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November 08, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-08

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VOL. LV, No. 7



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epState Offices

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President Garners 391
Electoral Votes To Win
By the Associated Press
The vote-getting magic of Franklin Delano Roosevelt won him a fourth term
in the White House today, and continued leadership in the vast unfinished bus.
mess of war and peace.
Thomas Edmund Dewey, youthful New York governor who declared in vain
that "It's time for a change," conceded defeat at 3:15 a.m. (EWT).
Said Dewey at a news conference in New York:
"It's clear that Mr. Roosevelt has been re-elected for a fourth term."
8 , The Republican nominee had fallen farther and farther be-
hind in tabulations pouring in during the early morning hours
e blican after a see-saw struggle in early coInting. The ballots. of nearly
27,000,000 Americans showed, at the time he gave up:

~nate 1 i e



Ann Arbor Voters Stay
In, Republican Colurn
Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County citizens went to the polls in record
breaking numbers yesterday and on the basis of incomplete returns early
this morning stayed in the Republican column and gave GOP nominee
Thomas E. Dewey a better than two to one majority over President Roose-
Election observers predicted that more than 85 per cent of the city's
19,000 registered voters marked their ballots in the nation's first war time
election since 1864 and on the basis ------


of unofficial returns compiled, it ap-
peared that Washtenaw County cast
close to 50,000 votes.1
With unofficial reports tabulatedI
from the first, second, third, and fifth
wards in Ann Arbor, Governor Dewey
polled 5,084 votes to President Roose-
velt's 3,340. At the same time Gov-
ernor Harry Kelly, Republican in-
cumbent, enjoyed a comfortable lead
Today Presentation of plaque
honoring Dir. Em. J. R.
Nelson and reception by
Dr. A. G. Ruthven of
degree from Catholic
University of Chile at
7:30 p.m.
Today Opening of Surgical
Dressings Unit at 1 p.m.
Today Petitions- for Pan-Hel-
lenic Board due at 5 p.m.
Today Opening of United Press
Club of Michigan meet-
ings at 7:30 p.m.
Today Junior women may sign
up for work on JGP
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
at booth on diagonal.
Today Michiganensian tryout
meeting at 4:30 p.m. in
Student Publications
Today SRA Music Hour at 7:30
p.m. at Lane Hall.
Nov. 9 Sigrid Schultz lecture.

over his Democratic rival Edwardj
Fry, polling 5,582 to 3,027.
The validity of half the votes in
the fourth ward was in doubt early
this morning when it was discovered
that the proper locks had not been
set on the second voting machine.
Alderman Maurice Doll, election'
clerk in the fourth ward indicated
that the 962 votes on this machine
would be certified to the County
Election Commission for clarification.
In a closely watched race that
drew national attention, Earl Mich-
ner, Rep., who holds the Second Con-'
gressional District seat in the House
was leading his Democratic opponent
Redmond Burr by more than 4,000
votes. In this unofficial tabulation
Michner had 7,417 while Burr gained
3,268 in early returns.
Washtenaw County, whose tradi-
tional position in national politics
has been Republican, seems to have
continued its 80 year record of never
having voted Democratic
Lecture To Aid
W.A.. Pool
The proceeds from the lecture to
be given by Miss Sigrid Schultz, for-
eign correspondent and radio com-
mentator, at 8 p.m. tomorrow in

Press Club1
Plans Dinner
Both students of journalism and
the general public will be invited to
the after-dinner sessions of the Unit-
ed Press Club of Michiganconven-
tion at 7:30 p. in., tomorrow and
The Thursday program, presided
over by Regent Albert B. Connable,
will be held in the Union. President,
Alexander Ruthven will address the
group and will use as his subject "Are
We Prepared for Peace?" Following
the speaker the motion picture record
entitled "Michigan on the March"
will be shown.
After the Friday dinner in the
ballroom of the League, there will
be two addresses in Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theater. The first speaker,
Harold Shearman, member of the
Worker's Educational Association of
Great Britain will address the assem-
bled group of Michigan editors, pub-
lishers and students on "Adult Edu-
cation in a Postwar World." In
addition to Mr. Shearman, Mr. E. K.
Butler, A. P. editor in charge of the
photographic coverage of the war,
will discuss the "Photographic Inva-
sion of France and Belgium."

Battle with Japs
Rages in Ormoc
Valley on Leyte
-(M)--The U. S. 24th division is
locked in a critical fight in Ormoc
valley on Leyte with elements of
four Japanese divisions, including
three rushed in as reinforcements,
headquarters reported today.
This was the crucial battle pre-
saged by Japanese convoy landings
at Ormoc while the 24th was cap-
turing Pinamnopoan on Carigara Bay
and swinging south.
Today's communique said elements
of the First, 30th and 102nd Nippo-
nese divisions had augmented the
badly shattered 16th-the tortures
of Bataan-in opposing the 24th.
Three strong enemy counterattacks
were repulsed.
Heavy losses were inflicted on the
enemy in these counterattacks, made
at night just south, of coastal Pina-
mopoan on northwest Leyte. The
strength of them was great, consti-
tuting savage fighting equal to the
heaviest encountered on the island.

Holds Margin
Wayne County Vote
Needed for Decision>)
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, NOV. 8-Thomas E.
Dewey, and every other Republican
on the State-wide ticket, held sub-
stantial leads over their Democratic
opponents on the basis of still incon-
clusive returns from Tuesday's elec-
tion in Michigan.
Not until the count of Wayne
County's record vote of more than

For Roosevelt, 14,411,965.
For Dewey, 12,165,763.
State after State had slipped away from Dewey. Roosevelt
took command of 33, with an electoral count of 391. Dewey had
only 15 with 140 votes at the time he announced it was all over.
The Roosevelt tide was felt also in congressional and guber-
natorial races. At the rate the President was going, it looked as
Roosevelt Telegraphs Dewey
HYDE PARK, N. Y., NOV. 8- which I have heard over the air a
(P)-President Roosevelt, at 3:30 few minutes ago."
a.. m. today sent the following tele- The telegram was dispatched from
gram to Governor Thomas E. the President's Hyde Park home 15
Dewey: minutes after Dewey had conceded
"I thank you for your statement his defeat.
if he would carry a Democratic House with him. There never
was much doubt about the Senate.
Even before Dewey conceded the trend had been unmistake-
able. At Hyde Park, the President told his neighbors late in the
evening that it looked like another victory. Supporters carrying
red flares flocked into the grounds of the world famous squire of
Dutchess County.
All over the country, except in the cornbelt, Roosevelt went
out ahead when the election score sheets were halfway finished.
The President got the solid south and all five border states. He
(Continued on Page 2)
SenLate Unity ASSu red;
GOP Loses Eight Seatls
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, NOV. 8-(Wednesday)-Eight of 13 seats needed by
the Democrats to retain control of the treaty-ratifying Senate were assured
early today, while eight Republican house places-among them that of
Rep. Hamilton Fish-tumbled to Administration forces.
Looking toward peace and creation of a world security organization,
the importance of Congressional control was stressed by both parties in
the campaign. Senator Truman, President Roosevelt's running mate,
called openly for the defeat of eight Republican senators he dubbed "iso-
lationists." One he named, Gerald Nye of North Dakota, was trailing.
Republican "Puddler. Jim" Davis inP


440 Jap Planes Destroyed
In Navy's Raid on Manila Area

835,000 has progressed much farther
will the trend be clear enohmgh to in-
dicate the winners.
On the basis of unofficial tabu-
lation of about a third of the
State's 3,841 precincts in the Pres-
idential race, Dewey held a lead of
more than 100,000 over President
Roosevelt in this, the Republican
standakd bearer's native state.
The returns, however, included only
65 of Wayne County's 1,383 precincts,
and at Lansing Democratic State
Chairman Walter C. Averill, Jr., said
he still believed Wayne County would.
produce sufficient Democratic ma-
jorities to give the state to President
Roosevelt and to Edward J. Fry, the
Democratic nominee for Governor.
With a much smaller number of
precincts counted for Governor,
Republican Governor Harry F. Kel-
ly held a lead of more than 189,000

QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, Nov. 7.--
(IP)-Carrier-based Helldivers, Hell-
cats and Avengers destroyed 440
Japanese planes, sank two enemy
warships, probably sank a third and
damaged eight others in a two-day

The raids by planes of the U.S.
Third Fleet were made Saturday and
Sunday. An enemy sub chaser went
down Saturday and a heavy cruiser
probably sank. An enemy destroyer
was sunk Sunday.

Rep. Fish, New York Republican
who has berated Administration
policy in foreign affairs and whose
record in turn was criticised by
both Mr. Roosevelt and Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey, was eliminated
after 24 years of service.
Rep. Clare Boothe Luce (R.-

ator George D. Aiken. Alabama,
Arkansas, Georgia, Louisia,a : th
Carolina and South Carolina were
solidly in the Democratic fold.
Democratic nominees were press-
ing Republican Senatorial incum-
bents in Connecticut, North Dakota,
and Pennsylvania on the basis of in-
r.rnI~ iat li irn cwinles a Unnhli4 anr

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