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November 05, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-11-05

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SUNDAY, NOV. 5, 1944

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Fifty-Fifth Year




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aesmaAmma oma

Edited and managed by students of the University
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
Student Publications.

Editorial Staff

elyn Phillips
n Wallace
y Dixon:.
,nk Mantho
e Loewenberg
wis Kennedy

. . Managing Editor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
* Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Business Staff

Lee Amer Business Manager
Barbara Chadwick . . Associate Business Mgr.
June Pomering . . . Associate Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
111Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Bad Thinkmg...
Some bitter things have been said in this
campaign for the presidency but few statements
have shown as little understanding of the basic
democratic process of balloting as the comment
by a Michigan legislator Friday during the de-
bate on extending voting hours in the state.
Rep. Walter M. Campbell, Gladwin Repub-
lican t was quoted by the Associated Press as
saying that "any representative who votes for
this bill (to extend the polling hours) in its
present form is selling Tom Dewey down the
Campbell was speaking at Lansing during
debate on a measure, subsequently passed, ex-
tending polling time two hours beyond the cur-
rent limit. The bill granted the governing body
of ally city or township authority to lengthen
the polling hours but did not make extension
Campbell's opposition to the bill can only
be explained by his fear that additional polling
time will permit more votes to be cast in in-
dustrial areas, areas that normally vote Demo-
cratic. The upstate legislator was willing to
disenfranchise a sizeable portion of voters for
the sake of a majority for his party.
That kind of political thinking can be disas-
trous to our system of government.
-Paul Sislin
College ROTC...
STHIS IS ADDRESSED primarily to freshmen
men awaiting the draft for the military de-
partment at this 'University urges you especially,
to take advantage of the Reserve Officers Train-
ing Program which has been part of the cur-
riculum for the past 24 years. and which, now,
better than ever before, can prepare men ex-
pecting to be drafted into the armed services to
fill better jobs, get more rapid promotion and
be better soldiers. The ROTC program, said one
Army spokesman, "will teach you certain funda-
mental military principles which may save your
If the military draft is stopped by the time
you reach your 18th birthday, the ROTC train-
ing will still be of as great value as any other
training you will receive at college as present in-
dications reveal that Congress either institute
compulsory military service, compulsory ROTC
or will continue the present set-up whereby
ROTC training may be elected for college credit
at the University, graduates becoming reserve
officers in the Army.
If you join the ROTC now, and the program
continues on the same voluntary basis as it now
does, you have a good chance of being selected
a Cadet Officer by the time you reach your sen-
ior year. As a Cadet officer you will hold con-
siderable prestige on campus and will receive 12
college credts for ROTC training. All students
taking the full ROTC program graduate with a
minimum of four college credits.
Realizing the importance of this program the
University military department is extremely de-
sirous that you freshmen men do not pass up

this opportunity and will therefore conduct, for
your convenience, many sections in ROTC
courses this year. New sections will be opened
if the demand warrants it.
Thus far, this semestermembership hasin-
creased more than 200 percent and is still grow-
ing. If you wish to register or make further in-
quiries (and remember, you needn't be a Fresh-
man to join) apply at Army headquarters, 512

The ('enduum
IT MAY BE repetitious to say so, but John Fos-
ter Dulles proved his incapacity to hold high
diplomatic office in 1939.
An isolationist and cartel sympathizer then,
Dulles stated in March of that year, as everyone
knows, "There is no reason to believe that any
totalitarian states, separately or collectively,
would attempt to attack the United States or
could do so successfully. Certainly it is well
within our means to make ourselves immune in
this respect. Only hysteria entertains the idea
that Germany, Italy or Japan contemplates war
upon us."
Yet that extraordinary declaration came more
than a year after the Munich Pact, and anyone
who thinks that the issue was not clearly drawn
in those days needs a mental refresher. He will
not get it from the press. For most newspapers
shared Dulles' view, or rather his myopia, right
down to December 7, '41 - as a consequence of
which they think it nasty to look at the record
and judge from it now. "Why rake up old polit-
ical leaves?" they ask, "especially if those leaves
reveal the awful truth," one might add.
The truth is it would be folly to put in pos-
itions of momentous trust men whose past be-
speaks unreliability. Long before March, 1939,
liberals all over the democratic world had been
denouncing appeasement. Realistic Winston
Churchill upbraided Chamberlain with stunning
and continuous oratory, Anthony Eden resigned
from the Tory cabinet and internationalism was
the cry on every enlightened side.
In this country, for every Dulles or Wheel-
er in the dark, there was a William Allen
White - soon to organize his Fight For Free-
dom Committee - and a Henry Stimson -
who wanted to intervene even in 1931 against
Japan. These men saw the danger of un-
restrained aggression and wished to act before
total warfare broke out. Others did not -
and where should the blame lie if not with
True Candidate Roosevelt disclaimed any wish
to enter the League of Nations in 1932 (though
Republicans had better be wary about using this
as a campaign argument since Candidate Hoover
was even more forceful in his disclaimer). But,
by 1937, Roosevelt was calling for a quarantine
of aggressor nations. This suggestion went un-
heeded. What stands out is that the
President was, at that point, light years ahead
of his opposition. Others may have been ahead
of the president. But, that does not matter in
the forthcoming election. Roosevelt is not run-
ning against Secretary of War Stimson. He is
running against Tom Dewey - who long since
has shown he knows literally nothing about for-
eign affairs.
Discreet silence, like that he maintained on
every other subject, would have been better for
Dewey than the isolationism he would not for-
sake till almost too late.
WHAT do you suppose would have happened if
Dewey had been nominated and elected in
1940? His platform would have called for dis-
regard of Europe's war, hostility towards if not
non-recognition of Soviet Russia, and general
military unpreparedness -hindsight notwith-
standing. Had Dewey chosen a Stimson Repub-
lican this year as the man to supply him with
ideas on foreign policy -to fill what otherwise
would be a vacuum-we might alter our opinion.
But couple that error of omission with other
fundamental mistakes in judgment and we have
an indication of a profound inability to guide
the nation through its stormiest years.
Don't tell me as the press tells you that this
is all ancient history. A majority of the Amer-
ican people may not have been alert to the
meaning of fascism years ago. So much the
more reason for rejoicing that our president did
understand this force and could provide ade-
quate leadership to combat it.
The newspapers do everything in their
power to make us forget the past decade. It
is not pleasant for Gannett and Hearst and

Knight and their fellow publishers to recollect
how they fought hammer and tongs against
every piece of social legislation. They cried
"Dictatorship" at Roosevelt for farm relief,
social security, power projects, and soil con-
servation. After it was all over, when these
laws had become the warp and woof of Amer-
ican life, they hailed them,
By 1940 Wendell Willkie accepted the New
Deal-with the provision that Republicans could
better administer it. But,, had Republicans been
in office there would have been no New Deal to
administer. After every gain during the '30's
which they first opposed and then took to their
bosoms, the Republicans would have called a
halt. "So far shall we go in the rehabilitation of
this land - and Vo farther" seemed to be their
slogan. Implicit and explicit in this attitude
was the attempt to denature reform, remove the
dynamism from it, and attain an impossibly
static society. When change did occur they re-
signed themselves to it. They are not the kind
of men to instigate change.
But change will always be necessary until ab-
solute perfection has been achieved. Until we
arrive at such a state, the frozen status quo will
never be tolerable.
My point is that just as Republicans became
enthusiastic about New Deal reforms after they

ii, I d

LAST NIGHT Helen Traubel opened the cur-
rent Choral Union concert series with a
consistently excellent performance, although she
did not display her full power of interpretation
and warmth until after her Beethoven numbers.
In this group she seemed to lack the resonance
axed feeling which she -achieved later in the
While understanding Miss Traubel's senti-
ments in regard to singing as much as possi-
ble of her concerts in English, we feel that the
real beauty of the Beethoven numbers was less-
ened because translations are almost invariably
weaker and less effective than the original
The Schubert and the Strauss songs revealed
the artist's fine technical facility and afforded
ample opportunity for the display of a most
exquisite legato, amazing flexibility, wide range
and depth of feeling. There was much free-
dom of tempi, which, though unusual, was not
We were frankly disappointed in Miss Trau-
bel's rendition of the Wagner numbers, par-
ticularly the aria from Lohengrin. Intonation
was noticeably faulty in the opening bars,
and the whole was characterized by a lifeless-
ness which may have been due to the absence
of orchestral support.
The last group came near to being the most
perfect and enjoyable part of the evening. The
spirituals, though failing to convey the typical
Negro religious fervor, were simple and artistic
as well as rich and warm. "Sea Shell" and "A
Memory" were received enthusiastically by the
audience, as was the entire program.
Mr. Bos, one of the most outstanding accom-


Time for a Change...
TOO , say that it is time for a
change. However, I most certain-
ly do not share Messrs. Fink and
Shinn's belief that Mr. Dewey and
the Republicans have anything bet-
ter to offer the American people than
the present administration. The
change which I am proposing is not
merely a change from tweedledumJ
to tweedledee as the none-too-num-
erous Republican contributors to
this paper are advocating.
The two old parties could ex-
change platforms and few would be
the wiser. There is more difference
within the two major parties than
there is between them. In the
ranks of the Republicans we find
men of the Colonel McCormick and
Clair Hoffman caliber holding hands
with the disciples of Willkie and
Stassen. Among the Democrats we
have the southern Bourbons, the
Hagues, and the Kellys singing the
praises of their Messiah, Roosevelt,
n unison with sincere if somewhat
erratic liberals, such as Henry Wal-
lace, Sydney Hillman and Dorothy
Thompson. Both parties pushed
aside their respective outstanding
liberals. The late Wendell Willkie
was treated little better by the Re-
publicans than Henry Wallace was
by the Democrats.
Both old parties try to out-do
each other in shouting of the glor-
ies of the "free enterprise" system.
This so-called free enterprise which
has nothing free about it except
the name has not ever begun to
conquer poverty either under Dem-
ocrats or Republicans. "Free
enterprise," or more accurately,
private capitalism is in no small
way responsible for the war which
is now raging the world over.
Above all, neither major party has

Letters to the Editor

a program for lasting peace since
they only take a stand against Jap-
anese and German imperialism, not
realizing that any brand of imperial-
ism even if it be of a British, Amer-
ican or Russian variety is not con-
sistent with lasting peace.
Now the question arises; do the
American people have an alternative
to voting for the two old parties
which have neither principles nor
leadership capable of laying' the
groundwork for that better world
which all forward looking men seek.
The answer is emphatically, yes,
since Norman Thomas and the Soc-
alist party are still on the scene.
The Socialists, alone in this election,
stand for humanity first. They alone
speak out for democratically planned
economy and for a peoples' peace not
based on vengeance. They alone
speak out against every form of rac-
ial discrimination and believe in en-
acting strong legislation against it.
They alone have fought against the
attack on labor's rights in peace and
In closing let us look at the fol-
lowing significant statement by
one of the world's foremost relig-
ous leaders, John Haynes Holmes;
"A vote for Mr. Roosevelt or Mr.
Dewey is a vote thrown away, for
it makes little difference to the
fate of mankind which candidate
is elected. . The results will be the
same. But a vote for Norman
Thomas will count as impressive
support of sound policy and true
ideals in the present crisis. A mi-
lion votes for Norman Thomas
would do more to stabilize this
nation and help on the cause of
peace than any other result in this
campaign. Independents, liberals,
free-minded citizens everywhere
should answer this challenge and
roll up a record socialist vote."
-Murray Seidler

panists and ttachers of our
praise for his sympathetic

receive a grade of E in the course
or courses unless this work is made
up by Dec. 2. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Rm. 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar


day, deserves mucli
and inspiring sup-,
-Elsie -Smith

Dominic Says

HAVE we a Bill of Duties
Bill of Rights?


to match the G. I,

(a) 52 weeks of pay while unemployed. (b)
help in the form of money while trying to set
up a business. (c) Guarantees of 50 per cent
of loans up to $2,000 at interest of not more
than 4 per cent for the purpose of establishing
homes or businesses.' (d) Hospitalization and
medical care. (e) Additional assistance in
finding employment through the United
States Employment Service. (f) Individual
grants of $500 a year for training and edu-
cation for four years. Subsistence pay is also
provided during this period. Most of the se/-
vice men as veterans no doubt will appreciate
the privileges thus offered, and will both avail
themselves of the' grants and thereby become
more useful citizens. But what of the general
democratic principles beneath this war pro-
Every privilege assumes a responsibility. On
the general acceptance of that meaning of
democratic citizenship rests the Republic. We
do well as civilians to create an ethical climate
in which it will be easier for the veterans to at-
tend to those responsibilities than to ignore
them. In ths county today the majority party,
as represented by certain clerks in voting pre-
cincts, have failed at that task. Because many
strangers, possibly of the minority party, wish
to register at odd hours, industrial hours instead
of farmer hours, some of these clerks have rigid-
ly limited their hours and deprived strangers of
their right to register. This is building the op-
posite climate. In such a climate the veterans
will be taught to take advantage of every sit-
uation, overwork each privilege and sell the
stranger down the river.
The Governor has redeemed democracy, how-
ever, by asking the legislature to accomodate the
voting hours to the people. Those who have
been "keeping the home fires burning", have a
more difficult ethical status than men who are
returning to civil life. Veterans have an adjust-
ment to make but it will be dramatized and held
in social esteem. Civilians have duties which
cannot be dramatized; some thorough-going as-
signments which cannot be printed nor de-
scribed over the radio. Here is the religious de-
mand inherent in our American system. The
democratic wdy pre-supposes an enlightenment
which transcends duty, travels the road of ideal-
ism and must spring automatically from the
soul of our citizens.
"Democracy will itself accomplish the salu-
tary universal change from the delusive to the
real, and make a new blessed world of us, bye
and bye". (Carlyle)
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
University of Michigan.
had been accomplished, so they became inter-
ventionists after war was declared against us.
Our decision about the presidency must be
made on the basis of what each candidate has
thought and done at crucial moments, not on
the basis of opportunistic after-thought. What
think you of Roosevelt versus Dewey on that
score - or of Hull versus Dulles?
-Bernard Rosenberg

(Continued from Page 2)
examination on the content of these
lectures. Transfer students with
freshman standing are also required
to take the course unless they have
had a similar course elsewhere.
These lectures will be given in Rm.
25, Angell Hall at 5 p.m. and repeated
at 7:30 p.m. as per the following
Lecture No. Day Date


Monday Nov. 6
Tuesday Nov. 7
Wednesday Nov. 8
Thursday Nov. 9
Monday Nov. 13
Tuesday Nov. 141
note that attendance is re-
and roll will be taken.
Warren E. Forsythe, M.D.
Director, Health Service

Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, Nov.
23, is a University holiday. All Uni-
versity activities will be resumed on
Friday, Nov. 24.
Eligibility Certificates: Certificates
of eligibility for extra-curricular ac-
tivities can be issued at once by the
Office of the Dean of Students if
each student will bring with him the
latest blueprint or photostat copy of
his record.
Social Chairmen are reminded that
requests for all social events must be
filed in the Office of the Dean of
Students on the Monday before the
event. They must be accompanied
by written acceptance from two sets
of APPROVED chaperons and in the
case of fraternities and sororities, by
approval from the financial adviser.
Approved chaperons may be 1) par-
ents of active members or pledges,
2) professors, associate professors or
assistant professors, or 3) couples
already approved by the Office of
the Dean of Students. A list of the
third group may be seen at any time
at the Office of the Dean of Stu-
The Bureau of Appointments and
OccupationalInformation: We have
received notice from4 the Board of
Education, Newark, N.J., that exam-
inations for Elementary Art, Ele-
mentary Home Economics, and Ele-
mentary Vocal Music will be held at
the Central Commercial and Tech-
nical High School, Newark, N.J.,
Nov. 24, 1944. Anyone interested may
receive further information by call-
ing at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall.
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information: We have
received notice from the Board of
Education, Newark, N.J., that exami-
nations for Elementary Art, Elemen-
tary Home Economics, and Elemen-
tary Vocal Music will be held at the
Central Commercial and Technical

High School, Newark, N.J., Nov. 24,
1944. Anyone interested may receive
further information by calling at the
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall.
Issuance of Keys: On and after
Nov. 15th the Key Office at the
Buildings and Grounds Department
will be open between the hours of
1 to 4:30 p.m., Mondays through Fri-
days, and from 8 to 12 a.m. Satur-
University Press Club: Members of
the Faculty are urged to assist the
University by providing accommoda-
tions for visiting Michigan newspa-
per editors and their wives, who will
be guests of the University during
the meetings of the University Press
Club Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Nov. 9, 10' and 11. Rooms will be
needed for Thursday and Friday
nights, and the existing housing
shortage has preempted many of the
facilities used in past years. Anyone
able to assist is asked to write to
D. H. Haines, Dept. of .Journalism,
212 Haven Hall, stating the number
of accommodations available and
whether or not they may be occupied
on both Thursday and Friday night.
The delegates will of course expect
to pay for their entertainment.
F. E. Robbins
Season Tickets for the University
of Michigan Lecture Course are now
on sale at the box office, Hill Atidi-
torium. The schedule of lectures is
as follows: Nov. 16, Hon. Francis B.
Sayre, "Our Relations with the Phil-
ippines"; Nov. 22, Hon. Carl J. Ham-
bro, "How To Win the Peace"; Nov.
30, Lillian Gish, "From Hollywood to
Broadway"; Dec. 12, Osa Johnson,
"The Solomons", with color motion
pictures; Jan. 11, Mme. Wei, "Chine
After the War"; Jan. 23, Eliot Jane-
way, "New Horizons for Democracy";
Feb. 6, Ruth Draper, "Character
Sketches"; March 15, Joe Fisher,
"Land of the Maharajahs", with
color motion pictures. The box office
is open daily (except Saturday after-
noon and Sunday) from 10-1 and
A cademic Notices
To All Male Students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
By action of the Board of Regents,
all male students in residence in this
College must elect Physical Educa-
tion for Men. This action has been
effective since June, 1943, and will
continue for the duration of the war.
Students may be excused from
taking the course by (1) The Uni-
versity Health Service, (2) The Dean
of the College or by his representa-
tive, (3) The Director of Physical
Education and Athletics.
Petitions for exemption by stu-
dents in this Collegenshould be ad-
dressed by freshmen to Professor
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the
Academic Counselors (108 Mason
Hall); by all other students to Assis-

Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on Fri-
day, Nov. 10 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Buil-
ding. Dictionaries may be used.
There will be a meeting of those
who are interested in seminars which
have not been organized so far on
Wednesday, Nov. 8, at 4:15 p.m. in
Rm. 3011, Angell Hall.
Engineering Aptitude Tests: All
first-term civilian Engineering fresh-
men will meet in Rackham Lecture
Hall at 8 o'clock on Thursday morn-
ing, Nov. 9. for the purpose of taking
the Engineering Aptitude Tests de-
veloped by the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching.
There will be no make-up opportun-
ity. Freshmen will be excused from
classes on that day. I
Biological Chemistry Seminar for
the fall term will be held at 4:15 p.m.
on Wednesdays, in Rm. 319 West
Medical Building. The first meeting
will be held on Nov. 8. "Hypervita-
minosis A" will be discussed. All
interested are invited.
English 211c will meet Tuesday at
1:30 in 3217 A.H.
English 211f will meet Tuesday at
4 in 3217 A.H.
English 31, sec. 2 (MWF, 9), will
meet in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial
English 71, sec. 1, will meet in 1035
English 71, sec. 2, will meet in
1009 A.H.
History Courses: The following
Se'ctions have been added in History:
History 11-Section 12, Tues., Th.,
1, "G" HH; Section13,iMon., Fri., 10,
101 Economics; Section 14, Mon.,
Fri., 1, "G" HH; Section 15, Tues.,
Th., 11, 35 Angell Hall; Section 16,
Tues., Th., 1, "E" HH.
History 41-Sec. 3, Wed., 11, 103
History 49-Sec. 3, Th., 9, 216 HH.
Note new room assignments for the
History 11-Lec., III, Tues., Th., 9,
231 Angell Hall; Sec. 1, Mon., Fri., 9,
101 Economics; Sec. 9, Mon. and Fri.,
9, 216 HH; Sec. 11, Mon., Fri., 11,
216 HH.
History 12-Sec. 1, Mon, Fri., 9,
"G" HH.
History 37-MWF, 10, "D" HH.
History 41-Sec. 2, Wed, 9, 229
Angell Hall.
History 347, Sat., 10-12, 408
History 50 Omitted.
Mathematics 161 will meet Tues-
day, Thursday, and Saturday at 8
a.m. in Rm. 204, South Wing.
Math. 327: Mathematics 327, Sem-
inar in Theoretical Statistics, meet-
ing to arrange hours at 3 p.m. Mon-
day in 3020 Angell Hall.
Seminar in physical chemistry will
meet on Monday, Nov. 6 in Rm. 410,
Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Pro-
fessor R. Samuel of the Illinois Insti-
tute of Technology will speak on
"Dissociation Spectra of Polyato-
mic Molecules." All interested are
Spanish 197: This class will meet
on Monday, Nov. 6, at 4 p.m. in Rm.
106 Romance Languages Building, to
arrange hours of futuredmeetings.
N. W. Eddy
Speech 31: Section 10 and Section
11 of Speech 31, meeting MWF 10'
and MWF 11, Mr. Norton instructor,
will meet in Morris Hall on Monday.

Events Today
Men's Glee Club: A first get-to-
gether sing, smoker and tryouts for
new members will be held at the Glee
Club Rooms, third floor, Michigan
Union, Sunday, Nov. 5, at 4:30 p.m.
All men on campus including fresh-
men and all men in service are
'C oing Events
Junior Research Club: The No-
vember meeting will be held Tuesday,
Nov. 7, 1944, in the Amphitheatre of
the Horace H. Rackham Schools of
Graduate Studies at 7:30 p.m. Pro-
gram: Methods in Electrical Instru-
mentation, by Melville B. Stout, De-
partment of Electrical Engineering,
and Retirement Funds, by Carl H.
Fischer, Department of Mathemat-
University of Michigan Section of









By Crockett Johnson

fNaturally, people will turn to us,
A.A., with our economic know-how Sit tight,

Ah! It's 1931'' Now it's just around the
corner! . . Tock tick. Tock tick. Tock tick-

C~Yright , 944 Field Fvblkgtin


3o NS
Tock tick.

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