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December 08, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-08

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Sermons Discussions, Open
Houses Plan4/ned for Students'

becture on Argentina .,..
Jaime Perriaux, graduate student
of law, will be the first speaker in the
lecture series sponsored by the Latin
American Society beginning Wednes-
day in the Rackham Building.
Mr. Perriaux, a native of Argentina,
US Government
Is Investigating
General Motors
UAW and CIO Call
Recess Over Deadlock
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Dec. 7-- A Government
investigation of General Motors Corp.
under anti-trust laws was disclosed
today while the corporation and the
CIO United Auto Workers wrangled
in their wage dispute.
The Department of 'Justice in
Washington confirmed a Union an-
nouncement that it was inquiring into
operations of the Corporation, which
has been crippled for 17 days by a
strike. The Union had asked such a
Representatives of the corporation
and Union meanwhile recessed a bar-
gaining session until Monday, report-
ing little progress in the attempt to
settle the UAW-CIO's demand for a
30 per cent wage rate increase within
General Motors' present price struc-
GM officials said there would be no
Company statement on today's ne-
gotiating session, but Walter Reuther,
UAW vice-president, told a press con-
"The 131/2 cent an hour offer is
only the beginning. The Corporation
will give more and more and more
and finally will wrap it up and we'll.
all go back to work."
He referred to GM's Thursday of-
fer to reinstate the 131/2 cent increase,
which the UAW rejected shortly be-
fore the strike was called at GM
plants in 20 states.
Tillich To Be
Ch ieof Speaker
At Conference

will illustrate his talk with represent-
ative Argentine films.
All friends of Latin America are
Justin Kline To Speak.. .
Justin Kline, director of the
Youth Hostel Movement in Wash-
kington, D. C., will be guest speakerI
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the In-
ternational Center.
Illustrating his talk with movies,
Kline will emphasize hosteling op-
portunities in Mexico, South Amer-
ica and Canada.
Professors To Speak .. .
Prof. Warner F. Patterson and Prof.
Charles N. Staubach will speak at the
first meeting of the Romance Lan-
guage Journal Club at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
Prof. Patterson will give "Some Im-
ressions of French Canada." Prof.
Staubach will speak on "Teaching
and Learning in Bogota", and will
discuss professional, literary and cul-
lural activities in that city.
Faculty and graduate students are
Latin American Society. .
All members and prospective
members of the Latin American
Society are required to attend a
general assembly at 2:45 p.m. to-
morrow in Rm. 316 of the Union
Business of the meeting will be
revision, amendment and final.
ratification of the constitution.
Swing Band Concert .. .
A swing concert featuring Skip
Covington and his band will be pre-
3ented January 6 at Ann Arbor High
School Auditorium.
Seats are reserved for the concert
which is being given under the aus-
Dices of the Disabled American Vet-
erans. Tickets may be obtained at
Grinnell Bros., the Chamber of Com-
inerce, the Welfare Building, and the
MWth Club Plans Party . .
The Mathematics Club will hold
a Cristmas party and potluck din-
ner at 6 p.m. Thursday in the halls
and library . of the Unitarian
Church. Members and their fam-
iliet have been invited.
Hillel Tournaments . . .
Persons interested in entering the
Hillel bridge and ping pong tourna-
ments should sign up before Monday
at Hillel Foundation.
The contests will begin next week.
Prizes will be awarded the winning
Stevenson Tells
Banker's Place

SHORT AND KIMMEL HEAR GEN. MARSHALL T STIFY-Maj. Gen. Walter B. Short (No. 1), Army Com-
mander in Hawaiian Area where Japs Struck, and Adm. Husband Kimmel (No. 2), Naval Commander at Pearl
Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, listen as Gen. George C. Marshall (No. 3), former Army Chief of Staff and now
envoy to China, testifies before Senate-House Pearl Harbor Investigating committee in Washington.
ewey ept Quet on C Cracking ecret
v -

Worship services, student meetings
and open houses are included in to-
morrow's church activities.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will
hold Holy Communion at 8 a.m., and
morning prayer with Rev. Lawrence
Pearson delivering the sermon will be
held at 11 a.m.
The Canterbury Club will meet at
6 p.m. in the student center, 408
Lawrence Ave. Rev. Pearson will
lead a discussion group,
Prayer services will be held at 8
p.m. in the Church.
In observance of Universal Bible
Sunday, Rev. Alfred Scheips will de-
liver a sermon on the topic "The
Scriptures Cannot Be Broken" at 11
a.m. in the University Lutheran
Gamma Delta, student Lutheran
group, will hold a supper meeting at
5 p.m. in the student center, 1511
Washtenaw Ave. New officers will be
elected at this time.,
Services will be held at 10:30 a.m.
in the Zion Lutheran Parish with
Vicar Clyde Showalter delivering a
sermon on the topic "Your Hope Lies
In Jesus Christ."
A panel discussion of "Race Rela-
tions" will be held at 5 p.m. in the
Parish Hall. Supper will be- served at
6 p.m., and a communion, led by Rev.
E. C. Stellhorn will take place at 7:30
* * *
Rev. W. P. Lemon will speak on
"God's Oldest Bible" during services
at 10:45 a.m. in the Presbyterian
The Westminster Guild will hold a
discussion on the topic "Must Russia
Remain Unknown" at 5 p.m. in the
social hall.
* *
Dr. J. B. Kenna will speak on the
topic "God Sent His Son" at 10:40
a.m. in the Methodist Church.
Franklin Littell, director of the
Student Religious Association will
address the Wesleyan Guild on "An
Aggressive Faith" during a supper
and social hour beginning at 6 p.m.
Day of Obligation masses will be

held at 6:30, 7, 8, and 9 a.m. today
in St. Mary's Student Chapel.
Tomorrow's masses will be held at
8, 10 and 11:30 a.m. with a com-
munion breakfast taking place from
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the chapel club
rooms. Monseignor Babcock will be
the guest speaker at the breakfast.
"God's Good Faith' is the topic of
Rev. Edward H. Redman for services
at 11 a.m. in the Unitarian Church.
A movie, "Price Unlimited" will be
Group meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Lane
Dr. Leonard A. Parr will deliver a
sermon on "The Supieme Transition
of History" during services at 10:45
a.m. in the Congregational Church.
The Annual Church open house
and family gathering will be held
from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The entire
church will be open and Christmas
carols will be sung and tea served.
The Congregational Disciples
Guild will meet at 5:30 p.m. Sunday
in the Memorial Christ Church. A
cost supper will be followed by a
program of Christmas music and a
vorship service.
Army Releases
George Forbes
Captain George Forbes, Jr., former
public relations officer for the J.A.G.
School and editor of the school pa-
per, "The Advocate," was released
from duty Wednesday, and is now
on terminal leave in Ann Arbor.
Navy Bombers Still
Missing; No Clues
MIAMI, Fla., Dec. 7 --/P-- A dawn
to dusk search of a vast Atlantic area
by a rescue armada failed to turn up
a single clue today to the disappear-
ance of a formation of five Navy tor-
pedo bombers and a big FBM that
went out to hunt them.
A third day's search with the same
forces was ordered for tomorrow.

Prof. Paul Tillich of the Union
Theological Seminary, New York City,
will be the chief speaker at the sev-
enth annual Michigan Pastors' Con-
ference, to be. held Jan. 21 through
23, according to Dr. Charles A. Fish-
er, director of the University Exten-
sion Service.
Dr. Tillich will deliver a series of
four lectures during the conference,
which is held each year under the
joint auspices of the Michigan Coun-
cil of Churches and Religious Edu-
cation and the Extension Service. The
general topic of the lectures will be
"Protestant Principles", or the func-
tion of dissent, with their history,
their relation to collective trends and
to the mystic trend, and their effect
on transformation of the church to
be discussed in the individual talks.
Dr. Edward Blakeman, Counsellor
in Religious Education, says of Dr.
Tillich, "No scholar in America knows
pre-war Germany better, or speaks
more fluently upon the religious and
philosophical issues of our era."
A minister of the Evangelical Re-
formed Church, Dr. Tillich is the
author of "The Religious Situation"
and "The Interpretation of History."
He attended the universities of Berlin,
Tulungen, Halle and Breslau, where
he received his Ph.D. in- 1911, and
taught at Leipzig,;and Frankfurt-am-
Main before coming to the Union
Theological Seminary. He was one
of the first to openly disagree with
Hitler, and was forced to leave the

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 - Gen.
George C. Marshall told today how
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey complied with
his fervent plea to soft pedal the
1944 campaign debate that might
have informed the Japanese the
United States had cracked their code.
The retired Chief of Staff told the
joint committee investigating Pearl
Harbor that he informed the Repub-
lican nominee of the "utterly tragic
consequences" that might flow from
any revelation of the code-cracking
secret in the campaign arguments
over the Pearl Harbor disaster.
Dewey, he said, not only held his own
silence but offered, after the election
to help still Congressional debate.
The late President Roosevelt,
Marshall testified, did not know he
had made his appeal to the New
Yorker and added:
Holiday Party
Is Planned by
All-Nations Club
Displaying an unmitigated individ-
ualism, members of the All-Nations
Club will hold a Christmas party on
Jan. 4.
At a recent meeting, the foreign
students made plans for the coming
year. An en masse trip to Michigan
State College to meet with the Inter-
national Club there was agreed upon
for the near future.
The annual International Ball will
be held Jan. 11 in the Union ball-
room, the proceeds to go to the
Emergency Fund for. Foreign Stu-
dents. An all-campus dance, the af-
fair will be semi-formal.
Also on the meeting's agenda was
an address by Prof. Harley N. Bart-
lett of the botany department who
spoke on the Indonesian situation.
Montana Legion
Aids Rae Plea
Continuing their support of Prose-
cutor John W. Rae's action to extra-
dite Julia May Ward, veteran's wife
wanted in Michigan for perjury in
obtaining a divorce, the Department
of Montana American Legion yes-
terday sent a telegram to Rae urging
a second request for Mrs. Ward's ex-
Signed by Ed Orleman of the Mon-
tana group, the telegram asked Rae
to continue his demands to obtain
for "this veteran of World War II
the fullest consideration, justice, and
his legal rights.

"I think he died without know-
ing it."
Marshall's two letters to Dewey
were introduced in evidence, and
Marshall in oral testimony told the
investigators of the circumstances.
There were two letters because
Dewey, declining to be bound by a
stipulation that he must not reveal:
its contents to anyone, returned the
first one unread to the Army officer
who took it to him.
The second, practically identical,
was read by Dewey under an agree-
ment that he might have one ad-
viser present and keep one copy.
The missives, one dated Sept. 25
and the other Sept. 27, 1944, men-
tioned a speech in Congress. by Rep.
Harness (R-Ind) on the question of
a Pearl Harbor investigation. Mar-
shall wrote that although Harness
might not so interpret it, the speech
would mean to the Japanese that
their codes were being deciphered
The General outlined some of the
benefits of that secret tosthe Ameri-
can fighting forces: the Japanese dis-
aster at Midway where we knew their
location and strength; the amazing
American submarine successes be-
.Play Tickets Go
On Sale Monday
Students Get Special
Rate for 'What A Life'
A special student rate for Thurs-
day and Friday's performances of
Play Production's "What a Life," has
been announced by the Speech De-
The Clifford Goldsmith comedy,
which centers around the high school
life of Henry Aldrich will be pre-
sented at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday
through Saturday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Tickets may be
purchased at the theatre box office
starting Monday.
Henry, the problem child of Cen-
tral High, is seen, throughout three
acts of the play, enduring one di-
lemma after another. With the sym-
pathetic assistant principal on his
side, he finally manages to get out of
his scrapes but only after a series of
woeful mishaps that afford side-
splitting comedy.
Mr. Goldsmith's genuine fondness
for a joke is evidenced in this play,
but a touch of pathos in Henry's life
shows that the author is not lacking
in sympathy for his character. Mr.
Goldsmith spent some time lecturing
in Philadelphia High Schools where
he came in close contact with the life
of the adolescent.

cause we knew where their shipping
would be; Admiral Halsey's great
raids on ship concentrations.
The General, under committee
questioning, said later that he did
not actually know at the time of his
first letter that Dewey had specific
knowledge of code breaking.
Dental School
Review Course
Begins onday
A refresher course in child's den-
tistry will start' with five members
Monday at the W. K. Kellogg Foun-
dation Institute.
Several of the men who have en-
rolled in the courses are ex-service-
men who are preparing to resume
civilian practice. Prof. Kenneth Eas-
lick, head of the children's dentistry
department, will conduct thecourse,
which will run for two weeks.
Prof. Easlick explained the need
for special work in this field because
dentistry for children brings up
problems differing from general adult
dentistry. These include managing
the patients, especially when they are
of pre-school age, and care of the
growing and developing teeth arches
and bite, which are formed during
childhood. Another problem arises
because young teeth are not com-
pletely calcified and require special
operative procedures.
Six more two-week courses are
scheduled this term. These are oper-
ative dentistry, oral pathology, den-
tal caries control, operative and in-
terpretative radiodontics, root canal
surgery and periodontics. These will
respectively start Jan. 7, Jan. 21,
Jan. 21, Feb. 4, Feb. 11 and Feb. 11.
Music Group
Elects Officers
Murthum Named Head
Of Kappa Kappa Psi
The Michigan Chapter of Kappa
Kappa Psi, national honorary music
fraternity, yesterday announced its
new officers for the coming year.
Elected , were George Murthum,
'47SM, president; Allen Chase, '48SM,
vice-president; Nathan Anderson,
'48SM, secretary and Harold Fischer,
Grad.SM, treasurer.
Kappa Kappa Psi was founded in
1919 at Oklahoma A. & M. The Nu
Chapter was founded in 1925 here at
the University. Due to a lack of mem-
bers, its activities were curtailed dur-
ing the war and were renewed last
year. The Nu Chapter is one of 42
chapters throughout the United

WANTED: Assistant cook. Experience
not necessary if capable and willing
to learn. Meals furnished, six-day
week, vacation with pay. Apply Miss
Tomlinson, University Health Ser-
vice-2453 1.




Alumnus Speaks
Conference Session

Lieral roup
Plans Election
An election of officers, discussion
of finances and student government
committee reports will head the
agenda of a meeting of the newly or-
ganized Committee for Liberal Ac-
tion at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the
Union. The meeting date has been
changed because of Madame Per-
kins' speech Tuesday night.
The organization approved a re-
vised constitution and elected a tem-
porary steering committee at a meet-
ing last week. Membership is open
to all eligible students, including vet-
erans, Army and Navy personnel, on
Organized by members of the
Post-War Council to promote con-
structive action on campus, local, na-
tional and international post-war
problems, the Committee plans to
correlate the local and campus situ-
ations with national nroblems as a

Closing the seventh annual Bank
Study Conference, William H. Stev-
enson of Chicago discussed the
banker's position in a balanced econ-
omy yesterday at a luncheon meet-
ing in the League.
In the bankers' morning session,
Raymond T. Perring, vice-president
of the Detroit Bank and a University,
alumnus, said, "It is far better for
banks to take the initiative (in im-
proving bank reporting) than to run
the risk of being forced to action by
legislation or some other manifesta-
tion of popular demand."
Following Perring's speech, Ar-
thur S. Greiner of Detroit praised
job relations training for bank per-
sonnel work.
Speaking at the trust division
ieeting, Profs. Lewis M. Simes and
Paul G. Kauper, both of the Univer-
sity law school, spoke about wills
and inheritance tax laws.
Approximately 200 bankers and
trust men assembled Thursday and
yesterday for the conference spon-
sored by -the Michigan Bankers As-
sociation and the School of Business
British Bombs Hit
Indonesian Positions
BATAVIA, Dec. 7 - (P) - Twelve
British planes dumped three tons of
bombs today on Indonesian gun posi-
tions on a lake shore south of Am-
barawa, and gunned and bombed
buildings in a densely wooded hideout
area on the opposite side of the lake.
Clashes continued at scattered
points in Java, as British and Neth-
erlands leaders returned to Batavia
after attending a conference in Singa-
pore yesterday called by Admiral
Lord Louis Mountbatten, allied
Southeast Asia commander.
Sergeant Pardee To

MALE ESCORTS for hire, for all oc-
casions. Reasonable rates. Write c/o
Escort Service, 1107 Willard Street,
Ann Arbor.
B. T. O.: Smooth, youthful lad de-
sires date for Union Formal. Call
4145-ask for Jimmie Riggs.
WANTED: Army Officer's blouse, size
37 or 38; also pink or green
trousers, 32 waist. Write PFC R. L.
Watson, 3650 S.U., Det. 1, or visit.
316 Hinsdale House, East Quad,
after 9 p. m.
VALUED VIOLINS, very reasonable.
Mr. Coon, 315 N. State St., Ann
Arbor, Michigan. Telephone 6109.
FOR SALE: Diamond solitaire in gold
setting. Never worn. A bargain at
$160. John Abbott. 2-4481.
FOR SALE: 1938 Chevrolet convert-
ible cheap. Call after six at 422
Hamilton Place, ask for Glenn.
LOST: Tuesday, Dec. 4 on or near
campus, valuable keys in black
morocco case. Finder please leave
at Daily office. Reward.

LOST: Silver military wristwatch-
green cloth band, on Nov. 30. Call
Jacke Theriault, 24481.
LOST on Nov. 17 in Arcade or Uni-
versity High School, large black
leather purse containing valuable
papers, child's mittens. Return to
Michigan Daily Office. Reward.
LOST: Post trig slide rule between
League and Mosher. Name Robert
Schoenfeld on case. Call 23297.
LOST: Brown Shaefer lifetime foun-
tain pen. Inscribed Elsa Fisher.
Reward. Call 8239.
LOST: Wedding band, 5 chip dia-
monds, yellow gold setting. Campus
Drug, 5:30-5:40, Dec. 3. Reward.
LOST: Black and red billfold belong-
ing to Laurene Pickford. Call 7695.
LOST: S.A.M. fraternity pin on De-
cember 5, between Education School
and Health Service. Initials G.D.K.
Sentimental value. Reward. Phone
LOST-Silver earring between SAE
house and Jordon Hall. Finder call
2-4561, Jordan 583.
LOST: Pair of Harlequin glasses in
brown case on campus last Thurs-
day, December 6. Finder call 9388.
Kathleen Johnson.
VETERANS desiring free complete
information on GI insurance from
a veteran, write or call C. L. Carter,
512 S. Washington, Ypsilanti.
Victory Bonds Issued Here!
Continuous from 1 P.M.



SAT., DEC. 8, 1945
8:15-Meet the Band.
8:25-Outdoor Brevities.
8:30-Sleepyhead Serenade.
9:00-Music Box.
9:30-Popular Music.
9:45-Moments of Melodies.
10:05-What's New Today?
10:15-What Do You Know?
10:30-Broadway Melodies.
10:40-Community Calendar.

10:45--Waltz Time.
11:05-Kiddies Party.
11:30-Farm & Home Hour.
11:55-Hit Tunes.
12:15-Jesse Crawford.
12:20-Spike Jones.
12:30-Along the Sports
12:45-Man on the Street.
1:05-Salon Music.
1:10-Organ Music.
1:15-Ray Bloch Presents.

1:30-Front Page Drama.
1:45-Phil Hanna.
2:05-John Kirby.
2:15-Melody on Parade.
3:05-vincent Ross.
3:15-Bob Crosby.
3:30-Flashes from Life.
3:40-It Actually Happened.
3:45-Mystery Melodies.
4:15-Dear Santa.
4:30-Meet Me at Morays.
4:45-Dixie Quiz.


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