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December 01, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-01

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Fifty-Sixth Year

Hurley, Our Cowboy Ambassador

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Ray Dixon . .
Robert Goldman
Betty Roth . .
Margaret Farmer
Arthur J. Kraft
Bill Mullendore
Mary Lu Heath
Ann Schutz .,
Dona Guimaraes

. . . . . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . Editorial Director
. ,,,,Associate Editor
.. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
.Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager
Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press i exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Home for Christmas
WITH regular transport ships unavailable, a
conversion program for nine Liberty ships
was organized in the Philippines.
Eight are scheduled to get prisoners of war
to Japan by Christmas, one for transportation
of American troops to the States.
It was suggested by the major in charge tio the
editor of the "Homeward Herald," a newspaper
published at a replacement depot on Leyte, that
some item be printed about the progress being
made in the conversion of the one ship for ship-
ment of American troops, but nothing must be
said about the conversion of ships for POWs.
Do the officers in control of the movement
of troops in that area have good reasons for
such a program?
The 90 point men, thousands of them, sitting
in replacement depots awaiting shipment home
would like to know.
-Shirley Loeblich
Norway's Students
"IF THERE is anyone who doubts of the demo-
cratic will to win," said Franklin Delano
Roosevelt,". . . let him look to Norway. He will
find in Norway, at once conquered and uncon-
querable, the answer to his questioning."
Today, having proved worthy of these terms
and free again after five years of struggle, Nor-
way must look to the world, and is beginning to
do so through her students abroad.
This year 195 Norwegian students have en-
tered universities in Switzerland, the majority
of them the Federal Polytechnicum at Zurich.
They have received Swiss scholarships and
many are living with Swiss families.
The Danish, too, have shown their admiration
of the Norwegian people by inviting many stu-
dents to attend Danish universities free.
In the United States, 120 universities and
colleges have declared themselves willing to
give scholarships to 200 Norwegian students
because of their courageous stand during the
war. Of these, 72 have already arrived and are
now scattered all over the country.
This student exodus is necessary because, as a
result of German destruction, Norway is unable
to care for her own students, many of whom, as
well as faculty members, were prisoners in Ger-
man concentration camps. At present, the Nor-
wegians must expend all their energy merely to
keep alive-to find food, clothing and shelter-
and they lack the money and facilities to re-
build and equip their universities.
Although we are considering students of
Warsaw, Tsing Hua, the Philippines, and
Strasbourg for the coming election, we should
not forget that those of Norway and other
countries like her have suffered also and are
trying to resume their studies under conditions
which are certainly anything but conducive to
study. -Elinor Moxness
White Elephant

CANOL, the famous pipeline, to carry oil to our
troops in Alaska has been placed on the block
for sale. So far nobody has appeared willing to
purchase this white elephant.
Built by the United States at a cost of $134
milli- on il--md . ita P--Ri, i

WASHINGTON.-In 1925 this writer was mak-
ing a laborious trip over the Gobi desert to
Urga, capital of Mongolia. Across the horizon,
heading down from the Siberian border, came a
long caravan of motor cars-Fords, Buicks, Chev-
rolets of uncertain vintage-all driven by Chinese
chauffeurs. Puffing across the plain, they pulled
up at the water-hole where I was encamped.
On the running board of each car was strapped
a long wooden box packed with rifles. Inside each
car were smaller boxes of cartridges.
They were being shipped by Soviet Russia to
stir up civil was in China. But their recipient
was none other than Chiang Kai-Shek, more re-
cently the ardent opponent of Russia.
Later this writer visited Chiang's stronghold
in South China. He was in command of the
Shampa cadets, a Red Chinese army, trained by
Soviet officers including the famous Comrade
To Britons and Americans at that time,
Chiang Kai-Shek and Communism were one
and the same thing. Both were equally hated-
and for good reason. In Canton, he and his
so-called Communists had clamped down a
boycott against Americans, Britons, and all
foreigners that was no joke. Grass grew in the
streets of the foreign settlement. The Ameri-
con consul general, Douglas Jenkins, could be
seen each morning sweeping out his office.
Every foreign official in Canton cooked his own
meals-and considered himself, lucky to get
food. Only humorous aspect was watching the
tall and bearded French consul pull his grocer-
ies home from the commissary in a child's toy
wagon every morning.
History Shifts
THAT was exactly 20 years ago. Since then,
Chiang Kai-Shek has become the great friend
of, the Americans and British and enemy of the
Russians-though quite capable of patching up a
new division of Manchurian spoils with them as
reported this week.
I mention this because such changes are not
uncommon in China. Neither are civil wars.
There has been no period in the last 100 years
of Chinese history when some war lord or other
did not have an army in the field jockeying for
more revenue, more territory, or more concubines.
At such times as I have visited China, it was al-
ways an axiom that when the Chinese corn crop
was cut, the troops would start moving. Even
Chinese war lords had some consideration for
peasants' crops and the country's food supply.
It was into this vortex of political intrigue
that Pat Hurley, our naive and delightful cow-
boy ambassador from Oklahoma, threw the
full weight of the U.S.A. with all its prestige,
all its lendlease, all its Far East airplanes-
and threw his weight on one side, apparently
not realizing that its chief was quite capable of
making a new deal with his enemy, the Rus-
sians, whenever it was expedient, behind
Hurley's back.
All this is why Hurley was so sore at the State
Department's Far Eastern experts who tried to
warn him what was cooking. Months ago they
realized what public reaction would be to Ameri-
can pilots losing their lives for the benefit of
Chinese war lords.
NOTE 1-Eleven U. S. plane crashes were re-
ported last week in China in one day alone,
all of them flown by U. S. pilots for the benefit
of Chiang Kai-Shek.
NOTE 2-Senator Langer of North Dakota
has long demanded that the State Department
explain the gift of rare Chinese jewelry valued
at $30,000 by the Chiang government to Mrs.
No Parachutes
ADDITIONAL information is now available re-
garding the tragic death of Pvt. W. M. Calla-
way of Beaumont, Texas, on Oct. 27, 1945, in the
Himalaya mountains, just after his and other
Army passenger planes had been ordered not to
carry parachutes.
The no-parachute order was issued by the Air
Forces in Washington, Sept. 5, and by Brig. Gen.
William H. Tunner, commander of the India-
Burma theatre, on Sept. 20. He was carrying out

Washington orders. The order applied to C-54S,
or 4-engined transports carrying passengers, in-
cluding General Tunner's own plane, and speci-
fied that they should not carry parachutes.
Hitherto these planes had carried parachutes
while flying the "hump" but the Army explains
that hump flying has been stopped. Reason for
the no-parachute order on 4-motored transport
planes carrying passengers is that though the

crew can bail out, the passengers can't. They
haven't been trained in parachute jumping, and
no crew can desert a ship ahead of its passen-
One reason why U. S. pilots in China are now
burned up is that many of them have to carry
Chinese troops into the battle area for Chiang
Kai-Shek. Imagine the panic if 50 to 60 Chi-
nese troop passengers all tried to bail out.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Uncle Sucker
IF THERE is one fixed idea in this republic,
more solid than another, it is that Great Brit-
ain is waggling a tin cup at us in her current
effort to obtain a loan; that she has put on her
oldest clothes, and drenched her cheeks in glycer-
ine tears, and is working our sympathies at
Washington for all they are worth.
It may come as news to many Americans that
this is not the British mood at all; that there is
a considerable body of British opinion which
doesn't want an American loan, particularly if
the terms are onerous; and that the loan,
when finally offered (the terms may be re-
vealed at any moment) may even be turned
down by British home opinion and the British
We have got it so firmly planted in our heads
that we are always Uncle Sucker that we cannot
quite realize that there are many Englishmen
who do not wish to be tied to America financially,
and that they would prefer to go it alone for
five or six hard years of rationing and austerity,
banking on trade within the empire to get them
on their feet in the end. The British feel that
too high an interest rate would mean hypothe-
cating too large a share of their national income
to America; and that this would prevent their
country from being a free operator in foreign
trade; that the loan might cripple them, while
leaving us free.
But, as I say, we are so sold on the notion
that everybody wants our dollars that it is
hard for us to realize that citizens of another
country may have a real feeling of fear -about
losing their financial independence to us, and a
real feeling about keeping free of us.
T HE same stereotyped thinking shows up on the
matter of Bretton Woods. Remember how
hard it was, last spring, to convince our Con-
gress and public that Bretton Woods was a good
deal for America? Our internationalists had to
rant and roar to get the thing ratified, while the
opposition groaned that, as always, we were being
the annointed suckers of the whole wide world.
Well, we have ratified Bretton Woods, but no
other nation has. There has been no rush to get
into the World Bank and the World Fund; there
has, actually, been a rush to stay out. If these
institutions were (as the opposition said) merely
a device whereby the United States put up some
$6,000,000,000 for the rest of the world to gobble
and spend, we could expect the chow line to have
formed up by now, reaching from here to Tues-
No one is in line; and Bretton Woods turns
out to be exactly what those of us who sup-
ported it said it was, a sound commercial ar-
rangement for the United States, whereby the
strength of the dollar would be used to back
up all currencies, and to underwrite good loans
to all countries. There is no special rush to
share its blessings because it doesn't give any-
thing away; and, in fact, there is fear in some
foreign circles that it makes the dollar too
big, and puts us in too good a position as re-
gards control over international banking.
Our rigid belief that we are always the world's
victim, that the rest of the earth is forever send-
ing out tentacles to reach toward us and to grab
from us, is a primitive sort of notion, in part,
perhaps a colonial hangover; and, like all ideas
which have lasted beyond their time, it is crip-
pling to us. It keeps us from seeing clearly.
Do we realize that we are the only consider-
able nation which is balking at fulfilling its
UNRRA commnnitments? That is a fact, and it
hardly squares with our fancy about ourselves
as sucker to the planet; but our stereotyped be-

lief about our role, and the angers developed
around the myth, lead us into just such dubious
types of action, or non-action. It is a pity that
we should let ancient slogans blur the world
picture for us, at a moment when we must be
utterly clear about, and precisely sensitive to
world relationships, if we are to hope to keep
our pre-eminent position.
(copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

MADAME PANDIT didn't pull any
punches when she spoke in Hill
Auditorium Wednesday night. She
called Britain just what it is-an im-
perial power which has attacked and
conquered weaker, helpless countries
and exploited their resources and
their people.
In India, as in other colonial coun-
tries, the British have worked to
keep the people ignorant, to pit them
against each other, and to spread
stories about their disunity, their re-
ligious differences, their poverty,
their unsolvable problems to the rest
of the world. If there has been no
progress in India, it is directly due to
British policy. For example, the Brit-
ish themselves see to it that religious
differences are never forgotten, by
stressing them in every phase of In-
dian life. Britain has kept them
weak, politically, and deliberately en-
couraged ignorance and disease, so
that they could say to the world; you
see, they aren't capable of governing
themselves, yet.
Madame Pandit made an accusa-
tion which Americans cannot af-
ford to take lightly; that in failing
to protest these colonial policies,
and by permitting the use of our
lend-lease materials against colon-
ial peoples, we are helping to sow
the seeds of future race war.
-Marjorie Littlefield
IS IT that the United Nations'
machinery is slow in starting or
is it that their sincerity is lacking?
Did they mean it when they pro-
claimed the noble purpose of inter-
nationalism in San Francisco?
The reason we ask is that it seems
rather incongruous that undeclared'
wars should be raging in both Java
and China so' soon after the writing
of the United Nations' charter and
no United Nations' action be taken to
stop it.
Indeed, the Big Three nations are
directly involved. The latest news said
that British naval guns and war-
planes were bombarding the Indon-
esian city of Soerabaja. News from
China contained charges by the Chi-
nese Communists that the United
States and the Nationalistic govern-
ment had signed a $64,000,000 muni-
tions loan and that American fliers
were transporting munitions for gov-
ernment forces. Meanwhile, the Rus-
sians supported the Chinese Com-
It has been said "that the Big
Three have so far been unable to
get together in any significant
manner because they are so much
alike. That is, all three are rabidly
nationalist, out for their exclusive
gain, to spread their exclusive in-
But the spheres of nationalist in-
fluence overlap and clash. America
for the reactionary dictatorship of
Chiang Kai-Shek. Russia for the
Communist dictatorship. England for
Dutch (and their own) imperialism.
Peace is either synonymous with
internationalism or synonymous
with impossible.
-Daily Northwestern, Nov. 14, 1945
U. S. History
WHEN THE G.I.'S first went over-
seas and began to see them-
selves against the backdrop of the
peoples of other lands, they began
calling for books on American his-
tory. They had to find out how they
got that way. As one put it, "Some-
thing makes us different. Why aren't
we taught about it in school?"
He had a point there. Americans
need to understand America. And
many rightly feel that the schools
serve the citizen to the full only in
so far as this understanding is de-
veloped. There are, happily, many
schools in which this work of inter-
preting the American spirit to young
America is ably done. But there are

many others that have failed to give
boys and girls this understanding of
American freedom and its responsi-
bilities to mankind
It is this fresh appreciation of
one's own land and of its usefulness
in, the world that the schools need'
to capture and to build into their
teaching of history, civics and all
the "social studies." What is it in
America's story that gives Ameri-
cans their special opportunity to
make a unique contribution to the
world? Every school youngster
should be awakened to know the
-Christian Science Monitor,

Publication in the Daily Official Sul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 24
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The civilian
freshman five-week progress reports
will be due Dec. 6 in the office of the
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
The five-weeks' grades for Navy
and Marine trainees (other than En-
gineers and Supply Corps) will be due
Dec. 6. Department offices will be
provided with special cards and the
Office of the Academic Counselors,
108 Mason Hall, will receive these
reports and transmit them to the
proper officers.
A. Van Duren
Choral Union Members in good
standing, will please call for their
courtesy pass tickets for the Don Cos-
sack Chorus concert, on the day of
the concert Monday, Dec. 3, between
the hours of 9:30 and 11:30, and 1
and 4, at the offices of the University
Musical Society, Burton Memorial
Tower. Passes will not be issued after
4 o'clock.
Charles A. Sink, President.
Medical School Sophomores: The
University Automobile Regulation will
be lifted, for members of the Sopho-
more Medical Class for the period
beginning 8:00 a. m. Saturday, Dec.
1, 1945 and ending at 8:00 a. m.
Monday, Jan. 7, 1946.
The Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters: The Academy,wish-
es to invite into active membership
all persons in the University engaged
in research, the promotion of litera-
ture or the arts or the dissemination
of knowledge. At the Annual Meet-
ings in March sections are organized
in the following fields: Anthropology,
Economics, Folklore, Geography, His-
tory and Political Science, Language
and Literature, Philosophy, Sanitary
and Medical Sciences, Zoology, Bot-
any, Fine Arts, Forestry, Geology and
Mineralogy, Landscape Architecture,
Mathematics, Psychology, Sociology.
The "Papers of the Michigan Acad-
emy of Science, Arts and Letters" are
published annually. If you wish to
become a member or if you are a for-
mer member and wish to resume
membership please communicate with
the Secretary, F. K. Sparrow, Botany
All women students on the campus
who are employed part-time or who
are seeking such work are instructed
to register this fact immediately at
the Office of the Dean of Women.
The Health Service and the Academic
Counselors Office are cooperating to
put this requirement into effect,
which has been decided upon so that
good health and maximum academic
efficiency will be insured among
women students. A brief form will be
filled out by each woman student
who is employed in any capacity
whether she works on the campus or
The W. J. Hammill prize of $100
will be awarded for the best essay
concerning the pertinence and mod-
ernity of ideas found in classics of
thought and literature in the fields of
history, economics and political sci-
erice. The contestants for the prize
may choose any one of the following
topics: 1. Theories of relationships
between human ecology and political
systems; 2. Relationships between
political systems, ethical values, and
the concept of personal property; 3.

the individual and the state. Lists of
books that shall form the basis for
the discussion of these topics will be
supplied contestants. The essay is to
be between ten thousand and twenty
thousand words. The contest is open
to any undergraduate of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, and essays must be
submitted by March 15, 1946. Con-
testants are requested to consult with
any member of the committee on
awards before writing the essay.
Joseph U. Kallenbach
William B. Palmer
Palmer A. Throop
Phillips Scholarships: Freshman
students who presented four units of
Latin, with or without Greek, for ad-
mission to the University, and who
are continuing the study of either
language, are invited to compete for
the Phillips Classical Scholarships
Two awards of fifty dollars each will
be made on the basis of an examina-
tion covering the preparatory work
in Latin or in both Latin and Greek
as described in the bulletin on schol-
arships, a copy of which may be ob-

tained in Room 1, University Hall.
The examination will be held this
year in Room 2013 Angell Hall on
Wednesday, Dec. 5, at 4:00 p. mi. In-
terested students are asked to give
notice of their candidacy to Professor
Pearl (2024 A. H.) or to Dr. Rayment
(2030 A. H.) in advance of that date.
Past holders of the scholarships who
seek renewal should file an applica-
tion. before Dec. 5 with the same
Academic Notices
Geology 12 make-up field trip to
Trenton, Michigan, is scheduled for
this morning from 8 to 12. All
students who missed the original
field trip must report to the Geology
office, 2051 Natural Science Building,
promptly at eight.
Section 7 of English 31 will meet
in Room 2235, Angell Hall, hereafter.
F. W. Peterson.
The Don Cossack Chorus, Serge
Jaroff, Conductor, will give the fifth
concert in the Choral Union Series
Monday evening, Dec. 3, at 8:30 in
Hill Auditorium. The program will
consist of religious numbers, Cossack
songs, and Russian folk tunes.
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Arch-
aeology, 434 South State Street. His-
torical Firearms and other Weapons.
Nov. 25 through Dec. 9. Weekdays,
9-12; 1:30-5; 7:30-9:30; Sundays, 3-5.
Exhibit of Paintings and Sketches
by Various Japanese-American' Ar-
tists, On Relocation Centers. From
Nov. 26 to Dec. 16. Sponsored by Stu-
dent Council of Student Religious As-
sociation, Inter-Guild, Inter-Racial
Association, All Nations Club. Office
of Counselor in Religious Education,
Michigan Office of War Relocation
Authority, U. S. Department of In-
Events Today
Saturday Luncheon Discussion:
After luncheon at Lane Hall at 12:00
Wayne Saari will review Davenport's
"The Modern Man is Obsolete." Ev-
eryone is urged to secure reservations
from Pat Kelly. Call Univ. 4121 Ext.
2148 before 10 a. in. on Saturday.
Coming Events
The Graduate Outing Club will
hold its first activity of the semester
on Sunday, Dec. '2. We will meet at
the rear entrance (N. W. 'entrance)
of the Rackham Building at' 2:00
p. m, and leave from there for a
hike. An informal dinner and social
are planned for the evening. Those
planning to go must make reserva-
tions by 12 :00 noon Saturday at the
coat-check desk in the lobby of
M. C. F.: Dr. H. H. Savage, of the
First Baptist Church, Pontiac, Michi-
gan, is this week's guest of the Michi-
gan Christian Fellowship. His talk
will be the third Gospel Leture in a
series of five sponsored by M. C. F.
Lane Hall, at 4:30, Sunday, De. 2.
For : One and All. Refreshments will
be served. Hymn Siftg at 4:00.
Ann Arbor Friends' Meeting; Im-
portant Notice ! Beginning Sunday,
Dec. 2, the time of meeting will be
changed to 5:00-6:30 p. mn. Meetings
will be held in the Unitarian Church
at the corner of Huron and State
Street (This is instead of the morn-
ing meetings held at the League)).
The B'nai Bi'rith Hillel Foundation
Cost Supper Committee will meet on
Monday, 'Dec. 3, at 7:3 0 p. in. at the
!Hillel Foundation. All who are inter-

ested are invited to attend.
A class in elementary Hebrew given
yby Professor Hootkins of the Romance
Language Department will meet at
the Hillel Foundation, Tuesday, Dec.
4, at 4:10 p. m. and every Tuesday
thereafter. The intermediate Hebrew
class taught by Benson Jaffe will
1meet Wednesday evening at 7:45 and
every succeeding Wednesday. Regis-
tration for classes is still open. Those
interested call the Hillel Foundation,
Science Research Club: The De-
cember meeting of the Science Re-
f search Club will be held on Tuesday,
Dec. 4, 1945, in the Amphitheatre of
the Horace H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies at 7:30 p. m. Pro-
gram: The Pharmacology of the Tet-
raethyl Ammonium Ion, G. K. Moe,
Dept. of Pharmacology. Fossil Plants
1 of the Michigan Coal Basin. Chester
A. Arnold, Dept. of Botany.
Alpha Phi Omega will hold a meet-
ing on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 7:30 at
the Michigan Union. All members are



h that invisible Leprechaun the right
kind of a reference, Mr. O'Malley?
Sign here, McSnoyd
1 got me
own pen.
c=ca t

With the signature of a substantial
citizen like you on this credit form
of Bigger's Department Store, all the
formalities are attended to. Thanks.
Glad to be
of soivice.
6 - 0

By Crockett Johnson
But, Mr. O'Malley! His name is INVISIBLE!
Yes Ultra-violet ink.
No, O'Malley
t's ;nfra-red.

__.a s

i ---m T ILA= i




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