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November 10, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-10

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Sir itan


Cloud1(y and Cooler Today
Light Showers



For Peace,'
Ruthven Says
President Addresses
'U' Press Club, Asks
For Adult Education
"The answer to 'Are we prepared
for peace?' is no, definitely no, and
we on campus need your aid in pre-
paring the people for it," Pres. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven declared in an
address before nearly 80 Michigan
editors at a dinner of the 27th an-
nual meeting of the University Press
Club last night at the Union.
Unlike our British cousins, , who
have considered post-war problems
and problems in education since
Dunkerque, Americans are not look-
ing at the future intelligently, Ruth-
ven said. We talk of free enterprise
but do not realize that. uncontrolled,
it leads to totalitarianism. Many of
us speak of reconversion of our social
institutions, of going back to old
ways, but our "problem is not of
reconversion, but of adjusting to a
new world," he added.
Stresses Adult Education
Stressing the importance of edu-
cation beyond the school years, Ruth-
ven proposed that adult education
follow the. pattern set by Great
Britain and on the Continent. If we
fail to adopt a fuller program of
adult education in this country, he
said, people will remain uninformed
on social issues and will be easy prey
to bigotry and political opportunists.
Uuthven presented four ques-
tions which he stated must be met if
we are to hold a realistic view of
America's position in the post-war
world. The first was, "Can we exist
as a nation with the sole protection
of military force." His second ques-
tion was, "Can we insure good will
between nations with economic trea-
ties and dplomatic relations or do
we need more fundamental under-
standings between nations?" The
third was, "Can we have democratic
ideals without intelligent discussion
of important issues?" and four, "Can
we reasonably expect our schools to
meet their future responsibilities
with inadequate staffs and facili-
Glee Club Sings
Directly preceding Ruthven on
the program, the Men's Glee Club,
directed by Prof. David Mattern,
sang for the editors and their wives
and several members of the Michigan
House of Representatives. The ad-
dress was followed by a showing of
the motion picture record, "Michigan
on the March" and motion pictures
of the Michigan-Purdue football
(Continued on Page 2)
FDR's Return To
Capital To Be Aired
NEW YORK, Nov. 9.-(A)-Presi-
dent Roosevelt's post-election return
to Washington tomorrow will be
broadcast by major networks, but it
was not known definitely tonight
whether the President would speak
on the program.
The networks will go on the air at
9 a.m., Eastern War Time, with a
description of Mr. Roosevelt's arrival

from Hyde Park, N.Y., where he
received the election returns.



Heavy Task
Faces FDR
On Return
Possibility of Cabinet
Changes Suggested
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-President
Roosevelt returns triumphantly to
Washington tomorrow, to a tremen-
dous reception and to tremendous
Waiting for him at the end of a
parade from Union Station to the
white house is a hefty array of prob-
lems that will cram his schedule
from now until his fourth term
World Conference Scheduled
They center around:
Another Roosevelt-Churchill-Sta-
lin conference on war and world
security, vacancies in the adminis-
tration, possible cabinet changes, de-
mands for remodelling the Little
Steel wage formula, whipping to-
gether annual and budget messages
for Congress. And those weren't all.
But, for the time being, Washing-
ton itself wasn't interested in them.
The national capital hatched spur-
of-the-moment plans to turn out the
town-with bands, bunting and bal-
lyhoo. Vice-President-elect Harry S.
Truman flew eastward from Missouri
to join the procession.
FDR Still in Lead
Just for the record, still incom-
plete tallies showed Roosevelt and
Truman topping challengers Thomas
E. Dewey and John W. Bricker by:
36 states to 12.
432 electoral votes to 99.
The winners had 23,831,460 popu-
lar votes to 20,926,079 for Dewey and
Bricker, with some 10,000 precincts
to go.
The electoral lead jumped when
tabulation of some of the final Mich
igan precincts in the Detroit indus-
tril area swung, the state into the
democratic column.
mAs for the President's docket, some
things can wait, but a decision must
be made promptly on the date and
spot' for the parley with Britain's
prime minister and Russia's premier.
Kapers Review
To Be Given
Billed as a variety and activities
show, Kampus Kapers will bring to-
gether outstanding campus talent in
an all student show to be held at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Audi-
Highlighted by that campus come-
dian, Doc Fielding, as master of
ceremonies, the Kapers will bring to
Hill Auditorium stage outstanding
talent in six big acts.
The show is being arranged and
sponsored by The Daily, the Union
and the League to "revive a spirit
among the students in campus
Kampus Kapers has been officially
approved by the Student Affairs
Committee and the show has re-
ceived the plaudits of both campus
and faculty leaders.
Assistant Dean of Students W. B.
Rea asserted that the program looks
good and that the show deserves 10
per cent campus support.
Those campus favorites who will
be playing the Union dance in the
Rainbow Room tonight, Billy Lay-
ton and his orchestra featuring Judy
Ward will provide the music in the
show. Layton said that some new
arrangements of campus favorites
have been .prepared for the show.
Comely Judy Chayes who had one

of the feminine leads in the Co. D
show "Rumor Has It" will sing her
new arrangement of Sugar Blues in
her own inimitable style. Dick Thom-
as, who did the musical work for the
Army show will accompany Miss
Chayes on the piano.
Churchill Asks New
Meeting With FDR
LONDON, NOV. 9-(P)-Prime
Minister Churchill said today "it is
high time" that he, President Roose-
velt and Premier Stalin had another
conference. He decided that "the
prospects of such a meeting have
been vastly improved by the presi-
dential election in the United States,
for which we waited so breathlessly
on Tuesday last."

American servicemen crowd around a slate at the Rai
American Red Cross club ip Piccadilly Circus, London, to
in the United States national election.
Pep Rally Will Be Pre
By Mass March to Ferr'f

Michigan's first wartime home-
coming will be touched off with a
noisy celebration at 7:30 p. m. to-
day, with the pep rally at South
Ferry Field. ,
Students will gather in front of
the Union at that time to form a
line on State St. The Michigan
Marching Band and the 'M' Club
men will lead the parade to the field.
After the rally, celebrants will turn
for festivities to the Union Ballroom,
where Bill Layton and his orchestra
will play for a very informal sweater
dance until midnight.
Homecoming displays will be judg-
ed by a committee headed by Dean
Walter Rea at 9 a. m. Saturday. All
houses which have notified either the
League or the Union that they intend
to enter the judging contest must
have their displays ready by 9. A
surprise exhibit, representing all stu- '
dents on campus, will be set up in
front of the Union Saturday morn-
Attendance at the Illinois-Michi-
gan game Saturday at 2 p. m. is ex-
pected to better that of the Purdue
game two weeks ago. For those who

were unable to get tickets, or
will not be able to use those
have, a special ticket-resale
will be set up in the Union lobby
9-12 a. m. Saturday. All who
advantage of this must call for
money or tickets before 1 p. m.


Today Friday night pep rally.
Parade from Union to
Field House. Dance by
Billy Layton' Orchestra,
Rainbow Room follow-
Today Prof John Lederle speaks
at Hillel.
Nov. 11 Homecoming week-end,
football game.
Nov. 11 Mary Moore Martinson
talks at 12:15 p.m. at
Lane Hall on Common-
wealth Federation.
Nov. 11 Hillel "Mixer" for ser-
vicemnen and students.
Nov. 12 Choral Union Concert;
Cleveland Orchestra; 7
p.m. at Hill Auditorium.
Nov. 15 Kampus Kapers 8 p.m.
at Hill Auditorium.
Nov. 16 Oratorical Association
lecture by Francis B.
Nov. 18 Guy Lombardo broad-
___.L' t o .... . .. . .. ~r

Marching Band
W~ill Present
Unique Display
The University Marching Band,
composed of approximately 120 stu-
dents and servicemen under the di-
rection of Prof. William D.' Revelli,
will present a colorful, historical
Victory pageant at the half of the
homecoming Wolverine-Illini game
on Armistice Day tomorrow.
Preceding the pageant by the
Marching Band, members of the Bat-
tle Creek high school band will make
a formation, spelling out "Hello,
The Marching Band will then
make various formations after which
characters representing such histo-
ric events as the American Revolu-
tion, Civil War, World War I, Anglo-
Russo-American agreements, will ap-
pear. Students from Allen-Rumsey
house in the West Quad are partici-
pating in these formations. Alice
Rosenquist, a 5 ft. 9 in. student, will
portray the Goddess of Liberty.
Before the entrance of each histo-
ric character, the band will play the
following numbers: "America,"
"Yankee Doodle," "Glory, Glory Hal-
lelujah," "Over There," "America the
Beautiful," "Victory March," "Mead-
- -1.. 1 ,, u- n r"lace. Am*' ,n 1 1

The Men's Glee Clu
ed during the inte
homecoming dance S
the Union ballroom
time trophies will bea
houses that put up
coming displays. '
announced at the hal
Tickets for both1
Saturday dances are
the Union desk.
For Germ
Is Discus
"We must start a
Germany interested
struction of a newI
will be difficult; fore
in the schools of1
worked in close c
Nazi leaders," Sigrid
night in addressing
Rackham Auditorium
This will not be a
or harsh peace, sh
question of an eff
peace and we must
It is vital, she stated
fall for offers of Ge
ists, we can't offer a
forget and becomeE
imperative, she said
facts from the last
peace control their
only materials suc
but others for Germ
the use of synthet
this makes it necess
trol all of their ind
One point to work
ed out, is to get asr
possible out into th
begin to develop the
Lack of unity, she
part of the Allied na
Germany to again
five years. The Al
out, must realize tha
the minds for killing
nizing this fact will
Uruguayan A
Asks for NewJ
first official critici
barton Oaks world
a small nation came
guay, which propo
the League of Natio
Uruguayan Amba
los Blanco presente
the other America
meeting of Latin
acting Secretary of
men coccilinxvncz fh

Four New
Units Enter
WestAttack F
By The Associated Press D
* D4
LONDON, Nov. 9.-The U.S. Third
Army hurled four more divisions R4
today into a major offensive along a
ok 55-mile front in northern France.
The assault by three infantry divi-
sions broke across the Moselle 18 DET]
miles north of the mighty fortress of
Metz as a crack tank division roared slippedia
into battle from the south. unofficial
Enemy lines were ripped by more The
than 1,300 U.S. heavy bombers, thn- election w
dering over in the first close support ThomasI
on such a big scale. into the I
12 Towns Overrun The
A dozen towns were overrun as the rech
Lt.-Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., sent observers
the infantry divisions and the Fourth
Armored Division-one of the archi- unravele
tects of the St. Lo victory-into the
spreading battle to join the three Co
infantry outfits that seized 16 towns io ]
and 1,000 prisoners in the opening
Cassault yesterday. For
Y CIRCUS- After the bombers loosed 4,000
inbow Corner, tons of anti-personnel bombs on the
follow returns sleet-covered German positions, the oa]
veteran 90th Division struck for the
first time north of Metz.
Infantry Crosses Moselle Inityas
Commanded by Brig.-Gen. James versity's
A. Van Fleet, the infantry crossed Drive, s
ceded the rain-swollen Moselle River at are now u
J two points and seized Koenigsma- 6th assi
Field cher and Haute-Ham, 19 and 18theUnv
y Fmiles north of Metz and 11 miles Plans
from the Saar-70 square miles of in thed
--___- coal fields, iron works and German less tha
ib will be featur- war plants. formula
Meanwhile the Fourth Armored, Student
rmission at the which also had been held in check rected b
aturday night in yesterday, stormed into the fighting, Washt
At the same driving four miles northward to near drive wi
presented to the'Delme and Viviers in a dangerous Cook, fi
salientt18dilestsouthastkof Met
the best home- sant518lesouthstso tire cou
Vinners will be and 25 miles south of the Saar fron- county q
If Saturday. Patrols probed into the forest of E-Bondq
the Friday and Chateau Salins where Germans were purchase
now on sale at believed to be holding strong posi- tion shar
_ Bombers Hit Tanks 000.
While the Germans were offering The1
only moderate resistance and con- drive h
PlIatI serving their tanks, several hundred Ann A
Allied fighterbombers following the raising1
iany heavies knocked out four tanks not Cook sa
far to the rear. Medium bombers Fred E.
also joined the attack to bring the ties int
se total sorties to 2,500. headed b
Front dispatches identified the-
cgetthree infantry divisions which opened St
campaign to g the attack yesterday as the 26th,
in the recon- 135th and 80th.
Germany but it "I'll
even the teachers e
that land have Announce
ooperation with I Res
Schultz said last New et LBreakI1 Pol
an audience in
. nGrm nLn Michi
matter of a soft true tot
LONDON. NOV. 9-(P)-Russian two-tim:
ie said, it is a troops, in a new threat to besieged if the s
ective, practical Budapest from the northeast, broke their fa,
work very hard. the Germans' middle Tisza river line Their
, that we do not on a 40-mile front today and ad- for thei
rman industrial- vanced 17 miles beyond to within a poll of c
peace where we mile of the vital Budapest-East Slo- gan's o
emotional. It is vakian railway, Moscow announced song, "
d, that we take tonight. melody,
war, and in this The Soviet bulletin also said that lover fo
industries, not Marshal Rodin Y. Malinovsky's se- by Roy
h as aluminum. ond Ukraine army had killed more Michige
ans have learned than 100,000 Germans and Hungar- The t
ic products and ians. Realize
ary that we con- Berlin implied that the Russians and "S
dlustries. already had cut the Budapest-East Sigma

from, she point- Si-ovakian^ railway, a development mosta
many families as which might force the Germans to encourag
e country and to begin a slow withdrawal into central though:
e land. Czechoslovakia and hasten the ex- and Ph
predicted on the pected fall of Budapest. on the
pre n bl pecp ."Stard
ations will enable --"Always
attempt war in U-Boat Warfare Is listed.C
lies, she pointed plug th
at the Nazis have Least Since War Louis",
g and only recog- song rec
help them in the WASHINGTON. NOV. 9-(jT-- The fI
German submarine activity this past to Guy
October was materially lower than will pla
ubassador any other month of the war, an Univers
Anglo-American government state- program
League ment said tonight. 8tionWe
Nov. 9.-()-The The following statement was is- "I'll
sm of the Dum- sued by the Office of War Infor- by Lom
security plan by mation under authority of President steadily
today from Uru- Roosevelt and Prime Minister Chur- gan ech
sed instead that chill: with th
ins be revitalized. "The scope of the German U- Thes
ssador Juan Car- Boats' activities in October 1944 was to be so
d the proposal to materially below that of any other is rumo
n republics at a month of the war; in consequence of by a U
diplomats with which the number of United Na- is intere
State Stettinius. tions' merchant vessels sunk by Ger- it. Ifa
+i.ni + . hPir lman suhmarines during the month anv nei

mty Plans °
Sixth Wart
ni Campaign
preparations for the Un- s
part in the Sixth War Loan t
,heduled to begin Nov. 20,b
under way, R. Gordon Grif-
ciate investment officer ofb
ersity revealed yesterday.C
for the University's share
drive, which will begin in
d two weeks, are still in the
tive stage, Griffith said.s
participation will be di-
y Junior Girls Project.
enaw County's goal for the
1 be $8,164,000, Warren F.P
ance chairman for the en-
nty said. A breakdown of
uotas indicates a $2,327,000
quota. Quota for individual
s of bonds other than seriesr
$1,604,000 and the corpora- 1
e in the drive will be $4,233,-
University's quota in theE
as not been revealed as yet.f
Arbor's share of the fund-
burden will be $5,541,000,,
id. City chairman will be,
Benz. The various communi-
the county will have drives
by local chairmen.
dents Pick
Walk Alone'
ults of Dance Tune
1 Reveal Top Songs
gan's hearts are essentially
their one romantic ideal-no
ing, no flirting, no nothing-
tudents believe the words of
vorite song, "I'll Walk Alone."
hearts are sentimental, too,
r second choice in The Daily
campus favorites, was Michi-
wn traditional longing love
Vhen Night Falls, Dear." The
a theme song for campus
x over 20 years, was written
Dickinson Welch for the show
nda in 1918.
hree other winners were "I
Now," "Stormy Weather,"
veetheart of Sigma Chi." The
Chi's were apparently the
ctive of the fraternities in
ging votes for their song, al-
songs of Sigma Phi Epsilon
i Gamma Delta ranked high
dust," "Begin the Beguine,"
," and "Together" were also
One vote-gatherer's efforts to
e touching "Meet Me in St.
went sadly unrewarded, the
ceiving all of ten votes.
ive top songs have been sent
Lombardo in New York. He
y them as a salute to the
ity on his Musical Autograph
n at 10 p.m. Saturday, Nov.
the Blue network and Sta-
,YZ, Detroit.
Walk Alone" was introduced
bardo last March, and has
risen to popularity. Michi-
ioes the choice of the nation
is latest hit parade leader.
song "I Realize Now" seems
omewhat of a dark horse. It
red that this song was written
niversity student. The Daily
ested in learning more about
anyone has heard or knows
rtinent facts about "I Realie

f 13 Wayne County precincts, from
which the official tally books are
missing, while efforts were being
made to locate the ballot boxes and
ally books of three other precincts
which simply had disappeared.
Mrs. Marguerite Montgomery,
chairman of the Board of Canvassers,
aid it might be necessary to count
he votes in .the 13 precincts if the
ally books are not found in the ballot
boxes which will be opened by the
board tomorrow.
Outstate Precincts Counted
.Every outstate precinct for presi-
dent had been tabulated unofficially.
The 3,825 precincts counted of the
tate's total of 3.841, gave Roosevelt
1,097,581 votes, and Dewey 1,080,503.
In the 1,367 of 1,383 precincts in
Wayne County. Roosevelt amassed a
vote of 543,962 to Dewey's 313,246
MVrs. Montgomery cautioned that
there still may be other mapor er-
rors" in precincts not yet challenged,
which may bob up as the official can-
vass of the votes progresses in the
next two or three weeks.
FDR's Strength in Wayne County
President Roosevelt's comeback,
after having trailed through the
early tabulations was amazing. Dew-
ey had piled up outstate a lead of
213,638 votes, which in any normal
year would have been sufficient to
win. Wayne County, casting a rec-
ord of nearly 860,000 votes, however,
gave the president a tidal wave ma-
jority of nearly 231,000 as reflected
in the returns as they now stand on
the election workers' official records.
The nearly complete tabulation es-
tablished that a new record had been
established by the size of the Michi-
gan vote, and the fact that it was
Wayne's unprecedented turnout of
electors which made the record told
the story of Roosevelt's amazing
comeback. Wayne is a traditionally
powerful stronghold of the Demo-
cratic party.
Yet the Republican state ticket
had swept the state by landslide
margins, from top to bottom.
Casualties Total
Half Million
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-(-P)-Al-
most three years of war have cost
more than a half million American
battle casualties- dead, wounded,
missing or prisoners.
The Army said today that its
casualties, from Pearl Harbor Dec.
7, 1941, through last Oct. 28 to-
talled 437,356. The latest report
for Navy, Marine and Coast Guard
personnel accounts for 71,839.
The Army total represents an in-
crease of 20,235 since the report. A
week ago which covered the period
through Oct. 21. Secretary of War
Stimson said part of this increase
was due to a revision now being made
in the casualty information system
so as to bring the figures up to date.
It was explained later that about
25 per cent of the increase resulted
from the bookkeeping change over.
Dewey Returns to Duties
As New York Governor
ALBANY, N.Y., Nov. 9.-(P)-Gov-
ernor Dewey returned to his full-
time duties as chief executive of New
York state today, but a hint of his
future political plans appeared likely
to be delayed until after a scheduled
"family vacation."
Many observers expect the gover-
nor, as titular head of the minority
narty. to assum a forefii and nut-

ayne Tallies Give
R StateMaj ority
ewey Sweeps Otstate Vote, But
oosevelt Strength in Detroit Is Margin
By The Associated Press
ROIT, NOV. 9-Michigan's 19 electoral college votes for president
precariously into the Democratic column today on the basis of
returns from all but 16 of Michigan's 3,841 precincts.
correction of a nightmare of errors by inexperienced Wayne county
workers wiped out the slender lead previously held by Republican
E. Dewey, a native of Michigan, and sent President Roosevelt
lead by a margin of slightly more than 17,000 votes.
Wayne County Board of Canvassers, with a staff of 80, conducted
eck under watchful eyes of both Republican and Democratic
and of John C. Lehr, United States District Attorney, as it
d slowly the mistakes which workers at the polls had made.
Still to, be conducted is a recheck




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