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December 07, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-07

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Fifty-s ixth Year
e - Z - - .I7- i
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.

Repu blicans .Prepare for 1946

Nations Make Catch-All of UNO


Ray Dixon .
Robert Goldman
Betty Roth . .
Margaret Farmer
Arthur J. Kraft
Bill Mullendore
Mary Lu Heath
Ann Schutz
Dona Guimaraes

Editorial Staff
. . . . . Managing Editor
. . " .City Editor
. . . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
.Sports Editor
.~Associate Sports Editor
. s. . . . . . o sEditor
. ...Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46


Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Fact-Finding Board
PRESIDENT TRUMAN's no doubt well-inten-
tioned proposal to settle the General Motors
strike by setting up a fact-finding board to in-
vestigate the dispute impartially and recommend
a settlement on that basis has been condemned
by both the UAW-CIO and the GM manage-
The GM reaction was not unexpected. A fact-
finding board, equipped with subpoena power,
would eamine the account books of the corpora-
tion as a part of the investigation. No one ex-
pected GM to reverse its position on this issue
suddenly after fighting so bitterly against that
very thing.
UAW-CIO president Phillip Murray's sweep-
ing condemnation is not quite so easily ex-
plained. The union, outwardly at least, has
pressed for arbitration from the very begin-
ning. This apparent unwillingness to strike
appears to have been a deliberately planned
stroke of union straegy to influence public
opinion favorably.
Truman's proposal, on the face of it, should
be even more acceptable from the union's point
of view. An arbitration agreement compels both
parties to accept the findings of the arbitrating
agency. Truman's fact-finding board would
place no such obligation on either the union or
the corporation. If the UAW-CIO didn't like the
recommendations, it could proceed with the
All of which might easily occasion some
wonder as to the sincerity of the union in its
plea for arbitration. Consideration of the
terms of the original arbitration agreement
submitted to GM immediately before the strike
lends weight to that theory. The "agreement"
was phrased in such a way as to be absolutely
unacceptable to the corporation.
In that original agreement, the issues of man-
agement opening its books, labor's "right" to
help fix prices and profits, and other very much
alive matters were stated so that GM would be
acceding to union demands in every case. Only
the wage issue, one of many involved, was left
open to arbitration.
What does the union want? Does it want to
settle the dispute peacefully around the table by
means of an impartial fact-finding board
pledged to make its decision according to the
facts of the case? Does it want arbitration?
Or does it want to fight to the "bitter end," a
fight that must certainly result in a victory, for
GM, according to most observers? Some evi-
dence of clear-cut policy on the part of the
union would be most helpful at this point.
-Bill Mullendore
Freedom of Opinion
WHEN men have realized that time has upset
many fighting faiths, they may come to be-
lieve even more than they believe the very foun-
dations of their own conduct that the ultimate

W ASHINGTON. - The Republican National
Committee isn't overlooking any bests for
1946. Ex-Senator John Danaher of Connecticut,
who became GOP congressional liaison officer
after his defeat by Brien McMahon, outlined
Republican plans at a secret meeting of the
78-79 club last week. This is a group of 78th
and 79th Congress Republicans, who meet weekly
in closed-door sessions.
Danaher made two major points. First, he
advised the congressmen to go out and chal-
lenge federal job-holders and the beneficiaries
of New Deal spending programs, instead of sit-
ting quietly and bemoaning the fact that mil-
lions of people receive funds from the Federal
"THE thing to do is to go out there and put
them on the spot," Danaher exhorted his Re-
publican listeners. "Ask them, 'Are you a think-
ing man or are you a follower?' Make them
squirm. Ask them, 'Are you bought or are you a
citizen?' "
Danaher's second tip to the congressmen was
that they should stop sounding off about democ-
"We all believe in democracy and the demo-
cratic form of government,"' Danaher said,
"But the truth is that too many people tie up
the word 'democracy' with the Democratic
party. You'd be amazed to learn how many
people think the Democrats stand for democ-
racy and the Republicans for something en-
tirely different.
"Article four of the constitution says we have
a Republican form of government, and the more
we can stress the word 'Republican' in that
connection, the better off we are. We are simply
playing into the hands of the Democrats when
we constantly stress the word 'democracy.'
Hereafter let's use our own word-'republican.'
With a small 'r'. It's just as good a word, and
for our purposes much better."
Rep. "Stalin" Cox
Representatives is supposed to be the tough-
est in Congress-and usually deserves that repu-
tation. But the other day when a group of ladies
called on Chairman Adolf Sabath of Illinois to
urge passage of the UNRRA appropriation bill
he courteously ushered them into his Rules Com-
And while such labor-baiters as Howard Smith
of Virginia and Eugene Cox of Georgia listened
attentively, Mrs. Dana Bachus, vice-chairman of
the Women's Action Committee for Lasting
Peace, argued that we were reneging on our
pledged word if Congress did not pass the
UNRRA appropriation immediately.
Later, one of the group, Mrs. Edgar Ansel
Mowrer, wife of the well-known news com-
mentator, sought out Congressman Cox, in the
privacy of his office. Cox is considered one
of the toughest and most reactionary members
of the Rules Committee, but to Mrs. Mowrer
he was the height of Southern cordiality.
"My dear, come right in at once," said the
gentleman from Georgia.
Cox listened carefully, but told Mrs. Mowrer
that he was suspicious of Russia. The UNRRA
relief bill, he feared, was playing right into Rus-
sian hands.
"But," said Mrs. Mowrer, "are we going to let
the Russians say that the capitalist nations
make a lot of promises and then turn round and
don't carry them out?"
Then she tried a new tack.
"You know, congressman," said Mrs. Mow-
rer, who has traveled all over the world, "you
remind me very much of Stalin as I once saw
him working in the Kremlin. He's a tough
cookie, and you are too."
The congressman from Georgia seemed to
Long Peace
WHILE superfluously meaningless statements
of indecision continue to appear on the
regulation and distribution of atomic secrets, Dr.

Vannevar Bush, who headed the war work of
American scientific laboratories, offers a bit of
consolation and encouragement about the threat
of atom bombs.
Some optimists have predicted the de-
struction of civilization; Dr. Bush quite frus-
tratingly predicts a long peace.
Dr. Bush told a Senate committee this week
that "the atomic bomb means the end of world
war." The scientist said that it would take a
long time to set up atomic controls, but that all
nations now want a long peace. This period, he
said, can be used to develop the control machin-
ery. Dr. Bush further pointed out that two na-
tions armed with the bombs would not consider
going to war against each other because the
consequence would be "too terrible."
Recognizing that progress on international
control will be slow, Dr. Bush noted that, even
so, "There is no danger of war breaking out
until we can work this out. We can't do it in a
moment or by wishful thinking."
-Malcolm Roemer

like this comparison, but he didn't budge re-
garding the UNRRA appropriation.
Why Hurley Boiled
WHAT really made ex-cowboy ambassador Pat
Hurley boil over against the career diplo-
mats was an incident that occurred when he
was in Washington on leave shortly after V-J
During Hurley's visit in Washington, George
Atcheson, an old "China hand," remained in
acting charge of the U. S. embassy in Chung-
king: In that capacity he sent a telegram to the
State Department which said:
"I and the undersigned members of the em-
bassy staff wish to disclaim any responsibility"
for reports sent the State Department on the
size and strength of the armies of Red China,
and for the "detrimental effects of United
States policy here" as directed by Hurley.
Atcheson also complained that all communi-
cations between embassy officials and Washing-
ton were censored by Hurley, without exception.
Hurley immediately flew into . a rage. He
claimed Atcheson had sent this cable behind
his back. Many diplomats point out, however,
that since Atcheson was in charge, it was his
duty to report the facts as he saw them to the
State Department.
Atcheson has spent about 30 years in China,
Hurley less than two years. Immediately after
serving as a second lieutenant in the last war,
Atcheson entered the Far Western branch of the
diplomatic service and has worked in almost
every part of China. And although State De-
partment officials have been of indifferent cali-
ber in Europe, they have made a remarkable
record in the Far East.
Hurley was so sore at the Atcheson telegram
that the State Department was afraid there
would be physical violence if the two men met
in Chungking. So Atcheson was transfered to
be adviser to General MacArthur in Tokyo be-
fore Hurley's return.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

O(f the lenwe

SOMETIMES as I walk along the quiet side-
walks of our campus, aware of the green
lawns and the bare trees, I am reminded of a
friend who left a campus such as ours to carry
out a duty to mankind-in Spain.
I've often wondered what it was that made
this slight, bespectacled poetry professor trade in
his books of Shelley and his car for a machine
gun and the cold black nights of Spain. I've
heard the story of Spain from friends who were
there, and from those whose friends never re-
turned. They tell of fighting tanks and planes
with rifles. They also mention shooting their
best friends when they were wounded, to save
them from the tortures of Franco's Moors.
I've' heard the songs of the International
Brigade, and of America's Lincoln Brigade(
And I've heard of how those songs took the
place of guns and food and love for thous-
ands of haggard and unshaven volunteers.
And I've wondered what made my middle-aged
friend leave his warm, well-protected position
for Spanish battlefields.
I've wondered, too, why he didn't go back to
some soft job when he returned from Spain. The
doctors said his heart was bad when he came
back, but I think it's all in how you look at it.
Dave's heart was stronger than the heart of a
young race horse, and its every beat filled his
mind with pictures of his friends in' Franco's
prisons, and of a far off land laid waste by Fas-
cism and war.
So Dave took a job as executive secretary of
The Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Bri-
gade, an organization that continued the fight
against Franco by political means, and gave
aid to the families of Americans killed or
wounded in Spain. He worked too many hours
a day, for too many weeks, and for too many
years. He died fighting Fascism.
AND thousands of other Lincoln Brigadiers,
along with hundreds of thousands of their
fellow Americans, have died in the same cause
since the days of the Spanish Civil War. And
now the war is over, and many hearts rejoice,
and many voices sing, and we Americans are
proud of our deep love of liberty, and we loudly
proclaim our love of liberty to the world.
And yet we deal with Fascist Spain and rec-
ogniz'e the butcher Franco as a perfect gentle-
man, and a good customer. The war is over.
Let there be Peace on Earth. Let Americans
not concern themselves with dirty things like
Franco's prisons. It's true: There's Peace on
Earth. Rejoice, the war is over!
And far away, across the Pacific, American
troops are marching in full battle dress. And
the U. S. Navy gives military support to Chiang
Kai-Chek's attempt to crush a hundred million
people who don't agree with the Koumintang's
one-sided definition of "democracy."
I wonder if there are any vets of Spain
among those hard, dark lines of Yankee troops.
And, if so, I wonder what they're thinking
-Leonard Cohen

WHAT A MASS of weight is being
piled on the poor, little, still-
unformed United Nations Organiza-
tion! Every odd job in international
affairs for which no other solution
can be found is being tossed in its
direction, and the bile grows mon-
strously high. Britain and America
want the UNO to solve the problem of
atomic energy; Senator Taft and oth-
ers want the UNO' to take up the
questions of Poland, Lithuania, Es-
thonia Latvia; President Truman, in
effect, wants the UNO to write the
peace treaty, since he has indicated
he intends to use it as his favored
instrumentality in disposing of all
questions between the major allies.
All these tasks are being thrown
at an organization which has not
even been born yet, an organiza-
tion without experience and with-
out a history, without an 'establish-
ed method of work and without a
precedent in its files.
The UNO was never intended to
become this sort of catch-all for the
problems left by the war. The Senate
ratified its charter, in fact, with the
clear understanding that there would
be a separate, general peace confer-
ence, producing a peace treaty of its
own, to be considered at a time apart.
It was not expected that the UNO
would ever concern itself with stand-
ing problems of borders and territor-
ies; in fact, Senator Connally used
up a good deal of time during com-
mittee hearings to explain that we
would be entitled, under the UNO.
to keep any bases we managed to
acquire in the Pacific; the UNO could
not alter that situation, he declared,
without our consent.
The UNO was viewed as an or-
ganization which would keep the
world on an even keel, after stab-
ility had been established by other
means. But we are now subtly alter-
ing (or trying to alter) the char-
acter of the UNO; more and more,
we speak of it as an organization
which must both arrange and main-
tain stability; we are beginning to
regard it, not as an organization to
prevent war, but as an organiza-
tion to write the peace. And there
is a kind of political bankruptcy
involved in this growing tendency
to file every hard question with an
agency which still lacks a perma-
nent mailing address,
AS THIS TENDENCY mounts, it is
interesting to note that the Se-
curity Council, which has real power,
but on which each major nation holds
a veto, is beginning to lose popularity
in western discussions, while the af-
fections of some British and Ameri-
can statesmen seem to be turning
toward the General Assembly, which
has no real power, but on which
there is no veto. Would it be unfair
to deduce from Anthony Eden's re-
cent speech, and from other utter-
ances, an increasing desire to take
power from the Council, and to give
it to the Assembly?
Is there not implicit in this trend
(as in President Truman's renuncia-
tion of further Big Three conferences)
Pearl Harbor
TiE SOLDIER who first reported
approaching Jap planes on Dec.
7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor, considers
Congressional investigation of this
matter "asinine", the New York Her-
ald Tribune reports. He states that
Japan is the criminal and no Ameri-
can can share the blame for her
But we are not trying to find any
American criminals - we know
"whodunit." We will not accomp-
lish anything by blaming one or
several persons for our unprepar-
edness. The important thing is that
our military forces were not co-
ordinated; lack of cooperation pre-
vented a solid defense, and the sys-

tem, rather than the individual, is
the culprit.
Lt. Gen. Leonard T. Gerow, chief
of the War Plans Division at the time
of the attack, has assumed full re-
sponsibility for any War Department
failure to send additional warnings
to Pearl Harbor. He states that it way
his job to check operations messagez
from overseas and that no "higher-
up" can be blamed for his actions. He
added, however, that the Army anc
Navy had been at odds since Febru-
ary, 1941, over the attainment of unity
of command at frontier positions suct
as Hawaii. His testimony is being dup-
licated by others, and it seems that
lack of unity of command is the
point to be investigated.
Yes, the attack on Pearl Harbor
is a thing of the past-but its re-
sults will be with us for a lon;, long
time. It must not happen again, and
many of us want to know the facts
abouDec. 7, 1941. Such an investi-
gation is not a waste of time, but
an absolute necessity.
-Nita Blumenfeld.

a break-down of the hope of achiev-
ing world stability through agree-
ment, and the birth of a desire to
achieve it, or to force it, 'by other
means, by setting up parliamentary
groups and formations? Can we ex-
pect to find anything better at the
end of that road than a split world
in a split world organization, blocs
making a mockery of the single roof
that shelters them?
Small wonder, perhaps, that Dr.
Vannevar Bush, head of our re-
search during the war, appeared to
shudder delicately when he was


asked by the Senate atomic com-
mittee whether the UNO could solve
the problem of controlling the A-
bomb. Ile murmured that perhaps
the great powers ought to agree
on a plan first, before tossing the
atom at an infant agency. He
seemed to feel that there must be
agreement outside, before there can
be agreement inside, the organiza-
tion. The idea will appeal to those
of us who seek the reality of world
agreement, through the wrappings
of world organization.
(Copyright. 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 29
Memorial to Dean C. S. Yoakum.
Under the auspices of the University,
a memorial meeting will be heldat
4:15 p.m., Monday, Dec. 10, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall,in honor of
the late Dr. Clarence Stone Yoakum,
Dean of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. Members
of the faculties, students, and other
friends of Dean Yoakum are invited
to' be present.
"Faculty Tea": President and Mrs.
Ruthvenwill be at home to members
of the faculty and other townspeople
Sunday, Dec. 9, from 4:00 to 6:00.
Cars may park in the restricted zone
on South University between 4:00 and
6:30 p.m.
The Women of the Faculty of the
University of Michigan are entertain-
ing at a tea in the home of President
and Mrs. Ruthven today, 4:30-6:00.
Honored guests will include President
and Mrs. Ruthven, Mr. and Mrs. P.
Adams, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Briggs,
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Niehuss, and Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Watkins.
Identification Pictures will be given
out through Dec. 8 from the cage in
University Hall outside of Room 2,
University Hall,
Students, Fall Term College of Lit-
erature, Science, and The Arts:
Courses dropped after Wednesday,
Dec. 12, by students other than fresh-
men will be recorded with the grade
of "E." Freshmen (students with less
than 24 hours of credit) may drop
courses without penalty through the
eighth week, upon the recommenda-
tion of their academic counselors.
Exceptions to these regulations may
be made only because of extraordin-
ary circumstances, such as serious ill-
E. A. Walter'
All Student Organizations must re-
turn their cohtracts by Saturday, Dec.
15, if they want space in the 1946
Michiganensian. The Michiganensian
will not guarantee insertion of the
page if the contract is not received at
that time. It is not necessary that
pictures, reading material, or checks
be turned in with the contract.
Fraternity and sorority contracts
must be returned by Monday, Dec. 10.
1946 Withholding Tax Exemption
Certificate. Government regulations
require that, if any change in the
number of exemptions to which you
are entitled under the withholding
tax laws has occurred since you last
filed an exemption certificate, a new
certificate be filed immediately. If it
is necessary for you to file a. new
form, it may be obtained at the Pay-
roll Department of the University,
Room 9, University Hall. This should
be done immediately.
The Michigan College Chemistry
Teachers Association starts the semi-
annual meetings Saturday, Dec. 8.
The morning program will be held in
Room 303 Chemistry Building and
includes two papers:
10:00 a.m. - (1) Professor L. O.
Brockway-"Electron Diffraction in
a Study of Chemical Reactions at
11:00 a.m. - (2) Professor E. F.
Barker-"Atomic Energy."
12:30 p.m. - After lunch at the
Michigan League Cafeteria, the group
will meet in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building (3
1:30 p.m.-The discussion topic i

"Trends in Education." Dean Hay-
dard Keniston--"What Is a Libera
Approved Organizaons. The fol
lowing organizations have submitte

Congregational Disciples Guild
Graduate Council
Hillel Foundation
Hindustan Association
Inter-Racial Association
Latin American Society
Le Cercle Francais
Lutheran Student Association
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Michigan Youth for Dem. Action
Phi Delta Epsilon
Phi Delta Kappa
Physical Education Club for Women
Polonia Club
Sigma Rho Tau
Sigma Xi
Student Org. for International Coop.
Unitarian Student Group
Varsity Glee Club
Veterans' Organization
Wesleyan Guild
Westminster Guild
Women's Athletic Association
Women's Glee Club.
Candidates for Newark Teaching
Certificates: We have received notice
from the Board of Education, Newark,
N. J., that examinations for candi-
dates who desire to qualify for New-
ark teaching certificates will be held
at the Central High School, Dec. 27,
1945. Anyone interested may receive
further information by calling at the
Bureau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information, 201 Mason Hall.
Frances Perkins, former Secretary
of Labor, will be presented by the
Oratorical Association Tuesday, Dec.
11, in Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.
Miss Perkins returned last week from
the International Labor Conference in
Paris and is well qualified to speak
on the subject "The Destiny of Labor
in America." She appears here on
Dec. 11 as a substitute for Richard
Wright, whose illness has made a
postponement of his lecture neces-
sary. Holders of Wright tickets are
requested to retain them for use when
his new speaking date is announced.
Tickets for the Perkins lecture go on
sale in Hill Auditorium box office
Monday, Dec. 10.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet today at 4:00 p.m., in 319 West
Medical Building. "Glutamine, Occur-
rence, Chemical Properties and Bio-
logical Function, will be discussed.
All interested are invited.
Events Today
The Colloquium On Religion in
Higher Education will be held today
at Lane Hall at 4:15 p.m. Father J.
Ryan Busir of the State University
of Iowa will preside.
Coffee Hour will be held at 4:30
p.m. today in Lane Hall. Members of
the Daily Staff will be the guests of
'honor this Friday.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will
conduct both Conservative and Re-
form Sabbath Eve Services this eve-
ning at 7:45. Following the services,
Professor Frank Huntley and Dr.
George Shepherd will discuss "Ameri-
can Policy In China: Imperialistic or
First Presbyterian Church West-
minster Guild will have Open House
tonight 8:30 to 12:00. Dr. Lemon's
Bible Class at 8:30 p.m. will begin the
Open House program, which will be
followed by entertainment. Refresh-
Coming Events
A Lane Hall luncheon will be held
on Saturday, Dec. 8, at 12 o'clock. Fol-
lowing the luncheon, the book, "Dem-
ocracy in America" by Alexis De Toc-
queville, will be reviewed by Scott
Mayakawa. Call Lane Hall for reser-

s ton ngbefore 10 o'clock Saturday
l The Graduate Outing Club will
have a bike-hike on Sunday, Dec. 9,
followed by an informal supper and
- folk dancing in the Club Rooms.
d Bikers will meet at 2:00 p.m. in the


By Crockett Johnson

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