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November 22, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-22

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Fifty-Sixth Year

Davies Writes Book on U.S.S.R.





Edited and managed by students of the University of
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Campus Elections
STUDENT apathy has long thwarted carefully
laid plans and hopes of the comparatively
few students interested in campus affairs; dur-
ing the past four years this apathy has been
blamed on the war, but this excuse is no longer
On Dec. 5 the entire student body will have
the opportunity to elect those students whom
they wish to have act as their representatives
in several capacities. By voting in the election,
students exercise the privilege of being beard;
by not voting they allow what little student
government exists to be run by those few who
see the opportunity to run student affairs in
their own manner, good or bad. This last is
hardly the democratic manner, but the fault
is that of the individual student.
On Saturday, petitions for the various offices
are due. The greater the number of petitioners,
the greater will be the chance for screening of
candidates and the more likely will be the elec-
tion of capable students.
Among the issues to be decided in the elec-
tion of Dec. 5 is the selection of a foreign uni-
versity. After the selection of the university is
made, you will most certainly be asked to aid in
the work which campus groups are eooperat-
ing in to further the causes of world peace.
Here is your chance to express your opinion
as to which university is most deserving of
our aid.
Two members of the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications will be elected. They repre-
sent you in matters of policy governing the Daily,
the 'Ensian, and the new Gargoyle, and unless
you vote, or petition if you are qualified, the stu-
dent members though interested in the publica-
tions will not necessarily be representative of
the campus.
On the social side, you can vote on members
of the junior class who will form the committee
for the J-Hop, the first since the war. Whether it
is a success or not depends on the support you
give it in its initial state in the elections.
Between now and Dec. 5 you will hear more
and more about the approaching election, but
it is not too early to make up your mind to
take time to stop at one of the conveniently
located voting places on campus to raise your
voice for the students you wish to have repre-
senting you.
-Jeanne S. Cockburn
two Parties
MEN by their constitution are naturally divided
into two parties:
1.Those who fear and distrust the people,
and wish to draw all powers from them into the
hands of the higher classes.
2. Those who identify themselves with the
people, have confidence in them, cherish and

WASHINGTON.-Ex-ambassador Joe Davies,
one of the best envoys ever sent to Russia,
is writing a book which will make some fur bris-
tle around the State Department.
Davies is shocked at the Truman-Byrnes policy
toward Russia, says that inside the State De-
partment a vicious anti-Russian group is out
to stir up trouble-perhaps eventual war-with
the Soviet.
Davies wants Truman and Stalin to sit
down across from each other and put all their
cards on the table face up. He feels the U.S.A.
and the U.S.S.R., each with tremendous wealth
and tremendous territory, are the last nations
in the world to be natural enemies-though
they can be if certain cliques in both countries
keep stirring things up. Davies views the situ-
ation as a hard-headed business man-feeling
that America needs Russia and Russia needs
America. He feels that Truman is exposed to
all sorts of anti-Russian pressure, especially
from certain Army-Navy big-shots and Rus-
sian-baiting diplomats. This explains the
President's confused drift.
Davies is really alarmed about the danger of
the situation, and, unless someone gets to him,
his book will sound off in no uncertain terms.
He has been hesitating lest if he tells the truth
he may offend Truman, but it now looks as if
he is going ahead.
NOTE-Truman recently offered Joe Davies
the ambassadorship to London, but Joe de-
War Contracts Probe
CONGRESSMAN Andrew Jackson May of Ken-
tucky has been exhibiting unusual interest in
a case before the Mead committee. He has been
urging senators not to proceed with their investi-
gation of the Erie Basin Company and its lush
war contracts.
Senator Mead's investigators have been prob-
ing reports that this almost unknown company
received $36,000,000 in war orders, though op-
erating on a shoe-string. At first the company
refused to show its books. Finally, Mead investi-
gators went to Chicago to examine the books,
probably will bring them back to Washington.
Congressman May has urged members of
the committee to lay off. The other day his
friend, Sen. Alben Barkley, joined him in the
request. It remains to be seen whether con-
gressional courtesy or public interest will win
WASHINGTON is getting right back to its old
pre-war cat-and-dog-fight social protocol
days. When Chip Robert gave a dinner last week,
there were indignant whispers about his error
in seating the honored guests. He put Mrs.
Maybank, wife of the senator from South Caro-
lina, on his right, and Representative Clare Luce
of Connecticut on his left. Protocol, according
to the dowagers, should have reversed this seat-
ing, since Mrs. Luce is a member of Congress in
her own right, while Mrs. Maybank is only the
wife of a Senator. . . . Friends are booming able
"Chet" Bohlen to be the new U. S. ambassador to
Ike's Testimony
LAST week General Dwight Eisenhower told
Congress that "Russia has no slightest thing
to gain by war with the United States."
"I believe Russia's policy is friendship with
the United States," he said.
In the next breath he reported that "there is
no one nation in the world that can challenge
a prepared America." So we must be "prepared"
For what? To fight our "friends?"
Eisenhower was testifying in support of Presi-
dent Truman's request for universal military
training. Eisenhower is a military man and he
approved the military conscription proposal be-
cause "we must be prepared on M-Day-the day
the enemy strikes, or we may never be prepared
to avert defeat at the hands of any aggressor
who uses againstus the weapons of the future."
This is all very logical, for as he says, "with
the introduction of atoms and electronic war-
fare and the astounding advances being made

almost hourly on the aerial warfare, the tempo
is increasing in geometric progression," and
since this is true and since we must be pre-
pared for any future aggression, military train-
ing seems the only resort-military training
and scientific research to devise more weapons
to kill more men.
Yet how can we call a nation a friend one min-
ute and contemplate future wars the next.
This concerns Russia, of course, because-
from what many persons have said-she will be
our enemy in the next war. But it also concerns
every other nation in the world.
If Russia's policy is friendship with us, why.
must we counter with military conscription--
just in case? The future is probable, no matter
how we conceive of it. War is assured if friend-
ship fails to exceed national boundaries.
Peace is assured if friendship among nations
exceeds all natural barriers; if men will admit
they must work for it, and if there is mutual
cooperation instead of military conscription.
Bettyann Larsen

Moscow. Bohlen speaks Russian perfectly, acted
as interpreter for Roosevelt and Truman with
Stalin. However, the Russians are suspicious.
Among other things he is a cousin of the Krupp
Von Bohlens, famous German munitions fam-
Sumner Welles may be out of the State De-
partment, but his home is the quiet rendezvous
of visiting international bigwigs. The president
of Chile motored out to lunch with Welles dur-
ing his official visit. Last week, State Depart-
ment counselor Ben Cohen, Australian foreign
minister Evatt, plus the Mexican ambassador
and Secretary of Commerce Wallace gathered
at Welles's home to concoct political medicine
with Senators McMahon of Connecticut, Ful-
bright of Arkansas, Ball of Minnesota and La-
Follette of Wisconsin.
A revised full employment bill will be reported
out of committee to the floor of Congress soon.
The House of Representatives has staged a vir-
tual sit-down strike on all legislation for several
weeks. Reactionary Congressman Carter Man-
asco of Alabama has spearheaded the strike.
(Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate)
Objective View
W HATis our foreign policy, actually? There
have been numerous speeches and state pa-
pers on the subject. But it is the American citi-
zen alone who is content to accept official defini-
tions of our foreign policy. The foreigner, Who-
ever he may be, is inclined to judge our foreign
policy by deeds, not words; just as we judge
other countries by deeds, not words. It might
be an interesting exercise to try to guess what a
well-informed, perhaps even slightly malicious,
foreign observer would make of our foreign policy
if he were to attempt to define it on the basis of
the things we do, or have recently done. It is
hard to see ourselves as others see us, but if we
are interested in "one world," it is perhaps worth
the effort.
A foreign observer, listening to the American
radio, and enjoying a subscription to a leading
American newspaper, might decide:
1. That the United States is committed to
a policy of taking unilateral action, when it
considers that its 'interests are best served
thereby. The foreign spectator would base this
finding on the fact that we intend to brook no
interference in Japan, and that while we are
willing to discuss our Japanese policy with
our allies, we are not willing to yield to allied
opinion. The foreign observer would clearly
miss the American heartbreak and anguish
which were involved in the Japanese war, just
as we tend to undervalue the other fellow's
heartbreak and anguish.
2. That the United States is intent on making
territorial gains as a result of the war. The for-
eign observer (I see him as a low fellow, with a
cast in one eye) would base his conclusion on
our desire for possession of new bases, in Green-
land, Iceland, and the Pacific. We want these
bases for defense; but, again, that is not an ex-
portable idea; nobody ever believes in the other
man's defense needs.
3. That the United States no longer supports
the doctrine of Big Three unanimity. The for-
eign spectator (he isn't very likeable, really)
would base this conclusion on the facts that
we are forever setting up international con-
ferences in which the Soviet Union is clearly
outvotable and outvoted, and that we have
joined in a bilateral arrangement with Brit-
ain concerning the atomic bomb. The for-
eigner would fail to note that many Ameri-
cans sincerely believe the bomb to be in righte-
ous hands; righteousness is another of these
items which, like certain wines, travel badly,
and always suffer a sea-change.
4. That the United States uses the Bill of
Rights like a club, endorsing it for Romania, and
denying it in Korea. The foreigner would clearly
overlook our need for efficiency in Korea, just as
we take a dim view of any possible Russian crav-
ing for efficiency in Romania.
5. That the United States is opposed to free
political development in Asia, as witnessed by
its interference in the Chinese Civil War, and

condonation of repression in the Indies.
But enough. Throw the man out; he does not
understand our motives, and he is perhaps not
the constructive type. And yet there is just this
much sense in his vinegary findings; we cannot
develop a foreign policy merely by looking inside
ourselves and admiring our own motives; we
must look outward too; our policy must make
sense outside our borders, on the world stage. It
seems to me that there has been a curious growth
of American indifference to what the world
thinks, and that this shows more clearly than
anything else how our policy has deteriorated.
It is based more and more on a yielding to noisy
pressures at home, and less and less on the needs
of the world. It has ceased to be objective, and
is becoming almost morbidly subjective.
Subjective foreign policies are dangerous,
and that is why it is useful to step outside for
a good view; we have been building slapdash
from within and no longer know how the thing
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

"It is useless for the sheep to
pass resolutions in favor of vege-
tarianism so long as the wolf re-
mains of a different opinion."
1)O anti-conscriptionists read news-
papers and newsmagazines? Even
a casual perusal of recent editions of
the press leads to these inescapable1
LY UNSUCCESSFUL. Figuring prom-
inently in the September headlines
was the failure of the London Con-
ference of Foreign Ministers. On
October 28 The New York Times
summarized: "With a sense of shock
Americans realized that Russia and
the western Allies had failed utterly
to agree on the first steps in applying
joint principles to the making of
peace treaties."
Prof. Harlow Heneman, in a report
to The Daily on November 7 of his
observations in Germany, told of
numerous failures in Allied attempts
to get four-power agreement on Ger-
man control, policies, from which he
concluded: "If the great powers can't
agree on occupation questions in Ger-
many and Japan, the United Nations
organization can hardly be expected
to function successfully."
CONTROLLED. The Associated Press
reported from Washington on Novem-
ber 15 that the United States, Brit-
ain and Canada would share atomic
force secrets on two main conditions,
one of which is: "That the United
Nations devise and establish world-
wide means of inspecting atomic
plants in all countries to help prevent
the use of the atom for war purposes."
ARMED FORCES. General H. H. Ar-
nold, writing in The New York Times
Magazine of November 18 said: "The
atomic bomb has made offensive and
defensive air power in a state of
immediate readiness the first re-
quisite for national survival. It must
be made perfectly clear to an aggres-
sor that an attack on the United
States would fail and that it would
be followed immediately by a devas-
tating air-atomic counter-attack on
TO COME HOME. Time Magazine,
in its November 19 issue, noted: "The
best-paid, best-fed soldiers in the
world had not wanted to come (over-
seas) in the first place, they had never
really understood why they were
there, and now they wanted to go
home fast." (We are committed to
occupying Germany and Japan for
an extensive period. Where are the
replacements to come from?)
FORCES. The Associated Press on
November 16 reported a warning by
Admiral Ernest J. King that the Unit-
ed States Navy "has been so weakened
by demobilization that it couldn't
fight a major battle."
It is not enough for us to have
hope for the United Nations organ-
ization. It is not a question of wheth-
er we are resigned to another war.
But who knows what the world scene
will be 25 or 50 years from now? (In
1918 one could easily have predicted
that we would have nothing to fear
from Germany.) Since recent exper-
ience proves that roundtable discus-
sion of international disputes has
been far from successful, it is un-
thinkable that the United States
should allow its armed forces to de-
teriorate and, in the words of General
Eisenhower, be left "defenseless and
naked before a future enemy."

-Clayton L. Dickey
This Static World.
AMERICA and Great Britain are
working together to set China on
her feet and to free her from Com-
munist domination. The atmosphere
of distrust such as marked pre-war
days in Europe must not be allowed
to grow up between English-speaking
nations. I can quite understand the
feeling that prompted the majority of
the American people to hold aloof
from the League of Nations.
Feeling as they do, it is just as
wvell that America did not join the
League; for, disgusted with the Euro-
pean tangle, she might have with-
drawn, which would have been a
death blow to the League.
-Sir Esme Howard, speaking at
Kansas City, as quoted in The Daily,
Nov. 15, 1925.
WE CAN make the years ahead good
years-by using the energy and
enterprise, the brains and the will
with which we won the war. Make
doubly sure of future financial secur-
ity by buying and keeping Victory


University Health Service
Exemplifies Model Center

Publication in the Daily Official Bui-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 19
The General Library and all of its
branches will be closed on Thanksgiv-
ing day, Thursday, Nov. 22.
To All Heads of Departments:
Please notify the Information Clerk
in the Business Office of the number
of Faculty directories needed in your
department. Delivery will be made by
campus mail.
Staff members may have a copy of
the Directory by applying at the In-
formation Desk in the Business Of-
fice, Room 1, University Hall.
The Directory will be ready for dis-
tribution Nov. 28. To save postage
and labor the practice of mailing di-
rectories is discontinued.
Herbert G. Watkins
Attention all house heads: Any pro-
posed change in the house rules for
undergraduate women shall not be
put into effect by a house mother or
house head until she receives written
official notification from the Office
of the Dean of Women and the
Women's Judiciary Committee.
Tau Beta Pi Members: All return-
ing undergraduate members of Tau
Beta Pi who are interested in re-
establishing contact with the Michi-
gan Gamma Chapter please get in
touch with:
Frederick Gehring
311 Lloyd, West Quadrangle
Ann Arbor.
Friday is the last day for regis-
tering with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments without charge. After Friday a
late registration fee of $1 is required.
This applies to Feb., June, and Aug.
graduates, also to graduate students
or staff members who wish to register
and who will be available for posi-
tions within the next year. The Bu-
reau has two placements divisions:
Teacher Placement and General
Placement. The General Division in-
cludes service to people seeking posi-
tions in business, industry and pro-
fessions other than education.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will re-
ceive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by December 1. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition ,addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U. H. where it will be trans-

P RESIDENT Truman has put before
Congress a plan for a compulsory
"health insurance" system for all
working people. With this proposal he
hopes to blaze a trail toward the
solution of one of the most serious
problems which the country has had
to face and which will confront stu-
dents in the next few years-that of
having adequate health service facili-
ties for everyone.
College students will eventually
have to face and possibly solve this
great social problem. They would
do well to look around and study
the various attempts to improve
the distribution of medical care.
They should consider other pro-,
posed systems and draw some con-
clusion as to their good points and
weaknesses, how they have func-
tioned in actual practice and whe-
ther they are desirable.
President Truman's recommenda-
tion is but a few days old, but stu-
dents at the University have been
using a system based upon central,
organized service and prepayment
for about thirty years. Despite the
fact that Michigan's present Health
Service Building is only about six
years old, the system has been in
practice long enough to render it a
model health center.
Students of the University have a
double opportunity within reach
whenever they go to the Health Ser-
vice. In the first place, they have
complete freedom to secure whatever
medical treatment or advice they de-
sire without financial or other dis-


By Crockett Johnson



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