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December 05, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-05

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Yanks Marooned in Brazil

Tsing-Hua History, the Real India

Dorothy Flint . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mal matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views' of the writers only.
Student Election
STUDENT representation has long been in de-
mand. Student requests for self-determina-
tion range from petty campus issues all the way
to student government.
Friday's election provides an opportunity for
student self-expression, student representation.
Five classes of student officers are to be elected
as well as a foreign university for SOIC adop-
tion. .
A student election is not enough to insure a
representative election. Representation con-
notes mass participation by the student body.
Participation is dependent upon the securing
by students of voting eligibility by picking up
identification or election cards in University
To this end, a small degree of effort must be
exerted. Effort must be exerted to undertand
the issues and the candidates' views. (The Daily
will publish a special election section tomorrow
containing prepared statements by the candi-
dates.) Finally, effort must be taken to do the
final job, the casting of the ballot.
By this small expenditure of effort, each
student can do his part to guarantee a repere-
sentative election. The election of campus of-
ficers by a small, inside group of interested
persons cannot and must not continue. Repre-
sentation, real representation is the goal. That
representation will be achieved if student
apathy is replaced by a genuine and intelligent
awareness of the issues at stake.
-Arthur Gronik
Long Exams
THE USE of testing as a teaching device is one
of the primary lessons stressed in teacher
training courses. Determination of marks is con-
sidered a secondary and far less important serv-
ice resulting from testing.
Proper use of examination processes requires
careful planing by instructors, who must not
only decide what is significant for inclusion in
the test, but also must adapt the testing tech-
niques to the material. These requirements are
not satisfied by following formulae, but by con-
sideration of each test as a new situation. The
complexion of the class to be tested should also
influence the preparation of the examination.
With the resumption of its peace-time sched-
ule the University plans to reinstate- a nine
day examination program with three hour
tests. Such a plan does not fulfill the purpose
of testing since the examinations are given at
the end of the term, after which further work
on the material covered is impossible. Thus,
although the test may show an instructor a
need for such work, the information is wasted.
It may be claimed that preparation for the ex-
aminations satisfies the teaching aim, and that
college class conditions make the use of such a
program the only practicable determination of
marks. However, it seems that the good which
may result from the preparation is negated by
greater bad.
The over emphasis of the examinations im-
portance on marks frequently forces students
to cram. Crammed knowledge is not perma-
nently lodged in the mind of a student. And
the pressure on not-too-ethical students pro-
duces cribbing which makes the examination

results unfair to honest students.
The examinations doubtlessly make marking
easier for professors, especially for those who are
burdened with very large classes. It seems, how-
ever, that the proper action is to make the classes

large number of high-point U.S. troops have
been sweating it out, hoping to get back to the
U.S.A. They are intruders on foreign soil, and
the Brazilians resent their continued presence
now that the war is over. Also they are largely
doing a commercial transport job which ought to
be taken over soon by Pan American Airways
and other companies. Nevertheless their return
home has been all too slow.
The other day, Col. Thomas D. Ferguson, then
commander of Natal, issued an order that "en-
listed men with more than 60 points and more
than two years' service" would not be trans-
ferred back to the U.S.A. for several days due to
the "northbound backlog" of air traffic. He ex-
plained that Miami had been able to send only
one additional C-54 to carry personnel, and that
for safety reasons men could not return home on
combat planes.
The men who had been waiting hopefully to
go home took this announcement philosophi-
cally and settled down to wait for the trans-
portation jam to get unjammed.
But three days later, Colonel Ferguson sent a
C-47, No. 9898 from Natal to Bahia on a most
"essential" mission. He could not spare a plane
to carry enlisted men back to their homes in
the U.S.A. But he could spare a de luxe passen-
ger plane to fly a group of women to Bahia to at-
tend an officer's dance. They flew down and
back in the "plush job" and a good time was had
by all-except by the men who were waiting in
Natal, because there weren't enough planes to
take them home.
Censor Cannon
WHEN MOST people pick up the Congressional
Record, they think that they are reading
what congressmen actually say during official
debates. But they're not. Actually they read what
the congressmen want folks to think they've said.
In other words, the text of the Congressional
Record is altered before it gets into print. There
was a time when congressmen would insert "loud
applause" after their remarks, even if there had
been loud guffaws or boos after their speeches.
This practice was stopped by honest Speaker Sam
Rayburn but other censorship continues probably
without Rayburn's knowledge.
Last week, for instance, the censoring of con-
gressional speeches reached a new low, when dic-
tatorial Congressman Clarence Cannon of Mis-
souri struck out two statements by other con-
gressmen because he didn't like what they said
about his appropriation bill. Furthermore, Can-
non did this editing without even having the
courtesy to consult his two colleagues. When
they picked up the record next morning they
merely found that their remarks weren't pub-
Martinet Cannon was completely impartial.
He drew no party linesi He censored Demo-
cratic Rep. Eddie Hebert of New Orleans just
as ruthlessly as he did Republican Rep.
George Bender of Cleveland, Ohio.
Hebert, a conscientious congressman who
works hard on the District of Columbia commit-
tee, -objected to Cannon's elimination from the
deficiency bill of a mere pittance to help solve
Washington parking problems. Cannon's reply
during the debate showed that he didn't under-
stand the subject at all. Whereupon, the Louis-
iana congressman told him:
"If what the gentleman has said indicates his
knowledge of the items in this appropriation bill,
then it's no wonder he is having so much trouble
getting it passed, because he evidently knows
nothing about anything in it."
After the debate Cannon secretly blue penciled
Hebert's remarks.
Bender, another able congressman, had ob-
jected to Cannon's refusing to vote $24,500,000
for veterans' housing, as requested by President
"We have servicemen returning from over-
seas by the thousands," Bender told Cannon
during the debate, "with no shelter for them-
selves and their families. They are standing in
long lines and living in tents in some places.
"Gentlemen, many of you remember the Bonus
March after the last war. Well, that will be as
nothing compared to the march on Washington
of ex-servicemen looking for shelter. We're going

to have it and it won't be long. Sure, I'm for
economy, but this is a poor place to begin econo-
Again without consulting Bender, Cannon
blue-penciled the entire text of the Ohioan's
statement from the official reporter's transcript
before it was sent to the Government Printing
Office for publication in the Record.
Apparently free and fair debate is finished in
the House of Representatives.
Ford Policies Reversed
SOME BIG CHANGES are taking place in the
Ford motor empire,, in addition to its ne.w at-
titude toward labor. Henry Ford II, who suc-
ceeded to the presidency early this year, makes
no bones about his desire to get along with the
United Auto Workers though his grandfather
fought them tooth and nail.
However, there's still another policy under way
that is being discussed only in whispers by the
Ford family intimates and the few State De-
partment insiders who know about it.

It involves an effort by the octogenarian pa-
triarch of the auto company, Henry Ford him-
self, to banish that anti-semitic skelton in his
closet. And Ford has made a private appeal to
the state department for assistance.
Inside fact is that Ford's anti--semitic Philip-
pics, in Dearborn Independent editorials a couple
of decades back, have been dug up and widely
disseminated by certain fascist elements in South
America which are trying to stir up unrest.
One of Henry Ford's top lawyers recently called
at the State Department in hopes of enlisting
the aid of embassy and consular officials in
South America in combating the propaganda.
The State Department promis'ed to help.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Ersatz Policy
T IS AWE-INSPIRING to see how many sub-
stitutes we can dream up for a foreign policy,
to observe how much trouble we will undergo to
invent gadgets, tricks, mechanisms, devices, ad-
ministrative "reforms," etc., rather than take
up the painful task of figuring out what kind of
a world this ought to be, and what we have to
do to help improve it. There have been literally
dozens of suggestions these past few days for im-
proving our foreign policy, and almost every
one is concerned with the form of things, almost
none with the substance.
There is no point in mentioning names in re-
viewing these ideas, for it is the pattern that
matters, and the pattern is clear. To start with,
the suggestion has been made that we could cure
our foreign policy ills if only Mr. Truman would
see Mr. Byrnes each day, at a stated time, with
all phone calls absolutely cut off for the period.
Thus, it is argued, the men could talk and think,
without interruption; as if our problem is that
people are always busting in just as Mr. Truman
and Mr. Byrnes are on the very verge of making
this a better world, causing them to forget what
they were saying.
* * *
After this comes the old chestnut about a
"housecleaning" in the State Department. But
the current "housecleaning" drive is split into
two opposed camps. One group holds that we
ought to clean house by flinging the career men
out of the State Department; this group de-
rives from General Hurley, who has charged
angrily that some of the career men are in
secret opposition to Mr. Truman and Mr.
But other commentators, equally conservative,
feel the "housecleaning" ought to take the form
of cleaning out the blessed amateurs, while leav-
ing the career men; this group believes we need
more trained foreign policy officers, especially
with Mr. Truman and Mr. Byrnes, neither a
foreign policy expert, at the top of affairs. One
reads interminable discussions along these lines,
with hardly a whisper in them of what our for-
eign policy ought to be, as if it were all a matter
of personnel and better office management.
ANOTHER SUGGESTION, commonly made,
is that more "publicity" ought to be given to
our foreign policy operations. But this idea, too,
though firmly in the tradition of the American
free press, is a kind of gimmick in these premises,
for diplomatic negotiations are, at least theoreti-
cally, negotiations between equals, and what do
we do if the other party doesn't want publicity?
It is time, I think, for us to begin to note the
emptiness of some of these approaches; it is
perfectly possible today for a man who has
not an idea in his head as to what we ought to
do next, to stand up and deliver a rousing
speech on two themes that there ought to be
a housecleaning in the State Department and
more publicity in its operations, sitting down
to vast applause and leaving us no wiser than
we were before.
*v *,*-
One might also mention the theory that there
ought to be a "foreign policy council," made up
of the President, several Cabinet members, and

a number of up-to-date Congressmen. But
enough of this; it is perfectly plain that most of
these approaches are based on the obsession that
foreign policy is a matter of efficiency, rather
than a matter of wisdom and boldness.
We must decide whether we are going to try
to bring unity to China, or whether we are going
to take sides in China's civil war; we must de-
cide whether we are going to be part of a western
bloc, or whether we are going to make another
try at unanimity among the former allies; and if
we do not frame these decisions, or if we frame
them wrongly, what difference will it make if the
resulting mess is communicated to the world by a
man from Groton or a man from Greenpoint?
If confusion is to be our contribution, what
difference does it make how thinly we slice it,
or through what filers it passes? It seems to
me that a basic foreign policy reform would be
for us, quite simply, to talk about our foreign
policy, and not about its accouterments, to
forget about the bottles and to begin to dis-
cuss the wine. -
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

China Fortress
To the Editor:
One of the things that China suf-
fered most from during her eight-
year war with Japan is her educa-
tional institutions. In fact, our cruel
enemy had a notorious plan carried
out systematically to mop out all
Chinese institutions that she can lay
her hands on. The idea is to conquer
the world forever by destroying every
bud of revival. Tsing Hua University,
the best in China and well-known
it this country, is such a victim.
Unknown in any history of the
civilized world, the whole campus
of the University was purposely
ruined. The lawn was used 'as a
grazing ground for the horses of
the Japanese cavalry. Over one
hundred- buildings scattered in the
campus were turned into stables
and barns. The interior of the
buildings was systematically search-
ed "under imperial order" and any-
thing worthwhile - books, instru-
ments, laboratory equipment, even
piping, steel windows, and metallic
house fittings-was looted and sent
to Tokyo. Then anything left that
would make a fire was burned,
except possibly the skeleton of the
buildings. The Japs wanted to make
sure that nothing was left for man-
kind except themselves!
The University was originally a
preparatory school for students going
to attend college in this country. It
was supported by a part of the Boxer
Indemnity returned by this country,
an idea sponsored by the late Presi-
dent Theodore Roosevelt (there was
a memorial in the old gymnasium).
Later, in view of the need of China,
it was enlarged and changed into a
university. At theoutbreak of the war
in 1937, it had four colleges (arts,
science, law and engineering), seven-
teen departments, two agricultural re-
search centers and a graduate school.
It had a campus of some 2,000 acres,
over one hundred buildings, and all
necessary equipment for study and
research. Located in the suburb of
Peiping (Peking) and including the
relics of the famous Yuan Ming Yuan,
it was as beautiful as an Oriental
garden, ideal for followers of light
and truth.
Many well-known professors devot-
ed their lifetime there. They came
from different countries and inherited
different civilizations. They worked
together to melt the East and the
West. Students from all over China
and some from foreign countries re-
ceived their education. Hundreds of
graduates were turned out of the
school every year, some sent abroad
for new ideas and some working
among their fellow countrymen. It is
not at all too much to say that if
there is a new civilization, Tsing Hua
is its cradle.
War broke out in 1937 and the bar-
barous Japs stripped Tsing Hua. Fac-
ulty and students were separated or
interned by the enemy. Some infil-
trated through the enemy area and
travelled by all means to Kunming,
several thousands of miles south of
Peiping. The conditions there were
difficult. Short of textbooks, labora-
tory iristruments and even living
quarters, they carried on their study.
They were handicapped but not de-
feated. Thousands of young students
were graduated from the school dur-
ing the eight years of war. They help-

ed fight the war and will help re-
build the country.
Now the war is over. Tsing Hua
will move back to its old campus
soon. But in the place of its former
beautiful site, it will find a man-
made desert. Reconstruction is no
easy work; among other things, it
needs courage and energy. Since it
has accomplished so much before
and during the war, it will have
success in the future. Let us giveI
them encouragement so that they
will not feel alone in preserving the
civilization fortress in the Far East.
To the Editor:
Last week there was a reel shown
in the League Theatre, under the
caption "Mystic India." I should like
to point out to our American friends
on the campus, that this picture was
just as misleading of the real India,
as films showing only the slums of
American cities would be to Indians,
if shown in India and titled "This Is
The Great America."
The picture purported to show a
"folk-dance" in the Hyderabad State.
The American people should know
that such dances are not typical of
India. It is difficult to believe that
intelligent Americans derive any

pleasure from pictures which show
only the filth and squalor of either
India or America.
Would it not be more interesting
and educational -therefore more in
line with the functions of a great
University-to import and show a few
Indian movies, with English titles,
that represent real Indian myths-
such as "Kadambri". "Shakuntla"
(now produced in four languages),
"My Cottage On The Mountain", "We
Meet Again", and "The Man." Ameri-
cans should also be informed of the
fact, that the Indian film industry is
second in size, in the world, only to
that of Hollywood.
During the Summer Session a
great many foreign movies were
shown in the Rackham Theatre,
but, to the great disappointment of
the numerous Indian students, the
University authorities have never
shown any pictures or movies de-
picting what India really is, and
what progress it has made in spite
of the terrible handicaps and lack
of freedom of action under the
present foreign rule.
I trust this will arouse our Ameri-
can friends to ask the University
authorities to procure and show
some of the above-mention real In-
dian films, along with those- from
other foreign countries.
--D. S. Saxena


point system of discharge from
the armed forces is provided by a
naval officer, name withheld, in a
letter to Time Magazine.
"It seems to me," he says, "that
public and congressional criticism
. . . does the country a disservice.
One of our generals has said that
the earlier point systems took away
his first and second teams .. . the
whole world knows 'we are playing
the game with an unwilling third
team which the rooting section is
trying to get off the field. This is
return to isolationism in everything
except name."
The officer is only reaffirming the
ideas expressed by top-ranking army
and navy men. General Eisenhower
asks, "Are we going so far in weaken-
ing ourselves in Europe that we are
going to abandon unfulfilled the pur-
poses for which we fought?" Admiral
King confirms the fear that our dis-
organized navy could not fight a first-
class battle today. .
If we are going to withdraw the
power of the United States from
the world 'scene; to abandon so
soon the nations we have fought to
liberate; to withdraw into a shell
of our own problems-strikes, em-
ployment, housing shortages and so
on--then we would indeed be re-
turning to isolationism.
-Frances Paine

Publication in the Daily Official bul--
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 27;
.Memorial to Dean C. S. Yoakum.
Under the auspices of the University,
a memorial meeting will be held at
4:15 p.m., Monday, Dec. 10, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall, in honor of
the late Dr. Clarence Stone Yoakum,
Dean of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. Members
of the faculties, students, and other
friends of Dean Yoakum are invited
to be present.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The civilian
freshman five-week progress reports
will be due Dec. 6 in the office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
The five-weeks' grades for Navy
and Marine trainees (other than En-
gineers and Supply Corps) will be due
Dec. 6. Department offices will be
provided with special cards and the
Office of the Academic Counselors,
108 Mason Hall, will receive these
reports and transmit them to the
proper officers.
A. Van Duren
Identification Pictures will be given
out between Dec. 4 and Dec. 8 from
the cage in University Hall outside
of Room 2, University Hall. Dec. 4
and Dc. 5 the cage will be kept open
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. including
the noon hour.
Approved Organizations. The fol-
lowing organizations have submitted
to the Office of the -Dean of Students
a list of their officers for the academic
year 1945-46 and have been approved
for that period. Those which have not
registered with that office are pre-
sumed to be inactive for the year.
Fraternities and soro'ities which
maintain houses on the campus, or
those which are operating temporar-
ily without houses are not included in
this list.
All Nations Club, Alpha Chi Sigma,
Alpha Kappa Alpha, Alpha Omega,
Armenian Students Association, As-
sembly, Congregational Disciples
Guild, Graduate Council, Hillel Foun-
dation, Hindustan Association, Inter-
Racial Association, Latin American
Society, Le Cercle Francais, Lutheran
Student Association.
Michigan Christian Fellowship,
Michigan Youth for Dem. Action, Phi
Delta Epsilon, Phi Delta Kappa, Phys.
Ed. Club for Women, Polonia Club,
Sigma Rho Tau, Sigma Xi, Student
Org. for International Coop., Unitar-
ian Student Group, Varsity Glee Club,
Veterans' Organization, Wesleyan
Guild, Westminster Guild, Women's
Athletic Association, Women's Glee
Seniors and graduates in Engineer-
ing, Chemistry and Physics: A repre-
sentative of Chance Vought Aircraft,
Stratford, Connecticut, will visit the
campus on Thursday, Dec. 6, to in-
terview February and June graduates'
in Aeronautical, Civil, Chemical, Elec-
trical, and Mechanical Engineering,
as well as chemists and physicists,

(Veterans' Counsellor), $4440 to
$5160, has been received in our of-
fice. For further information regard-
ing examination, call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Vincent Shecan, noted foreign cor-
respondent, will be presented at 8:30
tonight in Hill Auditorium as the
third number on the Oratorical As-
sociation Lecture Course. Mr. Sheean
has been an eyewitness of history in
the making in Europe and the Pacific
for the past twenty years, his most
recent assignment being with General
Patton's Third Army. The subject of
his talk will be "Personal Opinion."
Ticlets may be purchased today from
10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. at the auditorium
box office.
Academic Notices
History of Mathematics Seminar
Wednesday, Dec. 5, 7-8 p.m. Room
3001 Angell Hall.
Political Science: Hereafter Polit-
ical Science 1, Section 1, will meet
in Room 229 Angell Hall. Political
Science 51, Section 1, will meet in
room 2203 Angell Hall.
Harlow J. Heneman.
John A. Perkins
Evxents Today
Attention! Especially those stu-
dents of History 11! The Seminar on
the Expansion of Christianity which
will be held today at 4:30 in Lane
Hall, has as its topic for discussion:
"The Church in the Roman Empire."
Mr. F. Littel will direct this discussion
which is open to all students.
League Tutors: There will be a mass
meeting today at 5:00 p.m. in the
Veteran's Wives: Let's make friends
tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League.
The Graduate routin~g Club will
meet today. Everyone interested in
outdoor activities are cordially invited
to meet in the Outing Room at 7:30
Flying Club: An attempt is being
made to reorganize the University of
Michigan Flying Club. Information
has been compiled and is now ready
for presentation. All U. of M. stu-
dents interested should report to
Room 1042 East Engineering Building
at 7:30 tonight. Students with an in-
structor's rating are also urged to
attend. For those who are interested
but who are unable to attend ' the
meeting on Thursday evening, con-
tact Warren H. Curry at Room B-47
East Engineering Building before
December 6.
Phi Sigma, honorary biological fra-
ternity, will hold its first meeting of
the year at 8:00 tonight in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
Building. All members are requested
to attend, as new members will be
voted on, new officers discussed, -and
plans made for the initiation lecture.



W '


Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, is
making up his Christmas list, Jane.. .

Mmm... Let me see. Six sheets and six
pillow cases for Gus the Ghost. Scalloped

By Crockett Johnson
Barnaby, t thought he got
that charge account just

l eutschr Verein: There will be a
meet at 8:00 tonight in the Women's
Athletic Builing. A program of folk
songs and folk dances will be present-
ed. All students of German and mem-
Ibers of the Verein are invited to


The company has positions open in

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