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December 07, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-07

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Vets 0 ffer



Housing Problem

__ i

Hours For
Voting Are
Campus Election
To Be Held Today
Polling hoursr forthe all-camp
election today are from 7:45 a.m. t
3:15 p.m.
Two Union vice-presidents, te
members of the J-Hop Dance cor
mittee, two student members of t1,
Board of Control of Student Publ
cations, senior officers of the lite
ary and engineering college and,
university for SOIC adoption will t
chosen in the election today.
Six Ballot Booths
Ballots will be distributed at s'
different places: the EngineArc
the diagonal in front of the library
Angell Hall lobby, between the Rc
mance Language Building and Tap
pan Hall, in the lobby of the Schoc.
of Architecture and Design and i:
front of an entrance to the Nature
Science Building.
Students must present an identifi
cation or special election card t
establish voting eligibility.
Limitations on Voting Given
Only male students will be eligibl
to vote for Union vice-president,
One will be elected by students o
the literary college and another b
students from the combined schools
business administration, forestry
architecture, pharmacology an
music. The elections of Union vice
presidents from the Medical Schoo
and the dental school are uncon
Students voting for senior class of
ficers of the literary or engineering
colleges will be checked for identit
against class lists. Engineering sen
iors will elect a president, vice-presi
dent and secretary-treasurer. Of th
three candidates, the one polling th
highest vote will be president, th
second highest will be vice-presiden
and the remaining candidate will b
secretary-treasurer. Literary colleg
seniors will select a president, vice-
president, secretary and treasurer b
preferential ballot. Again, the persor
polling the highest vote will be presi-
dent with the remaining offices dis-
tributed according to the vote polled
SOIC University
All graduates and undergraduate
students are eligible to vote for the
SOIC university candidates and fo
the two student members of the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
Of the ten J-Hop committee mem-
bers, five will be selected by the lit-
erary college, three by- the engineer-
ing college, one by the combinec
schools and one by the architecture
college. The architecture college
candidate is unopposed. All studentE
of the other schools may vote for the
J-Hop committee.
The chairman of the J-Hop com-
mittee will be from the engineering
college and will be selected by tehe
Men's Judiciary Council.
Election, Identification Cards
Identification or election cards can
be obtained from 9 a.m.-noon and
from 1:30-4:30 p.m. today at the cage
in the University Hall corridor. In
the event that a student's identifica-
tion card is not ready for distribu-
tion, he will be issued a special elec-.
tion card.
Either card, when presented at the
polls, will establish voting eligibility.
Navy students will be issued special
identification cards today.
Results of the election will be
printed in The Daily tomorrow with
complete, official tabulations.

Foreign School
To Be Adopted
The four foreign universities, one
of which will be chosen for "adop;-
tion" at the campus election today,
are the University of the Philippines,
the University of Strassbourg, the
University of Tsing Hua, and the
Vniversity of Warsaw.
A small section of the Philippine
General Hospital is now a site of the
University of the Philippines. The
original university is a mass of debris.
The funds of the University are in-
sufficient, and even if funds were
avaial. hpit is impossible rnw tor- ~



Will Begin Drive


Money Raised Will Be Used
For Youngsters in Hospital
Buckets in hand, 17 members of Galens Society will be on campus today
to solicit your contributions in support of their program of worthwhile
activities for the younger patients of University Hospital.
Today marks the 17th yearly drive that Galens has sponsored to raise
funds for the Galens workshop, the children's Christmas party and the
children's library.
The medics will be on hand from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All you have to do to
keep the junior hospital inmates happy is to drop your contributions into
one of the yawning buckets. Galens Society will do the rest.

Meet at Lansin
AVC, VO Members Ask 500 Housing
Units Be Moved from Willow Village
That housing veterans at Willow Run would deny them half the ad-
vantages of University education was agreed upon yesterday in Lansing
where campus members of the AVC and V.O. met to discuss Ann Arbor's
critical housing problem.
Representatives of the joint housing committee of these two veterans'
groups saw Gov. Kelly, the governor's secretary, A. Ley, Dr. Eugene B.
Elliot, state superintendent of public instruction, Lt. Gov. Vernon Brown,
and Col. Philip Pack, director of the state office of veterans affairs.

Prof. Goudsmit
Reports to Senate
Prof. Samuel A. Goudsmit, on
leave from the University physics
department, last night told the
Senate Atomic Committee that
German scientists had shelved the
idea of using the atom bomb in
World War II.
Prof. Goudsmit, head of a mili-
tary intelligence commission, re-
cently returned from studying the
enemy's work on atomic energy,
declared that the Nazis had arro-
gantly assumed that their nuclear
research was far ahead of the
An Associated Press report quot-
ed Prof. Goudsmit as saying that
not until news broke of the Ameri-
can atom attacks on Japan did
Germany realize how far ahead
were their foes. Hitler's threat of
a "secret weapon," he added, was
just talk.
World News
SIn Brief..
CIO Rejects Offer...
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Dec. 6 - The United
Auto Workers (CIO) tonight rejected
a General Motors offer to "reinstate"
its offer of a 10 per cent wage rate
increase which the union turned down
prior to the start of the GM strike
16 days ago.
Walter Reuther, UAW vice-presi-
dent, told a press conference after the
meeting between GM and UAW offi-
cials adjourned, "the strike continues
with no change in status."
Both GM and UAW spokesmen said,
however, that anothe negotiating
session would be held Friday.
Loan T Britain...
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6-The Tru-
man Administration agreed today to
grant Britain a $4,400,000,000 credit
in return for British steps to promote
world trade-and battle lines imme-
diately formed in Congress.
At Nueriberg..
NUERNBERG, Dec. 6 - Grand
Admiral Erich Raeder, se eing
U-boat passes, planned the invasion
of Norway from the moment the war
started in 1939, and with Dr. Alfred
Rosenberg easily sold Adolf Hitler
the idea, the Nazis' own official rec-
ords disclosed today at the Interna-
tional Military Tribunal.

4To Move Downtown
Tomorrow the "bucket brigade'
will move downtown to cover the non-
university area, with just a few hardy
souls remaining on campus for late
For the past two years, Galens have
exceeded their $3,000 goal. Today they
will be out to make it three in a row.
Here is how your contributions
will be used:
For Galens Workshop
Majority of the funds collected will
be used to maintain and improve the
Galens workshop on the hospital's
ninth floor. Through your contribu-
tions Galens is able to furnish a sup-
ervised occupational and recreational
program. At the moment, the kids
are busy working on Christmas pres-
ents; but all year 'round, handicrafts
are turned out under the guidance of
a trained instructor.
The equipment of the workshop in-
cludes several power tools, some of
which will have to be replaced after
extra years of use during the war, and
special handicraft imlements. Sup-
plies of paint, wood, nails and other
equipment must constantly be renew-
ed. Your help in filling up the pails
will keep the workshop going.
Christmas Party
Heavy buckets will also mean a
Christmas party for the kids, com-
plete with gifts, a Christmas tree,
Santa Claus, music and entertain-
The Galens workshop is the only
one of its kind in the country. Hospi-
tal authorities and parents have been
well pleased with its help in keeping
the children happy and busy during
Dance To Admit
Veterans Free
A "Pearl Harbor Day" dance,
sponsored by the Veterans' Organi-
zation, will be held from 9 p.m. to
midnight. today in the Union ball-
room with Bill Layton's orchestra.
The dance is an all campus affair
but all members of the V.O. will be
admitted free upon presentation of
their membership cards.
Money made from the dance will
be used to start a fund for the estab-
lishment of a non-profit cafteria on
campus for all veterans and students.
This project is undertaken by the
V.O. in efforts to re-open the Wol-
verine cafeteria to help reduce the
cost of living in Ann Arbor for vet-
Commission Announces
FM Grants to WPAG
The Communications Commission
today announced conditional grants
of Frequency Modulation (FM) radio
stations to Washtenaw Broadcasting
Co., operator of station WPAG.

FUN IN THE WORKSHOP-A boy with a mending broken arm works
the electric jigsaw, assisted'by one of his fellow patients in University
Hospital. The 17th annual Tag Day to raise funds for continuing the
activities of the Galens ninth floor workshop for younger patients will
be held today and tomorrow.
All-Campus Christmas Party
To Featureo Student Specialties

Heralding the extended Christmas
vacation, a gala all-campus Christ-
mas Party is planned for Tuesday,
Dec. 18 at Hill Auditorium, spon-
sored by an all-campus committee.
Student talent will be featured

Decision Near
On $25,000
Bomber Fund
The Student Bomber Scholarship
Committee neared a decision yester-
day on the problem of making its
$25,000 fund available to former Uni-
versity students returned from the
Following a report from VO Presi-
dent Bill Akers summarizing veterans'
needs, the committee was in agree-
ment that a "veterans' emergency
fund" should be established to aid
veterans who might be forced to leave
school because of financial difficult-
Similar to Goodwill Fund.
The emergency fund would be simi-
lar to the existing Students' Good-
will Fund, under which outright cash
gifts are given needy students.
To qualify for aid under the "vet-
erans' emergency fund," a veteran
would have to fulfill these require-
ments of the Bomber Scholarship con-
stitution: at least 30 credit hours
prior to entering the service and un-
dergraduate standing,
A motion that would make the
fund available to all veterans was
tabled by the committee, which was
agreed that the "original intent" of
the Bomber Scholarship founders
should be followed.
Dean Bursley, Advisor
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley, faculty advisor to the committee,
said that all veterans needing finan-
cial assistance can apply for aid under
the Students' Goodwill Fund.
The committee also considered
making part of the fund available to
veterans whose educational benefits
under the G.I. Bill will not be suf-
ficient for them to graduate.
Bill Akers was elected president of
the committee, and Joyce Siegan,
SRA representative, was elected sec-
Symphony To
Pluy Monday
The Boston Symphony orchestra
acknowledged to be the world's most
distinguished, will feature symphon-
ies by Prokofieff and Sibelius at the
fifth Choral Union Concert at 8:30
p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium.

with the Navy Chorus, under the di-
rection of Howard Farrar, the Wom-
en's Glee Club, directed by Miss Mar-
guerite Hood, and the 16 piece Navy
Swing Band, led by Bill "Uppy" Up-
ton providing part of the entertain-
Acts of campus talent will com-
plete the program. Students inter-
ested in appearing on the program
should attend the auditions held
from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday in the
Glee Club Room of the Union. Sev-
eral acts will be chosen from these
auditions to appear at Hill Audito-
Although plans for the event are
not yet complete, it is certain that
Santa Claus will attend, bringing un-

Auditions Will Be Held
Auditions for the student acts
which will be featured at the all
campus Christmas Party Dec. 18
at Hill Auditorium, will be held
from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday in
the Glee Club Room on the third
floor of the Union. All students in-
terested in appearing on the pro-
gram and who cannot audition at
this hour should contact Dick
Roeder at 2-4431.
usual gifts for the Administrative
Staff and faculty of the University. A
campus emcee will be featured, and
the entire student bodywill join in
the singing of favorite Christmas
Co-chairman of the event are Dick
Roeder and John Sorice.
State Bankers'
Meeting Opens
Problems of Europe
Discussed by Fetzer
John E. Fetzer addressed the Michi-
gan Bankers group, guests of the
School of Business Administration, on
the subject "Europe 90 Days Later"
at a banquet yesterday. -
Fetzer, former United States radio
censor, made a tour of the continent
as an accredited war correspondent
at the invitation of Gen. Eisenhower.
His first impression of England was
the atmosphere of complete under-
standing betweenthe English people
and the G. IL "The American Soldier
has ably proven his position as dip-
lomat," he said.
The situation in France, he com-
mented, is not as favorable because
the United States has not sent the
help promised to the French under-
ground. The well clothed American
soldiers are doing little to ease the
situation, he pointed out.

A solution to the problem, as
presented in the veterans' pro-
posals (see PROPOSALS following
story for specific details) was ap-
proved in theory by the state of-
In essence, the veterans' housing
plan is an extension of the 38 units
already in Ann Arbor at Veterans'
Village, now administered by the
University. The plan would provide
for an increase of 500 additional simi-
lar units.
The plan will be presented to the
University today by the veterans'
housing committee.
It was learned at Lansing that the
money for the project is not immedi-
ately available in lump sum.
Possibility of allocating part of the
$51,000,000 state veterans fund for
this project will be discussed at the
special session of the legislation in
Principle arguments for moving
these units from Willow Run to
Ann Arbor are based on the social
needs of the returning veteran.
Keeping the units at Willow Run
will be a continuation of barracks
life for the veterans, they contend.
A veteran living in Willow Run
would have to leave by 7:30 a.m. to
make an 8 a.m. class and if he used
the library, he will not be able to re-
turn home before 10 p.m.
In Ann Arbor, veterans declare,
they are able to have their noon and
evening meals with their families
and are. able to participate in the
social and cultural activities offered
in Ann Arbor.
As a majority of the units in Wil-
low Run require coal stoves for heat-
ing and cooking, it is necessary for
someone to stay at the home 24 hours
a day, the arguments continue.
"A study is being made to deter-
mine the possible sites in Ann Ar-
bor for the erection of the 500 ad-
ditional units," Russell Wilson, of
the AVC pointed out. "The city,
school board, and University have
unused land areas within the city
Wilson said that the Common
Council will hear specific recommen-
dations for a site at its next meeting.
Members of the housing committee
who went to Lansing were Wilson
and Edward Moore, of the AVC; Sam
Bass, Warren Wayne, and Kenneth
Fleichhauer of the V..; and Cyril
Brownand Harley Griggs of the
Wayne University (Detroit) Veter-
ans' Association.
"The housing committee is try-
ing to cooperate with the Univer-
sity and the city of Ann Arbor in
solving the housing problem,"
Moore said. "We do not consider
our plan to be in conflict with the
present housing program, we
merely consider it an extension of
these plans."
"We do not fel that the plan rep-
resents the only solution to the prob-
lem" Wilson stated. "We merely
propose it in order that a definite
discussion of the proposals may be
started. The plan may not be feasi-
ble for reasons known only to the
"We are trying to project this
problem into the open," he added.
There are portable duplex apart-
ments available at Willow Run. Thir-
ty-eight of these have been installed
in Ann Arbor by the University of
Michigan. It is proposed that an ad-
ditional 500 of these units, housing
1,000 families, be set up in Ann Arbor
as a Veterans Emergency Housing
Unit, under the auspices of the Uni-
The figures given below are based
on the experience of the University
in connection with the thirty-eight
units currently in use. It is proposed


Status of V.12's
Affect Situation

"We shall not be able to determine
to what extent the termination of the
V-12 and NROTC programs in Feb-
ruary will affect the civilian housing
situation until the future status of
present V-12 members is announcer,"
Frances C. Shiel, Acting Director of
Residence Halls, said yesterday.
Between 3,500 and 4,000 veterans
are expected to enroll here in March,
Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss
announced yesterday, and this influx
will further aggravate the housing
At present, civilians, many of them
veterans, occupy two houses in the
West Quadrangle and part of the
East Quad. Next semester six other
houses in the West Quad will be free
so far as Navy control goes, Shiel
said, and the University will take
over management of the entire West
Quadrangle at the beginning of the
spring semester.
Whether former V-12 students, if
discharged with the termination of
the program, will be given preference
for rooms there or whether veterans
will have first choice has not been
and will not be decided by Univer-
sity officials until the future stand-
ing of V-12 members is announced,
Shiel pointed out.
The graduation of Co. A on Dec. 22
will leave the East Quadrangle free,
with the exception of rooms occu-
pied by 100 medical students in the
Army, who will remain here through
June 30. With two men in single
rooms, 286 civilians also are now liv-
ing there.
Houser Discusses
Racial Problem
The best approach to the race
question is through education, by
giving pamphlets and books wide
circulation and by speaking to all
classes of people, George M. Houser
of the Congress of Racial Equality
told members of the Inter-Racial
Association yesterday.
Equally important is government
action, such as fighting for anti-poll
tax legislation, he continued.
Preceding Houser's address, a busi-
ness meeting was held and Jean

'v . a
Capitol Says
Housing Units
Can't Be Moved
Unoccupied housing units at Wil-
low Village, numbering about 2,220,
will be left in the Village, unofficial
information from Washington has
All movable units were "frozen" by
the FPHA some time ago. Their sale
was banned, except for providing
housing for veterans and their fam-
Eight hundred units of the 3,000 at
the Village are occupied at present.
Approximately 120 veterans attend-
ing the University now live there.
These veterans are served by a shut-
tle bus service provided by the Uni-
H. V. Brentlinger, manager of the
Village, said that the cost of moving
the units would be prohibitive, add-
ing that it would be cheaper to con-
struct new buildings.
,* *e *
Civilian Houses
Still .Doubtful

American Legion Post Joins
Fighit To Extradite Julia Ward

Placing their support behind
Prosecutor John W. Rae's current
fight to extradite Julia May Ward,
veteran's wife wanted for perjury in
obtaining a divorce here, the George
Cannon Post of the American Legion
has sent a letter approving Rae's ac-
tion to the Legion State Commander,
with conies to Rae and Circuit Judge

that state who called veteran's sup-
port of Rae's action a "reprehensi-
ble" attempt to put pressure on him.
Rae's letter quoted Mrs. Ward's court
testimony Sept. 17, that her husband
was not in the service, although she
received Government allotmenn't
checks up to September, 1945.
"What 'pressure,' if any, brought






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