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November 08, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-08

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mtg 1'1ituu Dai y
Fifty-Fifth Year

Senate Has Its Own Feuds


U.S., Russia Need No Third Party





WASHINGTON, NOV. 8-One of the hush-
hush family feuds of the Senate flared un-
blushingly into the open during the closing
days of the campaign when Powell Glass,-son
of the venerable 86-year-old Senator Carter
Glass of Virginia, in effect called Justice Byrnes
a liar and said his father was not for the fourth
term. The White House previously had said that
Senator Glass had telephoned Byrnes to con-
gratulate him on his speech and to say he,
Glass, was supporting the fourth term.
Unwittingly in the center of this family feud
is the second Mrs. Glass, a modest Virginia
school teacher, formerly Mrs. Mary Scott Meade,
who married the Senator in 1940 when he was
82 years old and who is very much for Roosevelt.
The Glass sons, on the other hand, are very
anti-Roosevelt and also very anti the second
marriage of their father. And the cleavage has

Edited. and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editoriil Staff
Evelyn Phillips . . . . . Managing Editor
Stan Wallace . . . . . City Editor
Ray Dixon . . . . Associate Editor
Hank Mantho . . . . sorts Editor
Dave Loewenberg . Associate Sports Editor
Mavis Kennedy . . . . . Women's Editor
Business Staff
Lee Amer . . . . . Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr.
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
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420 MACDlsON Ave.. NEw YORK. N.Y.
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Member of The Associated Press
'The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

77he Penduluan

w ^

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staf;
and represent the views of the writers only.
World Army..
PREMIER Marshal Stalin, naming Japan and
Germany as typical aggressors, yesterday
urged the creation of a special international
post-war armed organization to avert or sup.
press aggression.
This international army has long been urged
by advocates of a world court, for they have been
long agreed that to make any international law
effective, the power necessary to punish aggres-
sors must also be present.
Apart from reality Stalin's plan cannot be
questioned, but there are many practical diffi-
culties that must be eliminated, if possible, be-
fore any such proposal could be put into effect.
First, the problem of where the army would
be situated would arise. The reluctance of
any single country to send its own armed force
to join with another at the specific time it
was needed, together with the time needed for
such a move, would make it eompulsory for
the entire army to be stationed in one country
or vicinity.
What country is going to volunteer t9 house
an international army, even if all other countries
chip in for the food?
Secondly, one must think of the constituents
of a standing post-war army. In order to be
sure that such an army would work its person-
nel must, be made up of men from the small
as well as the large countries of the world,
including the aggressor nation.
In order to do this, an estimate of the number
of men necessary for such an army must be
compiled. After that is done each country faces
the problem of recruiting men for this army.
Citizens of every country will be against another
"Draft" after hostilities cease.
If members of this post-war army are to be
obtained on a volunteer basis, it is doubtful
whether very many men will volunteer. Most
soldiers today, regardless of their nationality,
are anxious to get back to their families as soon
as possible, and put the war and their experi-
ences on the battlefield behind them.
The returning servicemen cannot be blamed
for their attitude. It is only human to err. .
The proposal of a standing post-war army, is
one of the best that have been discussed so far.
However, there are too many loopholes.
A United Nations conference in the very
near future meeting for the purpose of filling
up those gaps would put this excellent pro-
posal on a realistic rather than an idealistic
-Aggic Miller
All Ainerican
HERE'S ONE for the skeptics.
The Associated Press reported yesterday: "A
'lost battalion' of the Seventh Army in France,
which was cut off by the Germans for a week in
the St. Die area, was relieved by Japanese-
American troops who fought brilliantly in Italy,
it was disclosed."
"The Japanese, who fought their way to the
trapped men late on the afternoon of Oct. 30,
were of the 442nd regiment."
One 48-man patrol of the rescued batalion
returned with only six men after its seven days
of isolation.
KK'4R7Lxn nr+, 4 Her 1.... .hj.s ii iIn 1

THE GREAT American novel has never been
written, and I daresay it never will be. Too
much diversity exists in the United States for a
single work of art, however panoramic, to en-
compass it.
Yet, various myths have arisen about this
country which, upon examination of its litera-
ture, are wholly inadmissible. For instance, it
is commonly asserted that we are an optimistic
people. No less a person than Professor Odell
Shepard of Trinity College said so in a recent
essay. Now, many of us are Pollyannas. Many
of us are not. The greatest American thinkers
have been just the opposite. Surely any gener-
alization is unwarranted.
Could an overwhelmingly cheery culture pro-
duce men who spent most of their lives in the
Cave of Despair? Consider Herman Melville.
His novels have been granted a new recognition
in recent year and "Moby Dick" is one of the few
undisputed American classics. That book, noth-
ing more than the dramatization of evil in all its.
nakedness, revealed as tortured and despondent
a soul as the world has ever seen. "All the
powers of darkness fought over him, all the
devils plagued him," writes Vernon Louis Par-
rington of Mellville, "and if they did not con-
quer, they left him maimed and stricken."
Is Melville to be denied his status as an
American because he would not let the sunny
side of life blind him to the malignancy under-
neath it? Shall we now give Edgar A. Guest
precedence over Herman Melville even though
the former's work is to poetry what "Little
Goodie Two-Shoes" is to fiction. Shall we for-
get the all-pervasive gloom in "The Education
of Henry Adams" so as to appease Bernard
De Voto and those other critics who as Mal-
colm Cowley has stated "demand that Ameri-
can literature should be affirmative, opti-
mistic, uncritical, and truly of this nation."
Wherever shall we exile Henry and Brooks
Adams for their un-American intellectual activi-
ties? Perhaps Congress could create a literary'
Dies Committee for the purpose of determining
whether an author has run afoul of the national
canon: Thou shalt not be a pessimist." Such
lines as:
"Life seems a jest of Fate's contriving,
Only secure in everyone's conniving,
A long account of nothings paid with loss
Where we, poor puppets, perked by unseen
After our little hour of strut and rave,
With all our pasteboard passions and desires,
Loves, hates, ambitions, and immortal fires,
Are tossed pell-mell in the grave-
These lines, I say, from James Russell Lowell's
"Ode Recited at the Harvard Commemoration
(July 21, 1965) will have to be deleted in favor
of the more promising passages that follow.
But then Lowell, after all, was not a repre-
sentative American-whatever that may be.
Too cosmopolitan, in common with Henry James,
that other gloomy man, he was really of the
Old World.
WONDER how our hypothetical committee
would dispose of Mark Twain, the writer
William Dean Howells pronounced "the sole, the
incomparable, the Lincoln of our literature - .
the very marrow of Americanism." Parrington
says the following comment throws a white
light on the man. Look at him in it. "I have
been reading the morning paper," he said. "I
do it every morning-well knowing that I shall
find in it the usual depravities, and basenesses,
and hypocrisies and cruelties that make up
civilization, and cause me to put in the rest of
the day pleading for the damnation of the
human race." The older Twain became, the
more pessimistically deterministic he became.
Thus the marrow of Americanism.
And so with many another who troubled to
tear off the mask of surface benignance and
look below into the mire of reality.
The greatest figure in really American letters,
Walt Whitman who appreciated all that was
young, vitalizing, and democratic could yet
write, "Shift and turn the combinations of the
statement as we may, the problem of the future
of America is in certain respects as dark as
it is vast. Pride, competition, segregation, vi-
cious wilfulness, and license beyond example
brood already upon us." Whitman, the by-

become deeper and deeper as Mrs. Glass has
turned out more and more a New Dealer. Ill
and old, the Senator seldom goes out but fre-
quently he is paired in the Senate in favor
of Roosevelt legislation.
Glass Statement Withheld...
Meanwhile, the Senator's sons, publishers of
the prosperous Glass newspapers in Lynch-
burg, Va., have become more and more anti-
Roosevelt and not at all happy about Mrs. Glass.
How much the future disposal of the Glass
million-dollar estate is involved is not known,
but it is known that, just before the Virginia
Democratic Convention in Roanoke last sum-
mer, Powell Glass threatened to take drastic
measures if his father came out for Roosevelt.
At that time, it was reported that the Senator
planned to announce for a fourth term, despite
the fact that the convention was called to boost
Senator Harry Byrd. So Powell Glass in Lynch-
burg served warning on Rixey Smith. his father's
secretary in Washington, that if any pro-Roose-
velt statement was made, he would declare the
Senator too ill to make such a statement. In
order to avoid family embarrassment, Mrs. Glass
and Rixey Smith withheld the statement.
But last week, when Justice Byrnes let drop
the fact that Senator Glass had telephoned con-
gratulating him on his speech' and supporting
the fourth term, Powell Glass finally carried out
his threat. Declaring his father's health such
that the Senator himself could not talk to
Byrnes, Powell virtually called Byrnes a liar,
and brought the Glass family feud right out
into the open.
Stilwell's Troubles in India . ..
INSIDE STORY of General Stilwell's prob-
lems in India has just come to light in a'
hitherto unpublished report written by John
P. Davies, State Department adviser on Gen-
eral Stilwell's staff.
In addition to his Chinese troubles, Stilwell's
biggest job was operating against the Japs in
Burma. Here he largely used Indian troops,
which, according to the secret report made by
Ambassador William Phillips to Roosevelt, would
not resist the Japs and were largely mercenaries.
Mr. Davies' report to Stilwell is even more
detailed and revealing. Stilwell's troubles in
China were chiefly responsible for his recall,
but the situation in India was considered largely
responsible for his failure to make progress in
Davies did not paint a very happy picture.
His official report said: "Unless steps are soon
taken to provide for a prompt and orderly relin-
quishment of British rule in favor of an Indian
national government, we run the risk of facing
in our time chaos in India, which may provide
the fuel for another great war."
Report Criticizes Briish.. .
T IS NOW known that General Stilwell had a
lot of squabbles with Lord Mountbatten, but
the real story of his troubles because of the
Indian political set-up has only been hinted at.
Davies, reporting on this, said:
"The underlying unrest, hatred of the British
and sympa.thy for the enemy are productive of
the most unsatisfactory situation from the mili-
tary point of view. Bad as these conditions are,
they are no worse than, if as bad as, those which
confronted the Japanese Army in Manchuria
when, using 'Manchukuo' as a base, it carried
on operations against North China.
"The British, of course, protest against any
suggestion that they deliberately seek to use
any one faction or community against the other.
They have played the Indian colonial game so
long that, as they acquired their Empire through
fits of absent-mindedness, so now they practice
a policy of divide and rule almost unconsciously."
Davies also shed revealing light on the famous
mission of Sir Stafford Cripps and Col. Louis
Johnson, former U. S. Assistant Secretary of
War, to try to work out a compromise in India.
"British officials maintained that the Cripps
proposals demonstrated good faith," Davies
informed General Stilwell. "But when it seem-
ed an agreement was imminent, Cripps was
overruled and succumbed to the imperialists
who now control the British Government."

"So India is our problm," Davies said,
near the end of his long report. "What hap-
pens now and later in India affects us. It is
therefore of very great concern to us whether
Britain attempts to perpetuate its domination
over 350 million Indians, who may be expected
to draw the sympathy of the Soviet or China,
or both."
Those were some of the things Stilwell
bucked up against.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
product of Manhattan who extolled the vir-
tues of America with all his thunderous verse,
never allowed the clouds of self-deception to
hide truth from him. He, like Emerson and
Thoreau, was capable .of the most scathing
denunciations, the most ghastly predictions,
and the most misanthropic statements-all made
while acknowledging the glory of an oversoul,
a transcendental God. Such belief did not pre-
vent Whitman's mention of "this multifarious
mad chaos of fraud, frivolity, hoggishness-
this revel of fools and incredible make believe
and general unsettledness-we call the world.
-Bernard Rosenberg

PERHAPS the largest single prob-
lem of our post-war future is how
the United States will get along with
Russia, and how the Russians will
get along with us.
This calls for a clear under-
standing on our part of the areas
of agreement between us and
equally important, of the areas in
which we have not yet adjusted
our concepts of ultimate national
interest and hence have had no
meeting of minds.
In reaching this essential common
denominator of mutually satisfac-
tory policy, it is of the utmost impor-
tance that Washington deal directly
with Moscow without the interven-
tion of a third party, no matter how
experienced the interpreter might be.
Winston Churchill's report to the
House of Commons of his latest
exploit as a "wandering minstrel"
(as he whimsically potrayed his
role) needs to be considered in the
frame of reference of this fundamen-
tal need.
The Prime Minister was at his
Britsh best in his speech. Witty,
discerning, revealing, he put the best
foot forward concerning the sessions
recently concluded at the Kremlin,
in which Britain saved her face as to
prestige in Southeastern Europe but
accepted the primacy of the Soviet
in all areas, except Greece and Tur-
key in Europe, to which British sea
power has direct access.
He pointed out candidly the prin-
cipal hope remaining to the enemy:
"That division will arise between
the three great powers by whom he
is assailed and whose continued
union spells his doom."
To prevent any such disastrous
division, he pointed out, "We must
disperse misunderstanding, fore-
stallthem before they occur," be-
cause "the future of the world in
these next few years depends upon
the united action of our three
JHIS is no easy task, and there is
very real point in the Prime
Minister's statement that "at Que-
bec, the President and I felt very
much the absence of Russia. At Mos-
cow, Marshal Stalin and I were deep-
ly conscious that the President was
not with us." It is of the utmost
importance that the heads of state
of the three most puissant nations
meet frequently, frankly express
their points of view and seek to find
common ground for rebuilding our
war-shattered world.
All of which is so basic that it
cannot be pointed out too often.
Likewise, it must continually be em-
phasized that the three who must,
associate in this united action have
certaindifferences in national status
and need. Both the United States
and Russia are continental empires
whose economic interests, broadly
speaking, have fewer overlaps than
those of any other major industrial
powers of the world.
Economists of as varied attitudes
as Alvin Hansen, Sumner Slichter,
J. Maurice Clark and Calvin Hoover
are found in agreementvon the thesis
that we face no such inevitable econ-
omic battle with Russia for world
trade as bothathe British and the
Germans felt ahead of them at the
turn of the century.
Today's danger is not a dog-eat-
dog struggle for resources, markets
or trade-it is on the psychological
front; whether or not we will see
so many ghosts and hobgoblins
that we will refuse economic
friendship because we prefer a war
about words.
On Second Thought
THERE is a rumor going around the
campus that Michigan has more
men enrolled this year than any other
school for girls in the country.
Tom Harmon claims in his new
book, "Pilots Also Pray," that Ann
Arbor is the most beautiful spot in
the world during the fall season.

If the University ever decides to
start the fall semester any later,
we students would never know.
Norman Anning, The Daily's
friendly critic, notifies us that "Mr.
Handel's football song, 'Freeze
Where You Sit,' would be very ap-
propriate by Nov. 18th." That's the
date Guy Lombardo is going to play
the five favorite Michigan songs.
* *
After the Wolverines lost Bobs
Wiese and Nussbaumer, Ann Arbor
was watched by political dopesters
all over the nation to see what hap-
pened after changing horses in the
middle of the gridiron.
We note that what the gridders did
to Purdue is what FDR hoped to do
to purdewey.
** *
And Saturday the team went liter-
ary-taking Penn in hand.
-Ray Dixon

VOL. LV, No. 7
All notices for The Daily Official Bui-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the,
Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell
Hall, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m.
of the day preceding its publication,l
except on saturday when the notices
should be submitted by 11:30 a. m.
To Deans, Directors, Deprtment'
Heads and Others Responsible for.
Payrolls: Payrolls for the Fall Termc
are ready for your approval. Please
call at Rm. 9, University Hall, begin-
ning Nov. 6 and not later than Nov.
Issuance of Keys: On and after
Nov. 15th the Key Office at the
Buildings and Grounds Department
will be open between the hours of
1 to 4:30 p.m., Mondays through Fri-
days, and from 8 to 12 a.m.- Satur-
Fraternity Rushing. Anyone wish-
ing to register for fraternity rush-
ing may do so by coming to the In-
terfraternity Council office, 306 Mi-
chigan Union, Wednesday through
Friday from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m.
Orientation Advisers: Please pick1
up enough assembly booklets to dis-
tribute to each girl in your group
at your meeting to discuss assemblyt
and panhellenic organizations. Book-
lets should be obtained between 2:00
and 5:30 p. in., Thursday, November
9 in the new assembly office (Kala-
mazoo room) in the League.
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information wishes to
make the following announcements:
We have received notice from the1
Board of Education, Newark, N. J.,3
that examinations for Elementary
Art, Elementary Home Economics,
and Elementary Vocal Music will be
held at the Central Commercial and
Technical High School, Newark, N. J.,
Nov. 24, 1944.
There is a very urgent need for
civilian chemists, chemical engineers,
physicists, and mycologists (both
men and women), in the laboratory
of the Materials Branch of the Engi-
neer Board, Fort Belvoir, Virginia,
where development and testing of
materials and equipment for the
Corps of Engineers is done.
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements for Budget Examiner,
Salary $230 to $270 per month, and
Housekeeper, Salary $120 to $143 per
month, have been received in our
State of Michigan Civil Service
Announcements for Laboratory Tech-
ician A, B, and C, salary range from
$110 to $150 per month, and Boys'
Supervisor B, salary range from $125
to $145 per month, have been receiv-
ed in our office.
Detroit Civil Service Commission
announcements for Senior Govern-
ment Analyst, salary $4,002 to $4,416,
washman, salary $1,932 to $2,064, and
Nutritionist, salary $2,282 to $2,547,
have been received in our office.
The United States Civil Service
Commission gives notice that Novem-
ber 20, 1944, will be the closing date
for acceptance of applications for
Apprentice Dietitian, $1,752 a year,
and Staff Dietitian $2,190 a year.
Applications must be filed with the
United States Civil Service Commis-
sion, Washington 25, D. C., not later
than that date.
We have received notice from the
Division of Teaching Personnel, Cin-
cinnati, O., that they are interested
in having applications from teachers
in the kindergarten-primary and
physical education fields.
Anyone interested may receive
further information by calling at the
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall.

A cademic Notices
Mathematics: There will be a
meeting of those who are interested
in seminars which have not been
organized in mathematics so far, to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 3011, Angell

The true tragedy for us-and man-
kind-would be our retreat from
reason because of the legends ofl
Bolshies under every bed.
All of which makes it imperative
that we come to direct grips with
the mind and aspiration of Russia,
rather than depend qn Britain (or
anyone else) to interpret America to
the Soviet, and Russia to the United
States. Any such two-way brokerage
of national interest involves a double
possibility of misunderstanding. Fur-
thermore, an "honest broker" char-
ges fees, often from both parties to
a bargain.
Britain possesses a notable equip-
ment of skill in international bar-


gaining-it is one of the best assets
she will retain at the end of the war.
But our future relations with Russia
are far too important to be conducted
other than directly and at first-hand.
So speed the day, as Mr. Chur-
chill said, when Anerica's chief of
state, whoever he may be, can re-
establish direct personal contact
with the monolithic man in the
Kremlin. The "wandering min-
strel" sings a fetching sang, but it
is to Britain's long-run self inter-
est, and to that of peace and plenty
for all men, that we speak directly
to Russia, in the fullness of our
own heart and hope.
-St. Louis Post Dispatch

Mathematics 327 will meet Tues-
day and Thursday at 9 in 3201 Angell
Engineering Aptitude Tests: All
first-term civilian Engineering fresh-
men will meet in Rackham Lecture
Hall at 8 o'clock on Thursday morn-
ing, Nov. 9 for the purpose of taking
the Engineering Aptitude Tests de-
veloped by the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching.
There will be no make-up opportun-
ity. Freshmen will be excused from
classes on that day.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, Nov. 10, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Buil-
ding. Dictionaries may be used,
Percival Price, University Carillon-
neur, will be heard in a recital on
the Baird Carillon in Burton Memor-
ial Tower at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 9.
His program will include University
of Michigan songs, a group of folk
songs, and four compositions written
especially for the carillon at Arnhem,
Holland, by Frans Althuisen.
Events Today
Botanical Journal Club: Professor
W. R. Taylor will discuss methods of
collecting Algae this afternoon at
4 in Rm. 1139 Natural Science. The
talk will be illustrated with colored
University of Michigan Section of
the American Chemical Society: A
meeting will be held today at 4 p.m.
in Rm.r151 of the Chemistry Buid-
ing. Dr. Charles C. Price of the
University of Illinois will speak on
"Substitution and Orientation in the
Benzene Ring." The public is cor-
dially invited.
Mortar Board: Will meet at 5:00
p.m. Anyone who cannot attend
should contact Bette Willemin at
International Center will hold its
annual reception for foreign students
in the Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:30
p.m. this evening.
Mr. Robert Taylor will resume his
popular seminar in Religious Music
in the bane Hall Library this evening
from 7:30 to 9. This week's Associa-
tion Music Hour will feature excepts
from Wagner's "Parsifal," including
the Prelude, Duet from Act II, and
the Good Friday Spell. All students,
servicemen, and faculty members are
cordially invited.
The Stump Speaker's Society of
Sigma Rho Tau will hold its first fall
membership meeting tonight at 7:30
in the Michigan Union. Engineers
and Architects interested in improv-
ing their speaking habits are cor-
dially invited to come and join the
Midweek dance at the U.S.O., to-
night. Refreshments and junior hos-
Coming Events
John Muehl will lead a new semi-
nar in Social Ethics, featuring Ber-
trand Russell's What I Believe,
Thursday evening, Nov. 9. This Asso-
ciation Seminar begins at 7:30 in
the Lane Hall Library. Students,
servicemen, and faculty are welcome.

Graduate Record Concerts at 7:45
p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the
Graduate School will begin again on
Thursday, Nov. 9 with a, progra~m
including the Brahms Double Piano
Concerto. Beethoven's 7th Sym-
phony, and the Don Juan Tone
Poem by Richard Strauss. Gradu-
ates, Servicemen and their guests



I. --am r

We're back in the Nineteen-Twenties now,
O'Malley, by A.A.'s watch. Stop worrying
about politics. Everything's dandy. . . And


Imaginer, m'boy! We're back
in the Twenties once more!
I wonder if Tony's is open-

By Crockett Johnson
It's Election Day ELECTION
Tony's isn't open. BOARD
Against the law- 3 MEETS -


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