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December 12, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-12

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SCHWELLENBACH MEETS WITH LABOR LEADERS-Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach (center) shown as
he me with labor leaders, in Detroit, Frank X. Martel (left); President, Detroit AFL, and Gus Scholle, CIO
Regional Director. The Secretary told newsmen that it was "extremely important" to the "economic life" of
the nation that an early settlement be achieved in the General Motors dispute.

New Court House To Replace
City's Venerable Landmark

In a few months, a sleek million
dollar paragon of efficiency and
beauty will replace the 68 year old
Washtenaw County court house, and
the city will lose one of its most ven-
erable landmarks.
In the name of progress and a
arger population, the ancient steps
an the South side where William
Jennings Bryan delivered one of his
:ilver-tongued campaign speeches
will give way to marble modernity.
prover Cleveland shook hands with
he people in the lobby, but today of-
ice overflow makes necessary make-
shift offices built out into the corri-
Mlore Dead than Alive
"More people who have climbed
vhese stairs are dead than alive,"
Ars. Louella M. Smith, County Clerk
>hilosophized, as she pointed out the
;reat walnut balustrades, the cast
ron stairway with the founder's
name on every step. The second floor
court room, witness to the notorious
Prince Michael case and the Hand
murder trial of the 1890's, the more
recent Torch murder case, will be re-
placed by two air-conditioned court
rooms. The County Supervisor's
ment and benefits of collective bar-
gaining in Palestine, will be present-
at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Hillel Foun-
dation by Avukah, student Zionist
organization. The film will be fol-
lowed by a speech by William Res-
--ick on the same topic.
Alpha Phi Omega...
Alpha Phi Omega, honorary boy
scout fraternity, will hold a get-to-
gether meeting at 7:30 p.m. today
in Rm. 302 of the Union for all
those interested in joining or find-
ing out more about the group.
Education Club...
The Undergraduate Education Club
will meet at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the
library of University Elementary
School, it was announced yesterday.
Purpose of the meeting is to or-
ganize committees. All undergradu-
ates in the School of Education are
urged to attend. Starting a club pub-
lication will also be discussed.

chambers where, three generations
ago, Supervisor Joe Donnelly wished
the Board might never adjourn ("$18
to take home every Friday night!")
will be no more.
From the third floor store rooms
with tin boxes crammed with hand-I
written marriage licenses and tax
records dating back to 1827, to the
basement where a 1917 court pre-
sid'ed over by Justice of the Peace
William G. Dody fined the prosecut-
ing attorney and the game warden
along with 21 other prominent citi-
zens for violating the law against
cockfighting, the building is in con-
stant danger of fire.
Records of 118 Years
The records of 118 years in Wash-
tenaw County, first in the Territory
and later as a part of the State of
Michigan, are crowded into the
clerk's office, with the overflow up-
stairs. A marriage license scrawled
on a little slip of green paper, the
tally sheets from an election spread
over two days in 1837 (for governor,
C. C. Trowbridge polled 20 votes less
than S. T. Mason), and a letter writ-
ten in his own hand to the clerk from
the Secretary of State as recently as
1891, these are random examples.
Relics of past years include the
rooms where jurors had to sleep
over night, and a dumbwaiter con-
necting the court room with the
clerk's office, a story below.
Prince Michael Case
Former Probate Judge W. H. Mur-
ray '951,smilingly remembers the
Prince Michael case of about 1893.
The long-haired Prince was brought
into court when his religious sect was
found to front for a house of ill-
fame. A wild gang of students plot-
ting in Joe Parker's Cafe and the
Orient across Main St. from the
courthouse, captured Prince Michael
and gaily deprived him of his fancy
The memory of many a Fourth of
July celebration with the fancy
dressed Porta Suaves marching to
the strains of the Ann Arbor Silver
Cornet Band before the bunting be-
decked speakers' platform will be
dimmed with the passing of the court
house. "Tempora Mutantur," the
times are changed.

Electron Scope
Will Be Topic
A symposium on the electron mi-
croscope, sponsored by Sigma Xi, will
be held at 8 p.m. today in the West
Lecture Room of the West Physics
Prof. Robley C. Williams of the
physics department will describe the
electron microscope and explain the
principles of its operation, showing
photographs taken with the micro-
Dr. Malcolm H. Soule, professor of
bacteriology, will lead a discussion of,
tlie possibilities these more powerful
microscopes afford in the study of
minute bacteria and viruses in gen-
eral. Prof. Lawrence O. Brockway
will discuss work he has been doing
on thin films, and Prof. Lars Thom-
assen of chemical engineering will
speak en the surface structure of
Prof. Ernest F. Barker, Chairman
of the Department of Physics, will
discuss the two electron microscopes
now possessed by the University.
The meeting is open to the public.
Clothes for Spanish
Refugees Needed
In response to an appeal made by
Dr. Charles R. Joy, that Spanish ref-
ugees are "absolutely without any-
thing but the last vestiges of gar-
ments" in the face of winter, Profes-
sor Warren A. Ambrose of the De-=
partment of Mathematics and his
wife have annou~iced that they are
willing to pick up clothing anywhere
in Ann Arbor and send it to the cen-
tral committee of the Spanish Refu-
gee Appeal in" New York.
Dr. Joy, who is executive director
of the Unitarian Service Committee
and now stationed in Paris, reported
that infants are being wrapped in
newspaper. He has issued a plea
to, "rush clothing, clothing is life."
Those who have clothing to con-
tribute should call Professor and
Mrs. Ambrose at 23620.
For Peace and Prosperity-
Victory Bonds-To Have
and To Hold

Davis Doubts
Change Needed
In Curriculumn
(continued from Page 1)
be easier to solve and that changes
in the present curricula will accom-
plish this purpose. I hold that pol-
ished minds result from the mainer
in which the abrasive is applied, rath-
er than the curricular character of
the abrasive.
One may be taught to think by way
of a course in Greek, in economics,
or in animal husbandry. It is held by
those who know educational psychol-
ogy that motivation is the strongest
force in learning, and motivation is
rarely supplied by requiring some-
thing for graduation.
There are many educational ex-
periments going on in the United
States on the college level. The Chi-
cago plan, the Harvard plan, the
Antioch plan, and the St. John's plan
all are attempts to do a better job'
of training young minds to think. In
each of these institutions I am sure
that there are some of the faculty
who think the plan they follow is
the best, and I am also sure that there
are some who believe it is poor.
This generalization will also apply
to the literary college of the Uni-
versity of Michigan. If a student
spends the customary four years here
without acquiring the ability to think
or the basic information with which
to form opinions, he has certainly
wasted his time. On the other hand,
I feel pessimistic of the value of any
"core course" which we compel him
to take in a perfunctory manner.
I also doubt that any core instruc-
tion which it would be practicable to
require of a student would contain
enough material or be received by the
students with sufficient motivated en-
thusiasm to make much of a "com-
mon body" of information on which
to build a better world.
New Business
Training Seen
Stevenson Announces
Curriculum Changes
The School of Business Adminis-
tration is considering changes in its
curriculum which will enable stu-
dents to gain practical working expe-
rience in outside business firms to
supplement their college training,
Dean Russel A. Stevenson. announced
The objectives of such training will
be to give students experience and
insight in the internal operations of
a firm.
Three stages of experience are
planned: production operations in
the plant, controls used in business
and contacts with the actual admin-
istrative division of business.
A student who has had experience
in these three areas will be in a
much better position to pursue his
case studies in the field of business
administration and to enter busi-
ness upon graduation, Dean Steven-
,son said.
The program will be introduced
gradually as eaffective relationships
are established between the School
of Business Administration and spe-
cific business organizations, probably
commencing sometime in the latter
half of next year.

WANTED: Assistant cook. Experience
not necessary if capable and willing
to learn. Meals furnished, six-day
week, vacation with pay. Apply Miss
Pomlinson, University Health Ser-
WANTED: Male help. Boy with no
eleven or one o'clock classes to wash
dishes. Apply any morning. Martha
Cook Building.-
WANTED: Ride to eastern Iowa Fri.,
21st or Sat., 22nd. Call 2-4561. Ar-
villa Chick.
VALUED VIOLINS very reasonable.'
Elderly man discontinuing business.
Mr. Coon, 315 N. State Street, Ann
FOR SALE: Linguaphone language
courses (records). German and
Hebrew. Never been used. Contact
PFC Alfred Baum, 214 Hinsdale,
E. Quad. Tel. 9143 at 12 noon or
5:15 p.m.
U. S. Calls fr
Economic Aid
To ermany
Asks Allies To Import
Goods Made in Reich

c/o vEscort~ Service, 1107 Willard
Street, Ann Arbor.
WANTED-Pasadena trade. Home at
852 So. Oakland Ave., one mile from
Cal. Tech., one mile from downtown
Pasadena, four blocks from Los An-
geles Speedway, two blocks from
interurban, 50x150 lot, seven roons
and two baths-to trade for Ann
Arbor home - will exchange floor
plans, etc. Box. No. xxx Michigan
LOST--Pair glasses, shell-rim, brown
leather case. On or near campus.
Reward. Phone 2-3246 daytime.
OST - Silver Link Bracelet, silver
spoon pin, valuable only to me. Nita .
Blumenfeld. 2-5553.
LOST: 2 wallets Sunday Dec. 9. St.
Mary's chapel. Finder keep money,
return Identification. Doris Heid-
gen, 1520 S. University.
WILL FINDER of brown leather note-
book and chem text in Union base-
ment please return class notes, val-
uable only to owner, to same loca-
LOST:"Tuesday, Dec. 4 on or near
campus, valuable keys in black
morocco case. Finder please leave
at Daily office. Reward.
LOST: Man's beige cable stitch wool
knitted sweater. Lost on campus
Tuesday by veteran. Reward. Tel.

4 t'




TALL, handsome blue eyed young
STENOGRAPHER: Argus Incor- man wishes date with a sweet young
porated, West William and girl for New Year's Eve. Call 2-4591.
Ask for Room 424 Green House.
Fourth Streets.
MALE ESCORTS for hire, for all oc-
casions. Reasonable rates. Write

State Department today
a Bread-scale economic
Germany which calls on

11 -- The
policy for
the United

States and other Allied powers to fi-
nance a program of German imports
over the next two years.
Such aid will be necessary to "pre-
vent disease and unrest" in the shat-
tered nation, the department said.
There was no estimate of the amount
of money involved in the proposed
financial aid, but it was believed the
American share might run into hun-
dreds of millions.
The policy statement forecasts
great hardship in Germany this win-
ter, but calls for starting a slow re-
covery in the spring. It is aimed at
getting Germany back on its own feet
economically and industrially in 1948.
This means what officials here
called a "delayed process ofsrecon-
struction" in the Reich to give a head
start on postwar recovery. To the
European neighbors that Germany
once overran.
Under the American plan, the Ger-
man standard of living in 1948 would
not be allowed to exceed that of its
European neighbors. But neither
would the ex-enemy country be re-
duced, officials emphasized, "to a na-
tion of foresters and goatherds."
German industry would be sharply
restricted to minimum peacetime
needs at the outset.

LOST: Purse containing $9 between
South University and Haven Ave-
nue, December 7. Reward.
LOST: Wedding band, fine chip dia-
monds in yellow gold setting on
Dec. 3rd between 5:30-6:15 at
Campus Drug Co. Reward. Con-
tact Mrs. J. R. Bristol, 1202 Pack-
ard. Phohe 2-1823.
WILL FINDER of large black leather
purse containing birth certificate,
pictures and contract please keep
the purse and send the contents to
Miss N. Marie DeAgostino, Flat
Rock, Mich.
LOST : S.A.M. fraternity pin on Dec.
5, between Education School and
Health Service. Initials G.D.K. Sen-
timental value. Reward. Phone
LOST: Silver earring between SAE
House and Jordan Hall. Finder call
2-4561, Jordan 583.
LOST: Silver bow-shaped pin set with
blue stones. Reward! Phone Caro-
lyn at 2-2243.
ALTERATIONS: Ladies' garm'ents.
Some work on men's wear. Velvet
collar. 410 Observatory. Ph. 2-2678.
VETERANS desiring free complete
information on GI insurance from
a veteran, write or call C. L. Carter,
512 S. Washington, Ypsilanti.







WED., DEC. 12, 1945
8:15-Meet the Band.
8:25-Women Today.
8:30-Sleepyhead Serenade.
9:00-Music Box.
9:30-Popular Music.
9:45-Moments of Melodies.
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:15-What Do You Know?
10:30-Broadway Melodies.

10:40-Community Calendar.
10:45-Waltz Time.
11:05-Popular Vocalist.
11:15-Lean Back & Listen.
11:30-Farm & Home Hour.
11:55-College and Martial
12:15-Jesse Crawford.
12:20-Today's Band.
12:30-Along the Sport
12:45-Man On the Street.
1:05-Salon Music.
1:10-Organ Music (Pop.)

1:15-South American Way.
1:30-Ruth Wolkowsky.
1:45-Ellen Mitchell.
2:05-Bob Chester.
2:15-Melody on Parade.
3:05-Social Security Board.
3:15-U. of Michigan.
3:30-Flashes From Life.
3:40-It Actually Happened.
3:45-Mystery Melodies.
4:15-Adventures in Christ-
mas Tree Grove.
4:30-Meet Me at Morays.
4:45-Dixie Quiz.

in the
Henry Aldrich Laugh Hit
"What a LIf~"
By Clifford Goldsmith
through Saturday
at 8:30 P.M.
Tickets 96c - 72c - 60c
(Tax included)

Spring Dantce
$2!- -Marius
~ >,~-

* *
~ ~


.PEC.....A.......A.T. ..
a ..y
SPECIAL RATE z... _...A. . .:



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