smx THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1945 SIX TIIUILSDAY, NQVEMDER 15, 1945 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I S Crowds Riot in Tel Aviv Set Fire To Buildings Strike Called Protesting British Proposals To Settle Palestine Probleni CHALLENGE OF THE NORTH: Alaska's Potentialities Offer Vets New Life v By The Associated Press JERUSALEM, Nov. 14 - Jewish crowds set fire to government build- ings and stoned police at Tel Aviv, and reports tonight indicated British troops had fired on the rioters. The reports of shootings could not be confirmed immediately. (Reuters said eight persons were wounded when the troops opened fire.) General Strike Called The street fighting at Tel Aviv broke out during a 12-hour general strike called in protest against new British proposals to settle the Pale- stine problem, and more than 30 persons were reported injured. Twelve were hurt when youths stoned buses' and taxis in Jerusalem. Awards.,. (Continued from Page 1) blanks, candidates should state age, academic qualifications and tentative field plans. The blanks must be re- turned by Feb. 1, 1946, and awards will be announced April 15. Post-Doctoral Training Post-Doctoral research training: Fellowships are open to citizens of the United States or Canada, not over 35 years of age, who hold the Ph.D. degree or its equivalent, or will re- ceive this degree before Feb. 15, 1946. Broadened research training and equipment of promising young social scientists is the primary purpose of the fellowships, not the completion of research projects undertaken for the doctorate. The awards are $1,800 for single Fellows and $2,500 for married Fel- lows. Usually granted for twelve months, they may cover any period up to two years. Age, academic qualifications, and proposed program of study should be indicated when requesting applica- tion blanks. Applications are due Feb. 1, and awards will be announced April 15. Research Grants-in-aid Grants-n-aid of research: Grants up to $1,000 are available to perma- nent residents - of the United States or Canada, not candidates for a de- gree, who have demonstrated their ability for productive research by published work. The awards are offered to assist staff members of institutions which cannot provide funds for social sci- ence research. When requesting application forms, which are due Jan. 15, candidates should state previous. research ex- perience, nature of the project, and amount of aid required. Grants will be announced April 1. Demobilization awards: Eligibility is limited to citizens of the United States or Canada who have either re- ceived- the doctoral degree or made, outstanding records as advanced graduate students. Persons over 36 years of age will receive awards only in exceptional cases. Need To Be Determining Factor Individual need will determine the amount of the stipend. Appoint- ments may run for continuous or in- termittent periods. Recommendations of promising in- dividuals will be welcomed. The Research Council offeredl awards for the first time in 1925. Its purpose, is to assist in the develop- ment of an adequate number of well- trained research workers in the so- cial sciences. For demobilization awards, appli- cations should be addressed to El- bridge Sibley, 726 Jackson Place, N.W., Wsahington 6, D.C.; for other fellowships, to Laura Barrett, 230 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y. We've Won the War-But the Cost Goes On-Buy Victory Bonds Reports from Tel Aviv said troops of the Sixth Airborne Division fired at the legs of demonstrators after giving orders to "disperse immediately or we open fire." Policemen Hurt A surging crowd of youths set fire to the British District Office, break- ing windows to hurl torches inside, the report said, and also attacked the income tax office. Two Jewish police officers were reported hurt by flying stones. The troops were said to have erect- ed huge posters, in the English, Ara- bic and Hebrew languages, ordering demonstrators to go home or be shot. Searchlights were directed on the posters, and the crowds dispersed by 10 p. m. Signs emblazoned "Down with At- tlee," "Down with Bevin," and "Down with the White Paper" were hoisted at a huge mass meeting in Tel Aviv. Press Protests The Jewish and Arab press alike protested strongly British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin's policy state- ment yesterday, in which he an- nounced a joint British-American Committee would make recommenda- tions concerning Jewish problems. Bevin's statement said that until the report of the joint British-Ameri- can Committee has been received and acted upon, Jewish immigration into Palestine would continue at its pres- ent figure of 1,500 per month. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) l at 8:00 sharp in the Hillel Lounge. Mr. Max Dresden will lead the dis- cussion on "British Imperial Policy in the Near East." Everyone welcome. Mortar Board will meet tonight at 7:15 in the Undergraduate Office of the League. La Sociedad Hispanica will present two movies at its meeting at 8 p. m. tonight in Room 316 of the Michigan Union. "Michigan on the March," a techni- color production with a Spanish com- mentary, and films of the Michigan- Minnesota game will be shown. All students are cardially invited. Anyone wishing to join the Club may do so at the meeting. Graduate Students will have agen- eral assembly tonight, at 8:00 in the Rackham Lecture Hall. President Ruthven and Assistant Dean Okkel- berg will speak. A social hour will be held after the speeches. All new and old graduate students are urged to -attend. Future graduate activities will be announced. Coming Events The Westminster Guild of the First Presbyterian Church will have a "Fall Fall-In" (Hard-time party), Saturday night, beginning at 7:30. Jane Dahl- berg and Lardener Moore are the Social Committee. Miss Frances Goodfellow will lead the Social Folk Dancing. Research Club will meet on Wed- nesday, Nov. 21, at 8:00 p. m. Pro- fessor Lawrence Preuss will present a paper on "International Adjudica- tion and the Place of Law in Inter- national Relations," and Professor David M. Dennison a paper on "The Radio Proximity Fuze." TYPEWRITERS Bought, Rented Repaired STUDENT and OFFICE SUPPLIES 0. D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 6615 CURBSTONE PATRIOT-George Sheldon, three- and-a-half-year -old son of a regular Army sergeant, edges forward between spectators' legs for a wistful, curb-edge view of World War I and II veterans marching in a Louisville, Ky., Armistice Day parade. Vladimir Kazakevich To Speak On Russia's Economy T d With something of the pioneer spirit, the serviceman contemplating a postwar job in Alaska will find am- ple opportunities, Prof. Dow V. Bax- ter of the School of Forestry and, Conservation stated in a Daily inter- view.- "The number of inquiries that come to my attention, together with letters from servicemen who have been in Alaska," Prof. Baxter said. "indicate that there is an increasing awareness of Alaska's potentialities, for living in the territory and for its recreational features for visitors. The outlook for profitable operation of re- sorts is good not only because of the superb mountains, glaciers, and streams but also because Alaska has become a crossroads for world trav- els." Recreation an Important Industry "Recreation," he continued, "is certain to be an important industry in Alaska, and the job of taking care of visitors a big one; however, it will be mostly seasonal and not a year- round affair. One of my friends, for example, operates a fishing lodge dur- ing the summer and teaches school during the winter. Combinations of many different sorts will be made by the most successful resort owners." Transportional and recreational facilities mustbesdeleloped wisely in order not to destroy the game, fish, and natural resources that are Alaska's main attraction, Prof. Bax- ter warned. It is all too easy, he said, to develop an area to such anhextent that its attractions are developed out of existence. Work for United States "The majority of my Alaskan friends earn their living by working for the United States government or by fishing, fish-canning or mining. Most Federal jobs of a permanent nature will be civil service. Although there is gold in Alaska, prospecting is a decided gamble," he pointed out, "and the main possibilities in this field lie in working for a good min- ing company." There is no doubt, he said, but that agriculture can furnish a means of Students Collect UnsoldBok Unsold books held by the Student Book Exchange will be distributed from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays until next Wednesday and from 10 a.m. to noon this Saturday at Lane Hall. Checks for the books sold at the Exchange sales room in the League have been mailed together with no- tices explaining the return of unsold books. Persons calling for their books are asked to bring their receiptsin order to prove their claims for texts. livelihood for a few settlers. There are many areas, such as the Mata- nuska Valley, where immense cab- bages, turnips, and other vegetables can be grown successfully. The mar- keting problem isapt to be a serious one however, at least after the size of the armed forces now stationed there is reduced. "I feel that one of the potentialities not yet developed," Prof. Baxter added, "is the paper industry. The U. S. Forest Service is anxious to de- velop such an activity, which will offer permanent work for so many." Optimistic about Future "I am optimistic about Alaska's future," Prof. Baxter concluded "but the veteran thinking of going there should understand that although wages are high, the cost of living is also high, and he should fully under- stand the situation he will face. Education Club To Plan Work A meeting to consider the future of the Undergraduate Education Club will be held at 4 p. m. today in the University High School Auditorium. The club was organized last year to meet the needs of the undergradu- ate education students. A primary aim of the organization is to be of service to the University and the community. Last year the club spon- sored a student newspaper, a choir, and worked with the children in the University Hospital. Similar projects are expected to continue this year. Other aims of the club are to ac- quaint students with mutual interests, and to develop a professional attitude. The Undergraduate Committee hopes there will be sufficient interest shown by education students to war- rant continuing the club. Alaska wants people who hope to be permanent settlers, and if the veteran goes there to live, he should go with the expectation of remaining." Prof. Baxter has made several ex- peditions in Alaska, the last one in 1941. In addition to several technical papers on Alaska such as "Forest and Fungus Succession in the Lower Yu- kon," he has written a number of ar- ticles including "Photographic For- ay," "Modern Frontier," and "I'll Take the Byway." Harfs-t Speaks On .Proposed Super-Highway "Great benefits for Ann Arbor can be expected from the proposed Chi- cago-Detroit express highway," said Richard Harfst, general manager of the Automobile Club of Michigan. Speaking to a Rotary Club audi- ence yesterday, Harfst claimed that football fans could leave Chicago as late as midmorning and still arrive in adequate time for a 2 p. m. kickoff. Addressing the same audience, Samuel C. Hadden, 'consulting engi- neer for the proposed highway, stated that the expressway was almost cer- tain to run within a mile or two of Ann Arbor in linking up with the Wil- low Run expressway. The highway has been given top priority by the government to receive federal aid under the Federal Aid Highway Act. Newcomb To Address Sociologist Convention Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the sociology department will address a convention of sociologists at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin tomorrow. "Russia's Economy and Postwar Reconstruction" will be discussed by; Vladipir D. Kazakevich, of the Na- tional Council of American-Soviet Friendship, at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Amphitheatre. A lecturer for the Council's Com- mittee on Education, he has taught economics and finance at Columbia University and in the American In- stitute of Banking. Born in St. Petersburg Kazakevich was born in St. Peters- burg. He was educated in a Russian school at Harbin, Manchuria, where his father worked as engineer and general manager of a railroad. After attending the University of California and Columbia University, he was employed by the New York Herald Tribune as a reviewer of eco- nomic books. He has also been em- ployed by the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Twentieth Openings Reported For Nursery School The Perry Nursery School located at 330 Packard St., has a few vacan- cies that may be filled by children of veterans, Mrs. Loomis of the school announced. The school, operated for children of nursery and kindergarten age, is open from 6:45 a.m. until 5:45 p.m. Children of working mothers and of veterans' families are enrolled. Formerly operating on federal funds, the nursery now must charge $25 a month for 5-day-a-week care. Any veteran interested in this nur- sery service should call 7282. Fund, the Metropolitan Life Insur- ance Company and the Guaranty Trust Company. Auth'o of New Book Kazakevich is the author of "The USSR in Reconstruction," to be pub- lished soon by the American Russian Institute. He has collaborated with H. 'P. Wil- lis and J. M. Chapman on two books, "The Banking Situation," and "The Economics' of Inflation," and has contributed to several symposium volumes, "Big Business-its Growth and Place," and "How Profitable Is Big Business." During the summers of 1943-44, Kazakevich lectured at Cornell Uni- versity on "Soviet Economy-Theory and Practice." Club Reports Big Enrollment New life has been given to the University Forestry Club by the en- rollment of 74 undergraduates and six graduate students tin the School of Forestry and Conservation. At the first meeting plans were made for the rebirth of the tradi- tional bonfire, one of the wartime casualties of the club. Michigan for- esters will revive the tradition begun in the fall of 1907 when they gather tomorrow for an evening of songs and food around a campfire in the heart of the Saginaw Forest. Trucks will leave the Natural Sci- ence Building at 5:30 p. m. Friday. The foresters are asked to wear warm clothing. I AN OPTICL SERVIC AN OPTICAL SERVICE FOR THE STUDENT... CONTACT LENSES the invisible eye glasses" Phone 6019 410 Wolverine Building MODERN GLASSES FOR MODERN EYES III! I ''I I __ Drop it, sit on it, bend it-the new RCA Victor 'Red Seal' De Luxe Record is non-breakable in any normal use. You'll hardly believe your ears when you hear its crystal-clear, concert-hall realism! And there's for less surface noise! These new records are now available in a magnificent edi- Lion of Richard Strauss' Till Eulenspiegel. It is played by the famed Boston Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Serge Koussevitzky. TASTING and C- COOLER SMOKING. The point is: Chesterfield's famous Right Combination .. 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