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December 14, 1945 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-14

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PRIAX, DCE EER14 11;4-'

. . ... .

GM Seeks Two Court
OrdersAgainstPi ckets
iee-P:resideint Anderson Predcts
Strike Will Continue for Six Weeks
--- - -
By The Associated Press and the UAW today, told newsmen
DETROIT, Dec. 13 - A prediction that the company "has further in-
that the General Motors Corporation junction suits pending now," but de-
strike may last "at least six weeks clined to elaborate on the statement.
longer" was made today by Harry W. The GM official, reporting on the
Anderson, GM vice-president, as the negotiating session, said "Reuther
Company sought two court injunc- blamed the corporation for terminat-
tions to halt "illegal picketing" of ing the union contract" which was
GM plants. due to run until April, 1946. The
The suits, filed in Cleveland and Company took this step Monday.
Chicago, drew an immediate reply -~--
from Walter Reuther, vice-president
of the United Auto Workers (CIO) Japanese Naval
who declared, "They can issue all the x
injunctions in the world, but the O ffieer Testifies
judge isn't going in and make autos"
No Increases
Anderson also disclosed that the A cV ay rial
Company does not contemplate any
increase in the 13'2 cent an hour By 'I'he Associated Press
wage increase which it recently of- WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-Over de-
fered its 175,000 workers who struck fense protests, a former Japanese
for a general 30 per cent wage rate submarine commander was admitted
increase. as a prosecution witness before a
The court actions heightened the Navy court martial today to tell how
dispute between GM and 'the UAW on he sank a large warship which he
the question of picketing at GM said was making no radical change
plants in more than 70 cities through- of its course.
out the nation. Iko Hashimoto, short, squat and
Caused Injuries n bullet-headed, told the court trying
The Company,in a statement is- Capt. Charles B. McVay, 3rd, that he
sued here announcing the filing of fired six torpedoes and scored three
"the suits, charged union pickets had certain hits on a large warship be-
"caused bodily harm" to non-striking tween Guam and Leyte after trailing
employes trying to enter the electro- he Gr2mindteste ngt oraJuly
motive plants at La Grange, Ill., on 27-t0.
Wednesday. 29-30.
It charged the strikers "engaged in "I wish to make formal objection,"
mass picketing, placed obstructions Capt. John P. Cady, chief defense
across plant entrances, inflicted bodi- counsel, told the court, "to the idea
ly harm on employes, carried and of calling one of the officers of a de-
brandished bats, spiked clubs and feated enemy who as a nation has
similar weapons and hurled rocks at been proven guilty of every despica-
employes." ble treachery, of the most infamous
Suits Pending cruelties, and barbarous practices in
violation of all laws of civilized war-
Anderson, at the conclusion of an- fare, to testify against one of our
other negotiating session between GM own commanding officers on a mat-
ter affecting his professional judg-

U' May Have Hirlhest Foreign.
stiudent Enroilment in U.S.

APPOINTED TO FACT FINDING BOARD-Milton Eisenhower (left), president of Kansas State College;
Lloyd K. Garris (center), chairman of the War Labor Board; and Judge Walter P. Stacey .(right) were ap-
pointed by President Truman to a fact-finding board to study the General Motors dispute.
Confusion in Indo-China Described

'EnrmiIient of foei"E st'"ifntl: l.
the University ,(,ater than that.
in any school in the United States,
with the possible exception of New
York University."
This was revealed yesterday in an
interview with Dr. Frederick F. Fales,
Field Secretary of the Institute of
International Education. The In-
stitute of International Education is
a function of the American State De-
"Last year," Dr. Fales pointed
out, "Michigan was second only to
New Ycrk University.
"The degree to which these stu-
dents have been adjusted to campus
life both socially and academically
seems to be quite far ahead of many
other American colleges and univer-
sities I have visited," he said.
Achievement of this desireable-
able situation I)r. Fales accredits
to the fine services of the Interna-
tional Center and to the energetic
work of its director, Dr. Esson M.
"During the war, the State De-
partment had put a stop to the in-
terchanging of American and for-
eign students and professors," Dr.
Fales said, "but now that the war has
ended, this practice is once more en-
"We expect a definite increase in
the number of foreign students
wishing to enroll in American in-
stitutions of higher learning."
Dr. Fales believes that because of
present world conditions, America
will continue to hold its position of
leadership in attracting foreign stu-
dents to its universities for *many
years to come.
"It is the duty of the Institute of
International Education," he de-
clared, to serve as clearing house for
foreign students desiring to enter

st1 detis st'ki, enroliinent ii fiw
eign schools."
In regard to the proposed curricu-
lum changes Dr. Fales stated that
any changes should be in the direc-
tion of encouraging fields of concen-
tration rather thain in continuing the
present system of free electives. He
is led to this conclusion rlough the
experiences of his many years with
New York University as IrofteSSOr of
romance philology.
Dr. Fales is presently on a tour
of American universities and col-
leges interviewing foreign students
to learn of their problens, cheek
on their 'progress, and to assist
them on technical matters, such as
passports, draft status, etc.
"Since it is also cne of the primary
interests of the Institute to encour-
age American students to travel to
foreign schools, I would appreciate
any one so interested to contact me
for full information as' to our pro-
gram," Dr. Fales remarked.
Any inquiries should be addressed
Dr. F. F. Fales
Field Secretary,
Institute of Int. Education
2 West 45th St., New York, 19,
New York
Board of Education Gets
Land forG rade School
Part of the University's Eber
Woods forestry tract will be given to
the Ann Arbor Board of Education as
site for an elementary school, it was
announced yesterday.
Vice-president R. P. Briggs, repre-
sented the University in offering the
land at the Board of Education
meeting Wednesday.

Associated Press Correspondent
SAIGON-The political and mili-
tary picture in Indo China looks like
a Mexican stand off on a Balkan
deadlock with subtle Oriental com-
plications and inter-Allied divergence
of aim and purpose.
It shows the Chinese disarming
surrendered Japanese north of the
16th parallel and leaving unmo-
lested the anti-French Viet Minh
government seated at Hanoi. The
British, meanwhile, are preparing
to withdraw after disarming the
Japanese south of the demarca-
tion line, halving the country,

while the French forces spread
their reoccupation area outside
Saigon against hostile harassment
of the Annamites.
The French estimate it will take
several months to recover their col-
onies and protectorates which formed
the prewar Indo-China union.
It is only a question of time and
arrival of reinforcements before the
French complete the subjugation of
the Annamites in southern Indo-
China, where they gained their ini-
tial reoccupation foothold in an alli-
ance with the British. The Indian
20th division entered the picture

with the sole avowed intention of dis-
arming the Japanese, but they inci-
dentally provided the French with
their bridgehead to reconquest.
The Chinese-ruled north pro--
vides an entirely different picture.
The French are dealing with the
Chinese in the hope of obtaining
permission to rearm 4,500 French
troops who have been idling in the
Hanoi citadel since they were dis-
armed by the Japanese last March
3, and to return an equal number,
with arms, from China, whence
they fled in the wake of the Jap-
anese coup.

-Mvusic' Sororit
To Sing Carols
The annual Candlelight Service
presented by the members of Sigma
Alpha Iota, professional music soror-
ity, will be presented at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday in the Methodist Church.
The program will consist of Christ-
mas Choral numbers to be performed
by the group, and solos to be per-
formed by Lorna Storgaard, soprano;
Barbara Litchfield, flutist; Rose Der-
derian, soprano; and Dorothea Mar-
kus, violinist. Marilyn Mason will beI
at the -organ.

Course for
A thorough, intensive course-start-
ing February, July, October. Bulletin
A,on request. Registration now open.
Regular day and evening schools
throughout . the year. Catalog.
President, John Robert Gregg, S.C.D.
*Director, Paul M. Pair, M.A.
Dept. CP 6 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago 2, Illinois

~47ue4ee 4~atgs


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