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November 15, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-15

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AMOW .0 t 6p up% I
(Pr 'Almiga'n val-ty

No Quotas at Roosevelt College

Science and ankind, Arnold's Report

Fifty-Sixth Year



CJ i

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Edited and-managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications.

Ray Dixon ..
Robert Goldman
Betty Roth . .
Margaret Farmer
Arthur J. Kraft
Bill Mullendore
Mary Lu Heath
Ann Schutz
Dona Guimaraes

Editorial Staff
. . . . . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
.. . Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . . . . Women's Editor
. . . . Associate Women's Editor

Business Stafff
Dorothy Flint. .........Business Manager
Joy Altman ... ... Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in ,this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.5

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Puihlers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
World University
ESTABLISHMENT of United Nations Univer-
sity to encourage scientific research and other
branches of learning has been proposed by a rep-
resentative at the International Educational
World peace can best be achieved not only
by controlling the means of war, but by in-
creasing understnding between different na-
tions. An International University would be
an excellent means of promoting intellectual
and cultural unity throughout the world.
-Shirley Frank
THE Truman-Attlee decision to allow only 4,-
500 homeless, starving European Jews into
Palestine during the next three months is cal-
lousness unbefitting human dignity. Those who
are in the know are unanimous in contending
that in three months the 100,000, now reduced
to 95,500, homeless Jews in Europe will be-dead.
To make the situation more concrete, visualize
the total populations of Ann Arbor and Lansing,
after years of bare subsistence, fenced within
barb-wire enclosures, exposed to blizzards and
otherwise hazardous winter weather, barely
clothed and virtually unfed, for eight months,
five of them already passed. The Jews in Eu-
rope are in a comparative situation. Only the
hope of finding eventual haven in Palestine has
kept alive as many as still exist. If they do not
go insane first, they will be dead in three months.
While seated in soft leather chairs, gently
puffing tobacco and probably sipping tea,
Truman and Attlee yesterday did not less than
sentence to death 75.5 per cent of Europe's
homeless and miserable. How two ostensibly
sane men ever came to such a decision is some-
thing for the specialists in abnormal psychol-
ogy to ponder.
How two men, leaders of great civilizednations,
could consider the selfishly motivated threats of
an infinitely less potent group of nomads of
greater consequence than the lives of 9,500 guilt-
less, dying men women and children, is a
crime that should spur to action all who abhor
mass murder. Truman compromised America in
agreeing to such a "solution." He also compro-
mised the morality of Judaism and Christianity.
Attlee is still here. We should all take a few
minutes today to protest their decision by
signing a petition to be mailed to our president
or by sending a wire, letter or postcard to the
White House.
--Arthur J. Kraft
Negroes and Press
THE little knbwn and seldom publicized rules
of the National Press Club barring Negro
newsmen from membership or the privileges of
the club as well as from press galleries in the
House and Senate, were brought to the atten-
tion of the public last week in a telegram written

WASHINGTON-Behind Mrs. Roosevelt's dedi-
cation of Roosevelt College in Chicago today
is a unique story. Formerly, Chicago's YMCA
College, a low-cost institution in the loop, was
supervised by leading banks. Suddenly they
awoke to the fact that 25 per cent of the stu-
dent body was Negro, asked President James
Sprawling to put a quota on further Negro stu-
dents. He refused, then handed in his resigna-
tion..... Simultaneously, 92 per cent of the fac-
ulty resigned plus 97 per cent of the students.
The bankers found themselves without a col-
Marshall Field, the Julius Rosenwald foun-
dation, plus Chicago citizens then raised half a
million to found a new low-cost college in the
loop. The old YMCA College is no more and
Roosevelt College begins today .... .It's the first
time that both students and faculty walked out
Pearl Harbor Facts
ThERE is one important tip-off showing the ad-
ministration knew war was coming in the Pa-
cific, but expected it in the Philippines... . Adm.
William Glassford, commanding U. S. gunboats
in the Yangtze patrol, carefully shepherded his
fleet out of Shanghai across tempestuous seas to
Manila. They were flat-bottomed boats, danger-
ous in.rough, deep-sea weather, but, knowing the
Japs were about to strike, he made the emergency
trip just before Pearl Harbor. . . At that time
everyone expected the Japs to strike the Philip-
pines, the Dutch East Indies, or Singapore. . . .
One thing Pearl Harbor congressmen don't
want to investigate is why, in view of these ex-
pectations, General MacArthur got caught
with all his planes on the ground, losing 300
fighters and all his flying fortresses.... If GOP
congressmen do investigate-which they prob-
ably won't-they'll find that the air force offi-
AN IMPORTANT part of a student's education
consists in learning to understand the prob-
lems and views of people in other walks of life.
It is especially important for the future well
being of our nation that we students, with our
middle and upper class backgrounds, try to un-
derstand the problems of the labor unions, and
of the individual union members. The strike
now going on at the Hoover Ball and Bearing
Plant gives us an excellent opportunity to take
a laboratory course in labor problems and rela-
A group of eleven U. of M. students, myself
included, went out to the plant last Friday
night to show our support to the strikers by
walking on the picket line with them. Some
of us were working our way through school.
Some were union members, both A. F. of L.
and C.I.O. All of us felt that the union was
right in their fight and deserved all the sup-
port we could give them.
What were they striking for? Why were these
men and women walking around in the cold,
picketing in three hour shifts, twenty-four hours
a day? And why did we students back them up?
What made us think they were right?
We knew the strikers were fighting for a
30% pay increase, to make up for the 20 to
30% cut in take-home pay most of them had
received when their work week was cut to
forty hours. We felt that these people's kids
shouldn't have to eat less just because men
had stopped killing each other for a while. But
an even more important reason for our back-
ing them was our knowledge that these people
and others like them provide the market for
the goods our plants produce.
We knew that if the working people didn't
have the buying power to buy what the plants
produced, our greatest market would be gone
and prosperity would be impossible. We remem-
bered articles in P.M. that told how Bethlehem
Steel, and other companies, had doubled and
tripled their profits during the war, and we felt
that most companies could grant a 30% wage in-
crease without raising the retail price of their
products. We supported the other, less impor-
tant demands of the strikers, because we felt

that these people had a right to more of the
good things of life, like vacations with pay, and
smoking privileges.
So that's why we were out there. We walked
the picket line for three hours and found that it
can get awfully cold on a November night in Ann
Arbor. We walked in a circle in front of the
plant gate, changing from a clockwise to a
counter-clockwise movement, every half hour.
We shouted, "About face" just before we turned
around. Those of us who had been around un-
ions a long time and knew the songs, sang,
"Union Maid;" and "The U.A.W. Song." and
"Solidarity Forever."
It was pretty cold, but the songs kept our
spirits up, and a woman in a big red hat
brought us hot coffee a couple of times during
our shift. When we were leaving, they thanked
us for coming down, and we wished them good
luck in their fight.
We felt good as we walked toward home that
night. We felt close to the people and their
struggles. We felt close to the heart of Ameri-
can life.
-Leonard Cohen

cr in conmand of those planes urged MacAr-
thur to let him take them off Clark Field-
where the Japs later smashed them.
John L. Leis Orates
BEETLE-BROWED John L. Lewis delivered a
speech in the secret session of the labor-man-
agement conference last week which has both
labor and industry delegates buzzing.
Though Lewis is the most feared and hated
of all labor leaders, his speech brought cheers
from industry members, frowns from certain
labor leaders.
"It's the best management speech of the
whole wage-price issue," applauded H. W.
Steinkraus of Bridgeport Brass, a management
What the mine union boss demanded at the
closed-door meeting was wage increases, but-
and it was a very big but-he also demanded
price increases for industry. This cuts right un-
derneath the whole position of President Truman
and many labor leaders, namely, that wage in-
creases plus price increases are meaningless,
would only mean that labor paid more for every-
President Truman and advisers have main-
tained that, while this might bring temporary
benefits for organized union labor, it would hurt
teachers, white-collar workers and, later, organ-
ized labor. Truman also maintains that industry
has made enough profits from the war to afford
wage increases and still make money, especially
with taxes greatly reduced.
The fact that John L. Lewis opposed this in-
dicated to insiders a three-way play: (1) He
wants to undercut CIO's Phil Murray, who
favors the government's position of wage in-
creases without price increases; (2) He is bid-
ding to take AFL leadership away from Bill
Green; (3) He isn't averse to wrecking the en-
tire labor-management conference.
John L. also has been handing out statements
needling the steel and auto workers, telling them
that they are asking for piddling wage increases.
The Lewis statements are calculated to stiffen
auto and steel workers' backs, make them dis-
satisfied with CIO leadership. Also, they are
likely to help precipitate a strike, and Lewis
knows from his own sad experience in the recent
coal strike that strikes right now can be most
unpopular with the public.
Naval War-Tgy
A TERRIFIC backstage battle is raging be-
tween the admirals over who will replace Ad-
miral King as Chief of Naval Operations. The
combat admirals want Adm. Chester Nimitz
They saw him operate in the Pacific. Admiral
King himself is pushing Adm. Raymond
Spruance, also an A-1 man. Secretary Forrestal
is supporting Adm. R.S. Edwards, now deputy
chief of naval operations and a leading promo-
ter of navy imperialism. . .. The first trial of the
Kansas kingfishes begins today when the head
of the "Kansas State Police faces a jury-if
Judge Helvering doesn't postpone it....-.
Last week Gen. Lucius Clay, No. 2 boss of
Germany, announced publicly that U. S. au-
thorities in Naziland have asked for an addi-
tional $30,000,000 worth of food for the Ger-
man people. Yet, on October 16, in a secret
meeting of American generals, General Clay
stated privately that the U. S. zone has a spe-
cial reserve of 300,000 tons of food which it did
not want to use until American public opinion
favored feeding the Germans....
Jesse Jones, the man whom Franklin Roose-
velt kicked out of the cabinet, is now the man
who really runs his old job of Federal loan ad-
ministrator-backstage. President Truman has
closed his eyes to it, but Jones's position in
Washington today is just about as powerful as
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
e/eteri to dI~eCltop
Music Room
To the Editor:
Yesterday afternoon between classes I wan-
dered up to the Recreation Room just off the
Women's Lounge in Rackham to obtain a few

minute's musical consolation. For the third or
fourth time this term I was thwarted simply be-
cause, leaving all the study facilities of Rackham
vacant, students had congregated in the Recrea-
tion Room where they pored over their books
and ignored the majestic piano. Restrained by
the courtesy my mother taught me, I did not dis-
turb them with melodic chords, but now I'm re-
gretting it.
In that hour two other people with musical
intentions were also turned away. They agreed
with me that nothing is more harmful to
the nervous system than the suppression of
the urge to pour out your heart on a piano.
There are barely enough practice rooms for
music majors: surely the few pianos which re-
main for amateurs should be kept as free as
possible. I am hoping that you will publish
this plea and that those responsible will be
kind enough to leave vacant the Recreation
Room (for recreation purposes only, as it says
on the door) unless they are using the piano
or throwing darts at the wall.

HYDROPONICS and Supersonics:
We owe a debt of gratitude to
General Henry H. Arnold, Command-
er in Chief of -the United States Army
Air Forces, for his brilliant and some-
how exquisite report on air power and
the future. One's first reaction is to
wonder whether this document will
not put Boris Karloff out of busi-
ness; for a generation raised on such
reading matter as this will go to see
horror films, if at all, only to con-
vince itself that there is still somej
sweetness and light left in the world,E
or to remember a primitive and naive
era in which mad scientists worked
for years contriving engines which
could at most kill one beautiful lady
at a time. The Arnold report makes
this kind of hand killing seem quaint,
like doing samplers.
Somehow the item which seems
most horrid in the Arnold report is
a set of relatively pastoral para-
graphs about gardening. The Air
Forces do not believe that even the
best of packaged rations provide a
complete diet; and so, in future
wars, our far-ranging troops will
carry scientific gardeners along
with them, who can grow vegetables
out of chemicals and water, without
soil. This science is called hydro-
ponics, and was tried on the Ascen-
sion Islands, and in several other
places in this war. Soilless gardens,


in other words, for men whose feet
have left the ground forever.
One sees them, growing tomatoes
in three weeks, on land resembling the
side of the moon, and overhead rocket
bombs whiz by at 3000 miles per hour;
while a dog whimpers somewhere, and
the atom splits.
AS FOR the supersonic missiles of
the future (the term applies to
weapons and vehicles which travel
faster than the speed of sound, as,
for instance, the cry of "Help!") Gen-
eral Arnold assures us that they will
not require very great "direct manual
skills in pilotage." Mechanical con-
trols will do most of the work, so that
even the kind of man who cannot tie
his own shoes successfully can hope
to wipe out a city. The last sporting
element I believe someone has said, is
being taken out of war; you can't
miss. This thought, too, somehow
constitutes a quiet horror, like the
soilless airborne garden.
General Arnold gives us three pos-
sible ways of meeting the threat of
atomic bombing. Read them, and fall
on your face: For one, we can patrol
the world incessantly, keeping a check
on every plant in which atom bombs
are being made. {But an ingenious
reader writes to me to suggest that it
would be safer if no nation knew
where any other nation's bombs were
stored; if we knew, the temptation to
bomb the other nation's facilities


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the Presient,
1021 Angel hall, by 3:30 p. in. of the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat--
11 VOL. LVI, No. 13
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance report
cards are being distributed through
the departmental offices. Instruct-
ors are requested to use green cards
for reporting freshmen and sopho-
mores, and buff cards for reporting
juniors and seniors. Reports of fresh-
men and sophomores should be sent
to the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall; those of jun-
iors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absences.
and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules . relating to ab-
sences are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
Page 46 of the 1945-46 Fall Term
Announcement of our College.
E. A. Walter
To the Faculty and Students of the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: Beginning Monday, Nov.
12, the Office of Admissions with Ad-
vanced Standing will be open only
during the following hours: Monday-
Friday, 11-12 and 2-4; Saturday 9-12.
To the Members of the University
Council: The first regular meeting
of the University Council will be held
in the Rackham Amphitheatre Mon-
day, Nov. 19, at 4:10 p. m. Agenda:
Reports of Committees on Student
Affairs, Student Conduct, Honors
Convocation, Foreign Students, En-
rollment, Housing, and Official Publi-
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students who
fail to file their election blanks by
the close of the third week of the
Fall Term (Nov. 21), even though
they have registered, and have at-
tended classes unofficially, will for-
feit their privilege of continuing in
the College.
E. A. Walter
School of Business Administration
Convocation for students and faculty
will be held today at 11:00 a. m., in
West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Job Registration will be held in
Room 205 Mason Hall on Thursday,
Nov. 15, at 4:10 p. m. This applies to
February, June and August gradu-
ates,also to graduate students or
staff members who wish to register
and who will be available for posi-
tions within the next year. The Bu-
reau has two placement divisions:
Teacher Placement and General
Placement. The General Division in-
cludes service to people seeking posi-
tions in business, industry, and pro-
fessions other than education. It is
important to register now because
employers are already asking for
February and June graduates. There
is no fee for registration.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information

Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts; Architecture and Design;
Schools of Education; Music, and
Public Health: Students in these
units who have not filed election
cards in Room 4, University Hall may
do so now only upon presentation of
receipt showing paynent of $1.00 late
elections fee.
Attention, Pre-Medical Students:
The Medical Aptitude Test, sponsored
by the Association of American Medi-
cal Colleges, will be given at the Uni-
versity of Michigan on Friday, Dec.
14. The test is a normal, require-
ment for admission to nearly all
medical schools. It is extremely im-
portant for all students planning to
enter a medical school in the fall of
1946 to take the examination at this
time. If the test has already been
taken, it is not necessary or advis-
able to repeat it.
Further information may be ob-
tained in Room 4, University Hall, and
fees must be paid at the Cashier's
Office by Dec. 1.
Identification Pictures will be taken
in Room 7, Angell Hall in the follow-
ing order for students who registered
Monday, Oct. 29 (the first day of
registration). Please bring your reg-
istration receipt. The photographic
room will be open from 8:00 a. m. to
5:00 p. m. daily including the noon
New Freshmen and New Transfer
R-Z Wednesday, Nov. 14
Old Students :
A-L Thursday, Nov. 15
M-Z Friday, Nov. 16
Saturday (8:00-12:00) Nov. 17.

Department of Economics. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
A cademic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Friday, Nov. 16, at 4 p. n.,
in 319 West Medical Building. "Epin-
ephrine. II. Biological Studies" will
be discussed. All interested are in-
Make-Up Examination: Political
Science I and Political Science II:
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 4-6 p. m., Room
2035 Angell Hall.
Mathematics: Orientation Seminar
will be held today at 3 p. m. in 3201
Angell Hall. The seminar will con-
tinue with the discussion of Mathe-
matical Literature and "the five num-
The University Musical Society:
The Annual Christmas performance
of Handel's "Messiah" will take place
Sunday afternoon, Dec. 16, at 3
o'clock at Hill Auditorium. The fol-
lowing will participate: Rose Dirman,
soprano; Kathryn Meisle, contralto;
Arthur Kraft, tenor; Mark Love, bass;
Hugh Norton, narrator; Frieda Op't
Holt Vogan, organist; the University
Choral Union, Special Symphony
Orchestra; Hardin Van Deursen, Con-
ductor. Tickets, including tax, are:
main floor, 65c; first balcony, 50c, and
top balcony 40c.
The Sixth Annual Chamber Music
Festival will take place Friday eve-
ning, and Saturday afternoon and
evening, January 25 and 26 in the
Main Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Building. The Budapest String Quar-
tet will give all three concerts. Course

would be great; whereas, if we didn't
know locations, etc., we might all stay
our hands.) Second, General Arnold
says we ought to invent a defense
against the split and angry atom, but
that we probably can't. Third, he sug-
gests that "we might redesign our
country for minimum vulnerability."
And that's all. That's the absolute
best we can hope for, if we pin our
faith solely on military thinking.
If we forget about making interna-
tional political progress, these are
all the choices we have; one of our
best military minds tells us there
are no others.
It might not be so bad, if we could
relax, and let these appalling bless-
ings descend on us, without effort on
our part. But there is a third quiet
horror in the Arnold report: the
weird future he sketches is going to
cost a great deal of money, he says,
and will require a huge research staff.
We're going to have to pay through
the nose to be scared to death. Why,
we'll need six kinds of jet propulsion
planes alone, the motorjet, the turbo-
prop, the turbofan, the turbojet, the
ramjet and the pulsejet; and you
don't get those for nothing.
Never before has there been more
clearly posed the choice between a
future in which science could, con-
ceivably, work for mankind, and
one in which mankind will slave
for a science gone mad.
(Copyrighlt, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tickets, including tax, $3.60, $3.00,
tificate for February: A list of candi- $1.50.
dates has been posted on the bulletin Tickets for either the "Messiah"
board of the School of Education, concert or the Chamber Music Series
Room 1431 University Elementary are on sale in the offices of the Uni-
S ch ool. Any prospective candidate versity Musical Society in Burton
whose name does not appear on this Memorial Tower.

list should call. at the office of the
Recorder of the School of Education,
1437 University Elementary School.
Detroit Civil Service Announce-
ments for the following examinations
have been received in our office: Jun-
ior Accountant, $2,415 to $2,691,
Semi-Senior Accountant, $3,105 to
$3,588, Senior Accountant, $4,002 to
$4,416, Technical Aid (Male & Fe-
male), $1,952 to $2,084, and Interme-
diate Clerk (Male), $1,886 to $2,018.
For further details call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
New York Civil Service announce-
ments have been received in our office
for examinations for positions in var-
ions towns of Westchester County.
They include Senior Medical Social
workers, Senior Psychiatric Social
Worker, Intermediate Stenographer,
Junior Typist, Intermediate Typist,
Senior Account Clerk, Intermediate
Account Clerk and Stenographer, and
Junior Stenographer. For further in-
formation call at the Bureau of Ap-'
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Choral Union Members: Beginning
today, all rehearsals of the Choral
Union will be held in Room B, in
Haven Hall. Members will please be
governed accordingly.
Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor.

Events Today
Soph Cabaret: Try-outs for the
dancing chorus of the floor show have
been reopened. All sophomore women
interested in participating are urged
to come out 2:30 to 4:00 today and
3:30 to 4:30 tomorrow in the Garden
Room of the League.
The American Chemical Society
will meet today at 4:15 p. m. in Room
151 of the Chemistry Building. Dr.
Herman A. Bruson of the Resinous
Products and Chemical Co., Phila-
delphia, Pa., will speak on "The
Chemistry of Acrylonitrile." The
public is cordially invited.
Fellowship of Song: Everyone will
have fun in a free for all sing at Lane
Hall at 4:30. The sing will vary from
Hymns to Hillbilly Songs.
Coffee Hour: A good time will be
had by all who attend this informal
get-together from 4:30-6:00 at Lane
Hobby Night: The Camera Club,
Art Club, and American Youth Hostel
Folk Dance group will meet tonight
at Lane Hall at 7:30. New members
are cardially invited to attend.

-Amy L. Downey


By Crockett Johnson

Town Hall: An open discussion of
Angell Hall Observatory will be "The Atomic Bomb and its Effect
open to visitors on Friday, Nov. 16, on Our Way of Life" is being held

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