THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Phillips' Second Letter to FDR THE PENDULUM: Study Russia in Historical Context > ____ 91I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Stan Wallace Ray Dixon. . Rank Mantho . . Dave Loewenberg . . Mavis Kennedy Business . Managing Editor. City Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Staff Lee Amer . . . . Business Manager Barbara Chadwick Associate Business Mgr. June Pomering k . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: BETTY ROTH 11 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily stafff and represent the views of the writers only. Losers Speak A PRESIDENTIAL campaign has come and gone; a presidential election has come and gone. During them both each of us made pre- dictions. Well, some of us were wrong. We had to be, for there is no consolation prize for runner-up in this political game. But now the game is over. The Victor has gathered his chips, and we won't play for big stakes again until 1948. That's just the idea; the game is over, and those of us who lost aren't going to sit around for four years with vengeful minds and sulk and buck the victorious player just because we lost. Let's hope not, anyway, for there are better and bigger things to do, though they may have found themselves on the second page of the local paper rather than the first during these "politically vital" weeks. By DREW PEARSON (Lt. Col. Robert S. Allen now on active service with the Army.) ASHINGTON, NOV. 10-Ambassador Wil- liam Phillips, President Roosevelt's former personal representative in India, wrote not merely one, but two very critical letters to FDR, regarding British policy in India, urging Indian independence. The first letter, published exclusively in this column last July, caused Phillips to be recalled from London, where he was serving as political adviser on the staff of General Eisenhower. The British Government was boiling mad and burned up the cables to Washington. At that time, the British Foreign Office asked Phillips whether he still entertained the views regarding India he had expressed to the President. Phillips replied that he certainly did, but that he hoped another re- port he had made to the White House would not leak out. It is now possible to give the American public the text of Ambassador Phillips' other report. In it he proposed that President Roosevelt, Stalin, King George, and Chiang Kai-Shek spon- sor. a joint conference of Indian leaders to settle Indian.problems, arrange for independence and get India to play a real part in the war. In his previously published report, Phillips informed Roosevelt: "The present Indian army is purely mercenary. General Stilwell has ex- pressed his concern over the situation and in particular in regard to the poor morale of the Indian officers." Impetus to f< ar ... In this report published below, Phillips pointed a finger at Prime Minister Churchill. "I should imagine that the Viceroy and Churchill," he said, "are well satisfied to let the deadlock re- main as long as possible." It has long been reported that Churchill has flatly refused to discuss Indian political dis- turbances which have held back the war in Burma. Meanwhile, Phillips said, "The Indians are caught in the new idea which is sweeping over the world, of freedom for oppressed peoples. The Atlantic Charter has given the movement Great impetus. Your speeches have given en- couragement." Phillips made his report a year ago last spring, while he was still in India. But the bogging down of the Burma campaign for one full year, plus Stilwell's trouble in China, plus the recent loss of another U. S. air base in China, all have caused Roosevelt advisers to study anew Phillips' plan for giving a military and political impetus to this far-behind-schedule theatre of war- Many advisers agree with Phillips that, since we are largely equipping the Indian Army and since Britain will only play a "token" part in the war against Japan, India is "our business." Because of its importance, the Phillips letter to Roosevelt follows. Problemz of Gandhi ... "Dear Mr. President:-Gandhi has success- fully completed his fast and the only result of it has been increasing bitterness against the British from large sections of the people. The Government has handled the case from the legalist point of view. Gandhi is the 'enemy' and must not be allowed to escape from his just punishment and at all cost British prestige must be maintained. "Indians look at it from a different angle. Gandhi's followers regard him as semi-divine and worship him. Millions who are not his followers look upon him as the foremost Indian of the day and that, since he has never had an opportunity to defend himself, it is a case of persecution of an old man who has suffered much for the cause, which every , Indian has at heart-freedom for India. And so presumably Gandhi comes out of the strug- gle with an enhanced reputation as a moral force. "The general situation as I see it today is as follows: "From the British viewpoint their position is not unreasonable. They have been in India for 150 years and, except for the mutiny in 1857, generally speaking, internal peace has been maintained. They have acquired vast vested interests in the country and fear that their withdrawal from India would jeopardize those interests. The great cities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras have been built up largely through their initiative. They have guaranteed the re- gime of the Princes, who control territorially about one-third of the country and one-fourth of the population. They realize that new forces are gathering throughout the world which affect their hold over India and they have therefore gone out of their way, so they believe, to offer freedom to India as soon as there are signs that the Indians themselves can form a secure gov-, ernment. This the Indian leaders have been unable to do and the British feel that they have done all that they can in the circumstances. Behind the door is Mr. Churchill, who gives the impression that personally he would prefer not to transfer any power to an Indian govern- ment either before or after the war and that the status quo should be maintained. "The Indians, on the other hand, are caught in the new idea which is sweeping over the world, of freedom for oppressed peoples. The Atlantic Charter has given the movement great impetus. Your speeches have given encourage- ment. The British declarations that freedom would be granted to India after the war have brought the picture of Indian independence as never before in the thoughts of the entire In- dian intelligentsia. Unfortunately, as the time approaches for ending the war, the struggle for political prestige and power between the parties has increased and this has made it more difficult than ever for the leaders to' be willing to reach a compromise agreement. And fur- thermore, Gandhi and all Congress leaders, not to mention the fifty or sixty thousand Congress supporters, are in jail and, as Congress is the strongest political party, there is no one avail- able to speak for it. "There is thus a complete deadlock and I should imagine that the Viceroy and Chur- chill are well satisfied to let the deadlock re- main as long as possible. That is, at least, the general impression in most Indian circles. "The problem, therefore, is: can anything be done to break this deadlock through our help? It seems to me that all we can do is to try to induce the Indian political leaders to meet to- gether and discus the form of government whih they regard as applicable to India, and thus to show the world that they have sufficient intelli- gence to tackle the problem. We cannot sup- pose that the British Government can or will transfer power to India by the scratch of a pen at the conclusion of the peace conference unless there is an Indian government fit to re- ceive it. The question rerhains, therefore, how to induce the leaders to begin now to prepare for their future responsibilities. "There is, perhaps, a way out of the deadlock which I suggest to you, not because I am sure of its success, but because I think it is worthy of your consideration. Phillips' Plan .. . "With the approval and blessing of the Brit- ish Government, an invitation could be address- ed to the leaders of all Indian political groups, on behalf of the President of the United States,, to meet together to discuss plans for the fu- ture. The assembly could be presided over by an American who could exercise influence in harmonizing the endless divisions of caste, re- ligion; race, and political views. The confer- ence might well be under the patronage of the King Emperor, the President of the United States, the President of the Soviet Union and Chiang Kai-Shek, in order to bring pressure to bear on Indian politicians. Upon the isu- ance of the invitations, the King Emperor could give a fresh assurance of the intention of the British Government to transfer power to India upon a certain date as well as his desire to grant a provisional set-up for the duration. The con- ference could be held in any city in India ex- cept Delhi. "American chairmanship would have the ad- vantage, not only of expressing the interest of America in the future independence of India, but would also be a guarantee to the Indians of the British offer of independence. This is an important point because, as I have already said in previous letters, British promises in this re- gard are no longer believed. "If either of the principal parties refused to attend the conference, it would be notice to all the world that India was not ready for self- government, and I doubt whether a political leader would put himself in such a position. Mr. Churchill and Mr. Amery may be obstacles, for, notwithstanding statements to the con- trary, India is governed from London, down to the smallest details. British Attitude .. . "Should you approve the general idea and care to consult Churchill, he might reply that, since the Congress leaders are in jail; a meet- ing such as is contemplated is impossible. The answer could be that certain of the leaders, notably Gandhi, might be freed unconditionally in order to attend the conference. The British may even be searching for a good excuse to release Gandhi, for the struggle between him and the Viceroy is over with honors for both- the Viceroy has maintained his prestige; Gandhi has carried out his protest against the Govern- ment by his successful fast, and has come, back into the limelight. "There is nothing new in my suggestion, ex- cept the method of approach to the problem. The British have already announced their will- ingness to grant freedom to India after the war, if the Indians have agreed among them- selves as to its form. The Indians say they cannot agree because they have no confidence in the British promises. The proposed plan per- haps provides the guarantee required by the Indians, and is in line with British declared intentions. "Possibly this is a way out of the impasse, which, if allowed to continue, may affect our conduct of the war in this part of the world and our future relations with colored races. It may not be successful but, at least, America will have taken a step in furthering the ideals of the Atlantic Charter. "Sincerely yours, "William Phillips" (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) By BERNARD ROSENBERG On The Russian Revolution-I Aldous Huxley, author of "Point Counter Point" explains his tech- nique in that novel as one that has a plot within a plot within a plot. Life "cut lengthwise" is really like that: infinite in its convolutions. This analysis can appertain to politics as well. For example, I think Soviet Russia is a state with- in a state within a state within a state. Only such a view of that country-from many vantage points on several planes-will give a fair picture of her, Look at Russia today as the sav- ior of Western Civilization, and you are impelled to say, "Bravo!" Examine the Russian one party sys- tem, and tears are in order. See how magnificently Russia treats its many minority groups; and observe how abominably the Bolsheviki have acted toward all opposition. Notice the high degree of respect accorded to artists-and the compulsion that they propagandize communism. But, let us back up a moment, and look at this matter in its historical context. By now I think there can be no doubt that the October Revolution was the most significant single event in a century and a half of the Modern Era. It was in line with and, in many ways analagous to, the French Revo- lution. In both cases the people rose to power by violent overthrowal of degenerate tyrannies-and in- dulged in some excesses. These were magnified unjustly by the forces of reaction that consolidated in Europe and America. Even Thomas Carlyle, no friend of the masses, admitted that had those individuals who were guillotined during the so-called Ter- ror been ordinary people instead of nobles, the world would never have taken notice, nor would Edmund Burke and his confreree have been so unspeakably shocked, by what went on in Paris. It may seem strange, but just as we still have novelists (like that stal- wart Book-of-the-Monther, Kenneth Roberts) defending Benedict Arnold and the Tories so we have those who forget our debt to the France of Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquie without whom there would have been no true republican revolution, French or American. These people, in as- tonishing numbers, continue to re- gard Burke's word as Gospel. Yet Americans should know that Burke was answered conclusively by Tom Paine, among the greatest of Ameri- can patriots, a man whom the upper crust has never stopped calling 'that filthy little atheist." Read the "Rights of Man" sometime. Maybe you will wonder with me why more people don't do the same. Anyhow, France incurred the en- mity of rulers all over the world who shivered for their own necks. Just so in 1917 and thereafter. An inse- cure capitalism saw the Communist Spectre as a prime threat to its con- tinued dominance. In vain did it send troops to aid the white army. History wouldmnot be reversed. The House of Romanoffe was unseated and the royal family executed. With the weak willed Korensky govern- ment in discard, Lenin took over and the Great Experiment began. From that movement, with the establishment of the Union of So- cialist Soviet Republics and until 1941, undeclared war existed be- tween Russia and the capitalist na- tions. Lurid stories about the bar- barism of the new regime leaked On Second Thought 0NE THING is certain. Gov. Dewey is a man who keeps his promises. If you remember, two years ago he promised the voters of New York that he would be their governor for four years. *a* We note that the Detroit News again calls itself a "politically in- dependent publication." Health note: The Burr in Mr. Michener's side was removed suc- cessfully. Representative Fish was defeated in New York. Knocked off his Perch, as it were. In Connecticut they didn't "Clare it with Sidney." If Roosevelt had voted in the campus Guy Lombardo poll, he undoubtedly would have chosen "PAC Up Your Troubles" as his favorite song.. ** * Republicans are already begin- ning to wonder who is 'going to run for vice-president on the Democratic ticket in the next election. -By Ray Dixon UNRRA Has First Test GREECE is free again. Where den- King George? It is our so ocracy was born to the world, to see that the will of despotism has succumbed, as it al- rules, instead. And what c ways must, to the will of free men In Greece, UNRRA wi to whom life and liberty are one its first major operation. thing. After three and a half years see that it is supplied with of murderous thralldom, Greece has needs: medical supplies, emerged to a new and terrible glory, clothing, presses to extrac The glory that is Greece is terrible olives, and bread. With because it has been won at a cost we can help the stricken e barely less than life itself. A half- Greece to begin to funct million Greeks have died, thousands own again. of them of starvation, So rapacious- Greece, haggard in h ly have the Nazis plundered the risen. It is swept clean o Greek state and people that the pap- vader, but is still occupie er drachma-worth two-thirds of a want of its people, the cent in 1940 and one-millionth of a ciency of its economy. UJ cent now-blows like yesterday's evils have been cleansed a newspapers in the streets of Athens. the United States and tI Shall Greece ever go back to the Nations dare not look on,1 dictatorship it knew under the cyni- to Greece as accomplishe cal Metaxas and the complacent -St. Louis Post out of European capitals and spill- ed onto editorial pages in this country. Probably the best deeds of this new government were per- formed in its earliest days when outside condemnation was the strongest. Education began on a mass scale. Now the Commisariat can point with justifiable pride to the fact that when it took over the Russian people were roughly 90% illiterate while they are today roughly 90% literate. No govern- ment contemplating permanent repression of the people would have instituted such a change. Moreover, the Revolution had to come in Czarist Russia for that coun- try was rotten through and through. To be sure, its weaknesses were ac- centuated by the Japanese war. But no nation producing a Turgenev, a Dostoievsky, a Tolstoy, and a Decem- brist Revolt could long have remained serene. What occurred was never- theless no spontaneous upsurge of popular will. It took a carefully laid plan to bring Nikolai Lenin from DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN We're going to forget we voted for Dewey or Thomas or our own sweet-self, and we're going to remember that Franklin Roosevelt wouldn't have been elected .if a majority. of the voters in this country hadn't wanted him. It isn't necessary to keep a man in office here because someone has a gun in your back and "encour- ages" you to vote for him. That's why we must rea ze-those of us who didn't win-that a suffici'ent number of people to express the general attitude of the nation voted for Roose- velt because they wanted him as the supreme chief he has been. That reason may sound absurdly simple, but isn't it true? Sure, some may bark that Roose- velt is merely a tool of the PAC and that they "saw to it" that he was elected, but let's be fair about this: If you concede that, then you concede that this country is just as bad off as certain so-called "democratic" countries that, merely go through the process of voting to make a "good show." Those countries where, a pow- erful group determines who shall be president; is that what you think about the democratic system in the United States? Well, if you do, that's your privilege, for regardless of what you want to think, you have the Constitutional right as a free man to do so-that is, here you do. However, there are a lot of us who have paid our chips without calling the dealer a cheat and without intimating that the cards were marked. We've admitted defeat, and we're being good sports, that's all. We know we can always try again. So let's get on with winning the war-Re- member? -Betty Ann Larsen THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 1944 VOL. LV, No. 9 All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on Saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m. Notices Choral Union Members in good standing will please call in person for their pass tickets for the Cleve- land Orchestratconcert, today, be- tween the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 and 1 and 4 o'clock, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be issued. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, We have received notice from the Division of Teaching Personnel, Cincinnati, O., that they are interested in having applications from teachers in the kindergarten-primary and physical education fields. Anyone interested may receive further information by calling at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Registration for positions will be held by the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In- formation Monday, Nov. 13, at 4 p.m. in Rm. 205 Mason Hall. This regis- tration is for those interested in both teaching and non-teaching positions, including business, professional, gov- ernment service, etc. It is open to seniors, graduate students, and Uni- versity staff members who may be desirous of positions after each of the next three commencement peri- ods. Only one registration is held during the school year and everyone who will be available up to next August or October should register at this time. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Victory Gardens: "Victory garden- ers" at the Botanical Garden are hereby reminded that one of the conditions of the use of these garden plots is that rubbish must not be left on the land. At the end of the sea- son, each gardener should clear his plot. Corn stalks, stubble and dead plants of all kinds should be pulled up and, after the earth has been knocked from their roots, piled in the middle of the plot, so that they may be readily picked up by the garden truck and burned. Stakes should also be pulled from the ground and taken away (if the owner wishes to use them again) or piled separately from the rubbish. There need be no hurry in clearing those parts of the gardens thatare still productive. Gardeners who do not clear up their plots this fall, as well as those PAC Coni Ues MORE GOOD news has come out of the elec- tion. Sidney Hillman, chairman of the CIO Politi- cal Action Committee and the National Citi- zens PAC, announced today that the American people have reaffirmed the faith and confidence they repose in a great American and an out- standing leader by voting to return President Roosevelt to office. In addition he stated that the CIO-PAC "Is expected to continue." In spite of what some folks may think, the PAC was and still is one of the best organizations to be founded in this country since the coming of the first labor union. Before the advent of the PAC, labor was di- vided not only into two labor unions, but also into many schools of thought. Although the PAC, during its election fight, did not unite the AFL and CIO, it did help to unite the workers . Y ti BARNABY - While i'm resting up, - trust you'll take caref of any small problems By Crockett Johnson Your Fairy Godfather is down by the woods- -- - I ---- L - - I- -- " . Jam, 1 He is. I just saw him. And- Okay, Mr. O'Malley. I'll take care of this. Don't-