root TAIDE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Sixth Year £?terd to tei/ .aic& or Domime Says ON WEDNESDAY in Detroit the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of Michigan under the authority of the of Student Publications. the University of Board of Control Ray Dixon . Robert Goldman Betty Roth-- . . Margaret Farmer Arthur J. Kraft Bill Mullendore Mary Lu Heath Ann Schutz Dona Guimaraes Editorial Staff Managing Editor City Editor Editorial Director . ..Associate Editor .. . . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . . Associate Sports Editor . . . . . . . Women's Editor . . . .Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: RAY SHINN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Orchids THE orchids have gone to the football team, the coach, the cheer leaders-all of whom are well deserving of commendation. But another dozen are due the band under the able direction of William D. Revelli. Spectators at the Ohio-Michigan tilt were justly proud of the excellent formations and high quality music. The University band rates top honors for its consistent fine performance. -Lynne Sperber Die-Hard Avery OPEN hostilities in the smouldering Montgom- ery Ward controversy were resumed Friday when Samuel Wolchok, president of the United Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Em- ployees (CIO) announced a nation-wide 'attri- tion' strike involving 75,000 to run one week be- ginning Monday. Wolchok declared that the union was will- ing to call off the strike if Sewell Avery would accept modified union proposals which with- draw demands for a closed shop and check off agreements. Although he recently stated that the closed shop demand was the "real issue," Avery rejected the offer and retreated under a smoke screen of vague allusions to free management, and free enterprise. By his actions during the war, and, appar- ently, now, Avery has provided the opponents of the free enterprise system with a striking ex- ample of the system's worst manifestations. He has maintained his warped concept of manager- ial freedom by deliberate and inflammatory acts of violence (Wolchok accuses him of lockouts and discharging union members in Chicago and Albany). Coming on top of these, Avery's latest refusal to arbitrate even after the union has con- ceded what he had called the key point of dis- agreement can only be as salt in the wounds of the already unsettled labor-management prob- lem. With the nation beleaguered with strikes and lockouts, and the failure of the labor-manage- ment government conference in Washington a distinct possibility, Avery's latest display of his "ingrown will" is morally criminal. -Milt Freudenheim Union Constitution To the Editor: THIS is a request for an explanation as to the discrepancies that exist between the election propaganda concerning the Michigan Union and its Constitution. 1. The Constitution of the Michigan Union calls for the annual election of six vice-presi- dents; whereas the scheduled election calls for only two. 2. It also charges the Appointments Com-. mittee of the Board of Directors with ap- pointing a Nominating Committee to nomi- nate at least two candidates for each of the six vice-presidential offices; but thus far the Nominating Committee seems to be non-ex- istent. 3. The Constitution does provide for nomina- tion by petition signed by two hundred members; however the Men's Judiciary Council at present requires only twenty-five. The differences as pointed out above are suf ficient to produce marked differences in the make up of our campus government. If the pres- ent system of present campus government is not able to operate by and in accordance with its Constitution, it is time that some changes be made. Precipitous change has taken place in just the last few years, so possibly precipitous change, to bring our campus government up on par with this enlightened age of democracy in which we are living, would not be completely out of order. The Constitution may very well have amendments require a three-fourths vote of a quorum of members. A quorum has not even turned out to vote in the last elections, so that possibility is somewhat remote. -Wallace W. Bergerson * * * ANSWER-The following information was re- ceived from Sandy Perlis, President of the Union; Six Union vice-presidents are not being elected at this time because the University's war emer- gency three-term schedule brought about over- lapping of vice-presidential terms. This so con- fused the records that, through negligence, it was thought that only two were up for re-elec- tion at this time. Actually there should be four and the situation has been remedied as reported on the front page of Saturday's Daily. In 1943, when the University adopted the three-term schedule, the Board of Directors of the Union agreed to modify the constitution to permit students with only one or two terms left in school to run for vice-president. The Union Board of Directors felt it was necessary to modify the constitution to this extent because of the reduced Union membership. The Constitution has also been modified to temporarily eliminate the Nominating Commit- tee and the requirement for 200 names on can- didates' petitions. It was felt that petitioning for the office was more representative, under war conditions. To facilitate petitioning, the number of signatures required has been reduced to 25. This was done with the full approval of the Men's Judiciary Council and the Board of Directors. According to Perlis, the Union is indebted to Mr. Bergerson for bringing this matter to the attention of the membership, saying that, "This is the kind of interest in the Union which should be more manifest among our active members." The matter of amending the constitution or reverting to the pre-war method of nominating candidates will be considered at the next Board of Directors Meeting, Dec. 8.-Ed. Niernoeller To the Editor: HAVE no intention of defending Martin Nie- moeller at length nor do I feel he needs justi- fication at the points where he was attacked. There are many points at which Niemoeller is subject to criticism. Those have been stated by informed religious observers. That does not, however, excuse the misrepresentation of his stand against anti-semitism and for the integ- rity of the Church, which was my critical point of departure. (The documentation of Mr. Littell's state- ment which appeared in Thursday's Daily follows.--Ed.) Within recent weeks the American reading public has been subjected to a number of scurri- lous rumors and snide attacks upon the two great Christian leaders in Germany and Japan: Martin Niemoeller and Toyohiko Kagaw. The matter has come to such a state that a number of articles and edtorials have appeared in vari- ous religious journals, challenging the pretended authority of the writers. In both cases the at- tacks have come from passing newspapermen (Associated Press), whose ignorance of religious thought and events was only matched by their desire for sensational dispatches. (Excellent exposes of this level of journal- ism and detailed refutation of the editorial in Stars and Stripes may be found in issues of The Christian Century of September 12th, September 26th and October 12th.) -Frnklin H. Littell Arab Atitude To the Editor: A LOT has been said regarding the Arab atti- tude on the question as to whether more Jews should be allowed into Palestine. Let us think for a second and ask ourselves what is the Pales- tinian Arabs' attitude towards the Jews. I am inclined to think it is a friendly one-although it must be remembered that there never has been a consensus of opinion among the Arabs in Palestine. When you hear about the Arabs pro- testing, they are usually individual Arabs who are wealthy and probably live outside of Pales- tine. These men, who played ball with Hitler, fear the raising of the standard of living for the Arab worker in Palestine. I draw my conclusions from several facts that have taken place in the past ten years. During some of the riots against the Jewish Colonies, their Arab neighbors came to the rescue of these Jews and stood guard with them against the Arab terrorists. In 1939, many Arabs sent telegrams protesting the stopping of the sale of land to the Jews. Abdulls, the ruler cf Transjorden, sent a telegram asking that the Jews be allowed to buy land in Transor- der. These telegrams were made public only recently. Several thousand Arabs have joined the. Histadruth, which is the Jewish Labor Union. And finally the British Government has announced that in the past 30 years there has been under 1,000 terrorists. According to the way the newspapers play up these small incidents, it seems as if there has been 100,- 000,000 terrorists...... -Phillip Bedein MERRY-GO-ROUND: Profit Sharing By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON. - Invigorating Republican Senator Bill Knowland of California came up last week with a labor-management plan which nearly took the breath away from his conserva- tive, hand-sitting GOP colleagues. Young Knowland, who succeeded to the moss-grown Senate seat long occupied by. Hiram Johnson, proposed that wages be ad- justed once a year by collective bargaining in accordance with the earning power of busi- ness. He also proposed an immediate wage increase of 10 per cent in order to sustain buying power through the nation. Finally the young California Senator pro- posed that labor and management get to- gether and estinate each year what the com- ing year's business would be, together with the mose equitable division of profits for the work- ers (through wages), for the stockholders (through dividends) and for the consumers (through lower prices). Such a plan, of course, would mean the new and-to some business moguls-revolutionary step of opening the books of a company to the public. Reconversion PROGRESSIVE as this is, Senator Knowland's idea already has received support in many congressional quarters. It is argued that if the books of the big auto companies or U. S. Steel were available for examination, it could be ac- curately ascertained just how much wage in- crease was justified. It is also argued that com- panies as big as U. S. Steel and General Motors are virtual public utilities. When they stop op- eration it affects business throughout the nation. Rteconversion is absolutely stymied. This is also why it is being proposed that Presi- dent Truman revive the old TNEC, or something similar to it. The. TNEC was a joint committee of Congress and the executive branch of the gov- ernment which studied monopoly, little business, and the economics of the country generally. Today, with reconversion bogged down and scores of new economic problems to face, both the administration and congress lack the con- crete facts on which to chart a revised eco- nomic course. That is why a new, quick, eco- nomic study along the lines of the old TNEC is probably needed now more than ever before. Capital Chaff AFTER flirting with various law firm offers, Franklin Roosevelt Jr., finally decided to team up with New York's ex-lieutenant governor Charlie Poletti. The firm is Poletti, Diamond, Rabin, Freidin and Mackay. . . . Young Roose- velt has been doing a swell job pushing housing for veterans dumped off the boats from Europe. He is roaring mad at Mayor La Guardia for neg- lecting this. "The mayor knew way last summer that these men were going to be coming back," says young FDR, "but did nothing about it. Most of the men can't afford to stay in New York hotels, even if the hotels had any rooms, which they haven't." (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) curtain went up for one of the greatest dramas of our tragic age. We refer to the strike at General Motors. Can the company hold wages low un- til those 248,000 veterans due to re- turn to Wayne County become a pool of labor? Can Unions take a dollar a month from every worker's pay with- out accounting to society? Can the company which made a few billions in war production, gets government aid for reconversion afford to increase take home pay? Can vast unions hold collective bargaining and strike privileges without legal responsibility when the market is alert? As viewed by Religion we get the interpretation from John Elof Bodin in "God, a Cosmic Philosophy of Religion." (P. 160) "In a large way the play goes on,h one cosmic epoch preparing the stageC for another, whatever may be the tragedy of the individual performers. Yet the master of the show may care more for the individual actors than for the immensity and scenery of theC stage." "If the drama of existence hasI any ultimate meaning, it must be in terms of spiritual realization and not rely on material realization. It seems that the plot must be to produce free creators who shall be capable, even though in a small and fragmentary way, of entering into the meaning ofr things; who may attain a significance of their own in the economy of spirit, and who may thus triumph over the flux of material worlds. These are the staging of the drama and not its ra- tionale." This drama records progress in; work history. Yonder workman seems3 to be walking away from his machine,a his income, his duty. But you say nott from "his machine." That machine does not belong to him. He is the man who has attained seniority by work- ing at it longer than any living soul;] why does he not own it? You see his great grandfather owned tools, car- ried them home on his back, sat in the kitchen to invent machines as did Stephenson at Killingsworth in 1804 to make Locomotion and Henry Ford at Detroit in 1890 to make Auto- notion. But this man owns nothing which his hands can touch. He has seniority, nor ownership. Who owns? [n 1945, the company is owner of that machine or tool. In 1942 in the Malvern Conference oer one hundred and fifty Bishops, Lords, Deans of Cathedrals, Church- mnen in Economics and the great Theo- logians of Britain stated that "a pan's work is part of his personality" and "his employment at the point of his skills is a Divine Vocation," therefore, if the nation is to be secure all men must have the opportunity to work. But should not the educator, the re- igious leader, the editor, the artist, he consumer and the sociologist be ;ontent as mere spectator? There is where specialization has been most at fault, as we understand society. The requests by labor that industry open the books" and by management that abor unions "state the status of their yank account" were the introductory lines in the final act of the world's long drama entitled "Hunger Meets Dividend." This drama is tragedy be- cause the very men who years ago by mnass production taught journeymen to increase their output now must feed every Hottentot or themselves go without a return on capital. Buying Power has played well his role as a foil. -Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education Publication in the Daily Official Bul- a letin Is constructive notice to all mem-2 hers of the University. Notices for the2 Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, C 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1945 VOL. LVI; No. 19 t i Notices a To the Members of the University 9 senate: At the meeting of the Uni-F versity Council on Monday, Nov. 19,F he following resolution was adopted. Resolved: That the Calendar Com- mittee be given authority to advance ;he examination period at the close of v the spring term to provide an oppor- unity for the Alumni Association to hold a Victory Reunion preceding f Commencement day June 22, 1946. a School of Education Faculty: The Tovember meeting of the faculty will oe held on Monday, Nov. 26, in the University Elementary School Library. The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Engineering Faculty: Five-week re- t ports on standings of all civilian En- P gineering freshmen and all Navy and Viarine students in Terms 2, 3, and 4 >f the Prescribed Curriculum are due Dec. 8. Report blanks will be furnish- 1 d by campus mail and are to be re-t turned to Dean Crawford's Office. p Engineering Faculty: Five-week re- ports below C of all Navy and Marine Students who are not in the Prescribed Curriculum and for those in Terms 5,1 3, and 7 of the Prescribed Curriculum, ire due in Dean Emmons' Office byt Dec. 8. Obtain report cards from your iepartmental office. To All Heads of Departments: Please notify the Information Clerk in the Business Office of the numbert of Faculty directories needed in your department. Delivery will be made by campus mail.r Staff members may have a copy of the Directory by applying at the In-t formation Desk in the Business Of- fice, Room 1, University Hall. The Directory will be ready for dis- tribution Nov. 28. To save postage and labor the practice of mailing di- rectories is discontinued. Herbert G. Watkins Secretary Attention all house heads: Any pro- posed change in the house rules for undergraduate women shall not be put into effect by 'a house mother or house head until she receives written official notification from the Office of the Dean of Women and the Women's Judiciary Committee. Eligibility Certificates for the Fall rerm should be secured before Dec. 1, from the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents. Registration Blanks: Students who took blanks from the Bureau of Ap- pointments are reminded that they are due a week from the day taken. After that time a late registration fee of $1 must be charged. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, School of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will re- ceive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by December 1. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4, U. H. where it will be trans- mitted. Choral Union Members in good standing will please call for their courtesy tickets for the Jennie Tourel concert on the day of the perform- ance, Nov. 27, between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 and 4, at the offices of the University Musical So- ciety, Burton Memorial Tower. Tickets will not be issued after 4 o'clock. Charles A. Sink, President Lectures University Lecture: Mr. T. C. Roughley, F.R.Z.S., Superintendent and Research Officer of the New South Wales State Fisheries, will lec- ture on the subject, "Wonders of the Great Barrier Reef," illustrated by colored motion pictures, at 8:00 p.m., Monday, Nov. 26, in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Auspices of the Department of Zoology. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Max Schlamowitz, Biological Chemistry,' thesis: "Enzymatic Dephosporylation of Ribonucleic Acid: A Study of the Soy Bean Nucleases," Monday, Nov. 26, 313 West Medical Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, R. L. Garner. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend this examina- nd Special Functions: Tuesday, Nov. 7, 3 p.m. in Room 312 W.E. Professor . E. Hay talks on the Design and )peration of Differential Analyzers. isitors are welcome. Concerts Jennie Tourel, contralto, will give he fourth concert in the Choral Un- on Series Tuesday evening, Nov. 27, it 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. The pro- ram will consist of compositions by Stradella, Rossini, Debussy, Chabrier, Faure, Rachmaninoff, Moussorgsky, G'retchanioff and Chanler and Bern- ,tein. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower, and at the box of- ice in Hill Auditorium after 7 o'clock on the night of the perform- ance. Charles A. Sink, President Exhibitions Exhibit: Museum of Art and Arch- aeology, 434 South State Street. His- torical Firearms and other Weapons. Nov. 25 through Dec. 9. Weekdays, 9-12; 1:30-5; 7:30-9:30; Sundays, 3-5. Exhibit of Paintings and Sketches by Various Japanese-American Ar- tists, On Relocation Centers. From Nov. 26 to Dec. 16. Sponsored by Stu- dent Council of Student Religious As- sociation, Inter-Guild, Inter-Racial Association, All Nations Club, Office of Counselor in Religious Education, Michigan Office of War Relocation Authority, U. S. Department of In- terior. Events Today Rev. Harold DeVries will speak be- fore the Michigan Christian Fellow- ship this afternoon, in the second of a serie of Gospel Lectures. His topic will be "The Natural State of Man". The place, is the Fireside Room at Lane Hall at 4:30. Come at 4 o'clock for the Hymn-sing! Avukah will-hold a musicale for all members and their guests today at 7:45, pm. The informal program at the Hillel Foundation, will feature Palestinian songs and the music of modern Jewish composers. Refresh- ments will be served. The Michiganensian business staff meeting will be held Monday at 4:00 p.m. The Graduate Outing Club will have its first meeting this term, Mon- day Nov. 26, 1945 at 7:30 p.m. in the Outing Club Room in the Graduate School. All graduate students, faculty members and employees are invited to attend. There will be a shortebusi- ness meeting followed by games and square dancing. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: A meeting of the Hillel News editorial staff will be held Tuesday Nov. 27, at 4 p.m. at the Foundation. All those interested in positions on the Hillel News are urgently requested to at- tend. Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speakers' Society, will hold its regular organiz- ation Night, Tuesday, Nov. 27, at 7:30 in the Michigan Union. Formal ad- journment will be at 8:20, to accom- modate those who attend the concert. A short, formal business meeting is called for 7:15 sharp. Organization Night is for the purpose of inaugurat- ing the society's training program. The Polonia Club will hold its week- ly meeting at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 27, at the International Center. All members as well as newcomers are in- vited to attend. Churches First Congregational C h u r c It- Church worship at 10:45 a.m. Sermon by Dr: Parr on "Holding the World Together. Speaker at Student Guild, the Rev. Owen Geer of Dearborn. Subject, "Christian Leadership through Worship." The Congregational-Disciples Guild will meet at the First Congregational Church, State and William, at 5:00 p.m. Dr. Owen Geer of the Mount Olivet Community Church in Dear- born w ill speak on "Character Through Worship." The closing Wor- ship Service will be led by Evelyn Pease. The Westminster Guild of the Pres- byterian Church will have a program on Sunday evening at 5 o'clock on "China Today". Members of the Chi- nese Christian Student Fellowship will be our guests. A Chop Suey supper will be served at 6 o'clock. First Church of Christ, Scientist: 109 S. Division St., Wednesday eve- ning service at 8 j.m. Sunday morn- ing service at 10:30 a.m. Subject: "Soul and Body." Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. A special reading room is maintained by this, church at 706 Wolverine Bldg., Washington a t P NEW BOOKS IN THE GENERAL LIBRARY L Balkans Hilton, James- So Well Remembered. Boston Little, 1945. "This is the story of George Bos- well, who became Mayor of the small English Town, where he was born and grew up." The story spans the twen- ty years between two wars. "So well remembered is entertaining reading. James, Marquis- The Cherokee Strip. New York, Viking, 1945. Marquis James, twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize for biography, has told the story of his Oklahoma childhood with simple charm, perfect taste and richness of detail. * * * LaFarge, Oliver- Raw Material. Boston, Hough- ton, 1945. "Autobiographical reminiscences of an American ethnologist and writer, author of a famous novel dealing with American Indian life, "The Laughing Bay." Written with candor, clarity, and intelligence. THE Russians are resorting to adroit manipula- tion to make their influence in the Balkans tenable. Not admitting that opposition may threaten their hold in this area, nevertheless they are recognizing that the opposition does exist. Recrntly a secret conference took place among Joseph Stalin, Marshall Klimenti Voroshilov, Red Army occupation chief in Hungary, and a group of Soviet ambassadors and Balkan ex- perts, Time Magazine reports. They decided that civilian control will be substituted for Red Army occupation by the next year, that Rumania, Hun- gary and Bulgaria must be bound to the Soviet economy by economic agreements and that open Communist infilteration must be checked to sooth opposition parties. BARNABY I The turkey at the Elves, Leprechauns, I Gnomes. and Little Men's Chowder and 1 r Thank you ... And now that the heartburn holiday is behind us, l am at your service By Crockett Johnson in' yoobutgo I bet it won't do ygodbugo II