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November 14, 1945 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-11-14

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_________________________________________________________________________________________ I

World Student Conference
To Meet Saturday in Prague

With the dual purpose of observ-
ing International Students Day and
formulating a new International
Federation of Students, the first
post-war World Student Conference
will meet Saturday in Prague, Czech-
Held on the sixth anniversary of
the Nazi's massacre of students at
Charles University, Prague, Students
Day will be observed here with a pro-
gram'being arranged by the Student
Organization for International Co-
operation. Further news of these
plans will be announced tomorrow.
Benes To Speak
During the conference, the group
in Prague will be addressed by Dr.
Edward Benes, President of the
Czechoslovak Republic. Messages from
President Truman,' Prime Minister
Attlee and Premier Stalin will be
broadcast to the gathering on Sun-
day, and Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt will
be awarded in-absentia, an honorary
doctor's degree by Charles University.
Election of IRA
Officers Will
Be Held Today
The Inter-Racial Association will
hold an election of officers at their
organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Union.
"The IRA is initiating an active
campaign," Herbert Otto, president,
said, "to eliminate racial discrimi-
nation from the town of Ann Arbor,
and urges all those interested in this
project to attend this oranizational
IRA has as its purpose the promo-
tion of racial unity, elimination of
the sources and causes of inter-racial
friction and discrimination, and pro-
motion of the realization of a living
democracy, according to Otto.
To promote racial unity, the asso-
ciation has in the past sponsored lec-
tures, surveys, and polls, including a
survey of discrimination in barber-
shops, a committee to investigate ra-
cial injustice in the South, and a
series of lectures on the techniques
for eliminating racial discrimination
in the community.
Kappa Phi Gives
Kappa Phi, Methodist women's
club, will entertain new women in the
University at a rushing dinner at 5:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Methodist
The group will meet first in the
Wesley lounge where devotions will
be led by Delia Morgan, president of
the club.
Following the dinner, a group of
speeches will be given. Bernice Hall,
'46, will speak for the seniors on
"Looking Back in Retrospect." Mar-
Jory Van Enam, who will speak on
"Expectations for the Future," will
succeed Miss Hall. The Rev. Robert
Jongeward will give the closing ad-
dression on the topic "A Woman's
Place in the Church of Tomorrow."
Special guests for the evening will
be Dr. and Mrs. James Brett Kenna,
and the patronesses will be MVfrs. C. A.
Harris, Miss Dorothy Paton, Mrs. A.
H. SCtockard, and Mrs. A. J. Logan.
Kell Protests
housing Limit
LANSING, Nov. 13-(AP)--Governor
Kelly declared today that congres-
sional proposals to place a $5,000
limit on new housing legislation would
"not meet the needs hi many parts of
our state."
He telegraphed Senators Arthur H.
Vandenberg and Homer Ferguson

that a $5,000 home built in 1940
would cost $7,000 to $7,500 today in
some parts of Michigan. He said the
state Office of Veterans Affairs, hous-
ing division of the State Planning
Commission and Executive Commit-
tee of the Michigan Construction In-
dustry endorsed his position.
Pointing to a large backlog of de-
mand for new housing among war
veterans, Kelly said the $5,000 limit
proposed in congress "will just defeat
the program" of inducing private
builders to construct homes.
He said the Detroit Builders Asso-
ciation has recommended to its mem-
bers that they set aside a "certain
percentage" of new home units for
sale to veterans as one means of help-
ing veterans fight a housing shortage.
Kelly sent the two Michigan senat-
ors the results of a questionnaire sent
to Michigan communities which
showed that 43 towns reported ex-
tremely serious housing shortage for
veterans, 21 reported very serious
shortage, 19 fairly serious and 14 not:
In those communities, he said,
three report new housing under way,
15 some new housing, 39 little new

Invitations to the Congress have
been sent to democratic student or-
ganizations in the United Nations and
neutral countries, and it is estimated
that about 200 delegates will attend,.
This figure includes six Americans.
Federation Aims
Aims of the proposed Student
Federation are: to act as the repre-
sentative international student organ-
ization, to provide means of encour-
aging cooperation between democratic
national organizations of students,
to promote friendship between stu-
dents of different countries, and to
promote the well being, and improve
the educational standards, of all ,stu-
dents in order to enable them to play
a full part as democratic citizens.
Some of the methods to be used in
carrying out these aims would be to
hold the international student confer-
ences to distribute information con-
cerning student interests in all lands,
to organize student travel and ex-
change, and to arrange international
sports activities.
To Discuss Similar Groups
Also on the conference agenda is
the discussion of the federation's re-
lationship to other groups with allied
aims-particularly the Educational
and Cultural Organization of the
United Nations.
A draft constitution for the pro-
posed federation has been drawn up
and will be considered by the confer.
ence. Following this study, the con-
stitution will be distributed among
the national studeht organizations.
If generally approved the constitution
will provide the working basis for
another conference in the summer of
1945 at which time the charter would
be officially ratified.
Vets Criticize
Soldier's Home
Lack of Food, Clothing
Reported at Meeting
Criticism against the lack of food
and clothing reported to exist at the
Michigan Soldiers' Home was strong-
ly voiced at the Armistice Day reun-
ion of the Last-Man's Club held last
Members of the club, whose mem-
bership is composed of the disabled
veterans of Washtenaw ;County,
heard Gustave Meyer report on the
information he received from veter-
ans at the Michigan Soldiers' Home.
Col. Joseph B. Bachus asked that vet-
eran organizations and citizens de-
mand an immediate investigation of
the alleged conditions at the home.
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, veteran of
World War I, asked for complete co-
operation of veteran groups to pro-
duce the most favorable results for all
A united front for all veterans or-
ganizations to insure fair play for all
discharged servicemen was recom-
mended by Prof. John H. Muyskens.
Ik asked that veterans receive
prompt fulfillment of pledges made to
them during the war.
Prof. L. J. Young, Wm. Tuomy, and
Julius Schmidt also spoke at the

Dean To Speak
On Activities
At Convocation
Bus. Ad. Students To
Vote On Organization
The School of Business Adminis-
tration will hold its opening Convo-
cation of the year for faculty and stu-
dents at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow in the
West Gallery of Alumni Memorial
Dean R. A. Stevenson of the School
of Business Administration will speak
on the school's program for the year
and the academic and extracurricular
activities of the students. He will
also discuss the overcrowded condi-
tion of the school, which, with an en-
rollment of 336, has more students
than ever before, topping its highest
previous enrollment of 233, in 1939-40,
by more than 100 students.
Because of the increased class
schedule there is an overflow from
Tapjan Hall into six other University
buildings: Angell Hall, Haven Hall,
Alumni Memorial Hall, the Econom-
ics Building, the Rackham Building,
and the University High and Ele-
mentary Schools.
The students will determine at the
Convocation whether or not they
wish to have a student organization,
and if so, of what type and character.
Union Labor Ruling
Promised by Court
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13-()-The
Supreme Court today promised a rul-
ing in a case raising a fundamental
union labor question-can a state
forbid the closed shop?
Florida voters wrote such a ban
into their constitution one year ago.
A three-judge federal district court
upheld it, although they expressed
"grave doubts" about their jurisdic-
tion. So the Supreme Court first will
inquire into the lower court's right to
If the Supreme Court should de-
cide the district court exceeded its
authority, the latter's decision appar-
ently would be nullified.
(continued from Page 4)
ship, New York, will lecture on the
subject, "Russia's Economy and Post-
war Reconstruction" at 4:15 p.m.,
Friday, Nov. 16, in the Rackham Am-
phitheater, under the auspices of the
Department of Economics. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Seminar in History of Mathematics
will meet tonight, 7:00-8:00 in Room
3001 Angell Hall.
Alexander Uninsky, Russian pianist,
will give the third concert in the
Choral Union Series Monday evening.
Nov. 19, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Audi-
torium. The program will consist of
compositions by Scarlatti, Beethoven,
Prokofieff, Chopin, Debussy, and Liszt.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society in Burton Me-
morial Tower; and at the box office
in Hill Auditorium after seven o'clock
on the night of the performance.
Charles A. Sink, president.
Events Today
Botanical Journal Club will meet

tonight in Room 4023, Natural Sci-
ence Bldg.
The first meeting will be a social
hour. All undergraduates majoring
in botany, graduate students and
faculty members are urged to attend.
Wives of students and faculty are in-
Inter Racial Association organiza-
tional meeting tonight at 7:30 in the
Union, Room 306. Election of officers.
Everybody welcome.
Music Enthusiasts are invited to
a music seminar at Lane Hall tonight
at 7:30. Dr. Hager of the School of
Music will discuss Gregorian Chants.
Afternoon Seminar: All interested
students are invited to a study group
sponsored by Inter-Guild today at
4:30 p. m. at Lane Hall. Mr. Littell,
director of the SRA, will discuss "Ex-
pansion of Christianity."
Coming Events
The American Chemical Society
will meet on Thursday, Nov. 15, at
4:15 p. m. in Room 151 of the Chem-
istry Building. Dr. Herman A. Brun-
son of the Resinous Products and
Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa., will
speak on "The Chemistry of Acrylon-
itrile." The public is cordially in-
Graduate Students will have a gen-
eral assembly on Thursday, Nov. 15, at
R,00 n- m i-n the RP~ckhamLecptuire




S I L V E R- col. C. M. Me,
Quarrie of Chicago, commander:
of the 132nd Infantry, examines'
one of the silver bars uncovered
in Japan and taken to Ilarat-
suki naval depot.

receive cartons of cigarets from Sgt. M. W. Rock
Anthony of Albany, Ga., stands beside him. Below
Tex.; Capt. II. W. Post, Driggs, Idaho, member of
J. F. Campbell, Dyner, Tenn.; and Pvt.

n airdrome in Siam, released American prisoners
(left) of Carnegie, Pa., while T/Sgt. Robert
left to right) are Pfc. Glenn Self, Lubbock,
ie ATC force evacuating the men; GM2/C
W. E. Yarbrough, Plainview, Tex.

T E A C H E R A N D PU P1 L-Dr.Ilans Kindler, conduc-
for of the National Symphony orchestra, who s coaching Miss
Margaret Truman in voice, gives the presiden~t's daughter a few
tips over an informal luncheon,

F L Y I N C W I N D T U N N E L-This is the Lightning
Swordfish, experimental modification of the standard Lockheed
P-38 fighter, secretly used to test wing designs of super-fighters
and transports since 1943. It is fitted to test drag, lift and airflow
characteristics on any type airfoil under actual flying conditions,
and dives at more than 525 miles an hour'..


A 1le P

Hebrew Classes

. . .

Registration for Hebrew classes will
be held from 3:30 p. m. to 5:30 p. m.
tomorrow and Friday at Hillel Foun-
Beginning, intermediate, and ad-
vanced classes will be offered at 7:45
p. m. Monday or Wednesday. The
first classes will be held next week.
Those wishing to register may do so
in person or by telephone.
* * *
Foundation Dive..,
The annual Hillel Foundation
membership drive opens today and
will continue through next Wednes-
Students will be solicited by Hillel
members, or may join between the
aforementioned dates at the Foun-
AUkah Meeting...
Avukah, student Zionist organiza-
tion\ will hold its first discussion
meeting of the current semester at
8 p: m. tomorrow at the Foundation.
Dr. Max Dresden of the physics de-
partment and faculty advisor for
the club will address the group on
the topic "An Analysis of British
Imperial Policy in the Near East."
Beth Laikin, president of Avukah,
will preside.
Final Tryouts To Be
Held for Glee Club

T H I N K E R - Lewis B.
Schwelienbach, secretary of la-
bor, struck this thoughtful pose
in an appearance before a com-
mittee of the house of repre-
sentatives in Washington.

B E R L i N T 0 T S E V A C U A T E D-Some of the 50,000 Berlin school children being evacu-
ated from the British sector to guard against winter epidemics leave the Hansa school.,

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