PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1945 FifySigat e il Fifty-Sixth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Medicos Fight Health Insurance WHO RULES THE HEARTLAND: Dallin Warns Against Staus QuQ Ante Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon... . . . . . . Managing Editor Robert Goldman . . ........ City Editor Betty Roth . . . ....... Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft... . . . . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore. ...........Sports Editor Mary Lu.Heath... . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint. . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- dier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. AEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT3ING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. N'EW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES *SAN FANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: ANNETTE SHENKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Housing Shortage "M ICHIGAN technique,"' according to News- week is being duplicated by colleges all over the United States. In Veterans Village, the University manages to house 78 of its 2,000 en-: rolled veterans; in counter-parts of it on cam- puses throughout the nation, other colleges have found at least a partial solution to an increas- ingly serious housing problem. And at this point colleges are grasping eagerly at anything which will help to extricate them from a situation which is forcing them to turn away hundreds of stu- dents. One western university has even assigned students to oversized linen closets. In their attempts to start new buildings, col- leges are held back by everything a lack of over- all policy can cause, from high costs to a shortage of seasoned lumber. Mass production of pre-fab- ricated parts, which seems to be the easiest so- lution to a problem which affects almost every hamlet in the country, is starting only very slowly. That the situation is grave almost everyone admits, but so few are trying to do anything about it that experts estimate that we will not begin to have enough living space for the next six years. An earnest effort' on the part of government and builders is most decidedly im- perative. -Mary Ruth Levy Caf eteria A CAFETERIA on this campus operated under the direction of the University but by the stu- dents and for the students is one of the primary aims of the Veterans' Organization. Such a cafeteria is not an impossibility. Many large Universities of comparable size have on their campuses cooperative, student- operated, and strictly non-profit eating places. Aside from the financial advantage for the student of such an eating place, any large, ef- ficient, and good restaurant in Ann Arbor would be welcome. There are more students than ever before eating all meals in restaurants this term. Complaints, other than those of high prices, would merit another restaurant on the campus. Michigan did have a cooperative, non-profit cafeteria called the "Wolverine" located on State Street, but it closed during the war. The Veterans' Organization would like to have the "Wolverine" open again for the bene- fit of the veteran and the student. This cafe- teria would help to lower the cost of living on campus for the veteran and student, and in addition the campus would benefit by having just one more place to eat. -Lois Iverson Debate, Delay WE READ in the papers that the executive committee of the United Nations Preparatory Commission spent one hour and a quarter debat- ing whether to postpone the committee's delib- erations another day. We hope that perhaps they will spend that By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON.-Just a few minutes before word came of the paralyzing General Motors strike in Detroit, President Truman was asked at his news conference whether he was hopeful about the Labor-Management Conference which he had called in order to bring a new era of in- dustrial peace. Truman baffled listeners by re- plying that he was still optimistic. On the way out of his office, newsmen thought they found the answer to Truman's puzzling cheerfulness. Hanging on the wall was a newly framed parchment making Tru- man a life member of the "Optimists Interna- tional." Med ical Raid THERE' are politics in almost everything these days-even health. And behind the Presi- dent's important, progressive message to Con- gress on national health appear to be some back- stage politics. The Hill-Burton bill now before the Senate was eased out of committee, some senators sus- pect, in order to get in ahead of the Truman health program. Most essential part of the Hill-Burton bill is that it siphons off $375,000,000 from the Federal treasury and puts it largely under control of the so-called "hospital crowd," namely the American Hospital Association, the Protestant Hospital Association, the Catholic Hospital Association, with their ally the American Medical Association which did most of the behind-the-scenes lobbying. Interesting fact was that the Hill-Burton bill lay quietly in the Senate committee on educa- tion and labor until Sept. 6, when President Tru- man announced that later he was going to send a special message to Congress recommending a na- tional health program. Until then, the authors of the bill, Senator Lis- ter Hill of Alabama and Senator Harold Burton of Ohio (now Supreme Court Justice) had done little or nothing to push it. Hill Wakes Up BUT suddenly, after Truman's Sept. 6 an- nouncement, the medical lobby got busy. Put- ting the heat under Democratic Senator Hill, they arranged for him to cooperate with arch- Republican Senator Taft of Ohio, and jacked the bill out of committee over the protests of committee chairman Jim Murray of Montana. Senator Murray, who always has favored a national health program, was put in an embar- rassing spot. He favored several portions of the Hill-Burton bill, among them a survey of the Current Movies By BA1RRIE WATERS . at the Michigan Joan Leslie, Alexis Smith and Robert Alda in "Rhapsody in Blue;" a Warner Brothers production, directed by Irving Rapper; pro- duced by Jesse L. Lasky. HERE is the big cinema-musical event of the ~ year: the life of George Gershwin, whose music captured better than any other composer's a lilt and spirit we like to call American. In the running-time of one film, Warners have done remarkably well in doing justice to his many works. Anything less than a full perfor- ance of the "Rhapsody" would be sacrilege, of course, and in addition you'll hear "An American in Paris" and a somewhat hacked-up "Concerto in F." His scintillating show-tunes are more sketchily presented, but are still an adequate representation. Most notably lacking, is the music from "Of Thee I Sing."- As for the dramatic portion of the film, it is interesting, if largely fictional, biography, with a morbid interest in Bronx family life. Rob- ert Alda, as Gershwin, is an important new star. The statuesque Alexis Smith, as an expa- triate divorcee whom Gershwin loves and loses in a Paris interlude, is especially outstanding. Miss Smith's special beauty has escaped the Hollywood touch to remain individual, and she even looks good in some of the 1920 gowns whipped up for her to wear. Joan Leslie, as the other woman in Gershwin's cinema life, is something else again. Her dancing is gauche, her acting amateurish, and her rendi- tion of "Embraceable You" is about as exciting as Shirley Temple singing "Baby Take A Bow." It would be more gentlemanly to chalk up her appearance to bad photography, but it's obvious that to appear so thoroughly unattractive must have taken considerable time and effort on Miss Leslie's part. , (it the St(aLe "Abbot and Costello in Hollywood;" an MGM production, directed by S. Sylvan Simon. T HE title tells all that's necessary to 'know about this item, but if it does nothing else it at least whets one appetite for the recently-an- nounced comeback of the Marx Brothers, who left the field of zany comedy arid and barren after their retirement. country to see where hospitals are needed, and the general idea of a federal subsidy of $75,000,- 000 a year to states, communities and non-profit crporations to build hospitals where they are needed. But here is the chief joker in the bill. This Federal money is to be allocated not by the Federal government which raises it, but by an outside council on which the American Medical Association lobby and the so-called "American hospital crowd" would appoint a majority of the members. In other words, the Federal government, after putting up the money, would have the privilege of sitting by and watching private in- stitutions dole it out without any authority over how the money was used. It is also the same principle at stake in the U. S. Employment Service, whereby the U. S. government puts up the money and the 48 states have the privilege of spending it-with all the lush political patronage that goes along. Building up a local political machine at the ex- pense of the Federal government is the fashion these days in Congress, Interesting thing to watch will be whether the Senate now rushes the private hospital bill through, or waits to consider Truman's com- prehensive health program for the benefit of the entire country. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: State's Rights By SAMUEL GRAFTON [HAT one misses most in Congress right now is a sense of the moment. The Senate, for example, has chosen this unlikely hour to join the House in voting to split up the United States Employment Service, and to return its compon- ent elements to the States. There may be good, theoretical reasons for breaking this agency up someday into forty-eight bits; for smashing it against the side of a wall, in a tinkling tribute to State's rights. But why do it right now? The Army announcesithat 1,000,000 men will be discharged during November, and at least 1,000,000 more in December. The rate of dis- charge is at its peak, and the United States Em- ployment Service is scheduled to be disrupted, to be reduced to fragments and particles, at just the moment when the country is to be flooded by a tidal wave of job-hunters. It is hard in the face of such facts to avoid the conclusion that Congress is legislating in a kind of ideological fog, drearily fighting ancient battles, and pay- ing for too little attention to the details, the needs and circumstances of the hour. There is no mention of State's rights in Ec- clesiastes, but surely the lesson that to every- thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven, would seem to ap- ply in this field, too. Or do States' rights know no season? S HIScurious Congressional indifference to tim- ing shows up on the question of prices, too. Congress has been goading the executive side for years to give up federal food subsidies. To con- tinue subsidies beyond next June would requir a new appropriation bill; and this Congress, which will pass nothing in accord with Mr. Tru- man except the time of day, has made it clear that it will put through no such bill, and so Mr. Truman is quietly dropping subsidies. The butter subsidy has already been aban- doned, and the price of butter is up five to six cents; subsidies on milk, cheese, beef, pork, lamb, etc., will vanish by next spring. The Wall Street Journal reveals that two federal agencies have filed confidential reports predicting that the na- tion's grocery bill may go up 10 per cent by next summer as a result. Back to the question of timing: The wage- price issue is explosively hot right now; and for government to select this hour in which to light an economic time bomb, set to go off next spring, and to reinflame the whole issue, just in case we shall have managed to reach a settlement, is to show an incredible indiffer - ence to the flow of events, to questions of when and how and why. Again, one has the feeling that Congress, in exerting its pressure against Mr. Truman, is pro- ceeding ideologically, in a bitterly subjective, timeless mood. One sometimes wonders why advocates of State's rights should want to have their pet doctrine tested at such a poor moment, and under such adverse circumstances. They are being very brave, surely, or perhaps even reckless, in subjecting their dogma to the strains outlined above. But the opponents of federal planning have been caged for twelve long years, and they have come out roaring; they will not let themselves be curbed by a President who seeks to remind them timidly that the weather isn't right, that perhaps it is wrong to try to go camping in December, or ice-skating in August. They are defying the winds and the elements, shouting their belief exultantly; and they do not intend to spoil their hour by glancing out of the, window, or at the clock, either. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) By J. H. MEISEL Department of Political Science THE CELEBRATED auto-da-fe of books that illuminated the be- ginning of the Hitler era looks puny in comparison with the burnt-offer- ing of 1945. A whole library of post- war planning disintegrated in the Terrible Light of Hiroshima. Those reputations that survived, need care- ful nursing and indulgent treatment. Because David Dallin's study of The Big Three (Yale University Press, 1945) is solidly historic rath- er than programmatic, it remained immune against The Bomb. He did not need it to discover that our thinking in terms of Big Three, or Big Two is already dated, war coal- itions being what they are. And his preatomic prediction that sec- ondary powers like France or Aus- tralia will soon join the big league, agrees, in effect, with our current conviction that the inevitable ac- quisition of atomic energy by all in- dustrial nations, small or large, will greatly level down the distinctions between major and minor powers. Mr. Dallin's reputation is founded on works highly critical of the Sov- iet regime. So we will not be sur- prised. that he doubts Stalin's readi- ness to reject Lenin's concept of - ,I- EDITOR'S NOTE: Letters to the editor must conform to the Daily's code of ethic and must be signed. Letters exceeding 400 words are subject to being cut at the dis- cretion of the editorial director. Vacation Plea To the Editor: IN THE article on Christmas vaca- tion in Saturday's Daily, Dr. Rob- bins was quoted as saying that there are a great many objections to a longer vacation. Whatever these ob jections may be, I doubt that they can be so great as the objections to our present betwixt-and-between vaca- tion. I come from Philadelphia, and though' my troubles probably aren't shared by the majority, they must be shared by many who live at a dis- tance. I leave Ann Arbor at 3:30, Friday afternoon, arriving home about 10:30 the next morning. I spend most of Saturday recuperating, enjoy Sunday and Monday, get nicely into the spirit of Christmas Day, and leave home at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon to catch the 6 o'clock train back for Ann Arbor. If I wished, I could wait and take the slower 1:15 a.m. train, go to New York and take a train from there, or come back a night later and cut my two Thursday morning classes, but none of these alternatives change the fact that my vacation doesn't give me time to do more than get tired out. If I want Christmas at home (and who doesn't?), it costs me $28, or $7 for each day of my visit. It's worth it or I wouldn't be going, but wouldn't it be much more worthwhile if I had more time at home? The University is so disturbed by the number of people who come back to school sick that I heard one of the deans suggest last year that we just have a Christmas day vaca- tion and then have some time be- tween semesters. It seems to me that it would be much more pra- cical to have a longer holiday so we would have time to spread our fun out and relax a little before we came back to school. -Shirley Hastings cinocracy ABOUT this business of Democracy and human rights, often comes the query-as one sees the shallow- ness and miserable selfism of these crowds of men with all their minds so blank of high humanity and as- piration-then comes the terrible query and will not be denied, "Is not Democracy of human rights humbug after all? Are these flippant people with hearts of rangs and souls of chalk, are these worth preaching for and dying for upon the cross?" Maybe not-maybe it is indeed a dream; yet one thing sure re- mains-but the exercise of De- mocracy, equality, to him who, be- lieving, preaches, and to the peo- ple who work it out-this is not a dream. To work for Democracy is good, the exercise is good-strength it makes and lessons it teaches- gods it makes, at any rate, though it crucifies them often. -Walt Whitman, Collected Works world revolution and to forswear any further advance. The only hope the author holds outfor a peaceful solu- tion is "an internal rebuilding of ... those absolutist political systems which still remain . . . by forces within them." This is a very slim chance indeed, but it should not be discounted altogether. Dr. Dallin's emphasis however is on the side of pessimism. And if we accept Halford Mackinder's theory, which he re- produces with unqualified praise, the outcome is already settled. Here is the gist of the prophecy which the British founder of Geo- politics (popularized and distorted by the German Haushofer) made in 1919: "Who rules the Middle Tier (the belt of nations between the Baltic and the Adriatic) commands East Europe." (The region between the Volga and the Elbe.) "Who rules East Europe com- mands the Heartland." (East Eur- ope and Northern Asia.) "Who rules the Heartland com- mands the World-Island." (Euro- pean continent plus Asia plus Af- rica.) "Who rules the World-Island commands the World." With the Russian Empire strad- dling the Elbe in the West and the Balkans in the South, the main prerequisite to Mackinder's One World is fulfilled. The rest seems only a matter of time. It is difficult to reconcile with this view Dr. Dallin's own more hopeful conclusion. In the author's words: "You may possess your part of the (European) continent, perhaps a lit- tle more than your part. You cannot, however, possess half of Europe; if you do, the unwritten law of Europe prescribes that you must take all the rest. . ." Napoleon and Hitler, the ones who tried for all the rest, have failed. "Today," Mr. Dallin finds, "it is still possible for the Soviet Union tL retreat in Europe to the limits of national Russia... Tomorrow may be too late" to make concessions with- out losing face. And "ultimate defeat of the expanding power becomes cer- tain." How certain? Napoleon was de- feated by a world coalition that could harness the forces of nationalism against the ideas of the French rev- olution and arrest their march for a generation; Hitler suffered the same fate although, holding the "Middle Tier" he had Mackinder on his side. But the revolution he perverted is still virulent in Europe's body. Any new "holy alliance" intent on mere restoration of the status quo ante is headed for trouble be- cause the demarcation line between the two opponents does not run along the Elbe but across all na- tions. Any Western coalition would have to fight it out on the line of social issues, no longer merely po- litical or moral; and social issues are apt to contain more explosive force than even atomic bombs. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1945 VOL. LVI, No. 20 Notices To the Members of the University Senate: At the meeting of the Uni- versity Council on Monday, Nov. 19, ,he following resolution was adopted. Resolved : That the Calendar Coi- nittee be given authority to advance he. examination period at the close of the spring term to provide an oppor- tunity for the Alumni Association to hold a Victory Reunion preceding Commencement day June 22, 1946. Engineering Faculty: Five-week re- ports below C of all Navy and Marine students who are not in the Prescribed .urriculum and for those in Terms 5, 6 and 7 of the Prescribed Curriculum ire due in Dean Emmons' Office by Dec. 8. Obtain report cards from your lepartmental office. Engineering Faculty: Five-week re- oorts on standings of all civilian En- gineering freshmen and all Navy and Mvarine students in Terms 2, 3, and 4 >f the Prescribed Curriculum are due Dec. 8. Report blanks will be furnish- ed by campus mail and are to be re- Burned to Dean Crawford's Office. The W. J. Hammill prize of $100 will be awarded for the best essay concerning the pertinence and mod- ernity of ideas found in classics of thought and literature in the fields of history, economics and political sci- ence. The contestants for the prize may choose any one of the following topics: 1. Theories of relationships between human ecology and political systems; 2. Relationships between political systems, ethical values, and the concept of personal property; 3. the individual and the state. Lists of books that shall form the basis for the discussion of these topics will be supplied contestants. The essay is to be between ten thousand and twenty thousand words. The contest is open to any undergraduate of the Univer- sity of Michigan, and essays must be submitted by March 15, 1946. Con- testants are requested to consult with any member of the committee on awards before writing the essay. Joseph E. Kallenbach William B. Palmer Palmer A. Throop Eligibility Certificates for the Fall Term should be secured before Dec. 1, [rom the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents. Choral Union Members in good standing will please call for their courtesy tickets for the Jennie Tourel concert on the day of the perform- ance, Nov. 27, between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 and 4, at the offices of the University Musical So- ciety, Burton Memorial Tower. Tickets will not be issued after 4 o'clock. Charles A. Sink, President To All Heads of Departments: Please notify the Information Clerk All Student Organizations desiring space in the 1946 Michiganensian should contact the Michiganensian business office between 2 and 5 p.m. or 2-4561, line 338, after 7 p.m. This must be done this week. All or'gani- zations that have already received centracts should return them as soon as possible. Tau Beta Pi Members: All return- ing undergraduate members of Tau Beta Pi who are interested in re- establishing contact with the Michi- gan Gamma Chapter please get in touch with: Frederick Gehring 311 Lloyd, West Quadrangle Ann Arbor. Registration Blanks: Students who took blanks from the Bureau of Ap- pointments are reminded that they are due a week from the day taken. After that time a late registration fee of $1 must be charged. Lectures Tickets for the Mme. Pandit lecture tomorrow night will be placed on sale today at 10 a.m. in Hill Auditorium box office. Mme. Pandit, noted In- dian leader of the Nationalist Move- ment, will be presented at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow evening as the second num- ber on the current Lecture Course and her subject will be "The Coming Indian Democracy." Holders of Sea- son Tickets are requested to use the Owen Lattimore ticket for admit- tance as Mme. Pandit and Mr. Latti- more have exchanged speaking dates in Ann Arbor. Lecture: Paul Hagon, former Ger- man and Austrian trade union labor leader, and author and lecturer on the subject, "European Labor in the Post-War World," on Friday, Nov. 30, 4:15 p.m., Room 101 Economics 'uilding, under the auspices of the Workers Educational Service. The le^ture is open to the public. A cademic Notices Seminar in physical chemistry will meet on Thursday, Nov. 29 in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. John Biel will speak on "Elec- tronic Structure and Reactions of Acrylonitrile." All interested are in- vited, Make-uap Final Examination 51, 52, 53, and 54 will be given Friday af- ternoon, Nov. 30, in Room 207 Econ- omics Bldg. at 3:00. Seminar In Applied Mathematics and Special Functions: Tuesday, Nov. 27, 3 p.m. in Room 312 W.E. Professor G. E. Hay talks on the Design and Operation of Differential Analyzers. Visitors are welcome. Concerts Jennie Tourel, contralto,' will give the fourth concert in the Choral Un- ion Series tonight at 8:30 in Hill Au- ditorium. The program will consist of compositions by Stradella, Rossini, Debussy, Chabrier, Faure, Rachmani- noff, Moussorgsky, Gretchanioff and Chanler and Bernstein. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society in Burton Thffcovvnl Tnuvr. and'Iat the box of- BARN ABY By Crockett Johnson No. I've discovered that most of Tis Christmas, m'boy, your Fairy Godfather IMy faithfulI magic wand alwawvs