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November 30, 1945 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-30

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ENi g : Nib VETviRER 20, l q45

Research Group Explains
Latin American Laws

'U' Graduates
Participate in.

Navy Gun To
Defend "U'

Four graduate lawyers from Latin
American countries are now enrolled
in the University Law School, under
a program sponsored by the State De-
partment in cooperation with the
Candidates are selected on a com-
petitive basis by local committees in
their own country.
"The purpose of the program," said
Prof. Hessel Yntema, head of the
project, "is to provide American law-
yers and commercial firms with a
statement of the law as it exists in
Pilot Training
In Navy V-5
Program Open
The front door to pilot training in
the Navy V-5 program is still open to
17, 18 and 19 year-olds, the Detroit
Office of Naval Officer Procurement
announced yesterday.
Lieut. (jg) Dan Baker and Lieut.
(jg) George Hough, both combat vet-
erans, were on campus yesterday to
set up procedures for enlisting stu-
dents for the V-5 class beginning
March 1.
The 58 months V-5 program in-
cludes four semesters of training in
one of 26 colleges and universities,
followed by pre-flight, flying and op-
erational training.
Lieutenants Baker and Hough
urged students interested in Naval
aviation to contact their faculty ad-
visors or Assistant Dean of Students
Walter B. Rea. They said a Meeting
for explaining and clarifying the pro-
gram will be arranged if sufficient
interest is shown.

the Latin American countries and to
secure a basis for future laws that will
affect our international trade."
In Native Language
Research is mainly along lines re-
lating to bills of exchange, commer-
cial law, and international trade. The
material usually covers from 350 to
800 printed pages when published in
text form. It is written in the native
language of the student, either Span-
ish or Portuguese, but is translated
into English by members of Prof.
Yntaka's staff.
Paulo 'J. Da Silva Pinto, member
of the Brazilian Bar Association and
resident of Rio, said in an interview
that the possibility of unification in
the commercial law of the Americas
is not only very probable, but it is
very acceptable. "Commercial law
deals mainly with economic prob-
lems," he continued, "and our eco-
nomic problems are more or less the
United States 'Attractive'
Outlining his reasons for comning to
the United States to study, Pinto said
that "to know the law of a country,
even superficially, you have to feel
the presence of the institutions in
which it is applied."
He also said that our country is
attractive to the foreigner because
of the happinessthat our people en-
joy and the honesty that he has found
to be an American characteristic.
"This is the land of the middle class,"
he declared.
He emphasized the fact that by
knowing. the people, we know the
countries and reiterated that the ties
between the people of Latin America'
and the people of United States are
stronger now than tley ever were.
"America is my second home," Mr.
Pinto said, "and Ann Arbor's a small

EAlithe d-eearng ifnl o 1 rth
Hl i s to ieady place for' the large
Early, (hlsson, a Wley - nw 3 c"aliber g"" Which1 " been
sem to lis University Navy unit troiu
Work at Harvard Lab the destroyer, P. S. S. Endicott.
While installed aboard the Endi-
Five University graduates have cott, the gun participated in action on
taken part in the work of the Radio the c ost of southern France and was
Research Laboratory at Harvard Uni- fired so much and for so long a time
versity, where important contribu- that the breech mechanism could
tions to the advancement of elec- not be operated.
tronics for war and peace purposes It has been sent to the University
have been made. to be used for instruction purposes.
Harold C. Early, '41, Robert L. Within a month Com. Gillette said
Ohlsson, '40, and W. G. Madey, '42, that he will lead a group of planes
were associated with Prof. William G. from Grosse Isle for practice-sight-
Dow of the Department of Electrical ing training.

Grad Student
Council To Hold
Mver Today
Pr~iogramn Feat ures
A Graduate Student Mixer, spon-
sored by the Graduate Student Coun-
cil, will be held from 9 p. m., to 12
today in the Rackham Building,
Rostislav A. Oaluzvelski, recently
named president, announced.
Movies from the Michigan-Purdue
football game will be shown at 8 p. in.
before the mixer.
A group of foreign students from
the International Center will give an
exhibition of Indian and Filipino folk
dances during the intermission. Re-
freshments will be served.
Faculty membes wsho will be
present atre Assi7stant D'eain Peter Ok-
kelberg of the Graduate School and
Mrs. Okkelberg, Prof. Donald Katz of
the Engineering school and Mrs.
Katz, and Dr. Esson Gale of the In-
ternational Center and Mi's. Gale.
All graduate students and their
friends are invited.

Engineering who spent two and one-
half years in administrative and con-
sulting capacities with the laboratory.
Early and Ohlsson, who have Master
of Science degrees from the Uni-
versity, have' been members of the
staff of the Department of Engineer-
ing Research.
Kraus Antenna Specialist
Wadey is a resident of Ann Arbor.
Early and Ohlsson are respectively
from Beaverton and Highland Park,
In another department of the lab-
oratory, Dr. John Kraus, who receiv-
ed his Ph.D. in 1933, was an antenna
specialist. He joined the staff of the
laboratory in October, 1943, after
three years in Washington with the
Naval Ordnance Laboratory where he
was engaged in the work of demag-
netizing ships against mines.
Father Is Dean Emeritus
Dr. John Kraus is the son of Dr.
and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, of this
city. The elder Dr. Kraus is the dean
emeritus of the literary college.
Miss Barbara Bacorn, '33, was sec-
retary to the associate director in
charge of relations with the Army,
Navy and equipment manufacturers.
Miss Bacorn is also a resident of Ann
on the Maintenance of Professional
Standards, and a member of the
Committee on Labor Relations.

NaZi Leaders See Horror
Films at N uernberg Trial
NUERNBERG, Nov. 29 - OP) -
Twenty Nazi overlords viewed films
of the horrors of German concentra-
tion camps with reactions ranging
from tears to curt indifference at
the Nuernberg war crimes trial today.
Fat Hermann Goering, mirthful
earlier in the day, sat soberly. Field
Marshal Wilhelm Keitel wiped his
mouth with a white handkerchief.

LT. GEN. TOMOYUKI YAMASHITA testifies before an American
military tribunal at Manila on Nov. 28, in his own defense at his
trial as a war criminal.


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SRA To Hold Luncheon ..
The Student Religious association
will hold a luncheon and discussion
tomorrow at 12 p.m. in Lane Hall.
Wayne Saari will review Norman
Cousin's new book "The Modern Man
Obsolete." All students interested
should call Lane Hall to make reser-
vations before 10 a.m. Saturday.
Nesie Art Exhibit . ..
A special exhibit of Nisei and relo-
cation center pictures and paintings
under the auspices of the Japanese
AmericanhCitizens League opens to-
day in the Rackham Building.
The pictures show scenes from the
life of the relocation center and are
for the most part by the evacuees
Mine Okubo, one of our better
known American artists, herself a
former occupant of the center, has
submitted some of her work, as has
Yasue Kuniyoshi, winner of the Car-
negie Institute prize in 1944.
Hillel 'Oneg Shabbat'. .
A special Sabbath Hannukah called
"Oneg Shabbat," a festive evening,
will be held at 7:45 p.m. today at Hil-
lel Foundation.
The service, planned by Avukah,
student Zionist organization, will re-
place the regular Friday night service.
Rea Named to Business
Post -.or Uusic (roups
Assigtant Dean of Students Walter
B. Rea has been named faculty busi-
ness manager of the University con-
cert and marching bands, Women's
Glee Club and the Varsity Men's Glee
Club. He replaces Herbert G. Wat-
kins, new secretary of the University.

ulbar Reports
Slow Increase
In State Crime
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Nov. 29 - There is a
gradual, but not "startling" increase
in crime in Michigan, Captain Harold
Mulbar, chief of detectives for the
Michigan State Police, reported to-
Mulbar said he based his statement
on the number of fingerprints re-
ceived by the State Police Identifica-
tion Bureau from sheriffs, city police
departments and state police posts.
Last month there were 600 more
arrests than in September, although
during July of this year the state
had 161 more arrests than in October,
fingerprint records showed.
The 25 to 34-year age group heads
the list of those arrested for all
offenses, while people from 35 to 44
committed the most misdemeanors.
The major misdemeanor was listed as
drunk, or drunk and disorderly.I
Seventeen-year-olds and younger
persons top the list for larceny,
breaking and entering and auto
theft, Mulbar said.
prof. Allen, Will
Of Foresters
Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School
of Forestry and Conservation will
leave today to attend a meeting of
the Council of the Society of Ameri-
can Foresters on Dec. 3, 4, and 5, at
Portland, Oregon.
He will also attend a meeting of
the Northern Rocky Mountain Sec-
tion of the Society on Dec. 7 at Mis-
Prof. Allen is vice-president of the
Society, chairman of the Committee

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phone system overnight. On these
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Furnishing materials and equipment
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