PAGE TO T HE MICHIGAN DAILY- . TUESDAY, NOd EIIIBER 27, 1945 PAGE TWO TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1945 Six Jews Kille By British Troops 60 Wounded as Tank-Supported Forces Fight With Settlers for Two Hours SUCCESS STORY: Anderson Extends Benefits To Aid UniversityProgress By The Associated Press JERUSALEM, Nov. 26-Six Jews were reported killed and 60 wounded in pitched battles today as tank-sup- ported British troops armed with 65-Point ETO Troops Home* By Christmas By The Associated Press PARIS, Nov. 26- The U.S. Army said today that troops in the Euro- pean theater having 65 discharge points could expect to be home by Christmas. The announcement said delays forecast in October and early Novem- ber because of a shipping shortage had been more than made up. Estimated redeployment in Novem- ber and December will bring theater strength below its final fixed total of 68,000 troops of which 370,000 were earmarked for an occupational force and 311,000 for liquidation force troops. The arrival of an estimated 87,000 replacements will make up the required total. Some 400,000 troops are expected to move home during November. The Army said all soldiers with critical point scores of 70 should be out of the theater by Dec. 1. Those with scores of between 55 and 70 have been divided into priority groupings, with those who have 65 to 70 points scheduled to depart dur- ing the first week of December. The Army said all men with 55 to 65 points should be out of the Euro- pean theater and on their way home by New Years. Dean Hudiut Of Harvard Will Speak Friday "Contemporary Trends in Archi- tecture" is the theme of a University lecture to be given by Dean Joseph Hudnut of Harvard University at 4:15 p.m. Friday, in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. Dean Hudnut has done intensive study in the field of architecture. He started his schooling at Harvard in 1906, attending that university for three years. He continued later at the University, where he received his B. Arch. in 1912. Graduate studies at both Columbia and Harvard Universities won Dean Hudnut his M.S. and M.A. in 1917 and 1942, respectively. His work as both an architect and teacher began as early as 1912. After holding vari- ous positions, he became Harvard's Dean of Faculty of Design in 1935. Supplementing the lecture, which will be open td the general public without charge, Dean Hudnut plans to illustrate his discussion of archii- tecture's contemporary trends. Society To Hear Carr, Newcomb Dr. Lowell J. Carr and Dr. Theo- dore M. Newcomb of the sociology de- partment will address the Michigan Sociological Society at its fall meet- ing, which will be held Friday, at Michigan State College. Speaking during the forenoon ses- sion of the all day meeting, Prof. Carr will read a paper entitled "Situ- ational Approach to Conflict and War." The topic of Dr. Newcomb's address is "Some Needed Research in Social Psychology." Also addressing the members of the society will be professors from Michigan State College, Wayne Uni- versity, and Calvin College. A lunch- eon and election of officers are also on the agenda. Religious (Group To Meet The Latter Day Saints student group meets at 7:30 p.m. every Wed- nesday, All students interested are invited to attend. mortars and machine guns entered six Jewish coastal villages searching for persons responsible for attacks on coast guard stations. Dispatches.said thousands of Jews, shouting "All Jews to the rescue," were streaming tonight from the Petah Tigvah area toward nearby Shefayim, where British troops and police battled today against barri- caded settlers for two hours, Jammed Roads Roads runningg northward from Tel Aviv were reported jammed with cars and trucks loaded with Jews headed for the villages, around which the British have thrown a cordon The Jews were said to be singing the Jew- ish anthem and other Hebrew songs. Additional British troops, including the third paratroop brigade of the sixth airborne divisioin, were rushed into the troubled coastal area near Tel Aviv as tension mounted to a pitch where women and even children attempted to break through the Brit-1 ish cordon Bitter Fighting at Shefayim The bitterest fighting apparently took place this morning at Shefayim, where British authorities found large crowds manning the barricades. The crowds refused to disperse and po- lice and troops forced their way in, using staves and tear gas. The demonstrations broke out after the villages were blocked off for the search, and presumably were in re- taliation for British seizure of a Greek ship carrying illegal immi- grants. Explaining British action'in forcing a search, an official military com- munique said today that police and British troops had trailed members of the gang which attacked the coast guard . statioins to the villages of Givath Haim and Shefayim. The attackers had used automatic weapons in an assault on the stations at Ggivat Olga and Sidna on Satur- day night, wounding 14 Palestinian policemen. Graduate Dental Courses Will Begin Today Courses in four graduate dental fields meeting one day a week will start at the W. K. Kellogg Foundation Institute this week. Classes in complete denture pro- thesis and minor oral surgery start today, with eight dentists registered in each. A root surgery class, with 10 members, will meet tomorrow. Thurs- day, a second class in minor oral surgery and a course in crown and bridge prothesis will start with 12 and) 8 members enrolled in each re- spectively. A second class in complete denture prothesis will hold its first meeting Friday withdeight members. The course in dentistry for children' scheduled to begin tomorrow has been canceled because of insufficient en- rollment. The six classes which are being held are enrolled to capacity. The courses are conducted throughout the term for refresher training for practicing dentists and recently discharged service men who. are planning to resume civilian prac- tice. They are conducted on a one- day-a-week basis to permit members to attend without leaving their regu- lar activities and jobs for extended. periods. Classes in operative dentistry and; partial dental prothesis started last week. White Will Speak i sMoogan's ilonor HEAD-ON TRAIN CRASH KILLS TWO, BUT SOLDI ERS ESCAPE - This is an aerial view after a head-on collision of a troop train (left) and a freight train (right) on the Seaboard Railroad near Hanlin, Ga., in which two enginemen were killed and two trainmen were also injured seriously. All of the troops escaped injury except for being shaken up. Note the car on the troop train which plowed under the locomotive tender and is ,jammed against the cab. IT DIDN'T END WITH HITLE R: Europe I s Jews Face Hunger, Illness By 'The Associated Press LONDON - Although Hitler has been wiped off the scene, the tragedy of Europe's Jews is far from ended. The comparatively small number of Jews who managed to survive Nazidom's systematic campaign of elimination now face bitter struggles with hunger and disease. In the explosive fury of Nazi persecution, 5,700,000 Jews van- ished from their European homes, acccrdin to figures by the Allied War Crimes Commission. A survey, compiled by Associated Press correspondents across the con- tinent, showed that since the end of the war there had been an almo ccmplete' removal of the anti-Jewish laws which Hitler's legions carried to every land they invaded. But race hatred has not yet been exterminated. While governments announce measures to help Jews regain the health and livelihoods that persecu- tion stripped from them, their citi- zens spasmodically loose the violence they were taught to commend by years of propaganda. From Linz in Austria, from Kra- cow in Poland, from Holland come reports of anti-Semitic outbreaks. A synagogue windows broken ... bitter, blood- thirsty pamphlets distributed... . In some countries-Poland, Hun- gary, France-the incidents are at- tributed to remains of Nazi venom added to the distillation of years of intolerance. In others-Austria, for example- correspondents report new resent- ment because starved, sickened Jews are given preferential treatment over other citizens by the American Army, acting on orders from President Tru- man. Newman Club Enrolls _4_00 All Catholic Students Are Urged To Join Newman Club enrollment has al- most reached the 400 mark, Carme- lita Fisher, chairman of the mem- bership committee, announced, yes- terday. All Catholic students are urged by Miss Fisher to join the club. They may contact the volunteer worker in their house or join after any of the Sunday Masses. Thevolunteer workers in the dor- mitories are requested to be prompt in handing in their lists, and all lists are due Sunday. Cards for those registered before November 25 will be ready at the party Friday night. The drive for new members will continue through- out the month. Heger To Lead Discussion In conquered Germany, the surface picture presents a strange about-face. Former Nazis profess their friendship for Jews, even claim Jewish relatives in franticattempts to avert Allied punishment for their crimes. The horrors of the concentration camp are over. From each European capital come reports that no man is held prisoner any longer just be- cause he is Jewish. But the routine of camp life is still familiar everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of Jews, in Germany, Yugoslavia, Austria, everywhere in Europe, still live in barracks and sleep on cots because they have no homes, no jobs, no money or possessions, no families. In Holland and Belgium there are several thousand orphaned Jewish children whose future is a question mark. 1836: Ann Arbor Sa Featured By Library A map of Ann Arbor as it was in 1836 was featured in the latest publi- cation of the William L. Clements Library. A collector's item, the map was published by Currier, of Currier and Ives, and shows the outlay of Ann Ar- bor the year before the University moved here. North, South, and East University streets were not yet in existence, and William Street continued east through what is now the campus. A "Public Square" and "State House Square" occupied approximately the site of the campus. Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to President A. G. Ruthven, pointed out that early residents may have been planning for the admission of Michi- gan as a state and for the establish- ment of Ann Arbor as its capital when it set up a "State House Square." Downtown a "Jail Square" was lo- cated on Liberty Street, between Fourth and Fifth avenue. Five Filipinos To Enter "U Prevented from reaching Ann Ar- bor in time for the beginning of the fall term by chaotic conditions in the war torn Philippines, five Filipino undergraduates arrived here Satur- day to enter the College of Engi- neering. Four of the students have com- pleted one or two years at the Uni- versity of the Phiilippines. The fifth is entering as a freshman. Lone Ranger Joins Scouts DETROIT, Nov. 26--'P)-The Lone Ranger, hard-riding hero of the air- waves, became a tenderfoot again when he was initiated today as an honorary member of the Boy Scouts of America. In eastern Europe, there are practically no Jewish children or old people, Only the hardiest were able to survive. Most immediate problem for Eu- rope's Jews is physical rehabilita- tion; for many there is no hope. Tuberculosis, malnutrition, the long list of diseases due to slave labor and concentration camps, continue to take their toll. The American Army, however, has brought numbers of people back from the road to death. The first Jews rep- atriated to Budapest were in frightful condition. Those who returned after spending a few months in Allied hands were well-fed, on their way to recovery. Economic rehabilitation is far more difficult. Several countries have passed laws and put officials to work attempting to recover Jewish prop- erty stolen by the Nazis. In some cases, they appear to be making headway. Ingenious Nazi methods of selling and reselling confiscated property make it al- most impossible to disentangle ownership most of the time. As for making a new start, Jews in almost every country find they have to begin from scratch as they haven't even the remnants of their former possessions to build upon. In Yugoslavia, 50 per cent are forced to live on charity and eatin communal kitchens. Similar condi- tions hold elsewhere. y From country to country, overall economic prospects for Jews appear closely linked to the nation's general economic outlook. In Austria and Hungary, theit chances for recovery rate below those of the hard-pressed population. In Belgium and France, they are on an equal basis, according to the sur- vey. The main hope of the Jews, re- port correspondents in Germany and eastern Europe, is to go to Pal- estine. Eighty per cent of the Hungarian Jews who were content to remain in the land of their birth before the war have now become Zionists, Budapest reports. The great majority of displaced Jews in Germany and those in west- ern Europe who have been unable to settle down again in their homes have also turned their eyes to Jeru- salem At present, only a tiny trickle of them are able to enter Palestine. The British government is now consider- ing what should be done about immi- gration laws. Fierce Arab resistane makes it improbable that relief can be afforded on aly scale comparable to the problem. Prof. Lindsay Prepares Paper for Physics Meeting Prof. George A. Lindsay of the physics department is preparing a pa- per on X-rays to be read Saturday in St. Louis at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society. Prof. Lindsay plans to leave Ann Arbor later this week to represent the university at this conference. The death of John W. Anderson,I LLB 1890, recalled to the minds of many of his fellow citizens of De- troit the story of how he, as one ofl the original stockholders in the Ford Motor Co., became a millionaire al- most overnight. Establishes Professorship Anderson, who established the James O Mur,fin Professorship of Political Science here in 1940, and his law partner, the late Horace H.; Rackham, had each invested $5,000 in the original company when they drew up the incorporation papers for Ford. In 1919, these two former Uni- versity men and the other junior stockholders sold out to Henry Ford. Anderson and Rackham each received $12,500,000. Ten years later Anderson, an at- torney, defended himself in the suit of the United States Treasury to col- lect $34,000,000 additional income tax from the Ford stockholders for the profits they made when they sold out to Henry Ford. Anderson alone was sent a tax bill of $1,438,826.35. Becomes Millionaire In an improvised courtroom in the Hotel Statler, Anderson told how he heard that he had become a million- aire. In the spring of 1913, he ar- rived on tour at a hotel in Geneva, Switzerland. While he and his fam- ily were eating, he received a cable- gram informing him that adividend of 500 per cent had been declared on Ford stock. "I think if Ford had gone through the square I would have gone out and hugged him," Anderson said eighteen years ago. "I was very happy." Income Tax Refund After Anderson's uninterrupted tes- timony, the judges decided that the original stockholders had not only All Nations Club Will Sponsor Record ance A record dance, sponsored by the All Nations Club and open to the public, will be given Saturday night in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Polonia Society will meet in the International Center at 7:30 p.m. today. A classical record concert will be presented at 8:30 p.m. Wed- nesday. Thursday events include a tea from 4 to 5:30 p.m. and the first meeting of the Center's Glee Club at 8 p.m. Anyone interested in join- ing the club is invited to attend. The Sunday night program in- cludes a New England dinner at 6 p.m. for foreign students, which will be followed by a . sing and motion pictures of New England open to the public at 7 p.m. Smith's Libel Suit' Dismissed America First Head Denied Case Extension DETROIT, Nov. 26 -MP)- Circuit Court Judge Adolph F. Marschner today dismissed without prejudice a $100,000 libel and slander suit filed against radio station WXYZ of De- troitmbyeGerald L. K. Smith, head of the America First Party. The court, citing four previous ad- journments of the case, said that Smith had telegraphed from Cali- fornia asking another extension. The plaintiff told Judge Marschner he was contesting a California court ac- tion that would bar him from speak- ing in certain places in that state. The judge, ruling Smith's reason insufficient, dismissed the case, which was based on Smith's contention that he was libeled in broadcasts over the station on June 27, 1943 and Aug. 1, 1943. Smith's suit charged that the broadcasts, made by Walter Winchell, New York radio commentator, wrong- fully accused him of trampling on an American flag at a Boston rally early in 1943. Court officials said the suit was heard in a Michigan court since it applied to only one station and no out-of-state stations or individuals. paid enough income tax when they sold out to Henry Ford, but had paid too much. Anderson shared in a refund amounting to $2,000,000. Senator Couzens received $989,863 and established the Children's Fund of Michigan with it. Anderson was buried Saturday in Grosse Pointe. He had contributed to the fund supporting the University collection of papyri and had made several other donations to the Uni- versity. Grad Students Will Sponsor Mixer Friday A Grad Mixer, sponsored by the Graduate Student Council, will be held from 9 to 12 p. m. Friday at the Rackham Assembly Hall, Rostislav A. Galuzevski, recently-named presi- dent of the Council, said yesterday. Preceding the Mixer, movies of the Michigan-Purdue football game will be shown at 8 p. m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Records will supply the music for dancing, while Hindu and Filipino folk dancing will be featured during intermission. All graduate students and their friends are "invited to at- tend. Atomic Energy Will Be Forum Subject "Atomic Energy" will be the sub- ject of a Graduate Student Council- sponsored forum to be held at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 4, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, it was announced yes- terday. Prof. Kasimir Fajans of the chem- istry department will discuss "Atomic Energy, Source of Power," with Prof. George Uhlenbeck of the physics de- partment speaking on "Atomic En- ergy in Future Warfare." CLASSIFI ED DIRECTOIYJ ALTERATIONS ALTERATIONS: Ladies garments. Some work on men's wear. Velvet collar. 410 Observatory. Phone 2-2678. WANTED WANTED: Boy for helper in kitchen. Kappa Delta, 1620 Cambridge. WANTED: Veteran desires late model automobile. Call Bruce Elliott af- ter 7 p. m. Phone 24551. WANTED: Second-hand camera in good condition. $15-$25.00. Contact Fred Ullman, 420 S. 5th Ave. 8367. WANTED: Sewing, repairing, refit- ting or the making up of new ma- terial. Miss Livingston, 315 S. Divi- sion. 2nd floor front. HELP WANTED MEN AND WOMEN on part-time basis as orderlies and nurses' aides at University Hospital. Apply at hospital Personnel office. Room 1022, STUDENT KITCHEN HELP-dinners only, no Sundays. Mrs. Zimmer, 915' Oakland. Phone 22868. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Silver bracelet with 13 hearts. Reward. Call 2-3279. LOST: Ladies' Gruen wrist watch. initials JCI on back. If found, phone Jane Ingersoll at 2-1146. LOST: Lady's gold wrist watch, Witt- nauer. Probably Washtenaw and North University area. 6893. Re- ward. LOST: Brown silk handbag in vicin- ity of Thayer and Washington on Thursday afternoon. Contains keys, kidgloves. Call 3723. Reward. LOST: Mu Phi Epsilon pin on Tues. S.C.K. inscribed on the back. Re- ward! Finder please contact Sybil -4121 Ext. 114. Prof. Leslie A. White, of the an- Of SRA Music Seminar thropology department, will give an address in honor of Lewis Henry Professor Theodore Heger will lead Morgan, distinguished anthropolo- the Student Religious Association's gist, tomorrow at Union College, Music Seminar in a discussion of the Schenectady, N.Y. Gregorian Chant tomorrow at 7:30 Prof. White has been collecting p.m. at Lane Hall. material for a biography of Morgan This chant marks the founding of for the past 10 years, and. has pub- the first church music and is still lished several articles. Morgan is used in the Catholic mass today. All known as the "father of American students interested in the discussion anthropology." are invited to attend. Victory Bonds Bought Here Obtain Tickets for Bond Pre- miere "'Week-End at the Wal- dorf" State Theater-Nov. 28 rA a 3ICHIGAN ENDING WEDNESDAY 30c until 5 P.M. Continuous Daily from 1 P.M. wiYt 8sR r rAfTT'EAA Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M. TOMORROW NIGHT I.- Today and Wednesday //d tit 1 ' x A DAM E VAYA A vl I i Z419161 a Z E I I -_B'm 1