THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1945 Fifty-Sixth Year .i ZLieter6 to the &Iito I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Unanimity of Allies Deteriorates .~1 _ f S -_;,,_"., ""may OY t. MAlfR Taw w+a. rawme Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . City Editor Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director Margaret Farmer. . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft. .........Associate Editor Bill Mullendore . . . . . . . . . . Sports' Editor Mary Lu Heath. .. . . . sAssociate Sports Editor Ann Schutz ..... ......Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes. . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4:50, by mail, $5.25. REPRESENTEO FOR NATIONAL ADV6RT0iNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. WEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTYANN LARSEN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Tribute THE UNIVERSITY community is filled with a deep sense of loss on the occasion of the death of one of its most distinguished leaders, Dean of the Graduate School, Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum. It would be impossible to chronicle completely Dean Yoakum's contributions to the University and the educational world, but it is appropriate to mention here some of his work. Always alert to the needs of the student, as a member of the University War Board, serving as chairman of the Co-ordinating Committee for Veteran's Service, he was in- strumental in establishing the present Veter- an's Service Bureau. Earlier he planned the Institute of Human Adjustment, which pro- vides vocational counselling and psychologi- cal diagnosis as well as speech correction fa- cilities. As an educator, Dr. Yoakum believed that the best preparation for life lay in a broad liberal. education which included a thorough study of every area of human knowledge. Exemplifying his own philosophy, Dr. Yoakum is said to have read at least the abstract of nearly every doc- toral thesis submitted during his term as Dean of the Graduate School, analyzing with almost eqlual ease those concerned with psychology, his own field, and those related to the physical sci- ences. Convinced that it was the responsibility of the state and the state university to discover the most promising people and provide scholarships and fellowships for them, Dr. Yoakum acted for more than 10 years as director of the Alumni Undergraduate scholarships and was instrumen- tal in securing the Alumni Regents scholarships which make grants to more than 700 students per year. Dr. Yoakum has left his own monument-the lasting evidence of his understanding of the problems of the community and of his con- tributions to their solution. -Betty Roth War History VETERANS on campus! The Michigan His- torical Society wants your war story. The So- ciety is collecting first hand accounts, Imanu- scripts, diiaries, and letters of all phases of this war in order to keep an accurate record of World War II. These accounts are not to be published, they will be kept on file as sources of informa- tion. During the last war no attempt was made to keep such information and as a result many valuable accounts were lost. Even today people come across old diaries and letters that date back to the Ciivil War, but these cases are rare and too late. The Society is making every attempt to get these stories on paper be- fore they lose their accuracy. The Society has already received many valu- able accounts of this war. .. a diary of a Marine on Guadalcanal, a diary of a B-24 Gunner in Support for Chungking To the Editor: RE: U. S. Makes Attack Possible, editorial by S. D. Mehta, The Daily, Nov. 20, 1945. There's been quite a drive for support of the Chinese Reds lately, and while it is not my in- tention to argue the causes of the Chinese civil war, I would like to call attention to a number of things Mr. Mehta says. He says that Chiang Kai-Shek planned the attack, but his quotations from orders do not necessarily substantiate his thesis. He notes the permission granting Jap troops the right to retain their arms and says it proves Chiang has faith in his enemies. It also proves that General MacArthur had faith in Jap Soldiers for he too used them for awhile. That fact that Chiang once remarked that he wanted to "exterminate the bandits" does not prove the motive for attack particuarly when he has the support not only of the U. S. but also of Russia. Finally, Mr. Mehta points out these arguments to show that the supply of military equipment to the central government is inconsistent with our foreign policy, but I suspect that he is not so in- terested in our foreign policy as he is in con- vincing us that the civil war was deliberately started by the northern Chinese people (there- fore, says he, we are not permitting them to choose their own form of government). Since Mr. Mehta is writing a series of "articles" might we have a little more information about him? What has been his bias in Bombay? In what publications did he write? How do the In- dians rate him? People are very apt to be un- critical of articles written by men from foreign lands with foreign prestige. -Dustin P. Ordway EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Mehta has written for Janmabhoomi (Vernacular Daily), Gujarati (Vernacular Weekly), and Harifai (Vernacu- lar Monthly) in Bombay under the pen name 'Sudama.' Mr. Meita's bias is that of most progressive Indians. He is interested in pro- moting a democratic Far East. Press Befuddled To the Editor: S TUDENTS were asked, in a recent Daily edi- torial, to withdraw support from the Chung- king Nationalist Government, and to write Pres. Truman to that effect. Before a stand is taken, it would be wise to examine a few facts that are missed by the press at large in their befuddle- ment of the issue. To be absolutely realistic, we should grant that American foreign policy should support gov- ernments that are closest to our own definition of "democracy." These are two definitions of "democracy" today-the Russian and the Anglo- American, with the Russian exemplified by the one party governments in, Bulgaria and other Eastern European countries, and in Tanu Tuva and the Mongolian People's Republic. The An- glo-American definition recognizes the rights and obligations of the "Opposition" as well as of the "Government." In China, while the Chungking Government is not at present a counterpart of Anglo-Ameri- can democracy, its aim is to become our type of democracy. Conversely, the Communist gov- ernment is a "Russian type democracy." Let us be honest with ourselves-if we support Yenan let us say outright "we prefer Com- munist Russian democracy to American democ- racy." Our memories are short. I will wager that at the time of the Nanking Massacre of 1926 the Daily screamed against the "anti-foreign" Chi- nese. The leaders of this anti-American move- ment in 1926 are the leaders of the 1945 "Com- munist" group! This fact is never brought out by newspapers today. Why? American and English trained men are all on the Chungking side. Our concepts of democracy are not lost to foreign students trained here; so that if we support ourselves and what we teach, we support Chungking over Yenan. We have trained the leaders of the Chungking Govern- ment and of its real democratic opposition, the Democratic League. Who can name one United States trained Chinese with the Communists? The Chungking government in China is the de jure government of China under interna- tional law. It stands in the same relationship to law as the Union Government of the United 'States from 1861-1865 and the Loyalist or Madrid (anti-Franco) Government of Spain in 1936-37. To stop supporting Generallissimo Chiang Kai-Shek is to stand in that same precarious position of supporting a revolution- ist government that Great Britain stood in its original support of the Confederacy. And it is peculiar that those same people who said "Sup- port the de jure government in Spain" are now protesting support of the de jure government of China. Can we be internationalist and isolationist in the same breath? How can those who rant against isolationism now forbid help to Chung- king? "Withdraw from China" is a phrase neatly turned-it sounds strangely like a phrase from the American Firster. To conclude, I wish to quote from the October 1945 Chinese-American Bulletin: "We are pleased to quote from the Chicago Herald Ameri- can: 'After a night of bitter argument in a San Francisco Hotel room, Tung Pi-Wu, one of the 11 founders of the Communist movement in China and a delegate of the United Nations con- ference, served notice on American Chinese Com- munists today that he will return home to end the rebellion of the Yenan Red Government in the north. He will use all his political weight as a father of the Communist part of China to re- ncunce the influence of Russia because, he said, he has come to the realization that only the United States can and will help China as a free nation. Tung told his shocked hearers he was confident he could prevail on Secretary General Mao, of the Communist party headquarters at Yenan, to abandon the attempt at a separate state there, and that he likewise could prevail on Chiang Kai-shek to make the fewunimpor - tant concessions that would admit the Commun- ist to national affairs purely as a political party." This is the first time that one of the fathers of the Chinese Communist party has frankly informed the world that the Yenan Govern- ment is a 'rebellious' on and that the attempt of the Communists to maintain a 'separate state' must be abandoned. -Robert Klinger Chairman, University & Washtenaw Committees for United China Relief We Lik,,mlarnib y To the Editor: UHY does a pace-making Daily publish a comic-strip for second-grade morons? "We eatum turkey." Better you eatum crow. -Norman Anning Editors' Note: Better Mr. Anning join Barnaby, O'Mally, the Sigahstaw Indian and the staff when we eatum venison dinner come Thanksgiv- ing. INTERVENTION: Hurley's Work A FEW months ago Patrick J. Hurley sup- posedly single handed settled the Commun- ist-Nationalist strife in China. The oil man turned diplomat had succeeded where Stilwell, Gauss, Chinese leaders, and a host of others had failed. Hurley was almost a hero, It is painfully evident now that Hurley, like Chamberlain, pulled another Munich. There is about as much peace in China now as there was in Europe six months after Munich. It took less time in China. It would not be so bad if Hurley had failed and that was all. But, as Maxwell S. Stewart points out in the November 10 "Nation," Hurley not only failed to settle the problems between the Communists and Chiang Kai Shek's govern- ment, he also helped to set off the present civil war in China. When Stilwell was in command in China, he at length told Chiang to stop storing up Ameri- can arms for his own little war and to use them on the Japanese instead. Chiang de- manded Stilwell's recall. Hurley backed up Chiang. Stilwell was recalled, Ambassador Gauss resigned, and Hurley became ambassa- dor to China. And the trouble began. The American policy had been to distribute supplies where they could be used most effectively against the Japanese. But Hurley, on the weak grounds that Chung- king was the one "legal" government in China, announced that henceforth American supiport would be given exclusively to the Kuomintang. When the war ended, Hurley started playing a game with American troops that is reminis- cent of the actions of the British and Ameri- cans in Russia in 1918. Vitally interested in propping up Chiang Kai Shek, Hurley sent American Marines to aid American-convoyed Nationalist troops in occupying chief cities in North China before the Communist troops could get there. Now Hurley is keeping ships of the U. S. Navy from coming home by using them to transport Chiang's troops to Man- churia. Hurley has done more than foul up the chances for a peaceful internal settlement in China. He has incorporated America into the affair. And it is ever more apparent that only with the aid of American arms can Chungking's authority be maintained in the vast and remote sections of China. The Stilwell-Gauss policy was to encourage and aid all Chinese factions who are working for a democratic China. Hurley's policy, to strengthen Chiang with American might so China will be a buffer against Russia, means an American force fighting with a totalitarian faction in China. It is high time Patrick J. Hurley was out of a job. -Eunice Mintz By SAMUEL GRAFTON WE ARE huddling with Great Brit- ain; that is the net result of Mr. Truman's conversations with Mr. Attlee. Very little beyond the impres- sion of huddling has come out of the meeting.; certainly not much in the way of policy. It is as if we hoped that, by signing two names to a nega- tive, instead of one, we could make it look more like a positive. For on the Palestine issue, as on the atomic bomb, we have only combined our hesitations. We have entered into a solemn agreement with Great Britain not to increase Jewish immigration into Palestine in the near future, which is exactly the prospect that prevailed before the agreement. We have jointly decided not to make any immedi- ate try at world control of the atomic bomb, and, again, that is a case of a new decision which fails to alter a previous situation. In both cases we promise action at some later date, that is, we will try to increase the flow of refugees to Palestine, and we will try to pro- mote world overseership of the bomb; but, in both matters, the de- cisions to do it later is also a deci- sion not to do it now. Our two countries are drifting to- gether, but not for a common pur- pose; which is why it becomes pos- sible to suggest that we are huddling for lack of purpose, mingling our doubts. It is a union founded on anx- ic't~ and.based on the proposit ion that neither of us has too clear an idea of what to do next. We have found each other's hands in a cold world, so to speak, and are waiting now to see what happens. PERHAPS, then, there is going to be a firm and lasting Anglo-Ameri- can bloc in world affairs. There are those who have wanted it; and it came close to being formally set up n last week's announcements. And yet (this is so very strange!) suddenly, toward the end of last week, there broke ot a renewed rip- ple of protest, in Congress and out, against the granting of an American loan to our British buddy. One news- paper writer, who hasdbeen talking to Congressmen, reports that a well- prepared plan exists to fight any such loan on the floor of Congress. Statis- tics are being compiled to show that Britain has some investments left in this country which she could liq- uidate, etc.; one hears again that Britain is not to be trusted because she intends to nationalize her indus- tries, and the headlines sprout. What, so new a bloc, and already under at- tack? ~ ON SECOND: THOUGHT By 1Ray!,Dixon~ rOMORROW is Thanksgiving Day and it will be one of the most important Thanksgivings in the hi- story of our country. The first Thanksgiving after the conclusion of the most horrible war of all time should be of deep signifi- cance to all of the Nation's families. For many it will mark the first time in years that whole families have been together on this day. Here at the University, we cele- brate the traditional one day and let it go at that. Classes are held the days before and after Thanks- giving and triple cuts are given for not attending them. According to University officials, the one-day plan was adopted at the request of students who could travel to their distant homes for the holi- day, even if three or four days were allowed. This was a logical solution at that time (1908) and no one has complained much about it since. This year, however, the situation is different. Many of the 2,000 vet- erans on this campus have not been home for Thanksgiving in two or three years. Missing this holiday at home will be a real sacrifice for them and their families. The im- provement in transportation since 1908, when the one-day Thanksgiv- ing holiday was first adopted on this campus, makes it feasible for many of them to get home and back in two or three days. We feel strongly that the University admiristration and professors should be very lenient in allowing triple cuts to students in this situation for merely missing a Wednesday or Friday class. There are two alternatives fac- ing the average veteran. He may either miss classes or forego Thanksgiving at home. He should be allowed to make his own choice. FACULTY BRIEFS- Angell Follows Student Change Since Own Undergraduate Day THE DEVELOPMENT of the Uni- versity student (see Page 2) has been observed by Prof. Robert C. Angell, now chairman of the Depart- ment of Sociology, since 1924, when Prof. Angell, then an instructor, wrote his doctor's thesis, "The Student Mind." Prof. Angell has been close to the University student since his own undergraduate days on cam- pus here from 1917 until 1921, when he was a member of the Varsity 'tennis team, sports editor of the Daily, a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, as well as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. His contact with students continued as a faculty member when he joined the sociology staff in 1922. His aca- demic advancement culminated in 1935 with his appointment to full professorship. His interest in students was rec- ognized in 1924 by President Burton, who requested that he make a study of campus life and suggest methods of counteracting the intellectual in- difference of the student group. The result was the book, "Methods of Raising the Intellectual Level of Stu- dents at the University of Michigan." His campus career has been in- terrupted by trips through Europe during his sabbatical leaves, but his latest journey was sponsored by the United States government. On a leave of absence from 1942 to March, 1945, Prof. Angell advanced from the rank of captain to that of lieutenant colonel and was awarded the Bronze Star for his work as historian of the First Al- lied Airborne Army. His previous tours abroad included attendance of an international sociol- ogy conference at Brussels in 1935 and, in 1938-39, study at Heidelberg, Geneva, and Zurich. His family is "100 per cent Michi- gan." His wife in a Michigan gradu- ate, as is his son, James, who is now pursuing graduate work in meteorol- ogy at UCLA. His daughter, Sarah, is attending the University junior high school. His grandfather is James Burrill Angell, president of the Uni- versity from 1971 to 1909. His moth- er's father was Thomas H. Cooley, former Dean of the School of Law. The Cooleys lived on the site of the present Michigan Union. From 1930 to 1932, Prof. Angell served as national president of Alpha Kappa Delta, national sociology honorary fraternity. He also belongs to the American Sociology Society and the University of Michigan Re- search Club. Among books he has written are "The Family Encounters the De- pression" and "The Integration of American Society." -Patricia Cameron It seems to me that the thing makes a pattern. Is it far-fetched to suggest that enemies of world unity would cheerfully use an An- glo-American bloc to break our re- lation with Russia, and that, hav- ing succeeded, they would then turn happily against their own in- strument, breaking the bloc that broke the world! It seems to me that as surely as Britain and we have drifted together, we shall now drift apart, learning all over again that the inevitable alter- native to an organized world is not a stable bloc system, but bitter na- tionalism. Once the principle of unanimous world action is destroyed, the cementing force goes out of world affairs, values change, the ad- hesiveness vanishes, and the bloc becomes the victim of the forces which made it, and which it has set free. All this is prognosis; I do not suggest that we have yet reached precisely this critical phase of bloc-making and bloc-breaking; but unless we can halt our drift, and get back to the principle of unanimity, we are going to find ourselves alone. On a street that is dark enough all men are enemies, and every doorway a danger, and no hand reaches out for another. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell hal, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays).t WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1945a VOL. LVI, No. 18 N yotices Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 22, is a University holiday. Classes and other University activities will be suspended for that day only. The General Library and all of its branches will be closed on Thanksgiv- ing day, Thursday, Nov. 22. The University Automobile Regula- tion will be lifted for the Thanksgiv- ing holiday from 12:00 noon on Wed- nesday, Nov. 21 until 8:00 a. m. on Friday, Nov. 23. Attention Undergraduate Women: Closing Hours, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 12:30 a. m. Thursday, Nov. 22, 11:00 p. m. Requests for late permission on these nights cannot be granted un- less they are submitted to the Office of the Dean of Women before the offices close on Wednesday. World War II Veterans, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Veterans who need tutoring in the subjects listed below should report to the Office of the Academic Coun- selors (108 Mason Hall) for assign- ment to sections, not later than Wed- nesday noon, Nov. 21. Chemistry, Mathematics, French, Physics, German, Spanish. Friday is the last day for regis- tering with the Bureau of Appoint- ments without charge. After Friday a late registration fee of $1 is required. This applies to Feb., June, and Aug. graduates, also to graduate students or staff members who wish to register and who will be available for posi- tions within the next year. The Bu- reau has two placements divisions: Teacher Placement and General Placement. The General Division in- cludes service to people seeking posi- tions in business, industry and pro- fessions other than education. Lectures Madame Vijaya Lakshmi ,Pandit, torium box office Tuesday, Nov. 27 at 10 a. m. .Academnic Notices Biology Chemistry Seminar: Fri- day, Nov. 23, at 4 p. in., in Room 319 West Medical Building. "Creatine- Creatinine" will be discussed. All in- terested are invited. Persons intending to take the pre- liminary examinations for Ph.D. in English notify N. E. Nelson by No- vember 24. History : Make up examination will be given on Friday, Nov. 30 in Room C, Haven Hall, 4:00-6:00 p. m. All students wishing to take examinations must apply to their respective in- structors and receive written per- mission to present themselves for the examination. The Mathematics Concentration Examination for those whose sched- ules did not permit them to take the first, will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 28 at 3 p. m. in Room 3010 Angell Hall. Make-Up Examination : Political Science I and Political Science II: Wednesday, Nov. 21, 4-6 p. in., Room 2035 Angell Hall. Events Today Wesley Foundation Refresher today from 4 to 5:30 o'clock for all Metho- dist students and their friends. The Seminar on Expansion of Christianity will meet at 4:30 this afternoon. This is the second session of this timely seminar and will be led by Mr. F. Littell at Lane Hall. Varsity Glee Club: Important full rehearsal for Don Cossack reception. Final night for try-outs of new mem- bers. Tonight 7:30, third floor, Union. Research Club will meet tonight at, 8:00 p. m. Professor Lawrence Preuss will present a paper on "In- ternational Adjudication and the Place of Law in International Rela- tions," and Professor David M. Den- nison a paper on "The Radio Prox- imity Fuze." Deutsc her Verein : Former members and all who are interested are invited to the first meeting of the Verein to- nightat 8 p. m. in the Michigan League. Agenda : Election of officers, program discussion, folk songs, BARNABY By Crockett Johnson Barnaby!It's lucky I went down to that meat market! Slfl~d f rI f nf, tf c'rrfrn il, G.l. What carelessness! . . . However, I corrected the error. You'll get a nic eardla of venison from Er, the turkey?.. Well, there was yours. And a few others ;n the icebox. And our deer Oh, by the way-There's going to be quite an affair at the Elves, Leprechauns, Gnomes,