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December 01, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-12-01

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?Saks n

Hawaii, Panama Equally Likely

Miles Thought
Pearl Harbor
Well Defended

Development of Clinic Holds Rehabili

tation Program

Atomic Auto

Prepared Forecasts
Overlooked Hawaii

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 - Maj.
Gen. Sherman Miles said today the
Army high command always had
considered attacks on Hawaii and
the Panama Canal about "equally
likely" in case of war with Japan.
That was so "inherent in the situ-
ation," he declared, that he had never
thought for a moment before Dec. 7,
1941, that Pearl Harbor's defenders
were not fully on the alert.
Miles acknowledged before the Sen-
ate-House investigating committee,
however, that Hawaii was not men-
tioned in any of the evaluations and
forecasts he prepared as head of
military intelligence.
Short Not Informed
In response to questions from Ger-
hard Gesell, assistant committee
counsel, Miles said he knew on Dec.
6 that the Japanese consul in Hawaii
was destroying his records but did
not inform Lt. Gen. Walter C. Short,
Army commander at Pearl Harbord
when the Japanese struck.
Such secret information ordinar-
ily was handled by the Navy because
its code was regarded as "more se-
cure," he explained, and "we had
every reason to believe that any Navy
message to Hawaii would be promptly
given to the Army."
Miles was still in the witness chair
when the committee recessed until
Monday. He is to be followed by Vice-
Admiral Theodore S. Wilkinson, for-
mer director of naval intelligence.
Islands Essential
Miles said there were "very cogentr
reasons" why the Japanese would
want to occupy the Hawaiian islands,
one being that the United States
would have to recapture them before
undertaking any major Pacific of-
Miles was emphatic that there was
no reason why he should believe the
Army in Hawaii was not alert against
any type of attack.
Two messages of Nov. 27 from
Washington to Hawaii advised that
negotiations with Japan appeared
ended and that hostile action might
Miles, who was assistant chief of
staff for military intelligence, also
told the committee: The Army gen-
eral staff "very much feared" an
attack might come at 1 p. m. Dec. 7
-the hour when Japanese peace ne-
gotiators delivered their note to the
state department - but had no in-
formation where the attack might be
H Y. McClsky
Attends Meeting
Gov. Kelly Discusses
Youth Conservation
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the
School of Education is in Washing-
ton, D. C., participating in a pro-
gram on youth conservation, spon-
sored by the General Federation of
Women's Clubs.
Feature of the program was a ra-
dio address delivered last night by
Governor Kelly on the subject of
"Youth Conservation in Michigan."
Prof. McClusky has been aiding
state officials in the development of
the plans for Home and Family Week,
which, according to Governor Kelly's
official proclamation, will occur the
week of Dec. 2. Special programs on
this theme will be provided by
schools, churches, and clubs in many
Michigan communities. Prof. Mc-
Clusky will return to Ann Arbor Sun-
P rof.Gr...
(Continued from Page 1)
popular level, friction may still per-
sist between victors and conquered
nations. This, Dr. Carr fears, is hap-

pening in Europe and the Orient. War
has accomplished the purpose of
eliminating disagreeable situations
between nations alone, while molecu-
lar struggles among the peoples of
the world still continue.
Up to a certain point, people of the
world will control their adjustment
processes by maintaining a level of
routine. This, however, will eventually
be disrupted by social friction and
psychological tension. Peaceful re-
duction of the opposing systems
thereby created is on a temporary
basis, Dr. Carr emphasized, final re-
lief coming only through conflict.
The world is now struggling to de-
velop an institution that will elim-
inate the tension and friction pro-

PRINCIPALS IN AUTO STRIKE-C. E. Wilson (right) president of
General o tors shown here with Harry W. Anderson, GM vice-president
in charge of personnel, who proposed yesterday that work in GM's parts
and accessories division be resumed for the benefit of other automobile
Ann rn ice
eekend Servics Activties

Small Power Plant
Required Impractical
"Information which we have at the
present time makes us skeptical of
reports that the British have devel-
oped an atomic-powered automobile,"
Dr. Ernest F. Barker, chairman of the
Department of Physics, said today.
Either the report was sensational
or the British have discovered some
method of handling atomic reaction
with which we are not yet familiar,
Dr. Barker continued. Our informa-
tion seems to indicate that the small
power plants required to run such
automobiles are almost out of the
First of all, Dr. Barker pointed out,
the process of atomic disintegration
produces dangerous radiations which
will penetrate layers of metal a foot
or two thick. Secondly, radio-active
materials are produced which might
easily be fatal to a person coming in
contact with them. It would be neces-
sary, therefore, to enclose the uran-
ium in a very heavy box and to find
some way of disposing of the products
of disintegration.
The small power plants necessary
to run a car would be ruled out since
the reaction will proceed spontan-
eously only when the volume occupied
by the active substance is larger than
a certain minimum size, Dr. Barker
If, however, such a small power
plant could be developed, its power
would have to be utilized to run ma-
chinery like a steam engine or an
electric motor. The purchase price of
such a car would probably be high,
but it could be run very economically
for a long time. In style, Dr. Barker
remarked, an atomic-powered auto-
mobile would probably resemble our
present cars.
Regents OK
Gifts, Expenses
(Continued from Page 1)

A seven-point program in speech1
rehabilitation is being conducted for
six weeks under the direction of Prof.
Ollie L. Backus at the Speech Clinic.
The program includes a six-week1
intensive veterans' training project#
and regular speech correction classest
for University students who receive1
training for an hour daily at the
clinic. An intensive training course
for stutterers, including several stu-
dent veterans, meets for six hours a
Two groups of children also receive
instruction at the clinic. Since loss
of hearing removes the primary
means most persons have for learn-
ing to speak, children who cannot
hear require special instruction in
lip reading, acoustic training, speech
correction and socialization, which
are necessary to enable them to learn
to talk. Others, who can hear but
have speech defects, receive aid for,
their particular difficulties.
Instruction for Aphasics
Nine aphasic patients, including
five veterans with head injuries, must
relearn to speak and have their re-
maining speech abilities reintegrated
into speech patterns. These persons
have lost their speech function to
various degrees because of brain
Mode rn research is giving great
Essay Contest
Will Be Helci
A $500 prize will be awarded for the
best essay on the subject "Free and
Independent Reporting of World
News-Its Importance in World Re-
lations" in the 1946 essay contest
sponsored by the American Newspa-
per Publishers Association.
The contest is open to any graduate
or under-graduate student in any
regularly organized school, college, or
department of journalism. A gold
medal will be given in addition to the
monetary award, and a duplicate
medal will be presented the depart-
ment of journalism in which the win-
ner of the contest is enrolled. The
length of the essay should not exceed
2,500 words.
Presentation of the award will be
made at the 1946 convention of the
American Newspaper Publishers As-
sociation. Interested students may
obtain further details from the bulle-
tin board of the journalism depart-
Gamblers Get Jitters
NEW YORK, Nov. 30-(/P)-Big-
time gamblers are so jittery about
hold-ups that they have taken to the
use of scrip in denominations of
$500, $1,000 and $5,000 for payoffs,
police reported today.

promise that aphasics who were for-
merly considered unable to reacquire
speech are now doing this through
clinical training. Patients not only
receive drill in producing conversa-
tional speech patterns, but also in-
struction in group classes enabling
them to apply the patterns under
varying degrees of social pressure.
Another group of patients are com-
pleting their rehabilitation work.
Survey Asks
0__ MT I -i
ys Vocationa
Z . IkeR
School Ref orm
LANSING, Nov. 30 -(P)- A whole-
sale physical and administrative re-
organization of the troubled Boys Vo-
cational School was recommended to-
day in reports being compiled of a
survey of the institution by state
The survey, being drawn together
by the state Civil Service Commission
for Governor Kelly and the state
Juvenile Institute Commission, con-
demned the institution as being little
better than a penitentiary, holding
boys without adequate training in a
drab, repressive atmosphere not con-
ducive to improving their citizenship
or character.
Segregation Suggested
Proposals to move the present 90-
year-old institution to about four
rural locations where boys of varying
character could be segregated previ-
ously were voiced by experts studying
the school.
The surveys declared that a full-
time psychiatrist with adequate as-
sistance should be employed, that ed-
ucation should be geared to the men-
tal capacities of the inmates, that vo-
cational training be emphasized more
and that recreation and "home" life
be substantially improved.
Too Much Punishment
The cottages, or dormitories, in
which upwards of 500 boys live, were
described as drab and dreary, with
no home atmosphere and where re-
pression and punishment appeared
to be the major concerns of the
At least one-third of the inmates
now are receiving no education, the
survey said, while 30 per cent of the
boys have speech defects and 50 per
cent retarded in reading, with little
use being made of modern teaching
methods to overcome those handi-
The surveyors reported that little
use is being made. of the school's ex-
cellent gymnasium and swimming
pool and that little physical educa-
tion is given the boys despite good

Tomorrow's activities at Ann Arbor
churches will include morning serv-
ices and social and study meetings of
guilds and student groups.
"Life's Serial Story" will be the
topic of Dr. W. P. Lemon in his ser-
mon at 10:45 a.m. at the Presbyterian
Church. The Westminister Guild will
meet at 5:00 p.m. to hear Lalita
Desai, guest speaker on India. She
will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Pa-
rihk playing Indian music.
Methodist Service
Dr. J. B. Kenna will discuss "In the
Fullness of Time" at 10:40 a.m. at the
Methodist Church. Students from
Isaded As
Student astor
Installation services for the Rev.
Henry 0. Yoder, pastor for Lutheran
students of the National Lutheran
Council, will be held at- 7:30 p. m.
Sunday in Zion Lutheran Church.
The board of education of the Unit-
ed Lutheran Church and the student
service commission of the American
Lutheran Conference extended the
call to Rev. Yoder to serve all Na-
tional Lutheran Council students en-
rolled in the University.
Prior to beginning his duties as pas-
tor for students, he was pastor of
Trinity Lutheran Church here for
thirteen years, serving in a part-time
capacity as Pastor to students.
The installation sermon will be de-
livered by Dr. Paul H. Krauss, Luth-
eran pastor, of Fort Wayne, Ind., who
also preached the sermon in 1928
when Rev. Yoder was ordained into
the ministry. Rev. E. C. Stellhorn,
pastor of Zion- Lutheran Church, will
serve as liturgist. Officiating at the
service of installation will be Dr.
Harold Yochum, of Detroit, president
of the Michigan District of the
American Lutheran Church and Dr.
Calvin Stickles, also of Detroit, presi-
dent of the Michigan Synod of the
United Lutheran Church. Rev. Wal-
ter M. Brandt, newly-elected pastor
of Trinity Lutheran Church, will read
the lessons for the service. The Luth-
eran student choir of twenty voices,
will sing "Beautiful Saviour" under
the direction of Evelyn Olsen, Luth-
eran student of the School of Music
and organist of Trinity church.
Local work at the University is
under the direction of the Lutheran
Student Foundation with Melvin An-
derson of Grand Rapids serving as
Dr. Savage" o Ce
Felowship Guest
Dr. H. H. Savage, pastor of tIe
First Baptist Church of Pontiac, will
be the guest of the Michigan Chris-
tian Fellowship at their meeting at
4:30 p. m. tomorrow in Lane Hall.
Dr. Savage is known throughout
the Midwest for his radio program
"The Sunday School of the Air." He
is also president of the Maranatha
Bible Conference.
During the war Dr. Savage spent
several months working with the ser-
vice men and women at the various
army camps. Under consent from the
government, he also visited many of
the prisoner of war camps.

Minnesota and Wisconsin are to be
specially honored at the 6 p.m. supper
and social hour of the Wesleyan
Guild. Robert H. Jogeward will speak
"on 'Sin."
Mass will be held at 8, 10, and 11:30
a.m. at St. Mary's Student Chapel.
The topic chosen by Dr. Edward H.
Redman for the service at 11 a.m. in
the Unitarian Church is "Degenerate
Protestantism." At a meeting of the
Unitarian student group at 7:30 p.m.
in Lane Hall Prof. H. H. Higbie will
discuss "Psychic Research."
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn's sermon
"Ready for Jesus' Coming" will be
given at 10:30 a.m. in the Zion Luth-
eran Church.
St. Andrew's Church
At St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Holy Communion will be given at 8
a.m., while the Rev. Henry Lewis will
deliver the sermon at' the 11 a.m.
morning prayer service. The Canter-
bury Club will hold its supper and
discussion hour at 6 p.m. at the stu-
dent center. Prof. A. A. Lobanov-Ros-
tovsky will discuss "The Russian Or-
thodox Church."
"The Invincible Patience of God"
will be the topic of Dr. Leonard A.
Parr, who will speak at 10:45 a.m. at
the Congregational Church. At the
weekly meeting of the Disciples Guild
at 5 p.m. Mr. A. L. Stickney, secre-
tary of the YMCA, will discuss
"Building Christian Character
Through Action."
Lutheran Study Chapel
Rev. Alfred Scheip's sermon topic
at 11 a.m. in the University Lutheran
Chapel is "Is Man a Cultured Brute
or a Fallen Saint?" Gamma Delta,
Lutheran student clue, will meet at
the center at 5:15 p.m.
Dr. Harold J. DeVries' topic is to be
"I Am Ashamed," at 11 a.m. in the
Masonic Temple for the Grace Bible
Fellowship. His evening topic is

Bromage to the Department of Po-
litical Science and Prof. Dean B. Mc-
Laughlin to the Department of As-
tronomy was approved by the Regents
The Regentsappointed Prof. Clark
Hopkins and Prof. Dwight D. Du-
mond to the Executive Committee of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts.
Prof. Ernest F. Barker chairman of
the Department of Physics, was also
appointed to the committee for a
term of two years, from Oct. 1 to Sept.
30, 1947.
The Board appointed Prof. Philip
M. Northropt o the Executive' Com-
mittee of the School of Dentistry for
a three-year term, from Nov. 1 to Oct.
31, 1948. He replaces Dr. Elmer L.
Dr. Lawrence Reynolds of Detroit
was appointed as a member of the
Committee of Management of the
William L. Clements Library.
Dr. Edgar S. A. Kahn and Dr.
Stanley Goldhammer will resume
their positions as professors in the
School of Medicine Dec. 1, the Board
of Regents announced.
At the meeting, the Regents also
approved promotions of Harry L.
USNR, to associate professor naval
science and tactics.
Dr. Jonas E. Salk, research associ-
ate in epidermology in the School of
Public Health, was granted a leave of
absence for approximately 60 days,
effective Nov. 15. At the request of
the Surgeon General of the Army, Dr.
Salk will go to Europe on a confiden-
tion mission in connection with the
control of influenza.
Officers Elected by
Sigma Alpha Mu
Newly elected officers of Sigma Iota
Chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu frat-
ernity are Henry Keiser, prior; Mar-
shall Wallace, exchequor; Milton
Moscowitz, recorder; and Ed Mi-
chaels, pledge trainer.
New pledges are Dick Goldsmith,
Bob Springer, Milford Ginsberg, My-
ron Milgrom, George Tarnoff, Sid
Katzman, Lloyd Chosed, Richard
Lourie, Gerald Goren, Sam Stead-
man, Robert Kline, Frank Garfunkle
and Gilbert Dunayer.

Forestry Club...
New officers of the Forestry Club
are Ernest Woodman, president; Lee
R. Crail, vice-president; Stephen Tol-
bert, secretary; and Theodore Mc-
Killop, treasurer.
Zeta Phi Eta. .
A meeting of Zeta Phi Eta, wom-
en s honorary speech fraternity,
will be held at 4:30 p. m. Monday
in the League for the discussion of
pledging and iitiation plans.
Officers of Zeta Phi Eta for this
term are Joyce Siegan, president,
Ethel lsenberg, vice-president, Mir-
iam McLaughlin, secretary, and
Mary Battle, treasurer.
iJfe gIs P l ied.
The Outing Club, an organization
under, the sponsorship of the Grad-
uate Student Council, will hold a hike
and indoor picnic at 2 p. m. tomor-
The Huron Street entrance of the
Rackham Building will be open for
ho group, who will meet in the Out-
ing Room. The hikers will return to



TO RENT: Pre-Med desires to rent
half double room. $4.50 a week. In-
quire 335 South Division, Saturday,
9 a. m. to 6 p. m.
WANTED: Two boys without one
o'clock to work for lunch; also for
dinner. Kitchen work. Ph. 23119
or 7100.
FOUND: Lady's pen Wednesday be-
tween Burton Tower and N. S. Call
Lynn Shapiro, 8598 or 23241.
LOST: Green wallet, initials N. L. H.
Contains about $7.00. Identifica-
tion and key. Lutetia Holloway.
Phone 23557. Reward.
LOST: Gold earring shaped like a
bow. Reward. Contact Cornelia
Groefsema, 22591.
WILL ANYONE with information
concerning a Michigan blanket
with the seal in the center and
"Rose Mary Eden '46" embroidered
in corner please call 2-5579.
LOST: Near Angell Hall, pair of
double-strand pearls with Rhine-
stone clasp. Reward. Call 5835.
LOST: One gold leaf-shaped earring
with rhinestones Saturday night.
Reward. 24471. Room 5506.

LOST: Brown cord handbag contain-
ing wallet, keys and gloves. Call
Betty Lou Zwemer, Mosher Hall.
WILL THE PERSON who accident-
ally walked off with my Kodak 35
camera Saturday from Hillel Foun-
dation please return it or call Joyce
at 26585. Reward.
LOST: Brown shell rim glasses in
brown leather case on or near
campus Tuesday.
LOST: A yellow leather pencil case
containing glasses and pen and
pencil was lost Wednesday in the
Michigan League. Please return.
Call Mary Catherine Patterson,
Betsy Barbour House. 2-2591
LOST: Parker "51" Pen, black with
silver cap. Phone 24471. Janice
Smith, 4513 Stockwell.
WANTED: Army Officer's blouse, size
37 or 38; also pink or green
trousers, 32 waist. Write PFC R. L.
Watson, 3650 S.U., Det. 1, or visit
316 Hinsdale House, East Quad,
after 9 p.. m.




Lovable, Laughable, Lively
e gIe C1I3 A1EEI
. .. with .


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