'I'll URSDAY, PEA LAMPUR, 1:,, 1945
Fifty-Sixth Year
Tr bute aid to Syndicate Chief
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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Ray Dixon . .
Robert, Goldman
Betty Roth
Margaret Farmer
Arthur J. Kraft
Bill Mullendore
Mary Lu Heath
Ann Schutz
Dona Guimaraes
. . . . . . Managing Editor
... . . . . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . Associate Editor
c. . . . . . . . . soiate Editor
.~Sports Editor
.Associate Sports Editor
.Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman. .. ......Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
tier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
University Needs
IN CONNECTION with Gov. Kelly's statement
Tuesday urging state-financed building to
enable the University to keep its position as one
of the "most distinguished institutions of higher
learning in the country," certain facts should
be brought out.
Long range University estimates anticipate
18,500 students as the peace-time complement,
but recently, interested unofficial observes
have placed the figure at 20,000.
Figures from a New York Times Survey re-
ported on Sept. 15, 1945, show state and land-
grant institutions leading in building plans. The
Times investigated a cross-section of 40 colleges
and universities, including Michigan; they did
not include plans of junior colleges and profes-
sional schools.
The University of California . head the
Times' list with 30 million dollars ear-marked
by the legislature for buildings; of this,
$1,100,000 has already been appropriated for
use in preparing plans! In the mid-west, 16
million dollars has been appropriated for the
University of Illinois, and nine and a half mil-
lion has been appropriated for Ohio State.
Northwestern has 20 million dollars for its 80
million dollar program; Notre Dame has 10
Here at Michigan, the accumulated needs of
the past 20 years plus new buildings and equip-
ment made necessary by scientific advances are
piled on top of the requirements of a soon-to-be
doubled enrollment as a result of the GI Bill
of Rights.
Students in the School of Business Admin-
istration which conducts classes all over cam-
pus, or those in aeronautical engineering who
work with a wind tunnel useful only in testing
barns will be the first to applaud Gov. Kelly's
-Milt Freudenheim
League Debates
CARRYING ON the American tradition of the
town meeting, the Ann Arbor League of
Women Voters is one of our prize examples of
democracy in action. By presenting the pros and
cons of today's controversial issues in public
debates and discussions, the League is making
a valuable contribution to the University and
town community. They deserve credit for their
splendid work in stimulating public attention
to the current and pressing problems of our
Beginning last January with a discussion of
Dumbarton Oaks, the League sponsored num-
erous talks and lectures before community clubs
and organizations. Their services proved so
valuable and aroused so much public commend-
ation that the League soon grew into a state
program sponsored by the State Experimental
Program of Adult Education with headquarters
in Lansing..
This fall the Ann Arbor League of Women
Voters has brought before the community a
panel discussion on reconversion and a debate
on unrestricted Jewish immigration into Pal-
esine. We annreciate the effoits of the League
WASHINGTON.-The other day in New York
a man known to almost every newspaper edi-
tor in the country, yet almost unknown to the
,eneral public, quietly departed the "Merry-Go-
Round" and the "My Days" he had helped to
develop and went on to a more peaceful world.
He was George Carlin, guiding genius of the
United Features Syndicate, who cracked the
whip over the greatest conglomeration of star
syndicated columnists the world has ever seen
and who, for better or for worse, served as mid-
wife, patron saint and godfather to this column
when it first started, 13 years ago today.
When I indicate George Carlin was a whip-
cracker, perhaps I give the wrong impression.
George could and sometimes did crack the whip.
But on the whole he was the mildest-mannered
man I ever knew. Perhaps that was the secret
of his ability to get along with such a motley
assortment of performers as Westbrook Pegler,
Pearson and Allen, Mrs. Roosevelt, Heywood
Broun, Ernie Pyle, Raymond Clapper, Marquis
Childs and Tom Stokes.
Outsiders marveled at how one man could keep
this circus of trained seals performing in one
ring with no visble evidence of cannibalism. Yet
he did. He even kept Mrs. Roosevelt happy, while
Pegler, in an adjoining column, was holding her
feet up to the hot coals almost every other day.
In fact, George was the only man I ever knew
who could censor and edit the first lady, yet be
invited to the White House continually.
Came the day when his children went off to
other things and George, like many parents,
wilted. Two of his greatest writers, Ernie Pyle
and Ray Clapper, were war casualties. That
zestful tilter of lances, Westbrook Pegler, had
Roy Howard trouble (Roy was George Carlin's
over-all boss on United Features). So did the
Merry-Go-Round. We went off to other booking
agencies, as had Heywood Broun before us.
Gradually, through no fault of his own,
George Carlin's performing circus disintegrat-
ed. He took on new performers - top perform-
ers-though they didn't snarl so much at each
other. Perhaps it was because they didn't
cause him as much trouble as his earlier prima
donnas, or perhaps it was because he loved his
first children best; anyway the excitement, the
turmoil, the hurlyburly passed out of George's
And the other day he quietly passed on to an-
other world, where I like to think of him with
Ray Clapper, Ernie Pyle, and Heywood Broun,
pounding out masterpieces for a new public truly
appreciative of their great genius, a world free
of wars and bloodshed and the puny pettiness of
ERIC JOHNSTON came Within an inch of re-
signing as president of the, United States
Chamber of Commerce over the issue of con-
tinued price control. Johnston believes in main-
taining price control even beyond June 30 of next
year. But, last week, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
directors voted to issue a blast calling for imme-
diate suspension of price control. Johnston
fought it. Finally he won out only after price
chief Chester Bowles addressed the board of
directors at a hush-hush luncheon in the Hotel
American troops will be kept in China for at
least another 10 days, Secretary of State
Byrnes told a secret meeting of congressmen
including DeLacy of Washington, Patterson,
Healy and Douglas of California and Biemiller
of Wisconsin. Byrnes said about 3,000 Jap
soldiers are being shipped home from China
daily, with about another 300,000 yet to go.
He admitted that American lend-lease supplies
are still being sent to Chiang Kai-Shek to be
used in the Chinese Civil War.
General Eisenhower has approved a directive
permitting thousands of starving, persecuted
Jewish refugees from Poland to enter the Ameri-
can zone of Germany. Other thousands are flock-
ing to the U.S. zone from the British area, where
the treatment of -displaced Nazi victims is still
something the British Empire should be ashamed
Pat Hurley's attack on the State Department
has back-fired so badly that Byrnes and Tru-
man are now reconsidering their entire Chinese
policy. Result: General Marshall is going to
China with clear-cut orders not to intervene
on behalf of the Chungking government, but
rather to put strong pressure on Chungking
and the Chinese Communists to get together.
Marshall will inform both factions that the
United States plans to use every influence to
end the Chinese Civil War. This is a reversal
in fact, though not in name, of administration
policy under Hurley.
GENERAL MARSHALL'S letters to Governor
Dewey regarding the Japanese code were
made public only after a stiff protest by General
Marshall, who wanted his reference to coopera-
tion with the British withheld. Marshall knew
the Russians would read between the lines and
figure that we were also intercepting their code
The Pearl Harbor committee met in execu-
tive session in Senator Barkley's office to listen
to Marshall's plea, but before Marshall could
open his mouth, Republican Senator Ferguson
of Michigan and Democratic Senator Lucas of
Illinois got up and walked out. Both absolute-
ly refused to listen to Marshall or any other
witness in executive session.
"This investigation is strictly an on-the-record
public affair," they insisted.
After they left, Senator Brewster of Maine pro-
posed that the committee make the sole decision
regarding publication of the letters and that
Marshall not be permitted to remain. So the
former chief of staff went outside and warmed
a chair with Ferguson and Lucas in Barkley's
outer office.
Only Representative Clark of North Carolina
and Murphy of Pennsylvania had any doubts
about making the entire letters public. They
did not insist upon a vote, however, and the
committee finally agreed to ignore Marshall's
secrecy plea. When the letters were put in the
public record, Marshall's pencil marks to indi-
cate what parts he wanted withheld were not
left on the text.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Political Shifts
LARGE FRAGMENTS of support are falling
away from the Democratic party, and it
does not seem too early to begin to wonder
whether the structure put together by the late
President Roosevelt is not coming apart. As he
built it, it rested on four legs, the South, the
big-city political machines of the north; labor;
and that great miscellaneous body of citizens of
good will who were, and are, concerned with
making this a somewhat better world.
The last two groups are the most disaffected.
If they ever leave in a body, the Democratic
party, at least nationally, will become a two-
legged chair, which is an unstable apparatus
by any calculation. Let us take the final group
first: it consists of a large number of Americans,
of no conspicuous economic bias, either right or
left; the one worldlings, who hailed both Mr.
Willkie and Mr. Roosevelt, with almost equal
enthusiasm and who have for some years con-
sidered that it is the prime business of our age
to build world collaboration. This large group
takes in most intellectuals, both academic and
commercial; it includes the old League of
Nations crowd; it embraces most of the cultured,
the traveled, the well-read and the klowledge-
able, and it certainly includes at least some of
the leaders of every community in the country.
And it seems to me that this is the group
which could be most easily detached from the
Democratic party by, say, a Stassen. This
group takes an almost completely ideal ap-
proach to politics; it does not look very far
below the surface of abstractions; it is pecul-
iarly sensitive to the appeal of personality, to
candidatorial flavor. It is to be doubted
whether it would trouble itself too much over
the question of whether a Republican Con-
gressional majority would be better fitted
than a Democratic majority to carry us toward
one world.
If a Bricker opposed a Truman in 1948, this
group might merely lose enthusiasm for politics,
and might sit the contest out (a development
which would hurt the Democrats more than the
Republicans;) but should a Stassen oppose a
Truman, and should present trends continue, it
could go over in a body.
THE OTHER FOCUS of defection is labor; and
here the causes are economic, and go deep.
The basic facts are that while industry has been
granted relief from excess profits taxes, and has
been given useful tax refunds, and while farmers
have been promised price support for at least
two years, labor alone has been told to live off
its fat during reconversion, and to accept a
lower price per unit (at least per week) for its
commodity. It is the one interest which has
not received Congressional conciliation.
Labor votes, as such, will probably not go
Republican; but labor may lose interest and, to
a degree, sit out the next election (which,
again, would hurt the Democrats more than
the Republicans,) or else go into a third-party
by-path, which would have the same effect.
As to what magic it is that Mr. Truman lacks,
and that Mr. Roosevelt had, and that enabled
him to keep the four legs of his party more or
less firmly planted under his chair, it is hard
to say. It seems idle to accuse Mr. Truman of
being an imperialist in foreign affairs, and a
reactionary at home; he is neither.
But the odd complaint that does come to mind
is that he lacks a certain seriousness, in the
deepest meaning of that grave word; that he is
more concerned with superficial symbols of
party unity, on the Washington level, than with
making sure that the deep undercurrents are
flowing straight; just as, in foreign affairs, his
occasional glib reversals produce the feeling that
he has somehow failed to listen for the great,
low murmur of American aspirations, and has
let himself be startled by loud surface noises.
We are just beginning to realize what a serious
man Mr. Roosevelt was, and how intently he
listened for the meaningful rumble from below;
how he lived in a world of values, not signs.
Whatever the reasons, Mr. Truman must
face the possibility that he is letting the Demo-
cratic party undergo a structural change, that,
perhaps, something new in our politics has
already begun its slow, molecular buildup.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)
P LAY Production fires the opening
shot of the campus drama season
with a revival of "What A Life," the
portrait of high school life that start-
ed, God help us, the Henry Aldrich
plague. The group has lavished upon
ita smooth, skillful performance that
is rapidly becoming typical of them.
The strong cast and, to a lesser ex-
tent, the durable farce values of the
play, combine to carry the evening
on an adequate laugh level. While
the group can chew considerably more
than it has bitten off here, the cast
has imparted complete freshness to
a trivial vehicle that nine-tenths of
the audience must have been familiar
with beforehand.
Dorothy Murzek, always the most
scenic of Play Production members,
is on hand for the visual side of
things. Her considerable light com-
edy talents have not been called
into action this time, but her por-
trayal of an efficient, tweedy sec-
retary is nicely done. The evening
largely goes to Annette Chaikin as
one of those music teachers that
are standard school equipment. The
scene in which she shows Serene
Sheppard just how to use her dia-
phragm should be preserved for
posterity. Ethel Isenberg and Larry
Darling also score as two of those
hyper-thyroid cases allegedly com-
mon to that certain age.
Henry Aldrich is played, inevitably,
by Byron Mitchell. As always, Mit-
chell leaves you with that feeling that
you've spent two hours with stark,
staring poise. .He moves God-like
among Miss Murzek and colleagues
without a flaw, delivering his lines
in easily predictable cadences: be-
ginning with a joyous gush, contain-
ing a well-thought pause in the mid-
dle, and then a neatly clipped end-
ing which tells you Mr. Mitchell knew
what he was going to say all along.
It is a performance far removed from
any breath of life, but an invaluable
lesson in the control of muscle re-
In so long a cast it is impossible
to express admiration for all the
supporting players. Frank Picard,
Harp McGuire, Jim Bob Stephen-
son and Janine Robinson might be
singled out for special praise. And
a player listed as Jean Bechtel
mustn't be overlooked; for, al-
though on stage only a half-min-
ute, she has provided one of the
better exit lines in recent years.
It must be heard to be appreciated.
-Barrie Waters
( {
- B h
"By Bob Chapin
TWhere's somebody here to see our dramacrt.
Publication in the Daily Official ilul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 34
1946 Withholding Tax Exemption
Certificate. Government regulations
require that, if any change in the
number of exemptions to which you
are entitled under the withholding
tax laws has occurred since you last
filed an exemption certificate, a new
certificate be filed immediately. If it
is necessary for you to file a new
form, it may be obtained at the Pay-
roll Department of the University,
Room 9, University Hall. This should
be done immediately.
Faculty College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Friday,
Dec. 21.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Gteen
cards are being provided for freshmen
and sophomores and white cards for
reporting juniors and seniors. Re-
ports of freshmen and sophomores
should be sent to 108 Mason Hall;
those of juniors and seniors to 1220
Angell Hall.,
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at midsem-
tIron Microscopy." The public is cor-
dially invited.
The Remance Language Journal
Club will hold its first meeting today
at 4:15 p.m. in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
Professor W. F. Patterson will give
"Some Impressions of French Can-
ada," and Professor C. N. Staubach
will speak on "Teaching and Learn-
ing in Bogota."
All those interested are corditlly
Fellowship of Song: This sing
sponsored by Inter-Guild at 4:30
Thursday, Dec. 13 in Lane Hall is
open to everyone.
Faculty Womens (ub, Music See-
tion will have A pot-luck supper to-
night at 6:30 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. Marshall Snyder, 615 Oswego
Street. New members will be guests
of the section.
Prescott Club Members meet in
room 316-20 of Union, 7:00 p.m.
sharp, Thursday, Dec. 13, to have
Michiganensian pictures taken.
Hobbie Night: AYH Folk Dancing,
with Iola Derille as leader will be
held at 7:30 on Thursday, Dec. 13 at
Lane Hall.
Town Hlall will discuss the Pro and
Con of Student Government on our
campus this Thursday, Dec. 13, at
7:30 in Lane Hall. This topic which
concerns every student of Michigan
promises lively discussion and all are
invited to participate in offering
helpful suggestions.
Bible Seminar: The second session
of the Seminar under the leadership
of Mr. Littell will take up discussion
of Hosea. Meditation Room, Lane
Hall 7:30 p.m. tonight.
Forestry Club Meeting-Prospec-
tive Foresters are particularly urged
to attend the meeting of the Fores-
try Club this evening at 7:30 in room
2039, Natural Science building. Two
new logging films will be shown and
refreshments will be served after the
business meeting. Please be prompt!
La Sociedad Ihisranica will have its
'Ensnan picture taken today, at 7:30
p.m. in 316 Michigan Union.
Following, at 8 p.m., Mr. Staubach's
talk on "Life in Bogota As Seen by A
Yankee Professor" will be given in
Kellogg Auditorium that sane eve-
Comng E 1vents
EDITOR'S NOTE: The author, if given ester is "D or"E, not rely those C
free reign, would in all probability de- who receive "D" or "E" in so-called
vote the entire column to encomiums of midsemester examinations.
the "Gargoyle." As a natural conse- Students electing our courses, but
quence, it has been necessary to curb his registered in other schools or colleges
natural flair for publicity, We shall notreitednohrscolorolgs
mention the fact, therefore. that "Te of the University should be reported
Gargoyle" is on sale at all campus news- to the school or college in which they
stands today. Although it has been are registered.
rumored that "The Gargoyle" would not Additional cards may be had at 108
be sold to minors, the General Manager Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall.
has assured us that no attempt will be
made to restrict the sales.
WE were working in the Garg office Veterans World War II: A tutorial
section has been organized in English
late yesterday when we were ap- Composition. This section is for be-
proached by an individual looking ginners, and meetssTuesday, Thurs-
very much like the first act of "To- day and Friday at 7:30 p.m., Room
bacco Road," carrying a sickle and 3209 Angell Hall. Mr. John O'Neill
hammer in one hand and an infernal will be the instructor.
machine in the other. "I have been
sent," he whispered confidentially in
our ear, "by Comrade Molotoff who L. S. & A. Civilian Freshman Five-
.up the Ann Arbor Week Reports will be given out in the
wants you to headupheAnAbr.
Fund for Freezing State Department Academic Counselors' Office, .108
Officials. Phooey on Hoover." Mason Hall, in the following order:
Suspecting chicanery by John onday, Dec. 10, A through F'
Rankin or Senator Bilbo, we re- Tuesday, Dec. 11, F through K
marked cannily, "Oh yeah?" in our Wednesday, Dec. 12, L through R
very best south Russian brogue, and Thursday, Dec. 13, S through Z.
we went on eating our borscht. -
"Look here," our visitor obviously a cademic notices
an imposter, said impatiently as his
false mustache fell off, "we Russians Seminar in physical chemistry will
(he pronounced the word with great meet on Saturday, Dec, 15 in Room
difficulty) are really concerned over 410 hemistry Building at 10:15 a.m.
your State Department's staff." Here Mr. Lawrence G. Edwards will speak
lhe put on a pair of glasses and pro- on "Electronic Structure of Some
ceeded to read from a prepared script. Compounds between Nitrogen, Phos-
The authors of the harangue were by phorus and Chlorine." All interested
this time quite obvious. All the iso- are invited.
lationist sentiments of the last fif- rn . --
teen years were written into the com- ForestryService E nployment Sem-
munique as cleverly as in a Republi- inar--Professors Craig and Ramsdell
can party platform. will discuss the U. S. Forest Service
. [T SEEMS that Pat Hurley had been and aspects of employment in that
off on a State Department bust in organization. The meeting will be
ionor of Generalissimo Chiang, and held in the Natural Science building,
had awakened the next morning to room 2039, at 4:30 this afternoon.
survey himself in the nearest mirror.
"I see RED!" he screamed as he History 11, Lecture Section 2-Mid-
looked at his eyes. As a result of the semester, Monday, Dec. 17, 2:00 to
incident, a great cold wave has swept 3:00 p.m. Discussion sections 7, 8,
the State Department, and some of and 9 meet in 1025 Angell Hall; all
the larger sticks have been badly others in Natural Science Auditor-
chilled. It was our visitor's sugges- ium. Bring blue-books,
tion that we organize a campaign to-ok.
provide the cooled-off statesmen with1
RED underwear. After three hours Mathematics Orientation Seminar:
of haggling with the intruder we ac- Today at 3 p.m. 3201 Angell Hall.
cepted his proposition with tongue in Mr. Robson will finish talking on
willk.spedakicosewPentaguo T
cheek. Quadratic Forms. Miss Burroughs
The Geological . ournal Club will
meet on Friday, Dec 14, at 12:15 p.m.
in Room 4065, Na. Sci. Bldg.
Program: P'ofes or Emeritus W.'
H. Hobbs will speak on "The Scab-
land and Okanogan Lobes of the
Cordilleran Continental Glacier and
their Lake Histories."
All interested are cordially invited
to attend,
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to visitors on Friday night,
Dec. 14, from 7:30 to 9:30, if the sky
is clear, to observe the Moon. Chil-
dren must be accompanied by adultsi
Le Cercie Francais will hold its
Christmas meeting on Monday, Dec.
17, at 8:00 p.m. in the Assembly
Room of the Rackham Building. On
the program: a Christmas short story
by Daudet tobe readt by Professor
Charles 'Koella, gr'oup singing of
Christmas Carols, one or two French
songs sung by B. Elizabeth Moore, re-
freshments and informal social danc-
ing. .Any student on the campus in-
terested in speaking French may be-
come a member of the club regardless
of whether or not he is taking a
course in French.
Inter-racial A1-ociation: Social
F A lias. the Menfal Giant, found
By Crockett Johnson
will speak on Skew Pentagons. Tea
at 4:00.
4 Events Today
-- i
7-How'd you figure 3,965,724? --]
Gosh. Dd you chanm.1 ' _