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November 29, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-29

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. . .wa w +.ra a ...r as a. .. . a y Y t 71. i 1.-/ 1

Coed Assembly

To Be Held Tonight

Glee Clu bPlans Concert,
Broadcast, Spring Tour


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* *.-*


Will Honor

Indepen de Lt omen
Dr. Newcomb To Deliver Address on
'Social Atavism in the Atomic Age'

Assembly Recognition Night, hon-
oring independent women who have
been outstanding in scholarship and
extra-curricular activities, will be
held at 8 p. m. tonight in the Ball-
room of the League.
Following the theme, "Assembly
Launches Into a New Year," to-
night's event will mark the third
year that Recognition Night has
replacedAssembly Dinner, held an-
nually before the war.
Guest speaker for the evening will
be Dr. Theodore M. Newcomb of the
sociology department who will speak
on "Social Atavism in the Atomic
Age." Dr. Newcomb spent the past
Radar .. .
(Continued from Page 1)
in interfering with radar mechan-
isms of German night fighter air-
craft. It has a "horn," or antenna,
150 feet long.
Prof. Dow made a six-month trip
to England in Nov., 1944, at the re-
quest of the National Defense Re-
search Committee to put into opera-
tion the three "Tubas" used by the
This device and numerous other
counter-measures blinded German
radars to an efficiency of 25 per cent
and caused German scientists to de-
vote so much time to salvaging their
own radar defenses that they failed
entirely in the development of the
superior microwave radar, Prof. Dow
pointed out.
Radar countermeasures provided
one of the chief causes of German
unpreparedness in Normany on
D-Day. Electronic "bullets" were
sent across the Channel to jam
most of the Nazi radar sets that
were watching for the expected in-
In the Pacific, the anti-radar de-
vices protected beach landings, aided
mine-laying in strategic Japanese
harbors, and guided B-29s through
nets of anti-aircraft batteries.
Aluminum foil also served an im-
portant role in radar defenses. A few
ounces of aluminum "chaff" gives a
radar reflection comparable to that
of three heavy bombers.
Equipped with this "chaff" small
groups of airplanes, warships and
even motor launches appeared as
major task forces when viewed on
the enemy's radar scopes.
Prof. Dow, author of the textbook
"Fundamentals of Engineering elec-
tronics," made a special study, early
in the war, of methods of electronic
control for aluminum welders used in
airplane fabrication.
He is a vacuum tube consultant on
the staff of the National Bureau of
Standards in Washington, D. C.
'V' Bond Sales Up
Sales of Victory Bonds to individ-
uals in the $11,000,000,000 Victory
Loan campaign totaled today $3,-
260,000,000 of which $860,000,000 was
in E Bonds. The individual goal is
$4,000,000,000 the E Bond goal is

summer in Germany where he was
engaged in a study of morale, spon-
sored by the War Department.
Members of the Women's Glee
Club, as well as all independent coeds
present will sing the Assembly Song
under the direction of Mosako Ono.
Ira M. Smith, University registrar,
will present scholarship awards fol-
lowing the group sing, and Nora Mac-
Laughlin, president of League Coun-
cil, will then present war activities
Ann Schutz will present a short
address explaining membership in
Mortar Board, Senior Society and
Wyvern for those women on the
campus who are not acquainted
with the honorary societies for
which independent coeds are eligi-
ble. Singing of favorite Michigan
tunes will follow the talk.
Present members of Senior Society
will conduct the tapping of its new
members, refreshments will be served
by waitresses dressed in accord with
the nautical theme of the affair, fol-
lowing the program.
Over 600 women will be present
at Assembly Recognition Night.
Due to an increased demand, addi-
tional tickets were made available
and final sales were concluded at
5 p. m. Tuesday.
Members of the central committee
for tonight's presentation include
Ellen Hill, chairman; Marge Harring-
ton, assistant chairman; Judy Preg-
erson, tickets; Sara Simons, scholar-
ship; Margaret Thompson, patrons;
Dolores Massey, publicity; Alice Ber-
berian, program; and Frances Pop-
kins, finance.
Cabaret Skits
To Be Given
Groups Will Preview
Soph Mistletoe Mingle
Skits publicizing the Mistletoe
Mingle, 1945 Soph Cabaret, will be
presented at noon and dinnertime
today and tomorrow in dormitories
and larger league houses which were
not visited by the groups yesterday.
Under the direction of Mary Ellen
Gray, the skits, presented by three
groups, preview the entertainment
open to those attending the Mistletoe
Mingle on Saturday, Dec. 8, in the
Tickets are now on sale in the
women's residences and may be pur-
chased anytime from the representa-
tive of the ticket committee. Tickets
will also be sold in the Union and
League and at other locations on
campus next week.
Featured at the Mistletoe Mingle
will be dancing to the music of
Lowry Clark's orchestra, also the
moving picture,r"Made for Each
Other," with Carole Lombard and
James Stewart. Tickets for the 1945
Soph Cabaret are $1.30 for couples
and $.65 for stags.
Festivities are scheduled tobegin
at 7:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre with the first performance of
the new soph floor show. Following
this,"Made for Each Other" will be
shown in the theatre. A late floor
show, beginning at about 10:30 p. M.,
will be given after the picture.
Dancing will be from 9 p. m. to
midnight in the Ballroom. Other en-
tertainment includes booths, a mixer,
a bridge room and a refreshment
* * *


nl (.ss-cIs
TO (aveFIt
Seie Cuiiteit
Famed (horal GlrouI
Will Appear Monday
"A Russian who does not sing is no
Russian," declares Serge Jaroff, Tom-
Thumb-like chorus master of the Don
Cossacks who will present the fifth
Choral Union concert at 8:30 p.m.
Monday in Hill Auditorium.
Celebrating the twenty-fifth anni-
versary of its founding by dimunitive
ex-Lieutenant Jaroff, also its fif-
teenth American tour, the choral
Cossacks have entertained Ameri-
cans in more than 100 cities, begin-
ning their season before sold-out au-
diences at the Metropolitan Opera
House in October and ending it with
ten weeks at Radio City Music Hall
during the summer months.
From the Orthodox Cathedral of
St. Sofia, where they were established
as the official choir for a period, their
fame began to spread. Today the Cos-
sacks have a million miles behind
them and will celebrate their 5,000th
concert this season. The singing sol-
diers of the steppes each year in-
creases their enormous repretoire
with newly discovered old songs of
Russia, and new songs of New Russia
from the Red Army.
The chorus last appeared here on
the 1943-44 Choral Union series.
(Continued from Page 1)
facilities, such as offices for student
professional activities and rooms for
private employment interviews, will
be situated on the third floor.
The furnishings, decorations and
equipment of the building will be in
keeping with approved modern ideas.
Income from the Foundation endow-

Dolores Massey, Marilyn Hale and
for the annual event, to be held
Harvard Prof. Here . .
Prof. Joseph Hudnut, Dean of the
faculty of design at Harvard Uni-
versity, will speak on "Contemporary
Trends in Architecture," at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the Rackham Amphb
A former University student, Dean
Hudnut has also studied at Harvard
and Columbia universities. His teach-
ing experience includes positions as
professor of architecture at Alabama
Polytechnic Institute and the Univer-
sity of Virginia, and as professor of
architecture at Harvard.
This illustrated lecture, presented
under the auspices of the School of
Architecture, is open to the public,
which is invited to attend.
* ~* *
Lomas To Speak.---
Prof. Charles W. Lomas of the
speech department will discuss
methods in research at the first
meeting this term of the Graduate
Study Club of the speech depart-
ment at 4:15 p. m. tomorrow in the
West Conference room of the
Rackham Building.
Prof. Lomas has just transferred
to the speech department from the
staff of Stanford University.
The club is organized to enable
graduate students and faculty
members to discuss problems per-
taining to graduate research.
:* * *
All-N avy Dance . .
All campus Naval personnel-
V-12, NRO, Marine, Medical and
Dental students-are invited to the
all-N4avy dance, featuring the Navy
Dance Band, from 9 p. m. to mid-
night tomorrow in the League
Proceeds from the affair will be
used to finance the Pelorus, NRO
yearbook, which is scheduled for
publication at the end of this
Tickets, at $1.25 per couple, may
be obtained in the office of each
battalion commander. Liberty will
be granted until 1 a. m.
. *
Festive Services .. .
In place of the regular Friday night
services, a festive Sabbath Hannukah
service, "Oneg Shabbat," will be held
at 7:45 p. m. tomorrow at the Hillel
The service has been arranged and
presented by Avukah, student Zionist
organization. Following the service,
a Hannukah address will be given by
Dr. Judah Goldin, national assistant
director of B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun-
*~ * *..
Card Sale Opens...
A special sale of Christmas cards
and Michigan Christmas calendars
will be held today, tomorrow and Sat-
urday under the sponsorship of the
Michigan Alumnae Club. Proceeds
will go to the alumnae fund for Hen-
derson House, a new women's semi-
cooperative residence.
Sorority alumnae groups are coop-
erating in the project under the di-
rection of Mrs. Olin Backett, Barton
Hills, chairman of the club's fund
raising group.

Margaret Kolhaas look over plans
at 8 p. m. today in the League
Book Exchange
Gives Library
27 Used 'texts
The Student Book Exchange has
turned 27 books over to the Student
Lending Library in the Angell Hall
Study Hall.
These texts were selected from
more than 100 unsold books not
claimed by their owners at the Ex-
change. Books were selected by Mrs.
Lillian Rickel, who supervises servic-
ing of Lending Library books, on the
basis of their condition and their cur-
rent use in University courses.
One of these books has already
been taken out for the remainder of
this term. Books are available on a
semester basis to students who feel
that they cannot afford required.
texts and who receive the approval
of the deal of their college or his
"We were very happy to receive
these books from the Exchange," Mrs.
Rickel said. "Students who cannot
afford to buy all their texts are ap-
preciative of such gifts. If anyone
has any books he wishes to contrib-
ute to our collection, such gifts, will
always be welcome."
The Lending Library will buy
books to add to the present supply if
a request for one which is not avail-
able is approved.
Remaining books at the Exchange
will be distributed to drives being
conducted for students overseas.
Few Complaints
Filed with OPA
No applications for rental and food
price ceiling adjustments have been
filed this year with the Detroit office
of the OPA by University League
houses, according to Hicks Griffiths,
Detroit OPA official.
Houses charging prices above those
that prevailed during the period of
April 4-10, 1943, without having first
obtained an adjustment from the
OPA, are violating OPA regulations
and may be subjected to legal action,
Griffiths said.
Such legal action, involving suits
for three times the overcharge in
some cases, must be instigated by the
person overcharged during a thirty
day period immediately following the
violation, he pointed out. Following
that period the OPA and claimant
may file a joint complaint.
A few League houses did file appli-
cations for adjustments during the
spring of 1944 but failed to supply
necessary data at that time. Those
houses could ask to have their cases
reopened in the event they are
threatened with financial hardship,
Griffiths said.

The large nmber of experienced
ier" available should make 'hi
Gemnester's University Men's Glee Club
the finest in several years, Prof. David
Mattern of the School of Music, said
Special quartets are being formed'
and concert music is being rehearsed
for the year's program, Mattern an-
The Club will hold a reception for
the Don Cossack Chorus in the As-
sembly Hall of Rackham following
their concert here Dec. 3. This will
be the seventh time the Club has en-
tertained the Russian singers.
On Dec. 6 the Glee Club will sing
for the State Banker's Association at
their convention here. They will pre-
sent a broadcast of Christmas music
at 2:30 p.m., Dec. 19 and will com-
bine with the Women's Glee Club in a
Christmas concert at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater the same evening.
Plans are being formulated for a
possible spring tour. Before the war
the Club took extended trips to New
Prizes Offered
By Stanford VU
Awards Will Be Made
For Dramatic Works
The Dramatists' Alliance of Stan-
ford University is offering four
awards in dramatic writing in the
eleventh annual competition of the
The Maxwell Anderson Award of
100 dollars is offered for verse drama,
in either full length or one-act form,
while 100 dollars, in memory of The
late Miles McKinnon Anderson, is
offered for full-length prose drama.
Two prizes of 50 dollars will be
awarded, one for radio plays in pi'ose
or verse and one for dramatic criti-
Contestants should send for regis-
tration forms and information to the
Dramatists' Alliance, Box 200 Z,
Stanford University, Calif. All entries
must be made before March 20, 1946.
Essay Contest
Blanks On Hand
At Lane Hall
An essay contest based on the
themes "Why I Am a Christian" or
"Why I Am Not a Christian" is cur-
rently being sponsored by the Michi-
gan Christian Fellowship. All under-
graduate students are eligible.
The contest began November 13
and will close March 1, 1946. Entry
blanks, which may be secured at
Lane Hall, must be filed by December
1. Manuscripts should be sent to the
Michigan Christian Fellowship Essay
Contest, Lane Hall. .
First prize for the contest will be
$100. Second, third, fourth, and fifth
prizes will be $25, $15, $10, and $5,
respectively. Separate prizes will be
awarded in each field of entry.
Information concerning the con-
test is available at Lane Hall.
California Catalogue
Considers Weather
"It's a fact!" - the University of
California is the only college to men-
tion the weather in its catalog of
courses, it was discovered in a Michi-
gan-sponsored survey of catalogs of
the universitiesrofvHarvard, Illinois,
Wisconsin, California and Michigan.
Half a page was devoted to this

anese resistance of Chungking to
The Japanese North China sum-
mary communique published in
Tokyo Ashai on January 15, 1944
"Our major enemy has been the
Communist Army. Seventy-five per
cent of our engagements last year
were fought against the Communist
Furthermore, it is worth-while to
note that the Communists in China
do not stand for Communism as their
immediate task. Mao Tse-Tung, Gen-
eral Secretary of the Communist
Party, writes:
"For a people being deprived of
its national freedom, the revolu-
tionary task is not immediate so-
cialism but the struggle for inde-
pendance. We cannot discuss com-
munism if we are robbed of a
country in which to practice it."
As for the Russian influence, John
Gunther, in Inside Asia, writes:
"There are no Russian advisors or of
ficials with the Chinese Red Army,
nor d Russian supplies reach it in
any qiantity." And at present, the
economy of NorthChina is a simple
rural economy.
Stating the issue as being Democ-
racyvs. Communism can thus be de-
clared to be a falsification. North
China is not fighting for Communism.
On the other hand, are "forces and
institutions which rest upon a foun-
dation of feudalism, that oppose in-
dividual capitalist production, that
ally themselves with the Fascist en-
emy" to go by the name of democ-
In this conflict, world peace is at
stake. The world of 1945 must not'
repeat the mistakes of the world of
1918. "Twenty-five years ago
American fighting men looked to
the statesmen of the world to finish
the work of peace for which they
fought and suffered. We failed
them again and expected the world
'to survive again." So spoke Roose-
velt, on March 2, 1945, in his report
on the Crimean conference. The
advent of the atomic bomb does
not make his words less true.
-S. D. Mehta
Forestry Club
To Hold Election
An election of officers will head the
agenda of the Forestry Club at 7:30
p.m. today in Rm. 2039 Natural Sci-
ence Building.
A committee will be appointed to
begin preliminary work on the Paul
Bunyan Dance, and the seminar on
employment in forestry will be dis-
cussed. Plans will be made also for
the promotion of a forestry candidate
for a Union vice-presidency,
Refreshments will be served.
Serves as Reistrar
Maj. Thomas A. Jensen, former
University faculty member has been
appointed registrar of the new full-
time university at Shrivenham, Eng-
land, it was announced yesterday.

(iniia .

Yok City, Washington, Chicago, Mil-
waukee and Rochester where they
appeared before large audiences, in-
cluding many Michigan alumni.
One of Michigan's oldest organiza-
tions, the Men's Glee Club was
founded in 1859. There are approxi-
mately 2500 alumni members of the

m g
from Page 2)

.. . Mortimer E. Cooley

ment will supply this equipment and
provide for its maintenance.
Support Urged
Letters urging financial support
are being mailed this week by the
Cooley Memorial Foundation to
alumni of the College of Engineering
and others interested in engineering
education. The project will be fi-
nanced entirely by the donations of
Michigan men, which includes ap-
proximately 18,000 engineering alum-
ni. Each donor's name, regardless of
the size of his contribution, will be
displayed on a panel in the main
lobby of the building.
Construction of this building will
start as soon as materials are avail-
able, and it will be in use in at least
two years, Dean Crawford said.
Prof. Price To Edit
"Titus Andronicus"
Prof. Howard T. Price of the Eng-
lish department will edit Shake-
speare's "Titus Andronicus" for the
next Variorum edition of Shake-
Prof. Price, who has been doing
special work for some time on this
play, received the request from the
Modern Language Association. The
Association picks special editors for
each play when a new edition is

Ell.dust i
5tad IU1
your ~ one"
We mean "captured stardust"
or Roger&Gallet dry perfume.
Just put some of this pow-
dered perfume between two
thin layers of cotton and ac-
tually tuck it in your"bonnet".
It's the cutest surest way of keeping
your favorite Roger & Gallet scent
with you all the time. Your hair will
be fragrant with "captured stardust."





Positions on the costumes, hostess,
and patrons.committees are still open
to eligible sophomore women. Coeds
may sign for this work in the Under-
graduate office of the League.
The Central Committee of Soph
Cabaret will meet at 7 p. m. today
and at 8 a. m. Saturday in the
League. All members are asked to be
The singing .chorus will hold a re-
hearsal at 2:30 p. m. today and at
2:30 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 12 p. m.
tomorrow in the League.



WANTED: Veteran desires late model
automobile. Call Bruce Elliott af-
ter 7 p. m. Phone 24551.
only, no Sundays. Mrs. Zimmer, 915
Oakland. Phone 22868.
W N. rYONE with informntion

LOST: Will the LOW-LIFE who ac-
cidentally walked off with a Kodak
35 camera Saturday evening from
the Hillel Foundation please return
same with film. No questions asked.
LOST: Brown cord handbag contain-
ing wallet, keys and gloves. Call
Betty Lou Zwemer, Mosher Hall.
LOST: Lady's gold wrist watch. Witt-
nauer. Probably Washtenaw and
North University area. 6893. Re-

mo- -a //





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