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November 21, 1945 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-21

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Atomic Power To Affect Daily Life

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It is not only the hope of the pres-
ent generation to live to see the day
when atomic energy will revolution-
ize our way of living, but that this
day may take place within the next
year or two is the opinion of Prof.
W. Carl Rufus, acting chairman of
department of astronomy.
"As far as I can see, there is no
reason to think it will be delayed any
longer than one year or so," he con-
Prof. Rufus believes that it is
not only practicable but also desir-
able to use atomic energy to heat
our homes, rune our machines, and
in other respects supply us with
an entirely untapped and unlimited
source of energy.
"Atomic energy," Dr. Rufus ex-
plained, supplies the sun, stars, and
other celestial bodies with radia-
tion. The existence of this energy is
not new bly any means, for it has
been known to astronomers for
several decades.
"Back in 1909, Einstein first gave
us the quantitative relationship exist-
ing between mass and energy. This
forecast the belief that one could be
changed into the other, and our re-
cent experiences with. the atomic
bomb have shown that to be the
Prof. Rufus believes that there is
hardly any secret about atomic energy
or the atomic bomb. He contends that
enough was known before the war put
an increased emphasis on its devel-
opment, and that sufficient data con-
cerning experiments up to 1939, when
censuring on this subject came into
effect, had spread so as to enable any
scientist of merit who had the addi-
tional information disclosed by the
Photo Contest
Is Announced
Theme of Picture Is
War Bond Activities
Photographs of campus bond-sell-
ing activities which are suitable for
Victory Loan publicity may be en-
tered in a contest for the Streichen
Photography Award, sponsored by the
War Finance Division of the Treas-
ury Department, it was learned yes-
All pictures must contain date and
name of the college, and should be
mailed to the state War Finance
Committee, marked "Photo Contest,
Do Not Bend." All entries will be
forwarded to the Education Section,
War Finance Division, in Washing-
ton, and may be used in Victory Loan
Student Poety
T7o Be Printed
Poetry written by two University
students, John A. Merewether and
Marty Dieffenbacher, has been ac-
cepted for - publciation in the An-
nual Anthology of College Poetry,
it was announced yesterday.
Former columnist on the Daily,
Merewether's poetry is entitled
"Love's Climate." Miss Dieffenbach-
er, a member of The Daily editorial
staff, submitted "Autumn Leaves on
Water Street."
The Anthology is a collection of
the finest poetry written by college
students throughout the nation. Se-
lections were made from thousands
of poems submitted.
Controls Lifted,
Fruit Prices
Soar in Detroit
DETROIT, Nov. 20-()-House-

wives paid as high as $1 a dozen for
oranges in Detroit today after the
removal of government controls sent
citrus fruit prices zooming.
Price controls on citrus fruits have
been removed from Nov. 19 to Jan.
California oranges jumped. from
their ceiling price of $5.65 per case
up to $8.50, and Florida oranges were
about 75 cents a case higher.
Lemons were exceedingly scarce
with those available bringing about $3
a case above the former price. Grape-
fruit rose from $4.28 to as high as
$6.30 a case.
George E. Thierwechter, manager
of the Detroit Union Produce Termi-
nal, said the price rise was confined to
higher grades of fruit, and predicted
that average or poorer grades will
remain at the old level or decline
slightly. He pointed out that the
peak supply or citrus fruits is still
some weeks off.
City Council Investigates
Need for More Taxicabs
Ann Arbor may soon have a new
taxi cab company if the investiga-
tion now being carried on by the City
Council finds a need for more cabs.
A group of ex-servicemen, taxi

Army in its Smythe report of last
August, to almost completely under-
stand all phases of this new field.
"Uranium 235 and Plutonium,
which are the masses used in the
atomic bomb, make this change
over too rapidly once their chain
or cycle has been set off to be of
constructive use. On the other
hand, radium gives off energy too
slowly to be of any practical use."
Prof. Rufus believes that when
some material can be determined
which will lie between these two
extremes, and which can be con-
trolled, then atomic energy will be-
come a commonplace reality in-
stead of a visionary idea it isto
many now. That discovery is not
too far afield even now.
"We can rightfully expect this new
source of energy to do all the jobs
our normal fuels do, but with much
more efficiency, he prophesied.
"There is no limit to the general ap-
plications to which it may be put
to work."
Prof. Rufus not only favors the
creation of a commission to watch
the development of atomic energy to
prevent its mis-use, but that also
sources of Uranium, beginning point
for the production of the mass used
in atomic work, U-235, be admini-
stered by this same commission. The
purpose of this being to automatically
eliminate a cause for a possible third
World War.
"The landing in our laps of the
initiative and leadership in this
newly opened field," he continued,
"brings to us also several problems
which are not at all of a scientific
"Now that we find ourselves one
of the most powerful nations in
the world today, we are confronted
with the questions of 'power poli-
tics' and 'power ethics. The inter-
relationship of these matters should
be clearly recognized, and our na-
tion's policy formed accordingly."
Prof. Rufus points out that just as
the most powerful weapon known 25
years ago was the newly discovered
Move Asked TO
Expidite Vet's
Aid Services
LANSING, Nov. 20 -(P)- Col.
Philip C. Pack, director of the state
office of Veterans affairs, today
urged the Federal Veterans Admini-
stration to establish a disbursement
office in Michigan to expidite pay-
ments to veterans under the G. I.
Bill of Rights.
In a telegram to Gen. Omar
Bradley, Veterans Administration
Director, Pack declared that Michi-
gan virtually was "subsidizing" vet-
erans attending Michigan colleges
because their payments under the
G. I. Bill were so delayed.{
He said that payments were held
up 60 to 90 days but could be han-
dled in 30 days if Michigan had an
office within the state. At present
the applications must be approved
in Dearborn and then passed on in
Cleveland before being paid.
Declaring that Michigan's 600,000
veterans are entitled to some ser-
vice, he asserted that the federal
government "promised these men a
program and is not making good
on it." He said the delay was hit-
ting all veterans but was most acute
among those going back to school.

T.N.T., so today it is atomic energy.
T.N.T. has not destroyed the world,
and so, similarly, if man treats this
new force with the proper regard,
there is little more reason to think
that it will some day destroy our
Prof. W. Carl Rufus is at present
associated with the University in the
capacity of director of Barbour schol-
arships. He has been connected di-
rectly with the fields of astronomy
and physics for the last 30 years.
Factories Are
Still Producing
Atomic Bombs
May Be Scrapped
Later Truman Says
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 - (/P) -
President Truman disclosed today
that America's great atomic factories
are still producing history's most de-
structive bombs, but he held out to
the world the possibility that later
these bombs might be scrapped and
their explosives devoted to peacetime
The time when this can be done,
the president made clear at a news
conference, will depend on reaching
a state of international security which
he expressed confidence will be reach-
ed some time in the future.
Mr. Truman told newsmen he is not
at all pessimistic on the final outcome
of efforts to bring war under control
and that he is certain we will have
permanent peace in the world.
We are on the threshold of a great
stage in the history of mankind, he
said, and we must grasp the opportu-
nities which it opens up; the only
alternative road leads to complete
destruction. The president's com-
ments on peace and atomic bombs
came after a newsman had pointed
out that the papers today were full
of evidences that the world was not
actually enjoying peace.
The president said his conference
last week with Prime Ministers Att
lee and Mackenzie King was, in his
opinion, the first step in implement-
ing the United Nations which will be
the organization through which the
world can have peace.
Job Proposal
Is Agreed On
House Committee
Offers Compromise
House expenditures sub-committee
agreed late today on a substitute ver-
sion of the administration's so-called
"full employment" bill.
Chairman Manasco (Dem.-La.) de-
scribed the new measure as "A com-
promise of comprises." He and other
subcommittee members available de-
clined, however, to disclose its pro-
They said they did not want to do
so until after the full expenditures
committee has acted on the proposal.
It will be referred to that group next
. Today's action broke a long stale-
mate on the legislation. The Senate
passed a version early in October, but
it has been stalled with the House
group ever since.

S T Y L S H - Betty Cornell,
18, (above) of Teaneck, N. J.,
a model, was chosen as one of
the six best-dressed 'teen-agers
by a group of New York sty-

WILL R O G E R S S H.R I N E-on a visit to the Will
Rogers Shrine on Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs, Helen
Jepson, Metrovolitan soprano: stands beside bust by 4o Davidson.'

B L O N D E - Vivian Blaine;
the movies' "cherry blonde" of
Newark, N. J., strikes an attrac-
tive pose for a pin-up picture)

A N N I V E R S A R Y-Father
Mark Moeslein (above), cele-
brates his 75th year as a Pas-
sionist this month. At the age of
16 he entered the order in the
Passionist monastery Chapel of
St. Paul in Pittsburgh, Pa. Fath-
er Mark is the oldest Passionist
in the world.

S P S F 0 R P E A C E T I M E-Work progresses on one of 11 12,800-ton C-3 type maritime
commission ships being built in the Federal shipyard at Kearny, N. J.

Porter Believes Veterans Will
Not Carry Tropical Diseases

"It is possible, but highly unlikely
that infected returning veterans from
the Pacific will cause any epidemics
of tropical diseases in Michigan," Dr.
Richard Porter of the School of Pub-
lic Health stated yesterday.
The malaria rate has been kept ex-
tremely low due to controls around
hospitals, army camps, and war pro-
duction centers where the disease
might spread, Dr. Porter continued.
Pointing out that there are usually
a few cases of malaria in Southern
Michigan every year, Dr. Porter stat-
ed that there is no need to fear an
epidemic. The decline in the disease
has been brought about by careful
controls, drainage of mosquito breed-
ing swamps, and better screening.
Servicemen who have contracted
malaria may suffer recurrent attacks
for a year or two but these die out
in an individual within three or
four years, Dr. Porter claimed. Only
one person in a thousand will have
an occasional relapse after ten years.
These people who claim they experi-
ence renewed attacks every spring are
probably suffering from hay fever
or a similar disease, he said.
The University is working on a
federal project to discover a new
drug to cure malaria. So far atabrine
has proved the most effective drug
to control malaria.
Some of the troops on Samoa have
been infected with filariasis, a worm
Arl c a rhrfl, i. 4c~nncPti. nnn P f -ba

and scattered Pacific islands, Dr.
Porter stated. The major difficulty
in controlling this disease is to pre-
vent our troops from drinking impure
water and from eating unsanitary
food purchased from village shops.
Possibly new diseases may be car-
ried from the Pacific by returning
troops, Dr. Porter said. "Snail fever,"
an infection of worms in the blood
stream, has affected over a thousand
men on Leyte. It is impossible to tell
if this disease will spread in the
United States. It can only be carried
by a snail and we do not know if
American snails can transmit the di-
There is slight danger of infected
mosquitoes or other insects being
brought into the country. A few years
ago a dangerous mosquito was intro-
duced into Brazil by airplane. Today
in addition to the careful controls
executed overseas, he concluded, all
airplanes and ships are sprayed with
DDT and other insecticides.
Hess Made Head of.
Munci pal League
John IH. Huss, resident of Ann Ar=
bor and graduate of the University,
was appointed acting director of the
Michigan Municipal League, an or-
ganization of cities and villages dedi-

HOLLYWOOD H U N T E R S-Clark Gable (left) and
Gary Cooper, screen stars, return from a pheasant hunt at Sun
Valley, Idaho, with proof of their skill. Sun Valley's facilities are
\still being used as a Navy rehabilitation center+.

SERGEANT'S B U R M A P E T-Sgt. Carl E. Mauldin,
USAAF, of Phoenix, Ariz., holds his pet monkey, Susie, 6 months
old, which he delivered by Caesarian operation after its mother
was wounded on a Burma tiger hunt.

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