THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEB. 15, 1945 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: t Dewey 's Visit No Success DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-- Governor Dewey's two-day visit to Washington was not exactly a howl- ing success, but both he and GOP Chairman Brownell left convinced they had made a step toward one long-range Republican objective- dissolution of the "unholy alliance" between Re- publicans and southern Democrats. They have long wanted to replace it with a forthright Re- publican program of their own. Actually GOP leaders in the Senate have always been agreeable to breaking up the coalition. However, House Minority Leader Joe Martin, who rules lower chamber GOP'sters with an iron hand, has stub- bornly opposed. He has long enjoyed licking the administration through his hydra-headed alli- ance with John Rankin of Mississippi, Gene Cox of Georgia and Virginia's wing-collared,. beetle- browed Howard Smith. During the two-day meeting, Dewey held several long talks with the Republican leader- ship in both houses, strongly endorse Brown- ell's idea that the GOP needs an independent legislative program of its own. Even Joe Mar- tin, who has been known to threaten recalci- trant Republican representatives with defeat in the next electidh if they bolt his leadership at last seemed sympathetic. Dewey pulled two boners during his visit, which didn't help. Lunching with a number of GOP Senators, he was accompanied by two burly New York state troopers who acted as bodyguards. After lunch in the Senate dining room, several Sena- tors came up to shake hands. But Dewey's body- guards, not realizing that the Senate dining room is open to all Senators, tried to block off one or two unexpected Senators, including pug- nacious" Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi. When Bilbo was prevented from walking into the dining room to pay his respects to Dewey he backed away and bellowed: "See here, you. This is the Capitol of the United States. And this is the Senate of the United States. And this is the Senate dining room. And I'm a United States Senator so getI the h- out of the way." The bodyguards retreated, didn't realize they had been pushing Senators like Bilbo around for close to an hour. Dewey's Press Conference -. - DEWEY'S other boner was with the press. In- stead of calling a regular press conference as is customary with all political figures, the New York Governor got inveigled into a private din- ner with a small group of newsmen. Not even the Associated Press or the United Press were included in this secret pow-wow. Naturally there was a howl. So to straighten things out a cocktail party was held for some of those who were peeved. However, even this was restricted, and only caused Dewey more trouble. Two of those who were left out, John Terrell of Newsweek and Truman Felt of the St. Louis Star Times, de- cided to drop over to the Statler where the Dewey press conference was taking place. At the hotel desk they were told strict orders had been left by Dewey not to reveal where his dinner was taking place. However, upstairs in the Pan-American Room, Terrell and Felt man- aged to get past a guard and found themselves in the room with Dewey and the small group of newsmen, all from pro-Dewey papers. Abruptly Dewey stopped talking. There was a moment of embarrassed silence. Dewey's face turned crimson. Finally Felt spoke up. "I hope we're not embarrassing anyone," he said. "We just thought we'd drop over. We heard the Governor is meeting with the press." The silence continued, with the chill spread- ing like a quick freeze over a basket of fresh- picked fruit. "If we're embarrassing anyone, we'll leave," said Felt standing up and walking toward the door. At this Paul Lockwood, Dewey's secretary whose press relations ideas have usually been sound, hopped to his feet and began apologizing. "This isn't our party," Lockwood said. "It was arranged for us. We have nothing to do with the arrangements." Felt and Terrell said nothing, left the room. Note-When Wendell Willkie made his first trip to Washington after the 1940 defeat, he invited in all newsmen, especially those from critical papers, renewed many friendships, won more admirers. German Ulndergriound Seethes . . ACCORDING to uncensored dispatches now reaching Washington, active guerrilla war- fare is flaring up on a mounting scale behind the German lines. First real indication of an active Fifth Col- umn in Germany came recently with accurate 'reports of pitched battles inside Berlin, Bres- lau and Bremen. This new guerrilla warfare differs from that of partisan units inside France, Yugoslavia and Greece in that few of the guerrilla troops are Germans. The bulk are Frenchmen and Russians who were cap- tured earlier in the war and have been used as slave labor. All of these workers were carefully guarded by -Himmler until recently. Most lived in big cities and worked in large industrial plants. In Berlin for example, hundreds of thousands of slave laborers have been housed in fenced off temporary barracks in the heart of the city. But recent powerful Allied air raids have created such chaos that thousands of foreign workers escaped from their enclosures and have hidden in the bomb ruins. At night, the guerrillas prowl the streets, capture Nazi sentries, steal food and ammuni- tion, commit extensive sabotage. They have been joined by some German Arny deserters, afraid to return to the front. Once Berlin is taken it is expected that the several million slave laborers will flare into such revolt that Germany-except in the mountain- ous south-will cave like an eggshell. War Notes . F.D.R. still hasn't decided who he will name as High Commissioner of the Philippines. WMC Director Paul McNutt and Supreme Court Jus- tice Frank Murphy both are ready to go. If Murphy takes it, Roosevelt will nominate Judge Sam Rosenman to the Supreme Court.. . Liberal French Catholic writer Jacques Maritain is scheduled to be the new French Ambassador to the Vatican . . . Germans are already trying to escape from the threatened Nazi homeland. Re- ports from Lisbon, Madrid, Stockholm and Berne reveal hundreds of Germans trying to crash the frontier to get out of Germany before the Allies take over ... The Nazis are so panicky that they are even trying to persuade the French and English people that Hitler and Stalin have concluded a secret armistice. Berlin radio made a special broadcast this week end saying: "At this mo- ment Mr. Hitler and Mr. Stalin have concluded an armistice." What the Nazis want, of course, is distrust among the United Nations, and a negotiated peace. . . A significant new Slav treaty is now being negotiated. It will bind together the Czechoslovak government and the Lublin-Polish government in the first step to- ward the creation of an eastern European Slavic alliance-naturally with Moscow's bless- ing. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate) THURSDAY, FEB. 15, 1945 VOL. LV, No. 85 Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat- urdays). will be assessed students who do not semester. Upperclass students who complete their classification by 11:00 were in the University as freshmeji a. m., Saturday, March 3, 1945. and who did not fulfill the require- The alphabetical feature of this ment are required to take and satis- schedule will be changed each term to factorily complete this course. Enroll give equal opportunity for early reg- for these lectures at the time of regu- istration to each student during his lar classification at Waterman Gym- course. nasium. These lectures are a gradua- Herbert G. Watkins, tion requirement. Ass't. Vice-President and Secretary Students should enroll for one of the two following sections: Sectio No I N t sMidyearGraduation Exercises will First lecture Monday, M bheld at 10:30 a. m., Saturday, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud. Automobile Regulation: The Uni- Feb. 24, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Subsequent lectures success versity Automobile Regulation will be The address to the graduating clas- days, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud. lifted for the period from 12 noon on ses will be given by Professor Camp- Examination (final), Monc Saturday, Feb. 24 until 8 a.m. on bell Bonner. Assembly at 10:00 a.m. 23, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud. Monday, March 5, 1945. as follows: Graduates in the middle Section No. II sections of the Lecture Hall as di- First lecture, Tuesday, ,M If unavoidably delayed, students rected by ushers; faculty in the office 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud. returning for the second term will be of the Graduate School; regents, Subsequent lectures, s admitted to their residences until officers, deans, minister, and speaker Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Hill A 12:30 a.m. WVednesday through Sun- of the day in Executive Board room; Examination (final), Tues 2aynighs.. ednesdlaytrloig hour-color guard and honor guard in the ril 24, 4:15-5:15, Hill Aud. day nights. The regular closing hours outer lobby. Participants will wearr-i for th ek of Feb 26 will be 11 p academic costume. The public is Monday through Thursday, 12:30 cdi invte. t ic i Final Examination: Poli Friday and Saturday, and 11 o'clock cordially invited; no tickets are re- ence 1. Saturday, Feb. 17, 8 Sunday. quired. Calderwood's sections ..: ---- Dorr's section ........ . arch 12, ive Mon- day, April larch 13, successive Aud. sday, Ap- ical Sci- :00-10:00. 1025 A.H. 1035 A.H. r 8 7nri ifin!a inn Vii-dc All iripnfifira._ All undergraduate women wishing * to live in houses not on the regu- tiont larly approved lists of the Office of ngv the Dean of Women i4 the Spring be vt Term must make appointments to for t see Mrs. Mary C. Bromage, Assistant stan Dean of Women, and obtain a special regis permission card to be presented at being registration. so pr -__ the School of Education Faculty: The ficial February meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, Feb. 19, in the Gr University Elementary School Li- ships brary. The meeting will convene at day 4:15 p.m. lowsl Grad Attention February Graduates: Blan College of Literature, Science, and the Offi4 Arts, School of Education, School of to 4 Music, School of Public Health-stu- A cards which were given out dur- Ghe Summer or Fall Terms must i . Kallenbach's section ...... 35 A.H. Norton's sections ........ 25 A.H. Silva's section .......... 1025 A.H. dents are advised not to request grades of I or X in February. When such grades are absolutely impera- tive, the work must be made up in1 time to allow your instructor to re-I port the make up grade not laterr than 4 p.m., March 2, 1945. Gradesr received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrart Registration, Spring Term, 1944- 1945. The student body has been divided into alphabetical groups and each group has been allotted a defi-} nite time when all students in that group will be admitted to the Gymna- siums for registration. The schedule Al gan will 15, i It in men poin En tion p. ix Ab Al Be Br Ca Ei; E alidated kby th e'4IZ 01 ox ~uUUC1L __ he Spring Term. All cards out- Final Examination: Political Sci- ding will be collected duringFa xmain:PltclSi dnce 2. Saturday, Feb. 17, 8:00-10:00. tration and redistributed after Room 231 A. H. g validated. Cards which are not rocessed will not be honored for Spring Term by University of- Doctoral Examination for Richard Is. Eugene Field, Chemistry; . thesis : ____"The Synthesis and Reactions of Cer- tain Partially Hydrogenated Biph- adt e Scholarshigxs and fellow-1 enyls," today, Feb. 15, 3 p.m., 309 s for 1945-1946: Today is the last hemistry. Chairman. E. C. Horn- for filing applications for Fel- hips and Scholarships im the Eg. uate School for 1945 - 1946. By action of the Executive Board ks may still be obtained in that the Chairman may invite members of ce from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 the faculties and advanced doctoral frm 9candidates to attend this examina- tion, and he may grant permission W-presentative From the Michi- to those who for sufficient reason State Civil Service Commission might wish to be present. be in our office Thursday, Feb. o interview February graduates. Sociology 157-Social Conflict and iterested, call Bureau of Appoint- Readjustment. ts, University Ext. 371, for ap- This course, which will be given tsUent. sduring the Spring term deals with social movements and the problem of violence and revolution in social -cademitc Notices groups. It does not deal with war, a i-and the description to that effect in glish 1 and 2. Final E the annual announcement is, there- Schedule for Tues., Feb. 20, 2-4 fore, in error. I. Sociology 156 English 1 This course, which was given dur- bel ................... E Haven ing the Fall term dealt with the nderson ............... C Haven problem of war. ertram ................2003 AH Music 41. Introduction to Musical romage ...............3209 AH Literature. For the Spring Semester, alver ..............D Haven only Section 2, Monday, Wednesday axis ................... 2215 AH and Friday at 10 a. m. will be open to singer ................ G Haven students in the College of Literature, verett .................3011 AH Science and the Arts. Georgia Free State THERE is something inspiring in Georgia's ab- olition of the poll tax. This action by a State which ten years ago was sneeringly referred to as a bog of bigotry-action, we emphasize, which the Georgians took on their own initiative and not as the result of outside pressure and cam- paigning-shows again that self-help and self- determination are the greatest assets man indi- vidually or collectively can have. The germ was a sense of outrage on the part of the Georgia League of Women Voters at the harm the poll tax system did to the Empire State of the South. The League began talking about it in 1936, and would not stop talking. Finally, the newspapers took it up, not only the metropolitan dailies, but the county seat weeklies, and the Georgia State Press Associa- tion made it a plank in its reform platform. The politicians were slow, and the agitations for a federal ban on poll taxes made them slower. states' rights being part of the bag of tricks of most Southern politicians. But the wind of re- form finally began to move them, too. Finally, when Ellis Arnall became Governor, things real- ly began to happen. A straight thinker and a hard fighter, he does not acknowledge defeat. The obstacles in the poll tax fight made him hit all the harder. Both Senators in Washington indorsed State repeal, both branches of the Leg- islature finally passed a measure that means what it says. "Today Georgia spoke for democracy," the Governor said as he signed the bill. Today it is Georgia Free State. Let the seven other poll tax states take notice that the last has made itself first. - St. Louis Post-Dispatch Ireuclie MICHIGAN students had a rare opportunity last week to meet one of the great person- alities of this war, Capt. Peter Freuchen, Danish national hero. Capt. Freuchen, who first made his mark as an explorer of Greenland for his homeland, has taken on new stature since the war's outbreak as one of the great leaders of the Danish underground. One of the significant things Capt. Freuchen had to say during his two-day visit here was the value of the underground press in Denmark, There the underground newspapers represent the only free press. Reading only official organs, the Nazis know only what they are told-of glorious German victories. But the Danes have disillusioned the supermen. "We tell the truth," he explained. --P. F. Sislin follows: Thursday, March 1, 1945 8:00- 8:30 Lar to Le Inclusive 8:30- 8:45 Li to Lz " 8:45- 9:00 Mc and Mac " 9:00- 9:15 M to May 9:15- 9:30 Maw to Mil " 9:30- 9:45 Mim to Mun " 9:45-10:00 Mur to Nz " 10:00-10:15 0 to Paq " 10:15-10:30 Par to P1 " 10:30-10:45 Po to Ran 10:45-11:00 Rao to Ri " 11:00-11:15 Roa to Roz " 11:15-11:30 Ru to Sea '' 1:00- 1:15 Sch to Se'' 1:15- 1:30 Sh to Sl 1:30- 1:45 Sm to Sp 1:45-2:00 St to Su " 2:00- 2:15 Sw to To 2:15- 2:30 Tr to Vi 2:30- 2:45 Vl to Weh 2:45- 3:00 Wei to Wik " 3:00- 3:15 Wil to Woo " 3:15- 3:30 Wop to Z " Friday, March 2, 1945 8:00- 8:15 A to Ao Inclusive 8:15- 8:30 Ap to Ban " 8:30- 8:45 Bao to Bel " 8:45- 9:00 Bem to Boe '' 9:00- 9:15 Bof to Bre 9:15- 9:30 Bri to Bz ' 9:30- 9:45 C to Cha " 9:45-10:00 Che to Col 10:00-10:15 Com to Cr" 10:15-10:30 Cu to Dem 10:30-10:45 Den to Dr " 10:45-11:00 Du to Er 11:00-11:15 Es to Fis " 11:15-11:30 Fit to Fr " 1:00- 1:15 Fu to Gin 1:15- 1:30 Gin to Gra " 1:30- 1:45 Gre to Hal 1:45-2:00 Ham to Haz " 2:00- 2:15 He to Hof 2:15- 2:30 Hog toH 2:30- 2:45 I to Joh 2:45- 3:00 Jol to Ken " 3:00- 3:15 Keo to Kol " 3:15- 3:30 Kom to Lap Saturday, March 3, 1945 Any student may register from 8:00 to 11:00 a. m. Students should plan to enter the Gymnasium in ample time to complete all registration and classification procedures by 11:00 a.m. Students who do not register by 11:00 a. m., Saturday March 3, 1945, will be assessed a late registration fee of $1.00 per day, maximum fee, $3.00. In addition a fee of $1.0( Fletcher ... . .. .. .. .. . .. .3017 AH Fogle ..................B Haven Greenhut ..............2082 N.S. Hawkins ............... C Haven Hayden ................2235 AH Ogden .......... .......3217 A4 Pearl ...................2014 AH Prescott ................2203 AH Rayment ...............1035 AHk Stevenson ............. Vanderbilt........... Van Tyne............ Walker........ Warner.............. Weimer.............. W ells ................. 2231 AH .1035 AH B Haven 2225 AH 4003 AH 2029 AH .2225 AH .2013 AH Math 157 will be given in the Spring Term: TTS at 8 in 21 East Hall. Professor Rainville. Graduate Students: Registration material will be available in the Graduate School office beginning February 27. Recreational Leadership - Woman Students: The course in Recreational Leadership will be offered next seme- ster on Fridays from 3:20-5:20 by the Department of Physical Education for Women. Upperclass women who have completed their requirement may make application for admission to the course. Applications may be obtained in Room 15, Barbour Gym- nasium and must be filled out and re- turned by Friday, Feb. 16. Williams English 2 . . . . Abel ............ . ...... NS. Boys ................... NS . Engel ...................NS. Nelson .................NS Taylor .................-NS . W eaver .................NS. Aud. Aud. Aud. Aud. Aud. Aud. --Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- Classification, Engineering College, amination: All students expecting to Spring Term 1945: All Engineering do directed teaching next term are Students, including Navy and Ma- required to pass a qualifying exami- rine Corps who are not in the pre- nation in the subject which they ex- scribed curriculum, have been divid- t pect to teach. This examination will ed into alphabetical groups and each be held on Saturday, March 3, at group has been allotted a definite 8:30 a. m. Students will meet in the time when all students in that group auditorium of the University High will be admitted to Room 448 West School. The examination will con- Engineering Bldg. for Classification. sume about four hours' time; prompt- Students must bring registration re- ness is therefore essential. .ceipt at time of classification. Friday, March 2, 1945 Psychology 31: This course will be 8:00- 8:30 Lar to Lz ! organized on the basis of two lectures 8:30- 9:00 Mc to Mil and one discussion for three hours 9:00- 9:30 Mim to Paq credit. Lecture MF at 1 in N.S. Aud. 9:30-10:00 Par to Ri Dr. G. R. Thornton Discussion sec- '-. -- ' a . x ON SECOND THOUGHT... By flay Dixont L.-- NATIONAL Prayer Week begins Friday, the day before finaIs stia rt. No commRn 11 Jimmy Byrnes calls o f all convention"s in January and proceeds to go to one himself in February. It must 'be conceded, however, that the Big Three Conference was definitely in the interest of the war effort. Evidently it's all right to hold a convention, providing it's out of the country. BARNABY 100-10:30Roa to Se 10:30-11:00 Sh to Su 11:00-11:30 Sw to Weli 1:30- 2:00 Wei to Z 2:00- 2:30 A to Bel 2:30- 3:00 Bem to Bz 3:00- 3:30 C to Cr 3:30- 4:00 Cu to Er 4:00- 4:30 Es to Gin Saturday, March 3, 1945 8:30- 9:00 Gin to Haz 9:00- 9:30 He to Joh 9:30-10:00 Jol. to Lap Final Examination Room Assign- ments, German 1, 2, 31, 32: Friday, Feb. 23, 2:00-4:00 p.m.: German I: Gaiss, Willey and Eaton: D Haven Hall German 1: Philippson, Reichart and Naumann: 205 Mason Hall Germn 1: Winkelmani (both se- tionui) and Pot (both sections' : 101 Sec. 1, Tu. at 9 in 3126 N.S. Sec. 2, Tu. at 10 in 3126 N.S. Sec. 3, Tu. at 1 in 1121 N.S. Sec. 4, W. at 9 in 3126 N.S. Sec. 5, W. at 10 in. 3126 N.S. Sec. 6, W. at 11 in 3126 N.S. Sec. 7, W. at 1 in 1121 N.S. Psychology 42: WF at 5 in N.S. Aud. Dr. T. W. Zeigler. PsychOlogy 94: Election of this course will be limited to graduating seniors. It will be given M 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in 3126 N.S. Psychology 130: Lecture TuTh at 10 in Rm. 307 W. Med. Laboratory to be arranged. Psychology 131: This course p st- paned from fall term. MWF at 9 in 1121 NS. By Crockett Johnson I Ihree ,rillion dollars! - P Andl er Ic e I ihofi FY!ta' 111 ~stlt-fltt? 1 S r1 well, you see, at first, when we were I ~vlina for cliic~s, I just wo nt't gttingi U Certainly. I have it right here ... It's a Ihree million dollo I .0 , . Siyiwd by I