PAG9 FOUR T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECVM 3ER 9, 1945 Fifty-Sixth Yea WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Byrnes Works on Bottle-Necks DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications Editorial Stafi Ray Dixon Robert Goldman Betty Roth Margaret Farmer Arthur J. Kraft Bill Mulendore Marys Lu Heath Ann Schuts Dona Guimaraes . Managing Editor . ...City Editor . . . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Sports Editor .Associate Sports Editor .Women' Editor * .. .Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as jecond-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- ter. $4.50. by mail, $5.25. "PF T FOR NATION.L ADVERTISNG BY iAdvertising Service, Inc. Itep Publishers Representative r ADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ARGELEs * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY BRUSH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily stag and represent the views of the writers oniy. Conscripton THE instituting of peace-time conscription for the maintenance of large armed forces seems to me incongruous with two of the primary goals America has set for its post-war "new era." America's productive potential, in order to be utilized as fully as possible, requires the use of all' the nation's resources in the most eco- nomic way. The most economic use of man- power is its employment in fields which satis- fy human needs, or in preparation for employ- ment in those fields. During peacetime, mili- tary service does not fulfill either of these po- sitions. But, one may claim, maintenance of large armed forces is a prerequisite to peace. This claim has neither historical nor logical support. The most recent and probably most famous ex- ample-of arming for peace is seen in the pre- World War I race. Each major European na- tion, or group of nations, desirous of peace, armed itself to the teeth so as to keep the peace through a mythical "balance of power." Peace requires action for peace. An Ameri- can conscription program, undertaken with the most honorable intentions, may conceiv- ably result in aggression by this adolescent na- tion. Even more likely, it may provide an ex- cuse to less well intentioned nations for their maintenance of large armed forces. Rather than devote great amounts of our energies, wealth and resources to potentially dangerous ends, it seems more logical to expend these en- ergies toward world-wide disarmament. This disarmament should not be the type in- stituted during the interim between the two world wars, whereby armaments were supposedly limited and the restrictions never enforced. This disarmament must be complete. Only those small forces each nation needs to ensure domes- tic tranquillity should be permitted. A strong TUNO should be empowered to supervise the dis- armament program. The nations of the world all claim that peace is their goal; if this is true, they can raise no objection. Of course, this is a mere outline of one phase of preparation for peace-a meager out- line of a complex situation. But it should be sufficient to show that peace-time conscrip- tion is not the. solution to our problem. It can never help us realize our aims: peace and pros-' perity. -Malcolm Roemer By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.- Secretary of State Jimmy Byrnes' bad breaks in these difficult days of post-war readjustment have obscured some of the less spectacular but important things he has been doing to get the. demoralized State Depart- ment back on an even keel. One unannounced plan he is working on is to trade U. S. surplus property abroad for better embassy buildings and consulates. Instead of dumping or burning surplus army material or selling it for a song, Byrnes is working on the idea of trading it to European governments in return for real estate. For years, Congress was niggardly in ap- propriating for U. S. embassies and consulates, with the result that though we are the wealth- iest nation in the world, we are also the most poorly represented when it comes to foreign buildings. Byrnes wants to get better embas- sies and consulates in exchange for surplus jeeps, trucks and gasoline. Another Byrnes idea is to take over German consulates and embassies in foreign countries in lieu of reparations. In many Latin American countries, for instance, the Germans had luxur- ious embassies while the American ambassa- dor was housed in a relatively run-down build- ing. Though the United States doesn't want reparations from Germany in cash, which would be difficult to transfer abroad, Byrnes feels that it would be an excellent idea to take some repar- ations in the form of real estate which already has been transfered abroad. NOTE-Interesting fact is that certain ca- reer men in the State Department don't like the idea of taking over Nazi embassies and consulates abroad. Bogged-Down Cables MOST important move Byrnes has made, how- ever, is to bring in some fresh blood and start feorganizing creaking State Department machinery. While he was in London he discov- ered that an important telegram he sent to Washington on a Thursday didn't get delivered to the proper State Department official until the following Monday. Late delivery made the re- quested action impossible. There was a day under Thomas Jefferson when all State Department messages from ambassa- dors abroad were written longhand in a ledger. In that day it required four weeks for a diplo- matic message to cross the Atlantic by fast sail- ing clipper.' Today it is possible to cross the Atlantic in one day. Yet State Department cabled mes- sages sometimes take four days between Lon- don and Washington. This is not due to break- downs in transmission, but to red tape inside the State Department. To reorganize both State Department effi- ciency and personnel, Byrnes's former law part- ner, Donald Russell, now assistant secretary, has brought in Carter Burges, former expert for General Eisenhower in SHAEF; Joe Panuch, formerly with Byrnes in the War Mobilization Office; and Maj. Gen. Otto Nelson, one of the few West Pointers who ever received a Ph.D. from Harvard. Digging into the situation, these experts found that the State Department's messages from abroad had jumped from 500,000 in 140, the first year of the European war, to 1,800,000 in .1243. Yet State Department per- sonnel to handle these messages had only in- creased from 150 to 217. Again in 1945, State Department cables increased to 3,000,000 yet the number of people handling them remained stationary at 217. Poverty li De partment ONE reason only 217 people continued to han- dle almost double the number of messages was the fact that there was no office space to house more personnel. Also it was found that a poorly paid clerk, rather than a top-rating ex- pert, was deciding who should receive urgent cables, with the result that they were- frequently sent to the wrong executive, or to a number of different executives who duplicated each other's work. The system of routing messages is now being revamped, and simultaneously Byrnes' reor- ganization corps is finding more office space to house additional personnel. Another of Byrnes' headaches is to get more money out of Congress. In the past, the State Department has skimped along on almost no ap- propriations, paying its way largely from pass- port fees, despite the fact that it is the first line of the nation's defense. Cordell hull took a personal pride in asking for small appropriations and running the State Department with a relatively small staff. Byrnes, however, has determined that in order to build up an efficient "department of peace" he must get some real appropriations out of Congress. This will be one of his biggest jobs. (Copyright, 1945, by the. Bell Syndicate, Inc.)s AN is suffering both physical pain and moral distress. We turn for hope to the govern- ment but return saying our representatives are in a fog. We read the latest book but find that while it states the problem no solution is given. We go to the theater, get buoyed up by art per- haps, and are interested in the plot but feel let down by a mundane result. Even family gather- ings, reassuring because the several members are home again, are apt to end in sharp division on current issues. We are challenged to some new work, a study, a job, or a civic responsibility. We do it and return to find that the spirit seems re- newed but we are not quite satisfied. Our society is sick. What is the sickness? Being a student of the centuries fails to lessen the physical pain or the mcral distress. It may increase both but here at least is perspective. In the Book of Job we have a remedy sug- gested. Because Job experienced loss of his sons, his cattle, lands, and health and finally was de- serted by his neighbors, his friends, Eliphaz, Zophar and Bildad, insisted that all this distress was a result of personal sin. Job, on the other hand, believed that God, while complex and dis- tant, was good and should be worshipped. In similar fashion Jesus when asking "who -hath sinned, this man or his parents, that he should have been born blind?", replied, "Neither did this man sin, nor his parents." "The problem was too involved for such glib judgement," says Joseph Fort Newton in his book Where Are We In Religion. The general argument is that our case can be met by some surface remedy or turn of the political wrist, so that the slight of hand will make everything right. "Not so" said the sages. Job appealed to God, knowing that he and his friends needed deeper insight and sterner virtue than his own to grapple with social causes. He knew that accident, tensions, conflicting pur- poses and age old habits within society had com- bined as it were to have it so. Says the young English poet, Burdett Clouts, of Job: "He was not patient, man or myth, He did not stoop to kiss the rod; But like some storm-swept monolith, Craven with grief, confronted God." We are arguing for that attitude of mind and devetion of soul which draws from the compassionate God a more profound attack upon man's problems than man can possibly put into them. Here is the very essence of re- ligion, says the Mystic. The Realist and the Pragmatist, while slow to grant any extra- sensory merit, joins that Mystic in a prayer of faith and in belief in the deeper levels of in- sight available a sincere soul. Together they enter into the discipline required by religion. Said Hartley Coleridge: "Think not the faith by which the just shall live Is a dead creed, a map correct of' Heaven, Far less a feeling, Iona and fugitive; A thoughtless gift, withdrawn as soon as given, It is an affirmation and an act That bids eternal truth be present fact." The religious man insists that only those processes which are reverently engaged and those approaches which are made in religious fashion will certainly result in spiritual values. All other processes or approaches will stop short of them. Those alone who plumb the depths of religion, may confidently hope to heal the stubborn hurt of war. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor of Religious Education 1 f Connolly, Cyril The unquiet grave: A word cycle by Palinurus. New York, Harper, 1945 An odd volume of erudition, philos- ophy and self-deprecation by the British author Cyril Connolly, writ- ten under the pen-name, Palinurus. A stimulating, extraordinary book with Mr. Connolly at his best as he writes of writers and writing. Davenport, Marcia The valley of decision. New York, Scribners, 1942 This novel, whose setting is the steel city Pittsburgh, tells the story of the Scott family through three generations from the panic of 1873 to Pearl Harbor. The author's choice of detail is vivid and effective. Her de- scriptions of the workings of Besse- mers, open-hearth furnaces, skip- hoists, and cast-houses are impres- sive. The novel, though long, never loses its quality of stirring human interest. Foster, Mulford B. Brazil, orchid of the tropics, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, 1945 The largest jungle area in the world is in Brazil. The authors set out through these areas to collect and study air plants. This book re- lates the fascinating story of their travels in Brazil and the studies of the vegetation they found there. Contains m any excellent photo- graphs. Harper, Samuel Northrop The Russia I believe in: The Me- moirs of Samuel N. Harper, 1902- 41. Chicago, University of Chi- cago, 1945 Memoirs of an American student of Russia, who studied the country for over forty years. Written by a man of liberal principles, without prejudices and with a vast store of information. The book is interesting and is a contribution to our under- standing of Russia. Publication in the Daily Official 13ul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1945 VOL. LVI, No. 31 Notices Memorial to Dean C. S. Yoakum. Under the auspices of the University, a memorial meeting will be held at 4:15 p.m., Monday, Dec. 10,. in the Rackham Lecture Hall, in honor of the late Dr. Clarence Stone Yoakum, Dean of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Members of the faculties, students, and other friends of Dean Yoakum are invited to be present. "Faculty Tea": President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to members NLW BOOKS IN THE GENERAL LIBRARY i of the faculty and other townspeopler Sunday, Dec. 9, from 4:00 to 6:00. t Cars may park in the restricted zone on South University between 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. Student Tea: President and Mrs.v Ruthven will be at home to students C Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 12, fromi 4:00 to 6:00. c L. S. & A. Civilian 'Freshman Five-a Week Reports will be given out in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall, in the following order: Monday, Dec. 10, A through E Tuesday, Dec. 11, F through K Wednesday, Dec. 12, L through Rt Thursday, Dec. 13, S through Z. Students, Fall Term College of Lit-s erature, Science, and The Arts: Courses dropped after Wednesday,c Dec. 12, by students other than fresh-1 men will be recorded with the gradej of "E." Freshmen (students with less1 than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week, upon the recommenda- tion of their academic counselors. t Exceptions to these regulations may be made only because of extraordin- ary circumstances, such as serious ill- ness. E. A. Walter Choral Union Members in goodI standing will please call' for theirt courtesypass tickets for the Boston Symphony Orchestra on the day of the concert, Monday, between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 and 4, at the offices of the University Music- al Society in Burton Memorial Tow- er. Passes will not be is'sued after 4 o'clock. Charles A. Sink, President. Faculty College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-' ports are due not later than Friday, Dec. 21. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for freshmen and sophomores and white cards for reporting juniors and seniors. Re- ports of freshmen and sophomores should be sent to 108 Mason Hall; those of juniors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- classmen, whose standing at midsem- ester is "D" or "E", not merely those who receive "D" or "E" in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. Veterans World War 11: A tutorial section has been organized in English Composition. This section is for be- ginners, and meets Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday at 7:30 p.m., Room 3209 Angell Hall. Mr. John O'Neill will be the instructor. Veterans World War 1I: An addi- tional tutorial section has been organ- ized in Spanish. This section is for beginners, and meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Room 107, Romance Language Building. Dr. Hootkins will be the instructor. All Student Organizations must re- turn their contracts by Saturday, Dec. 15, if they want space in the 1946 Michiganensian. The Michiganensian will not guarantee insertion of the page if the contract is not received at that time. It is not necessary that pictures, reading material, or checks be turned in with the contract. Fraternity and sorority contracts must be returned by Monday, Dec. 10. Veterans' Date Bureau for the Vet- erans' Dance to be held Friday, Dec. 14 in Waterman Gym will be open Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons in the League and the Union, from 3:00-5:00. Girls sign up in the League, and boys in the Union. Lectures Frances Perkins, former Secretary of Labor, will be presented by the Uni- versity Oratorical Association Tues- day evening at Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Miss Perkins is substituting for Richard Wright whose illness has made it necessaryto postpone his lecture. Recently returned from the International Labor Parley in Paris, Miss Perkins will speak on the sub- ject "The Destiny of American La- bor." Htilders of Season Tickets are requested; to. use the original Perkins ticket, dated Jan. 16, for admission Tuesday night. Individual tickets will go on sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. in Hill Auditorium.lib' office. Lecture; D; and Mrs. Harry A. Overstreet; noted authors, lecturers, philosophers, and psychologists, will lecture in Pattengill Auditorium on Wednesday evening, Dec. 12, at 8:00, on the subject "The Individual Moves Into the Community." The lecture, I of the von Neumann-Morgenstern text. Concerts The Boston Symphony Orchestra will give the sixth program in the Choral Union Series, Monday, at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. The program will consist of Prokofieff's "Classical" Symphony and the Symphony No. 5, and the Symphony No. 2 by Sibelius. Charles A. Sink, President. Exhibitions Exhibit of Paintings and Sketches by Various Japanese-American Ar- tists, On Relocation Centers. Through December 16. Sponsored by Student Council of Student Religious As- sociation, Inter-Guild, Inter-Racial Association, All Nations Club. Office of Counselor in Religious Education, Michigan Office of War Relocation Authority, U. S. Department of In- terior. Exhibit: Museum of Art and Arch- aeology, 434 South State Street. His- torical Firearms and other Weapons. Today from 3:00-5:00. Events Today The Graduate Outing Club will have a bike-hike today followed by an informal supper and -folk dancing in the Club Rooms. Bikers will meet at 2:00 p.m. in the Outing Club Rooms in the Rackham Building (use northwest entrance). Bicycles may be rented then. Alternate activities will be planned in case of inclement weather. M.C.F.: Everyone is invited to at- tend the Sunday afternoon meeting of the Michigan Christian Fellowship Dec. 9, at 4:30, in Lane Hall. Dr. Fran- cis Steele will speak on "Why the Cross, The Hymn Sing is scheduled for 4:00. Coming Events Flying Club: Meeting in Room 1042 East Engineering Building on Mon- day, Dec. 10, at 7:15 p.m. General discussion will be continued, and defi- nite plans for organization will be presented. All faculty members and students interested are invited to at- tend. Faculty Women's Club-The Play Reading Section will meet Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 11 at the Michigan League. Dutch treat dessert at 1:15 in the Russin Tea Room. Reading at 2:15 in the Mary B. Henderson Room. Graduate Education Club: The first meeting of the Graduate Education Club will be-held in the U.E.S. Library at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 11. All graduate students in education are urged to attend for election of officers and preparation of the organization's program for 1945-1946. All Women Engineers: Tgere will be a meeting Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 5:00 in Room 3201 East Engineering (Sem- inar Room). Election of officers will be held, and arrangements made for a group Ensian picture. All women engineers urged to attend. Polonia Club will hold a meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 7:30 at the International Center. All members are urged to attend, and, any other student of Polish parentage is cor- dially invited. A. I. E. E.: There will be a meeting of the Michigan Student Branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Mr. J. F. Cline of the Electrical Engineer- ing Department will speak on "Tele- vision." A group picture of all local members will be taken for the 1946 Ensian. All students of electrical en- gineering and any others interested are invited. Sigma Xi will hold its first public meeting of the season Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 8:00 p.m. in the West Physics Bldg., Lecture Room. Dr. Rob- ley C. Williams will discuss the Elec- tron Microscope and will exhibit startling and unique photographs of ultramicroscopic objects, organic and inorganic, taken by the ingenious new methodadevised on this campus and hailed as such a valuable scientific contribution last spring. The micro- scope itself will be displayed after the lecture, in Randall Bldg. Guests will be welcome. Refreshments. Campus Christmas Concert given by the University Women's Glee Club and the Varsity Glee Club, Wednesday evening, Dec. 19 at 8:30 in Lydia Men- delssohn Theater. A program of foll and traditional carols and popular seasonal songs; audience participa- tion in singing familiar carols. The public is invited. No admission. "What A Life", the amusing comedy of Henry Aldrich's High School scrapes, will be presented by Play FrrbetnnofEh a nar- a.f I Shellabarger, Samuel Captain from Castile. phia, Blakiston, 1945 Philadel- Lively action, packed historical ro- mance, exact historical fact, sharp characterizations, lively simple, nar- rative style, make this novel of six- teenth century Spain and Mexico a leader among the year's adventure stories. Stone, Irving Immortal wife: The biographi- cal novel of Jessie Benton Fremont. New York, Doubleday, 1945 This biographical novel (about Jessie Benton Fremont, wife of John Fremont, American explorer, and geographer is recommended as a story of exciting historical events (for the most part accurately told), as a fine love story and as an excel- lent character study.# 14th Amendment ;t BARNABY \\ WIN A MODERN MOVIE CAMERA GUESS the number of beans in the bowl in this store window /.: IT'S SIMPLE IT'S FUN -- Copyright, 1945 . Newspope PM.Inc. Say! This problem appeals to your Fairy =- Godfather's logical mind. It's simple, too. And fun... The camera's yours, Barnaby. th. '.Wl you get te righ answer Iby waving your magic wand? IT'S SIMPLE IT'S FUN 4. . CA ~ By Crockett Johnson That wouldn't be fair to the other - contestants . .. The answer can be arrived at by simple mathematics. Er, notice the open transom, m'boy---- tie number of beans in t Are you hi tore window. going to MPLE IT'S FUN \- !f COUNT them? C Q- I FIFTY prominent Hollywood Negroes, includ- Hattie McDaniels, actress, and Ethel Waters, singer, won a court fight against evictiori from their homes in the West Adams Heights district once the home of Los Angeles' highest society. Eight white property owners sought to en- force a 1937 agreement restricting the district +t white. Nero etetifier1 thev had nurchad I CLr -- - ---I AAv Fnirv rnr irf{ior quill nrtmet fhn I I Yae Mnm I wnnf fn I r