VETERANS QUESTION BOX See Page 4 / i t at 4poqp ati CONTINUED COLD SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LVI, No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS m Auto Union Offers Ford 'Company) Gov. Kelly Urges State Aid Security' Clause for Wage Conference For Further Construction Student, from Dutch Underground, Will Lead Mass Rally Here Today Following four years in the Dutch Underground Movement, Edmund Peter Wellenstein is travelling in the United States, describing to American students the shattered condition of European universities. He will address a mass student rally at 7:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall. "The death rate among Dutch students working in the Under- ground Movement was about 40 per cent," Wellenstein said in an in- terview yesterday. "During the war students arose as leaders, acting far stronger in a body than the faculty could do because they had no wives or children for which to fear reprisal. "They helped Allied pilots cape, sheltered German refugees, of- fered aid to widows and orphans of slaughtered members of the resist- ance, and did sabotage, espionage and intelligence work." Wellenstein attended Delft Univer- sity where in 1940 he became presi- dent of the Central Committee for Student Interest. Student strikes against Nazifica- tion of the University brought re- taliation in the dissolution of all student organizations. Going "un- derground" the Central Committee rendered service to persecuted Jew- ish and Gentile students, continu- ing to function even after the Uni- versity was closed in Nov., 1940. "The Germans later tried to reopen the Delft but few professors would cooperate, and not many students en- rolled, most of them preoccupied with the resistance movement," Wellen- stein pointed out, From 1943 to the end of the war all Dutch students were fair prey to the Gastapo, since they had the choice between signing an act of loyalty and being deported. The majority did not do either, and lived as outlaws until the end of the war doing; vital underground work. "In June, 1941, I was arrested on suspicion of underground activities. There were five charges against me -that I had published a resistance newspaper, listened to foreign broad- casts, been a member of a military organization, had incited others to re- sistance and had insulted a Nazi major. "Although the Nazis didn't usually need positive evidence against a sus- pect, I was released after eight months in a concentration camp. I think the main reason I was arrested in the first place was to scare my co-workers from further activity. But when the activities in which I had been engaged continued after my ar- rest, I imagine the Germans thought they had over-estimated the degree of my work. Expelled from Delft and forbidden to continue his studies, Wellenstein moved to the Hague where he became a leader in the National Resistance See Underground, Page 4 Arthos Terms New ' Crrcul On .Right Track Lauds Course Changes At Harvard, Chicago By CLAYTON DICKEY EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of interviews with members of the University faculty on the subject of general education. Terming the curriculum changes at Harvard and Chicago a step "in the right direction," Prof. John Arthos, of the English department, declared last week that "the usual college cur- riculum is both too specialized and too diffused." In a statement to The Daily, Pro- fessor Arthos also criticized present methods of instruction. "Led by special interests," he said, "we too frequently encourage the passive reception of information and opin- ions," when the objective should be "a knowledge of he values through which political, social and aesthetic criticism become useful." Professor Arthos recommended "a more coherent program of general education," because "it is dangerous and boring to be merely a specialist and futile to possess merely a scat- tered knowledge." The text of Professor Arthos' state- ment follows: "I believe that the usual college curriculum is both too 'specialized' and too diffused. An improved cur- riculum should, I think, provide all students with a common fund of learnii' in such a way that they have something more than an ac- quaintance with the best that has been thought and said. "Students, as citizens and as pri- vate individuals, would profit from the study of the great books of our civilization and would learn to place themselves in the European and American traditions. "A program of study so directed would prove more to their interest than one which leads to specialized or vocational study before they had been trained in the disciplines of the liberal arts. And it would be a step towards correcting our provincialism and isolationism. "Our present methods of instruc- tion are also often at fault. Led by specialized interests, we too frequent- ly encourage the passive reception of information and opinions. We should instead teach in such a way and with such materials that students may,ob- tain for themselves a knowledge of the values through which political, social and aesthetic criticism become useful. "Students must learn how to find and to evaluate evidence according to the methods employed in the physical and social sciences and in the arts. This is more important for most people than the mastery of a quantity of information in one field of study and an acquaintance with one method of interpretation and criticism. Faults of Past Student'U'Rule To Be Discussed at Meetings Climaxing a period of investigation and discussion of defects of past stu- dent governments on the University campus and a comparison with simi- lar bodies at other large Universities, two open meetings will be held by the Committee for Liberal Action and Student Town Hall tomorrow and Thursday nights. A preliminary discussion of the problems and need for a more active student government at 7:30 p.m. to- morrow in the Union will prepare students for a forum on this subject conducted by faculty members and students at the third Student Town Hall meeting of the semester at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in Lane Hall. Special invitations for the Town Hall meeting Thursday night have been sent to every campus organiza- tion, dormitories, league houses and unorganized houses. Dean Yoakum Paid Last Honor Meimorial Services Held at Rackhan Hall The University paid its last trib- ute to Dean Clarence Stone Yoakum of the Graduate School yesterday when Memorial Services were held in the Rackham Lecture Hall: The Reverend Dr. William P. Lem- on of the First Presbyterian Church opened the service with a prayer and was followed by the Reverend Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in religious education, who gave the scripture reading. Introduced by President Alexander G. Ruthven, Professor Norman E. Nelson of the English Department spoke for the Graduate School and Secretary of the University Herbert G. Watkins spoke on behalf of the Regents. In the Regents' Resolution read by President Ruthven, Dean Yoakum was proclaimed an able student of education, an efficient servant of the University, and a friend to his as- sociates. The University Choir, under the direction of Professor Hardin Van Duersen, participated in the Memor- ial Services. What can be done here and what has been accomplished in similar large state universities in the way of student government will be the topic of discussion. The Committee for Liberal Action will also elect officers and discuss finances at its meeting tomorrow night. All new members are requested to bring their eligibility cards to this meeting. Veterans Urged To Register- for' Date Bureaus Date Bureaus for the informal Veterans Dance from 8:30 p.m. to midnight Friday at Waterman Gym will be open from 3 to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow in the lobbies of the Union and League. Both veterans and women are urged to register with the Bureaus for the dance, which is co-sponsored by the Veterans' Organization and the League Council in honor of veterans recently returned. to campus. Persons who registered during Orientation week need not register again. The informal introduction of Presi- dent Alexander Ruthven and Univer- sity Provost James P. Adams will highlight the program.-Bill Layton and his orchestra, featuring Patti DuPont, will furnish music for the veterans and their dates, and special entertainment, including mixer danc- es, is also planned. Members of the League Council, escorted by veterans, and married veterans and their wives will act as hosts and hostesses for the dance. Auditions for student talent, which will be featured at the all- campus Christmas Party Tuesday, Dec. 18 at Hill Auditorium, will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. today in the Glee Club Room on the third floor of the Union. All students interest- ed in appearing in the show should audition at that time or contact Dick Roeder or John Sorice, co- chairmen of the event, at the Stu- dent Offices of the Union. May Accept Substitutes for Salary Boost See Picture, Page 4 By The Associated Press DETROIT, Dec. 10-The CIO Unit- ed Auto Workers union, in a move unprecedented in the motor car in- dustry, offered the Ford Motor Co. a "company security" clause today that paved the way for contract negotia- tions on a 30 per cent wage increase demand. Richard T. Leonard, director of the Ford department of the UAW-CIO, WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 -(')- John L. Lewis today assailed the Truman plan for curbing major strikes as a "foul-smelling mess" and Eric Johnston cautioned Con- gress against acting in "haste." Lewis, leader of the United Mine Workers, appeared before the House Labor Committee considering the proposal to set up fact-finding boards to inquire into big labor dis- putes. While the boards were func- tioning strikes would be barred. said the company agreed to talk wages at the next conference, sched- uled for Wednesday He added that the Union is not demanding "30 per cent or else." A percentage of the wage increase demand may be waived, he explained, if Ford makes annual wage, pension, retirement, and vacation proposals which the Union deems of more worth than the money itself. "I believe they can pay 30 per cent," Leonard went on. "I don't know if we will ask Ford to producetheir books. We may. Up to now we haven't." Also today General Motors termin- ated its contract with the Auto Workers Union, vhose 20-day-old strike over a demand for a 30 per cent wage increase has made 213,000 workers idle. The contract was to have expired April 28, 1946. In its proposal to Ford, the UAW- CIO also offered a specific counter- clause to the company's proposal that wildcat strikers be fined. The Union proposed that each violator be fined $3 a day for his first offense and $5 for his second. N R1 Navy Release Rules Relaxed Dec. 31 Determining Factor for Eligibility WASHINGTON, Dec. 10-()-The Navy relaxed its rules today with the intention of speeding up return of men and women home for Christmas. Effective today, the Navy said, men and women on duty within the Unit- ed States continental limits who will become eligible for separation on or before December 31 may be released immediately. The authority includes personnel serving on ships now in United States ports. The only conditions imposed were a provision that their services can be spared and that their processing would not interfere with prompt sep- aration of personnel previously eli- gible for release, particularly per- sonnel returning from overseas. The step was taken, the Navy said, in order to enable as many Naval personnel as possible to spend Christ- mas at home with their families. Perkins Will Discuss Future Of U. S. Labor Ex-Labor Secretary To Speak Here Today "The Destiny of American Labor" will be the topic of Miss Frances Per- kins, former Secretary of Labor, at 8:30 p. m. today in Hill Auditorium. Prof. Ollie Backus, acting manager of the Speech Clinic, will introduce Miss Perkins. The lecture will be the fourth in the current Oratorical As- sociation series. Only woman ever to attain cabinet Legislature To Give "U" TopRecognition State Gave One Structure Since 1927 By The Associated Press LANSING, Dec. 10 - Governor Kelly declared today that the Uni- versity of Michigan must have more buildings and equipment if is not to lose its position as one of the "most distinguished institutions of hgher learning in the country." Of New Campus Buildings n FRANCES PERKINS -. speak today rank, Miss Perkins served a term of more than 12 years under President Roosevelt. Under her administration much legislation bettering the con- dition of the workingman was passed. The legislation has provided for shorter hours, higher pay, unemploy- ment insurance, social security, old age insurance and workman's com- pensation. Richard Wright, who will be un- able to appear as scheduled for this lecture, will speak later in the season. The ticket originally issued for Miss Perkins' lecture should be used for admission to the lecture today. World News In Brief... i-uleyA WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 -()- Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Hurley said to- day that he had sought to stop a profit-making British corporation from selling lend-lease supplies in Iran and 17 other countries. The late President Roosevelt en- dorsed Hurley's suggestion "that the distribution of lend-lease supplies throughout the Middle East should be taken over by our own people," testimony showed. S * *. Marshal, , , WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 -(-')- Gen. George C. Marshall acknowl- edged today that the Army knew more than 10 -days before Pearl Harbor that the enemy was on, the move in a direction that might take him past the deadline where American military chiefs believed we should fight. The move was the embarkation of abeut five divisions aboard 40 to 50 transports at Shanghai, head- ed south. It was reported by Army intelligence Nov. 25-26, 1941. * * * Pattona HEIDELBERG, Germany, Dec. 10 -P)-Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., "Otherwise-and this must never happen-the University will inevitab- ly be reduced to a position of second- ary importance," he said. Building Needs Computed Starting the compilation of state building needs for the special legisla- tive session next month, Kelly said top consideration would be given to the requirements of the University, Michigan State College, the state teacher colleges and Wayne Univer- sity. "The time has come," he said, "to include Wayne in the survey. They have a critical veterans' problem." Except for $1,500,000 allowed this year for a new general service build- ing, the state has not contributed any appropriations for educational build- ings at the Ann Arbor institution since 1927, Kelly declared. In the past 20 years, he said, the University's con- stru'ction appropriations from the state have amounted only to $4,465,- 000 while in the same period state universities in Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Minnesota and Wisconsin averaged $13,000,000 each. Enrollment Rises Of $36,000,000 worth of buildings at the University, Kelly said, the state has built only $14,000,000 worth, and the remainder have been financed by private donors or by self-liquidating financial arrangements. The Governor said the University expected its current enrollment of 2,000 veterans to virtually double by 'March and the enrollment to increase 2,900 in the next 10 years, exclusive Situation Critical An already existing deficiency in class room and laboratory facilities which has accumulated during the past 20 years now becomes a critical emergency as the University attempts to meet its obligation to its veterans, Gov. Kelly declared. He pointed out that while the popu- lation of Michigan has virtually doubled since 1900, the student body at the University has more than trebled during the same period, en- rollment increasing from 3,712 stu- dents in 1900 to more than 13,000 in the pre-war years, 1939 to 1940. Chuck Helmisk To Head J-Hop Engine School Student Chosen by Rotation Charles Helmick, a junior engineer from Hillsdale, was chosen chairman of the 1945-46 J-Hop Committee yes- terday by the Men's Judiciary Coun- cil. Elected to a J-Hop Committee post in Friday's campus election, Helmick is president of the Engineering Coun- cil and a member of Triangles, the Men's Judiciary Council and Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. The constitution of the Men's Ju- diciary Council provides that the Council choose the dance chairman from one of the schools represented on a rotating basis. This year, the chairman was to be chosen from among the engineering school's com- mitteemen. Other members of the Committee elected Friday are: William Lambert, Lynne Ford, Collee Ide, Richard Roeder and Pat Hayes from the lit- erary school; Harold Walters and George Spaulding from the engineer- ing school; Roberta Ames from the combined schools and Betty Smith from the architecture school. City Building Estimated at $15 Million Need for Priorities Cited by Gerganoff Within Ann Arbor alone, Ralph Gerganoff, Ypsilanti architect, said yesterday, University, civic, and hos- pital buildings costing upwards of 15 million dollars are contemplated. Commenting on newspaper reports predicting a return to priorities, Ger- ganoff said that the critical housing, shortage will necessitate. priority rat- ing for low-cost housing. Clarifying this statement, he said that it will take several years just to build the several million dollars of contracts he has in his own office, and that as a result of this expansion of building, he anticipates a temporary renewal of building restrictions with high pri- ority for inexpensive houses. Gerganoff's experience shows that it takes 200 skilled and semi-skilled building mechanics a year of work for every million dollars of building. With a building boom on a national scale, it will be impossible to duplicate the Willow Run record by importing la- bor, he pointed out. Quoting figures to show that labor costs have increased 33 per cent in the past four years, the architect stated that prospective buyers will have to get accustomed to seeing their own increased incomes reflected in higher prices. HEN-REE ! Thespians _To Stage What a Life' Comedy First performance of the Henry Aldrich comedy, "What A Life," will be presented by Play Production at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The comic adolescent Henry, who constantly gets involved in scrapes with teachers and fellow students of Central High, will be portrayed by Byron Mitchell. Cast Listed other members of the cast include Dorothy Murzek as Miss Shea, Henry McQuire as Mr. Nelson, Serene Shep- pard as Barbara Pearson, Frank Pickard as Mr. Bradley, Annette Chaikin as Miss Wheeler and Jim Bob Stephenson as George Biglow. The story of the play centers around the antics of Henry Aldrich, now of radio fame, who becomes practically a permanent figure in the grave office of the startled school superintendent. Unable to get book learning through his head, Henry is forced to protect himself in a hostile world of teachers and parents. When his problems become too weighty for him to handle, he manages to acquire the support of a sympathetic assist- ant principal. He is saved from total disgrace just as the final curtain goes down. Mixes Humor With Pathos Clifford Goldsmith, author of the play which was sensational on Broad- way and on tour, is not lacking in sympathy for his victims. Despite his fondness for a joke, Mr. Goldsmith hqs mixed humor with pathos. He spent some time lecturing in Phila- delphia High Schools where he came in contact with adolescent youth. The theatre box office will be open every day this week for the sale of tickets. A special student rate will be offered for the Wednesday and ' Thursday evening performances. mily, Children's Service Will Be Supported By Tenth Goodfellow Drive Ending Monday The Ann Arbor Family and Chil- dren's Service is one of the agencies to be aided by the tenth Goodfellow drive which opened yesterday under the sponsorship of The Daily and the Union. Although some of the money given to the Family and Children's Service is used to make a Merry Christmas for needy families, the major part of it is reserved for prevention of broken homes and fam- ily discord so that children will not be affected by troubles in their fam- ily life. Often the agency encounters troubles which have accumulated over a period of time, and involve the members of the family in a complexity of conflicting feelings toward one another. When such cases are discovered the agency lems and come to the agency on re- ferral from doctors, schools, courts, public health nurses, ministers and other leaders of social groups. These may be typical problem child cases involving youngsters of all ages, de- veloped because of unhappy home re- lationships between parents or par- ent and child. In cases which are ineligible for public assistance and where tern- id Thee More Shapely Gais It was a great day for the legs in Ann Arbor yesterday. Once again NYLONS were being sold over the counter instead of under. The casual observer would have thought, from the line of people extending the length of the arcade, that Ident cards were being distrib- uted in the shop at the end of the queue. Viewing the conglomeration of servicemen, female collegians, townspeople and little boys, one 1