of veterans waiting at Le Havre, By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-To every G.I. in the United States Army and every G.. already out, big- gest news last week wasn't General Marshall's testimony before the Congressional Pearl Harbor Committee, or the General Motors strike, or the British Parliament battle over the $4,400,000,000 U.S. loan. It was the story about Pvt. George L. Mark's lethal lambasting of War Department brass hats during testimony before the House Mili- tary Affairs committee while a score of gen- erals and colonels listened in amazement. What the buck private did was what millions of his buddies have dreamed of doing-speaking their minds about their brass-hat overlords with full protection against disciplinary action. The House committee guaranteed this protection and Private Mark, a 37-year-old Clevelander about to be discharged, made the most of it. Justified or not, every barracks "lawyer" would agree that Mark's charges made beautiful G.I. reading. Playing the military chiefs with such names as "Pentagon boy scouts," "be- medaled four-flushers" and "aristocratic phon- ies," the bald-pated G.. declared: "They want a large army to retain their ranks. These brass hats don't like work. If they did, they wouldn't be in the Army." Capitol newsman William Arbogast later asked one of the major generals who listened to the tirade if Private Mark's discharge would be held up and if his explosive comments would fetch him a, "blue discharge." "Hell, no," replied the general. We'd have this committee on our heads if anything like that happened. This boy is due to be dis- charged tomorrow and he'll get an honorable one-right on time. We're not going to waste any time letting him out of the army." Truman's Irish Blood HE friendly sons of St. Patrick claim they have chalked up real progress in making an Irishman out of President Truman. At a recent Sons banquet, which Truman at- tended, it was brought out that his forebears were Irishmen named Tremaine. So officials of the organization called at the White House the other day to offer Truman an honorary member- ship. "We have already voted you in at an executive meeting," James Colliflower, president of the society, announced. "We'd be delighted to have you accept and attend our next St. Patrick's Day dinner." Barring out-of-town business, Truman said he would be on hand for the dinner. "I don't see any reason why I shouldn't accept an honorary membership in the friendly sons of St. Patrick, also," he added. "But do you think I qualify?" "Certainly you qualify, Mr. President," spoke up Martin J. McNamara, popular Washington attorney, "George Washington was a member. He joined the society in Philadelphia after it was organized in 1774. Unless I am mistaken, you would be the second president in history who became an honorary member of the Friendly Sons." Truman replied that in that case they could count him in and thanked his visitors for the compliment. Man Congress Trusts HE DIDN'T get in the headlines, but the man largely responsible for passage of Truman's government reorganization bill was comptroller General Lindsay Warren, for 16 years a leading member of Congress. Not only do both Republicans and Democrats trust him, but it was Warren's forthright testi- mony before the Senate and House committees that brought Congress out of its lethargy. War- ren watched the bill like a hen with one chick all during its progress through Congress. Three others also deserving credit are Jack Cochran of Missouri, Will Whittington of Missis- sippi, and Senator Abe Murdock of Utah. Pres- ident Truman's friends say they wish this team could handle more of his measures. Few people realize how sweeping the new reorganization act is. It goes beyond anything ever given Roosevelt. Result is that Truman is now on a very definite hot spot. .He told Congress he could do the reorganization job if given authority. Congress has now given him the authority. That authority will expire April 1, 1948. What people are now watching is whom Truman will get to advise him. If he turns the reorganization job over to polit- ical appeasers, the new reorganization act will lay an egg. 11AROLD STASSEN won Congressional friends last week at an off-the-record session of first-term and second-term Republican con- gressmen. After speaking briefly, he invited questions from congressmen. .While he didn't reveal anything significant that he hadn't already said in public statements' members came away with the rare feeling that Stassen had not dodged a single question thrown at him. Fresh out of his Navy uniform, Stassen called for a limited form of unification of the Army and the Navy -referring particularly to pro- curement and the duplication of airfields. At the same time he insisted that "the U.S. Navy Is the best outfit in the world." Asked about how he would advise handling the atom bomb, Stassen declared that it is "time for government to catch up with the scientists. They are far ahead of the poli- ticians now, and public policy-makers must catch up with them if we are to handle the terrifying things which they devise, for the best interest of the people." The United States and Russia must and can get along together, Stassen said. "The import- ant thing which Americans and Russians must learn is that the people of both lands want peace." He added that he could understand how the Russians could be. suspicious when our government opposes their international policies, yet has not a set plan of its own. "They can't see what direction we're going in, and so I can understand that they feel sus- picious," he said. As he finished, Senator William Stanfill of Kentucky, who succeeded baseball czar Happy Chandler, remarked: "Mr. Stassen, let me con- gratulate you on your courage and your clarity." (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Mystique Italy By SAMUEL GRAFTON AMERICANS might as well begin to learn the name and become familiar with the precepts of the "Uome Qualunque" Front, Italy's new po- litical movement. This is about the dreariest, emptiest and most inane political development in postwar Europe, which makes the more remark- able the fact that it is leaping into popularity. Its new weekly magazine, "l'Uomo Qualunque" (which means "The Common Man," or, perhaps better "Everyman") claims a circulation of 500,- 000, more than all the newspapers in Rome com- bined. The Uomo Qualunque Front is said to control as many as 1,500,000 votes; and the speedy rise of this banal movement to so great a size is perhaps our best current index of how desperatelythe Allies have failed even to begin to solve Italy's problems. For "l'Uomo Jualunque" peddles a kind of cyni- cal, above-the-battle contempt for politics and professional politicians; it wants something called an "administrative" state, run by pure and refined creatures who have never had anything to do with political parties. In addition to dis- daining parties, it pretends not to care whether Italy has a King or a President. On the positive side, the Uomo Qualunque Front is dreadfully shy about stating any program; its emphasis is all on this hatred of the professional politicians, on the need for truth, purity, honor, etc., etc. But (and here's the point) the more conserva- tive parties of Italy are becoming increasingly fond of the Uomo Qualunque Front, while the liberal and left groupings have become the special and particular butt of its satire, its jokes and cartoons. The movement has been called neo-fascist; but to pin a name on it is most difficult, for labeling is precisely what the movement cagily and consciously resists. It has no fascist program (it has no program), and yet there is something cult-like and dis- turbing about the mystique it peddles, about its denunciation of the "political state," which is a denunciation of politics, which would seem to be a denunciation of opposition. How does one organize protest in a "non-political" state?" THE MAIN THEME o "l'Uomo Qualunque" is guff; for public business must be done by the politicians, just as poems must be written by the poets, and bread baked by the bakers. A denunciation of parties is a denunciation of the particular kind of free political life which has sprung up in Italy since Mussolini. Obviously, "l'Uomo Qualunque" is leading the Italian people up a side-alley, but into that alley there are now pouring the befuddled, the frustrated, the fearful, the harrassed and con- fused who prefer a mystique to a program, and also those who are forever searching for an ideal terminology in which to dress their pas- sions. It is significant that the main strength. of l'Uomo Qualunque Front lies in the South of Italy, where Allied armies found virtually no resistance movements, and that its activities helped to bring about the downfall of Premier Ferruccio Parri, who came out of the partisan movement of the North. And it may be partly our fault that Parri, one of Italy's most promising men, fell; for we, too, have played a role in this dubious struggle. Our refusal to end military government in the North, when promised, made it difficult for Parri to set up anything like a national program, and our inability to arrange even a preliminary peace treaty also helped make Parri look like just what 'Uomo Qualunque" was complaining about, an ineffective politician. He was as effective as he could be, under the circumstances; but we could have altered the circumstances, and did not, and we have unwit- tingly helped to waste a good man. It seems to me that we need a much sharper sense of the sweep and surge of political tides, as we watch Europe's masters of double-talk preparing to take advantage of democracy's first timid trials and first failures in the liber- ated countries; we dare not, by omission or commission help, in any way, the dismal pro- cession into the side-alley. We need a new seriousness, as great as that of those who are preparing to take advantage of our lack of seriousness. (Copyright, 1945, N.Y. Post Syndicate) IT IS NQT surprising that in the dis- pute between the General Motors Corporation and the UAW both par- ties claim to be defending the public interest as well as their own special1 interests. Recently General Motors put ads in many newspapers implying that a wage raise for GM employees will bring about a rise in prices, thus causing inflation. The National Citizens Committee, a body of prominent educators, church leaders, economists, and so- ciologists, recently made a study of 739 pages of the record of negoti- ations between GM and UAW. The committee found that the union in refusing to accept a wage increase that involved price increases, "has lifted the whole matter of collective bargaining to a new high level by insisting that the advancement of labor's interests shall not be made at the expense of the public." The fact that the UAW's official position on wages and prices is not known to millions of Americans makes me wonder how free the Amer- ican press really is. The committee's report also showed that the union's position was not "30 per cent or else." They reported that "the record shows repeatedly that the union's 30 per cent demand was sub- ject to reconsideration if and when management proved that the 30 per cent wage increase was impossible without a raise in prices." These facts make it obvious that CURRENT' MOVIES BARRIE WATRS at the State Barry Fitzgerald, Walter Huston and Louis Hayward in "And Then There Were None;" a 20th Century-Fox film, produced and directed by Rene Clair. IN A CULTURE where everyone from haberdasher to President freely ad- mits to reading murder-mysteries by the gross, "And Then There Were None" is sure-fire entertainment. It is based on the renowned Agatha Christic's chiller of a few years back. Next to "The Murder of Roger Ack- royd," all detective story devotees acclaim this Miss Christie's best, and the movies have done a faithful, even literal, adaptation of it. So here again is the story of "the ten little Indians" who accepted an invitation for a weekend on a lonely island and met gruesome deaths one by one at the hands of a phantom murderer. Creating Miss Christie's familiar and very terrified characters is a superb cast including, aside from the stars listed above, such worthies as Judith Anderson, Roland Young and Richard Haydn; the latter as the most priceless English butler since Arthur Treacher. Only the most complete die-hard will fail to get into the spirit of the occasion and have a great time try- ing to guess "who-dunit." Needless to say, this is something you should see from the beginning. * * * . *. . at the M1ichiga Alice Faye, Dana Andrews and Linda Darnell in "Fallen Angel;" a 20th Century-Fox film, produced and di- rected by Otto Preminger. LIKE the State's tenant, "Fallen Angel' is also a murder-mystery, but one with deeper purposes. As an example of something Hollywood rarely attempts, it is frequently, ar- resting cinema that prevails over an uneven script.. The film pictures with successful realism a lower class segment of American life. That there is such a facet of American life and that its inhabitants lead empty lives is some- thing the movies rarely admit. A drifting tramp (Dana Andrews, a bit too well-dressed) moves into a small town and falls in love with a worldly waitress (Linda Darnell), of generous physical endowments. The lady is more interested in the material things than she is in Andrews, and so the latter contrives to marry the town heiress (Alice Faye) intending to re- lieve her of her money, desert her, and marry the waitress. His scheme is disrupted when Miss Darnell is murdered and he finds himself the chief suspect. The overall effect of the film may be confusing and its saccharine ending may be Hollywood at its worst, but individual features make it a rewarding film. Andrews' per- formance is tops and Miss Darnell's trollop hits the right combination. of carnality ahd greed. Miss Faye is miscast in a colorless role, but she is still clearly one of the screen's five most beautiful women. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official1u- letin is constructivetnoticeto all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1945 VOL. LVI, No. 38 Notices The University Automobile Regula- tion will be lifted for Junior Medical students from Dec. 15, 1945 to Jan. 14. 1946. For all other students in the Uni- versity, the ruling will be suspended for the Christmas vacation period, beginning at 12:00 noon on Friday, Dec. 21, 1945 and ending at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 31, 1945. Faculty College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Friday, Dec. 21. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for freshmen and sophomores and white cards for reporting juniors and seniors. Re- ports of freshmen and sophomores should be sent to 108 Mason Hall; those of juniors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- classmen, whose standing at midsem- ester is "D" or "E", not merely those who receive "D" or "E" in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. West Quadrangle Navy men now in residence in the West Quadrangle may reapply for rooms for the Spring Term from Dec. 18 to 21 at the Of- fice of the Dean of Students. Men ap- plying during that period will be given priority over incoming appli- cants for rooms for the Spring Term. Choral Union Members will please return their copies of the "Messiah", and pick up in lieu thereof copies of Mozart's "Requiem" - today and Wednesday, at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. 12:30 a.m. permission will be. given to women students for the dance giv- en by Company A on Dec. 19, if these students present their invitation cards at the Office of the Dean of Women in advance of the party. Women students wishing to return to Ann Arbor, Dec. 30, on the train due at 12:37 a.m., must arrange late permission with househeads in ad- vance. The regular Sunday closing hour of 11:00 p.m. is otherwise in ef- fect. SENIORS: College of L. S. & A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for March graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4 University Hall. If your name is misspelled or the degree expected incorrect, please notify the Counter Clerk. To All Seniors Graduating on Feb- ruary 23: Commencement Announcement or- ders will be taken upon full payment during the week following Christmas vacation. See sample copies on bulle- tin boards in University Hall, Angell Hall, Engineering, Music, and Educa- tion Schools. Admission to School of Business Administration-Spring Semester Applications for admission to the School of Business Administration for the Spring Semester MUST be filed on or before Jan, 15 Information and aivlication blanks are available 11 Rocom 18, I appan -1-a11 ing sections: One for those taking Math. 6 and 7, meeting in Room 3010 Angell Hall; and another for stu- dents in other Math courses meeting in Room 3011 Angell Hall. From now on these sections will meet from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., Tueslay, Thursday and Friday. Seminar in Applied Mathematics and Special Functions today at 3 p.m. in Room 312 West Engineering Dr. George Piranian talks on "Summability of Divergent Series." Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 4 p.m., in 319 West Medical Building. "Lipids and Hemolysis," will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Seminar in History of Mathematics Wednesday, Dec. 19, 7-8 p.m. 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. K. Leisenring will continue the discussion of Imaginary Elements in Non-Euclidean Geometry. The Botanical Seninar will meet at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 19, in room 1139, Natural Science Building. Botany in Brazil will be discussed by Jose M. Joffily and Jose C. Paixao. All interested are invited. Bacteriology Seminar will meet Thursday, Dec. 20, at 4 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Events Today University Men's Glee Club and Women's Glee Club: A short re- hearsal on the stage of Hill Audito- riums(with microphone and record- ing tests) will be held this afternoon at 4:15 sharp. Seminar on Comparative Religions will be held tonight at 7:15 p.m. in Lane Hall. Taoism will be the topic of discussion. Sigma Rho Tau, Stumps Speakers' Society, will hold a mixer tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. An Assembly Round Table on "Unification of Command of the Armed Forces" will be the feature of the meeting. Spe- cial speakers will be Lt. Commander Easton, USN (Ret.) and Lt. Colonel Evans, USA. The discussion will be followed by a mixer with several spe- cial features among which will be the "Gadgeteers." - Deutscher Verein, The Dettscher Verein will hold its Christmas cele- bration tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room in the Michigan League. Program: singing of German Christmas songs (copies of which may be had at the German Department office), a Christmas story, and exchange of presents, and refreshments. All participants are re- quested to bring a ten-cent gift. All students of German are invited to at- tend. Sigma Alpha lota presents the 10th- Annual Candlelight Service at .the Methodist Church tonight at 8:30 p.m. Coning Events Flying Club: Meeting Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 7:30 in room 1042 East Engineering Building. Club By-Laws are to be considered and agreed upon. Members as well as all other students and faculty inter- ested in the club are urged to attend. There are still membership open- ings for a limited number. Appli- cation blanks can be filled out in room B.308 East Engineering Build- ing. Additional information can be obtained through the club officers: W. H. Curry at 6292, E. A. Fraden- burgh at 6764, Frances Hamilton at 25553, or D. C. McAlister at 4145. La Sociedad Hispanica continues its 1945 Lecture Series with Dyr. Al- fredo Riquelnet of Chile, spak1ing on 1G -briela Mistral- oetess wiier of the Nobel prize in literature in 1945. GM can end the strike immediately and send the men back to work without giving them a penny in pay raises if they can prove that pay raises would necessitate a rise in prices. The UAW is out on a limb. GM has only to prove what its ads and radio spots imply to win a com- plete victory. But GM is strangely silent. The corporation officials talk about "Infringement on the prerogatives of management," and refuse "on principle" to show their books. And yet, during the depression, this same General Motors Corporation in- sisted on showing its books to its employees in order to prove to them with facts and figures that it had to cut wages to stay in business. GM is using a lot of fancy double-talk about "principles" to cover up its insatiable appetite for profits. Moreover, the CIO Wage Research Committee report shows that, "At present the average industrial worker is more than $20 a week short of the necessary income to provide a health and decency standard, and that he would still be 20 per cent below such a standard even with a 30 per cent wage increase." The members of the UAW are de- fending our real national interests by fighting to keep up consumer's purchasing power aced insisting that they will accept no raise in pay if it will mean a rise in prices. A group of UAW veterans out in Flint raised the slogan, "From Bastogne to GM." Those men are telling the world that they fought not for more profit for General Motors stockholders, but for a high- er standard of living. -Leonard Cohen. BARNABY Just answer this question correctly and our current radio quiz prize, ti fin movie camera. will be sen t I'll manage somehow, Barnaby, to get you a movie camera. Depend on it- Paronne, \\ f i By Crockett Johnson caocK Er- r's a Kinetoscope . .. And pe s top botheriq 05! S! -