TIE MICHIGAN DAILY Zly Ai tgat ai Fifty-Sixth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Administration Honeymoon Over Fw (mauen . .pEy prSTUW m ~ .J rrM".W Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon." . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor Robert Goldman . . . . . . . City Editor Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. KraftV..... .. .. .....Associate Editor ill Mullendore . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTYANN LARSEN MA W Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Uruguay's Proposal URUGUAY, one of the most progressive of the Latin American republics, has proposed to the other American countries that they adopt a policy of collective intervention in the internal affairs of any American republic violating human rights or its international obligations. The policy was suggested by Uruguayan foreign minister Alberto Larretta as a measure of hemispheric security. It has already received the endorsement of Secretary of State Byrnes, who issued a statement expressing America's "unqualified adherence" and declaring that if the American republics are to preserve the peace, they "cannot permit appressive regimes to exist in their midst." The policy is obviously directed against Argentina. Larretta seems anxious to see the regime of Peron come to an end. Byrnes ap- parently does too. But the whole thing sounds a little silly. The idea is good, but it is a belated attempt coming at an inopportune moment. Collective interven- tion would imply the use of troops; few people would support that measure now. The time for showing Argentina cane at San Francisco, when she should have been barred from the United Nations Organiza- tion. At that time the United States insisted on her being allowed membership. Constructive action could have been taken against Argentina last April, but we chose to . wait. Now we back up a lovely proposal that will probably be ineffectual. -Eunice Mintz Reconversion THROUGHOUT the war, industry filled maga- zines with gaily printed pictures of their products, entitled "They'll be yours-someday." We are still waiting. The reasons we continue to receive pictures instead of products are surprising in view of the predictions commonly made during wartime. It was then suggested that a large scale public works program go into effect as soon as possible after the war in order to provide for the millions of unemployed expected within six weeks after V-J Day. More than three months after that date, the country's papers have extensive "Help Wanted" ads asking for skilled and unskilled la- bor, and the materials which would be required for such a project are desperately needed for housing. Furthermore, sales charts have shown a steady curve instead of the sharp drop perdicted. Actual conversion in the plants is progressing more rap- idly than had been thought possible. Such strikes as the GM-UAW one can not be entirely blamed for the reconversion lag, because a great num- ber of companies have quietly given wage in- creases and still others have had no labor de- mands. The shortage of goods finds people much more eager to buy than companies are to sell. This reluctance of the companies is usually attributed to the price question. Companies claim that they can not produce profitably with present prices and ask for removal of price control. Government, fearing inflation, refuses to change. Both watch each other constantly, waiting for something to happen. Until now nothing has happened except a delay in reconversion, -Mary Ruth Levy Food Shipments By DREW PEARSON W ASHINGTON.-It has now become fashion- able in some quarters to get out the dead cats and sling them in the direction of the White House. Some of the ivory-tower columnists are limbering up their arms. Some of the newspa- pers, hitherto gentle, have taken off the gloves. In other words, the honeymoon is definitely over -and no one knows it better than Truman him- self. However, the Truman administration marriage has got to last three more years, and there is no use brandishing the rolling pin or waving the skillet unless it gets us somewhere. Instead let's take an unbiased look at the man who didn't want to be President-his mistakes, his qualities, his achievements. In the first place, you can chalk up two defi- nite accomplishments for Truman: (1) He has appointed a better cabinet than Roosevelt; and (2) He has carried on Roosevelt policies unflinchingly. The latter, of course, will not be considered much of an achievement by Republicans or many Southern Democrats. However, Truman was elected on a Roosevelt ticket, pledged his word to continue the Roosevelt program and has lived up to his word. Truman's Courage IN FACT he has shown more courage than FDR in many things. For instance, the late presi- dent had been urged to recommend a broad na- tional health program, but he always side- stepped. Truman has now sent a message to Congress urging what Roosevelt balked at doing. Again when it came to the FEPC, FDR ducked at too openly offending Southern Congressmen and let others carry the ball. But Truman stuck his chin out by writing a letter to the rules com- mittee urging immediate action. Roosevelt never wrote a letter to the rules committee during all his 12 long years in office. Truman has been equally forthright in re- gard to full employment, unemployment com- pensation, anti-trust suits, and offending his own friends by tackling the question of sub- merged oil. Roosevelt, though officially com- mitted to the program, sometimes ducked. Truman not only hasn't ducked, he led with his chin. And whether you agree with him or not, you can't help admire his courage. Republicans who don't like the Truman-Roose- velt policies will agree that taken man for man, his cabinet far surpasses FDR's in ability, politi- cal acumen and general stature. Why then has he failed to get off the ground, while his prede- cessor, working with less able men and the same program, kept in the air? Four Hurdles THE answer lies in four general reasons: 1. Roosevelt had the gift of going on the radio and swaying the public over the heads of Con- gress. Truman lacks the radio technique, the theatrics, the ability to make that appeal. He is just as sincere as Roosevelt-perhaps more so. He is desperately trying to do a good job. But he can't whip Congress into line by mobilizing public opinion. That was the most powerful weapon Roosevelt had. 4. Truman has been seriously wounded by the very group he has consistently sought to help-labor. Unauthorized strikes, such as the Washington, D. C., transit strike and the na- tionwide vote walk-out of telephone workers convinced many people that Truman-Roose- velt policies of aiding labor had gone too far. All the strikes have hurt Truman politically, but the wildcat strikes especially have ruined Truman's hand when it comes to social legis- lation and is bound to have its effect on the next election. 3. Truman has let himself be dominated by the military when it comes to conscription, the garbled discharge of veterans and the use of ships for bringing men home, politically he has played right into the hands of Governor Dewey who in the campaign of 1944 predicted this would happen. Truman'snwhole experience as chairman of his investigating committee showed him how inefficient the Army and Navy could be when it came to shipping and manpower. Yet as President, he trusted the very same men whom he did not trust as Senator. As a result, thous- ands of soldiers and sailors, plus several million members of their families are bitter. And when any President loses a big block of political sup- port, he undermines his own strength with congress. No "Brain Trust" 4. Finally, Truman has not been able to gather round him sufficient men with governmental "know-how." Running a delicate governmental machine is one of the toughest jobs in the world; There aren't many who can do it. In addition to good Cabinet members, it requires skilled as- sistants in the White House. FDR had a weak cabinet, but he had around him in the White House a group of expert, ener- getic trouble-shooters who knew government in- side and out and served as a flying football squad to go into this department or that on special jobs. What Truman needs today is a few Tomny Cor- corans. Instead he has surrounded himself with a bunch of genial, well-meaning gentlemen, largely from Missouri or Mississippi, who know little about government and spend almost as much time swimming in the White House pool as they do grappling with the vital problems of post-war America. This is the most obvious weak-spot for Tru- man to remedy. The others are not easy to re- pair. In fact the political reactions from the labor situation may be beyond repair. These are some of the problems Truman faces, plus the general problem that after any war there is a depressing, disillusioning let- down. As qualifications for meeting these problems Truman has sincerity, honesty, en- ergy, courage and a reasonable amount of in- telligence. But he is seriously lacking in ex- perience and governmental know-how. Let's hope he picks up more of the latter before the air becomes too full of dead cats. After all, for better or for worse, he's our President until January 1949-and that's quite a long way off. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: World Government By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE movement for world collaboration lacks a center and a focus in the United States to- day. A year ago it was confident and cocky; it knew where it was going, and it had its suitcase packed. But it has lost form and outline during the last year, and even unity; for the movement for world collaboration is, to a certain degree, splintering. Some of its adherents, including the most devoted, have wandered off in the direction of world government. The world government movement seems to me intensely and wonder- fully American, in its optimism, its deep be- lief in progress, and in its almost stupefying idealism. But is has its drawbacks, too; it is, to begin with, a split in the ranks; and its exponents, who are, mostly, highly articulate and literate per- sons, are sometimes inclined to be contemptuous of lesser plans for ameliorating the conditions of life on this unhappy planet; they show a kind of cynicism about smaller schemes which is in di- rect proportion to their idealism about their grand one. And there is also, in addition to abundant hope, a kind of grim, curiously re- signed desperation behind their plan; for to say that only a miracle can save us sometimes seems like only another way of saying we will not be saved. But is is the fact that the movement is a split which is most important; and the split showed up on the floor of the Senate the other day, when Mr. Taylor of Idaho and Mr. Ball of Minnesota abruptly and bravely popped the world government idea, badly frightening such older workers in the vineyard as Mr. Connally and Mr. Vandenberg. The latter two had been plugging quietly along, trying to get an enabling act passed which would insure our participation in the United Nations Organization; when the younger men were through, the two older ones suddenly seemed to be riding in a model-T Ford. And while there was a certain amount of fun in this, something deep in me doubts that the ensuing debate was really a demonstration for world peace; it seemed more like a demonstration of our confusions and doubts. ANOTHER contingent of those interested in world collaboration (of which, say, the edi- torial page of the New York Times might be considered representative) places almost all its faith in the development of the United Nations Organization. These forces take what might be called a formal and legal approach to the world problems, as opposed to an ideal approach; they feel that given general principles, clearly stated, some sort of parliamentary method, and a well- defined set of rules or order, most problems can work themselves out. This approach, too, is squarely in the Ameri- can constitution-making tradition; but there is something a little bare about it, at least as of this moment; it ignores substantive ques- tions, and tends to slide by the fact that na- tions do not vote impartially, like members of a jury, but according to their presumed in- terests, and that there are unsettled issues be- tween Russia and the world, on which Russia feels that any general assembly of states would outvote her. And it seems to me that both those who take the legal and those who take the ideal road to glory might find a common ground, or rallying point, if they were to join forces in, say, a de- mand for another Big Three meeting, at which the heads of the states involved would try once more to settle outstanding differences. It is pre- cisely this lack of agreement which closes doors equally to world government and to develop- ment of a united nations organization; it is failure to solve questions of content which sends us slithering off into debates about methodology. Is there not in this approach, or in some variant of it, the missing elegient which could reunite those who favor world collaboration, and make them once more what they were a year ago, a great American team, working for a united world? (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) CINEMfi Art Cinema League THE Art Cinema League's second offering of the season is a quite wonderful American production called "Voice In the Wind." It is a picture around which cinema de- votees will rally as an example of what might be done if Hollywood oc- casionally forgot the box-office. Since it is a little-known picture it would also seem to bear out the con- tention that Hollywood has dulled the American capacity for anything ar- tistic or deeply thought. "Voice in the Wind" is an anti- fascist film somewhat in the vein of "Watch On the Rhine." Its sub- ject matter is different, however. It studies how the Nazis crushed the arts in their conquests. It tells of a Czech pianist who plays the "Moldau" in defiance of Nazi or- ders, and of the ensuing persecu- tion he endures. It is the only film I have seen which has studied this particular facet of fascist tyranny. The film states its message clearly and movingly, but where most cinema connoisseurs will become euthused is in the actual production itself. It is a beautifully sustained thing, marred only by an occasional lapse into a static state. In the brilliantly atmospheric sets there is a hint of the French cinema's sense of econ- omy. The photography speaks as well as do the actors and the sea motif at the beginning and end is poetry of a height which the screen has not often achieved. The cast is a uniformly capable one, feeling the film's message and stating it sincerely. Star Francis Lederer as the defiant pianist whose mind suffers oblivion in the face of Nazi torture, draws the necessary contrast between the brilliant artist and the pathetic derelict. Sigrid Gurie, as his wife, is badly photo- graphed, but rises above this handi- cap to make much of a sketchy role. In the supporting cast, Alexander Granach an J. Carroll Naish both contribute fine characterizations. Altogether it is a refreshing cinema experience. It is also an oc- casion for bemoaning once again that this sort of Hollywood product comes forth once in many years and then, quite often, it is ignored. Lederer, Miss Gurie and Granach do work of a superior grade here and yet none of them has appeared in a picture since. -Barrie Waters The Courtship A DISTINGUISHED gentleman is courting a great lady. And he is having a terrible time of it. When he tries to discover her in- most thoughts, she becomes silent, moody and suspicious. He must gain what information he can from the reports of others who have heard her speak in unguarded moments. Typ- ical of women, she resorts to intrigue and subterfuge to get what she wants. But the gentleman does not know what she wants. Recently the gentleman and the lady were very close. They held hands while telling off a little upstart who was bothering them. "Ah!" thought the gentleman. "Now she will surely open her heart to me." But the lady jumped back into her shell. More- over, she made some new friends, little friends, from whose company the distinguished gentleman was firmly barred. Recently, too, the distinguished gentleman's nephew and the great t lady's nephew got together to arrange the wedding. The nephews disagreed, then agreed, and the gentleman was happy. But a few points were still doubtful, so the nephews got together again. This time they could not agree. The gentleman's nephew told the lady's nephew that the lady was car- rying on in a manner that was dis- pleasing to the gentleman. But the lady's nephew had a similar argument up his sleeve. The distinguished gen- tleman was now very frustrated. The distinguished gentleman is still hopeful, but doubts plague him. He wonders if he should put all of his cards on the table. He wonders if he has made it clear to the lady that his intentions are honorable, that this is to be no marriage of convenience. He reflects sadly that this stormy courtship cannot go on; nor, if they are finally wed, can there be a di- vorce. Fate and the distinguished gentleman will not have it that way. For the distinguished gentleman's nephews are so fond of him, and the great lady's nephews are so fond of her, that they will begin a family feud if either loses favor in the other's eyes, one that will destroy them both. -Clayton Dickey. By BOB CH9PIN "Do you mind if I stay a year or two longer? - I'm reading 'War and Peace'!" DALY OFFICIL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official iBul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1945 VOL. LVI, No.23 Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The civilian freshman five-week progress reports will be due Dec. 6 in the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. The five-weeks' grades for Navy and Marine trainees (other than En- gineers and Supply Corps) will be due Dec. 6. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers' A. Van Duren College of Literature, Science and the Arts, School of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will re- ceive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by December 1. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4, U. H. where it will be trans- mitted. Attention, Pre-Medical Students: The Medical Aptitude Test, sponsored by the Association of American Medi- cal Colleges, will be given at the Uni- versity of Michigan on Friday, Dec. 14. The test is a normal requirement for admission to nearly all medical schools. It is extremely important for all students planning to enter a medi- cal school in the fall of 1946 to take the examination at this time. If the test has already been taken, it is not necessary or advisable to repeat it. Further information may be ob- tained 'in Room 4, University Hall, terested students are asked to give notice of their candidacy to Professor Pearl (2024 A. H.) or to Dr. Rayment (2030 A. H.) in advance of that date. Past holders of the scholarships who seek renewal should file an applica- tion before Dec. 5 with the same people. Lectures Lecture: Paul Hagen, former Ger- man and Austrian trade union labor leader, and author and lecturer on the subject, "European Labor in the Post-War World," on Friday, Nov. 30, 4:15 p.m., Room 101 Economics Building, under the auspices of the Workers Educational Service. The lecture is open to the public. Academic Notices Make-up Final Examination in Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54 will be given in Room 207, Economics Bldg., at 3:00 today. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet today at 4 p. m., in 319 West Medical Building. "Gastro-Intestinal Factors in the Utilization of Fats" will be discussed. All interested are invited. Geology 12 make-up field trip to Trenton, Michigan, is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 1st, from 8-12. All students who missed the original field trip must report to the Geology office, 2051 Natural Science Building, promptly at eight. Events Today The Geological Journal Club will meet in Room 4065 N. S. Bldg., today at 12:15 p. m. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Bring your own lunch, tea will be served. Colloquium: Dr. .James P. Adams will be the general chairman of a colloquium on Religion in Higher Education today at Lane Hall at 4:15. Rabbi Judah Goldin, Ph. D. from the University of Illinois is the guest. Religious Education as related to the State University will be the topic for discussion. Coffee [lour: Here is an opportun-. ity for American students to meet foreign students on campus informal- ly. From 4:30 until 6 o'clock today, at Lane Hall a coffee hour will be held in honor of the students living iu English House and the members of the Spanish Club and the Latin American Club. Allene Golinkin is the hostess. Refreshments will be served. Kappa Phi: Meet in the Wesley Foundation Room at 5:30 tonight for devotionals. Armenian Students Association: There will be a meeting today at 7:30 p. m.. at 1001 E. Huron. All students of Armenian parentage are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Hobbie Night: The American Youth Hostell will sponsor an evening of Folk Dancing tonight at 7:30 at Lane Hall. ThlePhotography and Art clubs will also meet as usual. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Studet Club, will have a skating party at the Coliseum tonight from 8 to 10, to be followed by refreshments at the Lutheran Student Center, 1511 Wash- tenaw Avenue. Coming Events The Graduate Outing Club will hold its first activity of the semester on Sunday, Dec. 2. We will meet at the rear entrance (N. W. entrance) of the Rackham Building at 2:00 p. m. and leave from there for a hike. An informal dinner and social are planned for the evening. Those planning to go must make reserva- E i, 7 . I Cl . nn . ce f---3 and fees must be paid ier's Office by Dec. 1. All women wishing year must register in League Undergraduate The W. .. Ilammill at the Cash- to tutor this tie Michigan Of fice. prize of $100 will be awarded for the best essay concerning the pertinence and mod- ernity of ideas found in classics of thought and literature in the fields of history, economics and political sci- ence. The contestants for the prize may choose any one of the following topics: 1. Theories of relationships between human ecology and political systems; 2. Relationships between political systems, ethical values, and the concept of personal property; 3. the individual and the state. Lists of books that shall form the basis for the discussion of these topics will be supplied contestants. The essay is to be between ten thousand and twenty thousand words. The contest is open to any undergraduate of the Univer- sity of Michigan, and essays must be submitted by March 15, 1946. Con- testants are requested to consult with any member of the committee on awards before writing the essay. Joseph E. Kallenbach William B. Palmer Palmer A. Throop Eligibility Certificates for the Fall Term should be secured before Dec. 1, from the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents. Phillips Scholarships: Freshman students who presented four units of Latin, with or- without Greek, for ad- mission to the University, and who are continuing the study of either language, are invited to compete for BARNABY I suggest, Barnaby, that Mr. O'Malley get some of his Pixie friends as references.. . My name won't carry any weight Some people, of course, might consider his circle of intimates not exactly dependable. But- By Crockett Johnson Gosh, Mr. O'Malley. Are you asking that invisible Leprechaun. [t's a modest request, McSnoyd ... I've promised Barnaby a Christmas'