-.-_ ) I PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY &1 r~ 3ir1!3au ai1r Fifty-Sixth Year tetter6pi to (Ae 6dtior WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Doolittle Approved HospitaiBombing i j '~1 A? 7I __.=- . , so esrr. tnr ,x Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray Dixon...... . . . . . Managing Editor Robert Goldman.... . ...... City Editor Betty Roth .. ..........Editorial Director MAtrgaret Farmer.. .. . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . . . . . . Associate Spsrts Editor Ann Schutz ....... ....Women's Editor Dona Guimares . . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint.... . . ... ... Business Manager Joy Altman . . .... ..Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 w Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: LIZ KNAPP Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Prodigal Returns ANNOUNCEMENT of the return to campus of the Gargoyle is good news to both those who remember the halcyon days of pre-war humor and to those who know the magazine only through hearsay and stray copies that escaped death by fire. With the re-establishment of. the Garg, the hearty laugh and the naughty giggle will again take their place in Art, rescued from the exile which was lightened only by Barnaby and P. Logan. -Milt Freudenheim FEPC Support THE FEPC BILL, now being sat on and smoth- ered in the Rules Committee of the House, will soon be dead and buried unless enough of our congressmen sign the Discharge Petition to release the bill automatically from the jurisdic- tion of that committee. In the Senate, an attempt is being made by Senator Taft to ruin the effectiveness of the bill through a proposal which would limit the FEPC to merely "a study" of discrimination in employment. As a temporary committee, the FEPC has made many contributions. As a permanent com- mittee, it will be invaluable. We must do more than just talk in its behalf. In order to promote congressional action on this most pressing problem, the executive com- mittee of the Unitarian Student Group met early this fall to formulate plans for a campaign to publicize and stimulate favorable action on this bill. An FEPC Week has been planned for the early part of December. During this week, the bill will be studied by campus organizations, petitions to the Rules Committee gathered, and literature about the FEPC distributed. To climax these activities, a prominent Ameri- can will speak at a mass meeting. Although local in origin, this campaign is not local in scope. Members of the group have con- tacted other campuses which are planning to undertake similar projects. Effective action can be taken if YOU, demo- cratic minded Americans who are opposed to discrimination will expend your efforts tward getting this bill forced out upon the floor of Congress when Congressmen must vote favor- ably on it. -Lynne Sperber Petroleum Pact THE new Anglo-American Petroleum Pact is little different from the treaty signed in Au- gust 1944 which was subsequently smothered by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. This Pact as well as the preceding treaty renders meaningless any such naive discussion about "equal opportunity.'' American producers, afraid that an international petroleum commission woluld mean government interference, have fashioned a commission which will have power to talk not act. Afraid that the treaty would facilitate im- ports into this country to supplement dwin- dling oil reserves they have excluded from the Fascism at Home To The Editor: ALTHOUGH we have just victoriously com- pleted our military struggle to free the world from fascism and its doctrines, we find that ide- ologically fascism persists. We have fascism right in our backyards. Here in Ann Arbor for in- stance, a variety of business-establishments have been discriminating against negro-students of this university and colored citizens of the area. As students of the University of Michigan we should have the intellectual capacity to perceive the relationship between fascist ideol- ogy and its concrete manifestations in this community. Fascism is a way of thinking and a way of acting. Certain business interests of this com- munity persist in thinking and acting the fascist way. The time has come for us students to take steps in initiating democratic procedures in the relationship between town business interests and negro students, negro veterans and patrons. We have had enough talk about democracy. Students. Townspeople. If you want to help bring democracy to Ann Arbor, come to the organizational meeting of the Inter-Racial Association today, 7:30 p.m., Union, Room 34. -Herbert A. Otto Veteran for AVC To the Editor: ABOUT a year ago my aid station ras in the middle of the Siegfried line, close to Aachen. We hadn't moved but a few miles since we en- tered Germany six weeks earlier. Ruins of for- mer houses were such good shelter that there was not a casualty from the artillery all day. I hadn't had so much free time since right after we took Palermo. All the other medics were asleep so I was free to read. An old copy of Collier's caught my eye. I slowly read an article on Veterans' organizations with an impressive stateient by Col. Carlson, of the Marines and Raider fame, about the Ameri- can Veterans' Committee. I had heard of Cap- tain Bolt6 before through an interview in PM. Right then and there I wrote a V-Mail and joined AVC. Ever since I have been proud of my foresight. The record speaks for itself: San Francisco Conference, Congressional hearings on all forward-looking legislation, and our slogan of "What's good for the country is good for the Vet" makes us the outstanding organization of World War I. Here at Michigan we are get- ting a fine start with our up to the minuute program. And don't forget, you vets, AVC membership entitles you not to bonus promises but to an opportunity to work and think with other vets on issues and situations which are important to you and affect you because they affect everyone. -Dr. Sydney S. Norwick Slow Transport Scored To The Editor: THE enclosed copy of a letter printed in the Daily Pacifican, well describes the situation existing here at this time-: Hoodwinked It is rather obvious to this writer that the War Department is saving face and hoodwinking Congress and the American people by discharg- ing low-point men in the states and bringing them back from nearer theaters such as Europe and Hawaii. This compiles a fine statistical rec- ord to forestall domestic criticism ("foreign" criticism is of no account) and makes the point system as much a laughing stock among GI's as temporary duty and rotation have been. It is our proposal that no man should be re- turned to the states or discharged within the states with less than 90 points until all men with over 90 points are brought back from all theaters. Nor should they be granted indefinite furlough. This is not purely a spite suggestion. A bad situation should be spread out rather than directed against a minority which is so far from home they can't do anything about it. By thus bringing the true situation to all the American people some decent action might result rather than some high-flown figures that do not tell the whole truth. We should like to see some transports in this theater. We did not ask to be sent here. Ninety- nine percent wanted to go to Europe. Why should a man actually be punished for spending years on such unsavory places as Guadalcanal, Saipan or New Guinea? We should like also not two Liberty ships to be converted (an obvious save-face policy) but 200, and not next week but now. It is nothing short of idiotic to "experiment" with something that has been put in practice for three years. Screaming headlines state that 60-point men are eligible for return November 1. This makes wonderful reading for the folks back home. They do not know that there are 80-to-90- point men over here and not the slightest possi- bility of 60-point men returning in November or December. Any day they miss a letter they figure their boys are on the way back home. Beautiful propaganda! -Lt. Col. S. P. Hubbard APO 718 and 20 others The G.L waiting here for passage home, will give more than a casual thought to plans of pri- vate shipping companies "to resume," in the near future, "regular passenger service." He will notice each Liberty or Victory ship that sails out of this harbor "riding high" and headed for home. He will think too, of all the empty space in the ships that hustled to New York to cele- brate Navy Day. He will wonder "how long he is to be forgotten or ignored?" It would seem that Mr. and Mrs. Civilian might allow the ships to be used to bring the "boys" home, before "business as usual" is resumed. -T/4 George Stickradt, Manila, P.. Big Business Football To The Editor: THERE appeared in last Friday's sports column, an editorial written by the Sports Editor, urg- ing University of Michigan students to show greater enthusiasm in regard to football, both at rallies and at the games. However, in the last few years Michigan foot- ball has meant Big Business to the University, rather than a means of displaying athletic skill and school spirit. The students sit in the worst seats in the stadium while the 50 yard line seats and other choice spots are sold to the general public, bringing profit to the Athletic Associa- tion. Undoubtedly, the students could cheer more conscientously if they could tell just what action is taking place on the field, rather than having to take a portable radio along in order to prevent seriows cases of eye-strain. Until the students are given better seats, we have little hope for increased enthusiasm among them. -Bob Tisch Sol Scott I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: America Adrift By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE DISCUSSION of the full employment bill has been a shade too matter-of-fact, for there are great intangibles involved, which de- serve an airing. For one, it seems to me that our foreign policy might be quite different if we were sure of full employment. We are sort of lost in Europe at the moment, nervous and distressed in a continent going left, precisely because vWe are not quite sure where we are going. If we felt reasonably secure concerning our own economic futures, we might show a better morale in handling European problems; for these things react on each other; and it is the unspent passions of our domestic debate which heat to in- candescence our reactions, official and private to Britain for voting socialist, to France for split- ting its vote among three more-or-less leftist movements, to the Balkans for standing under Russian influence. If it were only left manifestations that both- ered us, the picture might not be so confusing; but we are almost equally disturbed by what might be called good, orthodox capitalist activity abroad. Thus we ,are almost as irritated when Britain secures an order for trolley cars in Ar- gentina as we are when Manchester votes social- ist. Mr. Baruch makes a pother against lending money to radical foreign countries so that they can "nationalize their industries against us;" but a large, very vocal group in Congress is equally opposed to lending money to foreign countries so that they can stay capitalist and compete with us. The vibrations set up by our own economic uncertainties jiggle our hand when we attempt to deal with foreign affairs; and it seems clear enough that a steadier course at home would lead to a steadier course abroad. "NE picks up a newspaper and reads casual editorial comment to the effect that one vir- tue of universal training is that it will take two million men a year off the labor market; and one receives from that a very clear impression about the close connection between a full employment act and a better foreign policy. We need a standing army, because ours is that kind of a world; but to mix that concep- tion with unemployment relief is to show al- most nakedly where unemploment leads. Drift, and not imperialism, as the Communists would have it, is at the bottom of it; and to check this kind of drift to war is one of the intangible values offered by the full employment bill. These intangible values are hard to compute in dollars and cents, and so are ignored by the more determinedly statistical of editorial writ- ers. One of the intangibles which helps Russia achieve success in her management of foreign af- fairs is that she is able to offer security; and one of the intangible values in our own full employ- ment bill is that it would enable us to show that security is possible within the framework of po- litical democracy. In casting up the account for full employ- ment, we might find that we are getting much more than full employment for our money, a concept that ought not to be hard to sell to a country whose business men, generally, know that you have to pay for anything worth while in this world, and that bargain-hunting is dan- gerous. By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Gen. Jimmy Doo- little, who jumped down the Navy's throat last week, sometimes has had his own Army brass hats jump down his throat. At such times this column has always defended him. However, Jimmy, despite his accom- plishments, has some sore spots in his career that his publicity experts have carefully hushed up. One hitherto concealed incident oc- curred when General Doolittle order- ed his Eighth Air Force to bombard the town of Bad Kreuznach, Ger- many. Gist of the order was: "Target is the town of Bad Kreu- znach. Main paint of impact shall be a viaduct crossing the railroad in the approximate center of town. The object of the mission is to bury the railroad with debris from the buildings of the town, so as to prohibit the railroad's use. Before the planes took off, pictures of the town were given the pilots. The pictures clearly showed a large and plainly marked hospital to the west and south of the main point of impact. The pilots know that given such an objective, it would be almost impossible to avoid hitting the hospi- tal. However, they were under orders. The raid was led by the 490th Bomb Group Heavy. Lead bombardier was Flight Officer P. K. O'Donnell, now a lieutenant. An instant after he released his bombs, O'Donnell re- marked over the inter-phone com- munications system: "There go the high's bombs. They'll get the hos- pital." Simultaneously the twelve ships of the squadron released their bombs. The "high" squadron was flying slightly to the rear right and above the lead squadron. Subsequent photographs taken of the bombing raid showed that the high squadron had carried out O'Donnell's pre- diction. The hospital, plainly mark- ed under the rules of international warfare, was demolished. Flight Officer O'Donnell was awarded the Bombs of the Week" for hitting the main target. Later, after American troops occu- pied the town of Bad Kreuznach, an American M. P. was strangled by a German resident, whogave as his excuse when he was tried that the Americans had bombed the hospital and the defenseless town. NOTE-Lieutenant O'Donnell, of course, was acting on orders from his superiors, including General Doolittle. The fact that he was awarded "Bombs of the Week" in- dicated approval by his superiors of the hospital's destruction. Locked Doors THE OPENING session of the Far Eastern Advisory Commission, held here last week, was strictly a closed-door affair. In fact, it was a locked door affair-with the key on the outside. With the press barred even from the initial ceremonies, the diplomats of ten nations retired to a third-floor room in the musty old State Depart- ment building and saw to it that the door was closed before a word was said. Correspondents lined the cor- ridor outside, sitting on camp stools. Joe Chiang, veteran correspond- ent for the Central China News Agency, suddenly arose from his seat, staring at the doorknob. Atomic Bomb 1HE QUESTION of what to do with the atomic bomb is one of the most important problems of the Unit- ed States and Great Britain. At this moment Prime Minister Atlee, Pres- ident Truman and Prime Minister MacKenzie King are discussing the subject in Washington. One of the proposals is to outlaw the bomb. This is not the problem of any two or three nations, it is the problem of the entire world. Any plan to outlaw it is ridiculous. No three men can de- cide to make the scientific activities of men all over the world illegal. Science cannot be outlawed. If we believe for one moment thai the secret of this bomb will long re- main secret, we are deluding ourselves with a false sense of security. Ther( are no ultimate secrets in science. Perhaps there will come a war in which the atomic bomb will play a major part. Some say it is inevit- able; that remains to be seen. We know that this force is the most powerful so far discovered. It is energy and energy can be harnessed for good as well as evil purposes. Therefore the only clear course is to utilize this force in the most pro- ductive way possible and make no attempt to deprive the rest of the world of the knowledge that will eventually be theirs. Science knows no geographic boundaries. -Phyllis L. Kaye Quietly, he stole over to the door, grasped the key, which had been left outside, turned it and departed. A few minutes later one of the dip- lomats decided to leave the room. But it was locked. Inside were such dis- tinguished diplomats as Secretary of State Jimmy Byrnes, his Britannic Majesty's Ambassador the Earl of Halifax, Chinese Ambassador Dr. Wei- Tao-Ming, Dutch Ambassador Dr. A. Loudon, Australian foreign minister H. V. Evatt, and represent- atives of France, India, New Zealand, Canada and the Philippines. All of them were locked in. News- men outside grinned as one of the diplomats banged on the door. "Joe," remarked one newsman to Chinese Correspondent Chiang, "I thought your' country believed in the open-door policy." Finally, a kind-hearted reporter rescued the key from Joe Chiang and unlocked the door. After that when the Far Eastern Commission went inside, they were careful to put the key on the other side of the door. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1945 VOL. LVI, No. 12 Notices To the Members of the University Council: The first regular meeting of the University Council will be held in the Rackham Amphitheatre Mon- day, Nov. 19, at 4:10 p. mn. Agenda: Reports of Committees on Student Affairs, Student Conduct, Honors Convocation, Foreign Students, En- rollment, Housing, and Official Publi- cations. Communications to the Regents: Those who wish to. present communi- cations for consideration by the Re- gents are requested to present them at least eight days before the next ensuing meeting at the Office of Miss Edith J. Smith, Budget Assistant to the President, 1006 Angell Hall. Six- teen copies of each communication should be prepared and left with Miss Smith. A uniform type of paper is used for communications to the Board of Regents, a supply of which may be procured at the Business Office. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Rhodes Scholarships: The Rhodes Scholarship Trust announces the re- sumption of elections of Rhodes Scholars, including a certain numbei of War Service Scholars, in December. 1946. Prospective candidates from this University may obtain informa- tion about methods of application. eligibility, etc., from Dr. Frank E Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall. School of Business Administration Convocation for students and faculty will be held on Thursday, Nov. 15, at 11:00 a.m., in West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. Aeronautical Engineering Students: Two scholarships of $250 each are available to students in Aeronautical Engineering who are in need of fi- nancial assistance and who show def- inite promise in the field. Applica- tions concerning these scholarships should be in letter form, addressed to Professor E. W. Conlon, B-47 East Engineering Building. Applications will be received up to Friday, Nov. 16. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Attendance report cards are being distributed through the departmental offices. Instruct- ors are requested to use green cards for reporting freshmen and sopho- mores, and buff cards for 'reporting juniors and seniors. Reports of fresh- men and sophomores should be sent to the Office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall; those of jun- iors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week absences. and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to ab- sences are printed on the attendance cards. They may also be found on Page 46 of the 1945-46 Fall. Term Announcement of our College. E. A. Walter To the Faculty and Students of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Beginning Monday, Nov. 12, the Office of Admissions with Ad- vanced Standing will be open only during the following hours: Monday- Friday, 11-12 and 2-4; Saturday 9-12. College of Literature, Science and the Arts Changes in Election: Afte the first week, cha hges may be made by freshmen and sophomores only b permission of the Academic Counsel- ors and upon the payment of a fee o $1.00. After the first week, juniors and seniors must receive Associat Dean Walter's permission, and mus pay a fee of $1.00. . Students, School of Education: N course may be elected for credit afte today. Students must report al changes of elections at the Registrar'; Office, Room 4 University Hall. Mem Choral Union Members: Beginning Thursday, Nov. 15, all rehearsals of the Choral Union will be held in Room B, in Haven Hall. Members will please be governed accordingly. Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor, Identification Pictures will be taken in Room 7, Angell Hall in the follow- ing order for students who registered Monday, Oct. 29 (the first day of registration). Please bring your reg- istration receipt. The photographic room will be open from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. daily including the noon hour. New Freshmen and New Transfer Students: R-Z Wednesday, Nov. 14 Old Students: A-L Thursday, Nov. 15 M-Z Friday, Nov. 16 Miscellaneous: Saturday (8:00-12:00) Nov. 17. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. Veterans are permanently excused from fulfilling the P.E.M. require- ment, provided they have completed their basic training or have. served at least six months in one of the branches of the armed forces. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by students in this College should be addressed by freshmen and sophomores to Profes- sor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Asso- ciate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the sec- ond week of the Fall Term. Student Football Admissions: Stu- dents who have not yet received their football admission tickets must pres- ?nt their physical education coupons at the Administration Building, Fer- ry Field, before 5:00 p. m. today. No student admission tickets will be available after that time. H. 0. Crisler, Director of Athletics. Attention, Pre-Medical Students: The Medical Aptitude Test, sponsored by the Association of American Medi- cal Colleges, will be given at the Uni- versity of Michigan on Friday, Dec. 14. The test is a normal require- ment for admission to nearly all medicalschools. It is extremely im- oortant for all students planning to enter a medical school in the fall of 1946 to take the examination at this time. If the test has already been taken, it is not necessary or advis- able to repeat it. Further information may be ob- tained in Room 4, University Hall, and lees must be paid at the Cashier's Office by Dec. 1. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for February: A list of candi- dates has bedn posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Room 1431 University Elementary School. Any prospective candidates whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 University Elementary School. New York Civil Service announce- ments have been received in our office 3 for examinations for positions in var- ious towns of Westchester County. They include Senior Medical Social y workers, Senior Psychiatric Social -Worker, Intermediate Stenographer, f Junior Typist, Intermediate Typist, s Senior Account Clerk, Intermediate e Account Clerk and Stenographer, and t Junior Stenographer. For further in- formation call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall. o r Detroit Civil Service Announce- l ments for the following examinations s have been received in our office: Jun- - ior Accountant, $2,415 to $2,691, QnniC~nir nmnfnft M fn (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) BARNABY By Crockett Johnson c 7c ETr .r 1 -r ---, .._ C ocK E't"f, I