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November 07, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-07

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Occasional rain;
Windier and Warmer





World Force

Nationwide Polls Favor FDR bySlightMo

51'2 Per Cent of Civilian Vote,
To Go to Roosevelt-Gallup
Results of Soldier Ballot May Not Be
Known For Two Weeks in Some States
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Four nationwide polls give President Roosevelt
a slight lead as the nation's voters prepare to decide between him and
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey today, but all agree that the presidential race is
likely to be too close to try to pick a winner.
A fifth poll conducted in 28 counties of 15 states by Emil Hurja,
associate publisher of Pathfinder magazine, gives the edge to Dewey.
Its validity was challenged by Democratic National Chairman Robert
E. Hannegan, who described Hurja in a statement as an employe of
"Republican oil man Joe Pew."
Here are the results reported by
the nationwide polls, all of which ac-
companied them with the qualifica-
Ann Arbor's City Council voted tion that several factors, including
last night to extend municipal vot- the service vote, could change the
ing hours until 10 p. m. In the picture in a number of "pivotal
past aolls have closed at 8 v. m states:"


o KeepPeace
rgin International Army
Urged by Premier
I Germans Are Prepa i*ng for Another
War, According to Russian Leader
By The Associated Press
LONDON, NOV. 6-Premier Marshal Stalin, naming Japan and Ger-
many as typical aggressors, urged tonight creation of a special post-war
armed organization of peace-loving nations empowered to act immedi-
ately "to avert or suppress aggression.
r Addressing a cheering Moscow throng on the eve of the 27th anniver-
sary of the Russian Revolution, the Soviet leader asserted that Germany,
although "on the verge of inevitable catastrophe," already was preparing
for another war. He added that the task of the United Nations was not
only to win the victory but also to make future wars impossible.
There is only one means, he said, to secure peace, namely:
"To create a special organization to defend peace and insure security,
composed of representatives. of freedom-loving nations; to put at the
disposal of the leading organ of such an organization the essential amount
of armed forces required to avert aggression, and to make it the duty of
this organization, in case of neces- e>---- -

(la y EfV'lo AlV~ VNYU" d4 V .AS.
Final vote of the council on the
issue was 8-7.
Under the state provision, mak-
ing it optional for communities to
extend voting hours, it is necessary
for each municipality to set up
hours for balloting.
Three New Acts
Are Added, to
Student Show
Three new star student acts have
been added to the program of Kam-
pus Kapers which will be presented
at 8 p. m. Wednesday, November
15 in Hill Auditorium.
They include Judy Chayes, sing-
ing star of the Co. D Show, "Rus-
mor Has It" produced last spring
accompanied by Dick Thomas who
composed and directed the music in
that show. A novel mind reading
demonstration put on by Jack and
Vivian Sessions, two new students to
campus, has been added and novel
arrangements of popular tunes will
be furnished by Bill Beck '45 Dent.
at the piano.
Besides these added attractions,
the show-designed to bring back
some real Michigan spirit to campus
-will present those campus favo-
rites, Billy Layton and his band with
Judy Ward.
A boy whose lovable humor and
quick wit have made him a campus'
celebrity in only a short time, Doc
Fielding, will act as Master of Cere-
monies and do some of his speciality
Kampus Kapers is a show that is
being entirely staged by students and
is being arranged by a joint com-
mittee representing the Union, The
Daily and the League. All three cam-
pus forces have combined their ef-
forts to "make this the biggest and
best show in University history."
Besides reviewing a "hit parade" of
campus talent, the Kapers will in-
clude a panoramic picture of cam-
pus activities led by the University
Varsity Men's Glee Club under the
direction of Prof. David Mattern.
Lt. Rudy, Jr. Killed
In Airplane Crash
Lt. Merle E. Rudy, Jr., who left the
University to enter the armed forces
in February, 1943, was killed instant-
ly ten miles south of Charleston, N.C.,
Oct. 25, when his parachute failed
to open as he jumped from an A-20
light bomber which he was piloting.

GALLUP-51.5 per cent of civilian
vote for Roosevelt; 18 states with
165 electoral votes sure for Roosevelt,
10 with 85 electoral votes for Dewey,
20 with 181 in doubt. Total, giving
doubtful states to candidate with
slight edge: Roosevelt 292 electoral
votes, Dewey 239. (It takes 266 to
cent of civilian popular vote for
Roosevelt on basis of "attitude ques-
tions," 52.5 per cent for him in secret
ballot poll. Elmo Roper, who con-
ducts Fortune's survey, expresses
"personal belief" Roosevelt would win
by "comfortable majority."
CROSSLEY-52 per cent of ma-
jor party vote for Roosevelt, with
attempt made to estimate trend of
service vote. (actual polling of ser-
vicemen and women is prohibited
by Federal law.) Roosevelt 354 elec-
toral votes to Dewey's 177 if pres-
/ent slight indications in pivotal states
are borne out.
electoral votes for Roosevelt, 247 for
Dewey, Pennsylvania's 35 undecided,
on basis of reports from 118 political
If today's election is as close as
many analysts say it will be, a presi-
dential decision may hinge on the
service vote. In that event the new
president may not be known for days
or weeks because eleven states do not
count their service ballots right away.
For example, Pennsylvania with 35
electoral votes and classed as a
doubtful state, does not start count-
ing its service vote-estimated at
around 250,000-until Nov. 22. The
counting may take several days in
large counties.
Other states, witx their electoral,
votes and the dates for counting
such ballots are:
California-25-Nov. 24.
Colorado-6-Nov. 22.
Florida-8--Nov. 8-17.
Maryland-8-Nov. 9.
Missouri-15-Nov. 10.
Nebraska-6-Nov. 13-Dec. 1.
North Dakota-4-up to Dec. 5.
Rhode Island-4-Dec. 5.
Utah-4-Nov. 7-12.
Washington-8-Nov. 27-Dec. 5.

HOMECOMING TROPHIES: Pictured above are Glenn White, USNR, (left) holding the trophy which
will be presented to the fraternity judged to have the best homecoming display and Peg Laubengayer,
'45, who is holding the cup which will be presented for the best sorority display. White is a member of
the Union Executive Board and a member of. Sigma Chi while Miss Laubengayer is president of Pan-
Hellenic Council and a member of Alpha Chi Omega.

Lombardo Poll
Voting To End
4 P.M., Today
Today at 4 p.m. is the last students
may cast their votes for the five
favorite songs of the Michigan cam-
pus which Guy Lombardo will play
at 10 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 18 over the
Blue Network and station WXYZ.
Ballots were distributed with Sun-
day's Daily and may also be picked
up at any of the five ballot boxes.
These are located at the Union,
League, center of the diagonal, the
Engine Arch and the Student Publi-
cations Building.
union Will Score
Election Returns
Election returns will be presented
in a graphic fashion on a scoreboard
in the Union lobby all day today.
"We'll start posting figures as soon
as they start coming in," Glenn
White, Union publicity director, said

Rally Friday at Field House
Tn S4ii~ Ton m tt Victoirv

sity, to apply without delay these
armed forces to avert or liquidate
aggression, and to punish those guilty
of aggression."
Prepared For War
Pointing out that peace-loving na-
tions always are ill prepared for war,
while agressive nations usually are
better prepared, Stalin said:
"It cannot be considered accidental
that such unpleasant facts occurred
as the incident at Pearl Harbor,
the loss of the Philippines and the
other islands of the Pacific, the loss
of Hongkong and Singapore, when
Japan, as an agressive nation, proved
more prepared for war than Great
Britain and the U. S. A.-an example
of the advantage of an agressive
Distrusts Germany
The Russian Premier declared itl
would be "naive" to think that Ger-
many would not, after defeat, at-
tempt to restore her power 'and de-
velop a new aggression.
"It is known to all," he added, {
"the German leaders are already
now preparing for a new war. Histo-
ry points to the fact that a short
period-20 to 30 years-is sufficient
for Germany to recover from de-
feat and to restore her power."
Stalin asserted that the armed or-
ganization which he advocated would
be effective "if the great powers,
which have borne on their shoulders
the main burden of the war against
Germany, will act in the future also
in the spirit of unanimity and con-
cord. It will not be effective if
these essential conditions are violat-
"The alliance of Russia, the Unit-
ed States and Great Britain, is vital-
ly important for all. If it has stood
so far, the stronger it will be at this
final stage of the war.
Junior Girls Asked
To Sell Bonds Today
Junior women will be given an op-
portunity to sign up for work on their
class project, the campus-wide sale
of war stamps and bonds, from 10
a. m. to 4 p. m. today and tomorrow
at an outdoor booth on the diagonal.
JGP has ten committees, all of
which need volunteers. The booth
will be manned by the central com-
mittee who will be able to explain the
duties of the various groups.

A R .7 k U1t'1A.C, t4,E01
Songs and yells; shouting for a
Michigan victory over Illinois, will
make the rafters of Yost Field House
ring, as the pep rally at 7:30 p.m.
Friday sends-off the campus' first
homecoming celebration since 1941.
Every guy and his gal is invited
to get in on this attempt to revive
Michigan's pre-war college spirit.
SThey've invited to let their hair drag,
to raise a couple of field house roofs,
to tell the world that the Illinois!
Illini are going to take the worst
thumping of their career at the
hands of the onrushing Wolverines
the next day.
Friday Night Pep Rally
Fraternities and sororities are al-
ready reporting plans for house fes-
tivities. Campus town merchants
also have been asked to plan special
store decorations.
Every campus resfIence is eligible
to put up a display to boost the
homecoming celebration. Residents
mu.0t notify either the League or the

Union of their displays before Friday,'
so that the judges may include them
on their schedule Saturday morning.
Assistant dean Walter Rea, W. B.
Shaw, director of alumni relations,
and Donald B. Gooch, assistant pro-
fessor of decorative design, will judge
the exhibits. Cost of displays and
decorations is limited to five dollars.
Leased Houses Can't Decorated.
Only the residents of each house
I may decorate that house. Fraterni-
ties that have leased their houses to
the University may not put up dis-
plays this year, it was decided yes-
terday afternoon at a meeting of
men's house presidents.
Winners of the display contest in
both the men's and women's divi-
sion, will be announced at the half
Saturday. Trophies (pictured above)
will be presented to each winning
house president at the dance Satur-
day night. These trophies will be on
display the rest of the week at the
Union and, the League.

world News
at a Glance
By The Associated Press
PACIFIC-Yanks destroy Ja
heavy cruiser, three destroyers,
191 planes in new raid; Americans.
advance four miles towards Ormoc
on Leyte.
fight back into Vossenac near Aa-
sistance stiffens at Budapest, Ber-
lin reports; Stalin asks strong
world police force in Mos0w
AIR-More than 4,00 Allied
planes hit four German cities and
Brenner Pass.
open up with artillery as bad
weather breaks. Allied warships
bombarded German positions near
French-Italian border over week-
CHINA-Chinese troops halt a
Japanese drive 45 miles north of
Liuchow, Kwangsi Province rail
center and site of last U.S. Air
Base in Eastern China.
British Minister
Of Middle East
Lord Moyne Shot in
Cairo by Two Gunmen
CAIRO, NOV. 6-P)-Lord Moyne,
British Resident Minister in the Mid-
dle East was fatally wounded today
by two gunmen who attacked him as
he was alighting from his auto at
his home.
He died tonight in a military hos-
pital, a few hours after he was shot
in the neck and stomach. His chauf-
feur also was killed.
The assassins were captured.
The Egyptian government tonight
broadcast a formal statement de-
claring that Lord Moyne's assailants
were not Egyptians. Lord Moyne
had been British Minister in the
Middle East since August, 1942.
The assailants, who apparently had
hidden in the Minister's house, at-
tempted to flee across the - front
grounds of the house. An Egyptian
police constable shot one, and his
companion was caught nearby. 3oth
were held in custody by Cairo police.
There was no immediate explana-
tion of the attack.
Walter Edward Guinness, Lord
Moyne, was born in Dublin and serv-
ed as British Colonial Secretary in
1941-42. He was Under-Secretary of
State For War in 1922-23, and Leader
of the House of Lords in 1941-42.
j ap Ship Sunk in
Manila, Luzon Raid
QUARTERS, Pearl Harbor, Nov. 6.-
(P)-Third Fleet carrier planes sank
one Japanese ship, damaged fie
warships and several cargo ships and
destroyed 191 planes in surprise raids
on Manila and Southern Luzon.. h
Preliminary reports also show that
"much damage" was done to five
airfields in the raids Saturday, Adm.
Chester W. Nimitz reported in a
communique today.
Th or ac- ,,an vienn


Non-Partisan Study Compares Presidential Candidates

"Franklin D. Roosevelt is the can- I

Nov. 7 Meeting of The Daily
business staff at 4:30
p. m. Special tryout
meeting at 4 p.m.
Nov. 7 Guy Lombardo Poll.
Nov. 9 Sigrid Schultz lecture.
Nov. . 0 Friday night pep rally.
Nov. .11 Homecoming week-end,
football game.
Nov. 12 Choral Union Concert;
Cleveland Orchestra; 7
p.m. at Hill Auditorium.
Nov. 15 Kampus Kapers 8 p.m.
at Hill Auditorium.
mNEv 16 Oratorica.l Assainn

didate under whose leadership the
interests of American 'democracy
would best be protected and most
progress made in the years ahead,"
the National Federation for Consti-
tutional Liberties, a non-partisan,
anti-fascist civil rights organization,
concluded after thorough objectiveL
analysis of the records of the two
leading candidates for President on
five ;significant civil rights issues
published in a pamphlet entitled,
"The People's Rights and the 1944
On the soldiers' vote, Dewey has
taken an alarming stand for anyone
aspiring to the presidency, arguing
for the "states' rights" to send out
the kinds of ballotsethey desire,
which, in Dewey's case, is a com-
plicated ballot sent by an intricate
and slow procedure and disfranchis-
ing overseas members of the Mer-
chant Marine and overseas workers

of a non-partisan War Ballot Com-
mission for a simplified form of secret
ballot for the offices of President and
Vice-President; for sending each ser-
vice man and woman a special ap-
plication card to faciltate his appli-
cation to his own state, if he so de-
sired, for state and local ballots, or,
if he preferred, to substitute his state
ballot entirely.#
In the House, 180 Republicans and
36 poll tax Democrats voted against
the federal ballot, while 122 Demo-
crats and 16 Republicans, the N. F.
C. L. found, supported it. In the
Senate 25 Republicans and 13 poll
tax Democrats voted, "No," while 36
Democrats and 11 Republicans fav-
ored the bill.S
Discriminatory Practices Avoided
"Under President Roosevelt," ac-
cording to the N. F. C. L. pamphlet,
"more discriminatory practices in
employment have been eliminated
than at any time since Lincoln." The

ing to the N. F. C. L. study, the F. E.
P. C. has heard more than 10,000
complaints and settled more than
4,000 major complaints.
The study found only promises and
procrastination on Dewey's record in
regard to fair employment practice.
"There is no doubt on the facts of
the record that there has been greater
progress made on the problem of
discrimination in the armed forces
under President Roosevelt's leader-
ship than at any time in the history
of this country. Not only have Negro
men and women been given much
more and better training and many
more positions of real responsibility
in the Army, but in the Navy colored
men have been admitted for the first
time in substantial number to each
branch. For the first time in history
Negro and white men are being train-
ed together in Officer Candidate
Schools . . . Given continued strong
and determined leadership as exem-
nlifipr hv Prersidnt Rnsvel+ .oh

hand, said in a message to Congress1
on Jan. 26, 1944, "The 'states rights'
voting bill is a fraud on the soldiers,

Order. The F. E. P. C. receives com-
plaints of discrimination in employ-
ment and through investigation and





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