'WHAT A LIFE' REVIEWED See Page 4 Y LwPA6 itV CLOUDY, NOT SO COLD VOL. LVI, No. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Student Liberal ActionCommittee Chooses Officers Group Reviews Now Defunct Forms Of Government, Discusses Reforms Wayne Saari, Lane Hall public af- fairs chairman, was elected president of the Committee for Liberal Action yesterday at a meeting in the Union. . Other officers for the fall term are Jeanne Cockburn, recording secre- tary, and Malcolm Roemer treas- urer. Garg Returns After Three Year Slumber . Replete with witticism, cartoon, joke and funny feature the Gargoyle, funny magazine extraordinary, re- membered only dimly by a humorous few, will stage a comeback to college life when it reappears on campus to- day for the first time in three years. Michigan's magazine of humor, after several tumultous sessions with art staff, printer and binder, has passed all its deadlines suc- cessfully, and will appear before thousands of heretofore unhappy collegians promptly as scheduled. General manager Goldstein and business manager Chatfield have offered short prayers of thanksgiv- ing. The Garg's format has, through arrangements with the Police Ga- zette people, been printed in pantie pink, with an arresting cover of washbowl green, a hangover from pre-war Lucky Strike packages. This move was designed to discourage sales, as only 3,000 copies of the Gar- goyle were printed. "Better get yours early" Goldstein chirped yesterday, winking slyly as he slipped an extra copy under his waistcoat. Goldstein himself cornered four servicemen and a civilian in the Union yesterday evening trying to force a free copy on them for pub- licity purposes, opening the maga- zine just far enough so they could read his name in large letters on page four. "Darn good yarn in here about an F. Smedley Hacker written by myself," he pointed out, but they only smiled and flashed a Technic in his face. The Garg can be purchased in the Angell Hall smoker and in the gents' room of the Union. Prospective pa- trons, who might otherwise give their quarter to the Goodfellow fund, are warned that Perry Logan does not appear in this month's issue. Ensians Ready Distribution of the 1945 Ensian will continue today and tomorrow at the Student Publications Build- ing. Holders of Ensian receipts may claim their copies of the yearbook from 1 through 5 p.m. Yearbook editors said that En- sian receipts, previously valid until Dec. 1, may be used up to Feb. 1. Holiday Party Is Scheduled Next Tuesday Setting of the mood for the long- awaited Christmas vacation, an all- campus Christmas Party will take the stage from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tues- day at Hill Auditorium, sponsored by an all-campus committee. Presented by student talent almost entirely, the event is held annually to welcome the holidays. This year's program will feature the Women's Glee Club and the Navy Chorus com- bined under the direction of Miss Marguerite Hood, in a special pro- gram of light Christmas music. The 16 piece Navy Swing Band, di- rected by George Hawkins, will also provide part of the entertainment. Selection of student acts is not com- plete but it is certain that Tommy Lough, boogie-woogie pianist who made a hit on the Varsity Night pro- A report on finances was presented by Jeanne Cockburn, and dues were voted on. Members also gave reports on the history of the almost defunct Student Senate and Men's Congress, as well as men and women's Judici- ary Councils, and IFC. Reason for the failure of the first two groups to achieve their purpose of efficient, represnetative student self-government were included in the reports. A comparison was made with the student self-government system at the Universities of Wiscon- sin and Texas and Brooklyn College, each of which has an active student governing body. Members of the Liberal Action Committee unanimously endorsed. the principle of election of represneta- tives and officers for a proposed campus student government rather than appointment of any individual or group of students to such office. Publicity, program, campus, local, state, national and international committees will be appointed at a meeting of the executive committee next week. WMessiah' Will Be Presented ere Sunday Highlighting a weekend of campus Christmas festivities, the 65th annual performance of Handel's famous edi- torial, the "Messiah," will be pre- sented by members of the Choral Un- ion, four guest soloists, a special "Messiah" orchestra at 3 p.m. Sun- day in Hill Auditorium. Kathryn Meisle, contralto, of the Metropolitan Opera, has appeared with major orchestras, at music fes- tivals and on the radio while Rose Dirman has been called ". . . one of the most musically intelligent so- pranos now giving recitals" by the newspaper PM. The distinguished American tenor, Arthur Kraft, last performed here at a May Festival concert. Noted for his more than 500 per- formances of the "Messiah" and 250 of "Elijah," Mark Love, basso has sung leading roles with the Chicago Opera Company in past years. The Choral Union, composed of approximately 300 voices, under the direction of Prof.'Hardin Van Deur- sen, assisted by a special orchestra, and Frieda Vogan, organist, will headline Sunday's program. Hugh Norton of the speech department will be the narrator. AAUP Meeting Is Called Today Recent developments in connection with the report on the economic stat- us of the faculty will be discussed by Prof. Harold M. Dorr at a meeting of the campus chapter of American Association of University Professors to be held at 6:15 p.m. today in the Union. The report was submitted to the University Senate and the Board of Regents earlier this term. Also sched- uled to speak is Prof. Clark Hopkins, associate director of the Veterans' Service Bureau, who will talk on the relations between veterans and the University. All faculty members, whether mem- bers of the AAUP or not, may attend the meeting. Members and guests will join the Union cafeteria line and take their trays to the University Club lunchroom. Truman Asks Price Ceilings On Housing Priorities To Be Revived Shortly By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 - Presi- dent Truman, acting to avert "fur- ther sky-rocketing of home prices " today called for legislation to fix price ceilings on houses. In a companion move aimed to re- lieve what he termed an acute hous- ing shortage, the President an- nounced at his news conference that building materials will be back under a priority system in a few days. Under the system, about 50 per cent of all construction supplies will be earmarked for a single or multiple dwellings costing $10,000 or less a unit. The priorities program also will set up preferences for veterans in the purchase or rental of such housing. A third step in the new overall housing program calls for immediate release to states and local govern- ments of any surplus Federal prop- erty suitable for housing. Included under this plan, already. put in oper- ation by the Surplus Property Ad- ministration, are Army and Navy barracks and dormitories. To search out and attempt to track all bottlenecks afiecting home construction, Mr. Truman appointed Wilson Wyatt, former Mayor of Louisville, to be housing expeditor in the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion. A bill is pending in Congress to put price ceilings on new and old houses. A spokesman for Reconversion Boss John W. Snyder said the Ad- ministration is counting on passage of the Patman Bill, now before the House Banking Committee, for au- thority to fix ceilings. The bill provides that ceilings on new houses would be deter- mined on the basis of actual con- struction costs, plus the fair mar- ket value of the land and the gen- erally prevailing contractors' mar- gin for comparable units in 1941. As during the war, the priorities program will be operated under the Second War Power Act. Snyder said that to make the plan fully effective, the act should be 'extended for one year beyond Dec. 31, instead of six months as provided in a House ex- tension bill. Willow Vill age Vacant Houses May Be Moved Special to The Daily YPSILANTI-More than 2,000 va- cant homes in the $17,000,000 Wil- low Run Housing Project will be movedi to cities where they are need- ed unless World War II veterans oc- cupy them within the next two months, John P. McCollum, assis- tant regional director of the NHA, told a group of citizens here last night. McCollum will confer with Detroit officials today on that city's housing needs. University officials have requested that units for 600 married veterans be reserved and a commitment of 100 units has been made to Ypsilanti to house industrial workers, he dis- closed. Willow Run housing requested by 50 communities, is the only federal project in 13 mid-western states un- der the jurisdiction of the regional NHA office where there are now va- cant homes McCollum said. Truman Appoints GM Inquiry Board DETROIT, Dec. 12-CI)-President Truman named a fact-finding board to look into the General Motors strike today and- the CIO-United Auto Workers promised to cooperate with the group. Proposal for Student Government Revival Will Be Discussed Today At Special Meeting of Town Hall PATTON'S CAR - Godfrey Anderson, Associated Press foreign correspondent, looks over the wrecked front of the automobile in which Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., was riding when he was injured. A medical bulletin tonight said Patton's condition "remains good." HELPS STUDENTS: Dean Bursley Emphasizes Need of Goodfellow Fund "The money raised by the sale of Goodfellow Dailies has helped many students in financial straits," Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students, said yesterday in commenting on the im- portance of the Goodwill Fund. Through his office and the Dean of Women's office, money which will be collected for Monday's Daily, is to be given to students who need it. "About 75 per cent of this money comes from the sale of the Good- fellow Daily," he said, "while in- dividual and group contributions make up the rest of it. "The fund serves a purpose which is not covered by any other," he con- tinued, "for students who are not helped by academic scholarships are able to obtain the benefits." Cases are usually brought to his attention, Dean Bursley said, by peo- ple who are interested in some indi- vidual needing money immediately and that person is asked to come in for an interview. "The money is an outright Fift." he explained; "if a student wishesj to pay it back in order that others 'What A Life' To Be Given The second performance of "What a Life," the Clifford Goldsmith com- edy centering around the high school life of Henry Aldrich will be present- ed by Play Production of the speech department at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia' Mendelssohn Theatre. Byron Mitchell will play the part of the adolescent, who gets involved in a series of scrapes with teachers, parents and fellow students. Tickets may be purchased at the theatre box office. A special student rate is being offered for the per- formance today. may benefit, he may do so, but it is not obligatory." Begun in 1935 when many students were in economic difficulties, the fund was supplemented by a clothing drive. Primarily used in aiding stu- dents, proceeds from the Goodfellow Daily also are contributed to the Ann Arbor Family and Children Service and the Textbook Lending Library. Student Directory The Student Directory, an in- valuable aid in learning the where- abouts of all University students and faculty members, will go on sale Monday. Included in this year's direc- tory will be: a map of Ann Arbor, alphabetic listings of students and faculty members, and information concerning the campus and Ann Arbor. Unemployment Outlook Better WASHINGTON, Dec. 12-(fP)-The national job outlook brightened to- day with indications that there may be 3,000,000 fewer unemployed by spring than the government had figured. Government experts, acknowledg- ing that they had overestimated the impact of reconversion on employ- ment, now believe that not more than 5,000,000 will be seeking work by March, instead of the 8,000,000 of- ficially forecast in October. The 5,000,000 level may be sus- tained until mid-1946, then unem- ployment may decline as civilian pro- duction hits full stride - but of- ficials now are wary of forecasting beyond the middle of next year. r. Overstreet Offers Plan for Future Success 'Key Is To Arrange Meeting of Minds' "The person who can arrange the meeting of minds has the future with him," Dr. Harry Overstreet declared yesterday afternoon opening a set of speech department assemblies in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Overstreet spoke on "Influ- encing Human Behavior-20 Years After. Last night he and Mrs. Overstreet spoke on "The Individ- ual Moves Out Into the Commun- ity" at a "meeting sponsored by the Ann Arbor Adult Education Coun- cil a-nd the University Extension Service. In his afternoon address, Dr. Over- street said that "The meeting of minds is the great objective in life." This, he said, is best done by use of the two-way verbal process: discus- sion. Through discussion, he pointed out, people gather bits of information and insight which emerge in more complete knowledge. In the evening lecture Dr. and Mrs. Overstreet discussed the changing role of the individual in the changing post-war world. "The 'atomic' individual has been just as dangerous in the past world as the atomic bomb can be in the future " Dr. Overstreet said. From the un- social, lonely, "atomic"~ individual we must develop social, communal individuals. Different means by which individ- uals can gain vital linkage with their communities and at the sace time at- tain a larger, more discriminating in- dividuality were cited by the Over- streets. 'These include communal recreation, association for the pur- poses of learning, joining with otliers in help-giving, in "community house- ;keeping" and in making innovations in our society. Saari, Dixon, Bursley Will Hold Forum Aims of a revived student govern- ment on the University campus will be discused by students and faculty members at the Student Town Hall meeting, 7:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Stu- dents, Ray Dixon, managing editor of The Daily, and Wayne Saari, pres- ident of the Committee for Liberal Action, will participate in a forum on student government. Margaret Farmer, associate editor of The Daily, will act as moderator. General Discussion The forum will be followed by a general discussion. The meeting is designed to acquaint all students with the past attempts, and present status, of student gov- ernment on the University campus. Several changes in form and plans for a revival of student government will be discussed by all students at- tending the meeting. Climaxing a period of investiga- tion and discussion, today's Town Hall will be devoted to suggestions and definite plans for student gov- erment. A comparison with similar bodies at other large universities will be presented also. Groups Urged To Attend All dormitories, League houses, un- organized houses and campus organ- izations have received special invi- tations to attend the meeting. Pro- nosals for student government were presented at the Committee for Lib- eral Action meeting last night. All organized houses are urged to hold after-dinner discussions in order to formulate organized, representa- tive plans or counter-proposals on the question of student government. One group of students has already presented a plan for a student gov- ernment council which would act pri- marily as a coordinating body for campus organizations and as spon- sor of social functions. Prof. Dorr Is Named to State Post in Hi-Y Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the Poli- tical science department has been appointed state committee chairman for the Hi-Y Legislative Assembly, it was announced today. Prof. John W. Lederle, also of the political science department and Alfred Connable, Jr., University Re- gent, have also been named members of the committee. Organized for the first time in Michigan, the state committee will guide the Assembly which has been set up to promote interest in legisla- tion. Hi-Y members elected to the Assembly will draft bills aimed at correcting state and community needs, and will be given an oppor- tunity to sit in the state legislative chambers at Lansing. University T o' Get Bequests Taylor Wills Money; Bequeathes Rare Books Substantial bequests to the Uni- versity were listed yesterday in the will of Orla B. Taylor, '88L, promient Detroit lawyer, which was filed for probate, the Associated Press re- ported. Taylor stipulated that upon the death of his widow, Mrs. Dorothea De Trombley Taylor, $20,000 is to be given to the University Regents for use as they see fit; $1,000 to the Uni- versity's Building Corporation and $10,000 to Sigma Chi fraternity, of which he was a former national pres- ident. He bequeathed a large part of his library to the rare book department : k '. t SURVIVAL OF WISDOM: 'Educational Goal Is 'Ideal Way of Life'-Plumer By CLAYTON DICKEY (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth in a series of interviews with members of the University faculty on the subject of general education.) The Harvard Committee on the Ob- jectives of a General Education in do not live in a 'free' society. Man has never been less free than he is today. The purpose of education should be to release man from the fetters of his own making or of his machines." gories, 'sacred'. and 'profane', of which the profane alone can be admin- istered externally - that is, through direct educational methods. "Those of the sacred category should be distributed in the class- eight religions and traditional philos- ophies from anywhere in the world, together with their correlation to the perennial philosophy; 2. Worldly appearances: Eastern and Western manifestations of ma- in proper order, followed by a third element, a synthesis of the two." He said that the Harvard commit- tee would have done better to use the word "wisdom" rather than "ed- ucation."