PAGE TWO 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1945 GalensAid Handicaped C ii ren Patients Construct Handicraft Articles The boys and girls who come to the Galens workshop on the ninth floor of University Hospital every after- noon present individual problems to the workshop instructor. Some come in wheel chairs, some in braces or on crutches, some with- out encumbrances of any kind. But the object of the workshop is to make each of them as self-reliant as pos- sible, for under their present situa- tion they tend to depend on others. Cure Homesickness Donald, age 9, a cardiac case, was very homesick and unhappy until he came to the Galens workshop. The doctor permitted him only a limited amount of activity, so the other kids did most of the work on the toy troop ship he chose to make. How- ever, Donald painted the boat him- self with camouflage colors and also made some plexi-glass pins. He was no longer unhappy and eagerly looked forward to his afternoons in the shop. Fred, age 11, came to the shop fol- lowing a leg amputation. He had en- dured much pain and had begun to feel self-pity. The first day in the shop he remarked, "I suppose you come up here to work so that you can forget your pains and troubles." The instructor tactfully guided the conversation toward some of the work being accomplished in hospitals by wounded soldiers. This aroused Fred's interest. Worked in Bed Fred's activities were limited by the fact that he had to stay in bed. The instructor learned that Fred had previously made some clay dishes and suggested that he try making a cup. Fred went to work and, by painstak- ing effort, produced a model of handi- craft. He presented the cup to his younger sister. By now Fred was up in a wheel chair and walking on crutches. He was eager to make some of the things the other children had been making. He made a pipe rack, a cutting board and some plexi-glass pins. He was proud that he could use the saws independently while standing on crutches. It was not obvious to him that the instructor was standing by, supervising his efforts. Dorothy, age 13, has been in Uni- versity Hospital severalbtimes for a recurring ailment. She was very busy during her last hospitalization, for she wanted to take home at least one present for each member of the fam- ily. University tRadio Progranis The University Broadcasting Service will present the following programs for the week of Dec. 3 to Dec. 10: MONDAY: Station WKAR 2:30 im. U. of M. STUDENTS QUIZ THEIR PROFESSORS OF 0DUCATION Dr. Harlan C. Koch, Moderator 2:45 p.m. SCIENCE SERIES "X-Rays in Metal Industries" Dr. Lars Thomassen, Assoc. Prof. of Chemical Engineering Station WPAG 3:15 p.m. CAMPUS NEWS Prepared by Cleland Wylie of the University News Service and presented by students enrolled in broadcasting classes: Donald A. Bouchard from Ann Arbor; Edna Lofstedt from Niagara Falls, N. Y.; and M. Roberta Scherer from New Fane, N. Y. TUESDAY: Station WPAG 3:15 p.m. THE ORIGINAL DRAMA "The Purse" by Joan Lindsay Prof. David Owen, director. A student-written, student enacted radio drama. WEDNESDAY: Station WJR 2:15 p.m. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SERIES "Prospects for New Homes" Rcbert N. Cross, Research Associate, Bureau of Business Research. 2:30-2:55 n.m. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Inaugurating a new half-hour program. MUSIC IN ITALY in the XVII Century. Harpsichord solo; Songs for Sopraio with the accompaniment of Harpsichord; String quartet. Performed by: Mrs. Lillian Edwards, Miss Nadine Flinders, Mr. Milton Weber, Mr. Loren Cady, Miss Jean Morgan, and Miss Marion Horween. Entire program under the supervision and direction of Profes- sor Hanns Pick. Station WPAG 3:15 p.m. THE MEDICAL SERIES "Emotional Factors in Illness" Dr. Raymond W. Waggoner, Chairman of Dept. of Psychiatry. THURSDAY: Station WPAG 3:15 p.m. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Two Movements from the Trio Op. 101 in C-Minor by Johannes Brahms; Messrs: John Kollen (pianist); Wassily Besekirsky (iiil -) Hanns Pick (cello). CHARTER MEMBER: Staebler, Ann Arbor Vet, Outlines AVC Progran, Aims "We lost the last peace and we are in greater danger now of losing this peace," Neil Staebler, charter mem- ber of the first chapter that was or- ganized of the American Veteran's Committee, stated. "The best hope for winning it lies in the awareness of veteran groups 1902 Contest Facts Depicted By P"Arog~ram A souvenir program, containing all the facts and pictures of the Michi- gan-Stanford football game playedI Jan. 1, 1902, in the first tournament of Roses Park, Pasadena, California is being published by Spide Rathbun, who attended the University in 1906 and 1907. The program is being printed by Rathbun as a private venture on the West Coast and will be sold to alumni by the first of the new year. The montage cover which was com- posed by Chauncey Korten '46 Arch. is typical of the days of 1902. An ac- tual photograph taken at the game showing Snow and Heston with Boss Weeks passing the ball is included in the composition. The "Commemorative Program" will contain stories of all the men who participated in the game which Mich- igan victored 49-0. The chart of all the plays and accounts printed in the old papers of the game will be in- cluded. Old Michigan and Stanford songs popular at the time will also be printed in the program. to pitfalls in the path of world unity," he said. Staebler, 40 year old former Ann Arbor businessman, was a Navy lieutenant stationed in Washington and was instrumental in organizing the Washington AVC chapter in Oc- tober, 1944. Staebler returned to Ann Arbor last week after receiving an honorable discharge. Explaining that there are two kinds of veterans, the kind who wish to for- get the problems of peace and war and the kind who are forward-look- ing, anticipating the problems to world unity, Staebler stated that AVC is intended primarily for the latter group. Outlining AVC policy, Staebler said, "Externally, we must strive for the most effective international organiza- tion and secure internal support for it. This problem is highlighted be- cause of the atomic bomb. "There can be no more solution of external problems by war. This is our last chance." Day, Missing, Declared Dead Lt. Bluford O. Day, former member of the Engineering English depart- ment, who had been missing in ac- tion in the European Theatre for over a year, was declared officially dead last month, a letter received by the department from his mother revealed yesterday. Possessor of the Silver Star and the Purple Heart, Lt. Day was lost in action near Hurtgen, Germany, in an area heavily mined and booby- trapped by the enemy, and covered by enemy gunfire. BOY IN A WHEEL CHAIR-This youngster, formerly in University Hospital with a broken neck, spent many happy hours in the Galens ninth floor workshon. The Galens annual tag day to raise funds for continuing the workshop will be held Friday and Saturday. * - * - - - - __ Dorothy is a member of a 4-H club. On her next hospitalization she plans to make a milking stool. Returns to Workshop Robert, age 13, returns to the hos- pital at frequent intervals. The last time, he was scheduled for an opera- tion, but he had a few days before- hand in which to work in the shop. He tried more difficult projects, such as a model aircraft carrier and a. sandwich tray. Frequently he took time out from his own work to help other children with sawing and other work which they were unable to do. He sawed out the parts of a boat for a boy who was on a frame, and made some plexi- glass pins for a boy who was con- fined to a ward with a serious heart condition. ilip nes ... (Continued from Page 1) er had to paste tiny pieces of paper '- over every dollar sign and other Station WJR American symbols in his American 11:15 p.m. THE MEDICAL SERIES arithmetic book. Whole chapters of "The Discovery of X-rays a United States history were obliterated Dr. Fred J. Hodges, Chairm by pasting the pages together. The genology. Japanese introduced their language FRIDAY: into the Filipino schools and urged Station WKAR students to use the native Filipino 2:30 p.m. THE ORIGINAL DRAM language instead of English. (Note: Not the same play a Mliss Segundo was in Jap-occu- not yet determined). pied Manila up until the last six 2:45 p.m. BUREAU OF COOPER months of the Japanese regime INSTITUTIONS when she, her mother and brother "Enrollments and Registratio went to her father's province. While Dr. George E. Carrothers, Di they were there, Gen. Segundo and Station WPAG his oldest son, a member of a guer- 3:15 prm. ADVENTURES IN RE illa, band, were taken prisoners by the Japanese military poliob. (Note: Programs for the remain During those last six months of Daily Tuesday or Wednesday.) occupation, she explained, the situa- tion in Manila went from bad to worse. All the schools closed. Food was scarce. The Japs took everything LASSIFIED they needed, leaving the Filipinos to live on what rice, corn-hash tand veg- _ etables they could find. During these months the Japanese took everyone HELP WANTED they distrusted to a detention center where they were tortured and killed. WANTED: Two boys without one When the Americans on the northern o'clock to work for lunch; also for bank of the river were fighting the dinner. Kitchen work. Ph. 23119 Japanese on the southern bank many or 7100. civilians who sought shelter even in the R.ed Cross buildings and churches LOST AND FOU ND were massacred by the Japs.- "In the northern province where LOST: Black billfold containing my family had gone," Miss Segundo money, pictures. Very valuableN said, "strong guerilla forces confin- property'. Reward. Contact Mary ed the Japs to a small section. We June Simpson, Mosher Hall. stayed in the capital of the prov- ince. One day a runner came with LOST: Green wallet, initials N. L. H. a note from the guerilla forces Contains about $7.00. Identifica- warning my mother to take her tion and key. Lutetia Holloway. family to the mountains. The run- Phone 23557. Reward. ner was caught with the message-- and my mother was taken into LOST: Finely woven gold bracelet, custody. set with purple stones. Sentimental "My uncle, a prominent physician, value. Reward. Call 5101. was tortured by the Japs in an at- LOST: One gold leaf-shaped earring tempt to make him reveal our con- with rhinestones Saturday night. nection with the guerilla bands," she Reward. 24471. Room 5506. said. When the chief intelligence offi -_Reward._24471. Room_5506. cer questioning him was suddenly LOST: Brown shell rim glasses in stricken with an attack of acute ap- brown leather case on or near pendicitis, her uncle was forced to campus Tuesday. perform the operation. "The Japanese ----_ _ officer recovered," she said, "and my LOST: A yellow leather pencil case uncle was released on the pretense containing glasses and pen and of Japanese generosity." pencil was lost Wednesday in the When the Americans came, the Michigan League. Please return. three remaining members of the Se- Call Mary Catherine Patterson, gundo family returned to Manila. Betsy Barbour House. 2-2591. Miss Segundo was advised to finish Reward. her college education in the United - States since it will take years for LOST: Parker "51" Pen, black with the Philippine education system to silver cap. Phone 24471. Janice get back to normal. Smith, 4513 Stockwell. _f ca pt ' I **i+~'~T~+ _ = 'a+ Ct {i=w+u ".'=."u i.c -MA - _ A lytt 't Mbr;.2, 4 MAKE I f _ eff{!* n dr nd their Medical Application" an of the Department of Roent- VA s produced on Wednesday. Script ATION WITH EDUCATIONAL n in Michigan Secondary Schools" rector of the Bureau. 9EARCH der of the week will appear in The LDVElHTISING MADE TO ORDER DRESSES for the There is still time! a 4 V 1352 Wilmot Telephone 3906 Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. I w a 'd3dc 'r. d3 3a 7.d3 $as+ t WANTED WANTED: Army Officer's blouse, size 37 or 38; also pink or green trousers, 32 waist. Write PFC R. L. Watson, 3650 S.U., Det. 1, or visit 316 Hinsdale House, East Quad, after 9 p. m. MISCELLANEOUS VETERANS desiring free complete information on G7 insurance from a veteran, write or call C. L. Carter, 512 S. Washington, Ypsilanti. £or Christmas. ARTIST SUPPLIES Oil and Water Color Sets for the Beginner to the Master -. $1.00 adu ULRICH'S Bookstore .ddmmww Continuous from 1 P.M. Starts Today! . A N.d BA , lI YE7 M F7T1 f, T1,P ONE OF THE FINEST PICTURES EVER- iDecember 'Is joy Xont. * Qm~ULAMOUR' - - P,, LAUGHTER! ...IN A MUSICAL SPECTACULAR t ~~AS T HESE yCS STARS! JOHN PAYNE I A _,