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November 20, 1945 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-20

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Hyma Advises Against U. S.
Intervention in Java Strife

"The only time the United States
should interfere in a regional prob-
lem such as the Dutch and British
face in the Javanese revolution would
be if the two countries involved
made an absolute mess of the matter
and refused to give their colonies the
independence that has been promised
them," Prof. Albert Hyma of the his-
tory department stated yesterday.
"Dr. Soekarno, the leader of the
revolt, and his associates represent
only five per cent of the country's
population," he explained, "there-
fore, they do not indicate the true
opinions of the people."
Music Grad
To Give First
NY Concert
Dorothy Ornest, '44SM, will give
her first New York performance
November 25 as a guest of the New
Friends of Music in Town Hall, ap-
pearing as the soprano in Brahms'
Liebeslieder Waltzes.
The other members of the ensemible
are Nancy Fishburn, contralto; Rich-
ard Manning, tenor; Hugh Thomp-
son, baritone and Erich Itor Kahn
and Konrad Wolf, pianists.
Miss Ornest, who received her
Bachelors degree in Voice and Piano
from the Eastman School of Music,
studied here -with Prof. Arthur Hack-
ett. She took her Masters degree in
Music here in June, 1944.
She appeared as the "mother" in
the Michigan Repertory Players' pro-
duction of "Hansel and Gretel" in
the summer of 1943 and was starred
in their production of "The Chocolate
Soldier" the following summer.
Miss Ornest, who is Mrs. Robert
Feldman in private life, is now study-
ing with Theresa Behr Schnabel, the
wife of the well-known pianist, Artur
Schnabel. She is a member of Mu
Phi Epsilon and Pi Kappa Lambda,
honorary musical societies, and Phi
Kappa Phi, national honorary scho-
lastic society.

There are 137 different races and
languages in the Dutch East Indies
and 70 million people, of which 45
million live in Java. Of these 282 are
native Mohammedan rulers who have
the rightful authority over the people,
he said. These Sultans and their sub-
jects were content with the Dutch
rule and have made no move to revolt.
Calls Rebels 'Extremists'
"The only reason that the extrem-
ist native elements have had this op-
portunity to rebel is that they have
arms and a radio voice to explain
themselves to the outside world,"
Prof. Hyma said. "The actual Javan-
ese authorities do not have weapons
because the Japanese, wishing to do
as much damage as possible to the
Dutch, turned their arms over to il-
legal factions in the country. In ad-
dition, the native Sultans have no
way in which they can make them-
selves heard since they have no in-
struments of propaganda."
Japanese Influence
"Dr. Soekarno is not a bad man
even though he was in Japan and
was subject to its influence, even to
the extent of worshipping at a Shinto
shrine. The Japanese had a school in
Tokyo to train the natives of Java
and foster feeling against the white
race, but no one has accused Soe-
karno of receiving training there,"
Prof. Hyma continued. "However, he
has been lying a great deal and try-
ing to appease both the Americans
and the Japs. I believe he really has
the best interests of his country at
Postwar Rebound
"Dr. Soekarno's revolution is noth-
ing more, actually, than the releasing
of post-war tension and no cabinet
or presidency can be legal without an
election: Therefore, since the Dutch
are morally obliged to establish the
independence of Java as they have
promised, we should leave matters
alone and allow them to work their
own solution. Independence should
be granted as quickly as possible, but
that, too, is the problem of Holland."
Prof. Hyma was knighted by Queen
Wilhelmina nine years ago for his re-
search work on the Netherlands. He
has written several books on Dutch

Madame Pandit
To Lecture on
India's Future
To Talk on Country's
Coming Democracy
Madame Vijaya Pandit, noted In-
dian Nationalist leader, will deliver
the second lecture in the Oratorical
Association series Wednesday, Nov-
ember 28, at Hill Auditorium, the date
originally scheduled for Owen Latti-
Well-qualified to discuss her sub-
ject, "The Coming Indian Democ-
racy," Madame Pandit has long been
an active exponent of Indian democ-
racy. Undaunted by government op-
position, she and her family have
spent almost as many years in jail as
out, and have seen the Nationalist
movement grow into an active and
powerful organization.
Holders of season tickets for the
lectures are asked to use the Owen
Lattimore ticket for admittance to
Madame Pandit's lecture. Lattimore
has recently been appointed to the
Japanese Reparations Committee and
will appear here February 5.
A Tim To Give
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Overstreet,
adult educators, who are at the pres-
ent time conducting a program of
four eight-week series of lectures and
discussions at the Rackham Educa-
tional Memorial in Detroit, said in a
recent interview that the real pur-
pose of their work is "to make true
democrats, to give individuals a
larger individuality and save them
from the littleness of self-concern."
Dr. and Mrs. Overstreets' courses
focus attention on. the individual,
the one on Personality Develop-
ment being especially well at-
tended. "During a war people feel
herded, pushed into artificial un-
ity," they explained. After a war
there is a natural reaction tending
to turn the interest toward the in-
dividual instead of "impersonal
social and political issues and in-
ternational affairs."
This attention to the individual
can be tragic, or it can be very hope-
ful, they feel. It will be hopeful if
the individual acquires "an enlarge-
ment of understanding so he can live
in an atomic age." Dr. Overstreet
said, "Today's world requires a new
kind of individual, one with the
power to see things from a world
point of view." It is this kind of in-
dividual the Overstreets are trying to
develop in their work.
Furthermore, Mrs. Overstreet
continuned, "we are trying to make
people invulnerable to the political
rabble-rousers like Hitler." The
people of Germany followed Hitler
like sheep, and the same thing
could happen here. Dr. Overstreet
feels that if a depression should
come after this past war, and a
convincing "man on horseback"
should arise, we could very easily
have a fascist movement in this
Dr. and Mrs. Overstreet conduct
their classes together in a manner
which they admit is quite unconven-
tional. One of the things they like
about their method is the fact that
if they get a new idea in the course
of a class, they are free to follow it
and consider it. They feel that bet-
ter thinking is possible under the
stimulus of a class than by "going
off in a corner to think."

Shute To Speak to
Electrical Engineers
G. M.. Shute, application engineer
with the General Electric Co. will ad-
dress the campus branch of the Amer-
ican Institute of Electrical Engineers
at its first meeting of the fall term
at 7:30 p. m. today in the Michigan
All electrical engineers on campus
are invited to attend.

JGP Opens
Groups Today
Thirteen Committees
To Offer Positions
Junior women may still sign for
work on Junior Girls Play committees
from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. today in the
League Lobby.
Positions open offer opportunities
to women who can write music, ly-
rics or have had experience in or-
chestrating. Production committees;
scenery, stage, and properties are
also open.
Other committees include costume,
makeup, tickets, publicity, programs
and ushering.
Eligibility cards and receipts for
the payment of junior class dues
should be presented at the time of
signing. Since much of the committee
work will be completed before the
play, Carolyn Daley, general chair-
man, urges junior women to sign for
committees even if they wish to try
out for parts in the play.
Tryouts for the singing and danc-
ing parts will be held this week.
Dramatic tryouts will be in approxi-
mately two weeks.
All Nations Club
To Hold Series
of Tea Dances
First of a series of weekly tea
dances will be held by the All Na-
tions Club from 4 to 6 p. m. Friday at
the International Center.
Also taking place at the Center
this week will be a meeting of Polo-
nia Society tonight at 7:30, a classi-
cal record concert at 8 p. m. Wed-
nesday, and a dancing class for for-
eign students from 6:30 to 9:30 p. m.
Angela Jurdak will speak on the
subject "Lebanon: The Youngest Na-
tion of the United Nations" at 7:30
p. m. Sunday at the Center. A com-
munity sing and refreshments will
follow the lecture.
Sororities To
Entertain at
Joint Musicale
Mu Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha
Iota, professional music sororities,
will present a joint tea and musicale
at 8:30 p. in. today in the Rackham
Building. All women in the School
of Music are invited.
Both sororities will be represented
in the musicale to follow the tea.
Margaret Wardle, harpist, and Jean
Morgan, violinist, accompanied by
Beverly Solorow will represent Mu
Phi Epsilon, and Rose Derderian, so-
prano and Virginia Lowry, pianist
will perform for Sigma Alpha Iota.
'Hurry Home'
To lie Given

Collection Drive
For Soph Dues
Will End Today
Class Fund Finances
Annual Soph Cabaret
Collection of class dues from all
sophomore women on campus is
scheduled to end today, ending the
week during which Soph Cabaret
finance committee members visited
all dorms, sororities, and league
Those who have not yet paid their
dues may do so between 1 p. m. and
5 p. m. this afternoon, when a booth
under the supervision of Jo Reuland,
assistant finance chairman, will be
open in the lobby of the League.
The dues of one dollar are collected
from sophomore women to finance
Soph Cabaret, which will take place
on Saturday, Dec. 8 in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre and the League.
The entertainment planned by the
central committee, headed by Jean
Gringle, includes, dancing, a movie,
a mixer, refreshments, and a floor
show written and produced by the
The eligibility committee of soph
cabaret will meet at 5 p.m. today in
the League. Members are asked to
bring lists, and those who cannot at-
tend must notify the chairman,
Sarah Simons, at 2-4471.
* * .'.
Tic tickets committee will meet
at 5 p. m. today in the League. Any
member not able to come should
notify Betty Eaton at 2-4514.
Finance committee members should
bring their lists and dues to the com-
mittee chairman from 3 p. m. until
4 p. m. today in the League.
better price paid for mers used
clothing. Sam's Store, 122 E.
Washington St.
WANTED: Sorority near campus de-
sires boys to wait tables in exchange
for meals. Call 7100.
WANTED: Length alterations. Skirts,
dresses, jackets, slacks, coats,
sleeves, linings. Hand work guaran-
teed. Apartment 8, 410 North State.
Second Floor. Ann Hagans.
PART TIME WORK for students who
have had experience pressing. Ex-
cellent pay. Apply in person. Gold-
man Bros. Cleaners. 214 So. State
nings 6 to 10 and weekends. Ex-
cellent pay. Apply only in person.
Witham Drug Company.
Masonic auditorium, Detroit. Sun-
day, Nov. 25. Call at League desk.
1-15 WATT AMPLIFIER. R. Moore,
441 Mich. House. W. Quad.
DIAMOND engagement ring in plati-
num setting, $400. Call 8996.
LOST: Eversharp pen between Na-
tural Science building and Maynard
Nov. 12.



S~topR 5tcce660 ie

-and you're ready for week-end
jaunts with your new overnigh
case frotn the MADEMOISELLE
SHOP. As smart as can be in rea
and simulated leather - with o
without cosmetics.
Yu just cant stback and mhs
out on those wonderful wool scarf
at WILD'S. They're the perfec
gift for Dad or Johnny, the perfec
solution for winter days on cam
but there's no hidden mystery
these snappy battle jackets. The
are bewitchingly all right, bi
you'll see their magic open to tI
public at MIMI'S.

A j

Look what we've struck on at the
CAMPUS SHOP. Wonderful silver
jewelry straight from Mexico.
Whether you want jingling bangles
or clever pins, we've got them in
Well, not exactly, but they'll be
toasty warm covered with ear-
muffs from the DILLON SHOP.
Cosy mittens in bright colors help
coeds fight old man Winter.

Malott Suggests Commission
To Study National Defense

Deane . Malott, Chancellor of
the University of Kansas, now writ-
ing as a private citizen, suggests that
the President appoint a small civilian
commission to study the broad prob-
lem of national defense. Such a com-
mission should be composed of dis-
tinguished scientists, civic leaders
and spokesmen for labor, industry
and agriculture.
Upon the proposal to establish unir
versal military training, the President
and the military leaders appear to
base their plans for our future secur-
Skilled Technicians Used
The present war was fought by
highly skilled technical men. Both
the army and navy specialists were
given programs of training varying
in length from a few weeks to several
years. Basic training, however, never
extended over more than a few weeks.
What then will be done in the pro-
posed twelve-months period? Chan-
cellor Malott points out that if to
this training there is added (as
seems likely) work in vocational edu-
cation, the taxpayer would be asked
to duplicate in part the already com-
plex public education system of this
It would seem wiser to utilize the
curricula of existing educational in-
stitutions and add to them any need-
ed work in military training, rather
than to superimpose on a purely mili-
tary program studies and techniques
which are commonly found in civilian
Important Points Cited
"The mobilization of industry and
material," Chancellor Malott writes,
"the dispersal of highly concentrated
and exposed industrial areas, the con-
tinuance of a broad program of scien-
tific research-these are equally as
important as amassing bodies of
troops." We need an integrated plan,
not alone an isolated man-power pro-
gram. We should not attempt to put
any part of a defense plan into opera-
tion until we have envisaged the
whole. The formation of a civilian
Hillel Continues
Annual Drive
Membership Campaign
To Close Tomorrow
The annual Hillel membership
drive which opened last Wednesday
will continue through tomorrow,
committee members of Hillel Foun-


commission such as Chancellor Ma-
lott suggests, would consider the im-
portant factors of production and re-
search as well as attempt to learn
the best methods of securing and
training a future fighting force. If
we pass national defense legislation
based upon a study made by such a
committee, America may realistically,
intelligently and confidently prepare
for the eventualities of an unknown
TU' Debaters
W ill Continue
War Program
The Michigan debate team will not
return to its pre-war Big Ten debat-
ing as other Big Ten schools are do-
ing, the speech department announc-
ed today.
The debate team will continue its
war program of inter-state debates
with other Michigan colleges, or with
any out of state colleges which will
meet us here. The expense involved
and the small audiences attending
does not justify the comparatively
few number of student that can be
sent. The experience of more stu-
dents debating to larger audiences
within the state is more important to
the practical debater, the department
Before the war, the debating team
consisted of a Men's Varsity Debate
and a separate squad for women.
While the men traveled to the other
Big Ten schools in tournament con-
tests the women were restricted to
practice Michigan debates.
Bhook Exchangre
Sets Deaditne 9'
Unsold Texts Must Be
Claimed by Tomorrow
Persons who have not received
their unsold texts from the Student
Book Exchange must do so today or
tomorrow if they want them back.
Books are being distributed from
3 to 5 p. m. at Lane Hall. After
Wednesdayaafternoon all accounts
will automatically be closed.
The executive board of the Ex-
change will distribute unreturned
books to various projects for which
they seem suitable.



Play By

To Broadcast
Paul Keenan

"Hurry Home," an original drama
by Paul Keenan, will be presented by
students of the broadcasting classes
at 3:15 p. m. today over WPAG.
Students participating in the
broadcast include Ethel Isenberg,
James Land, Lois McIntyre, Clark
Marlor, Emily Minthorn, Shirley
Murray, and Jim Stephenson. Prof.
David Owen will direct the produc-
Michigan Dames Bridge
Group To Hold Meeting
The -Michigan Dames Bridge group
will hold their meeting at 8 p.m. to-
day in the Michigan League.

MARTI WALKER'S beautifully
sequined velvet headbands priced
at 1.95 and 3.95. They also have a
gay collection of sequined ascots.

A, "Week-End at the Waldorf"


>out those stunning new snoods
t the HAT BOX. Straight from
Sew York, as smart and flattering
s can be. Keep your hair in place,
>ok sharp in a snood.
a wise old bird and well up in
he ways of love, so for her, on
hristmas Day, he suggests a
eautiful diamond from EIBLER's.

With Every Bond Sold
Continuous from 1 P.M.

in Any Ann Arbor Theatre


What? - why the Dunhill Zippo,
and Zephyr cigarette lighters that
are they good-looking in their
sterling silver cases!


11 va MESA&=


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