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December 06, 1945 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-06

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-12, NROTC Units


End in February

Houses Are
Future Slums
Shortage Will Ease
By Spring-Brown
'Pointing out that the University
temporary housing projects are po-
tential city slums, Mayor W. E. Brown
Jr. estimated yesterday that Ann Ar-
bor's housing shortage will be eased
by spring through the construction
of permanent houses and apartment
Quoting a University of Minnesota
estimate anticipating 21,000 students,
Mayor Brown stated that he expects
University (of Michigan) enrollment
to reach the 20,000 mark. City build-
ers, who have been hampered by war-
time restrictions, lack of materials
due to West Coast lumber strikes,
and labor uncertainties, are ready to
provide permanent housing facilities
as these difficulties are eliminated, he
Expanding from an original tract
of 40 acres in 1837, University proper-
ty has gradually grown until the city
now owns little land beyond that in
parks, the Mayor stated. To remedy
this and to encourage housing con-
struction, the City Council has set up
a committee of aldermen, contractors,
and representatives from the Real Es-
tate Board and Planning Commission.
On the recommendation of this com-
mittee, city ordinances making build-
ing difficult have been repealed, and
the city limits will be extended to ac-
commodate the new structures.
Ann Arbor has been one of the
hardest hit cities in the country by
the influx of veterans under the G.I.
Bill of Rights, Mayor Brown said. He
criticized the lack of provisions in the
bill for wartime building to anticipate
the shortages. "The city is doing ev-
erything possible to make available
housing of the proper character," the
Mayor concluded.
AVC To Hear
Housing Report
AVC will meet at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Union to hear the report of
Russell Wilson ofhthe housing com-
mittee and Edward Moore of the leg-
islative committee who are to discuss
housing for veterans with Lt. Col.
Philip Pack, director of veterans' af-
fairs in Lansing today.
Housing activities of the Ann Ar-
bor city council and work of the AVC
committees on cooperative eating,
legislative action, and publicity will
be reported at this time.
The steering committee of Ann Ar-
bor AVC has endorsed the FEPC Bill
now in congress, it was announced
Pack To Meet
With Veterans
Housing and eating problems in
Ann Arbor will be discussed by cam-
pus VO and AVC representatives and
Lieut. Col. Philip C. Pack, director of
the State Office of Veterans' Affairs,
in Lansing today.
The two problems, part of an
agenda that will be presented to Col.
Pack, were approved at a meeting of
VO yesterday.
Clark Hopkins, of the Veterans'
Service Bureau, announced plans for
a University-sponsored dance and
reception for veterans Dec. 14 in
Waterman Gym. Two hundred host-
esses and University officials will be

presented to the veterans, Hopkins
A "Pearl Harbor Day" dance,
sponsored by the Veterans' Organ-
ization will be held 9 p.m. to mid-
night, tomorrow in the Union ball-
room with Bill Layton's orchestra.
The dance is an all-campus af-
fair but members of the V.O. upon
presenting membership cards will
be admitted free.
said. Purpose of the dance is to ac-
quaint veterans with one another.
Other VO business included a re-
port by Herbert Otto on estimated
costs of a veterans' cooperative eat-
ing establishment; appointment of a
committee to investigate re-drafting

Six Polling Places Set
For Election Tomorrow
Booths Will Open 7:45 a.m., Close 3:15 p.m.;
Ident Cards Must Be Presented To Vote

Polls for voting in the election for
campus officers tomorrow will be open
from 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Polling places will be located at
the Engine Arch, on the diagonal
in front of the library, in the lobby
of Angell Hall, between the Ro-
mance Languages Building and
Tappan Hall, in the lobby of the
School of Architecture and Design
and in front of an entrance to the
Natural Science Building.
Student officers to be selected are
two Union vice-presidents, ten mem-
bers of the J-Hop Dance committee,
senior class officers of the literary
and engineering colleges and two stu-
dent members of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
In addition, students will select a
university for the SOIC adoption.
Campaign statements of candi-
dates appear on pages two and
three of today's special election
Only male students will be eligible
to vote for Union vice-presidents. One
will be elected by literary college stu-
dents and another by students of the
combined schools: business adminis-
tration, forestry, architecture, pharm-
acology and music. The elections for
vice-presidents from the Medical
School and the dental schools are un,.
Seniors voting forx class officers of
the literary or engineering colleges
will be checked at the polls for class
All students who have signed to
work on the election booths tomor-
row should come to a special meet-
ing at 8 p.m. today in the Union.
membership. The engineering college
seniors will elect a president, vice-
president and secretary - treasurer.
The candidate receiving the most
votes will be president, the second-
highest candidate will be vice-presi-
dent and the remaining candidate will
be secretary-treasurer. Literary col-
lege seniors will elect a president,
vice-president, secretary and treasur-
er. Voting will be by preferential bal-
lot with final positions determined as
in the engineering college.
All students may vote for the
SOIC candidates and for the Board
in Control of Student Publications
Five members of the J-Hop com-
mittee will be elected by the literary
college, three by the engineering col-
lege, one by the combined schools and
the election from the architecture col-
lege is unopposed,
The election of candidates for
Qr estlion Box
A Veterans' Question and An-
swer Box will be published weekly
in The Daily.
Questions for the column are
compiled from letters addressed to
the Veterans' Editor of The Daily
and will be answered by Clark Tib-
bitts and the staff of the Veterans'
Service Bureau.
Questions received by The Daily
by Friday will be answered in the
column of the following week.
All veterans are urged to submit
questions relating to any veteran
problem or question.

campus offices will not be certified
unless they obtain eligibility cards
from the Dean of Students office,
Charles Walton, Men's Judiciary
Council president stated.
"Because many candidatesyhave
failed to establish their eligibility, the
Council will not certify any candidate
who has failed to obtain an eligibility
card," he stated. Eligibility cards can
still be obtained' today.
Election Cards
Being Issued In
Place of ID's
Identification or election cards may
be obtained 9 a.m.-12 noon, 1:30-4:30
p.m. today and tomorrow from the
cage in University Hall. Identifica-
tion cards ready for distribution will
be issued to the students, but in the
event that a student's identification
card is not ready, he will be issued a
special election card.
Either identification or election
card must be presented at the polls
to establish voting eligibility.
Students applying for special elec-
tion cards the last two days were re-
fused because a new shipment of
identification cards will be issued to-
day. Students should stop at the cage
again today to ask for their identifi-
cation or election card if they have
not already obtained it. If a student's
identification card is not ready he
can have his picture taken or retaken
when applying at the cage.
Navy students will receive special
identification cards tomorrow morn-

Vet Refresher


Course Planned
Second Set Will Begin
Jan. 25; Topics Vary
The University's second pre-term
refresher course will open Jan. 25
with an expected enrollment of more
than 400 veterans, Clark Hopkins, as-
sociate director of the Veterans' Ser-
vice Bureau, announced yesterday.
The course, designed to help vet-
erans' readjustment to academic life,
will offer review work in English,
mathematics, social science, business
administration and engineering. An
academic survey course will also be
offered to aid the veteran in reac-
quiring good study habits.
Veterans will not be eligible to
elect any course in which the subject
was not previously covered in a pre-
war or service course.
Veterans enrolled in the refresher
course will receive full subsistence and
tuition allowances under the G.I. Bill.
No credit toward a degree will be
Classes in most of the courses will
meet four times a week. The academic
survey course will meet five times
weekly and the slide rule course, two
times a week.
The schedule will be arranged so
that a veteran may take two courses
in mathematics and two in English.

One University
To Be Adopted
In Student Poll
Rehabilitation Funds
To Be Sent Abroad
To select a foreign university for
adoption by the Student Organiza-
tion for International Cooperation
and the World Student Service Fund,
students will vote tomorrow on four
universities: the University of the
Philippines, the University of War-
saw, Strassbourg University and
Tsing Hua University.
Reports on Needs
As soon as the university has been
selected, the SOIC will cable it and1
request a specific report of the needs
of the university. The SOIC and
WSSF will attempt to aid the univer-
sity in its program of rehabilitation
from the ravages of war.
The two organizations hope to con-
tribute between $5,000 and $7,000 to
the selected school, Jack Gore, SOIC
president, stated. A campaign to
collect 10,000 books will be held in
January and a campaign for funds
will take place in January or Febru-
SOIC Investigation
The four universities, in addition
to several others, had been tenta-
tively selected at a mass rally last
June when University students, hav-
ing some affiliation with each of the
schools, appealed on their behalf to
SOIC. It has been learned that it is
impossible to get supplies to certain
of the schools and their names have
been eliminated from the slate.
*. *: *
Talks Planned
On Universities
The selection of a foreign univer-
sity will be discussed by representa-
tives of the Universities of the Philip-
pines, Strasbourg Tsing Hua, and
Warsaw at a meeting under the
sponsorship of the Student Religious
Association in Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m.
These representatives will present
the needs of the four war-devastated
schools so that students going to the
polls Friday will have a better idea
of the university to which they want
to send financial aid. Jack Gore will
lead the discussion as moderator.
Sheean Lauds
Merits of UNO
Says Making It Work
Is Only Key to Peace
The only hope for permanent peace
lies in setting up the United Nations
Organization and making it work,
Vincent Sheean, noted foreign cor-
respondent and author of "Personal
History" and "Not Peace But a
Sword", told an Oratorical Associa-
tion audience yesterday in Hill Aud-
Labelling the UNO "the conscience
of the world," he cited the UNO Com-
mission on Human Rights as evidence
of the modification of national sov-
Russian Disputes
Our disputes with the Soviet Union,
Sheean said, are not the product of
any direct conflict of interests, but of
ideological differences and prejudices.
He scored our lack of a foreign policy
and advised that with intelligence and
astute leadership, no major conflict
between the United States andothe
Soviet Union need arise. The London

Conference failed primarily, he as-
serted, because of the refusal of Sec-
retary of State Byrnes and Foreign
Minister Bevin to accept the equal
status of the USSR.
Public pressure in both the United
States and Britain is resulting in too-
rapid demobilization in Germany, he
warned. If the British and Americans
retire, the French will move in, pro-
ducing the same chaos as in the last
war, he predicted, which will culmin-
ate in some neo-Hitlerite resistance
movement. The Russians, unable to
permit such disorganization, will
move in to preserve order, and pos-
sibly to lead Germany into the Soviet
Union, he maintained.
Unanimity Insisted
The Soviet Union's insistenco nn


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5-Snowy-
haired Patrick J. Hurley, his voice
flaring with anger, asserted today
that two career diplomats who fa-
vored "collapse" of the present gov-
ernment in China had been given
vital assignments with Gen. Douglas
MacArthur after Hurley sent them
heme from the embassy at Chung-
Also, in the course of two and a
half hours of impassioned testimony
before the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, Hurley made these other
major assertions:
Major Assertions
That Britain was opposing United
States Policy for the unification of
China at the very moment that Maj.
Gen. Hurley, then Ambassador at
Chungking, was trying hardest to ne-
gotiate an agreement between the
Chinese Communists and Generalis-
simo Chiang Kai-Shek.
That some of the career men in
China supported an imperialistic
bloc of nations and were perfectly
willing to use lend-lease to subjugate
people contrary to the policies of the
Atlantic Charter. Hurley named the
"imperialistic -bloc" as consisting of
Britain, France, The Netherlands, to
a less important extent Belgium and
Portugal; and, before the war, Ger-
many and Japan.
Communists Not a Threat
That at the moment none of the
big powers, Russia, the United States
and Britain, is helping the Chinese
Communists and without such help
the Communists are not, in Hurley's
opinion, a major threat to the con-
trol of China by Chiang Kai-Shek.
That some American diplomat
"leaked" to the Communist leaders
in North China a policy agreed upon
by President Roosevelt at the Yalta
big-three conference that the United
States would arm either Nationalist
or Communist troops when its forces
invaded China, depending on what
troops it found in the territory where
the invasion occurred. As a result,
Hurley said, he suddenly discovered
that the Communists were concen-
trating troops toward one port so
that they would be sure to get Ameri-
can arms.
Coke Bar To
Open in league
Refreshments, Music
For Dancing Available
A Coke Bar in the League Cafe-
teria will officially open today for all
students on campus.
Open on Monday through Friday
from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., it will afford
a place for students to meet, dance to
a newly installed juke-box, and have
First of its kind on campus, and
promulgated by Bill MacGowan and
Doug Clark, with assistance from
members of Assembly and Pan-Hel-
lenic, the Coke Bar will have an at-
mosphere of friendliness and in-

Hurley Reports
On Retention
Of Career Men


Britain Opposed
Unification Policy

University of Michigan to the war
effort in furnishing instruction and
other services and facilities for the
training of naval personnel. Your in-
stitution may be justly proud of the
part it has played in the victory
which has been won."
Initiated at the University in the
summer of 1942, the program was
open to all men between the ages of
17 and 20 who passed qualifying
physical and mental examinations,
the first of which were given in April,
Four terms of training were pro-
vided men preparing for general duty
in the Navy. A specialized training
program, ranging from six to 12
terms, was set up for potential offi-
Tickets To Go ,
On Sale For
Union Formal
Tickets for the Union Formal,
scheduled from 9 p.m. to midnight
Saturday, Dec. 15, in the Rainbow
Room of the Union, willhbe sold to-
morrow, Monday, and Tuesday at
the travel desk in the Union.
So that all may have equal chance
to purchase tickets, seventy-fivle
tickets will be placed on sale from
12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Friday; 100 tickets
will be sold between noon and 1 p.m.
Monday, 50 between 4 and 5 p.m.
Monday, and 100 between 6:30 and
7:30 p.ni. Monday. The remainder
will go on sale from 12:30 to 1:30
p.m. Tuesday.
A 1945-46 Union card must be pre-
sented by all civilian men who pur-
chase tickets. Only men may buy
tickets and only one ticket will be
sold to each person.
Traditionally the first all campus
formal of the year, this year's affair
will mark the first all out post war
formal dance, and will be complete in
every respect, according to Dick
Roeder, chairman of the event.
Flowers will be presented to coeds
as they enter the ballroom, and re-
freshments of punch and cookies are
to be served on the dance floor.
Leather programs, carrying the Un-
ion seal, will be given, and decora-
tions will follow the same theme.
Bill Layton and his all-campus or-
chestra, featuring Patty DuPont, will
furnish music for the completely for-
mal dance.

Galens' Buckets
Will Swing on
Campus Friday
Seek To Raise Funds
For Hospital Work
Seventeen members of Galens
medical society will form their an-
nual Tag Day "bucket brigade" on
campus tomorrow and Saturday-and
the coins that roll into their pails will
enable the Galens to continue their
year 'round activities for the little
shut-ins of University Hospital.
Located at strategic campus points,
the Galens will present contributors
with the Galens Tag, which will sig-
nify support of the hospital's recrea-
tion and rehabilitation program for
younger patients recovering from op-
erations and illness.
The medics will be swinging their
pails for student contributions to the
annualrchildren'sChristmas party.
Your donations will make their
Christmas-away-from-home a merry
But Galens aims at something more
than a one-day "binge" Using its col-
lected funds to maintain the Galens
workshop, handicrafts of every des-
cription are offered the children
through a supervised occupational
Galens also provides a library and
weekly movies to widen the walls
around these kids, whose convales-
cence would otherwise be restless and
School for Vets
To Open Here
Next January
Beacon Institute, the sdhool of
"know-how" for World War II vet-
erans seeking positions in industry,
will open here Jan. 2 with its initial
class completely filled, Keith Haien,
'40, co-founder of the institute, an-
nounced yesterday.
Haien said that 40 veterans will
be admitted in January and that the
school's experience with this first
group will determine the number ac-
cepted for future classes. Original
plans had called for admission of 50
students each month for a six
months' course.
Applications for admission to the
institute are being handled by Lieut.
Col. Philip C. Pack, director of the
State Office of Veterans' Affairs.
Veterans enrolled in the institute
will be housed at Willow Run Village
and will be transported to the school,
located in a factory near the Michi-
gan Central station, by state-fur-
nished busses.
Haien said the institute will grant
certificates of graduation but will
not graduate anyone "we can't rec-
ommend to industry."
Will Conduct
Now in its sixty-third season, the
Boston Symphony Orchestra, con-
ducted by Russian-born Serge Kous-
sevitzky, will highlight its concert
at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill Audi-
torium with symphonies by Proko-



Not Known as Yet
Congressional Legislation To Rescind
Appropriations Throughout Entire U. S.
The University's V-12 and NROTC units will be terminated at the end of
the current semester, Comm. Norman C. Gillette, executive officer, announc-
ed yesterday.
Future status of present V-12 students has not yet been made public.
Capt. Woodson V. Michaux, commanding officer of University Naval
activities, said that an anticipated lack of funds will force termination of
the V-12 contract. Legislation rescinding appropriations for V-12 and
NROTC units in colleges and universities throughout the country is now
before Congress.
Advance notice of the termination will serve the interests of both the
government and the participating educational institutions, Capt. Michaux
Rear Admiral William M. Fechteler, Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel,
in a message to the University, said: "The Navy is deeply appreciative of
the many contributions made by they

Prof. Swinton Describes Life
In War Internment Camp

Strassbourg Rated Second
Among French Universities

Bedbugs were one of the main
problems and sources of entertain-
ment in Santo Tomas Interment
camp near Manila, Prof. Roy S.
Swinton of the Engineering Me-
chanics Department said in his talk
to the A.S.M.E. last night.
Speaking on the humorous aspects
of life in Santo Tomas prison camp,
and showing slides of cartoons drawn
there, Prof. Swinton, who was teach-
ing at the University of the Philip-
pines at the time of the Japanese
invasion, told how he had to start
the car for the Jap who took him to
the camp. No preparations had been
made for the prisoners. he said. and

The garbage detail was enviable,
Prof. Swinton said, for the garbage
pails often came back filled with food
and notes. The best food available
on Christmas of 1944 was found in
the garbage pail from the comman-
dants' kitchen.
After the Japs discovered this
method of smuggling in things from
the outside, food and notes were
sometimes delivered in coffins. Al-
though only one American Red Cross
package was delivered to the camp
during the three years Prof. Swinton
was there, he charges that the Red
Cross officials in the camp seemed to

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth and
last in a series of articles on the foreign
universities slated in tomorrow's elec-
tion. Information for this article was
supplied by the World Student Service
Steeped in tradition dating back
to its founding in 1538, the Univer-
sity of Strassbourg was before the
war rated second among French uni-
Corresponding to our various
"schools," were seven "faculties"
composing the University. Approxi-
mately 2,500 French and 800 foreign
students were divided among the
"faculties" of Protestant and Catho-
lic Theology, Law, Medicine, Sci-
ences, Liberal Arts and Pharmacy.
A library of more than one million

bourg last October in an atmosphere
of extreme psychological tension.
Though some damage has been done
to the physical parts of the campus,
the major problem is that of men-
tally transferring the entire univer-
sity-students and faculty alike-
back to a French university.
Tossed between German and
French rule for years, the citizens of
Alsace Lorraine now are in a state of
confusion. Under German occupa-
tion they were forced to speak only
German, to bow only to the German
Now, as a part of France, they have
many adjustments to make.
Andre Blonay of the European
Student Relief Fund has suggested

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