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November 22, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-22

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By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Nov. 21-TheFederal Government tonight
sought a solution to the bitter wage dispute which led to a strike
of nearly 200,000 General Motors Corporation employes today.
The action came as Walter Reuther, vice president of the
United Auto Workers (CIO), told a press conference that 96 per
cent of GM's far flung industrial empire was shut down tight as a
result of the walkout at 11 a. m. today.
Other Four Per Cent Considered
"The other four per cent is under consideration," Reuther
added, but 'he did not amplify the remark.
General Motors spokesmen reported 175,000 production em-
ployes were out on strike but would not hazard a guess as to hoW
many of the 73,5,00 salaried workers were idle because of picket
lines or other causes connected with the strike.
Gibson Asks Union Official Meeting
Reuther confirmed reports that John Gibson, special assist-
ant to Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach, had requested a meet-
ing with union officials here to review the strike situation.
Earlier reports from Washington indicated Gibson, a former

president of the Michigan CIO Council,.had been empowered to
arrange separate meetings with the union and company to seek
resumption of negotiations on wage differences,
Company Officials Not Approached
Company officials said they had not been approached re-
garding the meeting.
The Washington story said Gibson was to return there Fri-
day to give Secretary Schwellenbach a first-hand report on the
strike which hit General Motors plants in 20 states today.
Some sources indicated company and UAW representati'ves
would be summoned to Washington to confer with high govern-
ment officials.
Reuther Claims 325,000 Affected
Reuther told his press conference that "nearly 325,000 Gen-
eral Motors workers would be affected by this strike." The
UAW official said 160,000 had been listed as eligible to cast bal-
lots in the strike vote which the National Labor Relations Board
recently took at GM.
"That was at the start of the reconversion period and GM
has added many thousands since then," he asserted.

Asked if the union, which called the strike to support its
demands for 30 per cent wage rate increases, could support a
strike "until November, 1946," Reuther replied:
"We will travel the road to the bitter end. We're right and
wern you're right you can afford to go the whole way. General
Motors cannot break the union."
Reuther Would Accept GM Negotiation Offer
Reuther said that if QM "offers to negotiate, we will be will-
Both Reuther and company officials listed the Meridan,
Conn. Ball Bearing unit as the only one of 75 GM plants, covered
by UAW contracts, which was not closed by today's walkout.
Union officials said the Connecticut unit was represented by
an AFL union until a month ago and that there had not been
sufficient time for them to take part in a strike-vote held in GM
plants. The strike was indorsed by a large majority.
Three Non-Union Plants Unaffected
General Motors spokesmen said production workers at three
small non-union GM plants at Rochester, N. Y., Lima, 0. and
Ionia, Mich. were not affected by the walkout.

hotors Walkout
In addition, 25,000 GM employes, affiliated with the United
Electrical Workers (CIO) were not involved in the strike though
they have separate wage demands pending before the company.
GM said these workers are employed at: Delco Products and
Delco Appliance Plants, Dayton, 0.; Delco-Remy at Yellow
Springs, 0.; Packard Electric at Warren, o and Frigidaire at
Dayton, 0.
There were no reports of violence in any of the walkouts,
involving workers in 20 states.
Strike Is Most Far Reaching Since 1937
The strike, bringing to grips the world's largest labor union
and one of the nation's largest corporations, was the most far-
reaching since the sit-down strikes of 1937 in which union recog-
nition was the issue.
There was a difference of opinion between management and
the union concerning the number of workers immediately affect-
ed by the walkouts. General Motors asserted it had 162,000 pro-
duction workers presently employed. Union spokesmen have
estimated more than 200,000 workers would be immediately af-
fected by the mass walkouts.

fected by the mass walkouts.

See Page 2

Li L











Oiur Last Chance
LIVING in-the United States, the oldest existing nation dedicated to the
principles of republican form of government and political democracy, we
have much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day.
We are thankful that we have maintained our basic right to live as
human beings through the supreme efforts of Americans demonstrated at
Corregidor, at Cassino, in the Ardennes, over Nagasaki and in offices and
factories at home.
We are thankful that our eyes remain free to see what we wish, that
freedom of speech, majority rule and minority rights are preserved us. We
are thankful that no booted gauleiter deprives us of the right to publicly
celebrate Thanksgiving Iay.
On Thanksgiving Day, 1945, we should be thankful that the opportunity
still exists-an opportunity that science now makes a matter of necessity-
to straighten the twisted minds of men everywhere. We have become
masters of the science of death, but in the science of living we are no more
enlightened than the wise and foolish men of antiquity.
Today we live in a world of complexities. This increasingly complicated
physical, economic, political and social structure has produced its multitude
of problems. We have not yet learned to solve these problems. We prolong
them as long as possible and then resort to what is probably society's only
universal rule-solve the problem to the satisfaction of one group, eliminate
the other.
We can be thankful that today we can never again turn to such a
solution. We must find amicable solutions or we shall perish.
' The destiny of the human race 1s like the sand in the hour glass. Today'
it is running out. We can either let our period of history sift away into
nothingness, or reverse the glass and start humanity on a new, bold course
toward the fulfillment of all the good qualities in us. As tools we will need
a spirit of brotherly love and a deep desire to achieve the heights of human
destiny. On this day and in days to come we should be thankful that we
still have the opportunity. The Lord has given this last chance before putting
the quietus on His blundering and unappreciative children.
--Arthur J. Kraft,
Associate Editor.

U. S. Presents
Case Against
Nazi Crunminals
NUERNBERG, Nov. 21-(P)-Jus-
tice Robert H. Jackson asserted today
that the 20 top-flight Nazis on trial
before the International War Crimes
Tribunal would be convicted by their
own "Teutonic thoroughness" for re-
cording everything from plans in 1940
to attack America to the smallest
Jackson, presenting the United
States' case against the men he de-
scribed as "living symbols of racial
hatred, of terrorism and idolence, and
of arrogance and cruelty," spoke after
the defendants had entered pleas of
innoncence and their attorneys had
sought unsuccessfully to quash the
Except for the brief opening period,
when the fallen Nazis faced the mi-
crophone one by one to deny their
guilt and defense attorneys disputed
the court's right to try the defen-
dants, the entire second day of the
historic trial was devoted to the 20,-
000-word statement of the U. S.
Jackson cited Nazi records to show
that Hitler made plans as early as
October, 1940, for war against the
United States, that Germany was in-
stigating Japan to enter the war in
March, 1941, and that the Nazis had
knowledge the Japanese were plot-
ting the assassination of Stalin.
Counsel for the defense earlier had
declared that "the trial has no legal
basis of international law, but is pro-
cedure based on new penal law, penal
law which has been created only after
the act.
Robert Benchley
Dies From Stroke

Yoakum Paid
Last Respects
By Colleagues
The death of Dean Yoakum of the
Graduate School brought to a close a
fifteen year uninterrupted term of
service to the University. Below are
comments made by a few of the peo-
ple for whom his passing brought
deep sorrow. Alexander G. Ruthven,
president of the University:
"The University and higher educa-
tion have suffered a serious loss in
the passing of Dean Yoakum. His
extensive knowledge of educational
policies and practices was of great as-
sistance to his colleagues, and his
high ideals of research, instruction,
and the services to be expected of
teachers were ever a stimulus to
them. His contributions to the de-
velopment of the University during
two of the most difficult periods in its
history will be increasingly appreci-
ated with time."
Assistant Dean Peter Okkelberg of
the Graduate School:
"In the death of Dean Yoakum the
University has lost one of its most
faithful and devoted servants. As
vice-president in charge of Educa-
tional Investigations and Dean of the
Graduate School there have been few
problems during the past dozen or
more years in the solution of which
he was not involved. His wide train-
ing in administrative affairs, his
Navy Lowers
Point Scores
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21-( P)-The
Navy announced today the point
score discharge of most enlisted men
will be reduced from 41 to 38 on Dec.

Two Additional
TO Be Selected
Deadline For Election
Petitions Is Saturday
Two additional vice-presidents of
the Union to represent the Medical
School and the Law School, are to be
selected in the all-campus election
reported the Men's Judiciary Council.
Altogether four vice-presidents will
be selected, the other two represent-
ing the literary college and the fol-
lowing combined schools: the phar-
macology school, the music school,
the architecture college, the forestry
school, the public health school and
the business administration school.
Petitions Due Saturday
Petitions for the vice-president
posts must be filed with the Men's
Judiciary Council by Saturday.Peti-
tion forms can be obtained in the
Student Offices of the Union. Peti-
tions must be signed by 25 other
students and should state the candi-
dates' qualifications, aims and views.
Other officers to be chosen in the
election are two student members of
the Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, senior officers of the engi-
neering college and the literary col-
lege and ten members of the J-Hop
Dance committee.
Petitions for these poss must also
be filed by Saturday.
Last J-Hop Was 1942
The last campus J-Hop was held
Feb. 6 and 7, 1942.The dance was of
two day duration, and during that
time there were three separate
dances: two formal, one informal.
Playing at the 1942 J-Hop were the
bands of Jimmie Lunceford, Les
Brown and Orrin Tucker. During the
war the J-Hop was replaced by the
Victory Ball.
Student members of the committee
make complete arrangements for the
dance, selecting the date, signing the
orchestras and securing the physical
Only Juniors Eligible
Only juniors are eligible to petition
for the committee, but all classes may
vote for the representative. Three
members are selected by the engineer-
ing college, five by the literary college
and two by the combined schools.
The chairman of the dance will be
from the engineering college and will
be selected by the Men's Judiciary
Defense Tactics
Practiced for
Saturday Game
Wolverines Prepare
For Ohio State's "T"
Daily Sports Editor -
Thanksgiving Day will be just an-
other day for the Michigan football
Coach Fritz Crisler has scheduled
regular drills for the holiday as part
of a stepped-up program of prepara-
tions for Saturday's Homecoming
Day game with Ohio State.
Indications that Crisler is calling
upon his charges for an all-out effort
before the expected capacity crowd of
more than 85,000 were also strength-
ened by other developments in Wed-


* * *


shop quartet, will be
tainment acts at the

champion Michigan 'barber-
one of the featured enter-
Varsity Night presentation

SRA Director Disputes Statement
On Martin Nieinoeller's Status

Rev. Martin Niemoeller, German
Lutheran leader whose status as a
martyr has been questioned, was de-
fended yesterday by Franklin H.
Littell, director of the Student Reli-
gious Association.
Littell disputed statements in yes-
terday's Daily by Stan Swinton, '40,
former Daily city editor, who inter-

viewed Niemoeller as Mediterranean
correspondent for Stars and Stripes.
Cites Army Chaplain
Littell described as "neither in-
formed nor accurate" the statement
by Swinton that Niemoeller "had
never been opposed to the persecu-
tion of the Catholic Church and the
Jews." He cited a report by U. S.
Army Chaplain Ben L. Rose, who in-
terviewed Niemoeller as follows:
Q. "On exactly what points did you
openly oppose the Nazis?"
A. "I spoke of the forgeries in the
church elections,. of the lies of the
French Cabinet
Crisis Relieved
Coalition Government
Formed By De Gaulle
PARIS, Nov. 21-01)-President De
Gaulle, ending a nine-day cabinet
crisis, today announced formation of
a coalition government in which all
France's armed forces are unified
under his single command.
De Gaulle created a new cabinet
nnt for Comimm ists_-the Mini<trv

Goebbels propaganda, of the plans
for the destruction of the churches
and of the Christian way of life, of
the persecution of the Jews, of the
education of party members and lead-
ers to enmity against the Bible and
the Christian faith, and I showed
by my sermons how these things
must lead to the ruin of our whole
nation and people."
Niemoeller's Philosophy
Also attacked was Swinton's state-
ment that in Niemoeller's philosophy
"the body belongs to the state but the
mind belongs to God." Littell said
that it was "true that the traditional
Vets Request
Extended Time
For Christmas
At a meeting in the Union last
night, the Veterans' Organization
passed a motion unanimously that a
letter should be presented to the
University asking that the Christmas
Vacation extend from December 21
to January 2, 1946.
An open discussion was held on
this issue and among the statements
made was-'the University should
realize that the war is now over and
the discharged G. L would like very
much to change back to his old peace-
ful way of living-.'
Bill Akers stated, "The majority of
the veterans on campus have not
been home for Christmas Holidays
for over three years; this year to them
is Christmas Homecoming with all'
its green holly and mistletoe."
The Veterans' Organization pro-
ceeded toelect their new officers. Bill
Akers by unanimity was elected presi-
dent; Ken Fliechauer, vice presi-
dent; Warren Wayne, recording sec-
retary; Sam Bass, executive secretary;
Sam Burgde, treasurer, and Stan
Plagenoef, sergeant at arms.
A housing committee and a coop-
erating eating committee were ap-
pointed to study the causes of the
high cost of rents and foods in Ann
Battle for Port
tionalist army, striking 60 miles into
Manchuria without a fight, threat-
ened today to overrun the Commun-
iaf-Tn~ rtn- . of aS . ln-^ n 14 oion

Your Varsity Night
Program Line-up
Here's your line-up for Varsity
Night at 8:15 p. m. Friday in Hill
1. "A Step Ahead," symphonic
University Concert Band
2. Cheers led by the University
3. Joe Gentile and Ralph Binge
Introduced by Prof. William
D. Revelli.
4. "Four Trumpeteers"-
Margaret and Dorothy Bos-
cawen; Annetta Kelly, Mary.
5. "Swingin' the Ingots"
Whitey Benson on, drums
6. Gardenaires
Barbershop harmony.
7. Tom Lough
Boogie-woogie piano.
8. "I Love That Man"
"Embraceable You"
Molly Carney.
9. Jitterbug Number
Virginia Scott
Florence Zaratzian
10. Gentile and Binge
11. Selections from "Song of
University Concert Band
Prof. Hardin Van Deursen
Guy Baker
Rose Derderian
12. Harmon, Westfall, and New-
houser Interviews.
13. Cheers and "The Victors"
Cheerleaders, University
Jennie Tourel'
To Sing Tuesday
Made American Debut
With Arturo Toscanini
A star of the Opera Comique in
Paris before the outbreak of the war,
Jennie Tourel, mezzo-soprano with
the Metropolitan Opera Company,
will make her Ann Arbor debut in the
fourth Choral Union concert Tuesday
night in Hill auditorium.
Two days before the Nazi occupa-
tion Miss Tourel succeeded in leav-
ing Paris, and by way of Lisbon, came
to the United States. Her American
debut with Arturo Toscanini and the
New York Philharmonic Symphony in
October, 1942, at Carnegie Hall at-
tracted the attention of two of the
country's top conductors. Within a
short time the petite singer appeared
as ,soloist with Koussevitsky in Bos-
ton and with Leopold Stokowski.
OfRussian parentage, Jennie Tou-
rel was reared in France and Swit-
zerland. In addition to her famous
voice, Miss Tourel is an accomplished
pianist and flutist. She also sings in
seven languages, including Russian,
Spanish, Portugese and German. Her
first concert appearances in Rio de
Janeiro in August, 1944, delighted
Brazilian audiences, and it was the
famnu-, rmmnnem in_. vonsMin


Varsity Night Program To Be
First Presented Since 1942
'U' Band To Lead Torch-Light Parade
To Ferry Field for Pep Rally, Bonfire

Presenting. a program of unpar-
alleled campus and professional en-
tertainment, Varsity Night at 8:15
Friday in Hill Auditorium, will be the
second of the all campus events com-
prising the 1945 Homecoming Week-
Preceding Varsity Night, a huge
torch lit parade will form at 7 p. m.
at the Union Steps. The University
Marching Band, with drum majors
John Packer and Doug Clark twirl-
ing the batons, will lead the crowd
to the giant Pep Rally and bonfire at
Ferry Field.
Effigy To Be Burned
Members of the "M" Club and the
four men's honor societies, Sphinx,
Druids, Triangles, and Vulcans, plan
to march behind the band to Ferry
Field. Bill' McGowan, head cheer-
leader, will lead the student yells, and
the Ohio State team is to be burned
in effigy.
Following the rally, the band will
head the parade to Hill Auditorium
for the first Varsity Night program
since 1942. This year's Varsity Night
is the sixth such event to be spon-
sored by the University Bands to ob-
tain funds to send band members to
one away game annually.
Parade of Special Arts
A parade of special acts including
Joe Gentile and Ralph Binge, the
Gardenaires Quartet, grid stars Tom
Harmon and Bob Westfall, Hal New-
See VARSITY, Page 2
House Displays
To Be Judged
Before Game
Four trophies will be awarded in
the Homecoming Display Contest, to
be judged between 10 a.m. and noon
Saturday, and winning houses will be
announced during halftime at the
one winning independent women's
residence, sorority, independent
men's residence, and fraternity dis-
plays will receive the trophies. Two
of the awards have been donated by
the Union, and the Burr-Patterson
Trophies will be given again this year.
All organized residences are eligible
All residences planning to enter
the Homecoming Display Contest
should call the Union Student
Offices (2-4431) before 9:30 a.m.
Saturday. The name, address, and
whether it is a men's or women's
house, are necessary if the decora-
tion is to be judged. If unable to
reach the Union, houses should
contact Paul John at 2-3189.
to participate in the contest. The
competition has been divided into two
classes, with men's and womens
residences judged separately. A limit
of ten dollars has been placed on ex-
penditures for the house displays.
l Miss Ethel A. McCormick, social
director of the League, a faculty
member of the School of Architecture
and Design, a representative of the
Deans' Offices, Nora McLaughlin,
president of the League Council, and
Sanford Perlis, president of the Union
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