THF MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Proposed Changes in Cabinet THE PENDULUM: The Courage of Convictions Is Passive - 1 I I P -'1.w YFYC wit m- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips ttan Wallace . Ray Dixon Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy . . . Managing Editor * . . City Editor Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor .Associate Sports Editor SWomen's Editor rsiness Stafff Bu Lee Amer BarbaraChadwic June Pomering .k B Aea4SOh usinessnManager Le Business Mgr. ate Business Mgr. .Assocla Te. Associa Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car rier,$4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 REPRESENTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - SOSTON - Los ARGELSS - SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: DOROTHY POTTS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Kamps Kapers There is always a once in a life time for almost everything and for the students of the Univer- sity of Michigan, one of those times is the Kampus Kapers show at Hill auditorium to- night. Why? It is very simple. For more years than many care to recall one of the few con- stant things on campus has been an apathetic attitude. Most of us seem to think that it doesn't make much difference whether I have anything to do with the community; the other fellow can do it just as well. The main difficulty has been that there hasn't been enough of the "other fellow," that the work of making this campus more likely than the Stadium in January has fallen to too few people. The result has been the obvious one that so many have deplored. But in Kampus Kapers there is another oppor- tunity for the students to shed their lethargy. Again a few campus leaders have taken the initiative for all the campus. As far as organ- ization is concerned that's as it should be. THE SUCCESS OF THE SHOW DEPENDS ON THE CAMPUS. If the production goes over, if the campus shows an interest in its own com- munity life, there is the real possibility of some- thing more being done. Here is our chance in a life time. Let's not muff it again. -Stan Wallace An Open Letter An open letter to Congress: Most of the Gerald Nyes and Hamilton Fishes have 'gone'. Last Nov. 7. the people of the United States expressed their desire that this nation reject isolationism and cooperate fully with the other countries of the world in establishing a post-war international organization which will be respon- sible for the prevention of further world con- flicts. This is a mandate from the people to their elected representatives. The American people have acted to remove elements similar to those present in the gov- ernment during the Wilson administration which prevented America from taking part in any world agreement leading to permanent peace. It is time for our representatives in Congress to rise above petty partisan politics of the party- line type. the present and the future demand statesmen, not party hacks. Last week, in the midst of the greatest battle in the world's history, we celebrated the ces- sation of World War I --let's keep the number of Armistice Day celebrations down to two! The United States Congress has the power to guide the peoples of the earth toward either war or peace. Congress must realize its solemn duty to America and the world. This is truly a time for greatness. -Bob Goldman Petrillo Concedes Here's one for Ripley. James C. Petrillo, the president and dictator of the American Federation of Musicians, has .. .... - 4- 1t, .-f+ erof li'n m 7 rrrntih ban By DREW PEARSON Lt. Col. Robert S. Allen now in active service with the Army.) WASHINGTON - Nov. 15 - Those around the White House say that this time the Pres- ident means business when it comes to cleaning out his Cabinet. Of course, this word has been passed out so often that some intimates are keeping their fingers crossed. However, it is a fact that Roosevelt is now faced with some situations he cannot escape, other situations which have made him sore. In the former category is Cordell Hull's health. In the latter category is Jesse Jones. As a result various names have been put in the White House Cabinet hopper and are being examined carefully. Here are some of the names which may fea- ture in the new cabines. Secretary of Commerce Marriner Eccles, now chairman of the Federal Reserve Board; or Leon Henderson; or Chester Bowles, now OPA administrator; or Beardsley Ruml, author of the Ruml tax plan and considered a liberal big- business man. Secretary of Labor - Dan Tobin, head of the teamsters' union; or John Winant, now Ambassador to London and former head of the International Labor Office. Winant, how- I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: A Trip to a Faetory By SAMUEL GRAFTON A KRON, OHIO, NOV. 15-The rubber smell is like baked potatoes, in front of one cargo ele- vator at the Firestone plant. It changes while you walk down the corridor; when you reach the next elevator the rubber smell is like dried fish. But not like good baked potatoes or good dried fish. It is like parodies of these smells. After a while you stop being conscious of the rubber, which is always trying unsuccessfully' to smell like something else, and you become conscious of the men working in the factory. You do not get an H. G. Wells push-a-button feeling in a tire plant. You get more of a mere man feeling. A man has to form the tire on the cylinder. It is intricate; he lays one strip of the rubber substance over another, and a big turning machine in front of him keeps doing about-faces and handing him what he wants just when he needs it. But the man is not tending the machine; the machine is tending the man and he is making the tire. The city of Akron is conscious of the men working in the rubber factories. The United Rubber Workers of America has 60,000 mem- bers here, out of 350,000 people living in the city and county. There has just been an elec- tion in the Goodrich local; it is front page news, like a municipal election. People know the names. The United has a building of its own on Main Street, named the United Build- ing, of course. Nobody in Akron drops dead if you say "union." Absolutely nobody drops dead. There is an Akron post-war Planning Com- mittee of five. One of the five is the vice- president of a machine company, and one is the head of a hardware company, and one is the general manager of a department store, and two are labor men, one A. F. of L., one C. I. O. The recent War Chest drive had a labor co- chairman. It was a successful drive. They say the Community Chest used to have a bit of difficulty, back in the middle thirties; the re- sentment of unorganized labor used to show itself in a kind of holding back against such civic activities as this. But many things were different in the middle thirties. Bullets flew on Market Street here in one strike during the middle thirties. Akron gives you the feeling that the kind of efficient, matter-of-fact Americans who run newspapers, and charity drives, and munici- pal government have, at least here, caught up with the labor movement. They like a matter-of-fact relationship with labor. They don't want it hot. They want it matter-of- fact. It's better when it's matter-of-fact. Then I remembered the recent Presidential campaign, and I knew, finally, why I had felt' all along that there was something old-fashion- ed about it. The losing side tried, through its anti-Hillman drive, to make an hysterical issue of organized labor's participation in American politics, at a time when the average newspaper, civic organization, and municipal government is becoming quite accustomed to organized labor's participation in many activities of Am- erican life. When a man can be invited to serve on a municipal postwar planning commit- tee, because he is of labor and yet be denounced as a dangerous man for entering politics, be- cause he is of labor, somebody must be making a terrible mistake. The G. O. P. made the mis- take.. one of the most exciting adventures in Am- erican life is taking place, the integration of the organized labor movement into every routine activity of the American community. It is not the drawing of a class line, but much more like the wiping out of a class line. The Republican National strategists looked at one aspect of this mighty process, and blinked, and called it a raid. They didn't understand. That is what I learned in Akron, along with the fact that rubber can smell like peaches frying in fish oil. Postmaster General - Robert Hannegan. Frank Walker, now Postmaster General, be- lieves that the Democratic national chairman should also be Post-Master and, being a retiring person anyway, Walker is ready to step out. Secretary of Agriculture - Roosevelt is hoping to persuade Henry Wallace to take this job again. If not, Wallace will be offered the am- bassadorship to Moscow, considered vitally im- portant, or chairmanship of the international food organization. Roosevelt feels that it would be difficult politically to make Wallace Secre- tary of State because of opposition from Hull and Senate reactionaries. Secretary of State - Ex-Justice Jimmy Byrnes or Ambassador Winant. Appointment of Byrnes would smooth things down for Hull, who isn't anxious to resign even though in the hospital. Hull would kick like a mule if Sum- ner Welles or Wallace were to succeed him. Byrnes also gets along well with Senate For- eign Relations chairman Tom Connally and other reactionaries. Secretary of the Interior - Harold Ickes. Attorney General -Francis Biddle. Roosevelt will not accept either Biddle's or Ickes' resignation. They were his top campaign speakers. Kennedy and Roosevelt... . One of the mysteries of the recent campaign was what went on inside the White House when ex-Ambassador Joseph Patrick Kennedy, who had been damning Roosevelt up and down for weeks, went to call on the man he criticized. It was known that Kennedy had reserved radio time to blast the President. It was real- ized that he had powerful influence with the Irish, especially in Boston and Brooklyn, where Roosevelt strength was shaky. Kennedy had served as chairman of Roosevelt's Securities and Exchange commission, as chairman of his Mari- time Commission, had been sent by him as Am- bassador to London. Nevertheless, Joe was crit- ical of FDR's foreign policies, had been care- fully coked up for public attack. At this point, Bob Hannegan persuaded Joe to drop in at the White House. During that visit, Roosevelt didn't say a word about politics. He didn't ask Kennedy to sup- port him. He didn't ask him not to deliver his planned radio attack. What the President did was to talk about Joe's son who was killed in the war, about old times when the two men were working together, and about plans to use U. S. merchant ships after the war. He asked Joe if he would make a study of Henry Kaiser's plan for a stream- lined steamship organization to, take American goods all over the world in American bottoms. Joe didn't say much when he left the White House - but he cancelled his radio time. Later, he told Bob Hannegan that he did not vote for Dewey. Navy Department Reshuffle . . Secretary of the Navy Forrestal finally has de- vised a plan to elevate his old Wall Street friend, Struve Hensel, to the job of Assistant Secretary of the Navy. He has been wanting to do it for a long time, but there were too many Wall Streeters running the Navy to add any more. Here is the new solution. You can write it down as definite that able John Sullivan, now Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, will become Undersecretary of the Navy around Jan. 1. A New Hampshire Democrat and no banker, Sul- livan will replace Republican banker Ralph Bard, who came out publicly for Dewey. With banker Bard out of the picture as Undersecre- tary of the Navy,, Forrestal figures he can then bring in banker Hensel as Assistant Secretary. Hensel already is chief of the Navy procurement legal division but wants a handle to his name. Diplomatic Chaff.. . Soviet Ambassador Gromyko carries a small dagger in a gold sheath on the belt of his full- dress ambassadorial uniform. It is a Cossack dagger, once used by the Czar's crack troops to terrorize revolutionists. Stalin, who, before the revolution, was arrested by the Cossacks and sent to Siberia, now has his diplomats wear these daggers as part of their formal regalia . .. Am- bassador Gromyko wore his at the ornate recep- tion last week celebrating the Soviet Revolution. U. S. career diplomats, noting Gromyko's gilded epaulets, gold stripes and dagger, were envious. They long have wanted a formal uni- form ... They have worn no uniform since Ben- jamin Franklin appeared as Ambassador to France in ordinary clothes, refused to don court dress and was the sensation of the French court. Franklin argued that he represented a nation of rebellious farmers, merchants and frontiersmen who believed more in dmocracey than in kingly folderol . . . Since then U. S. ambassadors have stuck to plain evening clothes, with grey-striped pants and cutaway in the afternoon . . . At the Court of St. James, U. S. ambassadors usual- ly bow to British custom and wear knee breeches, though Ambassador Charley Dawes rebelled, wore ordinary long pants. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) E ever, would prefer to be Secretary of State.. Tobin9 if appointed, is about the only AFL leader who would be acceptable to the CIO. It is all good and well to say that one must have the courage of his convictions. But, too often people do not possess the convictions of which to have the courage. They exist in a sort of comatose pre-conscious- ness that passively accepts what 1 propagandists pour into it. Now, as Plato pointed out, noth- ing can be generated from nothing. Empty heads-or heads cluttered with uncorrelated data, do not pro- duce thought. If Descartes' law, "I think; therefore, I am" were literally true, this campus would soon be depopulated. - What passes for thought here is frequently just its opposite: a collection of carefully conditioned reflexes so directed as to make us indisinguishable from the other animals inhabiting this uni- verse. Thought has to do with the use of our symbolic faculty-which is to say language-,with the forma- tion of concepts, and the gradual acquisition of wisdom. For that reason, advanced intelligence ex- aminations are divided into mech- anical and ideational catagories. Mechanical intelligence is a mat- ter of aptitude; ideational intelli- gence is a matter of cultivation. The manufacture and use of tools for purposes of self-preservation are almost instinctive. But the development of intellect for pur- poses of understanding is self- imposed and arduous. That is why people who reject every other kind of authoritarianism, insist on men- tal discipline, and the employment of our cultural heritage to such an end. There is a continuity in Western civilization that goes back to the Graeco-Roman and Judeo-Christian traditions. These we must, see de- velopmentally if for no other reason that the very practical one of com- prehending today's world. Today's world is little more than the pro- longation of yesterday's. The anti-intellectual Mr. Malcolm Bingay who, as editor of a metropoli- tan Detroit newspaper prefers nt to hire college graduates, likes Arist:mle little and Plato less. He once said in a column laughingly called "The, Pellucid Pillar" that it would be as foolish to read the Greek classics in our time as it would be for us to c,.n- sult a map of the ancient world be- fore going abroad. Plato had a name for the likes of Mr. Bangay. He called them misol- ogists, people who hate ideas. Mr. Bingay's heroes are not thinking men. They are business tycoons like E. T. Keller and Bill Knudsen or in- ventors like Thomas Edison. I won- der whether even Mr. Bingay woalid assert that a resourceful person who wished to improve the incandescent light could do so without under- standing the principle upon which it operated originally. Of course he could not-any more so that is. than speculative philosophy can ad!vance beyond Plato without first mastering Platonism and exploring the pre- Socratic soil from which it sprang. Shall we alter Newtonian phy- sics before peering into Newton? Shall we read O'Neill's "Mourn- ing Becomes Electra" and neglect its source, Aeschylus' "Agamme- mnon"? Comedian Bob Hope's ghost writ- wisecracks has topped the best-seller list for months on end. Is it to be given priority over Homer? The matter is soon reduced to aosurdity by such comparisons-but they are not uncalled for. One school alone has atempted, in any real sense, to act .pon ithe indisputable premise that books are for the mind what food is for the body. St. Johns is that tiny beacon in the academic fog of higher educa- tion. A great deal of mis-informa- tion has been disseminated about St. Johns. Many so called liberals iave referred to it as "obsucrantist" :ad "reactionary." They call it part (f a plot to revive "medievalism." Pro- fessor Sidney Hook of N. Y. U. has held it up as indication of the new failure of nerve." I simply cannot believe men like Hook have read over the St. Johns list of great books. It does inclirle the works of Homer, Acquinas, Dan- te, Chaucer, Archimedes, etc. But it also includes the works of Pcim- caire, Russell, Freud, Marx, and Darwin to mention but a few of tl.e moderns. Take Marx. I defy any- body, the omniscient Bingay includ- ed, to understand "Das Kapital" without first having understood the classic economists, the French social- ists, and the German mystics--all antedating Marx. Professor Hook has himself made that point. It is, as an example, the nub of this question. We shad either act upon it by wholesale curricu- lar revision or, in one long ecstasy of renunciation, kiss the arts good- bye. -Bernard Rosenberg S A compilation of be-whiskeredI DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) plementary gasoline rationing should be obtained by calling University Ext. 317. Organized Transportation Plan L. M. Gram, Chairman Fraternity and Sorority Presidents of groups which maintain houses on the campus, or which formerly main- tained houses, should apply to the Office of the Dean of Students at once for a blank for listing current membership. Student Organizations which wish to be reapproved for the current school year should report their off i- cers at once to the Dean of Students, Rm. 2, University Hall. University-Owned Cars and Trucks:I All those who find it necessary to requisition University - owned cars from the Pool should file their appli- cation with E. C. Pardon, Auto Direc- tor, in the Buildings and Grounds office, University Ext. 317, not less than 49 hours before the vehicle is to be ready. For those requiring the use of University trucks, application should be made to 0. E. Roszel in the Storehouse office, University Ext. 337. The rates now in effect are as follows : Sedans, $.05 per mile ; Sta- tion Wagons, .07 per mile; Minimum charge, $1.00. Trucks, 2 Ton & un- der, with driver, $1.75 per hour; Trucks, 2%/2 Ton & over, with driver, $2.25 per hour; Minimum charge for trucks, $3.00. Women students will have 12:30 a.m. permission Wednesday, Nov. 22, and 11 permission Thursday Thanks- giving Day. House heads may give permission to residents to leave town for the Thanksgiving Holiday pro- vided such students return in time for their first class on Friday. House heads may not grant late permission for Thanksgiving Day. The Extension Service is offering seven courses this fall, all of which will begin this week. Body Conditioning, taught by Mrs. Dorothy Miller, and Painting and Composition taught by Professor Emil Weddige, met for the first time last night. Enrollments will still be taken at the next class meeting on Nov. 20. Professor Avard Fairbanks will teach Sculpture to both beginning and advanced students; Mr. Peck-' ham and Mr. Storm will offer His- tory .of Printing; and Professor del Toro will teach a class in Beginning Spanish, all of these classes to begin on Tuesday, Nov. 14. Music Appreciation, especially to music lovers, will offer information about works to be presented in the Choral Union concerts. Professor Glenn D. McGeoch will teach this class, beginning on Wednesday. Advanced Spanish, taught by Pro- fessor del Toro, will have its first meeting on Thursday evening. Further information may be ob- tained at the Extension Office, 107 Haven Hall. Registration: Registration is being held this week at the University Bur- eau of Appointments and Occupa- tional Information, 201 Mason Hall. Blanks for registration may be had by calling at the office of the Bureau from 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. from Tuesday through Friday. There is no registration fee. This registra- tion is for students who will be available in February, June, August or October. University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra, Gilbert Ross, Acting Con- ductor. Open by audition to all stu- dents in the University. Cellists and violists particularly needed Re- hearsals Tuesdays and Fridays 4- 5:45. See Professor Ross, 606 Burton Memorial Tower. 4. Varsity Glee Club: Please report at the back entrance of Hill Auditorium near Thayer Street, this evening. Assemble in the classroom on 2nd floor at 7 p.m. sharp. Program begins at 7:30 p.m. The University of MIchigan Wo- men's Glee Club will not hold a rehearsal this evening. The next meeting will be Friday, Nov. 17 at 4. Urgent Call for Dailies: Mrs. Buchanan at the Museum would like more Dailies for the boys in service. Concert Band: The University Concert Band will not rehearse to- night, but Thursday at four thirty o'clock. Lectures Dr. Haven Emerson, Non-resident Lecturer in Public Health Adminis- tration in the School of Public Health at Columbia University, will speak to public health students and other interested individuals on Thursday, Nov. 16, from 4 to 5 o'clock, in the School of Public Health Auditorium. The title of Dr. Emerson's address will be "The Gen- eral Problem of Public Health Or- ganization on a Whole-Time Basis for Continental United States." Academic Notices College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by Dec. 2. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with R m. 4, U.H . where it will be trans- mitted. ean Inequalities," Thursday, Nov. 16, at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will play Haydn's Serenade, six folk songs, and Claussman's Toccata at his recital at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 16. Events Today Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held today from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "Hypervitaminosis A" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Post-War Council: There will be a meeting today at 5 o'clock in Lane Hall. All members and those inter- ested in becoming members please be present. Kappa Phi: National Methodist Women's Club, will give its formal rushing dinner this evening at 5:30 p.m. It will be held at the First Methodist Church on State Street. The Association Music Hour, led by Mr. Robert Taylor, will present the complete first act of Wagner's "Die Walkure" this evening at 7:30 at Lane Hall. The story and music of the opera will be discussed, and scores and librettos will be furnished. Everyone interested is invited. Engineering Council: There will be an important meeting at 7:30 tonight in Rm. 244 West Engineering. All class representatives should be there. Also all active engineering societies should try to have a representative at this meeting. For any information contact Charles W. Walton, Phone No. 24551. 'Ensian Art Staff: There will be a short meeting at 7 p.m. tonight. Research Club: The first meeting of the year will be held this evening, at eight o'clock in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Professor A. Franklin Shull will read a paper on "Population Genetics in Lady Beetles." Following refreshments an open forum discussion on Club Policy will be held. Coming Events The Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma Rho Tau will hold its regular weekly meeting on Thursday of this week. Business will start at 7:30, Nov. 16, in the Union. The important matter of committee appointments will be taken up, as well as plans for the National Convention. Arrange- ments for the future round-table on Jet-Propulsion will also be made public. All interested engineers and archi- tects are invited to attend. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert held in the Men's Lounge of the Graduate School at 7:45 p.m. on Nov. 16, will feature the Rachmaninoff Concerto No. 2 for Piano, Franck's Symphony in D Mi- nor, and the Concetstuch by C. M. Weber. Graduates and servicemen are cordially invited. Francis B. Sayre, former High '4 A BARNABY Verily, we've missed thee, Cousin. ... Thou didst hotfoot it up to The Hub when The M yflower docked- Aye. Rockbound people, too. Wouldst U believe me, Cousin, all my argument falleth on deaf ears onenf cornmeal mush a a dih that heftteth not a By Crockett Johnson But Myles! You can't let them flout tradition like that! On the First Thdnksgiving Day, too! New- Hest sewn env fart F - I f ,