THE MICHI AN DAILY SATURDAY, NOV. 11, 1944 ... . WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Harlem Cheers Henry Wallace DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Lee Amer . . . . Business Manager Barbara Chadwick . Associate Business Mgr. June Pomering . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled~to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44 RRPRE:BNTO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College PublishrnRepresentatiim 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAM FNANCIsCO NIGHT EDITOR: AGGIE MILLER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Bond Dive FROM NOV. 20 through Dec. 16 the people of the United States will once again be asked to send eight million dollars toward the Sixth War Loan Drive. In order to bring about victory as soon as possible, more guns, ammunition, planes, tanks, and food supplies will be needed to supply our fighting men. That equipment cannot be supplied and ship- ped overseas unless everyone contributes as much as possible toward the Sixth War Loan drive. Washtenaw County's over-all goal is $8,164,- 000. Ann Arbor again will carry the brunt of the campaign with a total quota of $5,541,000, of which $1,041,000 is expected in E Bonds; $1,275,000 in individual purchases of bonds other than series E, and $3,225,000 in corpora- tion bonds. For the Sixth War Loan Drive, the University will again have a quota, the amount of which has not been decided yet. The Union and League are now planning an extensive campaign, which can only succeed if every student, faculty mem- ber, serviceman and University employee coop- erates. By DREW PEARSON (Lt. Col. Robert S. Allen now on active service with the Army.) WASHINGTON, NOV. 11-On one of the last days of the campaign, Vice President Wal- lace walketi several miles through the streets of politically important Harlem with Negro Con- gressional candidate Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Thousands of Negroes crowded the line of march, looked down from windows, cheered Wallace, who has fought their battles. Wallace continued to walk through the black- lined streets for fifty city blocks. Remarked Powell: "This walk, Mr. Vice President, is pick- ing up 50,000 votes for Roosevelt." "If I thought that was true," countered Wal- lace, "I'd walk all the way to the Canadian border." What Reward for Wallace.. . After Wallace's speech in Madison Square Garden, where he stood alongside Senator Tru.4 man and urged Truman's election, Wallace got the following telegram from Roosevelt: "If your prediction that 1'l win by 100 electoral votes comes true, then I'll make my prediction of 60,000,000 jobs come true, and don't forget that I'll have one important job for you." This raises one question which intrigues a lot of people, including some very close to the White House-what reward will the Presi- dent give to the Vice President, who was defi- nitely squeezed out at Chicago on FDR's own command, but who came through without rancor and, in a 30,000-mile barnstorming trip, some- times making twenty brief speeches a day, pulled votes for the man who didn't want him. Wallace could have back his old job as Secretary of Agriculture in a minute, if he wanted it. But he has indicated to friends that he doesn't want it. Also, friends say he is not going to be satisfied with being Ambassador to China or with some other "Siberian" assign- ment. The President, on the other hand, is pro- foundly grateful and wants to give Wallace real recognition. If Cordell Hull should resign as Secretary of State, Henry, now recognized as a first-hand specialist on China, Russia and Latin America, would have first call on the job. 'New York Rebuilt' .. . Pilots of the Air Transport Command assign- ed to fly important Nazi prisoners from Europe to the U. S. A. report that the attitude of the prisoners varies from silent and resentful to openly glad and relieved. Invariably, Ameri- can Army food is a constant source of aston- ishment-even to high Nazi officers. One thing that usually happens as they fly over New York is a remark from the prisoners: "Remarkably good engineers you have in this country." The pilots agree, remark that New York is a miracle city. Next word from the Germans is: "It 'is amazing how they could rebuild the city so quickly." Were Kicked Out but Helped ... When you call the roll of those who helped re-elect Roosevelt, you can't escape one out standing conclusion: Men he kicked out or around contributed a lion's share to his victory. The professional politicians, with the excep- tion of Mayor Ed Kelly of Chicago, didn't help too much. Likable, energetic Bob Hannegan of Missouri was no great beacon tower. Actually the President himself, as usual, was his own best campaigner. He carried the chief load. But second to him, here is a roll call of the ex's and kick-arounds who really went down the line for the man who kicked them: Leon Henderson-Kicked out as OPA admini- strator, but organized the Independent Roose- velt Committee, raise dthousands of dollars. Donald Nelson-Kicled out as War Produc- tion Board chairman, but made an effective ra- dio speech, worked hard backstage for FDR.' Secretary of the Interior Ickes-Those close- up to the Cabinet know how many times FDR has given the cold shoulder to various Ickes projects; has sided with palace favorite Harry Hopkins in the bitter Hopkins-Ickes rivalry. Yet Ickes was the President's main Cabinet speech-maker, hurled pointed barbs which the White House couldn't but definitely wanted hurled. Bob Nathan-Eased out of the War Produc- tion Board because General Somervell and the Brass Hats didn't like him. He worked with Henderson on the Independent Committee for Roosevelt, raised thousands of dollars. Sidney Iillnan-Fired from the Office of Production Management without warning by FDR. He registered more voters-and got them out on Election Day-than any other man in the U. S. A. A lot of people, including Hannegan, looked upon Hillman with mixed feelings, but without Hillman's stirring up of the vote, FDR might not have remained in the White House. Vice President Wallace-Ousted for renomi- nation, but went down the line as noted above. One of those who worked hard for Roosevelt behind the scenes remarked after it was all over: What Roosevelt Owes Us... "I've gone down the line in 1936, in 1940 and in 1944. This time I want to be paid off. And I want just one thing," he continued. "I want Roosevelt to begin now to build up some real men capable of taking over his mantle. He owes that to us by this time. "Also, I want to see a strong Liberal-Demo- cratic-Republican organization built up which can really take over the job of winning the peace. Roosevelt owes us that too. That's the only pay I want, but I think I and a lot of others are entitled to it." (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Chicago Conference By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, NOV. 10-We Americans are fond of the myth that Uncle Sam is an old softie, who is always giving his pants and shirt away to foreign countries. It is a soft impeachment, which we con- stantly level against ourselves and dimple at, and enjoy thoroughly. I wonder whether it is quite true. America's role at the International Civil Avia- tion Conference at Chicago seems realistic, al- most, in fact hard-boiled. The big question is whether to apportion commercial air traffic among the several na- tions of the world, by quotas, or whether to have open competition. We are against quotas. We want all the busi- ness we can get. I don't say this is wicked. I merely cite it for the record. Th British aren't wicked, either, in asking for protected quotas of the world's air trade. The carrying trade is one of the means traditionally used by Britain to secure sufficient foreign balances to pay for necessary imports. We find ourselves in opposition to another ally, too, the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union has belatedly refused to attend the Chicago conference, on the ground that Spain, Portu- gal and Switzerland, three countries with anti- Soviet regimes, were invited. Why did we invite them? The plain truth is that Spanish, Portugese, and Swiss airports are necessary to round-the- world commercial air operation, while it so hap- pens that it is possible to have a pretty good global air service without touching upon Rus- sian territory at any point. We needed Russian help to set up a world stabilization fund, and so last July's monetary conference at Bretton Woods was made a United Nations affair. Russia was invited, and the neutrals, includ- ing Spain, Portugal and Sweden, were not. We do not happen to need Russian help in setting up global air service. But we do need some of the neutrals. We have invited them, and we have let nature take its course, so far as the Soviet reaction is concerned. I recite the facts only to help break the fatuous myth that American statesmen are in some ways different from all other statesmen, in that they like to give things away. That has become one of the demagogic standbys in American politics; and while one hates to trample on an 'old lengend, it doesn't seem to fit into the Chicago story at all. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) B'yones RUSSIA has refused the request of Switzerland to resume diplomatic relations. This refusal, and the memorandum in which reasons for it are given, come with very bad grace at a time when every peace-loving nation, regardless of size or power, should be seeking friendlier rela- tions with other countries. This is not a time for judging strained feelings between Switzerland and Russia in the pre-war years. This is not a time to recall the unfortu- nate incident that took place in Geneva in 1923 -the assassination of the Russian diplomatist Vorovsky, head of the Soviet delegation to the Far East peace conference, by the Swiss Conradi,' and the failure of Switzerland to settle the affair to the satisfaction of the Soviet Union. A nation of Russia's present power and importance can afford to have in such matters a shorter memory and a broader sense of responsibility. Shooting Russia out of season is a favorite and dangerous sport of ' some people in this country. Their specialty is constant and intem- perate criticism of an ally with whom this nation must work in war and in peace. But serious and concerned criticism of Russia comes fairly from those who have argued over a period of years for understanding of her. It is those who be- lieve the Soviet Union and the United States must work together in the peace who are most disturbed by such events as this present show Df muscle against small democratic Switzerland. -St. Louis Post Dispatch SATURDAY, NOV. 11, 1944 VOL. LV, No. 10 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices To All Heads of Departments: Please notify the switchboard opera- tor in the Business Office of the number of directories needed in your department. Delivery will be made by campus mail, Staff members may have a copy of the Directory by applying at the In- formation Desk in the Business Of- fice, Rm. 1, University Hall. The Directory will be ready for distribution Nov. 20. To save postage and labor the practice of mailing directories is discontinued. Herbert G. Watkins Assistant Secretary Season Tickets for the University of Michigan Lecture Course are or sale at the box office, Hill Auditor- ium. A distinguished course of eight numbers, the complete schedule is a' follows: Nov. 16, Hon. Francis B Sayre; Nov. 22, Hon. Carl Hambro; Nov. 30, Lillian Gish; Dec. 12, Osa Johnson; Jan. 11, Mme. Wei; Jan 23, Eliot Janeway; Feb. 6, Rutlh Draper; March 15, Joe Fisher. Single tickets for the Francis B. Sayre lec-. ture "Our Relations with the Philip- pines" will be placed on sale Wednes- day morning. Box office hours arc from 10-1, 2-5 daily except Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Varsity Glee Club: Important Re- hearsal Sunday, Nov. 12, at 4:30 p.m in preparation for the Hill Auditor- ium appearance on Wednesday, Nov 15. Tryouts for new members con- tinued. University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra, Gilbert Ross, Acting Con- ductor. Open by audition to all stu- dents in the University. Cellists anc violinists particularly needed. Re- hearsals Tuesdays and Fridays 4- 5:45. See Professor Ross, 606 Burtor Memorial Tower.- Women's Judiciary Council: All signout sheets, accompanied by a composite sheet, are due Monday at five o'clock in the Undergraduate office of the Michigan League foi the week Monday through Sunday. After Nov. 19 all records must be done in ink. All University Women's Swimming Hour: The Michigan Union Pool will be opened to women students for recreational swimming on Saturday mornings from 9:15 to 10:15, begin- ning Nov. 11. Any woman student may swim during this hour provided she has a medical permit. This may be obtained at the Health Service. A fee of 25c per swim is charged. Instruction will be provided for any- one interested. The Women's Swimming Club will use the pool from 10:15 to 11:15 on Saturday mornings. Victory Gardens. "Victory garden- ers" at the Botanical Garden are hereby reminded that one of the conditions of the use of these garden plots is that rubbish must not be left on the land. At the end of the sea- son, each gardener should clear his plot. Corn stalks, stubble and dead plants of all kinds should be pulled up and, after the earth has been knocked from their roots, piled in the middle of the plot, so that they may be readily picked up by the garden truck and burned. Stakes should alsobe pulled from the ground and taken away if the owner wishes to use them again) or piled separately from the rubbish. There need be no hurry in clearing those parts of the gardens that are still productive. Gardeners who do not clear up their plots this fall, as well as those On Second Thought Glenn White, publicity man over at the Union, reports that even people who eat Rice Krispies went to the Pep Rally last night. "I'll Walk Alone" turned out to be the most popular song on cam- pus. Undoubtedly Dewey sympa- thizers put it over. In Chicago a judge has ruled that dogs have every right to quaff a little beer in the local saloon. The next thing we'll hear about will be pooches going into a bark to have a little whine. According to a survey in Chicago, 1,000 women- have purchased pipes for their own use in the last two weeks. Here's hoping the gals don't try to drag on their powder puffs. -Ray Dixon who have not contributed the dollar requested last spring, will be con- sidered ineligible for further use of this garden area. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: City of Detroit Civil Service Announce- ment for Fire Fighter, Salary $2,829- $3,036, has been received in our{ office. For further details, stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau of Appoint- ments. Registration for positions will be held by the University Bureau o Appointments and Occupational In- formation Monday, Nov. 13, at 4 p.m. in Rm. 205 Mason Hall. This regis- I tration is for those interested in both teaching and non-teaching positions'. including business, professional, gov- ernment service, etc. It is open to seniors, graduate students, and Uni- versity staff members who may be desirous of positions after each of the next three commencement peri- ods. Only one registration is held during the school year and everyone who will be available up to next' August or October should register at this time. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information To All Members of the University Council. . There will be a meeting of ,he University Council on Monday, \ovember 13, at 4:15 p. m. in the .ackham Amphitheater. S e n a t e members may attend. The program will consist of the following: Approval of the Minutes of March 13, 1944. Report of Nominating Committee on Vice-Chairman and Secretary. Election of Director of Michigan Union. Request for Approval of Faculty Representatives to the Western Con- ference. Report of the Advisory Committee on the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information- I. M. Smith, Chairman. Report of the Committee on Co- operation with Education Institu- tions-I. C. Crawford, Chairman. Report of the Counselor to Foreign 'Students and the Diector of the International Center -t Esson M. Gale. Report of the Committee on Hon- ors Convocation- J. A. Bursley, Chairman. Report of the Committee on Stu- dent Conduct-J. A. Bursley, Chair- man. Report of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs-J. A. Bursley, Chair- man. Subjects offered by members of the Council. Reports of Standing Committees: Educational Policies-L. L. Watkins Student Relations-C. H. Stocking (Four Reports) Public Relations-H. M. Dorr Plant and Equipment-J. H. Cissel Announcement of Chairmen of the Four Standing Committees of the Council for 1944-45. I* * Academic Notices Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Election cards filed after the end of the first week of the semester may be accepted by the Registrar's Office only if they are approved by Assistant Dean Walter. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by Dec. 2. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Rm. 4, U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. 4 Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Clevc- land Orchestra, George Szell, guest conductor, will be heard in thc Choral Union Series in Hill Auditor- ium, Sunday, at 7 p.m. sharp. This concert will be broadcast nationally and by short wave, anid for obvious reasons the audience is required to come sufficiently early as to be in their seats on time, since the doors will be closed during numbers and late comers will not be seated during the broadcast. Holders of season tickets are re- spectfully requested to detach cou- pon No. 2 from their season tickets before leaving home. Other concerts in the series will be given by Fritz Kreisler, Simon Barere, Carroll Glenn, Boston Sym- phony Orchestra, Dorothy Maynor, Westminster Choir and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. A limited number of tickets are still available for the season or for individual concerts, at the offices of thep University Musical Society, TBur- Wesley Foundation:. Party for all Methodist students and their friends in the Student Lounge at the First Methodist Church at 8:30 o'clock tonight. Saturday night dance: 8-12. Re- freshments. All servicemen and jun- ior hostesses are invited. U.S.O. 'Coming Events Stamp Collectors are invited to attend the meeting of the Ann Arbor Stamp Club and the International Center Stamp Club in the Inter- national Center on Monday, Nov. 13, at 8 p.m. engineering Council: There will be I an important meeting at 7:30 on Wednesday, Nov. 15, in Rm. 244 West Engineering. All class representa- tives should be there. Also all active engineering societies should try to have a representative at this meet- ing. For any information contact Charles W. Walton, Phone No. 24551. Churches First Baptist Church: 512 E. Hur- on. C. H. Loucks, Minister. Satur- day, Nov. 11: 7:10, Choir rehearsal at the church. 8:30, Hayride for Students. Meet at the Guild House. Sunday, Nov. 12: 10, Study classes. 11, Morning Worship "Building Foundations" Rev. Loucks. 5, Roger Williams' Guild. "A Christian Bus- iness Man's Approach to Labor Rela- tions" Mr. Omer Robbins. 6, Cost supper will be served. First Church of Christ, Scientist: 409 S. Division Street. Wednesday evening service at 8 p.m. Sunday morning service at 10:30 a.m. Sub- ject "Mortals and Immortals". Sun- day School at 11:45 a.m. A con- venient Reading Room is maintained by this church at 106 E. Washington Street where the Bible, also the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or purchased. Open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays until 9 p.m. First Congregational Church: State and William Sts. Public worship at 10:45 a.m. This will be a reception service for new student members. Dr. Parr will speak on "Pathetic Biographies." 4:30 p.m., Supper and social hour for students and service- men. Mrs. Donald Douglas speaks on "Religion Begins at Home." Grace Bible Fellowship: Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave. Har- old J. DeVries, Pastor. Saturday: 7:30 p.m., Youth Rally. Col. F. J. Miles, chief of chaplains of the Aus- tralian forces in World War I, will speak on the subject: "The Appeal of Youth to Youth." Sunday, 10 a.m., University Bible Class. Ted Groes- beck, leader. 11 a.m., Col. Miles' subject will be "How God Makes Man's Wrath Praise Him in Russian Events." 7:30 p.m., "The Glory of the Unifted"-sermon by Col. Miles. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Sunday services will be held %at 10 in the Chapel of the Michigan League. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- c3ples): 10:45 a.m., Morning worship. The Rev. Eugene Zendt will speak on "World Order." 4:30 p.m., Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Because of the Choral Union Concert students will meet at the Congregational Church at 4:30 p.m. rather than the [usual five o'clock hour. Mrs. Donald Douglas will speak on "Religion Be- gins at Home." First Methodist Church and Wes- Iey Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m. with Dr. E. W. Blakeman, leader. Subject for discussion: "Un- derstanding Ourselves." Morning worship service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. James Brett Kenna will preach on "The Church in the World OTomor- row." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m. Lt. Edward S. Meany of the V-12 Unit of the U.S. Navy will speak. Supper and Fellowship hour following the meeting. Stni ver'sily lutheran Chapel; 1511 Washtcnaw, has its service Sunday at 11, witl .'rmon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips. mma Delta, Lutheran St~udent Club), will have a supper meeting today at 5 at the Student Center. First Presbyterian Church: 9:30 a.m., Young Adult Class. 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship Service. Sermon topic "God in a World at War" by Dr. Lemon. 5 p.m., Westminster Guild discussion on "What I Believe -About the Meaning of History", by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the Department of History. Supper will follow. The First Unitarian Church: State and Huron Streets. Edward H. Red- man. Minister. Miss Janet Wilson, Organi f. 10 am., Church school }, , ' I f,, 1'. Let's make Dec. 16 the deadline for a Year's package for our servicemen. time let's include guns, bullets, planes, tanks purchased with the war bonds stamps that we buy during the Sixth Loan Drive. New This and and War -Aggie Miller No Foresight ONE CANNOT help raising an eyebrow in wonderment at those people who voted "No" on Michigan Proposal No. 3 to increase the re- muneration of state legislators from $3 to $5 per -day "because of the recent graft scandals in the legislature.," Most of these shortsighted individuals who helped defeat this urgently needed reform probably do not realize it, but by turning down the proposal they merely perpetuated conditions favorable to the graft they were supposedly trying to prevent. It requires no great powers of deduction to discover the reason behind the extreme amount of corruption to be found in Michigan's govern- ment. Three dollars a day is not exactly a for- tune in these times when laborers strike for $1.50 an hour. True, 'the legislature is in ses- sion only a short time during the two-year term, and the lawmakers can conduct their normal businesses the rest of the period.' But it is equally true that these men have been entrusted with responsibility which means giving up their normal pursuits temporarily. They are sup- posed to act with the interest of the people at heart--people who pay them a token wage of $3 per day. Back in the 1800's when the present laws were passed, $3 a day was a substantial sum. But times have changed, and the laws have not. So, as a result, some of the less scrupulous indi- viduals turn to accepting graft in an attempt to obtain something for their time and trouble. BARNABY But I DID see your Fairy Godfather, Barnaby! Just By Crockett Johnson Dressed funny? Say! Can it have been Third Cousin Malachy? We Did he offer to let you bet which shell the pea Cop'yrigh~t1944 Field Publications~ CRAOCtE f t JO~rIsoI/ I AR... .,I...hi.- n.IWI